My Fake ID

By Shy Guy

Published on Mar 6, 2018


Note from the family:

Papa Izzie is no longer with us. He succumbed to a pulmonary embolism 12/13/2017 in Sydney NSW Australia. He left his body to the research project he was part of. He did this in hopes it could save others in the future. The rest of his body was cremated and returned to the U.S. where his urn and Daddy Aza's urn were united per their wishes.

I promised Papa I would publish his last works. He had enough of the fourth chapter done that I could see where it was going. I hope you don't mind me finishing it and merging it with the final chapter; I don't think Papa Izzie would mind.

Papa liked to write about things he knew about, people he met, and experiences he had. He did a lot of research for things he didn't know firsthand. He believed writing was a journey for the writer as well as the reader. He'd tell me, just start and let the story take you where it wants to go. He thought it was odd that he wrote the last chapter of this story first, now it makes sense.

He was working on several other stories. One was a generational sequel to the Jono series. It was also based very loosely about one of us "kids" and the struggles she faced. I handed those notebooks off to a young writer, one of my Lit 201 students. He actually squealed as he was reading the synopsis. I hope you may see them some day.

All of his "kids" want to thank you for making his last years so happy. He loved reading your stories as much as he liked writing for you. In the low times your fan mail kept him going.

Denise H.

        • Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities with any persons living or dead are wholly coincidental...

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        • The knock on the squad car window pulled me from my remembrance.

I knew him as Patrolman Nusseibeh, and the only reason I knew that was because of his name tag. That's when I learned the officer's first name. His lieutenant leaned in and said, "So what you got here Ahmad? Is this the little prick that is wasting your time, and taking you away from your farewell party? What's he done?"

"It's not so bad lieutenant. We're just doing the field interview right now. I told you all before I really didn't want a farewell party in the first place. It's been good working with everyone but, I just need to move on."

"Ahmad, I know you're going to miss this. This is a bullshit move. You're going to miss the adrenaline rush. There are some guys who are destined to be road cops. Then there are some who can be park police, dealing primarily with drunk ass campers. I can't imagine you settling for that job. Especially at some rinky-dink, tiny ass, federal park in the middle of some butt fuck, ass backwards section of South Dakota."

"That would be North Dakota sir. It has been a hard three years since we lost Terry, and then Alex. Last year, I may have agreed with you sir, relocation was a bad option. Then we lost Yosef. I just don't have another funeral in me. I need to get out of California sir. I just need a new start. I have to go off and heal."

I acknowledged the irony of his healing journey just beginning, and mine is ending.

At some point I stopped listening to them drone on. I am still sitting in his police cruiser with my hands handcuffed behind my back. I sit here remembering my journey...

I admit my dreams are getting far more disturbing. The shadow man who the hell is he? Why does he fill me with dread now? During the vision in the sweat-lodge I assumed he was simply the representation of the lone man. Why is it now frightening?

I woke up before Gail and Charlie. I needed to re-center myself. I knew the burning sage in the lodge might disturb my guests. So I grabbed a blanket, my medicine bundle, and went outside to watch the sunrise on the bank of the creek and pray for guidance. I lit the sage smudge stick and began wafting the smoke into my face with my eagle feathers. I knew if I did this openly here on the reservation people would understand and leave me be.

As quiet as I was, I was not quite quiet enough. I could feel Gail's eyes on me through the door. When she opened the door I heard Charlie's heavy footfalls guiding her away and closing the door. He knew there was something wrong, and I needed to get a handle on it. I packed up my kit and returned to the lodge. I received no guidance, but I was calm when I reentered the lodge.

I smiled broadly as I entered the threshold. "Morning Charlie, morning Gail. I hope you slept well."

"You okay little guy? It's been a long time since I've seen you do THAT openly."

I know he didn't intend to insult my practices, but my eyes rolled on his enunciation on the word THAT. "Just a bad dream Charlie. I'll get a handle on it. It had some disturbing imagery that I need to figure out."

I offered to cook breakfast but Gail said, "We're not into morning food. We just wanted to hit the road. If we leave early enough we can be at our house before sundown."

When Gail emerged from her shower she found me on my knees having my breakfast. One last serving of Charlie sausage. both were impressed I got it three quarters of the way down my throat when he busted his nut. When Charlie came out of his shower he found Gail returning the favor. Suddenly a stop in Denver didn't sound so bad someday.

Twenty minutes later Ken showed up and guided them out to the highway and they were gone. By the time he and Rob returned to the lodge, I was showered and had the truck unhooked from the lodge and was ready to go.

Ken was impressed with the portable welding kit that granddad and I designed. I got the feeling that his son was a more literary type. It was clear, Rob knew the benefit of hard work, but had no desire to use his hands to make a living. I discovered his acting and modeling paid for his college. Still, he wanted to be a photojournalist.

Ken told me that the leaders of the tribe would meet us at the school tomorrow morning to take a look at the lodge. Rob said that he would be glad to do the photo-shoot at that time. The light would be best first thing in the morning. Then we can show the students what they could do.

Rob asked to ride shotgun with me. Then we followed his father to the local faded aluminum, fifties style diner for breakfast. I started looking around for the Dairy Queen, its absence confirmed I was in fact away from home. Of course Ken didn't bother to tell me that we were going to have breakfast with a few of the local leaders. To prime the pump as it were. I chuckled, he was a smooth politician.

As we talked the men were clearly impressed. They promised to bring the entire council and a few businessmen out to tour the lodge in the morning. I then asked the gentleman to excuse us so that Rob and I could get to work on the gate, or it would be a two-day job. The men smiled and let us depart.

I was happy to see the school had rerouted traffic to the back entrance. They left the front drive completely at our disposal.

"Rob, step one is always demolition and it normally takes a little longer. This was a good gate, how the fuck did this happen?" He told me someone cut the brake lines on a bus, and it rolled through the gate.

"Assholes! I've got some flat stock we can make some jigs to bend the frame straight. First we have to cut out the cross pieces. How are you with a cutting torch?" He laughed. "I guess you're going to be doing the grunt work. You'll find some heavy work gloves in the back of the pickup. You'll find my flat stock in the cavity just under the upper bed. I'll need those pieces set up on the driveway."

It looked as if I got Rob all wrong. He had no trouble doing hard labor. I also learned he did not like his first name of Robert. "Only mom and dad call me that, everyone else calls me Tokala." The day had gotten hot and he and I took off our shirts. I watched his muscles rippling under the strain. I confess; my mouth watered. Of course just because he was gay, didn't mean he would be interested in me.

The day got hotter and both of our bodies started sheeting sweat. A few of the school girls were shouting out cat calls. It was clear to me they preferred Robert, who wouldn't? Demolition and straightening of the gate frame took about an hour and a half. Welding the new cross members took another hour.

When the fine sheet of sweat turned into a steady stream, the ladies from the cafeteria brought us water. Thanks to some help from the football team, we had the gates remounted on their tracks in about five minutes, instead of the half hour I budgeted for. The guys from metal shop came out with grinders and wire wheels to polish up the metal.

I said the repair would be done in six hours; it was done in a little over four. The gate motor argued at first, but popped free in the end. I told the administrator that it should probably be replaced before the next school year.

The local paper came out and boasted the fact that the repair was a 100 percent "First Nation" effort. They used my Mandan name in quotes. I knew Uncle Nels would be a bit put out. The paper credited 'Foxfire Fabrication' and left off subsidiary of 'Haugen Fabricating and Repair.'

Rob and I made it back to the lodge. When I got out of the truck I realized I was going to pay for the hard work and the compressed timeline. Rob came around seeing how I was struggling. He smiled said, "Hurting buddy?"

