My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Dec 12, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


"Why would you say that Steven?"

"Well Sir, your Father was quite a bit older when we visited Cuba. I was only a lieutenant at the time and a very junior Security Officer. Your father arrived in Cuba with 6 boys. He left with over thirty and one of them has been with him since."

"How many attendants and servants does he have now?"

"Well over a hundred Sir."

"God, how does he manage it?' I laughed.

"Sir, I am not sure if I should say so, but your Father did move me to your service, so I guess what I am saying you will find out eventually anyway. All of the key positions in your Father's Administration were Servants and Attendants to your Father at one time."

Now that was a real eye opener. I knew now why every single one of his key Secretaries had such loyalty to my Father. None would ever oppose anything he did.

"Sir you treat your servants and attendants the same as he does. Show them respect, give them something they have never had and they will follow you forever Sir. You have even taken one as your paramount. I suspect Danny will not be a Servant very long. I can see that you look at him the same as your Father looks at Jeremy."

"Jeremy has been with your Father since he went to Cuba over 10 years ago and I suspect will be with your Father fore ever."

I wondered if Steven was a mind reader too. I had already decided that Danny would be beside me forever and I was thinking about just tearing up his contract.

"Well let's go down for dinner. I'm hungry."

Danny was shaking as he walked beside me to the elevator. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Danny. No one can do anything to you except me and the only thing I want to do is make love to you." There I had said it out loud.

Danny just melted into my side.

As we exited the Elevator I saw a large group of boys, all in skirts, shirts and sandals standing outside the dinning room.

"Go ahead boys. Go sit with your boys from the room you are in. I have invited you all to dine with me."

"That is not allowed. Hotel Servants and Attendants have their own facilities." A man standing by the entrance said.

"They no longer belong to the hotel. They now belong to me."

"You can not do that. They are under contract to the Secretary of the Interior. Only he can release them from their contract."

I saw Steven bristle.

"Chose your words carefully. I did not ask that they be transferred, I ordered it."

I looked around the lobby. Several very high ranking officers of the Union were just standing watching. Most stayed well away from the confrontation.

"I refuse to take orders from you. My boss is the Secretary of the Interior."

Steven's pistol came out of his holster and if I hadn't stopped him, the Manager would have been dead on the floor. I held up my hand to Steven.

"You must have a hell of a set of balls hidden in your uniform. No matter we will find out. Steven hang this piece of shit from the entrance way. You can leave him with his balls."

The man screamed bloody murder when he heard what I said. Not that it mattered. Two of Steven's Security guards grabbed him. Another used a wicked looking blade to slice off his uniform. He was cuffed and dragged to the entrance of the hotel lobby. They moved a stout table under the entrance and forced him onto it. One Guard wrapped a cable over the beam at the entrance. They slipped it over his head. Soon after they just shoved the table from under him. His screams were cut short as he swung on the wire noose.

"Now we can have dinner in peace."

You could have heard a pin drop in that lobby.

The guards started to move the boys into the dinning room. Some were crying.

"Danny, talk to the boys. Tell them they all belong to me now and none should worry."

"Yes Master."

Steven, James and I walked into the dinning room and sat down. Danny came to the table and just stood.

"Danny, sit here beside me son."

Service in the hotel was exemplary. All waiters and waitresses wore the simple shift that the boys wore in the rooms. If I had been into girls, some would have been very nice. I saw Steven and James eyeing some of the girls.

"If you two are interested, I'm sure they are available."

"Master, all person's are available to guests. You need only ask. They will come to your room."

"There you go Gentlemen. Indulge yourselves." I chuckled.

After a very good dinner I retired to my suite. Ginger and Jason had eaten at one of the other tables. Ginger mixed both Danny and I a drink without even asking. Danny made a face when he took a sip.

"You'll get used to it Danny."

"Come on Danny. I need to get out of this uniform and into something comfortable."

