My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Dec 7, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


In a real sense my job was exceedingly boring. I knew I could go the Administration Center and watch the executions or wander the halls checking up on my staff, but all that did was slow them down with me looking over their shoulders. I wondered if the same was true of the Chairman. Maybe that's why he had so many servants and attendants.

The only execution I wanted to watch was the Director's and he was still hiding in Switzerland. All my enquiries seemed to fall on deaf ears when I talked to New Washington about when I would have him back in my hands.

After the Deputy Director was cleared of any wrong doing, I promptly promoted him to interim Director. His status would have to be confirmed by New Washington, but he was happy and took over much of what I was doing, leaving me with more spare time.

I wasn't interested in bedding some of the boys now attached to my staff. Underage boys I had never been interested in, but they sure liked to use each other, as I saw from Security footage of their quarters. Ginger was my primary bed partner and I also had Jason in my bed. I hadn't fucked him yet, but he did prove to be an excellent cocksucker. Sometimes taking the place of Ginger during my long days at the house.

Both of Jason's brothers admitted under interrogation to not only suggesting the idea of using underage boys to sell as toys, but also admitted to using underage boys and they weren't picky as to age. Steven executed both in the basement of my home without even a warrant. Ginger had described their execution and I knew my Chief of Security was a very sadistic man. I'll only say both were garroted.

I still did my classes and like the Doctor had said I was a head in all subjects. I still had not written the Essay and wasn't sure I could. The real problem was the Enclaves were working. People had money, good jobs and plenty of food and entertainment. The only thing people really bitched about was the travel restrictions.

As for the Slavery question, it really wasn't slavery in a real sense. People who raised a boy in the Enclave and then had that boy picked to be an attendant were rewarded. The boy got the best education, medical coverage and even was paid when he reached fourteen. The parents of the boy were allowed to have another child if they wished. So for most it was a win win situation.

A few like Jason, the two boys from the Heath Ministry, became permanent Attendants. Although they were classified as attendants for life, they didn't suffer. All of mine never had to do anything they didn't want to. Jason was even mad sometimes because I didn't use him more. He never said anything, but I could tell by his looks sometimes.

I was in my office late one night. I was watching a news feed on the TVR, very unusual for me, but I was bored.

"Sir, can I ask why you haven't visited the rest of the Enclave. You could go see that cesspool where all our oil comes from up north or go to the mountains and ski. There are some very nice resorts along the mountains." Steven said.

"That Steven is an excellent idea. And we will take everyone. Give all these youngsters some fresh air. Set it up Steven. Make sure all the boys draw the right kind of dress and have Ginger and Jason taken down to the free City and get them ski clothes. We will rent skis at the resort."

"Yes Sir." Steven smiled.

It took several days to set up the trip. The logistics of taking 40 odd boys plus my staff meant we would need accommodations, secure accommodations where ever we went. WE would also need a much larger lifter. Our first stop was the center of the Union's largest oil supplier. The Free City of McMurray was now the heads quarters of most of the industry in the Central North Enclave. I already knew most of the CEO's and several underlings had been interrogated by the Secret Service. Most had been cleared. Some of course were being held pending trials.

Flying into McMurray was real eye opener for me. I knew at one time this area covered about 200 square miles, but now encompassed in excess of 1000 square miles of open pit mining operations done by huge machinery. Our hotel was adequate and comfortable. The tours the next day were enjoyed by everyone. Most of the workers here were freeman. Some of the more menial and dangerous jobs were done by convicted and sentenced Servants and Attendants. Most never lasted longer than a year, but there were always more than could be utilized.

The real area of the Central North Enclave was only realized when you looked out at ten thousand feet and could see nothing but empty land for as far as you could see. Very few people lived in the north and most of those were centered around a very few large cities. It looked like a lonely and desolate land.

WE flew into one of the Industrial Diamond mines situated about 400 miles north of one of the major cities. It was a one day trip. All work was done by convicts. AS most of the mine was deep underground most of these convicts once they arrived here never saw the light of day again, living, working out their days deep inside the mine.