"Hell yeah! I got spoiled this last year. Out on the job site I had two assistants helping me out. Today I only had one, and he didn't have a clue what he was doing." I winked and smiled back letting him know I was just teasing. "Really, I appreciate all your help. I always have a habit of overestimating my ability. No matter what, I would have busted my ass to make sure it happened in one day. You made it a lot easier thank you."

"Ooxa, why do you weld, you seem smart enough to handle college?"

"Tokala, master welders make butt loads of money. We have little or no student debt. Yes, it's hard work, but if you're willing to put in the time, a man can earn a really good living. Although it does mean your muscles will ache some days. It is kind of nice seeing something tangible standing at the end of the day."

Rob replied that he would be willing to help me with the sore muscles. "I'm told I give a good back rub."

"I could probably use some burn cream as well. Lucky you, you get to hang out with the only native who burns when exposed to the sun."

He laughed at how pink I was turning then said, "Nah, I got a pasty cousin just about as light as you. You busted your ass at the school. You have a lot of new friends now. Clearly the honeys liked you."

"Come on buddy, we know those cheers were for you..." He cut me off.

"I'm not the exotic one around here. The chicks were digging you. Heck, a few of the football team were scoping your ass out as well. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you stay in L.A. I'll introduce you to my agent. A little dye in that hair and some spray on tan, you could pass for a Hollywood Native American. We entered the lodge he looked down on the entry table. Seeing my medicine bundle and my smudge stick. "You smudge?"

"It helps me when I'm having trouble, it centers me. I've been having weird dreams from a vision and I'm looking for answers."

"Ooxa, its good medicine, and a good place to start."

I told him I was going to hit the shower before applying anything on my burn. He told me he was going to run home for some supplies and take a shower himself. Then he'd come back we would work on my sore muscles.

I must have taken longer in the shower than I thought. I was still wearing my towel around my waist when he returned. He combined very nice massage with the application of the burn ointment on my skin. I was damn near purring when he was done.

I found myself conflicted I wanted more, but he was clearly intent on leaving for the night. I guess I was wrong, the chemistry just wasn't there, damn.

"I'll see you in the morning, to help set up the lodge at the school. I'll also have my stuff ready to go." I used the time to clear out some closet space and some space in my chest of drawers for his clothing. Then I put on a sleep shirt and got ready for bed. Before I dropped off, I shot a link of the local story to Uncle Nels. Three minutes later he was ringing me on Skype.

"Holy crap! You got some sun boy."

"Sorry Uncle Nels, I forgot my sunscreen. I take it you got the link?" He nodded "Sorry about, the corporate name being cut off. I gave them the full title."

"Pal that's okay. I understand this is just local politics. They faxed everything with both corporations' names on it so I can still use the tax write-off. The other guys actually wanted to charge ten grand to repair one stupid gate."

"Yep. Most of that repair money would have gone to per diem as they stretched the job out. They were padding the bill and out to screw over the tribe. Some people just suck."

"Speaking of some people sucking. Looks like your pops in a bit of hot water. The IRS is auditing..." I held my hand up and stopped him.

"Nels don't take this the wrong way. That man is dead to me. I am grateful for him giving me life, but it's over between he and I."

He had a sad smile, but continued, "Play up that "First Nation" angle during the interviews tomorrow. Make sure to add the Haugen construction stands behind our brothers. While you do have the stronger bloodline, I still share it. Be sure to pay tribute to the Mandan people for building your ethics and encouraging your skills development."

My eyes rolled as I thought, 'Oh God I hate politics.' He continued, "You look tired pal. Get some sleep you've earned it. With the tax write-off and the good press, we had a very good first day of business together." I waved goodbye and the screen went blank.

The next morning we hooked the lodge up to the truck again packed it up for the road and took it out to the school. The local media was all over it. The school made sure to hype it to the council that the majority of the construction was done by high school students. Tokala took his time photographing every square inch of the lodge before, during, and after photos of its set up. The custodial staff even loaned him a scissor lift so he could take pictures of the solar farm on the roof.

The school administrator took me on a tour of the facilities and showed me a picture of my grandmother teaching class. The local paper took a picture of me looking at grandmother's photo.

Ken grabbed his son's luggage and loaded them in the lodge. Then father and son hugged each other and we were on the road.

**** The second stop was paid for by less glamorous work. I had to reinforce the iron works for the local holding cells. Though it was just as necessary, it was less rewarding, when I reflected on its future probable occupants. I had two nights of depression in bed as well Tokala decided to take the futon out in the living room.

As we crossed Nevada I discovered the Tokala was a nonstop talker. "Pop says I'm too quick to jump into the next guy's bed. I'm trying to slow down a bit. You're actually the first guy I wanted to get to know in quite a while. For young kid you're pretty cool."

"Young kid! how old are you?" He quickly replied that he was twenty-one. "Oooh three whole years older."

We were too early for the festival. Mostly because I didn't want to stay the full four days on the last reservation. Even T wanted to get moving. There was something oppressive about working on those cells.

I found an RV park close by that could handle the lodge. The owner had no problem with me dumping the tanks, and taking on water. I made sure to tank slowly so it didn't cause a drain on the other campers. I picked the town because it had one of the few gay night clubs in the region.

After getting the lodge all set up and opened, I offered to take Tokala out for dinner. I was desperate to push the issue. I told him of the club. "You have absolutely zero chance of getting in Ooxa!" I offered a friendly wager whoever loses bottoms. He leaned back leering at my ass, "I'll take some of that action."

I kind of wanted to lose this bet. This was the first time he made any comment voicing interest in me sexually. We set up the ramp and got the black and white Indian out of the back of the truck. I was grateful granddad had the double seat on it. It may have looked weird having a Lakota hunk leaning against a white guy's back as they went down the road, but it felt real nice.

We walked up to the front of the club and the bouncer eyed me up and down. I saw the "no students, 19 and up" sign. I presented my fake ID. I also passed him my business card and a fifty. I smiled and whispered in his ear, "Surely you have an alcohol-free stamp or wristband. I'm the designated driver, the only reason I'm here is my cousin desperately needs to get fucked tonight."

"I know what it feels like to be the designated driver." The bouncer threw a white alcohol-free wrist band on me, and a black-light designated driver stamp on my hand. He waved us in, "You guys have fun tonight. We have a kick'in band. Oh Magnus, your non-alcoholic drinks are free as the designated driver." He pulled me in for a whisper, "It's a good-looking fake. The over 19 rule is just keep the high school kids out." I almost laughed; he didn't even bother to card check Tokala.

We made it all the way up to the bar. Tokala wrapped his arms around me saying, "This is a bet that I'm so happy to lose." He kissed behind my right ear.

He ordered a beer and the bartender put up a white frozen beverage in front of me. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's virgin."

I replied, "Something in here should be." He winked at me and pointed down to my stamp and wristband which were both glowing bright red under the bar lights.

More than a few buff guys, and a couple of trolls, ran their hands across our asses. It didn't matter I only wanted to spend time with one guy, and I was grateful he was sending off the same vibe. Our focus on each other didn't stop the other guys from sending us food and drinks. I admit that I liked all the attention, what I liked even more was the fact it appeared T only had eyes for me.

I learned a lesson; bar food can be filling, especially if someone else is buying. Tokala and I hit the floor on more than one occasion, that boy could move. When the crowd of guys grinding on us got a little too intense we'd leave the floor. Where in the fuck was all this attention in high school? I started wondering if being a prick tease was a viable profession?

