My Ex Roommates Dick

By Tom Danzer

Published on Jul 5, 2017


My Ex-Roommate's Dick (Part 2)

We spent Ravi's first day in town showing him around, taking him to some of our favorite neighborhoods, and to a local restaurant for dinner. I struggled to fight my growing horniness, but after a few hours together, I was able to relax around him. Over the years I'd mostly thought back on the all the hours I got to worship his amazing dick, but honestly he had been a really great friend apart from that, and it was incredible to around him again. He was warm and friendly, charming my boyfriend instantly, and reminding me of how much I'd missed him in my life-- even as a friend.

When we got back late that night, we showed him the couch-- only realizing when he stretched out on it to try out it that his long body took up the whole length of it. He assured us he'd be fine, and we went to bed.

"Man, you said he was cute, but you didn't say how cute," my boyfriend whispered when we'd gotten in bed.

"Yeah-- it's hard to describe."

"I can't believe he's still single. Handsome, sweet, successful. Quite the package."

"Yeah... definitely."

My boyfriend and I came out of the bedroom the next morning, to find Ravi already awake and reading on the couch. He was wearing a t-shirt that hung nicely on his toned body, and a loose pair of boxers. His long brown legs were stretched out in front of him, and crossed at the ankles. I stared at his long, broad feet, the image of my licking the length of them briefly flashing through my mind.

"I'm making breakfast," my boyfriend said, as he headed into the kitchen. "So you guys can catch up."

"Ah, I already know him," Ravi said, giving me a wink as I sat down on the love seat opposite him. "Tell me more about yourself."

As my boyfriend continued to talk with him from the kitchen, Ravi casually leaned back into the couch, and uncrossed his ankles. As he spread his legs apart, the legs on his boxers stretched open, and with an almost audible thud, his cock flopped out of one of the legs, landing on my couch.

My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat. Even soft, it was just as incredible as I remembered. A fat, heavy brown dick, already beer can thick even though it was soft-- I could practically feel the weight of it as it lay on my couch. The dark tip emerging from his perfect foreskin. I was transfixed, but Ravi didn't even acknowledge that it was out-- he kept talking to my boyfriend in the kitchen. As if he wasn't showing off his monster dick to me just feet away.

It was a dick I had dreamed about for years, and it was in my house, just feet away from me. My mouth was watering looking at it, but I was frozen. I couldn't get on my knees and start sucking it with my boyfriend in the next room.

My boyfriend stuck his head out of the kitchen. "How should I make the eggs?"

"Uh! However you want!" I answered, a little too hastily.

My boyfriend shot me a questioning look, shrugged, and went back to making breakfast.

Ravi looked across to me, then followed my line of vision down to his exposed dick, and raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oops," he mouthed silently to me. Gripping the fat shaft just below the head, he guided it back into his boxers, and adjusted himself to keep it concealed, giving me a sheepish grin and he closed his thighs. But he'd known it was out, right?

***That day we went for a hike in the nearby mountains, stopping to have a late lunch on the way back. When we got home my husband headed to the bedroom for a nap, and I followed him in to change into something less sweaty. As I came out, Ravi was heading to the bathroom to take a shower, still wearing a t-shirt but with his towel around his waist. I tried not to think about the fact that he was practically naked from the waist down, as I headed to the kitchen to make coffee. As the coffee started percolating and I heard the sound of the shower running, I glanced across the looking room, looking over Ravi's stuff. It was so weird to have him in my apartment. It felt familiar, but totally different. We'd lived together for two years, so at one time I'd lived with all of his stuff-- and now it was in my apartment. Though he had a great job now, so obviously the pile of laundry that was forming next to his suitcase was no longer just threadbare t-shirts and basketball shorts. Suddenly my eyes stopped-- at the top of the laundry pile was a pair of Ravi's briefs.

I glanced to the closed doors of the bedroom and bathroom, then crossed the living room to pick them up. They were a deep maroon color, and clearly more expensive than the white briefs he had worn in college-- though honestly I was a little surprised he still stuffed his huge dick into a tight pair of briefs. At the crotch I could feel that the fabric was clearly thinner, worn out from trying to contain his massive dick and low-hanging balls. They were clearly damp from sweat-- this must have been the pair he was wearing on the hike. I slowly raised them to my nose, and inhaled. Oooohhhh fuck me. That familiar smell, that for two years I'd smelled directly from him. They smelled so rich and strong, the masculine smell of his body and that humongous dick pressed into every fiber. My dick was pumping in my own shorts, as my body raced with endorphins. I gently sucked at the fabric at the crotch, trying to get a taste.

