My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Jan 6, 2014



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


I walked back to my quarters with my ripped kilt and underwear in one hand. When I walked in my quarters, Siam saw my hard cock and immediately was on it sucking. Jubal just stood and watched as Siam serviced me. I looked at Jubal as Siam sucked. There was no doubt I would have his great cock in my ass again and I was determined to swallow that cock as well. Like Ginger I knew I would have to get him soft to start, even last night, it had got so thick so fast that I was sure my jaw had been dislocated. I would, I swore to myself that I would take him all.

After Siam emptied my balls I showered with Jubal's help. Then dressed in another kilt. I idly wondered if I had brought enough along. If my Father kept ripping them off, I might need a few more.

When I figured I was almost ready I had another scotch. I had no idea what my Father had in mind next, but was sure it would be watching the Director of the Center North Enclave be executed.

I walked out of my suite and asked the Security Guard at my door to take me to the basement. He led me to an elevator. Once we were inside he pressed a button on the console and the elevator dropped. Knowing how elevators worked now, I wasn't even sure we were under my Fathers house. I could end up anywhere.

When the elevator opened and I stepped out, I could I knew be in any one of the Centers in the Union. The long pure white hallway stretched in the distance. I was expected and two more Security Guards escorted me down the hall. I passed numerous doors just marked Interrogation. Some had red lights on the top of the door. I knew someone was being interrogated inside that room. The Secret Service had over 100 years of practice at extracting information and some of their methods were not for everyone's eyes.

We came to a door that opened at our approach. I walked inside. My Father and another Man were looking at a weird chair on a raised platform.

I walked in alone.

"Ah Stanley, come in, come in. This is my Chief of Security. He and Steven went to the Academy together."

"It is an honor Deputy Director." He man gave a short bow.

"Stanley, I'm going to give you a short non lethal demonstration before we carry out another task. Undress Stanley."

Knowing it was an order I undressed quickly.

"This device was used by the Spanish until late in the 20th Century when they abolished the death penalty. It was given to me by the Spanish Ambassador. Sit in the chair Stanley."

I sat down in the plain wooden chair. Not so plane I found out quickly as my arms were strapped to the arms. Another strap was placed across my chest and a last one across my forehead. My upper body was completely immobilized.

Then he fitted a leather strap under my chin and against my throat. A few minutes later I heard a click, click, click in my ears. With each click the strap against my throat tightened. Very quickly I found it very hard to get air into my lungs and my heart beat went up.

The clicks stopped and my Father came around in front of me.

"I'm going to tell you what is happening to you Stanley."

That strap under your chin is constricting your windpipe and making it harder for you get air into your lungs. It is also cutting off some of the blood going to you brain. Your brain is telling your heart to pump harder, which means it needs more blood. Your face is already very red Stanley and with just one more click would start to take on a more purplish hue. Another side effect of cutting off blood to the brain is that your pain center is overloaded. It is sending mixed signals to your body. One thing that is happening is you are getting hard."

"I could leave you like this and soon enough you would have a massive heart attack and die very painfully. With three more clicks I could strangle you to death. I want to do neither."

All of a sudden the pressure was off and I took great gulps of air into my lungs. I was unstrapped from that chair. I stood shaking.

After my shaking subsided my Father handed me a drink. I gulped it down and it made me feel much better.

"Get dressed Stanley."

He took me out of that room and down the hall to another. When I walked I recognized the configuration. It was an execution Center. A long pipe extended down one side with wire nooses already attached. What was different was there was no platform for the condemned to stand on. He led me to three chairs in the room and we sat down. A servant brought drinks immediately.

An officer walked in the handed a file to my Father. He quickly signed all the warrants and handed it back to the officer.

"I don't as a rule care how old a convicted prisoner is. If found guilty by the Secret Service you are automatically condemned to death. You do Stanley so from now on the Secret Service will turn over all investigation reports to you for you to determine their fate if they are under the age of consent."

"What happened in the Central North Enclave was despicable. To take nine, ten and eleven year old boys out to be raped by those old men was the worst crime I can ever remember. Some of the other things condoned by the Interior Department were just as bad. I'm going to let you handle them."

