My Father in Law

By Mark McElroy

Published on May 22, 2021


I got the idea from a letter to Dear Abby, I tweaked it a bit. I hope you like it. I would like to dedicate this Chapter to my two Nifty Brother's, Mike Dicks and John Akmen, and Neil M. ************* Legal disclaimer, if you are under the age of (18), please leave this site now. ************** Nifty is a wonderful resource, that's why I donate $ every month. So before you Masturbate why don't you Donate. *****************

I woke up and realized my hands were cuffed to to the headboard. My legs were in a spread eagle position secured in place by restraints. "Daddy what's going on"? Ulfr was sitting on the bed pulling some sex toys out of a Munitions Box. He smiled and said "I apologise Baby, but seeing that you are a virgin to Man sex, I need to open you up a lot so my 13" x 8" cock doesn't damage you"!

He held up a very large syringe full of Gun Oil lube. "This is to smooth the way", and pressed over half of the contents inside my ass.

"I have a small confession Kory I have wanted to fuck you since the first time I saw you at the Gym in those damn silkies"! Once he finished lubing my ass he began fingering me. Then he inserted a medium size dildo in me stretching me then a large one never stopping til he finally got me used to the last one which was a replica of his own cock.

Ulfr put all of his toys back in his box, and inserted the syringe back in my ass and pushed most of the Gun Oil lube inside me. He put the rest on all over his 13" inches. "Baby this may hurt a little bit but when I push in bear down like your trying to take a shit"! "Trust me you're not the first Marine I have deflowered, and if things go right you will definitely be my last"! He pressed forward and I bore down and his head breached my hole and I felt myself relax, instead of excruciating pain I felt for the first time in my life like this was what I meant to be. That with Ulfr sliding his monster cock in me I was a finished puzzle and I had found my missing piece. His pubic hair was pressed against my ass. He leaned forward and began tormenting my nipples.

"Dad my ass feels so good, do you think you could start moving now"? He began to withdraw and slowly thrust his cock in and out of me. He looked deep in my eyes and said "you're mine now I hear by claim you, you and my Grandson will never be alone again. Just then he put his lips on my shoulder and Oh my God he bit me. I could feel his canine's sink into my flesh. Looking back into my eyes he said "I am a Alpha and you are now my Beta"! Throwing his head back he practically howled I am cumming and I felt every shot of scalding hot cum flood my ass.

He began kissing me and said "I knew you were the one the moment I laid eyes on you standing at attention in front of my desk"! He roll over to the side sweating and out of breath, how he had said that much I will never know.

Sat up and walked into the ensuite and I heard water running, he came back to the bed and released the handcuffs. Taking a key he unlocked the restraints lowering my legs and rubbing the circulation back into my numb legs and feet. Ulfr held up a xlarge butt plug and put gun oil all over it. Taking me by my hand he led me into the ensuite and put a hose with a dildo attachment in my ass and I received my first ever enema. He flushed me out 3x, until the water ran clean. We stepped in to shower it was a 6 head with a rain shower dead center. I had never questioned Sheila any about her father's wealth but from this ensuite alone it screaming opulence. He bathed me completely and then said "my turn now you bath me baby"!

I bathed and he rinsed off really well. Picking up the still oiled up butt plug he turned me to the wall and said "baby this Daddy's pussy, my pussy I want you to wear this at all times only taking out when you're taking care of bodily functions or I am fucking my pussy"! As I looked in his eyes I felt a over whelming need to obey him. I tried to nod yes but he put his finger in my mouth and I began to suck on his finger. Licking the bite mark on my shoulder, he said "I want you to say yes when I ask you a question"! "I say yes I will obey you for you are my Alpha"!

We went to bed and I slept for hours wrapped up in Daddy's arms, my last thoughts were of course of my sweet boy being loved and protected by a large Italian Matron that looked like she could hold her own in a fight.

Dawn broke early but the drapes over the windows were so thick they blocked out all light from piercing the Master Suite. What woke me was voices coming from the kitchen. I heard a man's voice (Daddy) and a female belly laugh,then I heard the sweetest sound known to all Father's and he was positive most Mother's and that's the laugh of their own child.

First he used the rest room and then he saw a pair of Marine Silkies and a very loose green tank, he remained barefoot. Walking out to the kitchen he saw Mama standing by the stove with pots and pans steaming. Cody was hanging with arms and legs straight down with Daddy's hands holding him around his waist. Daddy was lowering Cody's naked belly right on to his mouth blowing raspberries. Cody was screaming in laughter.

I bent over and looked in Cody's beautiful eyes and I puckered up and kissed him on his little button nose. He giggled and said plain as day DaDa. Mama smiled and said that'sa my genio Bambino, Daddy looked at me and said " she called him a genius baby, now are you going to kiss your Daddy good morning"?

I felt my face blush and smiled but leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips "good morning Daddy"!