The very surprising part of the trip to this mine was that outside the temperature was near minus 30 C, but deep inside the mine the temperature was close to plus 35 C. The workers down deep wore only shorts and t-shirts. I had been cold on top and was sweating before we had seen half of the underground mine.

The boys that saw both conditions that men and boys had to work in and their condition were very quiet when we finally left. All knew with just the stroke of a pen they could end up in the same place. All they had to do was refuse once and they could very well be charged, convicted and sentenced to life in a mine or industrial complex.

We flew from the north directly to the recreational complex at Jasper. Here we had a very secure hotel to stay at. Each double set of boys even got their own room. There were other guests in the hotel but most were very high executives of some of the major corporations in the Union. In some cases their families traveled with them.

The only members of my staff and boys who knew how to ski were myself, Steven, Jason and a few of the security force. I sent all those that couldn't to the ski school to learn.

WE were skiing one of the private slops set aside for VIP's when Jason collided with one of the other skiers. I saw words being spoken to Jason and he then skied down beside me.

"He said I'm not allowed to ski here Master coz I'm just a slave."

"You are allowed to ski anywhere I want you to Jason. Forget about him."

If I had not been in such a good mood from having fun, what that young skier said to me could have cost him his life. He skied down to me. "Slaves are not allowed on this slope. This area is reserved for VIP's. Keep him off this slop."

"What makes you so important that you can tell me what to do?"

"My Father is the Chief Design Engineer for BETAL. BETAL is the biggest supplier to the Union."

"So it is your Father we can blame for the explosion that killed 25 million people and laid waste to several thousand square miles."

"It wasn't the design. It was the parts that were manufactured wrong."

"Well I'm going in for something hot. Come along, I'm buying. We can discuss that."

He agreed and we skied over to the lodge. Steven had an ear to ear grin on his face. This young man obviously didn't know who he was dealing with.

I ordered hot drinks and walked to one of the more separate tables. I removed my ski jacket and sat down. He did the same.

"I'm Stanley by the way. What's your name?"

"Lucas, Lucas Galloway."

"So you say it was the parts manufacturer that was at fault. Explain please."

I had studied that explosion and knew what had happened. Now he explained it again. It was pretty much as I knew. We sat and had a couple of hot drinks.

"I'd like to go back out and ski some more. I have to check out before 1500. Another guest is due in."

I was about to answer when a security guard walked up.

"General, these came in for you by courier."

I watched Lucas across the table from me when the Security Officer called me General. His whole face changed and he became instantly scared and started to shake.

"I'm, I'm sorry Sir. I didn't know who you were."

"Relax Lucas. If I had taken offense you would already be dead."

As to leaving today, I would like your company for as long as I am here. You can stay in my suite."

"Steven, have someone move this mans luggage to my suite."

"Yes Sir."

"Now shall we do some more skiing."

Lucas was a lot more tense as we skied, but I just acted like it was normal for me. Steven and Jason, both excellent skiers stayed with us. After three hours, I was done in.

"Let's hit the showers and have some dinner." I said at the bottom of the slope.

Lucas followed us into the lodge and up to my suite. He knew my request that he stay was more an order and he had no real choice in the matter.

Ginger started to help me undress. "Jason, help Lucas."

Lucas started to shake, not knowing what my intentions were. I'm sure he knew what most of my servants did for me and I think he was worried I might just require him to do the same. He was right, I was planning on screwing his butt, but not now and probably not tonight.

"Relax Lucas. You can't soak in the hot tub in ski clothes and I'm sure you don't want to shower in them either." I laughed.

I was impressed by the equipment Lucas had between his legs and I saw that he shaved. Made me wonder especially when he plumped up as Jason was helping him. Jason gave Lucas a thick terry robe and he followed me out to the covered deck. I just set my robe down and slid into the steaming hot tub. Lucas hesitated and then climbed in himself.

"Nothing better than a hot tub to get the kinks out after a day of skiing."

"It is nice Sir."

"Call me Stanley, Lucas. We are still friends."

WE soaked for about 20 minutes then I just got up, grabbed my robe and headed for the shower. Lucas followed.

