My Fiancee Earl

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jan 18, 2002


Second In Satin

Another wonderful date with Earl, me dressed in Satin and Lace.

By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure That was great, A gentleman from Buffalo took me out and loved me in silky and satiny clothes. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was another great with my friend from Buffalo.

Thursday October 10th, 1996

It had been a long time, and my friend Earl, emailed me to let me know he was coming into my neck of the woods for a Seminar and wanted to know if I was interested in getting together with him for a second date. The first was a great success and we got along great, ending up sharing each other's passion as only a woman and a man could.

I had a meeting at work the day of the planned date, but decided that a date with Earl was just too good to pass up, and decided to make an excuse to get out a little early and get ready for Earl. He was finished what he was doing in my area around 4, and could we get together for around 4:30, to which I agreed was perfect.

Earl and I talked back and forth regarding the date, and initially the plans were a dinner, then back to a motel so that I could give Earl a private fashion show of some of my silkiest bridesmaid and prom dresses. However, after re-thinking some of the email I had sent him, requested that that would spoil the spontaneity of the evening, and make the whole evening, and "end to the means", and Earl and I decided that we would start with a nice dinner and go from there.

Well, with my work, I can never guarantee that I can be in one place or the other, so I made the plans and informed Earl, that things may or may not work out. Well as luck would have it, a huge emergency came up at 1pm the day of the date, and thankfully it was resolved around 3pm, and I came racing home to get ready for Earl to arrive.

Prior to this happening, I had to decide on my wardrobe, Earl informed me that he was to be wearing a jacket and tie, and asked that I wore my semi-formal, extremely pretty blue silk blouse. Well, on a Thursday night, the blouse was a little "too" formal, especially for a woman coming from the office, but I decided that since I had never worn the blouse out before, I would work with it and started to think of which skirt to wear. I first thought of the most appropriate skirt, which is my knee length black leather skirt, but decided that if I were to wear that skirt that it would not be appropriate enough for Earl to enjoy the silky sheer black pantyhose I was planning on wearing. I had only one other choice that I was interested in and it was a polyester black A-line skirt, about 2" above my knees. The skirt, in combination with the blouse and silky black hose, was definitely semi-formal looking, but it could pass as career-formal, with the skirt. The heels were the next thing that had to be decided, would it be my "career 3' pumps"?, my "formal 4' patent pumps"?, I was not sure and decided to leave that decision to the final day when I was in front of the full length mirror.

So with all of that set, and the day of the date arriving, the plan was simple, Earl would pick me up at around 4:30pm, and we would go for dinner and then he would take me home, and during that time we were going to get better aquatinted. Now that I had my wardrobe set, and I arrived home in time enough to possibly get ready in time. I was set for another wonderful and magic time with Earl, who loved going out with women that dressed to please their men. For Earl, that meant lots of silk and lace.

As I arrived home, I had only 45 minutes to get ready for Earl, and knew I needed at least an hour to get ready for him, so off I went, showering, and such to get ready for him. I managed to get out of the shower, dry off and started to at least slip into my lingerie for the day. First it was my strapless bra, argh!, the bra from hell, but it was the only one I could wear with this blouse, as it had sheer panels right on the shoulders and the bodice, so I put it on. Next, silky sheer lace and satin dark blue panties, they were my favorite and thought of Earl's hands only inches away as he felt my silk covered legs and started to get excited. Next, the pantyhose, and I call these the pantyhose from HELL, they are ultra sheer, 10 denier, and fussy as hell, so a pair of satin gloves ensured that there were no runs and such with them, and they went on smooth. The bonus with these hose is that they are ultra shier and make your legs feel like satin, and will drive any guy crazy. When I was done, I slipped into a low pair of heels, so I would not cause any runs by catching the hose on anything on the floor. I finished the dressing with my warm terri- cloth blue robe on, and moved to the well lit bathroom to start my makeup.

Makeup application; and I decided was going to be a little different, as recently my spouse introduced me to some new colours and such, so the regular purple and pink on my lids was soon to change to more rich earthy colours. After my foundation was all set, I moved to the bedroom and a lighted makeup mirror for close application, for a more dramatic application of my eyeliner, and eyeshadow. The new colours were deep purple on the lower lids, deep brown on my upper lids and dark brown for the outside edge of my eyes, quite different, and as I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked the more dramatic look of the eyeshadow, and knew that Earl would like it as well. I then moved my way back to the bathroom, and applied a "business" coating of blush and mascara, with a slight touch more and stood back to admire the looked I created, and smiled as I knew Earl would like it was well. The finishing touch of my makeup was a lipstick I knew Earl would like, it was my favorite for formal wear, and knew Earl liked the taste, and I applied a healthy coat, it was deep reddish pink.