"I don't enjoy watching people die, but when something like this happens I want those who were convicted to die as painfully as possible."

At a touch of a button on the chair my Father was sitting in, a thick glass wall slid across cutting us off the execution chamber.

Six nude men were almost carried into the chamber. From the way they looked they had all received a very severe beating. Holding each up a noose was slipped over their heads. Some slumped when they were released, but soon tried to stand to relieve the pressure of that noose. I saw why there was no platform when a guard just moved a lever on the wall. The pipe holding the nooses rotated lifting all the men off the floor by the noose around their necks. Death this way was a very painful way to die. All got hard and in death ejaculated. Most also pissed or emptied their bowels. I hated the way it was done.

Thirty six men were executed the same way before my Father led me out of the Execution Chamber. I felt dirty having watched. We walked to an elevator and up to the house. My Father dismissed me.

I went to my quarters and stripped off my clothes. I fired them in a disposal bin. I would never wear them again. A long showered washed what I felt from the outside, but I would never forget what I had witnessed from my mind. To think that that would have happened to those young boys almost made me sick.

I had not spoken one word since I walked in. Siam walked up to me and asked if I was okay. I pulled him into my arms and started to cry.

I knew at that moment I hated my Father for what he had forced me to watch. He had said he didn't relish the death of others, but I noticed he got hard as those men strangled on the wire and even shot his load once.

I also knew my trials was not yet over.

There was no doubt those men deserved to die, but not that way. When I became Chairman I would change it I was sure. Could someone, me for example become so inured at death that I would no longer care. I knew I had changed since my Father had raped me, but would I change to be more like him as I grew older.

My Father was alone when I walked out to lunch in the Great room. Although not really hungry I ate a sparse meal. I also had another scotch.

"Stanley, I'm busy this afternoon so you will Chair the meeting with my Secretaries. You might read these reports on each before that meeting."

I could have just as easily brought up all about each Secretary on the key pad, but my Father liked hard copies. He told me it was a holdover from when he went to school.

My Father left me and I sat down to read. A black nude boy hovered just in verbal range ready to get me anything I desired.

"Come over here boy and sit down."

He went to sit at my feet.

"Here beside me." When he sat down I put an arm over his shoulder.

He started to shake.

"Relax Son. I am not going to hurt you. You feel nice."

He did relax but wouldn't look at me. After reading all the material in the reports, I knew someone would be arrested today and I was going to take great pleasure in this arrest.

The Deputy Secretary of the Interior Department had been interrogated and had proven without a doubt in anyone's mind that the Secretary of the Interior had ordered everything that had been done in the Central North Enclave; he had also facilitated the Directors escape. Signed documents and instructions put the blame squarely from the Secretaries desk.

I reread the information available on the Secretary of the Interior. He had been appointed by my Father and for the early part of his time as Secretary had been perfect. However he came from what can be described as a filthy rich family and was used to having the best of everything.

An error in the business dealings by his Father had cost the Family a huge part of their wealth and so George Kennedy had started several schemes in his department to have the money for his expensive lifestyle.

That was the beginning of his downfall.

Now he had been implicated in what my Father called one of the worst crimes in the Union, Selling underage boys for sex. For that it was going to cost the Secretary his life.

I put down everything to just think. The young man was still sitting close to me and like most negro boys turned me on big time.

"What's your name boy?"

"Judas Master."

"That's a strange name. What's your last name boy and was Judas the name your Father gave you?"

"My Father named me Alonga Master. My last name is Tsombe."

I punched his name into my keypad.

Not much was in his file. He had been taken in Mercerville in Zambia, during the rebellion by a man just known as the Butcher. The Rebellion had been put down by a Brigade from the Union at the request of the Government of Zambia. It was a short but bloody rebellion with reported deaths ay near a million civilians, mostly killed by this Butcher.

That was all there was. I closed my Keypad.

"Get me a scotch Alonga." He bounded off the couch and was back very quick. I watched his uncut cock bounce up and down as he almost ran back and forth.

That was an anomaly, he was uncut. He still had his foreskin. Very unusual for a Slave.

Alonga was the first person I had ever seen with a foreskin.