You could have easily got ten people in that shower. There were multiple heads. I stepped under one and Ginger helped me shower. Lucas went to another head,

"Jason help Lucas." Jason quickly stripped and walked over to help Lucas.

Well it was readily apparent that Lucas was used to having someone assist him in the shower. At one point I saw his eight inch thick cock standing straight out.

Jason being Jason asked him.

"Would you like me to take care of that Master." Jason was on his knees washing Lucas' legs.

"No boy, that's fine." Lucas said quickly.

I inwardly laughed. Climbed out of the shower and ginger dried me off. I walked out and sat down on edge of my bed. Time to push Lucas a little further.

"Ginger, Suck my cock." He was on his knees instantly.

Lucas came out and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Ginger sucking my cock. His cock got hard very fast. Nice I thought. Might like that in my ass before this trip is over.

"Jason, suck Lucas off. Don't want him to mess his clothes at dinner."

Lucas didn't protest very much as Jason went down on his rampant cock. I was sure he had had a blow job before. Well considering how rich his Father was I figured they probably had servants and attendants as well.

Jason was a very good cocksucker and got Lucas off very quickly. He then helped him dress. They both went out to the living room as Ginger was still servicing me. I took longer to come because I loved to have Ginger sucking me.

I'll get you later Ginger." I said to him as he helped me dress for dinner.

With all my boys in the dinning room it was a pretty noisy dinner. I think Lucas was even more impressed when everyone of my boys came up and thanked me. I even knew their names and said a few words to each.

After dinner we went back to my suite and Ginger served us drinks. "So why are up here alone Lucas?"

"My Father is in Miami. I am between Semesters at MIT. With nothing else to do I decided to come and ski for a few days."

"So what are your plans for the future? Following in your Fathers foot steps?"

"Actually no. I would like to be able to try for Union Service in the Communications and Information Directorate."

I wondered what he would do if I could guarantee him a good placement in the NSA.

"What would it be worth to you if I could get you placed with the NSA today?"

"How could you do that? I haven't even finished my courses yet."

Steven burst out laughing.

"Do you know boy, who you are actually talking to?"

"Well I know he is in the Union Forces. That security officer called him General."

"Oh he's a general alright. Actually the Inspector General for the Union and heir and right hand man to the Chairman of the Union."

When Steven said that, I thought Lucas was going to have a heart attack right on the spot. His face turned beet red and he had trouble breathing. He took a big swallow of his drink and coughed. He sat shaking.

"You okay Lucas? You look a little sick."

"I'm, I'm sorry Sir. I didn't really know."

"No harm done Lucas. Relax, I'm not interested in punishing you for any reason. Like you I'm on holidays."

"Now like I said, I could have you placed with the NSA today or make sure you have a place there when ever you think you are ready. It would mean that I would want you to join my staff."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Of course you do. You are after all a freeman."

"Can I let you know later?"

"Very well we will talk about it again. Now after that great day on the slopes, I think one more drink and its bed for me."

After another drink I retired with Lucas to the bedroom. It had two queen sized beds.

"Ginger after you help me undress you and Jason can share the other bed. Lucas will sleep with me in my bed."

I think Lucas knew what he would have to do before he even found out he was sleeping in my bed. He had no problem getting undressed and even stripped off his underwear when he saw I slept nude. I really hadn't had any intention of doing anything. What I had done really was give my two attendants a holiday from me. They very seldom slept alone.

I barely paid attention to Lucas as Jason helped him undress. I did notice he was hard when he climbed in the other side of the bed. I wasn't.

I was on my back. Lucas was the same way. I rolled onto my side, reached out and gripped his hard cock. "Is this, this way because Jason undressed you or because you are in bed with one of the most powerful people of the Union?"

"I guess a little of both."

"Are you a virgin Lucas?"

"No Sir. Our housekeeper did me when I was twelve. It hurt real bad and I told my Dad. He said I should probably get used to it coz sometimes it was the only way to advance in the Union. I guess that is what you want too."

"Well I don't want your ass tonight Lucas, but you can suck me off."

He peeled back the cover on the bed and went down on my cock. As soon as he started to suck, I pulled his cock down and slipped it into my mouth. He stiffened.

