My Favorite Freshman

By DurtyRiter

Published on Sep 10, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#239) written by Derek Olson. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. This story includes sex between adult males. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 3: Plowing Up

What was it, three days later, Skip? You and me were shooting pool in the basement when one of the brothers called down the stairs that there was this frog who wanted to see me. (Where did we Betas get that expression for freshmen anyway?)

I figured it was Josh.

The kid was standing there in the living room wearing a hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants. He looked like he'd just jogged ten miles. I'm not kidding. The guy was bushed.

"Josh!" I said, giving him a big smile. I really was glad to see him. It seemed a lot longer than three days since he'd spent the night with me.

"Hi, Doug -- I was just finishing up My run and ended up here on Fraternity Row. Thought I'd stop in."

"I'm glad you did. You want something to cool you off? Beer? 7-Up?"

"Yeah, I'll take a beer if you've got one."

"Sure, come on downstairs. We keep a stocked fridge down there and I'm halfway through a game of pool."

Josh was suddenly hesitant. "Hey, if I'm interrupting something, I could just ... "

"No way, sport. Come on down." I led the way, introduced Josh to you, Skip, and then got him a beer. We went on with our pool game for a few minutes. I could see you had your eye on the kid, and I wasn't surprised at all. Your concentration was shot -- I won ten bucks off you that night.

Anyway, Josh began picking up vibes from the way you were looking at him and he got kind of edgy.

"Doug, I ought to be getting back to the dorm," he said, heading toward the stairs.

"You just got here, man. Don't you want another beer?"

"No thanks. I've got a Physics quiz in the morning. I was just stopping in to say hi."

"Well, at least come up to my room for a minute. I've got something to show you."

Josh looked genuinely curious.

When we got to my room and closed the door, it was funny how shy we acted with each other, like we'd never done anything there personal than shake hands! We stood there facing one another for a second, saying nothing. Josh glanced around the room like he'd never been there before.

I went to my fridge and snagged us each a beer.

"I really do have something to show you," I said, tossing a can to him.

I walked over to my desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a U.S. Geological Survey map of northern Vermont -- one of the contoured ones that shows mountains and valleys. Josh came over to look.

"See, here's Camel's Hump," I said, moving my finger to a small raised bump on the map surface. "And a lot of other mountains you might be climbing in the next four years."

Josh was fascinated by the map.

"Where'd you get this?" he asked.

"You've never seen one before? They've got 'em for just about every part of the country. I got this one in Burlington yesterday. Thought you'd like to have it."

Josh was pleased, I could tell. But he didn't say anything for a long time; just kept running his fingers over the raised ridges of the map and down through the valleys. He was tracing out a possible hike, I thought.

Finally, he turned to me.

*Doug, I didn't just happen to be running along Frat Row. I wanted to come up and see you."

And then, m suddenly as he had started, he ran out of words. He stared down at the floor. God, you forget what it's like to be that young, that confused. (Shit, Hobey, you don't need to look so smug and superior. Even you were once that innocent. You just don't remember.)

Since I wasn't a hundred per cent sure what Josh was getting at, I just sat there drinking and watched him pace the floor. But my radar screen was lit up, I can tell you. I was feeling "in the mood."

Josh kept pacing back and forth -- never looking straight at me. Once in a while he'd stop and lift his can to his lips, take a long pull, then start pacing again. When he finished the can, he glanced over at the fridge.

I got him another Bud and smiled at him as I handed it to him. Then I put on a tape of The Who and sat down again.

The kid went through his third beer a lot faster than the first two. He looked at me for a second, then walked to the fridge and got himself another.

It was funny how we were not saying anything out loud and yet all the time, on some level, communicating. I knew now why he was here, and he knew why he was here. He was ready to go the limit with me. Plowing time. But first he needed to fortify himself, needed to get wasted.

When Josh had gone through a six-pack and was looking just a bit unsteady, I switched off all the lights except one dim lamp off in a corner. Then I went to my bed and lay down, propping my head and shoulders against a couple pillows.

The time was right.

"Josh, why don't you stop pacing like a caged animal and come over here?"

He stopped in his tracks, stared at me, and gave a forced laugh.

"I dunno. Dunno. Maybe I should go. Back to the dorm. It's gettin' late."


Instantly the air crackled with sexual electricity. The Who tape had reeled to an end. Downstairs some of the Betas were talking and laughing, but that only intensified the silence in my room.

Josh was still on his feet but looking unsteadier by the minute. He took a step toward the door but his shoe caught the corner of a throw rug and down he tumbled.

"Shit!" he cried, hitting the floor.

I dashed over to him, gave him a hand.

"You okay?"

I hauled him up.

"Yeah," he said, looking a hit shaken. And then, all of a sudden, he flung his arms around my midsection, as though to avoid falling again. His face was close to mine. I could feel its warmth, smell his beer breath.

I completed the embrace, drawing him in to my chest, holding him there. We were locked together. I felt the warmth of his body through his sweats. Our groins were pressed together and neither of us was pulling away.

We stayed that way for a long time. And then I walked Josh over to the bed, sat him down, pulled his sweatshirt up over his head. He looked at me and then he said, "Doug."


"I ... I'm not sure how to say this, but ... I've never done . . . you know, well, I'm kind of afraid."

"Nothing to be afraid of, buddy," I reassured him.

I think that was the moment when he decided to trust me. I don't know why. I think he wanted to trust me, and needed to. He reached out to the buttons of my shirt and tried unbuttoning them, but he was too nervous and kept fumbling.

