My Favorite Freshman

By DurtyRiter

Published on Oct 29, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#239) written by Derek Olson. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. This story includes sex between adult males. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 9: First Time

"You look tuckered out," I said playfully as I closed the door of my room behind Kevin. "I should have warned you about the games Betas play. In the dining room. The library. The basement. You name it. We're a pretty crazy bunch."

Kevin laughed."

That's the understatement of the week."

"But we have a good time. It's all in fun, Kev. No hard feelings?"

"None. I mean, I can laugh about it now, even though while it was happening I wasn't too . . . well, I wasn't exactly prepared for something like that!"

I grinned at him. God, he was cute! The freckled complexion, the green eyes, the red hair, and the glow of sex all over him. How could I resist?

"Kevin, are we friends?"

He looked at me, kind of startled.

"Yeah, of course."

"Well, we hardly know each other yet."

He nodded.

"You're right. But in the last few days, we've . . . well, gotten to know each other pretty well."

"You really think so?"

I went to the fridge and got us each a beer. Kevin pop-tabbed his like a pro.

"Well, yeah. Sure. I know . . . a lot about you, Hobie."

He'd never spoken my name before.

"Such as?"

"Uh, you like to have a good time. You ski. You like to be up on the news, otherwise why would you subscribe to the Times? You're majoring in Economics. You're from Boston."

"Okay, fine. But what about the real me, the one inside?"

He looked puzzled.

"The real you?"


"Well, I guess I don't know him too well, yet."

I let that last word linger in the air for a while. I liked the sound of it.

"You want to know the real me?"

For a second Kevin looked almost . . . scared. Too intense, Hobie. Take a breather. Lighten up.

"Here are the skis," I said, opening up my closet and hauling out three pairs of downhill beauties. "Take your pick."

Kevin set his beer down and looked them over. We agreed on a pair that he could borrow for the rest of the ski season. Then he sat down and looked at me, a serious expression on his face.


I liked that! I waited.

"You said maybe I didn't know the real you. But you know, that goes both ways. What about the real me?"

Smiling, I sank into my own chair, just a few feet from the freshman.

"Do you know who that might be, Kevin? The guy inside you that wants to . . . break out?"

That caught him by surprise.

"Well, I'm not sure."

"I like your honesty, Kevin. Some of the freshmen I've met are so full of bullshit. Let me ask you something else. You ever made it with a girl?"

He blushed.

"I didn't think so. Reggie's an asshole, but I think he sensed you hadn't been around. He's not always right. For instance, he once thought the same thing about me."

Kevin looked up.

"You mean, you do it with girls and -- with guys, too?"

"I used to."

"Used to with ---?"



That gave him something to think about. When he finished his first beer, I got him another.

"But living in a frat house, it must he kind of hard -- I mean, with most of the guys being, you know, straight."

"About half are. The rest can't make up their minds," I said with a chuckle. "Anyway, with us, it's live and let live. That's why the national organization cut us loose last year. They've got a macho image to protect."

Kevin was al! ears.

"You seem so . . . sure of yourself, Hobie. Like you know the score. I wish I was like that."

I smiled at him.

"I don't know anybody who really knows the score but at least I know what league I'm playing in."

"Then you're ahead of me," he said, a trace of sadness in his voice.

"Come here, Kevin," I said.

He glanced at me quizzically. I just nodded: he'd heard me right. He got up and came over.

"Sit down here, on the floor."

I positioned him on the floor right in front of my chair, so his back was to me, his shoulders wedged between my knees. I pressed my knees against his sides as if to hold him there. He took another long gulp of his beer.

"You ever made it with a guy?" I asked.

Kevin gulped.

"Only with you."


"The other morning -- you know."

"Oh, that. That doesn't count. You never circle-jerked at summer camp?"

"Nah. I only went to church camps and, boy, those guys keep an eye on you all the time."

"But you like guys?"

A long pause, and then the walls came tumbling down.

"Yeah, I do. I always have. When my buddies and I would get together after school, I'd always want to wrestle, just so I could get a hold of another guy's body, or else have him get a hold of mine. And then in high school, on gym days, in the showers . . ."

"Something happened?"

