My Fantasy Girl

By Dan Thornton

Published on Jan 28, 2007


This is my fantasy girl. If I ever get the chance to meet her I would marry her and love her forever.

My Fantasy Girl

My name is Dan, and this is my dream girl.

I was walking in the mall one day. All of a sudden the most beautiful girl walked by and smiled. I turned and saw the perfect ass as it swayed from side to side as she walked away. I began to follow her just to see her ass. She walked into Victoria Secrets. I sat on the planter outside watching. She noticed me as she held up a sexy nighty. She smiled and raised it as if asking if I liked it. I shook my head yes and smiled. She walked around some more and I lost sight of her. I finally got up and walked down to a fast food place and got a drink and sat down.

My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of her in that nighty, when all of a sudden, someone said mind if I sat down. My jaw dropped as I turned and saw her standing there. I stammered sure and began to get up and offer her a chair. She sat down and said her name is Sandy. She had long dark hair and lushious tits (38C i found out later). She said she had bought the nighty and a few other things and smiled.

We talked for awhile and I found out she worked as a secretary. I told her what I did and we sat there talking for a long time. She was new in town and didn't have many friends. I told her she had one now and we laughed. She finally looked at her watch and said she had to go. I asked for her number and she wrote it down on a napkin. She got up and as she bent over to pick up her packages I got a good view of her cleavage. My cock jumped becoming rock hard. She glanced down and smiled. I think she made a point of swaying even more as she walked away, as she knew I was watching.

I had to sit there till I got soft so I could leave. I got home and ripped my clothes off and began fantasising about her. I pounded my cock with a vengance. She filled my mind with lust. I finally felt my balls rise and I shot a huge load all over my chest and stomach. I grabbed a shower and sat down naked on the sofa. All of a sudden my next door neighbor walked in. He is gay and has sucked me off on several occasions. I have even packed his ass numerious times. He smiled and bent over and kissed me on the cheek. The he reached down and stroked my cock and talked to it like it understood what he said. Do you want to play? Then we laughed as my cock got hard from his stroking. He said he had had a long day and needed a drink as he swallowed my cock. I laughed and told him to help himself. He was an excellent cocksucker. Soon I was blowing my load down his throat. He didn't lose a drop. He sat up next to me and asked about my day.

I told him about meeting Sandy. He asked if that meant he couldn't suck my cock anymore and I said he could suck it whenever he wanted. He smiled and we talked awhile as I fixed us something to eat. We got through eating and as I was washing the dishes he walked up behind me and reached around and begam stroking me again. When I turned around I was hard as a rock. I grabbed him and bent him over the table. I buried my face in his ass and shoved my tongue as deep in his ass as I could. After I had it lubed with my spit I stood up and shoved my cock up his ass in one stroke.

He let out a moan as I began to pound his ass. He is one hot piece of ass. Hot,steamy, and willing. I closed my eyes and thought of her. It was her I was doing this too. I made love to her in my mind as I pounded his ass. Finally I felt my cum boil in my balls. It rushed up my cock and shot deep into his ass. As I came down I opened my eyes and looked at him. When My cock slid out he turned and huged me. I whispered in my ear. Was it her you were thinking about as you fucked me? I couldn't lie and told him yes. He smiled and said it didn't matter, he enjoyed it and was glad to help. Saying that he grabbed my face and planted a soft kiss on my lips. That was the first time he had ever done that. I didn't know what to say, I just looked at him, my mouth open.

He got embarressed and looked down. He said he was sorry and started to turn. I grabbed him and looked into his eyes. I said don't be and kissed him softly. We hugged and walked back into the living room. I told him nothing has changed and he smiled. He got dressed and left. As he walked out the door I said see you soon and he smiled.

My thoughts turned back to Sandy. I could see her standing there in that nighty. She had a I'm going to fuck you all night long look on her face. My cock began to get hard. I reached down and began stroking. Her long dark hair cascading down her shoulders. The thin material leaving little to the imagination. Her firm tits with big nipples poking through, begging to be sucked. Her shapely legs firm yet soft. And the thin thong panties showing just a wisp of hair above her mound.

She walks to me and bends down to kiss me softly. It sends shivers down my spine when she does. She reaches out and lightly strokes my legs. Slowly she reaches toward my cock. Lightning shoots through me as she touches it. Lust is in her eyes and mine. She takes my cock into her hand and strokes it softly. My mind is reeling with passion. Her lips are so soft on mine. I reach up and feel her breast through the nighty. Her nipples are hard and her chest is heaving. She brakes our kiss never taking her eyes off me as she kneels down between my legs. She lowers her head toward my cock. Precum is flowing freely. She reaches out with her tongue and tastes it. Her hand wraps around my balls lifting them. She lowers her head and takes my cock slowly into her mouth, setting me on fire.

