My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Jan 16, 2014



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


"That's coz the bigger boys won't do us." Luke cried.

"Master, we never forced the young ones to do us and we allowed them if they wanted."

"Is that true Siam?"

"Yes Master, but it isn't right. Them boys even volunteered to be whores for the old men."

I'll bet the Director of the Central North Enclave took advantage of the size of these two. I would have had both already if I had known.

"Master, our Dad did us when we were eight. We like to do stuff with guys. The Director asked us and we said yes. It's only coz everyone thought we waz too small."

Sex between servants and attendants wasn't illegal in any way unless those couplings were forced. I very much doubted these boys forced anyone. It sounded very much like these two enjoyed sex as much as I did. Both were quite obviously gay. While I was thinking my next move, Steven came in and set down a file of warrants.

"Those are the last Sir."

"Do you know these two Steven?"

"Yes Sir. Given a choice, I think both would be on their knees or on their backs 24 hours a day." He laughed.

"Have you had either?"

"No sir. I was worried I might rip them open. They are very small."

"Well we can fix that. Siam I want you and Alonga to use both boys for a couple of hours. Then Steven and I will do them. Maybe that will satisfy their lust."

Siam frowned, but both boys were smiling.

They followed Siam out of my office.

I signed the warrants. I never bothered to look at them anymore. They were just numbers to me now. That I had learned from My Father.

"Any thing else Steven?"

"Yes Sir. The religious channel is blaming the Union for the destruction of Bounty."

"Have the editor brought in to see me."

"Are you sure Sir? They are going to scream it's a violation of the Free Speech Amendment."

"Steven, they can say what they like on their Channel, but they can't broadcast inflammatory remarks about the Union. It's written in Black and White." I know sir, but that particular line has never been enforced by the Union."

"Well it's about fucking time it was. I'd like to crucify every fucking religious fanatic in the Union."

I knew one of their favorite lines on most of the religious channels were that the Union was governed by a bunch of deviates from gods law. I also knew they practiced incest within their so called religious colonies and I was sure homosexuality was also prevalent, but no had had really looked at them.

All I had to do was look at history. In the late 20th Century the Catholic Church was put on the ropes because a lot of their priests had been accused and convicted of abusing young boys in church.

Maybe it was time someone did.

"Steven, before I see this Editor, have a complete background check done on him. Everything he does and who he sees."

Steven looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Quietly Steven, very quietly."

"Yes Sir."

"Now can you tell me where my Consort is?"

"He is in the learning center with Timothy. Both have been taking classes since we returned from holidays."

"Good for them. Have both meet me in the exercise room when they are done."

"That is usually where they go Sir." The kind of exercise I wanted might be different than what they had planned.

All amendments to the constitution had been tossed in the garbage when the Union had become a Military Dictatorship. In fact the Constitution itself was torn up. There was a sort of Bill of Rights. It allowed protests of government polices. Free Speech was also allowed as long as there was no mention of the overthrow of the State. All religions were allowed as well. As long as Religions didn't preach sedition or treason they could say almost anything.

Telling people on their Religious Channel that the Union was responsible for the destruction of Bounty, even if it was true was inflammatory and could lead to riots. That was a mistake on their part and although the Union pretty much ignored what they said, I still believed they needed to be reined in.

The Editor would hear what I had to say and be damned if I cared.

There were hundreds of Channels available for viewing. By far the largest number were devoted to Sex. Any fetish known to man was available on any of a dozens of different channels. There no censorship, and every channel was available in every home in the Union. The only thing a TVR Channel could not do was use boys or girls under the age of consent or at anytime say anything against the Union or its directors or Secretaries.

The Chief Editor of the Religious Channel had called the Union criminals in the destruction of Bounty. That could incite people to protest or even riot. An all news network had once accidently called the Chairman a Bastard Son and the Union Communications Directorate had shut down the net work until a written apology was issued by the Chief Editor.

You had to be very careful what you said on any channel.

With Siam and Alonga busy, I took Jubal and one of the other blacks, his name was Juba, down to the exercise room.

Juba was about the same length as Jubal, but not as thick. When we arrived, both Danny and Timothy were working out on one of the many exercise machines.

"Jubal, get some mats and pile them in the center."

After the mats were put down, both blacks quickly stripped. Everyone exercised nude so I never even commented. Danny and Timothy had stopped when I came in.

"So, got a choice Danny? You pick one and I'll have other."

"Well, I have had Jubal already, so I guess Juba this time."

"I guess that leaves you sucking Timothy."

