My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Dec 28, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


"What exactly do you mean Steven?"

"Sir, we would be stepping over the boundaries into religious freedom."

Fuck, that's all I need is some half baked preacher screaming religious freedom rights being abused and all hell would break loose. All religions were allowed in the Union and even the more bizarre sects had almost autonomy over Union laws.

As long as they didn't try to usurp the power of the Union and paid their taxes, the Union left them alone.

"You are going to have to explain what this is about Steven."

"Sir, in the central Interior is a community called Bounty. It is dead center in what everyone calls Happy Valley. There are several other towns and small villages on the edges of this so called happy valley. The leader of this religious sect calls himself Father Lal. His real name is John Bordon.

The population of Bounty is near 250 of which 150 are female. From what information I could glean the females are deflowered by Father Lal. After which the other males can get them pregnant. All of it is in breeding. Which means that on occasion females are impregnated by their Fathers. Incest is allowed under Union Laws so no crime is taking place.

The Director here had unconfirmed reports of abductions from some of the towns and villages around Happy Valley. He believed the Leader Father Lal was or is trying to increase his gene pool so that there are less still born and grotesque babies born within Bounty.

"By law we can not enter Bounty to investigate. The NPF believe it is happening, but their hands are tied by Union Law."

"You obviously have a suggestion Steven."

"Yes Sir, but I believe you would need the Union Council to approve it. I'd like to have some Stealth Troops deployed inside the area around the town of Bounty and several observer/assault teams deployed to all the towns and villages near or around Happy Valley."

I was going to have to talk to my Father. Stepping on religious toes was not a good idea. If the Stealth Teams were caught all hell would break loose.

"What else have you found out about SeaTacVancouver?"

"Well everything else is pretty above board. The Deputy Director has been running the Free City for the last month. We have found some petty theft and corruption, but nothing to really worry about. The Director has been becoming more erratic almost daily. He really is unfit to Run SeaTacVancouver."

"Sir are you sure you want the Director's Attendant terminated. His records show he has been perfect, with no crimes of any kind against him. He might very well make a fine addition to your own stable. It was also a mistake to assume he was the Directors only Servant and Attendant. The Director has seven other boys and young men ranging in age from 15 to 19. All have been interrogated and although neither the director or the House Master used any of the boys they have been using each other. That in itself is not illegal."

"Very well Steven, I'll talk to him before I make a decision."

"Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I don't think this is going to be a pleasant call to my Father. Siam you stay. Steven when have time, clear Siam's Indenture from the Data banks."

"Yes Sir." He smiled.

After everyone had left, Siam stood alone. Tears streaked his face.

"Master doesn't want me anymore?" He said almost crying.

"On the contrary Siam. I want you even more now. All I did was make you a free citizen of the Union. Now you have a choice in what you do. I hope, really hope you will stay with me Siam. I really do love you a lot."

Siam almost ran into my Arms.

"Master all I ever want is to be with you. I never want to be with anyone else."

Well now you don't have to call me Master. Sir or Stanley will do. I prefer Stanley Siam."

If I have a choice, I want to call you Master."

"Very well love. It is your choice." I hugged him tight.

Siam made me feel the same way Danny did when I held onto him. Could I love so deeply two people? Was this another change in me?

No matter, I did love Siam as I loved Danny and he would be beside me for as long as he wanted. I turned on the wide screen TVR and uploaded the program to set up a call to my father.

He came on instantly.

"Stephan what a pleasant surprise and I see you have gained another very good looking boy."

"Yes Father, this is Siam. He is my confident and servant. I love him as much as I love my consort Danny. I guess I have changed a lot Father."

"Well considering I had to force you to give up your virginity, I'd say you have changed greatly and all to the good."

"Yes Father and I'm glad you did what you did and would very much like to feel you do it again."

I just asked my Father and Chairman of the Union to fuck me. I wondered what his reaction was going to be.

"Well I think I might enjoy that Stanley. Maybe as a Christmas Present. I'll be leaving for my retreat at Oganus in two days. Are still planning on joining me?"

"Yes sir."

"Now I'm sure this call was not just so you could ask me to screw your butt."

"No Sir. I think I know what the problem out here is but I can't do much with out the Councils permission." I then explained what Steven had found out.