She begins to slowly take my cock, inch by inch till her nose is resting on my stomach. Then just as slowly licking and sucking it as she comes back up. She begins to moan with me as she picks up speed. Soon she's bobbing her head up and down wanting my seed almost begging for it in her mouth. She feels my balls tighten in her hand. She knows what's coming, and she sucks even harder. My cock begins to swell in her mouth as she buries it deep in her throat. I shoot sprut after spurt down her throat. She swallows it like it's the milk of the gods. "POOF" I awaken to hear someones car alarm go off. I look down and I have shot my load all over my chest and stomach. It was a dream. I got up and took a shower vowing to call her the next day.

The next day drug as I waited to get home and call her. Finally I got home and took a shower and jacked off thinking about her. I called her around 7. We talked for hours. I asked her out and to my amazement she accepted. I couldn't really see what she saw in me. I found out she was 14 years younger than me. I knew from her looks she could have anyone she wanted. We said good night and after I hung up I called my neighbor. He came over with nothing on but his robe. As soon as the door closed I ripped it off.I took him into the living room and forced him to his knees. He took my cock into his mouth and I pounded it hard and fast. Soon my cock was spurting down his throat. I pushed him onto his back and impaled myself on his hard cock. I rode him like a bucking bronco. Slamming his cock deep in my ass. Soon I got my reward. His cock swelled and he shot his hot load up my ass. I fell across him and he held me. His cock still buried up my ass. He laughed and said I must of been really horny. I told him I just talked to Sandy and needed some relief. He smiled and said he was always ready and willing to do the job.

His cock had softened and popped out of my ass. I rolled over and gently kissed him on the lips. I told him I was sorry for jumping him like that. He laughed and said I could jump him anytime I wanted.

Friday night came. I was so nervous. I picked up some flowers and went to pick up Sandy. It was like prom night. I had butterflys in my stomach. When she opened the door, my jaw dropped. She stood there in a tight red dress fitting her curves in everyway. Plenty of cleavage was showing and her dress ended halfway up from her knees. I almost passed out. She let me in to put the flowers in water. She wrapped her arm around mine as we walked out. I took her to a fancy resturant and when we walked in everyone turned and watched us walk in. I knew they were mainly looking at her. I felt on top of the world haveing them see me with this beautiful woman. As we ate I noticed men all around sneaking peeks at her when their wives weren't watching.

We left the resturant and walked down the street. Guys were whistling and foaming at the mouth looking at her. We sat at a park bench and talked. Her eyes captavated me. They were hazel with golden streaks. I lost myself in them. We talked about nothing and everything. I was falling for her. Soon it was time to go. I drove her home and walked her to her door. She looked into my eyes and leaned into me. I took her in my arms and held her. Our lips met I almost came in my pants as we kissed. Her lips were so soft and full. I didn't want it to end. We broke our kiss and she opened the door. I told her I wanted to see her again and she accepted. I was walking on clouds as I went to my car. I don't even remember driving home.

I invited her for a picnic at the lake the next weekend. She opened her door and my jaw dropped. She was standing there in daisy duke shorts and a cutoff top, revealing her smooth stomach. She smiled and grabbed my arm as we walked to my car. We drove down to the lake. We found a quiet place and parked. I walked behind her carrying the blanket and food. My cock grew watching her sweet ass swaying back and forth as she walked. I hoped she didn't notice and want to go home. She found a good spot and we layed out the blanket and food. She glanced at my crotch and smiled.

Luckily I wore a baggy swimsuit. The buldge wasn't noticable much, but could be seen. We decided to swim for awhile and build up an appitite. She stood looking at me as she pulled her top off revealing a very small bikini top barely covering her nipples. My mouth was watering. Slowly she turned around as she pulled her shorts down. Her perfect ass came into view. Only a thin string was in view as she bent over.I almost shot my load then and there. I wanted to reach out and kiss each perfect cheek but resisted. I don't know how. She smiled as she stood up and turned and asked You Like?. I couldn't speak, I just nodded my head. She said she just bought it and hoped I did. She reached out and took my hand. We walked into the water. The cool water helped my raging hardon. Taking my mind off her for a second. We splashed around for awhile and laughed and carried on like a couple of kids. Sonn she said she was hungry. We ran up the bank and fell onto the blanket. I reached up and wiped some hair from her face. She looked me in the eyes and smiled. I was in heaven.

