My Fiancee Earl

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jan 18, 2002



A wonderful trip to a Bridal Salon with a great Date.

By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure That was great, A gentleman from Buffalo took me out and loved me in silky and satiny clothes. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was another great trip to a Bridal Salon.

February 4th, 1996

December, 1995:

You are very pretty ... I especially like you in your satiny wedding dresses. Do you meet married guys with a fetish for sexy cross dressed individuals like yourself? I love to cuddle and have never actually had the opportunity to spend a full day with someone like yourself as my date.

I am in a city close to you, please EMAIL me either way! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

That was the first email message I got from Earl, he was one of the people that was cruising the Internet and found my personal ad on, then my homepage and as I found out, that the picture of me in my wedding dress was stunning.

I had been on the internet for almost 9 months when I received a few messages from guys that were interested in "dating" a girl like me, and it intrigued me, so with that email message, I responded in kind:

Thank you for the compliments Earl, I have met married guys in the past like yourself that have a fetish for girls like us. I have also spent full days with them shopping, going to lunch or dinner or whatever, and I enjoy it very much. It is such a thrill to be considered one's date for the day, and I love to make sure I look perfect for the occasion.

Please mail me back and tell me more about you.

Till then,

Love Jennifer ----------------------------------------------------------------------

What transpired after that exchange was a flurry of email back and forth and eventually we met and spent a wonderful evening together, and had a lot of fun.

When I correspond with a "man" and he is interested in taking me out, I really try and get to "know" the person well, before actually seeing them, not for my own safety. More importantly to ensure that when the door opens and he sees me for the first time, ready to go out with him, that he is pleased, and not disappointed. Earl was no different, and as we got to know each other more, I learned many details about his past and basically, "what turned him on", and we went from there.

After a few phone calls, and many, many emails, Earl and I set a calendar date for the time when would get together, and as it worked out, February 4th would be the date. Earl and I spent much time talking about what he would enjoy seeing me in, and Earl had a big fetish with slips and camisoles, and loved the look of a sheer blouse and a camisole being able to be seen underneath. Earl also enjoyed, as most men do, a woman in high heels and a short skirt. So with all of that information under my belt, I knew what I had to work with.

Earl and I decided on a Friday night to allow us the best possible time together, and Earl would be leaving his city around 5 to arrive at my place around 6pm to begin the evening. Earl and I talked about how the evening would go, and he promised me he was a gentleman, and this was nothing more than a meeting to get to know one another. Earl and I had also discussed the fact that he loved satin and lace, and loved it when his partner wore it, even on his wedding night. So, I decided to suggest a "combination" of our fantasies and wondered if on the night of our date, Earl would like to go "wedding dress shopping", with me playing the bride-to-be and he the helpful friend with a camera. That way, he could experience what very few men do, and that is the inside of a feminine world of satin and lace; the bridal shop. Earl was thrilled with the idea, so now the plan was set, we would go to the bridal shop and "play" for a while, then to dinner.

With the details of the places we were to be going set, I assembled the pieces of my wardrobe for the big night. First thing was a staple in my wardrobe, in my short black suede skirt, Earl requested satin, but it was just too short for the look I was going for, and that was one of a business woman, going out for dinner after a day in the office. The blouse was fairly easy, I picked a blouse that had a sheer scooped neckline, and was opaque for the rest of it. The problem was the camisole, I tried a few, and none of them worked out right, then, at the last minute before giving up, I found the perfect one in the back of my lingerie drawer, and it had enough lace up top for Earl to see and enjoy. Also, since we were to be wedding dress shopping, I decided on my strapless bra, and that worked out well with the sheer blouse I had chosen. My red silk jacket was the last main piece to the ensemble, and I planned on greeting Earl at the door without it on, but slip into it as we left, and most likely take it off at some point in the evening.

After many telephone calls, and more email, Earl and I were ready for the big night together, and on the day of the date, I came home early to prepare and after laying out my wardrobe, proceeded to the washroom, to make myself all "clean" for my date. Once all "clean", I made my way to the bedroom, and the lingerie drawer and proceeded to slip into the lingerie for the evening, my strapless bra, my lacy camisole. Next, a pair of red silky panties, and finally, a pair of ultra sheer nude pantyhose, which made my legs feel like silk, and knew Earl would like them as well. I then threw on my pink silky robe, and proceeded to the well lighted bathroom, and makeup mirror, to put on my makeup.

Since I wanted to portray a professional woman after work, I decided on my "standard" colours for my eyes, light pink on the upper lids, and purple on the lower. My eyeliner was maybe a little thicker than normal, but that was more for making my eyes more erotic and the dimmer lighting we were going to be in. My blush was conservative and light pink, and I wore my darker shade of pinkish red lipstick that I normally save for formal times out, but thought it gave my face a little more of a dramatic look, and after all, I wanted Earl to be pleased. Once my makeup was done, I moved to the bedroom, were I had laid out my outfit for the evening, and proceed to slip into it.