Overcome by horniness, I raced with the briefs to the kitchen, and pulled out my dick in front of the sink. I pounded my cock, holding the briefs over my face and inhaling as deeply as I could. I could still hear the shower running luckily, but my boyfriend could come out at any time-- but at that moment, I wasn't thinking rationally. The smell of that amazing, masculine dick was driving me crazy, and I had to have release. Within seconds I shot hard, aiming for the kitchen sink, but overshooting-- hitting the window beyond. I quickly wiped up my cum with a paper towel and rushed Ravi's briefs back to the laundry, hoping my saliva and drool wouldn't be distinguishable from the dampness of his sweat. I got back into the kitchen just as I heard the shower turn off, and I poured myself some coffee, my heart pounding out of my chest.

The next day we had another fun day out, with a visit to a museum that had a good show on, and a great lunch in the Arts District, followed by an early happy hour.

We came home to rest and have dinner, then the three of us headed out for drinks at a local bar near our apartment. Ravi changed before going out, putting on a fitted t-shirt, and a pair of khaki shorts that were loose at the leg. From the hefty swing I caught a glimpse of as we walked to the bar, he was clearly going without underwear.

We ordered our first round of drinks, then grabbed seats near the back of the bar, just as the place started to fill up. The drinks were strong and we'd had a fun day, pretty quickly we were all getting boozy. When the drinks started to get low, my boyfriend offered to get another round at the now crowded bar.

Ravi watched him walk to the bar. "He's a cute guy. You did well," Ravi said with a grin. "I knew you'd end up with someone cute though, you always had guys swarming you on campus."

"I think they were using me as an excuse to be near you," I reminded him.

"Nah, you were very cute. And you're looking great."

"Thank you," I said, my face reddening. I don't think Ravi had ever talked about my appearance like that before. "And you, too, are looking great. As well." God, I'm so awkward. I took the last swallow of my drink. "You've definitely gotten even more handsome since college."

"Was I that bad to look at back then?" he teased me.

"No, come on." I looked up at him. "You know exactly how attractive I thought you were in college."

Ravi smiled, and shot a glance to make sure my boyfriend was still at the bar. He leaned in toward me slightly. "You know, I still haven't found anyone who could take care of this guy like you could," he said. His eyes shot down to the prominent bulge in his shorts. He leaned back slightly, and gave the thick shaft a gentle squeeze through the khaki.

I gulped. "And I've definitely never seen another one... that could even compare to that." My eyes moved up and down the prominent form in his shorts.

"Your boyfriend's dick isn't this big?"

"No... I mean... it's nice. But, dude, yours is a fucking monster."

When I said that I saw his dick twitch, clearly hardening from being talked about. The bulge widened and lengthened, and it now looked like it ended just above the hem of his shorts.

I looked up at his face, then lowered down, acting as if I was tying my shoe in case anyone else in the bar looked over. He opened his legs a little wider, and I looked up into the leg of his shorts. There it was, less than a foot from my face, just pushing out beyond the hem. The dark, swollen tip of his cock, the thick skin of his foreskin, and that massive shaft snaking into the darkness of his shorts. I inhaled deeply-- I could just get the scent. He was starting to precum, and the light from the dim lamps in the bars caught on the wet drip that war forming at the end of the slit. He gently squeezed down the the length of his shaft through his shorts, pushing the precum out, and thick rivulets of syrupy precum poured out. I desperately wanted to lean forward, and take that head in my mouth, sucking all that precum out. Without being able to help it, I licked my lips, suddenly feeling like I had been stranded in a desert and was seeing water just out of reach.

I straightened up, and closed my legs a little to disguise my hardening dick. Holding eye contact with me, he slipped two fingers barely inside the hem of his shorts, and pulled them out, now dripping with his precum. A wide smile spread across his face, and he held the two fingers out to me.

I glanced back over my shoulder to make sure my boyfriend was still at the bar. Yup, still in the crowd waiting to get help. There were other people in the room, but no one was watching right? I leaned in, grasped Ravi's huge hand, and guided his long fingers my mouth, taking them to the second knuckle. Fuck. The taste of that syrup that had dripped from his dick, combined with the taste of his skin, felt like it sent electricity throughout my body. I wanted to lean down and try to get a lick of the precum directly from the source, but I knew my boyfriend could be back with drinks at any minute.

"Fuck," I moaned involuntarily. "I missed that taste."

"Ha, yeah?" I saw his dick twitch in his shorts hearing that. "You know no woman's ever been able to swallow my load like you did. Most don't even try, and those that do usually let it pour out of their mouths when they realize how much there is.""Fuck I wouldn't waste it like that," I said, speaking with uncomfortably earnestly. We'd never talked about this stuff before. He'd relied on my services and I'd worshipped his dick, but mostly that aspect of our friendship had happened through nonverbal signals. But I felt like I had to tell him. "You have the best tasting cum I've ever tasted. I used to crave it all the time. I still... crave it... sometimes." Fuck, I couldn't believe I was telling him all of this. I felt ashamed, but it also felt good to finally say. I'd been in love with my roommate's dick... and it felt good to be able to tell him.