We ate and talked and carried on like kids. we laid down and watched the clouds. I looked over at her and thought she's the one I want. I leaned over and looked her in the eyes. I bent closer and our lips met. She wrapped her arms around me and we kissed. My hand wondered down her back. Her skin was so soft. She didn't resist as I placed my hand on her ass. It was soft yet firm. I softly kneaded it as we kissed. Finally we broke the kiss and she looked away. I asked what was the matter. She didn't say anything. I said to myself, Damn I ruined it. Shortly after we left. She was quiet on the drive back.

As we got to her door she looked at me and said she was sorry. I asked her to tell me what was wrong. I told her I cared for her very much and wanted to help. She just looked at me. She opened her door and walked in. I followed. I could see she was fighting in her mind whether or not to tell me. I pulled her down onto the couch and held her. I told her no matter what it was I wanted to be with her. She just looked at me. Finally she in a very soft voice said she wanted me too. My heart jumped.

She said but I needed to know something about her. I said I don't care, but she said I have to if it went any further. I said ok. She looked into my eyes and held my hand. She said I was born a man. At first it shocked me. Then I felt even closer to her. I took her into my arms and said it didn't matter that I still wanted her. She looked into my eyes and smiled. I pulled her close and we kissed.

I asked her to tell me everything. She said she was born, Sam not Sandy. She knew from the first that she was different. She had a bad childhood trying to conform, and when she got out on her own, she decided to do something about it. She went through the therepy and breast implants, but as of yet hasn't had the final operation. She had moved to here where no one knew her as Sam.

After she finished, she looked at me. She was wondering what I was thinking. I turned to her and said I love you Sandy and want to be with you. She burst out crying. She fell into my arms. I held her telling her it was going to be alright. Finally she began to stop. She held up her tear stained face and I kissed her tears. Our lips met and it was like she was possessed. She broke long enough to say she loved me too. My heart soared. I had the woman of my dreams.

Our kiss broke and she stood up and reached for my hand. I stood and we walked to her bedroom. She had me sit on the bed as she stood in front of me. Slowly she pulled her top off. Next she slowly removed her shorts. She was standing there in her swim suit. I reached and pulled her onto the bed. She wrapped her arms around me and we kissed. I reached down and placed my hand on her breast. She moaned softly into my mouth. Her nipples got hard as rocks. I kneaded them between my fingers. I reached up and pulled the string on her top. I began kissing her neck, slowly going further down. I kissed all over her breast. She was moaning and moaning. I took her nipple into my mouth.

I sucked it softly and she began moving trying to push more into my mouth. Slowly I kissed my way down. When I reached her stomach she tensed as I reached for her bottoms. I raised up as I slowly pulled them down. I dropped them onto the floor. She looked into my eyes and I opened her legs. I looked down and saw a beautiful semi hard cock. I t was about 5" long and uncut. Her legs were laying on my shoulders as I looked. I looked into her eyes and smiled. I could see her sigh relief. Her secret was out for real and it didn't matter. I still loved her. I began kissing my way down her legs. Switching from one to the other on my way down. When I reached her knees she drew in a deep breath each kiss I made. Her cock jumped too the closer I got. Finally I reached her crotch. I kissed all around her cock. It had become hard as a rock. It was at least 6" long and stood tall.

I looked into her eyes as I bent and kissed it. She jumped when my lips touched it. I smiled and took it into my mouth. It was soft yet hard. Her head flew back and a loud moan escaped her mouth. Precum flowed from the tip. I savored it on my tongue. I sucked her slow and softly. She was moaning and breathing hard. Soon I felt her begin to swell in my mouth. I knew she was about to cum. H reached up and pinched her nipple. It set her off. She bucked her hips wildly as she shot spurt after spurt into my mouth. She slowly came down. She felt like a wet noodle in my arms. After her breathing slowed she pulled me up. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.

I held her tight and told her I loved her. She said she loved me and hugged me tight. She reached down and stroked my cock. Slowly she bent and took it into her mouth. It was so warm and wet. She licked the vein as she took more and more into her mouth. She wanted to please me like I did her. She licked and sucked driving me wild. Finally my balls began to boil. My cock swelled in her mouth. She felt it and swallowed it deep. Shot after shot went down her throat. She swallowed every drop. I pulled her into my arms. We held eachother and fell asleep.

From that day we were together. She moved in with me shortly after that. I told her about my neighbor. She didn't get mad. In fact she liked the idea. She said she would love to see us together sometime. I loved her even more at that moment. She had met him in the hallway and liked him. She asked how big his cock was and I said 7" and he was cut. She licked her lips. I laughed. I reached down and felt her cock beging to rise. I laughed and asked if she was going to leave me for a bigger cock. She laughed and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me and said NO CHANCE.

Part 2 to follow. Comments are always welcome and answered.

Next: Chapter 2

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