My Favorite Freshman

By DurtyRiter

Published on Aug 28, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#239) written by Derek Olson. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. This story includes sex between adult males. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 1: Josh

I gotta tell you, Josh was the best. The kid was like a fresh breeze out of the Northwest. Fact is, he'd grown up on a sheep ranch in eastern Washington, the youngest of four brothers.

You know what they say about growing up on a farm (or a ranch), how kids learn all there is to know about sex from the time they're knee high? Josh was the exception.

I'm not saying he didn't know the basics. He'd watched rams mount ewes and stallions cover mares and yes, he'd been curious. He'd been as curious as any young guy.

What I'm telling you is, Josh didn't know the score. The day he walked in Beta Kappa Alpha to do his fraternity service ("shit duty," as the freshmen called it) during orientation week, the kid was just about totally ignorant of his own sexual nature.

I didn't know it then, of course, but I sensed it. I'm pretty good at that. Sixth sense.

You guys can laugh, but if you think about it, I have been right more often than I've been wrong on the subject of freshmen. You gotta admit that. I was right about Josh, for sure.

The guy was tall and rangy with short brown hair and eyes the color of chestnuts. You've never seen a fucking chestnut? Well, it's a really deep, rich brown. Now you guys know I don't usually pay a lot of attention to eyes. Other things I notice -- yeah, Hobey, I notice that -- but usually not eyes.

This guy, though, had eyes that kind of held you. They drew you to him. They were like -- I don't know -- a bear cub's eyes, or maybe a fawn's. They were so wide open and trusting. I never saw eyes like those. I fell for Josh on the spot.

"Hey you," I said. He looked over to where a few of us brothers were standing in the entrance hail. He wasn't sure who had spoken.

"I got something for you to do," I said.

"Sure thing," he said, coming over to where I stood.

"Follow me."

I headed upstairs to my room, Josh following close behind. I waved him into the room and closed the door.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Josh Bowman."

"Josh, good to meet you. I'm Doug Ross. You been on campus long?"

"No, just got here last night."

"What dorm you in?"


Those eyes. Something innocent and open and willing about those big brown eyes.

"A lot of wild men in Webster," I said.

Josh laughed. "Yeah, you're right about that."


"Yeah, things got pretty wild last night. Some of the guys on the fourth floor went after a freshman on the third floor."

"Went after?"

"Yeah, they grabbed him and tore off all his clothes."

"And then what?"

"Well... I don't know. They took him in their room. I didn't see anything after that."

I looked at Josh for a long time. God, those eyes!

"You want a beer, Josh?"

"Yeah, thanks."

I went to my mini-fridge and grabbed a couple Buds. Tossed him one.


Josh sat down in the only available chair and began nursing his beer. I stretched out on my bed, legs spread wide, one hand behind my neck. It was quiet for a while.

"Where you from, Josh?"

"A ranch near Pullman, Washington."

"Oh yeah? You've come a long ways."

"I know. My folks wanted me to stay Closer to home, like my brothers did. But I wanted to come east -- you know, get to see something new."

Josh was loosening up. Might have been the beer. Plus he was an easygoing kind of guy.

"So how'd you choose Tuxhill? I mean, northern Vermont is about as far east as you could've gone."

He laughed, and those eyes of his kind of lit up with pleasure and amusement.

"Well, I went to a college open house at my high school and this guy from the Tuxhill Admissions office was there standing all alone, so I went over and we got talking. He sold me on the place."

"Jim Blakely."

"Yeah -- Mr. Blakely. You know him?"

"Sort of. He recruited me, too•" I took a long swig of my beer. "By the way, did you go out to dinner with Jim?"

"No, when we finished talking, he started in with a buddy of mine, but he didn't have as much luck with him."


"Well, he didn't talk my buddy into applying to Tuxhill."

You guys know Jim. When he goes around the country recruiting, there's a certain kind of kid he's looking for, right? He's got the sixth sense, too. Don't laugh, Hobey. He recruited you, didn't he?

Josh reached the end of his beer.

"So, uh, what is it you wanted me to help you with?"

I looked at him, smiled, and took another pull on my beer.

"Hang on. I'll get to it. Tell me, Josh, you got a girl back home?"

That did it. The guy blushed. I mean, honest to God, blushed. How often these days do you see a guy do that? Most guys, there's nothing you could say that would come anywhere near embarrassing them.

"Uh, not really."

"Not really. You mean you just broke up with someone."

"Well, no, I mean...there isn't anyone."

The freshman could have faked an answer. Most guys would have. Not Josh.

"There isn't anyone? Now wait a second. Let me see if I understand. A good-looking guy like you, healthy, eighteen years old...eighteen?

"Yeah, last month."

"Uh huh, eighteen-year-old guy like you good-looking -- you ARE good-looking --"

Josh looked down at the floor.

"And no girl back home. Now that's a surprise. You ready for another beer?"

The kid was so flummoxed that he just nodded. I got him a can and he popped it immediately.

"I mean, if I was a girl -- which is pretty fucking hard to imagine -- I could fall real hard for you."

Josh's face turned a deeper red as he shifted in his chair. The grey athletic T-shirt he was wearing stretched tightly across the muscle bulges of his chest. The points of his nipples were clearly visible. Half-moons of perspiration had formed under his armpits.

I said nothing for a while. We both sipped our Buds. The room was warm, even with the window wide open. I looked at Josh and felt a stirring between my legs. Each time he glanced over at me we connected for a second and then he looked away.

