My Father in Law

By Mark McElroy

Published on Jul 18, 2021


I got this story idea from a letter to Dear Abby. But of course I tweaked it a bit. I dedicate this chapter to the Nifty Author Ron Venable (Olympus Island)(Dover Brother's and Dover and Son). *********** This story will contain descriptions of Gay Sex, Alpha's and Beta's. *********** Nifty is a wonderful resource. They bring us a free site. They deserve a donation to show our appreciation. Please go to ***********

The Sun was peeking over upper Wolf Jaw mountain and into the large picture window framed by the two carved oak posts of Ulfr and Kory's bed. Smelling the tempting oders of Bacon, Sausage, and Ham, Kory also smelled his baby's sweet scent. Opening his eyes he looked down at little Cody laying on his stomach sucking his little thumb. Looking over at Ulfr he saw his love's eyes watching Cody with adoration. Finally Ulfr moved his eyes to Kory's "he's so precious, every man in the pack would die protecting him"!

"I think Mama would commit murder herself to keep him safe"!

They both rolled out of bed went to the ensuite to brush their teeth. Then Kory picked up Cody and settled him on his shoulder. Walking out to the table they saw the other 5 Alpha's and 5 Beta's already sitting. Wulfric said "okay Mama you can put breakfast on the table now, the newlyweds have deign to grace us with their presence"!

While they were eating Kory was putting scrambled eggs into Cody's little mouth. Everyone's eyes was on Cody and Kory. Wulf said "it has always amazed me that a little body like that grows up into a fine figure of a man".

After they had all had their fill, Mama began clearing the table. Handing Kory a funny looking back pack Mama said "I need you to take the Bambino with you today, because I have to clean and go buy groceries"!

Ulfr said come on baby let's go get dressed for a nice hike up to Upper Wolf Jaw mountain, and that is a family hand me down. Wulfric's Mom made it, you wear it like a papoose but on your chest"!

A little over 2.5 hours later the 12 strong and physically enhanced men were on on the Summit. Cody was looking in wide eyed wonder. "Dada so high up"!

Cona walked up to Kory and asked "may I hold the puppy Son"? Without waiting Cody decided the request and reach for Cona"! Kory chuckling said " well I guess you have your answer uhhh Dad"! Blushing furiously, he looked at Ulfr who was grinning widely. "You can call him Dad as long as I am your only Daddy"!

After a while each couple began to wander off and Ulfr looked closely at Cody and saw the infant was sound asleep. Pulling out a small baby blanket from his pack Ulfr led Kory over to a small glade surrounded by a lush grassy carpet. Taking out a baby bottle Ulfr laid Cody down and put the bottle to his sweet pink lips.

Kory sat on the grass and took his shirt off and laying back on it. Soon Ulfr took off his shirt and laid down beside his sweet Kory.

"Tonight my love the first transformation will happen, before that happens you will be presented to the Immortal Lykaion. Our Lord will appear once you are secured to the Submission alter"! "Then when he mounts you your body will begin to change, with Betas it can be relatively painless If you relax and accept. If you fight the submission, he will hurt you, don't think of it as being disloyal to me, do it for my love for you and the future of the Pack"!

Precisely at the stroke of 9:pm every last man kissed Cody on the head. A wolf's howl pierced the night and the clouds began to depart. Once Wulfric held the little body of his great great grandson, he spoke the Greek words,

Sas evlogó ligo lyko kalós ilthate sto Pakéto.

Ulfr with his chin resting on Kory's shoulder said "Bless you little wolf and Welcome to the Pack"!

After the blessing, Wulfric took a dagger of bronze and stabbed himself, and the five Alphas. They each put one drop of blood on Cody's lips. Mama reached out for Cody who seeing her began to coo.

Taking Kory's hand Wulfric said "it's time boy, are you ready to submit to Lord Lykaion"? Standing proud and erect Kory's voice came loud and clear, "yes I am, let it be done"!

With the Beta's surrounding Kory they gently put him on all fours and closed the solid Silver manacles around each limb. The Alpha's encircled the alter where a 14 point whitetail Buck lay waiting.

Raising his hands Wulfric began the invoking of Lykaion. The first of Lycans. Cursed by Zeus but redeemed by Gaia, the full Moon of Selene burst full and round. At once 6 alpha voices rise and howl for their Lord. With a blinding flash of Light, Lykaion appeared directly in front of the bound Kory.