"Master, can Jubal do me again?"

My mouth dropped open in surprise. Danny and Timothy laughed.

"I would not have believed it if I had not seen it myself. It took a while, but Timothy took about 10 inches of his cock." Danny said.

"Christ that is something I'd like to see too."

Jubal knew what was coming and had lain down on his back. His monster cock was already hard.

"Jubal, Timothy has already had you once, take him on his back."

Jubal got to his knees. Timothy had ran to open of the shelves around the Gym and brought back a large bottle of lube. He realized what was about to happen and looked scared. He would not be controlling how fast Jubal entered him.

"Take it easy on him Jubal." Danny said.

"Jubal, take him like you did me the second time."

"Yes Master."

Danny might hate me for what was about to happen. Timothy could be damaged beyond repair when Jubal forced that monster into his butt. I wasn't really worried. I knew Jubal would enter him in one big thrust, but I had watched Timothy take some pretty big cocks without complaint.

Well his howl of pain when Jubal entered him told me Timothy might very well have the last cock in his ass. His whole body arched off the mat and he screamed in terror. He went limp and I figured he had passed. I guess I didn't know Timothy.

"Now fuck me Jubal." He said.

I was so shocked by his words my mouth dropped open. Jubal took him at his word and started pummel that hole. Timothy moaned and squirmed as Jubal screwed his butt. By the time Jubal came I figured Timothy was taking almost a foot of that fist sized cock into his once small hole. Jubal pulled out after he blew. Looking at Timothy's ass I figured you could fist him anyone wanted.

"Don't move Timothy." Danny said as he kneeled behind.

Without so much as adding lube, Danny slowly shoved his fist into Timothy's hole.

"Oh Master, that feels so good. Fuck me Master." Timothy moaned.

Well all that had just happened got me going very fast. I pushed Juba to his knees ands rammed my dick into his butt. He grunted as I entered him and moaned as I hammered his ass. Being as horny as I was I came a lot faster than normal. When I pulled out Juba swung around and cleaned me up. I just flopped on my back on the mat beside Timothy.

After catching my breath.

"Come on Juba, I want you inside me."

He never hesitated, just knelt between my legs. As he used one hand to lift my legs he scooped a handful of lube and covered his cock. Then using two fingers rammed them into my hole. After pulling his fingers out, just pushed his cock in. If he had been as thick as Jubal I would have screamed at his entrance. It actually felt good as he started to fuck me. When Jubal did me it always took several strokes for my hole to get used his monster size, but Juba's cock was perfect. After almost twenty minutes Juba finally shot his massive load into me. He pulled out and Jubal sucked him clean. I also gave both blacks a kiss.

Juba helped me up and I walked into the shower room. Juba washed me all over and even used a hose to wash out my ass.

Juba was drying me, when I heard Timothy Scream.

"NO MASTER! No not him Master."

I rushed into the Gym. Timothy was flat on his back with Danny holding his legs back. Jubal was kneeling at Timothy's ass, his fist posed to be rammed into Timothy.

"JUBAL STOP!" I yelled.

Jubal immediately stopped moving and then moved back from Timothy.

"Why he is just a fucking boy toy that I can do anything I wish with? Danny said.

He's not a boy toy, he a freeman who can chose. What the fuck has come over you Danny?"

"All boys are just tools to be used. Free or otherwise I can and will do anything I like. Your Father told me I could use any boy anyway I pleased. Timothy is just a fuck toy. He deserves to get everything."

By now every one except Timothy was standing. In a fit of angry Danny kicked Timothy square in the balls. Timothy rolled into a ball and puked. I saw red and in pure rage slapped Danny across his face. He reeled back and put his hand to his face. I thought it might bring him down, but had the opposite effect. His face turned red and in a flash tried to attack me. Jubal's strong arm grabbed and almost pulled him off the ground.

"LET ME GO YOU BLACK BASTARD! Danny screamed, spittle spraying from his mouth.

What the fuck had come over Danny. He was one of the most gentle people I had ever met and I had loved that gentle soul. Why was it so poisoned now? Could my Father have changed him so much in so short a time?

I hit the intercom and ordered James to the Gym. James took in the whole picture as he walked in. Timothy curled into a ball on the floor, Juba standing protectively in front of me and Danny struggling in Jubal's grip.

"Sedate Danny." I ordered.

After Danny slumped faint in Juba's arms, I had the doctor check Timothy. Except for a slight rupture Timothy would be okay.