"Get this hot in Washington?" I asked, starting to unbutton my shirt.

Josh noticed what I was doing. He watched my fingers.

"Oh yeah. A lot hotter."

"I keep telling the brothers, we oughta spring for air-conditioning one of these years. Especially now that Tuxhill has summer school." I reached the last button, pulled my shirt free and tossed it against the wall. "They keep telling me, no way, too expensive. You hot, Josh?"

He looked startled.

"Uh, yeah, actually."

"Take off your shirt.

He did. Pulled it up and off in one smooth gesture. What he revealed was enough to send a shiver into my crotch. The pecs were perfect ovals of muscle, tanned and hairless. His shoulders were broad.

"You've got a great build, Josh."

"Thanks," he said quietly, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Must be all that ranch work. Or do you work out too?"

"Nah. Never had the time for that."

I got up and went to the john. Glancing into the mirror as I pissed, I couldn't help mentally comparing my own development to Josh's. Our chests were about the same size but his was more defined. Mine had a tracing of light brown hair that continued down my torso till it disappeared under my belt buckle.

My cock felt thick in my hand. At the tip was a glistening drop of pre-cum. When I'd finished, I zipped up -- but I also shed my sneaks and socks.

"Okay," I said as I walked back into the room and lay down on my bed again, "the thing I need from you is -- my belt buckle needs shining."

The kid laughed at the joke. I didn't say anything, just tucked both hands behind My head and smiled at him.

"You're joking, right?" he asked.

"The cloth I use is down there," I said, motioning to the foot of the bed.

As though unsure how far to go along with the joke, Josh reached for the yellow buffing cloth and sat down on the edge of the bed. He quickly surveyed my outstretched body, then focused on the dull brass belt buckle, thick and square, just below my navel.

He laughed again, nervously.

"You want me to take it off first?"

"No, leave it on," I said looking directly into those chestnut eyes. God, those eyes!

Well, he said hesitantly, "l could probably do it in a couple seconds."

He leaned over me and began to rub the buckle, lightly at first. The motion of his hand went straight to the center of my groin and in spite of myself I moaned out loud.

He looked alarmed.

"It's alright, Josh. it just feels good."

He blushed furiously and went on rubbing.

"How's it looking?" I asked.

"Uh, it's getting shinier," he replied.

"Really? Can I see?"

He looked at me blankly.

"Why don't you slip it off me?" I said.

"Uh, sure."

He started to unbuckle the belt but his fingers were suddenly clumsy. After a few fumbles he got the buckle undone. I lifted my hips and he pulled the belt off me. He seemed surprised when I didn't bother to look at the buckle. Instead I asked him to polish the tiny brass clasp on my jeans.

He looked up at me quickly, those eyes of his beginning to show the first dawning light of Comprehension. His face was flushed and perspiring, and his tanned torso had a sheen of sweat all over it. My cock jerked inside my jeans.

As Josh rubbed on the tiny clasp at the top of my fly, I got bigger. He might have noticed but he didn't say a thing.

"Getting shiny?" I asked at last.

"Uh huh," he muttered.

"Let me see," I said.

It was the cue. He knew it. I knew it.

He unhitched the clasp, pulled own the zipper, and hauled the jeans off me, leaving me lying there in only a pair of boxers.

He knew what I would say.

"Okay, Josh, polish me. I reached for a tube of Vaseline and laid it next to my hip.

He gripped my boxers at the waist and pulled them down, slowly, inch by inch, eyes growing wider all the time. When he had cleared my cock it sprang up full-staff. He seemed to recoil for a second, stunned by what he was seeing.

Then he took the tube of lubricant, squeezed out a dollop into his palm, and wrapped his hand around my hard meat.

"Mmmmmmm!" I murmured, closing my eyes and absorbing the delicious sensations. He played with me for a moment, like a trumpet player, applying different pressures with different fingers till I was totally, almost painfully, hard.

Then he began to rub. Using the same rhythm he had applied to the buckle and the clasp, he worked his hand up and down my dick, producing the most incredible pleasure all along its length.

"How's it looking?" I asked, mischievously.

"Real shiny," he answered without missing a beat.

"Oh yeah," I said, half-way sitting up. "It is, isn't it? Real shiny and real hard. You've got a great touch, kid. Mmmmnnn."

I lay back then and let him work my stalk. His touch was smooth but firm, and even though I wanted it to last forever I was helpless to control this trip. In only a few minutes I was at the edge -- my muscles tense, my breathing ragged -- and then I was over the edge, into a shuddering climax. My spunk flew in a high arc out across the floor.

I gasped at the intensity of the orgasm, then faded fast, tuning out everything but the sensation of total satisfaction.

A few minutes passed before I came back to a clear consciousness of where I was.

"That was incredible, Josh," I said, simply.

The kid had his hand on my thigh, slowly massaging it, like he was trying out something new, testing me, testing my flesh. Exploring a male body.

"Your first time with a guy?" I asked.

He nodded, not looking me in the face.

"There's so much more, Josh, so much. But I want to be with you. You know what I'm saying?"

He nodded again, still silent. He looked confused, like someone wedged tightly in a tunnel, with no way to back up, and only a little room to move forward -- and the end of the tunnel a long way off.

I pulled him up next to me on the bed and put my arm under his head, pulling him toward me.

Next: Chapter 2

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