"Relax Lucas and go with the flow."

Lucas had a nice eight inch cock, not too thick. It felt nice in my mouth and I could swallow all of him. Lucas was also a very talented cocksucker. Obviously he had done lots before. He knew exactly what to do to bring me close and then back off getting as much enjoyment from sucking as he was giving to me. Finally he buried me deep in his throat and ran a finger into my ass. That's all it took I blew a big load into his mouth. As I started to blow he let go and blew a sweet/salty load into my mouth.

WE both leaned back fully satisfied.

He turned back around and I just spooned against him. I was instantly asleep.

When I woke up Lucas was still asleep beside me. I rolled up and Ginger was on my cock instantly. He always drained me and then sucked me off first thing in the morning. After we showered.

"How was your night with Jason?"

"It was good Master. Thank you."

"Well after I fuck Lucas tonight, you two boys can do him too. Tell Jason I'll fuck him tonight too."

"That will make Jason very happy Master."

We dressed for another day of skiing. As I drank my first cup of coffee, Steven gave me everything he had found out about young Lucas. He had a very extensive file in the data banks.

"What is this rape charge about?"

"It's true. He did rape a thirteen year old Servant in their household. Justice didn't pursue charges considering who his Father was. The boy in question was quickly moved to another household."

"From the looks of his file he was a very sadistic boy when he was younger. Might have something to do with being raped himself. No matter, have his files transferred to my staff. He will become my technical advisor."

"I already have Sir." Steven laughed.

"Mind reader too Steven?"

"I was pretty sure that was what you had in mind last night Sir. Going to break him in early? He laughed.

"Yeah, tonight he'll get me and then both boys. That should give him an idea of one of his duties. You can join us if you like Steven."

"Not tonight. The doctor wants some instruction in Martial Arts."

"You better be careful that Indian just might give you a hard ride." I laughed.

"Hope so." Steven laughed.

Lucas came out dressed for the slopes. WE headed down for breakfast. Lucas looked more relaxed. I wondered if Jason had told him what was expected of him as part of my staff.

For all the young servants and attendants this was a new experience. Very seldom were they invited on holidays with their Master. From the amount of fun they were having, I knew I would do it again. They would definitely like me a lot better and be happier with their station in life.

Skiing that day was fantastic. There was even new snow. WE skied all expert slopes. Jason was a better skier than me and I figured maybe even better than Lucas. I wondered where he had learned. I also noticed Jason staying very close to Lucas.

WE stopped at the bottom on one run and Steven brought us hot chocolate. There was a line for the lift and rather than just butt in we waited.

"Lucas, I think I will give you Jason for your servant and attendant. Treat him right and I'm sure he will serve you totally."

"Thank you Sir. I don't know what I can do to repay you for all you have done."

"Did Jason tell you what I expect from all my advisors and confidents?" "Yes Sir, but I can't do him as he wants me too. I'm just a bottom guy Sir."

"Your records show that you raped a thirteen year old boy."

"Well it wasn't exactly rape Sir. I tried but couldn't stay hard. I got so pissed off that I beat him up. He reported me to the house Master and my Dad had me caned. I never tried to fuck a guy after that."

"Well I hope you like big cocks, coz Jason and Ginger are real big and both are going to fuck you tonight after I do."

"You might just as well kill me now Sir. I will never let a nigger fuck me. My Dad told me they are not even human."

"Lucas, you better think about that before you make a decision. It won't be just your life that's in jeopardy. Your brothers, sisters, Father and mother could also be in peril. Either submit to everything I want or I will have both your brothers sent to the mines, your sister to the breeding center and your parents to the Heath directorate. You choose now boy."

I think it finally dawned on Lucas exactly how much power I really had in my hands.

"I will submit to having a nigger in my ass."

"You use that word again in my presence or anyone else's Lucas and I will personally cut your nuts off and shove them down your throat."

"I understand Sir."

"Good, now let's do some more skiing." I headed off to the lift.

Lucas was not very happy the rest of the day. He finally begged off, saying he was getting a cramp.

