My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 11, 2006


Hello, Everyone!

I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

NEWSFLASH: Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson are officially separating after 3 years of marriage. Whatever happens, I wish both of them, nothing but the best!"

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


********** CHAPTER 92 **********

I felt as though I couldn't breathe. Here I was, being arrested for a crime that I didn't commit. It made me wonder what could have gone wrong.

"Do you understand these rights, as I have explained them to you?" Detective Adams asked me, once he'd finished reading me my rights.

"Yes." I managed to get out, in between sobs. I turned around to face Detective Adams and the police officer who had handcuffed me.

"Come on." Detective Adams said to me. "It's time to be going."

"No, Detective." I said, desperately. "I need to talk to my attorney first."

"You can do that down at the station." Detective Adams said. But that wasn't good enough for me.

"No, I want to talk to her, now!" I said, about to go into hysterics. "Detective Adams, you don't understand, this is all a mistake. I have already told you, I didn't do this! I didn't attack Jessica Simpson! I had just arrived home by the time it happened!"

"I know what you told me, Mr. Perry." Detective Adams replied to me. "But your alibi is unconfirmed. No one can place you here, at that time."

Hearing that, just made the reality of what was happening to me, all that much harsher. I couldn't believe it. Here I was, an innocent man, about to go to prison for something that I didn't do. I didn't know how things could possibly get any worse.

"Oh, God, this is a nightmare!" I cried out, in despair. "This is a nightmare!"

I looked towards my friends for help. But I wasn't sure if I would get help from them. Kandi, Jeff, Justin, Danny, and Nick didn't know what to do at that moment.

"Come on, Mr. Perry." Detective Adams said, once again. "We have to get you down to the station for booking."

I sighed, in defeat and turned to go with them. But then, I realized that if I went out there, in handcuffs, people were going to wonder what was going on. I did live on the beach, after all.

"Wait, Detective Adams." I begged him. "I live on a very public beach, I can't go out there, like this. Can you please take off these handcuffs?"

Detective Adams wasn't sure how to answer that. He looked up at everyone else for a second opinion. And it was Nick that decided to speak up.

"Detective," He said, softly. "I'm sure that Sean isn't going to try anything."

I looked at Nick and saw that he was looking back at me. His expression was serious, which gave me no indication of what was going though his head at that moment. I could never figure him out when he had that look on his face.

The policeman looked back at Detective Adams to see what he'd decided. Detective Adams nodded.

"You can un-cuff him, Daniels." He said to the officer, standing behind me.

Officer Daniels did as he was told and he removed the handcuffs from my wrists. I rubbed my wrists to make the feeling of being handcuffed go away.

"Thank you." I said, in gratitude. Then I turned back to Detective Adams. "Is there anything that I need to do before you take me down to the station?"

Detective Adams looked at me for a moment. I saw him look down at something.

"Actually, yes." He said. "You might want to leave any valuables you have on you, here. And you might want to leave the necklace, and any other jewelery, that you're wearing, here too. Otherwise, it'll just be taken from you, at the station."

I realized at that moment that I had on my gold necklace. I hardly ever wore it, but today I had felt like it. But then, I realized that not only did I have to take it off, but I would have to take off my wedding band as well.

I looked around at the guys, and Kandi again. I wasn't sure who to leave this to. But I got my answer in seconds.

"Give it to me." Nick said, walking over to me, holding out his hand. "I'll take care of everything."

I looked up at Nick, through tear-filled eyes, wondering what he thought of me, at that moment. That just made me realize that I had to tell him the truth about what had really happened that night.

I tried to take off my necklace first, but my trembling hands refused to do my bidding. I lowered my hands to my sides.

"My hands are trembling." I said to Nick. "Will you please undo the chain for me?"

"Sure." Nick said, quietly. "Turn around."

I turned around, facing Detective Adams and Officer Daniels. I felt Nick's fingers on the back of my neck, as he opened the clasp, and removed the necklace from around my neck. Then, I turned back to him. I looked down at my right hand, knowing that the next thing that had to come off, was my wedding band. And this was not going to be easy.

Taking off that wedding ring also meant letting go of the past. Once I took off that ring, I knew that I was never going to be able to put it back on again. And that scared the hell out of me.