The blouse was first and after I slipped it on, looked in the mirror, and with my makeup on, and hair done, I knew that Earl would like it, the lace showed through just nicely, not trampish, but very feminine. The skirt was next, and as the silk lining of the skirt glided up my legs, I imagined how Earl would like to run his fingers over such a silky thigh, and just loved the feeling myself!, let alone my date!. I then grabbed my bottle of Halston's perfume and gave myself a healthy spritz of the perfume on my wrists and neck, and proceeded to finish dressing. I then put on a wide red belt, and then the red silk jacket, and with it being single breasted, the lace showed through the blouse just perfectly, I then knew Earl was going to love the look.

I completed the look, with long gold dangly earrings, a gold anklet, my gold watch and slipped into a pair of low black heels, while moving around the house getting things ready for Earl's arrival.

I packed my purse and since the weather was not dry outside, decided to wear my winter boots when we left then changed when we got to the restaurant. I got a new pair of heels a few days before the big date and decided to pack them for the restaurant. They were black, high, with a 4" heel, and looked great with the outfit, and since I was not going to be doing much walking, decided to pack them. I also packed my purse with all of the basics, including another pair of pantyhose and put it all in my tote bag.

I waited anxiously for Earl to arrive, and had everything ready by the back door, were he was to arrive. I had set out my tote bag, long winter coat, and remembered at the last minute to remove my jacket. When Earl came to the door, he saw what he really wanted to see, my camisole, under my blouse.

Soon the time came, Earl was at the door, as I let him in he complimented me on how I looked, and he did not look to bad either. He had on a nice sweater, and slacks, he was perfectly dressed to match my look, so after small chat and the ability to check out my ensemble, I slipped back into my jacket. Earl then helped me into my winter coat, and I changed into my winter boots, and away we went out the door.

Earl was a gentleman right from the start, he opened the car door for me, and there sitting on the seat was a dozen roses, and I looked back at him, and he motioned they were for me, and I said thank you. I slipped into the car, and away we went, to our first stop, the bridal shop in a city nearby.

The ride was very cordial, we chatted about different things, and one of the things we chatted about was the fact that I have been to this particular Bridal shop a few times. The scenario would be that my name for the bridal shop visit would be "Cheryl", and that my sister "Jennifer", had got her dress from there, and recommended it to me. Earl, was fine with that, and I explained that if he could, to make sure that if possible, other people that were in the store, "accidentally" got into the shots, and he understood what I meant.

After about 20 minutes we arrived outside the store, and like the gentleman, Earl came and opened my door, and I lead the way into the bridal shop. I had previously called them to see if they were open and when I announced I was their to look for a wedding dress, for a summer wedding, the young girl that tended to us, acknowledged that she remembered talking to someone about that evening. She lead us towards the mirrored, well lighted changed area, that was basically wall to wall gowns and started asking what I was looking for.

I had thought about it before going to the store, and what I was interested in seeing myself in was an off the shoulder wedding dress. So we started scanning the different dresses on the racks, while Earl looked around himself, and I could tell he was having a great time, looking at all the lace and satin. Before long, the girl had two or three dresses and pointed me towards a dressing room, and hung up the dresses, and asked me to call if I needed a hand. I slipped out of my clothes, and could hear Earl talking outside the change room, about different things to the salesgirl. The older lady the owned the store was with another girl, and they were working away together to finalize her ensemble, and throughout the visit to the bridal shop, I could not get my eyes off the beauty of the "off the shoulder" dress she was wearing.

The whole visit was a blur, I do remember being upset with the fact that most of the models the young salesgirl was bringing me were WAY too small, so small. There was no idea to see how good they would look on me if they were my size, so I asked her to find me ones more in my size, and all the while I stared at the other girl, with the off the shoulder dress on. Finally, after many dresses, and many pictures I should add, I found a half descent off the shoulder dress. Also, at one point, I asked for a pair of satin heels, as I only wore in boots, and had to take them off, and the young sales girl got me a pair in my size, they wear only about 2" high, but they were pretty. During the whole visit I loved the attention I got from the attractive and attentive sales girl, she made sure I was buttoned and zipped up as I came out of the change room, and un-buttoned and un-zipped as I came out, it was quite thrilling.

I stalled for as long as I could with the off the shoulder dress that fit, and even asked for a pair of white satin elbow length gloves, hoping that the other girl would be done with the dresses she was trying on, but she was finalizing her ensemble. Eventually, I decided to wait for her to finished, and stood outside the change room, and when we were doing this, another bridal party came in, a bride with her bridesmaid's and the young sales girl took them out back to another change room., whileEarl and I waited for the other girl to change out of her dress,. eEventually she did, and as I went into the change room to put it on., I heard Earl and the owner of the store talking about taking so many pictures, and how it was not really right to do that, but Earl, being the gentleman he was, took care of the situation.