"Well Stanley, there will be enough Secretaries at my retreat so we can decide on the next step. I expect you there in three days. Bring all your inner staff. Expect to be away for 10 days."

"Yes Sir." He just clicked off.

"Wow! Your Father is Chairman." Siam said awed.

"Yes Siam and he was the one that took my cherry. That particular night I got screwed by him and three other boys and Ginger. I also had to suck off three boys."

"Now I enjoy everything including what you have my love bug."

I lifted Siam onto my desk and peeled off his shift. His five inch spike was standing out in his lush bush.

"I wish I was bigger Master. I know you say I feel good inside you, but I know you like bigger ones like Danny and Ginger."

"How big do you want to be. A cock on you the size of Ginger would look stupid." I laughed.

Siam giggled.

"Not that big Master. Maybe a little longer and thicker."

"Well I'll talk to my Doctor."

"You mean it could happen?" His eyes got very big.

"To be honest Siam, I don't know. I don't know much about what can and can not be done these days."

I leaned down and buried his spike in my mouth. As usual Siam got real wired when ever I sucked his cock. His body moved with my sucking, pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. He never took long to come when I sucked him although could last a long time when he fucked me. It wasn't long before I tasted three quick shots of ever so sweet sperm across my tongue. I lifted off and kissed him, pushing some of his sperm into his mouth. That almost got him going again.

WE both sat back satisfied. I pulled him back onto my lap. He just melted into me, contented.

Danny and Timothy came in. Timothy looked like he had been crying.

"You okay Timothy?"

"I hope it is okay, I had Steven remove Timothy's indenture from the Data banks." Danny said.

"Of course it's okay. I told you are equal to me in everything but name and someday I am going to change that as well Love."

After a good lunch, I told Danny to pack for ten days. Siam I knew would be packing for me. Both boys took off.

I got a drink and wandered out onto the balcony. It was another beautiful day. There was almost no pollution anymore and the few stacks that still spewed pollutants were scrubbed so clean that nothing but clean air was ever emitted. Fusion power was a god send to the Union and the planet.

The world could thank the Union and those 25 million souls from Calgary for Fusion Power.

When I walked in to refresh my Drink, Steven was waiting with the ever present stack of warrants. This was one job I hated as Inspector General, but the Secret Service knew of my rules and preferences, so I knew there would be no young boys or young men waiting for that wire noose and then have their balls sliced off. I just sat down and signed them. Another sixty five men and women condemned by their crimes against the Union. There would be more, there were always more.

"Steven set up a ground vehicle and escort. I'd like to tour part of the Enclave. Also find someplace where we can get close to the water."

He might not like it. My protection was his primary job, but he would take that and anything else I said as an order.

WE left the Center with Just Danny, myself and our two servants. Steven road in front with the driver. Two other vehicles accompanied us, one in front and one behind.

Touring the downtown area there was not much to see. Nothing but high rise buildings', some as tall as sixty stories. There was no where, where you could even close to the water. The huge dock facilities were everywhere.

"Steven take us over to the Island."

The driver pulled onto one of the National Road System highways. Our speed jumped to 150 mph. That was slower than normal. Most National Roads kept vehicles at close to 300 mph. All vehicles were governed by the road and kept a safe 300 yard distance between vehicles. As far as I know there had never been an accident on a national road.

The trip from the mainland to the Island took all of ten minutes. We slowed and soon were back in manual control. Everything was green here.

Victoria had been at one time many years ago the Capital of British Columbia. The quake of 92 tidal surge had flattened the City. It had never been rebuilt. The dead had numbered in the millions and most were left where they had fallen. Only a few places were buildings brought back to their original condition. One of those we stopped at.

At one time almost 200 years before this had been a Military Academy. It had been built by a coal baron. When he died his will gave the building and grounds to the Military of the Country once called Canada. Royal Roads Military Academy was born. After the quake it was rebuilt and became the home of the Director of the SeaTacVancouver Free City. Now it was just a Museum.

The huge park surrounding the house was a green haven. Kept up now by the Interior Department the House and Grounds was a National Monument. There were lots of people wandering the park like grounds, but kept a real good distance from my party.