The phone rang part way through my lipstick application, and I knew at the time the phone rang it was Earl, and as I answered he sounded confident and such and I felt warm as I heard his voice and knew the date was on. I informed Earl that I was running late and not quite ready and he informed me that he had a little running around to do, and I told him "perfect". We made the new time for him picking me up as 5:30, so I slowed down the pace I had going, and continued to get ready. The last piece of makeup I had to add was my nail polish, and I chose a colour that match my lipstick closely, and after sculpting my nails, and applying the polish my makeup application was complete.

I then went back to the bedroom, where I had laid out my clothes for the evening, all nice neat and ready on the bed. I then took out my Obsession perfume, the perfume requested by Earl, and I knew it was his favorite and dabbed healthy portions, behind my ears, on my neck, wrists, and even on the ankles, I wanted Earl to smell the Obsession even if he was walking behind me, or heaven forbid, he wanted to worship my stocking covered feet!. With the perfume on, it was time for the clothes, so off came my robe, and the first thing I slipped into was my silky and very beautiful blouse, it so silky, I could imagine Earl's reaction when he saw it, or potentially touched it for the first time. Next the skirt, black, A-line, crisp and neat, it falls just about 2" above my knees and it almost considered a mini, but not quite and rides up nicely when I sit down.

Once my skirt was on, I completed my look with my gold anklet, long dangly white pearl earrings, and formal gold watch. Now it was time for the choosing of the heels. I started with my 4" black patent heels, and used the well lighted mirror in the hallway to determine if they were right. The 4" heels looked good, but they put the whole look of the outfit "too formal", so I slipped on my 3" "career" black heels, but they did not do the look of the outfit justice. So I decided a compromise was in order and got my 3" pair of black suede heels and tried them. PERFECT, they complimented the blouse and skirt, and the overall look I had, and at the same time were low enough not to portray a look that was too formal.

So with all of that set, I went about packing my purse for the evening. I decided that since I was wearing the "pantyhose from hell" that I would pack a spare pair of regular nude nylons in my purse just in case I put a run in the silky sheer black hose. I also made sure I had keys, and appropriate makeup packed, lipstick, blush, etc. While packing those things, I was closing one of my drawers and noticed one of my camisoles was sticking out of a drawer, and got an idea, I bunched it up and stuffed it in my purse just in case things got interesting during the evening.

Well, when I was all packed up, I went and got my coat for the evening, my light spring coat and put it in the kitchen along with my purse and then checked the clock and realized that Earl would be arriving any second. I dashed to the washroom to check my final look, and touched up my lipstick, and just then, I heard Earl pull up and come to the back door looking for me. I looked out the bathroom window and told Earl that I would be right there, and finished up and made my way to the back door were I let Earl in.

Earl immediately smiled as he saw me, and I knew my look was perfect, he complimented me on my outfit and told me that I looked pretty, and I smiled and thanked him. Earl was also dressed perfect and knew that I would not be out of place being at his side, he was in a nice jacket, tie and slacks. I then grabbed for my coat, and Earl, being the perfect gentleman, helped me put on my coat, and after I grabbed my purse we headed out the door for the evening.

Earl was the perfect gentleman, he opened the door for me, and allowing me to slip into the car, and as I did, he reached in and handed me a little teddy bear that had a card that read "you're special", and smiled and thanked him. As I got settled Earl closed the door. Now, it was not my fault, but the skirt's, as I sat down, the skirt rode up, and I did not attempt to adjust it, but rather, opened my jacket so the passing trucks could see my legs. Ultimately it was to please and tease Earl, but I knew that he would be the perfect gentleman for the ride to the restaurant.

Earl and I shared idle talk as we made our way to the restaurant which is a favorite of my spouse's and Is to go to, it is quiet and the food is good, and is in a perfect location, right on the border of my city and the next. The ride took about 15 minutes and Earl and I shared casual talk about his trip and the seminar and such, he was the perfect gentleman and it was really nice, I was feeling very comfortable being with Earl already. Before I knew it, we were at the restaurant, and Earl was being the perfect gentleman again, asking if I would like to be dropped off at the door while he parked the car. I said no, but before I knew it, he found a place right in front of the restaurant. Earl then got out of the car and came around to my side of the car and opened the door for me, again, the perfect gentleman.