I LOVED the dress, it fit, sort of, and Earl, got a few pictures of it, and it only took me a few seconds before I looked at the sales girl, and told her that this was dress, and she complimented me on it, telling me it was great. I then got off the podium, and back to the change room. After the sales girl zipped and un-buttoned me, I changed back to my outfit for the evening. I made sure that the sales girl copied down the style number and name of the dress. As I came out of the change room, she had a card ready for me with the style number and the dress name on it. I thanked her and the owner for all of their help, and told them that in the next few weeks, my "mother and sister" would be coming to look at the dress as well. Earl, and I then left the store and headed for dinner. While I was changing back, I decided to slip into my 4" black heels that I had packed, as the next stop was the restaurant, and I wanted to enter wearing the sexy outfit complimented by the high heels.

As Earl and I drove up the street, I asked him what he wanted, Tex Mex or a steak house. We both discussed it, and it was going to be Tex Mex. Now I had never been to this particular establishment, that was not too far away from the bridal shop, and when we arrived it was around 8 to 8:30pm, the exact time I am not really sure of. We arrived at the establishment, and Earl, once again being the gentleman, offered to drop me off at the door, after coming around and opening it, and allowed me to take the short walk to the door while he parked the car. I walked inside and waited for him to arrive and after a short period of time he did.

We were shown our table and Earl was the gentleman again and pulled my seat out for me. We chatted and talked about many things, and I showed Earl my pictures and asked him to pick out his favorite and he did, surprisingly, he was not the first one to pick the shot, but it is a dress that shows cleavage. Earl and I ordered and ate dinner and exchanged pleasantries. At one point before we left I took a trip to the washroom, and it was at that time that I realized what the establishment we were at was as more and more young people, males and females came in. The restaurant had a dance floor that was very popular on a Friday night, so when I went into the washroom, I was surrounded by young women fighting for a spot at the mirror. I found a stall right away and did my business, and when I came out found myself in a smaller crowd, but still a crowded washroom. I looked around quickly, that except for another girl, I was the only one in heels, and 4" ones at that, and noticed a couple of girls giving my look a glance, but I just smiled at them. I made my way to the mirror and put on a healthy coat of lipstick, I brushed my hair then made my way out of the washroom to join Earl at the table.

After talking for a little while longer, Earl and I made our way out of the restaurant, and like a gentleman, pulled out my chair, and made me wait at the door while he went and got the car. All the while, all this chivalry, started to get to me, and the platonic date that we agreed to started to slowly change as I slipped into the car, and Earl closed the door.

Earl mentioned that we still had time, and asked me for a suggestion, and I decided that the restaurant just around the corner had a nice quiet bar area that would be perfect to sit and chat some more, in a more intimate setting. We entered the restaurant, and when offered a table for food, we just indicated that we were only interested in have a few drinks. When we were shown a table, interestingly enough, it was the same table Renee and I have sat at a few times when dining at the restaurant as two women. I proceeded to sit down, except this time when I sat down, I removed my suit jacket, so that all the time we were in this establishment, Earl would see what he came to see and that was my lacy camisole underneath my sheer blouse. Earl and I chatted for a while, and before long I started to scan the lounge area, and noted very few people around, except a couple at a table near us, and then fear went through my spine like lightning!. I KNEW the girl at the table only a few feet apart, but she was involved with a man talking, but she was sitting facing me!. She glanced over a few times and our eyes met, and we just smiled at each other, nothing abnormal, just usual girl-girl looks, it was quite exciting. I did not tell Earl about this, as I did not want to worry him.

The conversation between Earl and I grew a little more personal as the evening wore on, and I was more interested in finding out what I could do for him vs. other women. I started to realize that what I was wearing as far as perfume, heels, lace, my blouse, lipstick, were all items that made things interesting between us. Before we left the restaurant, I made a trip to the washroom, and made sure I walked slowly, so that not only Earl could see me in my blouse, lace, heels and short skirt, but possibly the woman I knew would also catch a glance and get a little envious. When in the washroom, I gave myself a health spritz of Halston's perfume, and an extra special coat of lipstick before I left the washroom and joined Earl. When I came out, Earl gently took my hands into his hands and was enjoying his first real "touching". He was caressing my hands alternately squeezing and releasing his firm clasp.

Earl and I gathered our things as we left the restaurant, I put my suit jacket back on, and allowed Earl to take the lead as we left the restaurant. The wind was cool, and I did my best to cover up, Earl opened my door and I slid in, and made sure that when I slipped into my seat, that my suede skirt slid up as high as I could allow. But Earl, little to my knowledge, was very much aware that my skirt had slid up and was having a hard time concentrating on driving.