"Have Danny taken to the infirmary until we can find out what happened to him. Juba, clean up Timothy and bring him to my suite." I said and headed for the door to the Gym.

Jubal stayed very close.

I walked straight to bar and mixed myself a stiff drink. Siam popped in the door.

"Get me a kilt." I almost yelled at him.

I sat in one of the deep leather chairs. My whole mind was in turmoil. Had my Fathers words to Danny totally unhinged the young man. God I hoped he was okay, I loved him so much. Everything around blanked out. Just the thought of losing Danny was driving me over the edge of sanity.

In that black void I heard a voice very faintly.

"Master, Master, are you okay?"

It took a while to focus on that voice and some more time to bring my eyes into focus. Siam was standing about four feet away. He looked scared but very concerned. God had I scared this boy too.

"Master are you okay?"

I opened my arms and Siam was instantly hugging me. All I did was start to cry. Siam's soothing words and gentle hug, brought me back into the real word. I rubbed his back. This was one boy I knew I loved as well and I knew he loved me more than anything in his life. He had even told me once his whole life and body was mine forever. Even after I made him free, he still chose to be with me and me alone.

Now he had brought me back from the brink of the abyss. That just made me love him even more. He lifted his face up and kissed the tears away from my face. Then he gave me an almost chaste kiss.

"I love you Master. I will always love just you Master."

"I love you too Siam, I guess more than I have ever loved anyone."

Now that was a thought. I did love Siam with everything. Why had I not seen it sooner? Even worse why did I love Danny so much?

"Master you will have guests shortly. You should dress Master."

"Suppose I wanted this right now love." I said as I gripped his hard cock.

"Master, you can have all of me anytime, anywhere. I will always give you everything."

"Okay Love. Help me up."

He helped me stand and put the Kilt around my waist. I was hard and he giggled.

"Master really does love me."

"Yes Siam I do and when this mess is over I'm going to prove it to you."

I had just got sat down behind my desk and had a drink in my hand when Steven came.

"Well Sir. What do you wish done with Danny?"

"What do you mean Steven?"

"Sir." He touched a button on his wrist and the big TVR came to life. "When the Doctor brought him out of sedation, if he had not been restrained he would have attacked the Doctor."

A security recording came up on the TVR. Danny was restrained to a bed. But it wasn't the Danny I knew. His eyes were wild and a string of swear words shot from his mouth. He was almost incomprehensible, his words all slurred together. Spittle ran down his chin as he yelled.

"The Doctor believes he might be totally insane."

"How could he change so fast? I had him in my bed last night and he was completely in love with me."

"I don't want him hurt Steven. Find out what happened?"

"Master, can I say something?"

"OF course my little love bird. You can always talk to me."

"Master, Master Danny came back from the holiday a very changed person. He went to boys rooms at night, but not for fun. He beat those boys and sometimes hurt them real bad. Even little ones. He warned them that if they said even one word he'd cut their little balls off and get rid of them. Every one was scared of Master Danny."

"Why didn't you say something to me Siam?"

"Master Danny was your Consort Master. His word like yours was law. He told me if I said anything I would just disappear. I was scared to say anything Master. I'm sorry." Tears streamed down Siam's cheeks.

"Come here Siam." I said.

When he got close, I pulled him across my legs, his cute ass up. I gave him a hard slap on the ass. Then I lifted him up. "That was for not telling me Siam. In future if you see someone doing something that is not right, I want you to tell me. No matter who it is, A Security Guard, boy or one of my Advisors or protectors, I want you to tell me immediately."

Okay Master."

"Steven, I want to know what happened to make him change so much."

"Very well Sir, but until his disposition has been decided he is no longer allowed in any room when you are alone."

"Unless I decide otherwise Steven."

"No Sir. When you became Deputy Chairman, my designation also changed. My Orders now come the Director of the Secret Service. I have been ordered to protect you even from yourself if necessary. Any order you issue that might put you in danger I can and will supersede."

"Very well Steven. I'll take your word on that. Now do you have time to help with those twins?"

"Sir as much as I would love to screw both, I'll beg off at this time."

"Very well, I'll send them to your quarters when I am done."

After Steven left I looked at Siam. He was sitting a few feet away. Looking at his almost pert nose and very sensuous lips always turned me on. His best feature were his eyes. They seemed to almost bore into my soul. He wasn't brown like most Asian boys. He was black like a Negro, with out any of the features that go with most Negros.

I brought up his profile in the Data Banks.