"No problem, I'll see you upstairs in a while. Do you need any assistance? I can send one of the boys to help you."

"No, I'm fine. I'll just soak in the hot tub for a while."

"Fine. See you in a couple of hours."

That was the last time I saw Lucas alive. When we arrived at out suite, I found he had hung himself from one of the beams in the bedroom. He'd used a belt.

"Steven clean up the garbage and have my room cleaned."

"What do you wish done with the body?"

"Ship it to his Father. Leave the belt around his neck. Just say we found him hanging in his room. Did anyone see a note or anything? Check his keypad."

I surprised the crap out of the four boys next door, when I walked in wearing just my robe.

"You boys can join me in the hot tub and help me shower after."

I don't think I ever saw more smiling boys at anytime. All four were quickly in the hot tub with me. Two were about fourteen and other two younger. All had been part of the scheme the Director had been running.

It was foregone conclusion that none of the boys was a virgin and from what I had heard from interrogations all had been used everyway you could think of. A shame really, not having a chance to grow up slowly. All would have lost their virginity, but it would have been their peers that would have taken it, not some old geezer the boys were sent to.

Or like in my case, My Father. I didn't hate my Father because he had raped me. Like he said I should have lost my virginity a lot sooner than I had. He really opened a door to something I now enjoyed fully.

Actually all four boys turned me on and I pulled one that was a natural red head onto my lap. All were shaved all over, which was normal for all Attendants servants, but not how I liked it.

The fourteen year old on my lap was shaking all over.

"Relax Son. I'm not going to hurt you. I want you tell all the boys that they can stop shaving. I like to see hair on my boys."

"Yes Master."

"Do you want to put it in my bum Master?"

"Do you want me to Son?"

"Oh yes Master. It's all I dream about Master."

"Well why don't you help me out."

I slid down a bit and he was now sitting on my stomach. He pushed himself up, I felt his hand on my cock, he centered the head of my cock on his hole and just sat down.

A brief look of pain crossed his face and then he smiled.

"Oh yes Master that feels so good."

He started to bounce on my cock. Little grunts of pleasure came from his mouth. His eyes rolled back as he fucked himself on my cock. For a fourteen year old he was very good. Finally I couldn't hold back anymore and held him down as I unloaded into his tight ass. Tears came to his face and he leaned over and kissed me.

"I love you Master."

"I love you too Son. I love all my boys."

After leaving the hot tub, all four boys fawned over me in the shower. All were beaming from ear to ear. It wasn't everyday that their Master allowed them to wash me in the shower. After I got out and they dried me, I kissed each boy and thanked them for the wonderful time. I went back to my suite refreshed.

I knew that ninety minute episode would spread like wild fire among all my Servants and attendants. That was a good thing.

MY suite had been cleaned and the smell of death was gone. After dressing we went down for dinner. I figured we would spend two more days here before heading south to Banff.

I told Steven to arrange for a hover coach to travel to Banff and make sure it was big enough for everyone. That would give everyone a good look at the mountains.

Over the next two days I picked another room at random to soak in the hot tub band shower. So I had four different boys pleasing me each day. I figured for the rest of the trip I would do the same thing. I still had Ginger and Jason in my bed every night and to be honest I was getting to love bigger cocks more and more.

Even the Doctor finally joined me. If he hadn't come willingly I would have ordered him to. The boys were a diversion, but the doctors thick uncut meat felt real good inside me. He, like Steven were pretty aggressive in bed, but it never bothered me. To think barely a year earlier I had been a virgin and had never thought about getting fucked by so many. My New Life was really changing.

The two major resorts in the mountains were Jasper and Banff. They were the same in many ways except that Banff was exclusively a Government Resort, reserved for government employees only.

There were multiple hotels and small lodges in Banff, but two exclusive hotels for the very elite of Government Staff. I chose the General Swanson Chateau. It was the best of all the rest.

I had told Steven to reserve me the Grand Suite on the top floor and the second from the top for all my staff and attendants. I found out later the Deputy Secretary of Defense had been forced to move. He was non too happy, but didn't dare protest.