"Sit beside me Alonga, I have a few questions for you. Please answer truthfully. No one will harm you."

"Okay Master."

"Why are you called Judas, if your name is Alonga?"

I watched his face change. Tears slowly ran down his cheeks.

"Coz I betrayed my Village to the Soldiers."

"What do you mean Alonga? Explain it to me."

"Our town was way up in the North East part of Zambia. We figured we were safe from the war. One day a big black man came and took all the older boys. WE found out he was the leader of the rebellion. I wasn't taken coz I was only thirteen. Well everything was peaceful after that.

"One night the Soldiers came. We didn't even hear them, but when we got up in the morning they were all around us and inside the town too. They separated everyone. Men in one group, women in another and us children in another."

"I saw some of the soldiers taking girls into some huts. I was told they were servicing the Soldiers. After a while a big man walked up to us children. He walked down our line. He just pointed at me and two Soldiers dragged me into a hut. I thought he wanted to use me so I wasn't too afraid."

They made me undress and then strapped me to a shiny metal table. The man who picked me came in and they rotated the table so I was almost standing.

He asked me my name and a Soldier slapped me after and said I should call everyone Master. He then opened a case he brought and picked a weird instrument.

"Alonga, I am going to ask you some questions. If you fail to answer truthfully I will use one of these instruments on you. These instruments are used to cause extreme pain. You won't die, at least not until I am finished. Fail to answer and you will be screaming very shortly."

He walked to me and grabbed my dick. Well I got hard of course. Then he brought the instrument close to my face. He twisted the end and a whole bunch of sharp needles came out.

"Alonga, if I think you are not telling me the truth I will put this inside your cock and twist the handle."

I started to cry.

I didn't want him to hurt me so I told him everything I knew. He never used one of those instruments on me.

"Thank you Alonga, but I have a new name for you. From now on your name is Judas. You have given all the information I need. Thanks to you, all the children will be transported to the Union to become slaves. As for the rest, they will be treated like any criminal. Criminals in the Union are executed. You my young friend will watch."

Alonga was crying almost uncontrollably. I pulled him onto my lap and comforted him.

When he had control he finished his narrative.

"They cuffed everyone and then locked them in the long house in the middle of town. All us kids were loaded on trucks and driven out of town. WE were unloaded and told to watch what happens to Traitors to our Country. We watched a weird looking aircraft fly over very high. Something on the end of a parachute dropped toward the town. All of a sudden there was a big explosion. We were all knocked to the ground. When we stood up the town was gone. I wished I was dead Master."

It sounded very much like a unit of Stealth Troops had been used on Alonga's town. That was their usual method. Force information out of inhabitants and then destroy all evidence of their presence. I wondered if I deployed Stealth troops to that town in the Interior if that would be their end too.

No matter. Not my concern really. I comforted Alonga and then told him to report to my quarters and stay there. I would see him later and we would talk some more.

I headed for the conference room. When I entered all the Secretaries stood.

"The Chairman is busy this afternoon so he asked me to chair this brief meeting."

After everyone was seated I brought up the first problem. After reviewing all that was known it was agreed to use Stealth Troops, but no action of any kind was to be taken until all the facts had been reported to the Council. The problem would have to handled very carefully. Stepping into the realm of Religious Freedom was not to be taken unless a very clear violation of Union Laws could be proven. The motion was carried.

Then I called in my Chief of Security.

"Gentlemen the investigation in the Central North Enclave is ongoing. My Security Chief will bring us all up to date on what has been determined to date."

I watched the face of the Interior Secretary. It remained calm right up until Steven read the report on the Directors Interrogation. It changed again when Steven read the report of the Deputy Secretaries Chemical Interrogation. When Steven stopped I never said a word for a while.

"Well Mr. Secretary?"

"That is ridiculous. At no time have I contravened Union Law for my own gain. It is true some of the things that have been reported, but I had no knowledge of what the Transport Department within the Interior Department was doing. I automatically authorize aircraft for any Directors use. There may be other things that are also done automatically. I can't be held responsible for others are doing. The Department I manage is so large that I don't ever handle day to day operations within the Department."

A good answer and I knew it was true.