Earl took the lead and opened the front door of the quaint roadhouse and allowed me to enter, and once I got inside I looked around, saw the fireplace, and felt the warm atmosphere that my spouse and I have so often got when we came to this place. I pointed out to Earl a booth at one end of the restaurant, we were greeted by the waitress and Earl took the lead and requested the table, and lead to our seats. I slipped off my coat and placed it on the bench and as I sat down, made sure my skirt was down as far as it could go, as I did not want to give the couple seated in the perfect position a show.

Earl and I looked over the menus and I ordered a drink, then excused myself as I used the ladies room, and as I left Earl, I could feel eyes looking at me, but admiring eyes, those of Earl, and I felt warm inside. The ladies room was always as I had remembered it, soft feminine and such. I took care of my business and came out and used the long full length mirror to ensure I looked perfect, then went to the full length mirror, and on the counter top was a fresh bouquet of flowers, very sweet and feminine. I proceeded to apply another coat of lipstick, as I wanted Earl to always see my lips perfect and inviting.

Earl and I looked over the menu and decided that we would order an appetizer first, and we decided on Mozzarella sticks, and then we would order dinner a little later, as I think both of us wanted the night to be enjoyed and dinner last as long as possible. Once the mozzarella sticks came our light conversation continued, and then the question by me, "would your wife ever go through the trouble to make sure your wishes were granted?, I mean perfume, lace, satin and lipstick?", to which a smile and a "no" came over his lips. I then decided I would see if Earl was paying attention, and grabbed a mozzarella stick and SLOWLY allowed the stick to slide into my lips, all the while savoring it with my eyes closed, and of course glancing over at a smiling Earl. After each "bite" of a stick, I would carry on the conversation as if nothing had happened, and noticed that Earl smiled each and every time.

Earl and I ordered dinner, I was not really hungry and settled for a salad, and Earl ordered something light as well. Dinner was uneventful, well above the table at least Earl and I carried on casual conversation, I slipped my left foot out of my suede pump and proceeded to find Earl's leg, and the bottom of his pant leg, and started massaging his leg with my sheer stocking covered leg. The humorous part was that in full view of a table just located a few yards away was a family dining, and a boy, maybe 15-16 was in full view of my footsie show, and I could tell that he was most likely enjoying this as much as Earl, and gave the eventually smile to him as I snaked my sheer stocking covered leg up Earl's pants, against his bare skin, and he quickly would glance away, what a tease!.

The family eventually finished their dinner and I made another trip to the washroom to fix my lipstick, add another healthy spritz of Obsession perfume to my wrist and neck and use the facilities. When I returned, Earl and I ordered coffee (special coffee for me), and continued to talk, this time a little more personal. I continued to massage Earl's bare leg with my stocking covered foot, and this time, looked at Earl and asked him if he liked it?. His response was, "I am having a hard time to stay comfortable", to which I smiled and knew exactly what he meant, and pictured the "beast" straining against his pants, and knew at some point the evening, due to the events so far, I would get to "tame" the beast.

It was nice and dark and Earl and I decided it was time to leave the restaurant, and proceeded to wrap thing up, I finished my drink, and Earl his coffee, and after one final trip to the ladies room to fix my lipstick I was ready to go. Earl paid the bill, as the perfect gentleman once again, and before I slipped on my coat, I asked Earl what he wanted to do. He suggested we find someplace quiet to continue our "conversation", and I agreed, knowing full well what kind of "conversation" both of us wanted to carry on.

Earl and I walked back to his car and once he opened the door for me, and I slid in, I made sure that my skirt would do what I thought it would, and slide up far enough without exposing my vagina, allowing for maximum leg and stocking exposure. Earl asked for directions and I gave them to him, and the directions I gave him would allow us a longer trip home, along the lake, and if the opportunity arose, a nice quiet place to stop.

As we started driving, Earl knew that the exposed leg was for him, and proceeded to place his hand on my thigh and started caressing my sheer stocking covered thigh as he drove, and continued to enjoy the offering I had put before him. We continued to chat, and Earl continued to enjoy my leg, and before long, we made our way to a gardens area I knew was along the way, and I pointed it out to Earl and we pulled in. There was a vehicle in the parking lot when we drove in, and it was a big parking lot with areas that were completely in the dark. Earl and I looked around and decided to wait for the vehicle to leave. When it did, proceeded to find the quietest and darkest corner and "parked".