When Tokala and I headed back to the lodge, it was early in the morning. I hit the kill switch and pulled the keys out of the bike. We were pulling clothes off each other as we migrated back to the shower. We ground against each other as we scrubbed each other's flesh.

We climbed into the bed and I snuggled hard against his chest. He dropped his hand down resting it on my ass and we both fell into a deep sleep. I saw my mother again, she appeared disappointed. Her form dissolved into that of the shadow man. He warned me, "Ooxa, your journey lies in front of you, not behind. I am waiting for you my beloved. The end of your journey is our beginning."

Just before sunrise I awoke rock hard. Tokala was straddling my hips, he too was afflicted with a morning woody. He leaned forward kissing me. Then he said, "Ooxa, you are a very sound sleeper. I don't welch on bets." With that he caressed my pecs then softly pinched my nipples. "You have such a nice body."

"I'm not the actor, model, and journalist. I am just the welder grunt, a builder." I started playing with the crevices in his abs.

"Buddy, it's been a long time since I've had someone hot grinding on me on the dance floor. You move good, those cute guys at the bar were making the move on you just as much as they were moving on me. I think my agent would like to meet you as a client. I could definitely do a modeling portfolio for you. In fact I'd kind of like to help you out."

I laughed never seeing myself that way. He had to be joking, I was not anything special, and I let it drop. We slowly rolled to our sides and then I locked my lips on his as we pivoted onto his back. My tongue explored the hot softness of his mouth.

I kissed my way along his jaw, licking the sweat from the tender flesh of his neck. Looking down at our tummies his cute outie belly button nestled within my innie. We formed the perfect erotic lego. I continued my downward journey, playing with his nipples and kissing my way down his sternum. I worked my way down to his groin. I felt the heat of his cock against my cheek.

My Lakota Fox was different than both Michael and Charlie. His was the first cock I sucked that was not uncut. It looked weird. I asked him why his family did this. I know when I visited the reservation a few of the cousins would take me skinny dipping. It was very unusual for any of them to be circumcised. Most were home births. Tokala replied, "Well Ooxa, I didn't have much say in the matter. Mom had me in the rez clinic. The visiting doctor was Jewish and recommended for my long-term health that I be circumcised. Mom was so grateful about me leaving her body, she agreed to anything he suggested."

Satisfied I returned to my task. His precum was a little bitter, but tasty none the less. Mike and Charlie would have been proud I was able to throat him without much effort. I felt Tokala playing with my cock and testicles. I glanced down to see him taking a cock ring and sliding it down my cock and around my balls. It took a moment to realize it wasn't mine. The moment I realized it was when a large metal sphere penetrated my ass.

"There now when you fuck me, I can fuck you back. Trust me you're going to love this. It's one of my favorite toys. It's guaranteed to keep you cumming. On each stroke in the little connecting rod pushes the ball against your prostate. You're going to love this trust me." I normally don't trust someone who uses the phrase trust me twice in the same comment. Still, T hadn't screwed me over yet, and it did feel good.

I had to remind myself I had far less experience than just about everyone. Just today, T told me that he had issue with climbing in and out of bed too freely. No doubt he had trouble remembering how many partners he had. He was my fourth and one was a woman. I wasn't sure I wanted to ever be like that. I kept remembering the dream. My other half was waiting out there for me.

Tokala bumped the connecting rod driving the sphere against my prostate. "Ooxa, Where did you go? You kind of checked out for a moment." I apologized and returned To my tasks. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to swallow his load, before or after I fucked his hole. I decided that I was going to try rimming for the first time. Both Mike and Charlie seem to like doing it to me. I wondered what it tastes and felt like to give it to another guy.

I spun around and lifted his legs in the air. T wrapped his arms around them. I slowly ran my tongue around the pucker of his ass. "Oh God I was hoping you would do that! I just love it when a hot guys willing to rim me!" I timidly started pushing the tip of my tongue into his hole. "Oh don't tell me this is your first time?"

I stuck my head up from between his legs looking into his face, he was grinning down at me. "I'm sorry, am I doing it wrong?"

"No your not. It's your first time rimming?" I nodded yes. "There's no right or wrong way per se. It's a technique thing. Right now you don't have any. I know that, just get in there and enjoy it. I'm going to love whatever you do down there because I am your first."

Emboldened, I returned to his hole and started nibbling the flesh around the rim. He tasted like soap, but the musk wafting down from his crotch was driving me nuts! I dove my tongue deep inside of him. I hit some spot inside him that must have excited him. He threw his hips back against my face when I hit it. I hit it twice more just to be sure, I'll have to remember that spot. "Ooxa, if you keep doing that, I'm going to spray all over myself. I want us to cum together. Please fuck me now."

I skinned a condom on my cock as he watched. I got the feeling he was disappointed I didn't take him bare. Our eyes met, "You are right Ooxa, safety first."I aligned my cock against his lubed hole and with a steady push I was balls deep in him. As soon as the base of my cock hit his ass the magic happened. The cock ring pushed the rod and the rod pushed the sphere in my ass against my prostate. My god I saw stars! "Good huh?" I couldn't speak, I nodded gasping for air.

I learned to pleasure him I would have to take a series of short and long strokes. Too many deep thrusts and I would have cum too soon. Tokala surprised me he was definitely a bottom. But, he was an imaginative bottom. He shifted position to his side raising his leg and resting it on my shoulder. Three long strokes and we both came together. "Damn Ooxa, that was worth the fifty I palmed the doorman to get you in the club. Never thought I would pay to lose a bet."

I thought, that son of a bitch took one hundred bucks from us. I looked down at my fox, "It was worth twice that fifty from my perspective." We didn't leave my lodge for 4 days. He taught me how to break in and pleasure a bottom. He damn near taught me the entire Kama Sutra gay man's edition. Each day however my visions became darker.

Things went south when we got to Burning Man. Tokala was the exotic. When I was working, there was practically a revolving door in and out of the lodge. The visions got darker, down right frightening. I wasn't sleeping more than an hour a night.

It peaked on the last night. T said, "Ooxa, I am worried about your visions. You are not sleeping. Try this, it is a medicinal tea. It will focus your visions and give you rest." It had a foul, bitter flavor, but Tokala told me to finish it in one gulp. I knew something was wrong immediately. I was overcome by tidal waves of nausea. Then I vomited.

The nausea and vomiting ceased. I was mad as hell at Tokala for about 15 minutes. I figured that the ear wax taste in my mouth would eventually fade, no harm was done. I sucked on a mint in order to get the flavor out of my mouth. About 45 minutes later, I started to watch colors bend. Then I heard the color blue. Three of the guys who joined Tokala started to shimmer. A beautiful light shone brightly from their chests. The light from two of them was drawn into Tokala, he was absorbing their light. I looked at T and he was swallowed by darkness. The shadow man leapt from his chest, "My beautiful boy, what have you done! Stay away from this one! He is not to be trusted." I will watch over you. I was drawn to one, whose light was unaffected by Tokala. His light wrapped around me and we floated to a safe place. The image of the shadow man dissolved away. My mother told me to lay still. "Trust the one I sent to care for you, Yosef will not let harm visit you this night. Go a new way in the morning." I felt wrapped by love and drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke in the arms of a stranger. He showed his badge and introduced himself as Yosef Refai, "I'm a police officer over in California. My friends and I saw the green "tea" he gave you. When you started tripping we knew you'd need a safe watcher. I carried you back here. Your rig is a marvel. I closed the shutters to keep the light out until the trip ended. My buddy kept your 'friend' company last night and is giving him a ride to L.A. today. You might want to inventory your stuff."

"I feel like such an idiot."

"You are young... I guess that is much the same thing. Where are you off to next?"