"I agree Mr. Secretary, however these are very severe charges that have been brought against you. To clear this up once and for all would you be willing to undergo Chemical interrogation?"

"Under Union Law, no Secretary can be interrogated without the written consent of all Secretaries of the Union and the Signature of the Chairman." He said smugly.

I again just sat letting everything brew for a time. Then I pulled out a very long sheet from my brief case. I had Steven hand it to the Secretary of the Interior.

"AS you can see Mr. Secretary, every signature of every Secretary is on this request by the Inspector General's Office except those present here."

Three of the four Secretaries at the table had once been Attendants to my Father, the other had been appointed by my Father, so he knew which side his bread was buttered on.

I watched dispassionately as the four Secretaries signed the warrant. I didn't need his Signature.

He now knew what his ultimate fate would be. If the Secret Service found even one small crime in his mind he would be deemed a criminal and sentenced to death. I wondered if he would try for the easy way out of his dilemma.

"I invoke the right to self determination." He said.

It was his right to commit suicide. If he did it would save all his family from arrest, interrogation and death. However there was another Law on the Books that superseded even that particular right. To top it off it was a Law that he himself had brought forward.

He had proposed the Law when he was deputy Secretary of the Interior. It had disposed his Secretary and he became Secretary. I doubted if he knew it would someday come and bit him on the ass.

"Under the Union's Right to Information Statutes, you are denied the right to Self Determination. Steven you may begin."

At my order, three Security Guards grabbed the Secretary and hauled him to his feet. He was stripped and then cuffed.

"You are no longer a Secretary of the Union until such time as your disposition has been determined by the Council of the Union. Take him away."

I then dismissed and Council. After they left I sat and chuckled.

After what he had done to very young men I would make sure his death was a long drawn out affair and I would be the one that controlled that chair my Father had shown me.

I guess I was becoming more like my Father everyday.

When I got back to my quarters, Siam was the first to see me walk in.

"Master, you look very happy."

"I am my little love bug." I lifted him up and planted a big kiss on his lips. He just melted into me.

When I set him down I looked at Alonga. He had a wanting in his eyes just like I had seen before in Siam's. Another boy that had never been shown any kind of love or compassion. I grabbed him and lifted him into my arms and hugged him. After I gave him a kiss he just melted into me like Siam. Guess I just gained another boy to my stable. My Father might not be pleased.

For the rest of the afternoon I enjoyed all three boys in my bed. Alonga's cock I figured was even more sensitive with his foreskin than those without. He was a wiz bang in bed, willing to do anything anyone wanted.

After a long hot shower I dressed for dinner.

"Jerry, you will be my personal servant at dinner tonight."

"Thank you Master." I wondered what he would say when he met his father.

I knew it would spread like wild fire among all my Fathers guests at what had happened to the Secretary of the Interior.

Jerry stood out among all the black servants. He was white and I received many compliments. When one of the guests asked Jerry to suck him off, I stopped Jerry.

"Jerry serves only me. Find another boy."

The General back peddled very fast with an apology. I guess crossing me was not in any ones best interests.

Dinner was a sit down affair and Jerry was the perfect Servant, always making sure I had everything I needed or wanted. Talk was all small talk of the Union. Near the end of Dinner my Father addressed me.

"Stanley, could you assign one of your servants to George Stanton's quarters for the night."

"Of course Sir. Jerry you will be George Stanton's servant for the rest of the evening. Remember if I hear one complaint you will be a very sore boy for the rest of our visit here."

"Yes Master." He never batted an eye when I assigned him to be his father's servant.

I would definitely watch the Security Tapes from Stanton's quarters.

He automatically moved to stand behind his father.

After dinner the evening degenerated into an orgy of sucking and fucking. I did use one of the black boys to relieve my bladder, but was still worn out from the afternoon of sex. The only immovable object in the whole room was Jubal. He stood like an ebony statue within ear shot of me all night. No one went near him.

Although I knew the party would go on almost all night I left about ten and retired to my suite. After I fucked Jubal and tried again to swallow his cock, he fucked me in every position we could think of. Siam got to fuck Jubal and then did clean up or sucked me as Jubal took pleasure in screwing me. His entry was almost as painful as the first time, but this time he didn't take it slow. Slamming inside with one massive thrust. Siam had his cock in my mouth when Jubal entered me so my scream was stifled.