I changed into just my kilt and a t-shirt. Danny put on his shift. I was hard pressed not to just jump in the sack with him right then and there, but decided to wait until later.

Both Steven and James had changed as well and the two boys from their room sat close beside each when we came out.

"I presume you have notified one of the ski resorts that we will be skiing tomorrow."

"Yes and I have arranged for all the new Attendants and servants to have proper clothing. We are also going to need a second bus and I have ordered one here."

"You two can choose to take those boys with you when we leave. Even the females if that is what you want."

"If they survive your pipe James." I laughed.

"I'm curious. Do all Union operated Resorts have both males and females?"

"Yes Sir."

"The girls will do anything Master, but the boys are not allowed to use them. Only Guests." Danny said.

"Would you like to try a girl Danny?"

"No Master. I only like you Master."

"I like you too Danny." I pulled him close and hugged him.

There was no doubt Danny did something to me. Maybe I was in love with the young man. Then I laughed to myself. Danny was actually older than me by a few months. WE were both just sixteen, but he had been born in January and I had been born in June the same year. Just holding him made me feel different inside. I wondered if I was having the same effect on him. I guess I would find out in time. There was another thing. Attendants contracted to a hotel like this were just used. There was no love involved. Most of these young men were starved for love of any kind. I promised myself that Danny would get all the love he could ever want.

I had once called Ginger my Consort. He and Jason knew otherwise. Ginger was indentured to me. I had seen what he actually was indentured for and knew he could never pay it off in even two lifetimes. His position as my Head Attendant and House Master, put him above all the other Servants and he was happy in his position.

Jason on the other hand was indentured permanently, but even that didn't bother him. From the way the two of them looked at each other, I knew they loved each other which was allowed as long as it didn't interfere with their duties.

Now I had Danny. Would he be with me fore ever or would I find another I loved more. All this was so knew to me that I really didn't know. Was I really following my Fathers Footsteps?

Ginger or Jason never needed to ask. They just automatically refilled or drinks. Danny still made a face.

"What is this Master?" He asked.

"To be honest, I don't know Danny. My Father started me on it."

"That Sir is bourbon. You might like Scotch better. Ginger get them a Scotch, with ice."

The Scotch was smoother and didn't have the bite or after taste of Bourbon.

"That's better. I'll have Scotch from now on Ginger. How about you Danny?"

"This is better Master."

I wanted Danny to stop calling me Master, but was unsure if he ever would. He had probably had it ingrained in him since he could barely read or write that he was an attendant and servant and that he call all others Master.

"Steven, do you have a copy of Danny's records and Indenture?"

"Yes Sir." He pulled a keypad with a reader from his ever present briefcase, typed a few words and handed it to Ginger to pass to me.

With Danny practically sitting on my lap, he could read what I was reading.

"Is that me Master?"

"Yes Danny. This is you. From the day you were born, right up until you joined my staff."

"I hope its all good Master."

"It will be just fine Danny." I chuckled.

The first thing I noticed was that Danny had no last name attached to his birth certificate. That was unusual but not unheard of. He had been born in the New Washington Breeding Center and educated to age fourteen. Right from birth he had been designated a servant and attendant. Again not unusual.

From school at age fourteen, he had been sent to the North East Enclave Government Resort. Danny I saw had been punished twice for refusing to service a Master. The first time he had received 20 lashes. The second time he was sent to the New Washington Center for disposition. He had been ordered castrated and sent to the mines in the North West Enclave. That order had been rescinded and he was sent to the Center North Enclave and to Banff. There was no notation as to who had rescinded the order.

Since he had been in Banff there had not been a single incident. He had been perfect in everyway.

Then I looked at his indenture and my eyes got very big. No one could pay off a million new dollars in any life time.

"Is this indenture right Steven?"

"Yes Sir. All of the staff here have similar amounts."

"Christ that means they are all slaves forever. They are worse off than Jason."

