My Favorite Freshman

By DurtyRiter

Published on Oct 10, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#239) written by Derek Olson. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. This story includes sex between adult males. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 6: Flip Side

Felipe and I began spending a lot of time together. The physical side of our relationship was always, for me, the main thing. This kid was showing me things about myself that I might never have learned without him.

Yet there was another side to our friendship. He opened some doors for me. I began listening to "salsa" music, and liked it. I started taking Spanish in winter term. I met the other Hispanic guys at Tuxhill -- no way not to if I hung out with Felipe.

I sometimes took flak from some of the Betas when I'd go sit at the "taco table" in the cafeteria. Yeah, I am looking at you, Jesse. You know you thought I was slumming by hanging out with those dudes. Don't you remember the fight we got into after lunch that day?

But I didn't care what the Betas thought -- or anyone else. These were great guys and a lot of fun to be with. And Felipe was the prize.

His girlfriend had finally written a "Dear Felipe" letter to him. I was with him when he read it. I could see the fury building in him as his eyes scanned down the page. His whole body tensed, his face got twisted and tight, his neck muscles stood out. The guy was ready to kill.

I'll tell you something: it kind of hurt my feelings to see it, because I thought Felipe had long since forgotten about this chick. He sure never talked about her, at least not to me.

That night he came up to my room and gave me the most royal fucking I've ever had. It got the aggression, the hate, the need to punish someone out of his system. He didn't beat me up or anything -- I doubt he could have. He just hammered my butt like a pile-driving son of a bitch. Believe me, I didn't complain!

As we got into winter term, trials began for places on the team. Felipe assumed he would be in Lane One for the freestyle events. I wasn't so sure. I had been clocking everybody through fall term and there was this kid, Buzz, from California who'd been coming on strong in freestyle.

On the first day of tryouts, Coach timed all the freestyle and butterfly events. I came in first in the 100 and the 200 fly, to no one's surprise.

But in freestyle, the California blond just vaporized the competition. On every heat he was a full length ahead of Felipe!

It wasn't that Felipe was lagging his usual times. No way. He actually improved by a few hundredths of a second. But Buzz had improved by whole seconds. It was incredible.

Afterward, in the locker room, Felipe was real tight-lipped.

"Hey, Felipe," I said. My locker was next to his and we were both naked out of the shower.

"Don't want to talk," he said in a low voice.

"Look, buddy, don't take it so hard. The guy just practiced like hell for a month. So naturally it shows."

Felipe glared at me.

Until he had something else to glare at. Coming down our row, on his way to his locker, was Buzz. He had a towel around his waist and a smug smile on his tanned face. The blue eyes, blond hair, high cheek bones, and superb swimmer's body all made quite a package. Felipe and I both noticed.

"Tough luck," said Buzz as he passed us. He quick glanced down at how we were hung and started to walk on.

Now you could take "tough luck" either of two ways: too bad things turned out that way but no hard feelings, pal, or, poor schmuck, you never had a chance against me. Felipe took it the second way.

He grabbed Buzz at the waist and spun him around. Took a couple jabs at him, but Buzz ducked him like a pro. One final swipe at the blond caused Felipe to slip. If I hadn't been there to catch him, he'd have hurt himself on the cement floor.

I quick-pinned Felipe's arms behind him to stop the fight.

"Lemme go, Skip. I'm gonna kill the bastard."

Buzz had moved in close to us, ready to throw a punch. Felipe's naked body would he an easy target as long as I had him pinned.

"Back off," I shouted at Buzz. "You guys can settle this later."

Buzz pulled back.

"Tell your friend he better get his temper under control or he'll get hurt," said the blond to me. Then he copped another quick look at Felipe's goods, and left.

I let Felipe go. As he turned around, I noticed he was blushing. When I glanced down, I realized why. The guy had a hard-on! And Buzz had seen it.

Naturally I didn't say anything. Didn't know what I could say. Was my buddy hot for the California stud? Or was it just the excitement of the scuffle? To me it remained a big mystery.

I didn't see Felipe for a while, except at practice.

Then one night I went to the snack bar, got a Coke, and took it upstairs to the "airport," the lounge area with the plate glass window opening out over the quad.

There, off in a corner, were . . . Felipe and the Surfer Boy! I couldn't believe it. They were at a table for two, Felipe puffing away as usual, Buzz talking and looking right into Felipe's eyes. Buzz had his legs extended under the table and every so often it looked like contact was made.

I started to walk over to them but something held me hack. What? I'm not sure. A kind of fascination, I guess, a curiosity to know what they were up to.

Obviously they had worked out their differences, but to be chatting away like old buddies -- it didn't make sense to me. I grabbed a seat off to the side of the fireplace and waited.

In about fifteen minutes, they got up and left. I followed them. I felt kind of weird, like an undercover agent, but I really wanted to know what was going on.

They walked straight to Felipe's dorm. I watched them go in the front door and then, a few minutes later, saw the light go on in Felipe's room. Since it was on the third floor there wasn't any way to see what they wen doing.

I headed back to the frat house, totally mystified and kind of angry. And frustrated that I hadn't been able to figure out what was going on between Felipe and Buzz.