I then took off my suit jacket, then slipped on my coat as Earl made his way around to the drivers side and then we were off for home.

As Earl and I left the parking lot, he asked how to get home, and at first I instructed Earl to take the highway, but then changed that, and asked Earl to turn towards the lake, to make the trip home a little more interesting.

When we arrived at the last road before the lake, I asked Earl to park in the lot at the base of the road we were on and that is when things started to get interesting. I thanked Earl for the evening, and started to get things going by offering Earl, my legs, actually my thighs. They were very smooth, indeed silky smooth, and I wanted to show Earl what I had worn just for him. I offered him to caress them, and he did, and that was the spark that ignited the evening.

Earl leaned over, and our first kiss happened, and that was a magic spark that set the tone for the rest of the evening. Earl and I kissed and as time went by, the kissing got more passionate. Eventually I could sense Earl getting a little uncomfortable in his seat and reached over, and discovered a rather large bulge in Earl's pants and start to caress it while we were kissing passionately. I then suggested to Earl that I knew of a more quiet place, as we were constantly being interrupted by car headlights as they made their turn onto a street, and Earl wholeheartedly agreed.

On the ride to the place that I knew of, I asked Earl to keep enjoying my sexy legs as he drove, and I started building with passion inside and felt so sexy and wonderful. Earl treated me exactly like a woman should be treated, and I wanted to thank him for his kindness and chivalry on such a wonderful evening, but at that point in time I was unsure of how that was going to happen.

As we pulled into the scenic location by the lake, memories of the time another boyfriend and I, on another romantic date pulled in, and I remembered how special that time was as well. Earl parked the car facing the lake, and as the car's engine was turned off, mine was started, and Earl and I resumed the passionate kissing of before. I allowed Earl to caress my breasts and silky thighs, and he respected that and made all efforts to afford maximum stimulation. I was also busy, and started working on Earl's bulging crotch, and decided that it was too confined for such a majestic beast, and proceeded to undo Earl's belt and zipper, and work out the wonderful hard member in his pants. Earl helped me a little, and before long, there was Earl's, hard, erect 8" member staring at me, and once again, the passion, and the realization that it was me, my skirt, my hose, my lacy camisole, my blouse, my heels, and my demure that caused this. With all of my feminine attention, I leaned over and gave Earl a demonstration of what would happen on a formal dinner night with us trying and stimulating each other all evening long. I leaned over and opened my smeared lipstick covered lips and wrapped them around Earl's very handsome and tasty member, and proceeded to glide my lips up and down while quickly licking the tip of his member, and I could hear him groan. I then sat back up and Earl and I kissed some more, then I remembered a fantasy that Earl related to me in our correspondence, and did something only a girl knows how to do, and that is remove her bra/camisole, while still wearing her blouse.

Earl told me in a letter that he had a fantasy about having a woman such as myself, stimulate him with his favorite fabrics, and that was satin and lace, and I thought it was an appropriate time to oblige my thoughtful and kind date. So I wiggled out of my camisole, while still wearing my blouse and wrapped Earl's 8" member with my camisole and started to rub up and down. I could tell Earl was in heaven as I described how silky the garment was and I was very intent on having my date and man cum in my camisole. As I was rubbing Earl, a van pulled up a few yards away, but I continued to rub Earl, and was not going to stop. After talking to Earl, and stroking him, he finally came, and I made sure I wiped him clean with the lacy camisole. I was a little sad, as I knew that it had been a while since I had the pleasure of pleasing a man with my lips, but I thought that I would save that for another date.

Earl, zipped up, and we headed back towards my house, but I was still horny, and wanted to see Earl cum again, so I had him stop in a garden area and park. Once there, Earl requested that I apply more lipstick, as he enjoyed the taste (and so do I for that matter) and we kissed again, passionately, and I proceeded to once again open his pants up and grabbed his wonderful member and started stroking. But Earl noticed the time, and informed me that we would have to go, it was already very late, so I agreed.

On the way to driving me home, Earl and I talked about a possible next date to a formal establishment, and I promised him, I would dress for him, in garters, stockings, a full slip and a dress of satin, and he enjoyed that thought. Just before dropping me off at home, I asked him to stop on a nearby side street so I could give him one last passionate "thank-you" for a wonderful evening.

Earl dropped me off at my house, and we kissed good-bye and I promised him that one day I would take care of the "big guy", properly one day, and then watched as Earl pulled out of the drive, and I turned around and went inside, and slipped into a romantic peignoir and went to sleep dreaming of the evening........


The evening you have read about was totally 100% reality, and was exactly what I enjoy when dating my dream date,

So here is the offer: This 36 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Next: Chapter 2

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