The hotel itself was surrounded by a high fence and gated. The movement of traffic in and out of the hotel was controlled by hard eyes Secret Service Troops. That was where the first problem came up.

The policy of the hotel was that only VIP"S and their staff could be housed in the Resort. All attendants and servants were housed in a separate building. The Resort supplies all Servants and Attendants.

When my Bus tried to enter, I was stopped.

"Clear the hurdle Steven." I ordered.

They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. My Father had given me more power than god and I tended to use that power when ever I wanted to. Refusing anything I asked could lead to a very short drop from a wire noose.

The Senior Security Officer at the entrance flatly refused us entry with my Attendants and Servants. I could see Steven arguing in the office next to the gate. I turned to two of my Security Guards.

"You two come with me." I walked off the bus.

Both Security Guards were near 6 foot and both were built like tanks. Both also carried very short barreled sub machine guns.

"What is the problem?" I said as I walked in the guard house.

"Sir, The Chief of Security says that no Servants or Attendants are allowed in the hotel except those who are directly employed by the hotel. He refuses to budge."

"Whose stupid idea was that?" I stormed.

"The Director of the Secret Service Sir."

"Get him on the horn Steven."

When I said that to Steven, the Chief of Security for the Resort's face blanched.

"Inspector General for the Director." Steven said into his cell.

I spoke briefly with the Director and handed my Steven's Cell to the Security Chief. He stood shaking as I think he received a new asshole. He hung up and saluted me.

"Anything you wish is okay Sir."

"Fine." I left and climbed back on the bus.

I would guess he also notified the Hotel. Servants came out and unloaded every ones bags including my own Servants and Attendants. My boys were all smiles as some one took their bags to their rooms.

The suite on the top floor would rival my own suite at home in New Washington. It had everything I had plus a much larger hot tub, huge shower. The over sized King Sized bed was bigger than anything I had ever slept in. Even the bar was fully stocked and a small kitchen was attached. There were actually three bedrooms. That meant my close staff could stay in my suite too.

There was also one other thing in the room. A very good looking blonde boy stood waiting as I was ushered into my suite. He had on a single piece sleeveless shift that came down to just above his knees. From the looks of the shift, that was all he had on.

"What's your name boy and why are you here?"

"Danny Master. I am assigned to this suite as its permanent Servant Master."

"Well as you can see Danny, I have my own Servants and Attendants."

His face went from smiling to very scared instantly.

"But Master I must be here or?.."

"Or what Danny?"

"Master, they might say I am unworthy and I will be sent away." Big crocodile tears streamed down his face.

"Well in that case, you had better stay Danny. In fact I might have you join my Attendants."

When I said that he was on his knees kissing my boots.

"Stand up Son. How old are you?"

"Sixteen Standard Master."

"You go give your number to Steven. He will have you transferred to my staff."

"Yes Master, thank you Master."

"Ginger, make sure he has everything he will need and make sure he knows all of his duties, although I suspect he knows already what is expected of him."

Ginger smiled from ear to ear.

I watched Danny as he listened to Ginger. I sat down in one of the big chairs and started to remove my snow boots. Danny was on his knees instantly helping me. The smile was back on his face.

I noticed that when he was helping me the shift road up over his butt. I was right, he didn't have anything else under the shift. Guess those shifts made every thing easier. I idly wondered how Ginger and Jason would look in them. Then thought about it and knew I'd be walking around with a permanent hard on if they wore the shifts. Ginger's Monster was hardly hidden in shorts, let alone a light shift.

Ginger never resented that I took other boys to bed or had them help me. He was after all number one on my staff of Attendants and Servants and could use without permission any boy, just as Steven and James could.

I had already given all my boys the short skirt that Ginger wore as a dress uniform. To night I wanted to impress everyone in the hotel that they had someone not to be trifled with. "Steven, Dress Uniform tonight. Ginger inform all the boys to dress appropriately. Also inform my Doctor. And Ginger, get Danny a skirt and underwear."

"Yes Master."

"Come along Danny. You can help me shower and dress."