When I looked at the amount Danny paid out for his Indenture, I was again shocked. Eighty percent was deducted each month. That meant Danny and every other Attendant was receiving about 80 new dollars a month. Considering Attendants had to pay a minimal room and board that meant they received almost nothing.

"Who owns the Indentures?"

"The Secretary of the Interior. He is in charge of all resorts."

"Christ he must be a very rich man."

"Almost as rich as your Father Sir."

"Inform the Director of the Secret Service I want an investigation into everything the Secretary of the Interior is doing."

"I can not Sir. Only you can order such an investigation. I'm only a Colonel Sir." He laughed.

That would have to wait until tomorrow. I didn't want to drag him out of bed at 2 AM.

"Remind me in the morning Steven."

"Yes Sir."

"Ginger, return this to Steven." I handed him the reader.

"Steven as soon as it is possible I want Danny's indenture removed from the Data banks of the Union. All the Data banks. While you are at it reduce all Indentured boys we are taking with us from here to 50 Thousand new dollars. Also I want Ginger's indenture reduced as well."

"Yes Sir."

Then I thought of something else.

"While you are at it, return Jason to Normal Status and indenture him at the 50 grand mark along with the two from the Health program. That will make everyone equal."

Ginger and Jason were on their knees in front of me instantly.

"Get up boys. It is only fair that I give one something, I will give the rest the same. Steven make sure the stipend they pay is the same."

"Yes Sir." He had a huge smile on his face.

"If you find any real anomalies in any boys records you can let me know."

"James, while we are here, run all the new boys through a complete examination. You never know what the Interior Secretary may have done."

"Yes Sir, although I suspect all are in perfect shape."

When I looked at Danny, he had a weird look on his face.

"What's the matter Son?" As if I didn't know.

"What did you mean you will delete my indenture?"

"Well how about I explain everything tomorrow. Now if I want to ski tomorrow, I need to go to bed." That brightened up immediately.

"Oh yes Master."

Something that I had noticed about Danny was I had never seen him hard. He had been sitting almost in my lap and knew I was hard almost all the time with him so close. I wondered if maybe he didn't really enjoy servicing other men.

I took his hand and led him into my bedroom. I stood him still and lifted the shift over his shoulders. Standing now and just looking at him he was a very good looking young man. Almost perfect, like a Greek god almost. I ran my hand down over his chest, rubbing each of his very prominent nips. He moaned at my touch, but his cock remained soft. When I gripped his cock, it still had no reaction.

"Danny, do you not want me?"

"Oh yes Master, but I can't get hard for you. They fixed me so I couldn't."

"WHAT? What do you mean they fixed you and why?"

Big crocodile tears streamed down Danny's face.

I pulled Danny to the bed and sat him down beside me.

"Tell me Danny. I won't ever love you less."

"Master, when I was very young I knew all I ever wanted was other boys. Even when I was real little I would get hard just being close to boys. I had no problem with all the training coz I wanted it to happen. When they sent me to New York, I was super happy coz all they wanted me for was to use me. I loved it.

"Well some guests didn't like it I was hard all the time and would beat me to get me soft. One time when I knew the guest was only going to beat me I refused. They whipped coz I refused. The second time it happened with the same guest they sent me away. Instead of just castrating me, they gave me am operation. Since then I have never got hard. My balls hurt sometimes awful coz I can't get off Master. I still like to suck and fuck Master, but can't do anything else."

Danny was crying openly. I wrapped my arms around him and held him. How could anyone do this to a boy. I could imagine his balls must hurt if he got turned on by sucking and getting screwed and not be able to relieve the pressure. I reached for my phone.

"James, I want you in my quarters immediately."

James arrived damned quick. I could imagine what he was doing and almost laughed.

"Yes Sir." He said almost out of breath.

"Sorry James." Then I explained what Danny had told me.

"Is it permanent?"