WE were at it almost three hours before we dropped off to sleep in a tangle of arms, legs and cocks.

After a long hot shower in the morning I dismissed my servants to enjoy some of the amenities of my Fathers retreat. I enjoyed a solitary breakfast with no one near me but Jubal. When I ever I looked at Jubal I had a hard time staying soft, remembering that monster cock inside me.

Later he stood silently as I had a meeting with my Staff to bring me up to date on all the investigations going on. I found out I would have no hand in either the Secretaries interrogation or later disposition. He had been moved to New Washington at my Fathers orders.

Jeremy remained with his Father for rest of his Fathers visit. From the tapes I had watched Jeremy's Father only used him as a receptacle for his sperm, either having him suck him off or screwing his butt. Hardly any words were spoken between the two. I had no idea what George Stanton thought about Jeremy's new role, but obviously used him as any one would an Attendant.

He was returned to me after only five days as his father had left. I ordered my Doctor to begin his enhancement. Jeremy was a very sore boy for the last week we were at my Fathers Retreat. Almost two weeks to the day we headed back to SeaTacVancouver to finish the investigations.

I had obviously not totally understood what my Father had said about younger men taken by the Secret Service. I had thought it was those that were interrogated as part of my investigations, but I found out it was all those under the age of consent in the Union that I would decide their disposition. When I arrived back in SeaTacVancouver, there were ten info disks waiting for my endorsement. Each disk held almost five hundred case files.

I immediately called a meeting of my inner staff.

I also had Ginger and Jason present as the two House Masters.

Steven came right to the point.

"What we need to do Sir, is set up categories that each of these boys and girls will fit into. The lowest category would be those 12 and under. All those children could be sent back to Union Schools."

"By far the largest group is the thirteen year olds. I think after your House Masters have looked at them with an eye as to weather they should join your stable, they could be given advance training and used in either Brothels or as servants to guests at Interior department resorts. AS they reach the age of consent could be assigned as such."

By far the smallest group are those that have just reached the age of consent or will shortly. Some of course will have to be put down as their crimes are of a severe enough to warrant execution. What's left we can again look at as potential servants or attendants for yourself or for your staff."

All my staff was in agreement so I had the program instituted. That meant instead of five thousand files to look at I had only fifty or so each day. Of course what I was looking for was also well known. Most of the ones I picked were either Negro or Native. None came close to Jubal, but made a nice diversion sometimes.

Jeremy's enhancement didn't work as planned. He did get larger, but being hard all the time and in pain drove him crazy. He attacked a Security Officer one day and was put down by lethal injection. Really to bad, he was a very smart young man and I had hoped someday to have him as one of my advisors. I guess finding the right man as a technical advisor was harder that I anticipated. I had to stop looking at them as potential bed partners and start to look at their other potential assets.

My personal security force had increased ten fold when my Father promoted me to Deputy Chairman. It also gave me even more power than just as his Inspector General. Some of my time was taken by advanced studies in Union polices both at home and abroad.

A few weeks after I returned from my Fathers Retreat the New Director of SeaTacVancouver received a report of a massive explosion in the Interior. He immediately dispatched Troops and Police to investigate. Reports said the flash of the explosion had been seen from twenty miles away and the bang at over fifty. Upon investigation it was found that Bounty had been destroyed completely. No one was found of some 250 inhabitants.

I decided that the Council had decided the rogue sects disposition and the Stealth Troops of the Secret Service had carried out the Councils wishes. I had no idea what happened to the people of Bounty, not that I cared. It was but a small note in one of the reports I sent to New Washington.

I found that if I had Jubal in my bed less often my enjoyment when he was with me increased. I still went to the quarters of my Stable on most evenings. Sometimes Alonga would accompany me and sometimes Siam. Both I considered my personal servants and both got a long very well. I think Siam loved Alonga's uncut cock. I also had most of my advisors in my bed on occasion for a night of uninhibited sex anyway we could do it.