I sat down and Mama put a plate of breakfast in front of Ulfr first then myself. Mama took Cody in her arms and said "I'm going to give this little pup his bath, and put him down for a little nap"!

After we finished a awesome breakfast Ulfr and I decided to go for a swim in the Lake and lay out to soak up some Sun.

Ulfr was quiet and contemplative and appeared lost in thoughts. I knew when he was ready to talk he would do so. Standing up he offered me his hand and said "I have something to show you, and I need to tell you something also"!

We walked through pristine forest until we walked into a clearing that resembled a smaller version of Stonehenge. Standing in a Circle were 9 cut block Monoliths. I ran my hand over the smooth surface and looked at Daddy and asked "a sacrificial alter"?

"Of a sort, you could say, the Initiation of Total Submission"! "Son you recall when I said that I hear by claim you and answered that you will obey me and I am your Alpha"?

Yes Sir, I said those words, and I stand on my oath"! Daddy smiled at me and said "I know you will, my family will be here starting tomorrow my Father, and his mate Tod, My Brother Ulf and his mate Sòl, Uncle Roger and his mate Fang, my Cousin Butch and his mate Starr"!

"You will be presented to my family and Cody will also be blessed by my Dad.

We are very connected to each other, but you will understand more after your initiation into the Pack. He looked at the Statue of a Greek, the marble base had a chiseled name of Lycaon. "He was our Progenitor, cursed by Zeus after Zeus slayed the 50 Son's of Lycaon. He refused to live with a Woman unless he felt the need to procreate. Taking a Male lover, he styled his Pack after the Sacred Band of Thebes"!

"When a Alpha takes a Mate we hold the Lycaea, it's a Ceremony where the Beta swears obedience, loyalty, and fidelity to his Alpha"!

We walked back to the Cabin and before we got there I heard Cody screaming. My hair bristled and I heard a dog growling, suddenly I sprinted and I was opening the back door. I saw Mama standing at the butcher block in the center of the kitchen. Cody was laying on the top and giggling like a crazy baby, he turned his eyes over to me and said "DaDa"!

I felt like my face was trying to split because I knew my grin was that wide. I raised my clawsand went to snatch him up when he screamed and giggling tried to roll off the butcher block but I snatched him before he could finish the roll. I began smothering him in kisses.

For some reason first I smelled Daddy right behind us, then hair on my arm's and a lightning shock through my nuts sent my libido through the roof.

Daddy licked my ear and said "My beta just had a very hot pulse of heat. "If you were not holding my grandson I would already be plowing that man-cunt, I can smell your ass"!

I handed my Son back to Mama who promptly began kissing and blowing on his tight little belly. She sighed and looked at me and said "Penso di essere Inamorato"! Turning into her Suite she put Cody on a blanket and said " go have some fun with your Papa"!

Taking Daddy by hand I went to the Master Suite. Quickly I stripped and crawled on the bed. My cunt plug was still inside me and waited for Daddy to take it out. Daddy crawled up behind me. I could smell his easier now that his clothes were off. I was on all fours and he smacked my ass and hissed spread them boy and kiss the pillow.

I felt Daddy's fingers pull on my cunt plug and he said "take a deep breath baby"! Pop and it actually slid out, Daddy's nose took a deep whiff and growled. He began by biting my glutes, then he flattened his tongue and starting at my hanging nuts licked all the way over my man-cunt. He paid particular attention to the hole. Drilling his tongue so deep I felt him lick omg my P-spot.

Pulling out after nearly 15 minutes of tonguing me out he spit a large wad of spit on my hole. Teasingly he ran the head of his cock up and down across my yuh I mean Daddy's pussy, before he began pushing that python inside me. This time I welcomed the feeling of fullness. The head of his cock brushed over my P-spot and sent ripples of pleasure through my whole body. "Ohhh I felt that too, Daddy said so here's another one and in a sawing motion gave my P-spot hell racking my body with jolts of pleasure.

Flipping me over on my back with ease I wrapped my legs around his waist as he ramped up his thrusting in and out of me. Every cell in my body felt like I was getting stronger, I could actually feel my muscles starting to bulge. Daddy threw his head back and howled out Yessss God's of Olympus Yessss, I felt every shot hit deep inside me and then Thunder Claps as loud as 10,000.00 explosions and I was cumming like a fire hose. My chest was creamy with all my cum coating it. Daddy first licked up as much cum he could and kissed me snowballing my cum, he cleaned me 3x till my chest was cleaned. He reinserted the cunt- plug. Pulling me up and carrying me to the shower. "In the morning void your bowels and I will put the plug back in. My father Cona and his Mate Tod will be here early. So I smell lunch, Mama's made Buffalo chicken salad and I am starving. After we eat let's go swimming with Cody while Mama starts supper"! *************** I really hope you like this just shoot me a Email. *************** Don't forget Nifty and Please donate.

Next: Chapter 3

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