"No, nothing did, but I wanted it so bad."


"I wanted to touch . . . and be touched. It scared me the shit out of me, how close I came to doing it."

"Does it still scare you, the idea of being touched?"

"Yeah. 'Cause I'm not sure what I want and if I don't know, then who does?"

"Maybe me."

I closed my knees tighter on Kevin's body and put both my hands on his shoulders. Took hold of him.

"Kevin, let go -- let go of all the bullshit. We can find something out tonight, you and me."

"I've got to pick up my papers from the Times truck at 5:30."

I burst out laughing.

"Fuck the truck! Hold the presses! Kevin Mayo's got more important business to take care of than delivering his fucking papers!"

I'd gotten through to Kevin. He chuckled for a moment, then laughed out loud. His big shoulders shook between my knees.

I began kneading those powerful shoulder caps, working out the tension, working my thumbs into the base of his neck. I could feel him relax.

"Kevin, I'll be up front with you. I like kids like you. Guys just coming to terms with themselves. Growing up. Discovering their bodies and what their bodies like. I get off on that."


"Damned if I know."

I ran my fingers through that bright red thatch of his, massaging his scalp.

"Just something about freshman guys, I guess."

"So you like me, Hobie?"

My hands settled around the freshman's ears, and I combed my fingers upward and back from them.

"What do you think?" I replied.

He wanted more from me.

"Yes, Kevin," I said. "I like you. A lot."

"I'm glad. 'Cause I feel that way about you, too."

"Take off your shirt, Kev. It's warm in here."

He unbuttoned and removed it.

"I haven't seen you naked," I added, "but I've imagined it. Now I want to feel you."

I ran my hands down over his pecs, down across his washboard stomach.

"You've got more hair on your chest than I had pictured. And the definition of your pecs is better, too."

Did I feel his chest swell out with pride? Probably just my over-active imagination.

"Take off your shoes and socks."

He did.

"Now stand up and pull off those pants. Your jockeys, too."

He stood up, unhitched his belt, and started to lean forward from me. At the last minute he hesitated.

"What's the matter?"

"Uh, it's just . . . "


"I feel really strange to bend down in front of another guy and show him my bareass butt."

I chuckled.

"I know. It's like an invitation to he buggered or something. Kind of hard to do. But I want you to."

He sighed and pulled down his pants and jockeys in one movement, revealing a glorious, high-riding butt with just the wispiest trace of blondish-red hair all over it. I sucked in my breath. As he bent over, I caught a view of his tiny hole nestled deep in the grove.

Kevin stood naked now between my outspread legs. I sat back and drank in the sight of his naked backside.

"Do you know what a hunk you are, Kevin?" I asked.

I could tell he was pleased by the compliment, though he said nothing, only gave a small, self-deprecating laugh.

My hands were drawn to that butt as though its cheeks were magnets. I rested my palms lightly on the pale melons, then started warming them with slow, circular motions of my hands.

I sensed a small tremor pass through Kevin, a slight leaning away from my touch, a small shudder passing up and down his body.

"You alright, Kev?"

"Uh, yeah," he replied in a husky voice. "I'm just, kind of nervous."

"No one's ever touched you."

"Not like that."

"You like it?"

"Yeah," he said quietly.

I ran my hands upward now into the small of his back, the sensitive area just above the top of the ass. And from there I continued upward, fanning my fingers out so I could feel the full musculature of Kevin's back. What a fine torso the freshman had!

I leaned forward now and reached between his legs to cup his balls.

He let out a huge hiss.

I let go of the balls, ran my hand down Kev's inner thigh and up the other side. This brought on a spasm of muscle-tensing as Kevin's body yielded totally to the stimulation it was getting. His thigh muscles corded and trembled, and his whole magnificent back came alive with muscle groups I hadn't known were there.

I leaned forward again and put my mouth on Kevin's ass-cheek. Tasted the sweat on his glistening skin.

My hand circled around to the front of the freshman.

"Uhhhhhh!" he gasped as I took hold of his hard dick. I knew it would be hard.

My other hand returned to the kid's halls dangling between his legs. I angled my hand like you would for a handshake, lifted up between his two eggs, and began a sawing action that jiggled and vibrated them.

