My Favorite Freshman

By DurtyRiter

Published on Sep 3, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#239) written by Derek Olson. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. This story includes sex between adult males. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 2: Need My Sleep

I didn't see Josh for a couple weeks. I figured either he was snowed under with school work or else he was avoiding me for some reason. Either way it made sense to give him enough time to find his own bearings, so I didn't call him or drop by his room.

Which doesn't mean I didn't think about the kid every day (and most nights!). I did. But I knew Josh would have to make up his own mind about where we would go from here.

Anyhow, one night I left the library at closing time and went to the snack bar. God, studying can make you hungry! I got myself a jumbo cookie and a Coke and went over to the window -- you know, that row of tables right next to the big plate-glass window with a view of the quad.

There was Josh, sitting alone at one of the tables, gazing across the quad at the library tower.

"Mind if I join you?"

He looked up, startled, and then smiled at me. I tell you, day or night, those big eyes of his were magic!

"Haven't seen you for a while," I said, "but I know how busy they keep you freshman. I remember my first few weeks. Thought I'd go crazy."

Josh laughed.

"Yeah, that's pretty close to how I'm feeling."

"So what's up?"

"Oh, I came up here to read a chapter of Philosophy and -- I don't know -- I just can't seem to get into it."


His eyes widened a little.

"I guess so. I've never been away from home more than a few weeks, and never this far, that's for sure."

I split my cookie down the middle and passed him half.

"Ever had one of these?"

He shook his head.

"Really good. They make 'em fresh every day. Doughnuts, too. I like to come over here on Sunday mornings, grab a couple doughnuts and coffee and read the funnies."

"Sounds like fun." He'd finished the cookie and was eyeing my Coke. I pushed it halfway across the table.

"So how you been, Josh?"

He shrugged.

"Making some friends?" "yeah, I guess so. Guys in the dorm."

"How about those seniors on the fourth floor? The ones you were telling me about."

"No," he said quickly. "I've stayed away from them."

"Good idea. I know those guys. They go berserk when they're high. By the way, if it ever gets really noisy in Webster Hall, you can always come over to the frat house."

The slightest flush spread over Josh's face.

"Thanks." He paused. "On my floor it's mostly freshmen but they can get pretty out of hand, too. I hope not tonight."

"Why not?"

"Well, I'm going on a camping trip tomorrow with the Hiking Club."

"Oh yeah? Where to?"

"We're going up Camel's Hump. It's an all-day trip and we leave real early, so I'm hoping to get some sleep tonight."

"You do a lot of camping back home?"

His face lit up.

"Yeah, we go hiking in the Cascades for a week every summer. I tell you, it's incredible up in those mountains." He went on to describe the trip he'd taken with his father and brothers the past summer.

When he finally paused, I sprang the big question:

"You want to come up to my room? It'll be quiet. Our big party's coming up NEXT weekend."

Josh quickly glanced across the quad in the direction of Fraternity Row, like he was trying to picture something in his mind. He looked hesitant.

"I've got a sleeping bag," I said. "I mean, if that's what you want."

"Oh, uh . . . no . . . it's not . . . " Josh was tongue-tied. God, it was such a sight -- his eyes going down to the table, up to me, out across the quad. I wanted to reach out to him, grab hold of his arm. At last he spoke.

"I don't think so. I just . . . better get back to my room." That was all. After an awkward silence he gathered his books, said good-night and left.

To say I felt let down is putting it mildly. I went back to the house, threw off my clothes, and went straight to bed.

Trouble was, I couldn't fall asleep. I just kept thinking about Josh. I must've tossed and turned for an hour before I noticed someone pacing in the hallway outside my room. Back and forth. Up and down the hall. Finally, a light knock on my door.

I knew I couldn't answer the door in the buff. We do have girls in the house a lot of the time --- you guys know that! But I didn't want to take time to find my pants. Something told me I better get to the door quick or he would turn and go. (Yeah, I figured it was Josh.) So I grabbed the top sheet and wrapped it loosely around my waist.

I opened the door -- and smiled.


He was standing there wearing faded jeans and a sweatshirt. His hair, even as short as it was, needed combing.

"Can't sleep. The guys on the third floor are having a party."

"Right over your head, huh? Come on in, buddy."

I closed the door behind him and flicked on a table lamp.

"I'm . . . really sorry for waking you up." he said.

"Hey, you didn't. I couldn't sleep either. You want a Coke or a beer or something?"

"No thanks. I don't want to put you to any trouble."

"It's no trouble," I said quickly. "Now, let me think, where's my sleeping bag? I guess I put it down in the basement during one of my periodic battles to retrieve my room from chaos."

Josh laughed nervously. Then he cleared his throat.

"Uh, you don't have to get it."

We looked at each other for a second.

"You sure?" I asked. "I don't mind."

"No, don't. It isn't necessary. I don't kick or snore or anything."

I turned off the lamp. Enough light came in the window that I could see Josh standing there, arms hanging at his sides. My heart was pounding by now.

"You can get in first, Josh," I said.