"That is the question... L.A. was now out of the question." I grabbed for my tablet pulling up the list. I searched the trade and home shows. There was one in San Diego at the end of next week. I sent a link to my uncle. Two minutes later he replied we were signed up.

"Yosef, I guess I am going to San Diego."

"Cool, that is my home. Wait, how did you know my name?"

"My mother told me last night. It was the first time I heard her voice." He had a puzzled look. I told him my story and about the visions. He smiled.

"We had to get yours and the location of your rig from the event leaders. I rode to burning man with my buddies, we pick a destination bike trip every year. They have to be back at their stations near L.A. & San Francisco tomorrow, I have another week. I'd like to see that the peyote is fully out of your system before you head out. Could you use a companion to travel with to San Diego?" I saw mother smile. I shook my head yes.

"Magnus, I will be back in a few minutes. Stay here. Sometimes the trips can last sixteen hours. I think the worst of it is over. He kissed the top of my head."

That became the new normal pull up the list and follow the trade shows with the lodge, or temporary welding jobs. I crossed the country several times. Stayed with Yosef more than once. I got the feeling he wanted something more but wouldn't say it.

The closest I got to setting down roots was the New York Theater district. I made the rounds building specialty set pieces. The whole time I was in New York City I had horny modeling and acting "agents" trying to bed me, comparing my face and hair to a model named Torkel Rogstad, and my body to a hairless Lars Slind. I had to leave New York. The sex was interesting but, it was such a hard place. It brought out a side of me I didn't like, a side that scared me... Dad's side.

I did leave with a cute dancer named Benny. He had enough being used and discarded as well. We took I-95 down through the Carolina's to Jacksonville, Florida. All the time Benny and I were fucking like a rabbits. We stopped a few times, just for a day or two. To extend our play. God that kid was flexible. It was as if I was grinding off the hard edge or burr I picked up. I hated pulling into Jacksonville and leaving him behind, but he wanted to heal with his family. Benny was a great guy but, he and I got what we needed from each other, to find ourselves again and release the cold hard city. We found and centered each other so we could go on.

I landed a temporary job at the Naval Air Station in Key West. Three weeks repairing dock works was mind numbing dull. If it wasn't for the muscle-bound Executive Officer nailing my ass every night with his thick, seven inch cock, the job would not have been worth it. He offered me a position, several positions actually, but my feet were itching it was time to move on.

Early on my journey I discovered granddad and I had another thing in common, we are what's called versatile. His diary said, "Top and bottom are just directions not people. I like men! Hard and dominating or soft and gentle in doesn't matter. I enjoy fucking and being fucked with equal passion." Oh God was he ever right.

I headed North up Florida's Gulf coast. Having two days of fun in Tampa. I loved Ybor City and dancing at Liquid Tampa. After two days of sun, fun, flirting, but sadly no sex. There was plenty of beautiful talent, it just didn't feel right. The voices told me to rest. Too soon my feet were itching, and it was time to move on.

I took highways 19 and 98 up the coast. When I stopped for fuel Inglis, FL a fat bubba in a greasy wife beater t-shirt winked at me as he filled his air-boat. He grinned at me showing his missing front teeth, I quickly got back on 19/98 and punched the gas pedal till Newport. To this day, I swear I heard banjos playing at that gas station.

I stopped for a couple weeks at a ranch in a cute little flea speck called Fluffy Landing. A rancher advertised on the List he needed two weeks of welding repair work done. I had the references he desired. I had built some custom staircases for a friend of his family in Washington DC.

I was pleasantly surprised to find I'd be working for a newlywed, older gay couple Calvin and Jamaal Gilmore. The two of them showed their love for each other with every glance. I was jealous of the love they shared. As soon as it became legal, in 2015, they knew, they had to be the first gay couple in the county to get married. Turns out they had a double wedding.

Cal told me how he and Jamaal met on the rodeo circuit, and how his father and mine could have been twins when it came to attitudes. Jamaal said they both chose to use the Gilmore name to piss off Cal's father. They even sent him an invite and published announcement of their nuptials in the Opp News. Cal's sister had a buddy, who bought the neighbor's ranch and offered it to the men 30 years ago as a rent to own deal.

"I tell you Mag, that was the best New Years Day EVER! They helped out us and so many others around here, it was just right that we shared the day. Tamam and Jono got married with us. The two of them are still on their second honeymoon in Jordan."

The work was hard but all the repairs were made in about four days. They let me stay on for the full two weeks to recover from the road. Part of me wanted to stay longer. Admittedly that 'part' was buried in their gorgeous ranch foreman's ass, but my feet were itching and I knew this wasn't home. Sweet Kenny was a good diversion but not what I was looking for; he wasn't the other half of my soul. The road beckoned me west again. I finally knew where I needed to be, and who I wanted. I was called west.

I went up and down the west coast. I was desperate to find Yosef. He moved and changed his number, but I kept looking. After six months, I gave up.

I had a six month stay in the city by the bay. A co-worker and his husband owned a warehouse they called an art space. They leased out space for tiny homes. The city was pissed, but it was in a loophole they could get around.

After almost a year by myself, I was so lonely. My co-worker/landlord Jess was having a furry themed house party. All attendees had to be screened. Jess and thought it would be fun for me to use a wash out dye on my ponytail, reddish orange like a real fox, his husband Tommy was a costume designer agreed. He even made me a fox costume complete with hidden holes for receiving pleasure. It also had a special sliding sack to conceal my cock. His twin brother Timmy did my hair and makeup.

Jess was a big old Tom cat. The twins dressed is kittens with opposite markings. The party was heating up and we were just starting to have fun. Guys were starting to pare off. I hoped Jess and the twins would invite me to play in their play circle. That was not to be. The three were a tight closed group.

A 'bear' was grinding on me. Even with the cheesy heavy rough fur suit covering his skin, I knew it was Bill our foreman. He'd been putting the moves on me for the better part of five months. Occasionally he'd grab my ass when I walk by.

He always skeeved me out. He was married, but he like to fuck every teen girl, twink, and chicken that walked by the site. If it was young, or just young looking, he wanted in it. Until now I always had the good sense to say no and back away.

Now I was the one who was desperate, and he knew it. It looked like my year long drought was about to end... then I received the call and HAD to immediately hit the road again. Bill was pissed and stormed out of the party.

It wasn't itchy feet this time. Something happened, and now I HAD to go home. Home, it's been so long since I've call that place home. I ran into the lodge to change and get the makeup off my face. I decide to leave the hair alone, I didn't have time for a full scrub up.

Jess and the kittens came out to say goodbye. I tried to give them back the costume but they all agreed it was custom-made for me it wouldn't fit anyone else. With that I was on the road again.

Which led me to today. My mouth watered as I saw the gorgeous muscle-bound hunk of a California Highway Patrolman. He looked almost Latin, but not quite. He reminded me of the man who saved me so long ago. There is something exotic about the way he looked. His nameplate read Patrolman Nusseibeh. I saw him at the bottom of the run as I was fueling up and preparing to cross Donner Pass on I-80.

He had brown eyes that smoldered. I could drown in them. Oh gawd, I'm such a sucker for eyes. I was completely lost to those eyes. He had dark brown almost black hair, with a soft body wave. He had a beautiful trim body, not overly muscular, but not an ounce of bulging fat anywhere I could see. Well, he did have a fat bulge between his legs. He had his pants tailored so tight they looked like spandex.

He grabbed my license as I bought some beer for the nights stop. I couldn't help but grin at him. He smiled back at me saying, "You should get through the pass in a hurry, there is a blizzard coming, and they are about to close the pass." He helped me carry my bags out to "the lodge" and even helped me pack them away. He took a quick look at my rig asking if I built it myself. I told him yes with help from friends. Our hands touched several times each time it was magic.