Here also we could get right down to the water. There wasn't much of a beach, just a thin strip of rocky sand. Although the water looked very inviting, I knew it was also very cold. Siam proved that when he went down and put his hand in.

"Brrrr. That's cold Master."

"Can we go swimming?" Danny asked.

I looked at Steven and he shook his head no.

"Not here love. We'll find a better place so you can freeze your balls off." I laughed.

WE drove up island and stopped at many places. None were any good to swim. As we started back, I told Steven to stop at the Military Memorial.

When I had first seen this memorial in pictures I had thought it was model ship. Only after reading about it did I realize the truth.

Next to Victoria was a Union Naval base. When the Tidal surge hit Victoria, it also hit the Naval Base. The Brand new Destroyer Washington was anchored in the inner harbor of the base. The Tidal surge picked up the Destroyer and deposited it 5 km inland almost completely intact. Of the 328 crew on board only 123 survived been thrown about inside their steel box.

At first it had been ordered scraped, but an order from my Grandfather turned it and the surrounding area in a Military Cemetery. The row upon row of white crosses show that almost 1500 Union troops died in the quake or during the cleanup.

The ship itself had been righted and set on pedestals so it stood proudly. It was now also a museum and you could if you wished tour it. Although we stopped and spent some time looking, we never boarded the ship. The boys were pretty subdued as we headed for the only real beach on Vancouver Island.

Patricia Bay is where the only small Lifter port is located. Primarily a Military field it sits on one edge of Patricia bay. The Bay itself is only about 900 yards across and maybe ? of that long. Not much of a bay really.

The deepest water anywhere in the bay is about twenty feet and it is surrounded by sandy beaches. You can walk out almost 100 yards and still only be in five feet of water. Being sheltered from the wind and in bright warm sunshine heats the water enough to make it possible to swim. This was where we stopped.

Through out the Union, nude outdoor swimming was the norm. Suits were required at indoor venues. So it was no surprise that everyone on the beach was nude. Some of those nude men and boys were very good looking.

Steven and his security troops set up a canopy to shade from the sun and brought out sandwiches and cold beer in a large cooler. They also set up chairs on the beach.

I declined to go swimming, but Danny and the two servants were quick to strip and head for the water. Steven sat beside me and handed me a cold beer. Beer was not my normal drink but went down good in the surprisingly warm sun. Being only late February I was somewhat surprised it was as warm as it was.

The boys were obviously having fun, even if the water was still quite cold. I looked up and down the beach.

About 30 feet down the beach from me was a young man laying on the sand. He was half on his side, reading a keypad screen. All of his very nice body was visible to my eye. I figured he was about 5 foot 10 inches and near 165 lbs. Lightly muscled in the right places. His cock looked to be near 6 inches soft and of course cut. From the way his balls pushed his cock forward , I'd say he had good sized set. Be cause he was shaved I figured he was some ones servant or attendant. I looked at Steven. He was smiling.

"He's one well put together boy Sir."

"Yes some ones servant I suspect."

"Don't think so Sir."

"Why do you say that?"

The two Security guys in the tree line behind him. They are keeping a very good eye on the young man."

"Well I would like to meet him."

"Thought you might Sir." Steven chuckled. He could read me like a book.

He got up and marched down the beach to where the young man was. I didn't hear what was said but the young man shrugged his shoulders and stood up. Now seeing him standing I not only wanted to meet him, I wanted him in my bed and I would get him too.

When he got close he was even more enticing. He walked right up to me and stood still.

"It is an honor to meet you Sir. My name is Jeremy Stanton." "The Stanton of Stanton General Weapon Systems?"

"Yes Sir. My Father is CEO and Chairman of Stanton Industries."

He probably knew as much about Stanton Industries as his Father and that gave me an idea. I had asked another young man to join my staff as a technical advisor. He had balked at getting screwed by Ginger and hanged himself.

"Planning on going into your Fathers business Jeremy?"

"No Sir. I had applied at UIT and was turned down. So now I am taking courses from Caltech. I was told that after I add a few courses I can reapply at UIT. I want to get into the NSA."

"Sit down Jeremy." I handed him a cold beer.

"Do you know who I am Jeremy?"

"Yes Sir. My Father told me all about you. He said you were the youngest man to be appointed Inspector General and he was glad the Chairman finally found some one with enough balls to actually clean up the Union."