James had come to my room figuring I had a medical emergency. He had his bag with him.

"Danny, lay on your back on the bed and spread your legs." Danny was quick to comply.

James pulled out a mask of some kind and put it on. Made him look like some weird monster. He pulled a long probe with a wire attached and hooked it to a small box. He then swabbed the probe with a liquid.

"This is going to hurt somewhat Son, but it will be very short."

Danny never said a word. "This probe has a camera on it and it will tell me what's going on inside your penis Danny."

"Okay Master."

James lifted Danny's cock and slowly pushed the probe into Danny's piss slit. He winced as it slide into his cock. The Doctor went slow, pulling it back and then going forward. Tears started down Danny's face, so I held his hand.

After less than five minutes the Doctor removed the probe.

Then he ran another instrument under his cock all the way along his cock to his balls.

Then he sat back.

"Danny, do you why you get hard ons?"

"No Master."

"Well your penis is filled with millions of expandable cells. Blood cells. When an erection is triggered by good feeling down here, blood is pumped into your penis to get you hard. It also cuts off your bladder and opens a passage way to your prostrate and balls. That is so when stimulated you can ejaculate."

"Now the Doctor's have done two things. One they cut the main vein that enters your cock, to stop you from getting hard and they have also cut and tied the tube from your prostrate. That prevents you from ejaculating, getting off."

"Is it permanent?" I asked.

"No Sir. It is a real simple operation and he will be as good as new."

"Can you do it here and now?" "You mean right this minute and here in your quarters? Yes I suppose it could. I will need a few things from the Clinic here."

"Then do it Doctor."

"Yes Sir." He got up and headed for the door.

"James, I am sorry I snapped at you."

"Sir, it's not a problem. I am here to serve you and all your Staff. What they did to Danny is as far as I am concerned extremely barbaric. I will be checking every boy from now on to see if it has been done to them and correcting the problem."

"Thank you James."

"I'll be back shortly."

I lay beside Danny and pulled him into my arms.

"Soon son you will be back to normal and get hard anytime you want. Then we can make love to each other."

"Oh Master." Danny hugged me as he cried.

I told Danny to stay on the bed and walked out and mixed myself a large Scotch. I went back and sat beside Danny. He put his arm around me.

About fifteen minutes later two security guards rolled in a weird looking bed. The Doctor followed and placed several instruments on a small table.

"Danny, climb onto the Operating table."

Danny looked very scared as the doctor strapped him down.

"Relax Danny. Just making sure you don't move. Hate to cut something by mistake." He smiled.

He put a needle in his arm and a few seconds later Danny was in dreamland.

After a few minutes the Doctor started working on Danny. I didn't watch. Thirty minutes later, James unstrapped Danny.

"Put him on the bed gently."

The two guards gently lifted Danny and set on my bed. He was still in dreamland.

"How long until I know if it worked?"

"You'll know as soon as he wakes up. However it might take a while before he produces any sperm. After the Prostrate and balls have not been used for an extended period they stop producing. Might take a few days or weeks to come back to full loads. But he will get hard probably as soon as he wakes."

"How long will he be laid up?"

He won't be laid up at all."

When my mouth fell open, he laughed.

"Sir, Medical Science has come along way in last 50 years. Almost all surgery is done without cutting open a patient. What I did was inject several million very tiny machines into his cock and prostrate. He might feel where the needle entered his prostrate when he wakes up, but even that will be a tingling sensation more than pain. When those machines are done they will become inert and lay dormant. When he urinates in the morning they will be ejected along with his waste water."

All the internal repairs will be done and he will be as normal as any other young adult."

I never was much into what medical science was doing so could only take his word on it. I was happy Danny would be back to normal.

"Sorry I disturbed you Doctor, but thank you."

"You are very welcome Sir. I'm sure both are getting along fine. I told both could play with each other while I was gone."