But Nick was the one who took my hand and started pulling off the ring.

"Oh God!" I exclaimed, as the ring slid off my finger. "My ring!"

Nick looked at me, sympathetically, as his hands closed over my necklace, and my wedding ring, which were now in the palm of his right hand.

Once that ring had been taken off of my finger, I suddenly felt empty, inside. It was like I had lost a part of my identity without that ring on my finger.

I started sobbing, immediately, as I covered my face, in my hands. After a moment, I felt Nick touch my shoulder.

I looked up at Nick, through my tears to see him, looking at me, with that serious look on his face again. I couldn't stand to see that look on his face. I could see that he was starting to doubt me.

"Nick, please." I begged him. "Don't look at me, that way. I swear to you, I didn't do this! I swear on my own life! Come down to the police station later, and I'll tell you, everything. The whole truth."

Nick didn't say anything. Instead, he nodded. I then turned towards Detective Adams again.

"Let me just say one more thing to my friends, Detective, and then we can go, ok?" I asked him. Detective Adams nodded. I then turned back to the guys, and Kandi.

"Danny," I said, addressing him. "In the Telephone book I have, in the kitchen, I have a number listed in it for an Attorney. Her name is Selina Edwards. She's one of the best attorneys, here in Orlando. Please give her a call and tell her that I've been arrested and that I need her help."

Danny nodded.

"I will." He said to me. "I'll see to it that she comes down to the station when we give her the news."

"Thank you." I said to him. "And, could you also go next door and fill Jake and Michelle in on what's happening? They'll want to know about this."

"Yes." Danny said to me. "Don't worry, Sean. Everything will be taken care of. I will call Jason, too, and let him know what's going on."

I nodded to him, as I wiped at my tears. Then, I turned back to Detective Adams, and Officer Daniels.

"Alright." I said to them. "Let's get this over with."

I turned and walked towards the door. Detective Adams opened it and he and Officer Daniels started leading me, outside.

I walked with them, to the police cruiser, that was parked in the parking lot, close by. Detective Adams opened the back door and I got in. The door closed and I looked back out the window, at my house, for the last time. As I did, I saw Nick, Jeff, Justin, Kandi, and Danny, standing outside, looking at me.

I heard Officer Daniels start the car and we started pulling away. With tears streaming down my face, I waved goodbye to all of my friends, as the car started pulling away.

Nick, and the others waved back to me. I could see that Kandi was in tears, and Justin was comforting her. Danny was also upset. I saw Jeff bring a hand to his shoulder, for a brief moment.

Once the car went around the corner, I couldn't see them, anymore. I turned back around and sat back in my seat and put on my seat belt. After that, I couldn't do anything but cry, and wonder what awful things I was going to have in store for me, at the station.


"I can't believe that this has happened!" Kandi exclaimed, as she and the guys re-entered the house. "The idea of Sean trying to kill anyone, is absurd! I don't care what Jessica put him through, He still wouldn't resort to such extreme measures!"

"I want to believe that, Kandi." Justin said to her. "I really do. But, you have to consider the facts, in this case."

Kandi looked up at Justin, in shock. She couldn't believe that he would think that Sean was capable of murder.

"The facts are wrong, Sweetie!" Kandi said to him, as she wiped at her eyes. "Did you see Sean's face when they were arresting him?! No guilty man could ever be that emotionally upset!"

"Maybe it was just all for show." Jeff pointed out. "Everyone who's guilty says they didn't do it. Besides, Sean was an actor at one time, you know."

Kandi turned around and looked at Jeff, angrily.

"Who's side are you on, Jeff?" She asked him. "Are you Sean's friend or not?"

"Of course, I am." Jeff said to her. "But, come on! Even Sean has his limits! I'm surprised that he held it together this long to begin with!"

Nick had been standing, at the window, by the couch, looking out of it. His thoughts were in a whirl. His ex-husband had just been arrested for trying to kill his wife. He was even more confused than ever. But, somehow, he just had a weird feeling that something wasn't right.

Nick turned to the others, after hearing Jeff's earlier outburst to Kandi about Sean.