I pushed him down on the bed, leaned over him, and kissed his neck, his shoulder-blades, ran my lips all along the muscular ridges flaring from his neck. Then I went to his mouth.

He was ready for it. His lips parted and he let me thrust my tongue deep inside him. The tongue invasion brought a groan from deep inside Josh as he surrendered completely to his own desires.

Both my hands were on his head, cradling it, as I frenched him over and over again. He was so into it! He was starting to tremble slightly. When I pulled back, I noticed that his tit-points were stiffening, though I hadn't even touched them. When I did brush my fingers across them, he moaned aloud, heaving his chest toward me.

My lips were on those cones now, with high-powered suction. I knew I had to get Josh really hot before the main event -- knew it would make it easier.

The stud was definitely heated up to the boiling point by now. I stripped the rest of his clothes off, and realized once again what a hunk he was. His pecs were so ruggedly defined, his belly so trim and "corrugated." And his cock -- man, it was a beauty, By now, it was rampant and leaky.

I rolled Josh over on his belly and shoved a couple pillows under him so that his rod was sandwiched between them, and his ass hoisted high in the air. He was still trembly and flushed. His upturned ass looked incredibly inviting.

In seconds I was naked and ready.

I put my hands on his buns. Instantly be crammed his cock down between the pillows. As those butt-melons rose hack up, they parted enough for me to get a good look inside. Through a blond haze of silk I could see the hole -- small, tight, virginal.

I grabbed a tube of lubricant that I keep under the bed for times like this, milked it of a long line of lube, and smeared it along Josh's ass alley.

"Christ!" he shouted. Well, half-shouted. He didn't want to make a big disturbance. He didn't want to do anything that would slow down the show now in progress.

I ran my greased index finger over his hole, and over it, and over it again -- till the moment was right to plunge in. When I did, Josh squealed -- not in pain. No way. The kid was so horny he was going out of his flicking mind.

In and around his tight entrance I torqued my finger, gently but firmly, taking command of his butthole as if it belonged to me. Which tonight, it did.

"Unnnnh . . . Doug," he whispered.

Yeah, saying my name. I liked that.

"Easy, Josh. Got you ready for the next phase now. Just take it easy. Relax that sweet manhole of yours."

I knelt into position behind him and pushed forward till my hard cock was resting right on the bullseye.

"Relax, Josh."

He did, the sonofabitch, he really did, and it allowed me to push steadily into him. And was it ever sweet. A tight little hole never reamed before.


It was a lot of pressure on Josh's ass canal, not to mention his male psyche -- having me feed my big rod into him inch by inch. But he was holding up well. Groaning, but not crying out or thrashing around.

"You okay, Josh?"

"Yeah, man. Don't stop."

I had to laugh. With one more long push I was in all the way, my balls dangling against his.

I leaned down over Josh to cover him, slipped my hands under his chest, and began to slow-fuck him.

We kept it up for, I don't know, it seemed like forever, me humping the freshman, him taking it like a natural-born cunt. Only he was better than a cunt, he was a male, a guy with a manhole that was hot 'n' tight. I'm telling you, I never had it that good.

Right from the start, Josh was pushing back on me when I thrust down on him. He was getting into the act, like I knew he would. He was fucking the bed. Who knows who he was fucking in his mind. Probably me!

But I was riding him hard at the end, slamming into his butt with everything I had, letting him know what it was like to be plowed by a real stud -- a senior stud.

And he was on his way to the same place I was, just about as fast.

I slid my hands down under his belly and pulled him up, just to have the feel of his body, whole and young and manly, in my hands.

"Oh Jesus, you've got me goin' out of my fuckin' mind, buddy. Got to fuck you deep, got to fuck the living hell out of you. Got to . . . give you my juice!!"

I was swept overboard by the most incredible orgasmic wave. My loins exploded as I shot wad after wad of fresh cream into that clutching hole.

"Gonna, gonna . . . Doug, I'm CUMMMIINNGG!"

Sure enough, I felt the kid's ass-walls tighten around my prick, milking even more cream from me. Josh's whole body seemed to shudder with the force of his climax.

Later, as we lay side by side on the bed, Josh turned toward me.


"Yeah, Josh."

"You ever been fucked?"

I laughed.

"Well . . . no. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Not sure I want to be."

He was quiet for a while. Then:

"Next Saturday, I'm coming over and I'm gonna fuck you."

I exploded in laughter and lunged at him. We tussled, rolled over and over, grabbed, and slipped out of each other's grasp. In the end we were panting and he was lying on top of me, his cock nestled against mine, both semi-hard.

"I'm not gonna do it tonight, Doug, but on Saturday. . ."

The kid was something else! I felt like I'd created him. I had taught him everything he knew so far about male sex and he had certainly been a willing -- and talented -- pupil. But what he had in mind didn't sound like something I'd go for.

"We'll see, Josh, we'll see."

I fucked him again that night, actually first thing in the morning when the light was just beginning to filter into the room. It was a hot, hard, urgent fuck, the kind you have in the morning when energy levels are high. After it was over, we both dozed again.

From that night on, every Saturday night Josh came over to the house and spent the night with me.

What, Skip? What happened the following Saturday? Oh -- you mean, did Josh fuck me?

Well I'm not gonna lie to you. You guys are my best buddies and this is our last night together, right? And we're telling all, right?

Okay, the answer is: yeah, he fucked me. Like we was born to it. A natural-born stud.

Next: Chapter 4

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