The Doctor left and I lay beside Danny. I gently placed my hand over his chest and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I felt an extra weight on my chest. When I opened my eyes I saw the close cropped blonde head of Danny sleeping with his head on my chest. My right hand was resting on his smooth ass, my left holding my painfully hard cock. Painfully hard because my bladder was screaming for release. I knew he was still asleep, his breathing was slow and even. I ran my right hand up his back and felt his heart speed up. He lifted his head and looked at me with a smile. I kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning Danny. Did you sleep well?"

"Oh yes Master." He smiled and licked his lips.

"Danny, I really need to pee Son."

Danny almost jumped out of bed. I sat up beside him.

"Master look." He exclaimed.

I looked at Danny's very hard cock and almost swooned. It was a carbon copy of mine in length and girth, but a dark rose colored with a very pink heart shaped head. It totally turned me on just looking at that beautiful cock. "Ginger, Jason." I said.

Both boys bounded into the room.

"Here! Now!" I said.

Ginger was on his knees between my legs in a heart beat and Jason was between Danny's legs as fast. Ginger took me as Jason took Danny.

"Oh Master." Danny moaned as Jason sucked his cock.

I would wish I was down where Jason was right this minute but the urgency of the moment stopped me.

I reached over and turned Danny head to me and kissed him lightly on the lips. As my tongue brushed his lips his mouth opened and we were instantly in tongue duel in each others mouth.

For Danny, that was all it took. His eyes got real big and he swung around to look at Jason. Both his hands came down on Jason's head and he almost screamed in joy. I watched as Jason was hard pressed to swallow all of Danny's offering. Seeing Jason swallowing Danny's load sent me over the top and I unloaded into Ginger's mouth.

WE both slumped back on the bed to come down from the rush. As we relaxed, our bodies took over and we both drained our bladders.

Both Ginger and Jason just sat waiting while we recovered.

I slowly sat and then pulled Danny up. He had the widest grin on his face.

"You two can go now. Danny and I will take care of each other this morning."

"Yes Master." They both answered and left my bedroom sporting very hard cocks. I figured they would take care of each other shortly. I led Danny into the bathroom and right into the shower. The water came on instantly as soon as we entered. I adjusted the temperature to a little hotter than it was. Then I grabbed the body wash and spread a thick layer over his upper body. I gently started to wash his head and face. As I moved down to his chest, his hands came up and grabbed mine.

"Master this is my duty. I am supposed to wash you."

I held his hands and looked into his eyes.

"Danny, when we are together like this we are equal in every way. I'll wash you and you can wash me. There's no master or attendant between us Danny. From now on you are equal to me in every way but title. I hope you will be with me for the rest of my life."

I took the sponge from his hands and continued to wash him. Even though we had both got off barely five minutes earlier we were both very hard again. It was like when I used to get hard around Ginger. Now it was Danny that was doing it.

Little moans and yips escaped Danny's mouth as I cleaned his ass, balls and cock. After rinsing everything, I just couldn't stop myself. I had to try that very nice cock. I leaned forward and let it slide into0m y mouth and down my throat. It was everything I thought it would be. Smooth like silk, the thick veins felt wonderful.

When I took Danny's cock into my mouth, Danny had let out a strangled scream. He tried in vain to get his cock out of my mouth. He even backed up in the shower until a wall stopped him. He continued to cry as I sucked his cock. When I played with his ball ands then slowly pushed a finger into his tight hole, He howled and his load, which according to the Doctor, would be small, shocked me by it volume, thickness and super sweet taste. It was the best I think I had ever tasted.

When I let his cock go Danny sank to his ass on the shower floor, pulled up his knees and cried his eyes out.

"What's the matter Danny? Did I hurt you Son?"

"No, Master won't want me now coz he took my stuff. Boys should never give Master stuff in their mouth.' He cried.

"Danny, Danny, that's never going to happen. I want you more now than I did before. You taste wonderful and I'll want to enjoy all your stuff anytime. I love you Danny. Something inside me wants you forever."