"Your Father is very outspoken. Might get him in trouble some day."

"My Father is a very staunch supporter of the Union and the Chairman. He's says the Union should go even further in some areas."

"What areas Jeremy?"

"Religion. He doesn't think preachers should be able to preach treason from the pulpit."

"I agree, but that is an area that is really taboo as long as they stay within the law. Freedom of Religion and Free Speech are corner stones of the Union Constitution."

"Yes Sir."

"Jeremy, I'm going to tell you a short story. After I'm done I am going to ask you the same question I put to another young man."

"Okay Sir."

"I met another young man similar to you Jeremy. I offered him the same thing I am going to offer you. He was in agreement until he found out he would be required to sleep with and be serviced by my House Master. My House Master is Black. He refused at first until he learned the consequences of refusal. After agreeing he hanged himself in my bedroom."

"Jeremy, if I guarantee your entrance to UIT and a position with the NSA, would you become my technical advisor. Same conditions apply except it would be my bed you would be required on occasion to sleep in."

"Before I give you an answer can I explain something?"


"I was born a Freeman. I have never had a Servant or Attendant. My Father believes if I am to grow up and appreciate every thing I should do everything for myself. I have never been to bed with a servant or attendant. I know what is required of me if I accept and you must know I can never go back on my word. My Father would disown me if I ever refused a request from the Union."

"All I ever want to do is make my Father proud of me, so I accept without reservation Sir."

"Steven, inform his security and have one of your men pick up his clothes. He will be returning with us."

"Yes sir."

I handed Jeremy another beer and told him to sit beside me. Just looking at him turned me on and he knew it. My cock was showing in my kilt.

I was beginning to believe my Father may have awoken a monster inside me. I knew I could take Jeremy right here on the sand of this beach and no one in their right mind would stop me. The power my Father had given me could go to my head real fast if I was not careful.

I watched as the three boys came out of the water. They were shivering. All three grabbed towels to dry off. Siam came up and stood by my side.

"Jeremy, this is Siam. He is my personal servant and attendant. I removed his indenture and made him free, but he still wants me to be his Master."

"You are a very good looking boy Siam." Jeremy said.

"Thank you Master." Siam said.

"Siam, Jeremy is my new Technical Advisor. You can call him Sir, as you do Steven and James."

"Okay Master."

"So how was the water Siam?"

"It is very cold, but once you are in it's not bad. It's easy to swim too."

"That my fine boy is because the water is salt water. Makes it easier to float."

"Siam, if you and Timothy want a beer help yourselves. You are after all freemen."

"That's okay Master."

WE sat quietly, each in our own thoughts. My thoughts were on what was going to happen later. I'd have a screaming young man in my bed as I took his cherry. I figured to let Ginger and Jason as well as Siam do him too. He'd find out real quick what exactly I expected from my aides and advisors.

About 1630, we packed up and headed back to my hotel.

After a very light dinner, Steven and James excused themselves. I called Ginger and told him I'd like to see him and Jason in my bedroom about 2200 hours. Now that I had set up all I would need, we sat just talking. Jeremy was a very knowledgeable young man when it came to the union, even knowing more about how it worked than I did. When I looked at his profile in the Data banks, I found out he was two years my senior. Siam kept us both supplied with scotch.

"Danny, I'll be busy tonight so you and Timothy can have another night together."

"Okay Stanley." He knew what I was up to.

After Danny and Timothy left I told Jeremy to undress. I was surprised he didn't look scared. He must know what was about to happen. Once nude he looked every bit as good as he did on the beach.

"Jeremy, I want you to stop shaving your pits and pubes. Only servants and attendants shave. You are neither."

"Yes Sir."

"Jeremy, you look very calm. You must know what I plan to do tonight." "Sir, I am not scared of what is going to happen. It was drilled into myself and my two brothers that service to the Union in any capacity was what we should all strive for. I know what you are going to do will hurt more than I have ever dreamed, what I worry about is that I may not please you Sir."

"Well said Jeremy. This will be a first for both of us. MY Father took my virginity. I have never taken one. So I will be fucking you for the first time and it will be the first time I have ever taken a cherry ass. Before we start you can come over here and suck me off. Siam will suck you off at the same time."