"Alright, that's enough, you guys!" Nick said, his tone serious. "Instead of arguing about whether Sean is guilty or not, we should be coming together and figuring out a way to help him through this! He's going through hell right now!"

Justin looked over at Nick and saw just how strongly he still felt about Sean's innocence. But he was surprised that Nick didn't seem to have any doubts where Sean was concerned.

"Sean's going to be in for alot more hell after he's been charged with murder!" Nick continued. "Joe Simpson is going to have a field day with this, once he finds out about Sean's arrest! Not to mention that the press will be all over this! Sean's going to need our support, and I intend to be there for him!"

"Nick! How could you not have doubts about this?!" Justin asked him. "Sean's blood matched the blood found at the scene of the crime! That is pretty convincing evidence, if you ask me!"

Nick looked at Justin, an annoyed look on his face.

"I did have doubts, at first." Nick told him. "But after seeing how devastated he was when he was arrested, I don't anymore! Sean is innocent! and I'm going to prove it!"

Nick pulled his keys out of his pocket and started heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Danny asked him. Nick turned back to him, as he pulled open the door.

I'm going down to the police station to arrange a visit with Sean." Nick said. "He said he would tell me, everything about what happened the night Jessica was attacked. So, until I hear what he has to say, I'm not going to judge him!"

"I'll go with you." Kandi said, walking towards him.

"No, Kandi." Nick said to her. "This is something I must do alone. You and the guys stay here with Danny and fill in Sean's friends, Jake, and Michelle, on what has happened. Then, call his Attorney."

"Alright, Nick." Kandi said. "If this is what you feel you need to do, then I wish you luck." She said to him. "And tell Sean that my prayers are with him."

"I will, Kandi." Nick said. "And thanks.

Nick then left the house and headed for his car. Once he was gone, Kandi turned back to the others.

"Well, we'd better get cracking, guys." she said. "Danny, you call Sean's Attorney. Jeff, Justin, and I will go and talk to Jake and Michelle."

"I'm on it." He said, grabbing the phone and walking into the kitchen to get the number for Sean's attorney, Selina Edwards.

Kandi then turned back to Jeff and Justin.

"Well com on." She said to them. "Let's head over there."

Kandi, Jeff, and Justin left Sean's apartment and headed over to Jake's and Michelle's, next door, to fill them in on what was going on.

****************************************************************** DOWN AT THE POLICE STATION............

Detective Adams and Officer Daniels led me, into the station and took me, behind the area where the police worked. Detective Adams motioned towards an empty chair, in front of a desk.

"Sit here, Mr. Perry." he said to me. "You will wait here, until we get you prepared for booking."

Detective Adams left to attend to something else, while Officer Daniels took a seat at the desk that I was sitting in front off. I then saw that it was his desk. His name block said "Officer Peter Daniels" on it.

While we were waiting, Officer Daniels asked me what my full name was, my age, date of birth, etc. He took this information down as he filled out my paperwork. It seemed to take forever.

Just as we were finishing up, A female police chief came up to where I was sitting.

"Is his paperwork finished?" She asked Officer Daniels. Officer Daniels nodded.

"Yes." Officer Daniels said. He handed the papers over to the female police officer. "They're finished and ready."

The female officer accepted the papers and looked down at me.

"Come with me, Mr. Perry." She said. "We need to take you down for booking."

I sighed and got up from my seat. I wiped away the tears that were still falling down my face, as I followed the female officer to the booking area.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT..........

"I still can't believe it!" Jake said, in shock, as he, Michelle, Justin, Jeff, and Kandi entered the house. "My best friend has been arrested for attempted murder?!"

"I can't believe it, either." Michelle replied. "The idea that he could resort to something this extreme is just unfathomable."

Jake led Michelle over to the sofa where they both sat down. Kandi and Justin took a seat, next to them. Jeff walked back over to the twin recliner where Danny was sitting.

"Did you get ahold of Sean's lawyer?" He asked Danny. Danny nodded.

"Yes, I did." Danny replied. "She should be here any minute."

Jeff sat back in the recliner, and placed his hands behind his head, as he got comfortable.

"Good." He said. "Because one thing is for sure: Sean's going to need a good lawyer to get them through this."