When Danny looked up at me with tears streaming down his face, I leaned forward and kissed him. His arms snaked around my neck and pulled me into him. Our lip lock became almost frenzied as we tried to more of each other. Everything around us was forgotten.

It took a while, but we were finally able to stand and finish our shower. We were both wrinkled by the time we got out.

After drying we walked out to the bedroom. Two sets of clothes were laid out on the bed. Both identical.

We helped each other dress. First the snug underwear, we were both hard again. Thermal t-shirts, ski pants, and another shirt. We slipped on heavy socks and carried our boots and heavy ski jacket out to the living room. As we sat down Ginger and Jason set down breakfast in front of us both.

"Thank you boys. Now from now on you will treat Danny the same as you treat me."

"Of course Master. Danny is your consort and will always be our Master too."

After breakfast, we sat on the couch drinking coffee. Danny turned to me.

"Master." I put a finger to his lips.

"Danny, I am no longer you're Master. Yesterday, I deleted your indenture and made you a free young man. I hope from now on you will be just my love and companion. Danny you make me feel all mushy inside whenever I get close to you. Even my Staff have noticed. Please say you will love me forever."

"I want you also to call me Stanley."

"Mas?..Ah Stanley, why did you do it. I know I love you. You make me feel real good too. I would have loved you no matter what you wanted me to be."

"Well can't very well have the Consort to the vice Chairman of the Union, a servant or attendant." I laughed.

Danny's eyes got real big and then he looked down.

"You mean you are really the vice Chairman?"

"Well my Father is Chairman. He calls me his Inspector General, but has also named me his heir. One day when I am chairman you will be at my side as my lover."

Danny leaned over and buried his head in my chest. I just held him. God it felt so good holding him like this, I could do it forever.

Steven walked in.

"Everything is ready Sir. Buses are loaded, everyone has ski gear. Skies we can get at the hill."

"Good. Danny, this is my Security Chief and advisor. You met my Doctor last night. Ginger is the house Master and I suspect Jason is his assistant. You will meet my other Staff later. Steven, Danny is now my Consort and I expect him to be treated as such at all times. Inform all the staff." "Yes sir. I knew that yesterday Sir." He chuckled.

"Sir the Director of the Secret Service notified me that there is already an ongoing investigation into the Secretary of the Interior's affairs."

"Jesus. Does my Father know everything even before I do Steven."

"Sir I suspect that some of the staff he transferred to you werar two hats. Reporting to you as well as him."

"Does that include you Steven?"

"No Sir. My Loyalty is to you sir and to your Consort. I report only to you."

"Good." I started to put on my boots.

Danny already had his on and laced.

Skiing was a blast. With all my original boys knowing now how to ski and all the ones from the Banff Resort I had taken into my stable already knowing how to ski, everyone had a great time. There were lots of happy faces as we headed back to the lodge that afternoon.

It was obvious that someone had learned a valuable lesson yesterday. No one in their right mind ever said no to me. A new yes man was now Manager of the Resort and he proved how easy it is to manipulate people.

Every single one of the boys I had brought with me and the other 25 I had added from his staff were treated like VIP's. They could go anywhere they wished and use all the facilities of the hotel anytime they wanted.

Danny accepted his new roll very easily. Although he was astounded that he was treated almost like royalty by everyone. He was after all was Royalty in my eyes. He was my Queen.

At dinner that night he talked easily with the serving girls and boys and even flirted with a few.

"Danny, if you see any you really like, you can choose them to join you when we leave."

"You mean I could ask some of my friends to come with me?"

"Yes Love, as many as you want."

Without even thinking about it he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

"Thank you Stanley."

"Anything you ever desire Love, I will gladly give you."

He leaned real close and whispered.

"Will you fuck me tonight?"

"Yes Danny, I will make love to you and you can make love to me."


Next: Chapter 5

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