After talking with a couple of you guys for a while in the TV room, I got up and went outside. Something was drawing me back to Felipe's dorm.

In a few minutes I was standing across the road from the dorm. The light in Felipe's room was off. What did that mean?

I just couldn't leave well enough alone. l went in the front door and up the stairs to the third floor. I walked down the hall to Felipe's room, which I'd been to lots of times before. I started to knock, then stopped.

What are you doing, Skip? It's none of your business. Get a grip on yourself.

That's when I smelled the pot. Felipe and I had often smoked a few joints before having sex. This wasn't a good sign!

At first there was only silence from the room, but then I heard muffled sounds. Real low voices, tapering off. Two guys laughing. Then more silence.

I tried the door.

Amazingly, it opened. I stepped in the main room, closed the door soundlessly behind me. From the bedroom, off to the right, came more sounds. Moans, sort of. Felipe, moaning.

I had to get hold of myself, stop myself from charging in and making an idiot of myself. I should have turned around and left, but I couldn't. I needed to know what was going on. Or maybe I should say, I needed to be sure it was what I thought it was.

A voice now. Somewhere between a whisper and a low speaking voice. Buzz's voice.

"Give it to me, Flee-pay. Give me that ass of yours."

I clenched my fists and bit down on my lip as I edged closer to the bedroom to take a look. There, lying on his back, his legs up and arched back toward his head, lay Felipe! From a side view, I could see his hard cock aimed right at his head.

But the main thing -- the thing that had my eyes popping -- was Felipe's prime butt, turned up and vulnerable as a pussy. And there, folded into position on top of Felipe, was the California stud, all six feet of him, all the fine, contoured muscles of well-tanned body.

Working a hard dick into the waiting hole.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! I couldn't let it happen!

But then it wasn't up to me, was it?

I didn't own Felipe.

He had a right to fuck with whoever he wanted. Or, in this case, he fucked by anybody he wanted.

And he obviously wanted what he was getting now. He stretched his long fine legs higher, till they rested on the headboard of the bed, and wrapped his arms around Buzz's back, pulling the blond's body down on himself. Pulling the invading dick into his ass.

"Stick me with it . . . oh . . . yeah, just fuck into me, man."

Those guys were too much into sex to notice me, luckily. And I was too mesmerized by the fucking to leave, which every decent instinct told me I should.

I could see Buzz had thrust his pale, hard column right down to the hilt in Felipe's bum. He sighed deeply as he touched bottom, then grabbed both of Felipe's shoulders to give himself extra leverage.

Crazy part of this was: my own cock was getting rock hard, just watching!

Urgently, I unzipped my jeans fly and flipped out my rod. I started stroking the hard length of it as I watched Buzz hump my buddy's ass.

I wanted to be humping that ass myself. I'd wanted to ever since the day I first laid eyes on Felipe. But somehow we'd never reversed like that, and now some other guy had gotten there first. Damn him!

The blond hunk was really bearing down on Felipe now, pumping his powerful cock in and out of the tight male cunt.

"Yeah, man, take my cock, take it all in, suck it in, like that, yeah. Feel what it's like to be stuck on my pole, you fuckin' stud."

Felipe's eyes were closed tight as he lay there, his legs and face all sweaty, taking California cock right into his gut. His muscular body had never looked more eye-popping, more incredibly hunky, to me than it did as he lay there straining to accommodate Buzz's swollen dick.

It was getting harder and harder for me to keep quiet as I stood silently pumping my meat -- all the time thinking about my buddy's wide-open hole. Thinking how nice it would be to plug it!

Felipe was beginning to roll his head from side to side. He was on the straight and narrow now. I knew the guy, knew all the stages he went through. He was on a roller coaster headed straight for the summit.

He had one hand on his hard length of cock, giving it short, rapid strokes -- my gorgeous, rutting freestyler, now a COCK-stroker, getting his ass blasted by a California surfer-boy.

When Felipe's mouth snapped open and his tongue stabbed out at the corner, I knew it was all over:

"Oh, oh, shit, man, gonna . . . gonna, gonna CUUUUMMMMMM!"

His thick bolts of seed shot out of his dick in a midnight torrent, covering his chest and splattering Buzz's chest, too.

And the sudden tightening of Felipe's sphincter on Buzz's cock brought an immediate climax to the top-man. He gave a hoarse cry, like a man being strangled --that's how totally wasted he was by the super-orgasm he experienced. His butt went tight -- it dimpled -- as he released his load deep inside my buddy.

At just that moment my own cock trembled and quaked and let loose its gusher of cum. I had to clench my jaw to keep from making any noise. God, it wasn't easy! Watching those two studs in action had been an amazing turn-on, more than I would ever have expected.

And now Buzz rolled off Felipe and the two of them lay side by side, lost to everything. It was my opportunity and I better act fast. I stuffed my cock back in my jeans and carefully tiptoed out.

Once outside it hit me that things would never be the same with Felipe and me. Oh, we'd remain friends and we'd get it on sometimes, I was sure, but it wouldn't he the same.

And, you know, I was right.

Buzz moved in with Felipe soon after that night.

Of course there was the time with the three of us . . . Well, hey, that's for another time.

Your turn, Hobie.

Next: Chapter 7

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