"Okay." His voice was husky and low. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his sweatshirt. Even in the dim light I could make out the scalloped pecs, the washboard belly. He leaned down and tugged his shoes and socks off. Finally, he uncinched his belt and pulled off his jeans.

At that moment I let go of the sheet around my middle. He heard the rustle and looked up. Saw me standing naked, facing him, half-hard. He pulled off his jockeys and stretched out on the bed.

I walked over to him.

"I like the look of you lying there on my bed," I said.

He looked up at me.

Reached out his hand.

Touched my thigh and immediately trembled. His hand was going now for my dick but I intercepted it, took hold of it and put it behind his head. Then his other hand. With hands tucked behind his neck, Josh's pecs rode higher on him.

I leaned over him and put my lips on his nipple.

"Unnnnnhh," he moaned in his throat.

I kissed the tit, took it between my lips and worked it stiff. Josh began breathing more rapidly. His chest was rising higher with each breath.

No one's ever done this to you," I said. Not a question but a statement. I knew. I shifted to the other tit. Nibbled it lightly, then sucked, then nibbled some more.

Now I could smell the male scent coming from Josh's pits. The guy was getting hot. He was digging his heels into the sheet under him, starting to flex his muscles, starting to squirm. The kid was coming to life! The whole thing had me rock-hard, let me tell you, but I had decided this was gonna be Josh's treat.

I left his tits half-bruised and totally sensitive, and moved slowly down his stomach. The skin was smooth, tightly drawn over his abs. I brushed my lips across his belly-indent, then moved on.

I could see it now. Jutting up proudly, a tall column of flesh, ivory-colored in the dim light, surmounted by a flanged cap. Around its base lay a tangle of dark hair. I worked my may into the tangle, getting a head full of rich male aroma.

By now Josh was out of control. He was breathing through his mouth in short, shallow spurts. He felt hot all over. His body was tensing and twisting as I approached his rod. I knew that once I got my mouth on him, he would shoot almost instantly.

So I bought some time. I ran my hand from his knee upward along his outer thigh and back down again. Then up along the inner thigh. Josh was whimpering by now. His pelvis was doing a little pumping motion.

I massaged his other thigh, then licked the base of his cock.

"Ohhhh!" he moaned.

I reached up to his chest with my right hand and began a circular "smoothing" action on his pecs, as though polishing them. I could tell his tits were incredibly sensitive because each time I brushed over one of them, Josh's cock jerked upward. With my other hand I took gentle control of the kid's balls.

"Oh Jeeeez," he whimpered, going out of his mind. I fondled the twin eggs in their sac, rolling them around, drawing them down to the bottom of the sac.

I knew I had the guy's attention by now! So I began licking his candy stick again, starting at the base. I tasted the salty pre-juice that had been rolling down from the tip. Slowly but surely, I lapped my way up the hard length of cockmeat till I reached the top.

Now I hunched over the kid's leaky prong and softly planted my lips around the under-edge of the head. I rotated my head so he'd feel my lips brushing that sensitive edge.

Lying there on my bed, helpless in the throes of male lust, Josh was the very image of inflamed young manhood. Right on the edge. Tense. Delirious. Sweaty. And very, very HARD.

I went down all the way now on his prong, took the entire thing into the moist warmth of my mouth, and sucked it. Rode it up and down. And just as I'd known, Josh tripped over the edge:

"Ahhh, Chriiiiissst!" he wailed.

Instantly I felt the gushes of hot cum spurting into my mouth and throat. His nipples became hard little points under my hand, and his balls tightened up in their scrotal bag. The kid was was letting go with a vengeance. I thought he'd never stop! The cream just kept coming in thick spurts.

Finally, with a long, loud sigh, he sank into complete oblivion.

I retrieved the loose sheet and tossed it over him, then crawled in beside him. Josh had turned on his side toward the wall. I pushed my hard prick between his sweaty thighs and began pumping. (So close to his hole, but I figured he wasn't ready for that -- yet.) It took only about a dozen thrusts before I let loose.

Some time around three in the morning I woke up. Josh and I were both lying on our sides, facing each other. Our dicks were both hard -- and touching. I just lay there and thought to myself, it doesn't get much better than this, Doug.

Around 5:30 I came out of a deep, horny dream to find Josh tying his shoe laces. The guy was dressed already!

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Gotta go, Doug." It was the first time he had used my name. I had never liked the sound of my name more than at that moment. He smiled at me.

"Don't you remember? I'm going on a hike."

"Oh yeah," I groaned. "Camel's Hump."

"Yeah. Look . . . you really have to go?"

"Of course I do," he said, laughing. In the morning light those brown eyes of his were doing a job on me. I wanted to haul him back under the sheet.

He stood up and walked to the door.

"Look, uh, . . . thanks. I mean, for letting me come over, and everything." He looked down at the floor, then glanced up at me.

"My pleasure, Josh. I'm not sure you got all the sleep you were counting on."

He laughed, turned bright red, and quickly left. I walked over to the window so I could watch him walk away. He had a long, lopey stride. And a butt I couldn't take my eyes off.

I went back to bed with a hard-on.

Next: Chapter 3

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