Jeremy was a lousy cocksucker, but I figured it was another first for him. I felt his teeth on numerous occasions. If it had been a servant or attendant sucking me that boy would be in a lot of pain now. He did get me off and until I told him he didn't know what to do with the load in his mouth.

"Swallow it Jeremy. You'll get used to it."

I asked Siam how Jeremy tasted. He said he was very salty.

That was something I knew I could fix with a simple injection from my Doctor. I had read that much in the Medical files.

I'd also have to ask the Doctor about Siam's request to be bigger. Well that was for the future. Now was the time to deflower my new advisor.

I got up and headed for my bedroom. I knew Jeremy was following me, with Siam bringing up the rear. Ginger and Jason were both waiting.

"On your back on the bed Jeremy."

"Ginger, you and Jason undress and then hold his legs back. Siam after I take his cherry you can screw him. We'll teach him the proper way to suck later."

I had decided to take him like my Father had done me except he would be on his back not knees. I'd use a couple of fingers first before I rammed my cock in. Either way, I was sure he'd e screaming his head off. No matter.

I idly wondered if he cleaned himself out each morning. If not he would get another lesson tonight as well.

Once Ginger and Jason had him held with his legs pulled back he did look very scared. So much for his upbringing, I thought and laughed to myself. No amount of up bringing could prepare someone to get screwed the first time. I knew from experience.

Siam handed me the super slip lubricant. I coated his very tight pucker and my fingers.

"Jeremy, if you relax this will go easier." He still was tensed up.

His howl was probably heard in the basement of the center when I pushed both fingers into his hole. His whole body thrashed on the bed and Ginger and Jason had trouble holding him. He continued to scream as I worked both fingers in and out of his very tight hole. I pulled them out and his body slumped almost faint. Sweat bathed his body.

I lathered my cock with lubricant.

"Jeremy, when I tell you, I want you to push like you need to shit."

Weather he head me or not, I didn't care.

I placed the head of my cock on his hole.

"Push Jeremy. Push hard." It made no difference.

His screams went up several octaves and for the first time pleaded with me. I no longer cared, just pushed harder. My cock forced it's way in past his tight muscles. I thought my cock was caught in a vise grip he was so tight. I backed a bit and rammed again. I was almost shocked when my cock slid in six inches. I had hit the top of his canal. Christ he had a short canal. A full inch of my cock was still outside.

I started to fuck him to his continued screams. Two things were apparent. One he didn't clean himself out each morning and two, I had obviously ripped something. There were both streaks of his shit and blood on my cock. It didn't take long for me to blow my load inside his ass. I just held it in place as he continued to cry and shake under me.

"Well Jeremy, you are no longer a virgin."

"Please take it out. It hurts real bad Sir."

"Oh I am going to take out and then I want you to suck my cock. You'll learn right a way you need to clean yourself out each morning, other wise you'll be eating your own shit."

When I pulled out, I grabbed his hair and dragged him to my cock.

"Suck it clean boy or you might wish you were dead."

He did suck my cock clean even though he chocked. I wasn't hard.

"Now on your back again and pull your legs back. Siam will fuck you now."

"Please sir not again." He said, but did lay back and pull his legs back.

Siam never even bothered with lube. Just rammed his small dick into Jeremy. He used real fast stoked and came real quick. When he pulled back I saw lots of blood on Siam's cock so knew I had ripped Jeremy.

"Jason you do him now. Ginger contact my Doctor and have him come up. Tell him to bring his bag." By the time Ginger got around to fucking Jeremy he was a blubbering mess on the bed. He'd screamed so hard and long, he became hoarse. James came in ands watched as Ginger hammered his whole cock into Jeremy's now open hole. After Ginger blew and pulled out Jeremy automatically sucked his cock clean.

"Ginger, you and Jason take Jeremy and give him a good cleaning inside and out before the Doctor examines him."

They led a crying Jeremy to the bathroom.

"Doctor, just out of curiosity, is there a way to make a cock longer and thicker?"

"Well the Health Institute is experimenting with enhancements before birth, but there is a way to do it. It is extremely painful to start."

"So how is it done?"