Danny was all smiles as I walked into my bedroom. He was also very efficient as he quickly helped me strip. After I was nude, he pulled the shift over his head. Damn he was almost perfect. Very toned body, a solid six pack abs and nice tits. His hair was cropped short and he had no hair anywhere else. His cock was about 6 inches soft and of course he was cut. His balls looked like two small eggs nestled in his sack.

"You are very cute Danny."

"Thank you Master."

He led me into the bathroom.

"Does Master want to use the hot tub or shower?"

"Just a shower for now Son." He quickly went in and turned on the water, adjusting it so it wasn't too hot.

As soon as I stepped in began to completely wash me. Everywhere with out as thought. He was very well trained young man. When he started to wash my cock and balls, I got hard as usual.

"Would Master like me to take care of that?"

"If you want Danny."

Without even rinsing the soap off, he let my cock slide into his mouth. He was very good and knew everything to do to bring me close and then back off. I finally grabbed his head and rammed my cock into his throat and blew a very large load.

He looked almost like a mad dog, with foam from the soap around his lips when he sat back. He licked his lips and smiled.

"You taste very good Master."

"Well I imagine the soap doesn't taste too good Danny."

"Soap has no flavor Master. It is brought especially for Resort Master. You taste good Master."

Interesting I thought. I ran a finger up my chest, scooping a little soap on it and stuck it in my mouth. He was right it didn't taste like anything. After he finished and while I rinsed, he quickly washed himself and climbed out waiting for me.

He wrapped a warmed bath towel around me and vigorously dried me.

When we went out to dress I saw that everything had been unpacked and hung up. Even my travel clothes were gone.

"Other attendants came and unpacked Master. Your travel clothes will be washed and pressed Master."

"How many boys are assigned to this suite Danny?"

"Eight Master. I am head boy and there is a bedroom attendant for each bedroom. I am your personal Attendant Master. The other boys clean and make sure everything is in the suite that you might require."

"So all my staff get the same treatment I do?" "Yes Master. The hotel prefers one on one servants for each guest."

"You mean every guest has a servant?"

"Well Master, only this suite has so many. All the rest have only one Master."

So all my Servants and Attendants have a boy in their suite."

"Yes Master. They are all guests."

"Ginger." I said.

Ginger entered my bedroom. I knew why he could hear almost as if he was only a foot away. He was one of the few people around me that had a hearing implant that magnified my voice. Steven and James both had them and I was sure my Security Force had them too. Steven had had one implanted in Ginger the first day he was here.

"Ginger, get a dress skirt, shirt and sandals for Danny."

"Yes Master." He smiled.

Danny helped me dress. I hated the dress uniform, but I wanted to impress on everyone here that my word was final and I brooked no bull from anyone. The single Star was not much to impress, but the insignia of the Inspector General of the Union would scare the shit out of anyone.

Ginger came in and helped Danny dress.

"Master, why do I need these clothes? My shift is fine Master."

"Can't very well dine with me in your shift Danny."

"Master I am not allowed in dinning room. I am only a suite attendant." "Not anymore Danny. Now you are part of my personal Staff and you will go where I go from now on. In fact from now on you are my personal Attendant."

"But why Master?" He started to cry.

I pulled him into my arms.

"Because I like you Danny."

Problem was I did like Danny a lot. More than I had liked anyone before even Ginger. I just didn't know why. I had not even been to bed with the young man and I wanted him close to me. Even holding him as he cried I felt something different. HE felt good in my arms. Was another change coming over me? I just didn't know, but knew this boy would never be far from my side.

Then another thought hit me and I laughed.

"Ginger, make sure all the boys are dressed right and get skirts, shirts and sandals for all the room attendants. They will all dine with me."

"Yes Master. It will take time Master."

"No problem Ginger."

When I walked out into the living area of the suite, Steven and James were standing drinking in dress uniforms. Both had many medals on their breasts, but I had none. Jason quickly got me a drink and I sat down. I indicated for Danny to sit beside me.

Danny sat down, but looked scared.

"You need never fear me Danny. I want you beside for as long as you wish." When I looked at Steven he had a big smile on his face.

"Something funny Steven?"

"You are definitely following your Fathers footsteps Sir."


Next: Chapter 4

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