Once Earl turned off the car, it did not take words to express what both of us wanted, and in a flash we were necking and Earl's hands were all over the silky blouse I had worn for him. Our kissing was intense and our tongues intertwined and I allowed Earl to fully enjoy the blouse as he caressed almost the whole thing, and even my breasts. I was also exploring and eventually found that there was a rather large bulge in Earl's pants that I started to massage through his clothing. At one point we broke and I suggested that we get more comfortable in the back seat and Earl and I both opened our doors and slipped into the back of the car, I felt like a teenager again, a young horny one that is!.

Once in the back seat, Earl continued to caress my blouse and stare into my eyes, and I asked him "what do you want?", and his reply was, "I want you to do to me, what you did to the mozzarella sticks", to which I smiled and knew exactly what he meant, he WAS paying attention. I then started kissing Earl and at the same time, undid his belt and pants and when it came to pulling down his pants and underwear, he helped and before I knew it, the "beast" was free, and a full erect 8" of pulsing manhood was before my feminine lips. I quickly took charge and "tamed" the beast and took it in my hands and started to play with it, much to Earl's delight, it was truly a sight to make any woman hungry!. I leaned over and opened my lipstick covered lips and briefly wrapped them around the head and sucked a little, flicking my tongue around the head. I then made my way to his balls and gave them a little attention. I guess a little too much as Earl got a little uncomfortable.

I then sat back up, still caressing Earl's member, and asked him about protection, and when the answer was negative, knew that my backup plan would have to be used. I reached for my purse in the front seat and pulled out my slip and showed it to Earl, and he groaned. I circled Earl's solid member with the slip and started pumping him, and he enjoyed the attention, and threw his head back and groaned. He continued to enjoy the blouse I wore for him, and from time to time, we would kiss, passionately, tongues dancing, and I knew Earl was getting very excited. Earl stopped me at one point and asked me to get a tube of lubricant, and it had a sweet smell to it as I poured it into the palm of my hand, "pina-colada" was the "flavor". After pouring it into my hand I started to pump Earl up and down, all the time talking about how I dressed for him and such and how silky my legs and blouse were, and eventually I used my free hand to massage Earl's balls as I continued to pump.

Earl was in total ecstasy, he groaned and moaned and I enjoyed watching my lover get hotter and hotter, and eventually he started getting louder and I knew he was going to cum. I watched as streams of cum left his hard and erect member, shooting high up, over and over. Eventually, he was spent, and came at least 5 good spurts. Earl was prepared and brought paper towel, which I got and used to clean up him and the spots on the car seat were he made a mess; as I explained to him, it is the woman's responsibility to clean up the mess, and I also explained that one day, there would be no mess, also it was such a waste for all of that cum to end up in a paper towel, and he agreed that one day.......

After, Earl and I started to get dressed again, for Earl it meant putting his pants back on, and for me, it meant slipping back into the front seat and applying another coat of lipstick. Earl and I then left and decided that we would stop at a roadhouse on the way back, as he still had time to spare before Earl had to leave, and I really had to get my hands washed.

Earl and I entered the roadhouse, and once again he was the gentleman and took the lead and found us a table, and we order something to drink. I excused myself and took a trip to the washroom, and washed my hands and did my business, and afterwards came out of the stall and went to the mirror to touch up my lipstick.

Earl and I carried on chatting over our drinks, and occasionally I would spot a woman or two admiring the blouse I was wearing, and smiled back at them, and it was all so warm and comfortable. Once we were finished our drinks, Earl once again was the gentleman and picked up the tab, and we left the roadhouse.

Earl caressed and enjoyed my leg all the way back to my house and on the way back, we stopped briefly and kissed good bye before we got to the driveway of my house, and I thanked Earl for a wonderful evening, and he thanked me as well.

I got out of the car and watched Earl pull away, and thought what a lucky girl I am to have such a sweet and caring man like Earl. I went to bed that night in a long white sheer gown, dreaming of Earl and his soft and gentle hands caressing my stocking covered legs.


Earl still calls and emails me from time to time and hopefully soon enough we can get together soon, which will be another great evening I am sure.

So here is the offer: This 36 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I would love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON- smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Next: Chapter 3

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