I was snapped back to the present. Patrolman Nusseibeh wasn't smiling now. "It's a good-looking fake. Hard to believe you tried to pass yourself off as a twenty-one year old. Your vehicle's registration tells a different story. You had to know someone was going to run your license plate. You seem like a smart guy, why would you do something like this?"

Handcuffed in his back seat I wasn't going anywhere. "I use the fake ID because people don't believe I am twenty-three. I Originally used a fake ID to sneak into clubs and yes to occasionally buy booze. Now I am of age, but no one believes it..."

The snow was really flying and my reply was interrupted as his dispatcher told him to shelter in place. "Sir, we could go into my trailer. It is warmer and you can save your fuel. You ran my criminal history and know I have never run afoul of the law. You have my word I will not run." He pulled me out of his back seat and un-cuffed me.

I opened the side door cover. Then I directed him to pull his bumper guard tight against mine. We covered the front ends of both vehicles under a bungeed tarp to keep the snow from building inside the engine compartments. He stated that I must have done that a time or two. "I am from North Dakota, both fire and ice are in our blood, sir."

I lit the fire place and turned on the heater. I turned around to find my captor examining my extinguished smudge stick. "It is only a smudge stick, it is spirit medicine. That one is prairie grass, sage, and a bit of lavender." He gave me a look of disbelief to my native heritage. I pointed to a photo of Shehek and I dancing. "My people call me Ooxa, the red fox."

"Now that I am in YOUR home, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Ahmad Salah Laylat Alriyh Nusseibeh." I asked what his name meant. He smiled almost thumping his chest, "Worthy of Praise, and Righteousness, Night of the Wind."

I laughed, "Worthy of Praise, and Righteousness? I see you must have named yourself. Wait, did you say Night Wind?" He told me it was also correct. I almost began to cry. He asked what was wrong. "Night Wind was my grandmother's name. Grandpa Mag found her as he was on the last leg of his journey to find himself. He told me the day when he found her, he knew was it time to go home."

We settled in on the couch and I started telling him of my journey, then my dreams and visions. I ended with the vision of the fox, frog, and dragon.

"I know this story! I have heard it my whole life. It is a story from my maternal grandmother's people, a traditional Lebanese folktale. But you are missing big parts of it." He paused as if remembering a happy thought.

"This story happened many years ago, So many that it begins to fade in the mists of time. There was a brave and powerful prince; he was a mighty and bold warrior. He had a deep love for his princess. She was very wise, beautiful, and kind. They lived happily in a big mansion and their people were bathed in their love.

An evil witch entered the kingdom and was repulsed by the love they shared. She went to the castle telling them 'I despise this joy and bliss you share. This must stop, even if you both must die.'

'If I slay you, your evil dies with you!' the prince shouted drawing his sword, and then charged at the witch. She saw the attack coming at the last moment and stopped him simply commanding him to change into a fox.

The princess tried to help her love; she pleaded and attempted to reason with the witch. The evil woman tired of the princess's words; she changed her into a croaking frog. Not thinking the people would suffer enough, the witch imprisoned the fox and frog in a high minaret.

The people wept openly, and groaned of their sorrow loudly. After a few days, the powerful wizard who lived on the mountain over the city grew tired of their song of pain. He sent a dragon to help the prisoners. The dragon went to the witch bellowing flame from his mouth and burnt her, then the dragon consumed her ashes, she was no more.

With the witch now dead, the prince and the princess transformed back to their human forms and lived happily together for the rest of their lives sharing their joy with their people.

I have heard that story my whole life, but you heard it in a dream?" I nodded "There is an old saying among my people, if you have caught a fox, do not let it go by any means. How can I just release a fox who has dreamt of me his entire life?"

"Hey Bobo, YOU are the one who has been stalking me as I sleep! I should get a restraining order!"

"How did you know my friends call me Bobo?" He asked with a look of shock on his face. I told him it just came to me and seemed to fit. "I have something to confess to you. I am afraid when I do you will cast me out into the snow."

"Not going to happen, I was once cast into the cold to die. I would not do that to anyone, not even if they hurt me. Go ahead; I will hear your confession."

"I um, knew the ID was fake down at the gas station. When we touched I knew I had to get to know you. The further up the hill you went I knew I was losing my only chance. That is when I ran your tag. Please forgive me; I have never misused my authority until today. I had no plan; I was making it up as I went along just to spend more time with..." I raised my finger to stop his cute babbling.

"I should be really pissed at you. I felt, and still feel, that connection to you. For five years I thought I have been running from the shadow man in my vision. Only to discover, I had actually been running to him, to you.

To be honest you look like someone I cared for very much, but I knew he wasn't the one. Yosef and his friends protected me. Every time I was on the west coast on a job, or just passing through, I would stop off and we would spend time together. Even when he got reassigned to LA. I hated working for the rat of Anaheim, but it did get me to see him. I lost contact with Yosef almost a year ago." He asked me what Yosef's last name was. I replied, "Yosef Refai."

All of the color drained from Bobo's face. "When Yosef saved you, was it at Burning Man?" I nodded. "Yosef is part of the reason I am leaving California. I was there at Burning Man with Yosef, Terry, and Alex. We had been best of friends since the academy. We tried to get posted together but it never worked out. We lost Terry to a shootout during a bank robbery in east L.A., Alex was rammed from behind on his motorcycle as part of a gang initiation.

I have known Yosef longer. Our families have been close for centuries. First in Jordan now here. We were closer than brothers. When he chose the CHP I had to follow. When Alex was murdered his will requested he be cremated and scattered in his home town, Rugby, North Dakota.

For years Yosef kept us entertained with stories of his lovely indian from North Dakota. When we rode through your home I fell in love with it. The openness you cannot help but feel god looking at you."

"I have never heard anyone describe the Great American Desert, prairies, better. What has happened to Yosef?"

"He finally was transferred to my station. It was a normal night, a routine traffic stop. A tired tourist crossed onto the shoulder and hit him pinning him to the car he had just stopped. I held his hand as he died." Tears flowed like rivers from the two of us. We continued talking and somewhere in the night I fell asleep.

His radio and the light streaming into the lodge woke us. He fell asleep cradling my head in his lap. He told the dispatcher standby. Reporting he was ten four, but buried in five to six feet of snow. Shelter had heat, fuel, food, and with the snow, water wasn't any issue. His lieutenant said that was one way to miss a farewell party. Dispatch advised we might not get dug out for a couple days. He advised he was turning off his radio to conserve battery, his cellphone could be recharged indefinitely.

I took the opportunity to call my cousin. I brought him up to speed on my situation. "Stuck in Donner Pass, buried in snow... good reason. Dad is laughing. Take your time Tre, things have changed. Dad got sent home, it wasn't a heart attack. We are all good and looking forward to seeing you. I got power, water, and sewer hookups ready on your pad. We have missed you buddy."

When I hung up, Bobo was standing there with a look of shame on his face. "Your father had a heart attack, and I kept you from him?"

"No, my father died trying to drive across thin ice three years ago. The irony is it was almost the very same spot that he murdered my mother in. My uncle had what was thought to be a heart attack, it wasn't. He is good, home surrounded by family."

I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Now, you have something to charge me with. He had a cute look of confusion. "I believe that was battery LEO."

He finally smiled. "Would you mind if I wash my feet to pray?"

