My Father in Law

By Mark McElroy

Published on Jun 10, 2021


I got the idea for this story from a Dear Abby letter but of course I tweaked it a bit. This Chapter is dedicated to my fellow Nifty Author and my Buddy, Ron Venable. ************** Legal Disclaimer, if you are under the age of 18 please leave this site now. ************** Nifty is a wonderful resource that's why I donate my $ every month. So before you Masturbate why don't you Donate? ***************

Chapter 3, Lycaon was a King of Arcadia. He was also a loyal worshipper of Zeus King of the God's. Now Lycaon had 50 Son's and 1Daughter. This Daughter's name was Kalisto and like her 50 brother's she was a avid Hunter helping to supply meat for the table of her father the King. One Day she was tracking a deer and young girl appeared just as Kalisto killed the Stag. "Well done Kalisto daughter of Lycaon. Would you like to join my Hunters"! The only Rule to be one of Artemis hunters was to remain a Virgin Maiden.

Long story short Zeus fell in Lust, changed forms to look like Artemis and seduced Kalisto impregnating her. Hera acting jealous transformed Kalisto into a Bear. Enraged at the treatment of his daughter, Lycaon swore revenge. Kalisto bore a fine human baby that Zeus named Arcas, the boy grew up to be a fine hunter. One day while he was hunting Hera caused his path to cross that with that of Kalisto. Upon seeing her son she rushed to hug him. Arcas not knowing the bear was his mother raised his bow to kill her, Zeus acting quickly changed Arcas to a young bear. Then he placed both in the heavens, as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Lycaon was biding his time. Taking a insignificant slave boy Lycaon first issued a Royal Invitation to Zeus to attend the Feast of Lycaea. Zeus was seated in a place of Honor and drinking human wine. Nervous Servants brought in a huge pot with a stew.

Zeus looked close at the Stew and said to himself He wouldn't Dare but Zeus knew what was in that Stew. Standing he flipped the table over and pointed at the floor in front of him. Lycaon appeared in the kneeling position. Now all 50 Son's appear. Lycaon you have dared to serve me human? To Punish me? You cannot punish the King of the God's. But I can punish you. From this day forward since you act like a Wolf you and your Male descendants Will be Wolves. You will have everything a wolf has and you will be Immortal. You will retain Control of your Pack.

Lycaon felt the very painful transformation of his body into the Wolf. Looking around he saw not 50 Son's but 50 Lycans.

He and his pack left and fled to Mt. Lykaion. There Gaia appeared to Lycaon and foretold they would revert to human form in the morning. When Selene rises full in the night sky then you and your Son's will be Wolves. You Lycaon will forever more be Immortal. I do this out of hatred for Zeus. Lycaon swore a oath that day that unlike the God's he would only bed a woman to begat Son's if any Lycan produced a daughter she would belong to the Woman. His Mate would be male.

So it became Lycan law that only when a full grown Lycan met the man he felt was his life mate, he would bite and bring about the transformation.

Cona had been waiting impatiently for his Son to choose a suitable Mate for what seemed like forever. Ulfr had finally taken his advice to send that bitch daughter off with her lesbian lover. He had become so angry listening to his Son moon over this boy, but it was finally done. And to top it all this new Mate had possession of Ulfr's 9 months old Son.

This Kory, had done his duty to the Pack by producing a Son. Technically Cona was Cody's Great grandsire, but with Ulfr taking Cody as his own son, that made him a Grandsire. Looking at the red haired young man beside him made the blood rush to his cock, filling out until it was at it's full length of 12" hard inches. His Mate had been given his new name of Tod because he so closely resembled a Fox. Behind them he heard a low growl warning Cona his father sat right behind him and not to be stupid.

Wulfric was very excited to meet his grandpups Mate. He fully planned on Invoking Lycaon to be present and offer his blessings for the new members of the Pack. Turning to look at Louve, his Mate smiled and said "excited much"? Two heads turn around and Cona and Tod kneel in their seats looking at Wulfric and Louve, "are you going to summon Lycaon father"?

"Don't I always Son it's not everyday my grandpup selects a Mate"!

At that moment the Captain's voice announced they were approaching Lake Placid Airport. Please fasten all seatbelts.

Once they were through baggage claims and in the SUV Cona tapped in the coordinates for the base of Lower Wolf Jaw mountain, and to the family Cabin.

Cona and Tod got out and moved to the rear to get the luggage. Then Wulfric and Louve got and looked at the front of the Cabin, Wulfric asked Louve, "babe let them know we're here"!