Not having Jubal for almost a week sometimes meant when he entered me it was extremely painful. He always just rammed it in causing me to scream if there was not a cock in my mouth. I almost bit Siam's cock off once it was so painful and had to have the doctor repair the damage to Siam's cock. I was very careful after that.

During my studies of overseas operations, I found out that Jubal was not an anomaly in size. The area he had come from was filled with huge blacks. I wondered if I could find more men endowed even bigger. A size queen I really was becoming.

With practice I found I could take almost four inches of Jubal's cock into my mouth. It was painful but I slowly got used to it. Actually getting that monster into my throat seemed utterly impossible. But I was determined to try.

Although just coming up to my seventeenth birthday, as Deputy Chairman I had to take on more duties. Thus relieving my Father of some of the more mundane duties. Opening new buildings, christening new ships of the navy, going overseas to sign treaties or inspect troops on duty in other countries.

It also meant that when ever I traveled my retinue was bigger. Almost a hundred Security troops accompanied me along with some of my staff, ad in the servants and attendants and my party could reach into the hundreds. I had an on call heavy lifter for my travels. Really a VIP configured troop transport.

My most interesting trip was to South Africa. The only democratically elected Government in all of Africa. There other countries that called themselves Democratic, but they paid lip service to the name. Most of those had a President who had been elected time and time again and was usually backed by a strong Army. If these countries were willing to pay for Union troops to put down one of the many rebellions going on in half those countries then the Union didn't ask questions. They paid in goods or cash. Goods included Slaves to fill the continuing need for Slaves in Industry and mining.

The clearing house for all slaves taken in Africa was the huge Staging Base of the Union Armed Forces in South Africa.

Jubal was an anomaly. He was classified as an indentured servant, but was not paid. He was my personal body guard and had sworn an oath to protect me. He told me that among his tribesmen to swear an oath meant he could never go back on his word. To do so would make him less a man in the eyes of all he believed. While he traveled with me he was always clothed in Standard Infantry Combat uniform without weapons. Slaves were not allowed to carry weapons, but his hands and feet were in reality weapons on their own. He could snap a man in half with his bare hands.

He also told me the reason he had volunteered into my Fathers Service was that he had been forbidden to use any of the tribal women. His size meant he damaged them beyond repair. I knew why.

While touring South Africa we stopped the area where he was born and raised. Jubal was treated like a conquering hero among his tribe. I was accorded a similar status as his Master. No less than twenty others volunteered to be part of my body guard. I told Jubal to pick three and they must be as close to endowed as he was.

The three he picked were all over the 6 and half foot tall and all weighed in excess of 220 lbs of pure muscle. None were as long as Jubal, but one was definitely thicker. I accepted all three and in a simple ceremony in front of the Tribal Chief and the town pledged an oath to me.

I had Steven send them to school to learn both the language and the Martial Arts to become my body guards.

Although it was believed that the all the main positions in the Union were held by homosexuals, most wouldn't consider themselves Gay. Most were in fact bi. Take Steven and James. Both held very high positions in my house, but both still had many young women they used. That brought problems for them. It was forbidden for indentured servants or attendants to have sex with the opposite sex. Girls were not sterilized and boys were left intact as well. Boys sperm was used sometimes in the breeding centers and girls when they reached a certain age were sent to the breeding centers, so a pregnancy while they were still servants was forbidden and could result in the death or transfer to a brothel with the ensuing requirement put into place first. That meant chemical sterilization of both.

Both Stevens and James tastes were different. Steven liked big firm breasts on his girls and James liked big asses. Walking through my quarters I almost always encountered both. Some of the girls Steven liked were indeed big breasted, some in fact almost too big to my mind.

I found out later that they had been enhanced on order from Steven to look so big and firm.

After almost six months in the North West Enclave, our investigations were wrapping up. For all its size there was very little graft or corruption in the Enclave. Less than a thousand had died for their roles in any crimes found by the interrogation teams. I had already decided on my next stop and teams were already moving to Miami Free City to set up quarters for me. There were not any reports from Miami of any specific crimes, but it was the home of several massive Union Military bases and the Union Space Center.