I gave him the great room and closed the door to the bedroom. Praying for guidance sounded like a good idea. I opened my bundle, cracked a window, and lit a smudge stick. A haze covered my eyes, mother was there "You have found him my son be gentle and kind as you have always been." Her form faded and a shadow man replaced hers. He stepped into the light it was Yosef, "My friend needs you to watch over him as I once cared for you. I was there to care for you only for a time. My friend Bobo is the other half of your heart, take care of that heart for me." Having visions of the departed members of your family is not unusual.

I felt a draft. I turned to see Ahmad in the doorway. "You do not have to hide your faith little one."

"I was not. I wished to give you privacy while you prayed. Some people find the smell of the smudge stick to be distracting and objectionable. I didn't want to offend." He walked behind me wrapping me in his arms. I felt warm and safe. "It does not offend."

I felt his hot breath on my neck that moment was shattered by a shrieking piezoelectric alarm. Ahmad jerked upright. "It's alright, that is just the battery alarm. Where I had to park the lodge in San Francisco, I wasn't able to get a full load before hitting the road." I turned on the tracking system to deploy the solar array the alarm intensified. "Damn, I need to clear the array, or start the generator. If we use the generator, the snow has to be cleared from the exhaust."

I started bundling up. "I have now heard three names for you. Magnus, Ooxa, and Tre. What should I call you?" I told him all three were me and the story behind each. "Ooxa, fits you ARE a little fox." His hand touched my stiffened hair. "Especially like this. You look so cute."

I cringed remembering the furry party and what my friends had done to it. I pulled my stocking cap down over my ears.

I grabbed the silicon snow rake went outside and climbed the ladder to the roof. Ahmad began shoveling out the vehicles Starting first with the vent area for the generator. For someone whose people come from the desert area, that boy could make the snow fly. My mouth watered as I watched him move the frozen water. He said he already turned in his heavy winter jacket, so he was doing this in a light flight jacket. "I wasn't expecting to be up here. But some beautiful lawbreaker decided to flash a fake ID."

It took an hour, and I was just about to clear the last section of the solar array. I suddenly remembered what I had forgotten. I left the sun tracking system engaged, and the whole array started to swing to catch the light. I was thrown from the roof into one of the deep drifts. Ahmad hollered "Ooxa! Ooxa!" Then ran in my direction digging. I started laughing uncontrollably. I felt so stupid. "You are okay?" I replied that I was fine just stupid. I dug through the sidewall of the snow towards him. When my head pop through the side wall he had a look of horror on his face. "Don't move! I have you." He started running his hands over my body looking for injuries.

I saw a puddle of red hitting the snow beneath me. Now I was panicking. When I saw the red was turning to orange I touched my hand to my neck. Pulling it away, my hand was covered with orange hair rinse. I began laughing uncontrollably. Ahmad looked at me as if I lost my mind. "It is the hair rinse! I am fine."

He pulled me out of the rest of the snow drift and stood me on the ground. "Yes, my little fox. You are fine." He pulled my lips to his and kissed me passionately. His tongue slid past my lips and into my mouth He was radiating so much heat he could have melted the snow just by walking into it.

I made sure that the tanks were full for the generator. I switched it over to run on the LP gas first. She fired up on the first go. I switched The power switch to on demand. Ahmad found a hose bib and connected the lodge to freshwater. I engaged the water filter and we filled the tanks I would dump it when we moved out, but we needed to have liquid water on board. The hair rinse was getting in my eyes and stinging. If I ever made it back to San Francisco I was going to kick their asses.

"We should be judicious about our water use. But, I know that's your only uniform. I do have a washing machine and dryer, if you want. I do have some sweats you can change into. I think they'll fit." He told me he would appreciate the use of the washing machine.

I caught my reflection in one of the mirrors and saw the orange streaks running down my skin. I looked like Donald Trump, with a better comb over. I knew I could take a snow bath while Ahmad was cleaning up. "If you'd like you can use the shower first. I do need to get this stuff out of my hair."

He parroted back my comment, "We should be judicious with our use of water. Perhaps we should share a shower." I must have hit my head when I fell off the roof. I could have sworn he just told me he wanted to get naked with me. "Am I being too forward?" I shook my head no.

I slid my hair from my cuff. I tried to shake it out, it clumped. "I know I'm something of a hot mess right now. I hope it doesn't disappoint you."

"My little fox could never disappoint me." I took his hand and led him into the shower room. He started unbuttoning my shirt and it slid from my shoulders to the floor. He did the same for my jeans he smirked when he found I was commando beneath. "This is normal?" I shook my head no.

I remember Yosef's words that I was supposed to care for him. I slowly unbutton his shirt and peeled it from his chiseled body. I felt the heat was radiating off of him, as I pulled his muscle t-shirt up. Many people are offended by the smell of sweat for me it's one of the greatest turn-ons. I love men who work hard. He took over pulling the shirt over his head and I couldn't resist, his chest was covered with a thick carpet of fur. I leaned in and kissed his right nipple. I was rewarded with his taste. I tasted the salty fluid that came from his body. I snuggled my head against his chest, the smell the musk coming from his hard work out moving the snow was intoxicating.

As he hugged me holding me in tight to his chest my hands went in and undid his fly and buttons holding his trousers up. They slid down his legs pooling on the floor. My hand slowly stroked The fabric on the front of his jockey shorts. "If my little fox keeps this up we will never shower." He pulled his jockeys down and put them on the heap and grab my hand leading me into the shower.

He turned on the hot water and tested it making sure it was warm enough for me. He had never dealt with a hot water on demand system. I reached over and cut on the cold. I knew it would be too hot. "It heats as fast as my father's house."

"I designed this place for energy efficiency and conservation. If the water has to run too long before it gets warm, it's not that efficient either way."

He started cleaning my hair. The orange goop flow down my body and down the drain "There is the boy with the golden crown We all admired."

"You knew who I was the whole time? Not cool Bobo!"

He smirked, "I only suspected. You looked very familiar at the bottom of the hill. To be honest back then you weren't my type. You were a young boy then, almost a child. Yosef was very tight-lipped about the new boy he found. I knew he cared about someone greatly. He just couldn't figure out how to make them stay.

"All he would have had to do was ask. I would have stayed with him. Outside the roughnecks he was the nicest guy I ever met." I began soaping in his chest and arms. "You don't like me, I'm not your type?"

"I didn't say that you weren't my type now. Back then you were too young, I would say innocent. I yearned find someone who knows what they want and what they're getting into. Someone a little younger than me. You were little more than a boy then. You are a buff young man now."

"Yosef, was of the old school, he liked to find the cute little young, but legal, inexperienced virgins. In time he would have followed the traditions of our people. He would find a woman and begin a family. He might even find a houseboy who could share his bed on occasion."

"Your people sound almost First Nation. Our people once believed, until the Christians interfered, in multiple wives, including mihdeke. What others would call trans-gendered. In the old days I would have been raised as a a girl. It makes sense actually in a way. You get three women in the same lodge and eventually nature will start cycling at the same internal. A warrior coming home needs comfort regardless of the cycle and mihdeke could provide that."

I paused for a moment and continued, "I've never thought of myself as a girl. I'm very happy with what I was given. But I do like being with men. Although it has been a very long dry spell. I just haven't found anyone of character. I almost made a horrible mistake, until I was saved by my uncle's emergency."

He kissed me so deeply, I thought I lost my breath. When our lips parted, I asked for him to dry himself off, and I would follow him to the bedroom in a moment. I told him I had to prepare myself for him.

Afterwards I walked to the bedroom and climbed into the bed with him. He pulled me tight against his naked body, kissing and exploring my frame with his hands. I returned the gesture caressing his pecs and his well-defined six pack. My fingers felt the soft fur on his belly. My hand glided along his lats and back up to his broad shoulders. He may have called me a young man, but compared to him I was still a boy.