Kory and Lykaion quietly observed each other. Pointing at the ground beside him Lykaion uttered the name "Ulfr", quickly kneeling Lykaion smiled and asked "is this your wish to be joined to this beautiful Beta my son"? "Yes my lord, I wish for him to be mine"!

"And you Kory do you also wish to join with Ulfr and become One with the Pack, will you Submit"?

"Yes my lord, I wish to be his, become One with the Pack, I Submit"!

"Anoint me and the Submissive"! With the bronze dagger Wulfric slit the throat of the Buck, Cona and Ulfr both hands soaked with blood spread the warm liquid over Lykaion's prodigious uncut cock, and Ulfr's hands carried blood to Kory's anus and wetted it.

Lykaion transformed at will to a 7"ft beast of Wolfman and approached the ass of Kory and mounted the boy. Once his cock was fully embedded in the wonderful tightness, he leaned forward and sunk his fangs into the soft flesh of Kory's neck. Limbs began to actually break and stretch, hair appeared where none was before. Pumping his cock in and out of Kory during the entire transformation his orgasm nearing Lykaion uttered the words "you are now One of Us"!

When Lykaion withdrew from Kory's passage his body was replaced by a fit muscular man that once dined with the Gods. Looking to the night sky, sniffing the air and baring his canine teeth he uttered a name...... Zeus!!!

A flash of a multi forked lightning bolt. A very good looking middle aged man appeared and besides him stood a equally good looking boy. Raising his hands in supplication, the boy bowed low before Lykaion. "Greetings great King allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bradley Fox, I am the Personification of the being you once knew as Argus Panoptes"! "My Lord may I present Jonathan Storm"!

Lykaion sniffing loudly replied "I don't care what you call yourself, I can smell Zeus in you, to what do I owe this honor my Lord"?

Zeus looked at Brad expectantly, clearing his throat Brad began explaining it was the wish of the Olympian Council of Olympus Island that Zeus extended a Olive Branch to Lykaion former King of Arkadia. Lykaion had sufficiently repented for his crime against Zeus. He had honored Zeus by founding the City of Lykosura and built a Temple to Zeus Lykaeus, and in the name of Zeus established the Lykaean Games.

Stepping forward Zeus extended his arm and looking Lykaion in the eyes said "Peace, my friend all is forgiven, I apologise for interrupting a Submission"!

Brad strode forward and handed Lykaion a gold roll of finest parchment, sealed with the Seal of Zeus. "Please visit us my Lord, Olympus Island needs allies, not enemies"!

Both God and Boy turned and walked to a vortex of swirling colors, turning back "Zeus said looking really good Lykaion"! And with a flash of a Lightning bolt and a clap of Thunder they were gone.

The Alpha's unchained Kory, snarling and snapping and baying like a werewolf, Lykaion stepped up in front of Kory and raised his right hand in a blessing "I Lykaion give you a New name to be known to the Pack family arise Brother Lobo and embrace your Alpha"! Even though Kory still felt his self inside when Ulfr strode forward Lobo began to whimper like a puppy and fell on his back submitting to his Mate.

Snarling viciously Ulfr's jaws gently closed on Lobos neck for just a moment, pulling back Ulfr let out his own whimper and smothered his Betas snout and muzzle with licks and gentle nips.

Standing upright Ulfr said "go hunt, and feed, the buck belongs to Our Lord Lykaion, looking at Lobo, Ulfr said come my love let's hunt together"!

Running through the Woods and Hills after eating their fill they were both like two puppies so in love. They slowly made their way home when the first rays of Helios stretched forth his fingers. Walking in the Cabin naked as the day they were born, they realized Mama wasn't awake yet, they both dressed and began making a breakfast fit for a God.

Minutes after they finished the others walked in and Wulfric ordered the others to dress because Mama didn't need to see any naked bodies. Mama made her appearance just as the last door closed on the couples.

Lobo aka Kory gave Mama a kiss and took his little Cody in his arms. Cody was getting smothered in Dada kisses while Ulfr led Mama to the head of the table. Trying to protest that it wasn't her place, Wulfric dressed now placed his hands on her shoulders and said "stay Mama. Please allow us to thank you for all you do for us"! **************** Coming soon Chapter 6. **************** Remember Nifty needs our support go to.

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