THRANG: Siam, NMI, Freeman. Indenture lifted by Deputy Chairman 2237. Thrang was taken by Union Forces during anti-drug operations in Northern Thailand. Assigned brothel. Thrang became very well adjusted to roll as a toy for soldiers in the theater of operations. When he was moved to Bangkok being a non Thai National was transferred to Union. Taken over by Interior department and sent to Resort Banff as Pleasure boy.

Accepted as permanent servant to Deputy Chairman.


That was it. Not much for a sixteen almost seventeen your old boy.

"So Siam, how did you make out with the Twins?"

"Master, Steven was right, those boys would spend all the time screwing if you let them. They wore us down. They even wanted the big blacks to do them, but I said they couldn't."

"So, on a first name basis with my Security Chief."

"Master, I only call him that when he is not around or when I am in bed with him. He makes me call him Steven."

"So, how did you like it in bed with Steven?"

"Master, the first time I was real scared coz he is so aggressive. He treated me like common boy. Just took me hard and very fast. After though he was real gentle, like two sides to him."

I laughed.

"Siam, he said the same thing the first time I offered to take him to bed. I agree he is very aggressive, but if he likes it he can also be very gentle."

"Now would you like to help me with the twins?"

"Master all I really want is you."

"Okay love." His shift came off so fast it almost looked like it disappeared.

"God you are beautiful Siam."

"You are nice too Master."

Looking at him I knew he was the only constant in my life and I wish I could make him my second. But I had reviewed everything I could find on the subject and from all I had read a Consort to the Chairman had to be born in the Union. Siam had not. All I could do was keep him close.

I knew what he wanted and he knew what I wanted. He slowly walked up to where I was sitting. I lifted him up until he was sitting on my desk in front of me. That very straight five inch cock sticking out with that thick but very nice black bush highlighting his smooth cock, I just leaned forward an buried my nose in his sweet smelling bush. The Aroma in my nose was mixture of soap, sweat and a little bit of ammonia. I knew he had been with the twins and was sure I was smelling part of them as well.

I leaned back and then buried that spike in my mouth.

"Oh God Master, I need it so bad." He moaned.

I felt a hand on my head as he started to thrust in and out of my mouth. This was different, Siam usually just sat and enjoyed. Now he became almost like an animal as he held me with both hands and hammered my mouth. Different yes, but I loved his aggressive behavior. Far too soon for me his first thick shot of sweet sperm shot into my throat. It was followed by too more smaller shots. Each tasted like the nectar of the gods. I savored and swallowed all of his offering.

After coming Siam slumped back, wasted by his overly aggressive rush. I sat back and smiled.

"Wow love, you should do it like that more often."

'Well I just needed real bad Master. Now I need you inside too." HE giggled.

"Well come on baby."

He slide forward on my desk. I undid my kilt and let drop open. He moved up off the desk while lifting my cock up. As soon as it was centered on his hole he just dropped off the desk. He yelped as it punched inside him.

He wiggled around a bit as he got adjusted to it's size. Then started to bounce on my cock. He became almost like an animal with his growls, yips and moans. He sure loved to get screwed that was sure bet.

His wild gyrations got me off a lot faster than normal and he always seemed to know when I was about to come. He sat down and ground his ass on my cock. Even after I blew his insides massaged my cock .

"Do me again Master. I just love to have you inside me Master."

I slowly stood up, keeping my cock firmly up his chute and sort of waddled to one of the big couchs. I lay him down on his back and pushed his legs up. Then started to pound his ass. His eyes roiled up as he moaned. Why this one boy turned me on so much was totally unbelievable, but it seemed like his body was made to used all the time.

As that first time today, I came a lot sooner than I wanted too. Drained completely I slowly pulled out and looked at his open hole.

Just looking at it I knew what I wanted. "Come on Siam, I want that cute ass of yours." I had rimmed his ass many times after I had fucked him and he had done mine as many. As soon as I lay back on the couch he switched around, his pert ass right in front of my face.

As I spread those sweet cheeks, I noticed his hole closed. Damn he tightened up fast. As soon as my tongue crossed his hole he relaxed and my mouth was soon filled with the mixture of my come, his sweet juices and something else. When I thought about it I figured there was still some of the twins inside him. No matter it was good.

While I rimmed him he sucked and licked my cock and actually got me hard again. I doubted I could get off, my balls actually ached.

I finally had enough and lifted him off me.

He looked a little disappointed that he had not sucked me off. WE shared a long kiss and then just cuddled.

After a while we headed for my bedroom to get a shower before dinner. The twins were no where in sight.