His hand made it down to my crotch grabbing hold of my cock and softly stroking it. I return the favor to his circumcised head. He began playing with my foreskin pulling it and softly twisting it. He called it exotic. I had never heard it called that.

He said he often wished there was a way he could have kept his ring from Allah. I cocked my head to the side not understanding. "When a Muslim boy reaches ten years of age he is brought to the imam and he presents his ring to Allah as a sign of devotion." Ten years old and they cut off part of his dick that had to hurt. I kept that thought to myself.

"There is a way, you can borrow mine." He looked at me with the same confused look that I had just given him. "Do you trust me?" He smiled and nodded. I rolled back my foreskin, exposing my glands. Then rested our leaking glans together. His cock was much bigger than mine fatter and curves slightly to the left. I slowly rolled my foreskin over both of our heads. My foreskin stretched as it rolled over his head. I slowly began jacking it.

"That feels nice little fox." He grabbed my chin and pulled my lips to his and kissed me very passionately while I continued to jack our two cocks. I could tell he was on the edge. I didn't want to stop I loved having his flesh sliding in and out of my hand. I wasn't sure he would desire my bottom.

In the end it was he who stopped my motions. "Too soon, too soon. I wish to enjoy every part of you, and I wish to bring pleasure to every part of my little fox." With that his head disappeared beneath the covers and he wrapped his lips around my cock slowly sucking and nibbling at the foreskin. His tongue dove underneath the skin sheath circling my glands.

His finger softly pressed against the pucker of my ass. He met with great resistance. It had been so long. He put his finger into my mouth in order to get a little saliva on to it. Then softly pressed his meaty digit into my tight bottom. My hips bucked ever so softly driving my cock into his mouth.

I started to apologize and he sucked harder. By the time he had my entire cock in his mouth, he had two fingers pressing against my prostate. I couldn't hold back. I warned him that I was going to cum. He didn't care he continue to suck harder and harder and fuck me deeply with his fingers. My cock erupted and did not stop for some time I was trembling when it completed.

He returned back up to my side pressing his lips against mine I could taste the remnant of my seed on his lips and his tongue. "My little fox when was the last time, any man did that for you?" He was still pistoning his fingers in and out of my ass slowly but deliberately.

"The closest was Mike, my first, and he didn't make me feel that good. Not even Tokala's toy felt THAT good."

"What toy did that monster use on you?" I described the prostate bump device. "Those things are awful they often desensitize a young boy. They create an unreal expectation. When was the last time you used this device?"

"Never since, no one else would. They agreed with you." He slid a third finger into my ass. He curved his body down so he could kiss and lick on my right nipple. He told me I had a very tender body. He was twisting and spreading his fingers in my ass every so often bumping the prostate. "Please fuck me now... please..." I whimpered softly in his ear.

He removed his fingers for my ass. "Why do you beg for my touch like a common whore?" I told him that I had waited for him so long. I asked forgiveness for my eagerness. "I will never 'fuck' you. You deserve far more. I will always make love to your body. It's important you understand the difference."

I went over to my desk retrieving a letter from the health department. "I do understand the difference. This test was done two weeks ago. I have had sex with no one for over a year. Five years ago, I promised my cousin that I would always wear a condom until I met the one. I want to feel you in me. I want you to be part of me, completely. Do you think that I do not understand now? You have been in my dreams for over five long years. I know from your perspective we just met yesterday. I am sorry that my words are not polished for you, but I want what you...."

He stopped me mid-sentence pulled me back onto the bed, and on top of him. He gently pulling my head to his. He rubbed my nose against his, it was so cute. He put his lips against mine as he pressed his three fingers back into my ass spreading them And bumping my prostate every so often. "I know you do understand. I am sorry.

Still, I have no paper to show you, but I have been with no one in over a year myself. I told you when I went to spread Alex's ashes In North Dakota, I felt as if God was looking down upon me. I knew I had to make a change. I know now, that change is you."

I started to roll onto my stomach to present my bottom to him. He stopped me instead lifting my legs in the air. He pressed my thighs against my chest. "I always want to see the face of my beautiful boy. I will never take you from behind." I thought to myself I was going to miss a few positions I enjoyed.

"I noticed that my finger came out clean. My baby boy cleaned himself for me?" I nodded. "Good I can do one of my favorite things to my baby." His tongue swiped the opening of my pink rose. "My baby's boy pussy tastes of salt and, and, and... What is that other flavor?"

"I've been thinking of you so long. I didn't know what you liked, but I knew you would like me clean either way. A friend of mine in New York made a two chamber attachment for my cleaning wand. The first chamber lets me put in rock salt as an astringent, to remove solid matter. The second chamber is for the final oil rinse. I used a jojoba oil because it is clean, mild, and Yosef liked it."

He pulled his face off by hole, "Clean yes, flavored no. I like the taste of my boy. I am not Yosef." When his lips made contact with my hole again I learned he was very skilled. His tongue was buried deep within me. He knew how to find every single one of my pleasure points, and when he found them he hit them again and again. I started to sweat and was gripping the sheets. One thing I could tell, Ahmad had given himself over to his technique. Yosef was clumsy when it came to analingus. Rimming just wasn't his thing, clearly it was Ahmad's. My cock was painfully rock hard again. Precum dripped from its tip.

"I think my baby is ready for me." Ahmad slowly kissed his way up my body pausing at my Adam's apple licking it. He licked the salt from my neck, and kissed along my jaw bone to my chin. His lips met mine. He kissed me, then pulled back a little. "I know it has been some time for my baby, I will be very gentle. My baby deserves only pleasure."

The last time anyone cared what I felt like while being fucked was Yosef. Don't get me wrong most of my partner's wanted me to enjoy it, but they preferred to follow their own instincts. The partner was a second thought.

For the first time since Mike, I had someone entering me bare. Ahmad was so tender as he entered me. It had been so long, and he was so big. I winced as his mallet entered my ass. "Are you okay? We can stop."

"Please no! Just give me a moment." He caressed my cheek and kissed me again. We continued again when my breathing return to normal and another inch went in. I felt like a virgin again as he excruciating slowly took me. Every time he saw a flash of pain or discomfort he would stop and let me get used to his size again.

I was so afraid he would give up. We had been at it for so long and he still wasn't in me. Then I felt his soft pubes caressing my ass. He had a look of triumph on his face. He let it rest there for a moment, "Are you all right my baby? I was afraid I would cum many times before I could fill you fully. You are so tight."

"I am good, I am also so happy. I was scared you would quit thinking I was to much work."

"Ooxa, you are worth the effort. Your body was built for me, and mine for you." He slowly deep dicked my hole, pulling almost all the way out only to plunge all the way in again. He too was covered with sweat. I licked a drop from his chin, "My baby's body thirsts for his man?" I nodded and he picked up the pace almost ten pumps later we both came together. His body rested on mine. I was in a heavy, but heavenly cocoon of warm flesh and wet sheets.

He kissed and cuddled me as his cock slowly slid from my now stretched ass. He rolled us to our sides, and looking into my eyes. "My baby looks so sleepy." No sooner had those words come out of his lips I fell into the most blissfully peaceful sleep in my life. No visions, no nightmares, just eight wonderful hours of rest.

In total we were snowed in at the rest area for two days and nights, studying each other's pleasure points, likes and dislikes. I checked in with Uncle Nels several times. He had color in his cheeks again. He told me to take my time getting home.