He smiled at me, and looked like he was thinking over what I'd just told him. Reaching out, he gave my shoulder a stiff squeeze, then nodded his head to indicate my boyfriend was heading back toward us. I cleared my throat, took the drink from my boyfriend's hands, and tried to pretend like everything was normal.

We headed back to the apartment, a strange mood hanging over me. I couldn't believe I'd told Ravi that I craved his cum. Was I way too drunk? Had I gone too far? But he gave me another squeeze on the shoulder and a discreet wink when I said goodnight, letting me know everything was cool.

I went to the bedroom and changed to a t-shirt and some boxers, then headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My boyfriend had just finished brushing his, and I took over at the sink as he went to bed. Just as I was starting to brush, Ravi knocked at the open door. He was still wearing his shorts, but his upper body was bare-- I could now see the thick carpet of dark hair that covered his lean but defined chest, trailing down into the waist of his shorts, just above where the fabric rose in a prominent bulge. "Hey man, do you mind if I jump in there real fast?"

"Uhm, sure..." I answered, frozen with the toothbrush half in my mouth.

He waited at the door, his amused smile growing slightly.

"Oh! You in here, me out there. Right," I walked into the hallway, feeling mortified as I heard the bathroom door close behind me. I'm an idiot, I'm such an idiot, I fumed, brushing my teeth in the hallway. I heard the flush, and Ravi walked out past me.

"It's all yours man," he grinned.

I closed the door behind me, and spit into the sink, rinsing my mouth. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was out of control. Only then did I notice something strange out of the corner of my eye.

It was a small juice glass, taken from the kitchen, that Ravi had left on the bathroom counter next to the sink. Had he snuck it into the bathroom in the pocket of his loose shorts? And inside, it looked like more than three ounces of thick, rich white cream. Was this... Ravi's load? Did... he... jerk off into a glass... and leave it in the bathroom for me to find? I thought back to what he'd said as he left the bathroom just now-- "It's all yours, man."

I held it to my nose, and inhaled. Rich, salty, with a scent that got my dick rock hard instantly. Oh fuck. That was definitely his cum. My heart was beating, just from the familiar smell. I had to taste it. I took a sip. Ooooh, fuck. It tasted so good, I felt tears form at the edge of my eyes. I tipped the glass up, and sucked the whole massive load into my mouth, stretching out my tongue to receive it.

I held it in my mouth, feeling the weight of it on my tongue, and savoring the taste of it, as I pulled out my own stiff dick. I had been craving this load for so long, and though I hadn't gotten this cum directly from his beautiful cock, it still tasted just as good. Knowing he had drained his balls seconds earlier just for me to enjoy made it that much hotter. I pictured him in here, that long, hairy body, his shorts on the floor around his perfect ankles, as he stroked that monster cock with me just on the other side of the door.

Then another idea came to me. Taking two fingers of my left hand, I dragged them along the inside of the cup, scraping up all of the cum I hadn't gotten into my mouth. Then, my mouth still full, I slipped my hand between my legs, and slid the two cum-covered fingers right into my hole. My ass opened right up to take them. For the first time ever, I had Ravi's cum inside my ass. My fingers pressed in deeper, eagerly searching out my sensitive prostate-- oof!-- and rubbing Ravi's thick cum all over it. Shock waves of pleasure went through my body. I jerked my rock hard dick with my right hand, as I continued to finger-bang my own tight hole, trying to get his cum as deep inside me as I could. I put one foot on the edge of the bathtub, allowing me to push deeper into my hole, my other knuckles pressing hard against the flesh of my round butt as I pumped my fingers into my ass. Within seconds, my cum shot across the bathtub and splattered on the tile wall as I climaxed, and I finally gulped that heavy load down. I stared at myself in the mirror, contemplating the massive load that was now working its way down into my stomach. I grabbed some tissue, cleaned up my own load, ran my fingers under the faucet, and left the bathroom.

As I walked out, Ravi looked up at me from the couch. He looked at my blushing and flushed face, and then down at the empty juice glass in my hand, and that broad smile spread across his face again. He motioned slightly to his own mouth, and I licked at the corners of my mouth to find that some of his salty load had leaked out. I licked it up as best as I could, took the glass to the dishwasher, said goodnight to him again, and went back and climbed in bed next to my boyfriend.

"Night," he said as kissed the edge of my mouth. He paused before rolling over to sleep. "Huh..." he gave me a curious look. "You taste really good tonight," he said, looking slightly perplexed at the new, salty flavor, before he flicked his lamp off and we went to sleep.

That's it for part 2. I've decided to make this one a three part story! Final chapter coming soon. Please let me know what you thought of it at Love to hear what other guys thought of it.

Next: Chapter 3

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