"Sir, there is another problem with doing it now. There is no way to predict how big a cock would become. The problem is the nanobots. When I used them on the boys that had been damaged by the Interior Department, the nanobots had a specific job to do. When the job was done they stopped working. If I program nanobots to enlarge a cock, they continue to work with no way to stop them. So they might add a few inches or many.

"Well Siam, you are a free man so I leave the decision to you."

"I guess I want to try Master."

How long is the process of enlargement?"

"A few days to a couple of months. There is no way to predict. I can give him something for the pain but he will be perpetually hard during the whole process." "Well he's hard almost all the time now." I laughed.

Ginger and Jason brought Jeremy back to my bedroom. When I told him to lay on the bed he started to cry.

"Easy Jeremy. The Doctor just wants to check and make sure I didn't damage you. I am done with you tonight."

After he examined Jeremy, the doctor put him under sedation. I knew Jeremy would have been heard all over the free city when the doctor pushed a needle into the tender muscles of his hole. At least I knew I would be screaming that loud.

I told Siam we would talk about his enlargement after we came back form our trip to see my Father. I dismissed Ginger and Jason. Siam and I spooned together on the bed next to the sleeping form of Jeremy. The Doctor had said he would as good vas new in the morning, although he would be still a little loose. Those nanobots sure did wonders.

I wasn't surprised when I woke up with Siam practically on top of me. I was surprised when I found Jeremy spooned into my side. With Siam almost so close his small cock was in the crack of my ass and my cock was in Jeremy's crack. That got me instantly hard. I reached down and centered my cock on Jeremy's hole and slowly entered him.

I am not sure weather he was awake or just in some kind of dream at first, because he moaned. As I slowly pushed inside, he pushed back on my cock and I was sure he was awake. I guess half awake was a better word, because as I started to fuck him he came fully awake and moaned a gain.

"Oh Master that feels so good." He said.

I didn't correct him as I slowly speeded up. Add in the fact of my full bladder and his hot inside, didn't take me long to give him my morning load. I pulled out and moved off the bed. He was quick to drop between my legs and suck my cock. Weather he was surprised or not, he got my full morning load. After he was done he sat back on the other bed. The look in his eyes told me that what had happened the night before was gone and replaced with an adoration that left me almost speechless. Siam was quick to take Jeremy's morning load.

"Jeremy help out Siam."

Jeremy was quick to kneel and take Siam's small cock into his mouth. Siam just let him have it.

We went and showered. When we went out to dress.

"Siam, get Jeremy a shift to wear. He has become a permanent Servant in my stable."

Siam's eyes got very big, but quickly complied. Jeremy never commented just put the shift on. We went out for Breakfast.

I decided to give Jeremy a lesson in power. Power I wielded. I no longer cared who he was or who his Father was. He'd accept his new position in life or it might be a very short life.

"Jeremy until further notice you are permanently indentured to me. You will continue your studies at Caltech and even at UIT eventually. Until I say otherwise you will do anything any of my staff asks you without question."

"Yes Master."

"Siam, you will show Jeremy all that I might require of him. You will be his Master from now on and he is designated your permanent boy."

"That you Master." Siam smiled.

Steven and James were just a little more than surprised when they arrived to find Jeremy in nothing more than a servants shift. "Steven, change Jeremy's status in the data banks from freeman to indentured for life to me."

"Very well Sir." There was a question in his voice.

"I'll explain later Steven. He will also becoming with us when I visit my Father. Well we are away, you can appoint your deputy to handle security for my Stable and also continue the investigations."

The investigations and interrogations in the North West Enclave would take a lot longer than the Central North Enclave because of the number of Union Departments involved. Almost every department was represented in the SeaTacVancouver Free City. That meant close to 100,000 employees.

It wouldn't be weeks but months.

The next two days was a whirlwind of activity as we prepared to leave for my Father's Retreat in Oregon. Jeremy proved to be more compliant than I thought he would. Both Steven and James used him one night and Ginger and Jason both told me he would do anything for anyone. I started to think that I might have unhinged the young mans mind when I raped him. Well it was something I could find out later with a simple examination. For the moment he was a good fuck toy for me and Siam.

We lifted off in a VIP transport from the pad on the roof of the hotel. The only Staff I took with me was Steven, James, and Danny. They each brought their own servants. I had Siam and Jeremy.


Next: Chapter 8

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