AS things were winding down Steven brought the three men I had picked in Africa. All three came in wearing only a leather bikini covering. How their massive endowment could be held by such a skimpy bikini was a wonder, but all three turned me on. Jubal had all three kneel and repeat the oath they had taken to protect me even if it cost them their lives. I doubted I would ever need their services in that capacity with almost a hundred Security Troops always around me.

"You will also protect my Consort and his servants as well as these two young men at my side."

"Yes Master." They echoed.

When Jubal took the men to show them where they would be at all times, I saw Siam and Alonga looking at me. I knew I was going to be tag teamed by the two young men. When ever they wanted something they always came together.

I loved the two young men and had always granted their wishes, some times even when I regretted my decision.

"Well what is it this time my two favorite boys?"

"Master can we play with your body guards too?" Siam asked.

"If one those big boys stuck their dick in you Siam he might just hurt you real bad. I'd hate to lose you love."

"Well we mean suck Master. We know they are real big for the other thing."

I already knew Danny had had Jubal fuck him but he had not said anything. Danny like me was a real size queen. He had asked me how I managed to take him the first time and I told him I had sat down on his cock. I presumed that was how Danny did it as well. I didn't want to even dream of what would happen if Siam or Alonga tried to sit on any of those big black cocks. I know those cocks would rip both boys open beyond medical sciences ability to repair them.

"Suck only boys. If I see you trying it the other way, I'll tan your butts so hard you won't sit for a month."

"WE promise Master." I dismissed both boys and went out on one of my daily inspection tours of my quarters. Although robotic machines could have been used to keep my home spotless, I used my Attendants and servants to do the work. It kept them occupied between their class time and free time.

With both physical training and other sport pursuits it was increasingly difficult to tell how old a boy was. With the order to stop shaving added into the mix, I could encounter some very young boys that looked a lot older than they were. To solve the problem I had simple tags made up that every boy wore on a chain around their necks. Red tags meant they were 12 or under. Yellow tags for thirteen year olds and green tags for fourteen and up. Red tags meant that boy or girl was not to be used by anyone except their peers. Yellow meant they could suck or be sucked, but not be used for anal intercourse, except of course again by their peers. Green tags meant you could do anything and make them do anything as well.

Just looking at some of the red tagged boys, I knew what that Director in the Central North Enclave had been thinking when he authorized their use to older men. Some of them were very enticing.

It was an unwritten rule that any servant or attendant could have sex with another servant or attendant at anytime, so I knew both Ginger and Jason had probably gone through my entire stable. Looking at some of those boys almost made me wish I was a servant or attendant too.

OF my two hundred plus servants and attendants more than three quarters wore red tags. And I was gaining more everyday it seemed.

Most of the work going on now in my quarters was packing for my next trip.

I came across two, what I thought at first very young boys moving box much bigger than them. Every time they bent over to pick it up the simple shift they wore road up exposing their very firm butts. AS I got closer I had to change my age estimate because in both cases their small balls had dropped.

"I think that box is too big for you boys."

Both turned at my voice and dropped to their knees.

"Stand up both of you."

Now I was one that was surprised. Both looked like twins and both had green tags. Something did not seem right to me.

"Leave that box for a bigger boy and you two come with me."

Yes Master they both said and followed me back to my office.

Walking beside me neither boy was taller than four feet and I doubt very much even weighed a hundred pounds. Without a doubt the smallest fourteen year old boys I think I must have in my Stable. When I looked at their faces both were smiling. I walked into my office and went behind my desk. Both had just stopped inside the door.

"One of you stand on each side of me."

"Are you boy's twins?"

"Yes Master, I'm Luke and this is my brother Mark."

"Well Luke, what's your control number?"

When I put it in both boys profile came up. That was very unusual and I looked at why. Both had joined my Stable in Edmonton Free City and both had been under indictment. But for me both would not even be listed in the Data Banks. They must have slipped through the cracks, I think because both looked younger than they were. Both were almost fifteen. Siam came in while I was reading their files and mixed me a drink and then stood by my desk. He had a different look on his face than normal. Normally Siam was smiling all the time.

"Is there a problem Siam?"

"Master, them boys is bad. They always sneak into little boys rooms and use them."


Next: Chapter 10

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