"I wonder where those brats got to?"

Probably getting a guard to do them." Siam giggled.

After we were back sitting in my living room, my chef brought in dinner. Siam served me before serving himself. He and Danny had been the only boys I allowed to eat with me.

"Master, maybe you should give those boys to the guards to use all the time. Then they wouldn't be raiding the little boy's rooms."

That's not a bad idea Siam. I'll inform Ginger."

We were almost finished when Steven and James came in.

"If you haven't eaten yet, grab yourselves a plate." I said.

Both got dinner and sat down. There was not much talking.

Finally James spoke up.

"Sir, may we speak to you alone?" Obviously referring to Siam.

Siam knew what the Doctor meant and went to stand. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I won't ever have any secrets from Siam. If I could he would now be my consort."

"The obvious question is Sir. Why haven't you made him your Consort?"

"Steven, Union Law says a Consort must be born in the Union."

"Sir that particular law was brought in by the first Council. At that time there many not so friendly countries citizens in the Union. They were worried that an enemy alien might get into the good graces of the chairman and that might lead to state secrets falling into the hands of a potential enemy."

Since then both your grandfather and father have abrogated that law. Your Fathers Consort was born in Central Africa and was once a slave. He was in Jamaica when your farther took him into his stable. He later became your Fathers consort. So I see no reason why Siam could not be appointed by you. He already has all the security clearances he needs. Besides the more obvious attributes."

I looked at Siam. Tears were streaming down his face.

"You really want me Master."

"Siam, I have wanted you from the first day I met you."

I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"Well I guess that is settled." Steven said.

"Now you have something Doctor?"

"Yes Sir. I believe Danny may be suffering from some kind of Dementia. It is almost unheard of now, as in all cases where the gene that causes it has been altered to remove any chance of it happening. I think Danny may have slipped through the cracks. The best thing I can suggest is to move him to the Health Center for further study."

"With their usual end for him."

"Well Sir eventually maybe, but they really need to find out if he is an anomaly or if there is something in the Breeding process that might be wrong. Also, it is only his mind that is affected, the rest of him is in perfect shape and he should be milked."

I doubted very much they would use his sperm or organs except to experiment on, but also knew James was right. If there was something wrong in the breeding process, Danny would be a living laboratory for them to look.

"If you are sure there is nothing else that can be done Doctor, I guess that is what needs to be done."

Over the years that the Union had been in existence, the Breeding Centers had been the most contentious issue faced by the Union. The first Chairman had a boy by artificial insemination. Since then the breeding program had been improved to the point that it did not matter the race of the female giving birth, as an egg and sperm from a donor could be from any race. The female, except the baby would grow inside her, was not otherwise connected to the child. She was just a vessel to be used. If now Danny had a regressive gene inside him, it had to have been there since birth and had been missed by the tests before his birth, otherwise he would no have been allowed to come full term. He would have been aborted early.

That was something the Health Institute would need to know and know very quickly.

"Very well Doctor. As much as I love him, I think it is best we find out what happened. Have him moved there as soon as possible."

The whole idea of losing Danny put me in a sour mood. I had really loved the young man and had wanted him forever and now I had lost him forever and probably caused by something I couldn't even see. It may have been something my Father said that triggered it, but even that was in the end a god send, be cause he could just as easily have gone bad while in bed with me and could have put my life in real Danger.

I'm sure that was on the mind of both Steven and James as they excused themselves.

I walked to one of the easy chairs and sat down. Siam quickly brought me a Drink. I pulled him down beside me.

"I am very sorry for Danny Master. I loved him too." Siam said.

"What's done is done Love. Now except when we are alone, you can no longer call me Master. I want you to call me Stanley; you are now my Consort Siam ands everyone will call you Master from now on. Steven and James will also call you Sir."

I watched as he mouthed my name a couple of times. "What about Timothy? He was Danny personal servant."

"That's up to you Siam. All of Danny's servants ands attendants are now yours. You can pick and choose as you like. Do you want Timothy?"

"No Stanley. I want Meso. He is still in Banff, but I liked him best of all the boys there."

"Very well I will order him brought here for you."

Now that was too bad really. Timothy knew an awful lot about what happens behind closed doors and he couldn't be returned to regular status.

There were several options. I knew he was way too small to be of any good as a labor slave. That left termination or transfer to a brothel. If he was transferred to a brothel, he would also have to have his vocal cords cut so he could never talk about his past.

I didn't like either option.

It was brought to a head when Juba brought Timothy in to my sitting room.


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