Louve's eyes flashed Red and a small howl pierced the relative quiet of the Woods. Almost immediately the door opened and Ulfr stepped outside. Wulfric and Cona both gasped when Ulfr turned and took the hand of a Adonis and gently pulled him to his side.

"By the God's of Olympus he's magnificent father"! Kory was standing there looking adorably bashful but definitely proud, holding out my arms as the Grandsire I greet Ulfr first, "looking good as always pup"! I give you a kiss that makes your Kory blush. Then I turn and clear my throat or was that a low growl. "Hello Dad, I am pleased to see you again"! Cona embraced Ulfr first and then we both waited expectantly for Ulfr to introduce us to his soon to be bonded mate. "Grandsire Wulfric, Dad, Louve and Tod, this is Kory"!

Kory felt way underdressed but kissed and his ass was pleasantly squeezed by all.

Wulfric and Cona each took Ulfr's arms and went inside. Then Tod and Louve took my arms and led me back inside.

Mama was standing there holding my sweet little boy introducing him to his new Grandpa's. He looked up at me and held his arms out "Dada"!

I take my naked sweet boy in my arms and began kissing under his neck making him howl. Wulfric asks "Kory may I hold my great, great grand Son, Please"! I look at Cody and say "go to your Papa, baby"!

Wulfric stepped up and with just one finger tickled Cody's ribs causing him to giggle and Cody gave the older man sugar. The Grandsire's all passed Cody around and finally he was back in his Daddy's arms.

Wulfric heads over to Mama and gives her a hug! " Ciáo Bellá Mama"! As I held my boy in the Daddy chair I began to swing him up and would swing him back while squealing like a crazy baby.

Daddy came over to me and said "let me have our little man, he's going to join me, Louve and Tod in the lake or hot tub"! "And you my love are going for a walk and talk with Wulfric, It's tradition you have nothing to fear, oh yeah he's naked to"!

We didn't talk while we walked to Lycaon's Temple. Ulfr had told me that was what the family called it.

Turning to the Altar Wulfric raised his hands and intoned "Dóxa ton Lykaion apó ton opoio Katevainoume"!!! Then he bowed low before Lycaon's statue.

Turning around he walked up to me and stared deep into my eyes. He seemed to be searching for something in my very Soul.

Then he embraced me, putting his very large hand behind my head and pulled my mouth to his. Omg is it a family trait that the men of the Pack can turn me on? Looking deep in my eyes again he said "a true Beta very compliant, baby in the Pack we share our Betas"!

Wulfric went on tell me I would be introduced to the Immortal Lykaion and me and my Son would be blessed into the Pack. "The only difference between you and Cody will be you will always be Ulfr's Beta while Cody will be raised as a Alpha, but do not worry he will always obey you as his Site"! "After yours and Cody's blessing, Cody will be taken back inside by Mama, females and children are not permitted to observe the transformation"!

"To bring about the transformation you will be retrained on the Altar of Submission. There Lykaion will mount you and you will be marked on the neck with the Greek letter Ø Theta and right below Theta the letter B"!! I remember my College days and Theta stood for Divine and Beta was second to my Alpha.

I looked at Wulfric's neck and I saw the À symbol below the Ø.

"Why am I to be restrained Sir, if I may ask"?

Nodding and smiling he said "of course you may ask and I will speak the truth"! "The first and foremost reason is the first time a Lycan transforms is very, very, very painful. To the point where you can lash out and possibly hurt one of us"! The restraints were a blend of Iron and Sterling Silver. Lycans and the pitiful Werewolves were rendered so weak by coming in contact with the metals they lose their wolf strength.

"The rest of our Pack will be here at 9:00 tonight, I believe you and my Grandson will be very happy together"! "Tonight I will bless that adorable little boy of yours, if I can get him away from Mama"!

We walked back to the Cabin and I smelled my little boy and pond water, and faint trace of cum?

"Well it looks like some of them are having a good time, shall we join them"?

Standing on the end of the deck watching the guys swim and horseplay, Ulfr who had a naked little Cody in arms saw us approach and pointed us out to Cody who squeaked "Dada" and held his little arms out. I dove in and slowly resurfacing right in front of him. ************** To be continued in Chapter 4. I hope you like this story. If you have any questions or criticisms feel free to Email me. ************* Remember, if you Masturbate don't forget to Donate.

Next: Chapter 4

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