Poor Kevin. His whole body was in the throes of a sexual awakening. It was more than he'd bargained for. Kev was on a one-way journey of self-discovery and the only way he was going to make it was to put his total trust in me. But Kev was ready. I sensed it.

I got up, took the kid by his hips and turned him around toward the chair. Leaned him down over the seat. Pushed his legs wide apart.

Then I stripped. Took a few steps to my desk where I pulled open a drawer and grabbed a tube of K-Y jelly. By the time I'd walked back to Kevin my hard-on was in full flower and gleaming with a mess of lubricant.

I put some of the stuff on my finger tip and reached into Kevin's cleft, straight to his back door. His secret hatch.

As soon as he felt my finger he sucked in air. Both ways. Through his mouth and through his other hole. My finger slid into him and he bucked on it. His whole body clenched into a beautiful picture of masculine tension.

But I knew how to deal with that. I stroked his back with my free hand, then let my hand glide down over his butt-globe and along his thigh. Meanwhile my fuck finger was working its way deeper into Kevin.

Pretty soon I had the kid gasping. When I circled my fist around his iron staff, he groaned uncontrollably.

"Hobie," he whispered.

"I know, Kevin. I know what you need. You don't need to tell me."

I pulled my finger out of him and stepped into position, my cockhead pushing right up against his vulnerable opening. I leaned forward. He was incredibly tight. It was a cherry hole, no doubt about that.

I planted both my hands on his pelvic bones and pressed into him. Pop!

He groaned.

"It's okay, Kev, it's alright. You can take it. I know it hurts now but in a minute you'll forget all about it."

Oh man, that ass was ripe and ready. It opened to me like it was made for me. Custom-made to fit me like a glove. I sank deeply into its clinging warmth.

"Kev, buddy," I muttered. "Such a fine hole. So tight. So deep."

The freshman was taking quick, short breaths, trying to make it through the pain to the other side. I knew how to help him. I put both my arms around him and took his cock in one hand, his balls in the other. It settled him. Took his mind off the fire in his hole long enough for his body to adjust.

"You okay, buddy?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just keep your hands on me like you have 'em. Hold onto me, Hobie."

"I will, I will."

I held still for a while. That's the moment always like best in a fuck. You're in and you're gonna make it and you know the big bang is out there waiting for you, so why rush it? Take a moment to savor the good feeling of a butch ass.

But now Kev was ready. His body told me. His ass had eased its tight clutch-hold on me, just a little, just enough.

I began fucking.

But this was no ordinary fuck, you gotta know, this was special. For me and for him. Kevin's first time, so naturally he would replay this fuck many times in the future. I had to make it good for him.

And I did. I took it slow and easy at first, not really thrusting into him but probing his virgin ass, exploring it, letting him feel the new sensations awakening in his ass canal and radiating out into his groin and the rest of his hunky body.

I reached up to his tits and began playing with them. From the way he reacted, I knew his tits, too, were virgin. Never touched before, even by him. The kid was such a novice -- which was what turned me on about him!

My cock was slipping in and out in a regular rhythm now, my balls slapping the backs of Kevin's thighs. He was so tight, so velvet-smooth.

"Oh God, Kevin, this ass -- I love to fuck it."

"Do it, Hobie. Fuck me!"

I cupped his pecs, dug my fingers into the fine flesh, took his nipples and squeezed them to hard needle points. He moaned, helpless to stop the impending explosion.

I sensed the moment.

My hands came back quickly to his dick, forming a tunnel of flesh for him to fuck.

That took him over. His cock jabbed forward, unleashing a torrent of hot, slippery cum.

Kevin's ass-contractions enveloped my own cock, triggering a huge climax. I pumped out a load of fresh cream, bathing the sore walls of freshman ass with nature's best ointment.

At 5:00 the next morning Kevin woke up. Don't ask me how he could, after the night we had spent together.

"Tell me this isn't happening, Kev," I mumbled.

"I'm afraid so. I gotta go make deliveries."

"I'll go with you."

He laughed.

"No way, Hobie. Why don't you make some coffee and have it ready when I bring your Times.

"You got it, buddy."

Next: Chapter 10

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