On the third day I woke to the god who shared my bed dressed in his California Highway Patrol uniform. "They are coming to dig us out. You have about an hour." He reached back into the closet and pulled out my furry costume. "You have pajamas?" I explained the furry party. He was a little annoyed with me when I pointed out the special features, but pleased when I told him they weren't used. "I may have you wear this to bed from now on."

After I showered and changed, I called my Uncle on Skype and we chatted. My cousin, now Sheriff Pete Haugen gave me the local road conditions. He saw Ahmad over my shoulder. The two men talked over the last couple of days when the family would call to check in. Today he became very serious.

While I was packing away the breakables my cousin and Ahmad were discussing his future. "I think your Lieutenant is right you would be bored to tears as park police. I do have a position for a senior sergeant here at the sheriff's station. I could use a good road deputy. With your experience, the bridge classes wouldn't take that long to get state certified."

"I will consider it. There is one reason That Williston North Dakota sounds so appealing. I know my Ooxa would be there."

"Ahmad I do not make this offer because you are a possible in-law. I talked with your Lieutenant and your Commander. You're a damn good cop. Sadly death comes as part of the job. You've had a rough few years. Maybe a new location might be what you need, rather than a new vocation."

The first person on scene when the plows came through was Ahmad's lieutenant. "I had some interesting phone calls about you." Ahmad laughed. "Ahmad, you're the only guy I've ever met who can look better after being snowed in for 3 days. What do you pack uniforms in your cruiser?"

"Well sir, the little law breaker here had a washer and dryer, so I let him off with a warning and a clean uniform in exchange for this." He handed over my fake ID. "Only person I've ever known other than a 'Gabor' who wanted to be younger on his driver's license."

Ahmad went and pulled the snow cover off the engines. The lieutenant looked at me and said, "Thank you. I'm sad to be losing a good cop, but I'm glad he's looking at other avenues of real enforcement. He's a dedicated hard road cop. I did a background on you too son. You have an amazing story. Look over him for me."

I followed Ahmad back down the mountain to his cabin outside the city of Yuba Pass. I started loading up boxes that he'd packed into the lodge, while he took his cruiser and turned it has uniforms and gear back into the Highway Patrol. A couple of his co-workers came by and helped do the heavy loading.

It took us five days to get from his cabin to Williston North Dakota. We did dawdle a bit. I took him through the National Park he was going to work. He passed his apologies to the senior ranger. As we drove away Ahmad said I would not be happy there. "It is beautiful, but my lieutenant was right. It would be boring quickly." He came to that conclusion because of the number of visitors who visited the park.

When we pulled in to Williston I found the pad on the property that I had purchased. It was on the border of the reservation. I felt it was important to be there. I'm not a townie, I never have been. I belong to both communities, I have a foot in both worlds. Still I am happy alone.

Almost immediately Uncle Nels stepped back into the vice president position at a'Foxfire Haugen Fabrications' and I took over the reigns. I was amazed at how much the company had grown. The tiny home factory "Foxfire Designs" was producing on average thirty homes a week and was the company's main breadwinner. Shipping all over the United States and Southern Canada. The Haugen Industrial Fabrications side was still booming. As long as the oil wells still dot the plains, there will be a need for metal repair. Still, it's amazing how much things grow when there's love involved in what you do.

Apparently a few of the line crew went to my uncle behind my back. To complain about me micromanaging them. I was trying desperately to learn what was happening on the floor. Nels explained that to them. He also recommended they noticed the new name on their paycheck.

I did not get off the hook scott free. He warned me, "Mag, your new position is mostly administrative and PR in nature, while it is good to know what's happening in the factory floor, you do not need to know every single facet. Broad strokes lil guy. These guys know you and they respect your talent. Now let them prove that you can respect theirs." There were a few gears grinded over the first month, but eventually we all got to know each other.

The men of my family had a celebration marking my return to the tribe. We began with a sweat. Followed the next day by a great meal. Ahmad was welcomed to the meal, but not the sweat. He was annoyed until I explained the spiritual nature of the act. My uncle was pleased I found a 'great warrior' to care for me.

Ahmad was happy, but going nuts after a month of sitting around the house, and doing go to, work for the sheriff. Then a position opened up at the two week mini academy in Bismarck. He needed to go to be certified as a law enforcement officer in North Dakota. Before he departed we made love several times a day for a week. He said, "I do not want my boy to forget me."

The first day he was gone I missed his regular attention. We would Skype back in forth every evening. He excelled in his training and his instructors were happy.

Pete swore in my Ahmad, but let me pin his badge on. Some of the council were annoyed. Pete whispered in my ear, "Fuck'um Mag, they can't live forever. Look at the three younger council members. They are happy for you two. They are the future."

Ahmad ever the peacemaker joked it was hard to get used to the color change. Going from khaki and blue to khaki and brown. Everyone on the council laughed.

After the swearing, Pete took us into his office to sign the official employment documents. "Mag I have to tell you that I had other reasons for extending the offer of employment. The county will be setting up a special operations and response team. I'm thinking about asking Ahmad to head it up. I don't suppose he told you that when he was with the highway patrol he was on their SWAT team?"

Ahmad had a very worried look on his face. He could tell I was not happy when I asked him if it would make him happy? He replied, "It would give me a purpose. These people are special to my boy, therefore they are special to me."

My cousin smirked when Ahmad called me his boy. "Mag, are you are okay with my plan?"

"Could you possibly give us your office for a couple minutes?" I looked at Ahmad and said coolly, "We need to talk."

Pete cringed and left the room. "Ahmad, were you ever going to tell me?"

"My little fox, it is not your place to worry about these things. It is MY responsibility to care for you."

"I'm not happy, shouldn't we care for each other? Like it or not, and I don't, I am a community leader. I am the only son, of the eldest son. By right of tradition, I speak for the Haugen family. If I proceed him in death, Nels or Pete takes my place as patriarch of our family. Our company is one of the largest employers in the county. Third largest single non-government employer in the state. Who do you think they will approach to pay for that special team? I'll give you a hint they hit the corporate citizens first."

My love had a sheepish look on his face as I continued. "I want you to be happy and fulfilled. I love the fact that you want to protect me, and those I love. I adore that you want to be my personal warrior, but I am not made of glass. My people on both sides of my family are from warrior stock and I have survived much. Among the Mandan my kind were once treated as women, but here is a hint, women CAN fight.

When it comes to our home and bed, I will defer to you. Here in the world I must be an equal. At a minimum informed. I am not happy that you volunteered without consult. I wouldn't want to find out from Pete during a next of kin notification. My county is growing fast, too fast and the danger for you guys is growing as well." I started to shake.

Ahmad held me tight, "My baby is correct. Does my little fox forgive me, can he please?"

"Ahmad, you never have to beg for my forgiveness. You have been my one constant for five years. You have walked along this journey with me, even though you did not know it. I could no sooner harbor ill will towards you, then I could exist without breathing. I just ask to be your partner and helpmate."

There was a knock at the door. Pete asked if he could have his office back. I asked Uncle Nels to step in as well. With the media present for the swearing-in, I needed to move fast. I asked how much it would cost to set up the special weapons team. Nels said the company could afford half of it easily.

With the council present and the media as well, I approached the podium and announced, "Based on the conversation I just had with the sheriff, Foxfire Haugen Fabrications will be fronting half the cost of the special operations and response team equipment purchases. It is my hope that other corporate citizens will come forward, pool their resources and pick up the other half. So that it will not be a burden on the taxpayers of Williams County. Our county is growing. The risks we face everyday are growing. It is time for our Sheriff's Department to grow to face those risks."

I heard Nels whisper to Ahmad, "For a boy who hates politics he sure does it well."

Ahmad replied, "He comes from warriors, I expect no less."

The End



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