Danny turned his head and looked at Jeff, with an annoyed frown on his face.

"You still think Sean did it, don't you?" He asked Jeff. Jeff shrugged.

"I don't know what to think, anymore." Jeff told Danny. "I guess I should just take Nick's advice and not judge Sean until we get the whole truth from him."

You do that." Danny said to Jeff, before he turned away. Then, he looked over at Kandi, Justin, Jake, and Michelle, who were sitting on the couch, talking amongst each other about Sean's situation.

"Now that Sean has been arrested," Kandi was saying to Jake. "What's going to happen to him now?"

Jake shook his head, sadly.

"I don't know." he said. "He could try to get out on bail, at the police station, if they let him."

"What if they don't, Babe?" Michelle asked him, worriedly.

"If they don't," Jake said, sadly. "Sean will probably end up staying in jail, until his bail hearing is set."

Everyone was devastated after hearing that news. They knew that prison wasn't going to be a picnic for Sean if he was denied bail.

"Well, he has to make bail." Kandi said, adamantly. "We have to make sure that he gets out of that awful place."

"I know, I'm going to do whatever I can to help Sean." Danny said, from the recliner. "But, I do know a certain SOMEONE who is going to do everything possible to make sure that Sean is denied bail."

Kandi, Justin, and Jeff, all nodded, knowing exactly who Danny was referring to. But Jake and Michelle did not.

"Who?" Jake asked Danny. Danny looked at Jake, with a serious look in his eyes.

"Jessica's father, Joe Simpson." He revealed. "He blames Sean for the fact that Nick and Jessica are getting a divorce. And he believes that Sean is guilty of trying to murder his daughter."

"Well, that is preposterous!" Michelle told him. "Sean is not a cold blooded killer! I don't care what kind of evidence the police have on him! There's got to be another explanation for this!"

"Let's hope so, Michelle." Danny said to her. "Let's hope that Nick can talk to Sean before Joe Simpson finds out about Sean's arrest."

Let's also hope that Sean will trust Nick enough to confide in him about what really happened that night." Michelle pointed out.

"Don't worry about that, sweetie." Kandi said, giving Michelle a warm smile. "If anyone can get through to Sean, it's Nick.'

Just then, there was a knock on the the door. Danny got up and went to the door. When he opened it, he came face to face with Sean's lawyer.

And she was a very pretty lawyer, too! She had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. And a gorgeous smile to match!

"You must be, Selina Edwards." Danny asked her, with a silly grin on his face.

"Yes, I am." She said, smiling back at him. "I was glad to get your call about Sean. May I come in?"

"Sure." Danny said, and stepped aside to let her in. "We've been expecting you."

When Selina walked into the room, she made quite an entrance! She jerked her head, sideways, tossing her long, blonde hair around. She got quite a few stares from the guys in the room. Even Jeff, who was in love with Drew, couldn't help but notice how pretty she was.

"Hello, Everyone." She said, cheerfully. "You must all be Sean's friends."

"Yes, we are." Jeff said, standing up from the recliner. He walked over to where she was standing.

Justin and Jake got up too and walked over to join Jeff and Danny, much to Kandi's and Michelle's chagrin.

As the guys talked with Selina, Kandi and Michelle both looked at each other and shook their heads, in disgust.

"Would you look at them?!" Michelle whispered to Kandi. "The way they are all drooling over her! God, it makes me sick!"

Kandi looked over at Michelle and saw just how jealous she was, seeing the guys, and especially her guy, practically fawning over Selina.

"And how much do you want to bet that those are not real?" Michelle whispered to Kandi, referring to Selina's breasts. "She looks more like a playboy model than a lawyer!"

Kandi couldn't help but snicker at that one. Michelle looked over at her, and frowned.

"What's so funny?" She asked. When Kandi was able to stop laughing, she told her.

"You really are pregnant." She said, in amusement. "It sure brings out your jealous streak."

"Oh, please!" Michelle said, as she turned back around and sat down on the couch. "I just don't think it's appropriate for every guy in the room, including MY fiance, to be staring at her, like they've never seen a girl before!"

Kandi laughed, silently to herself. Then she saw that Selina, and the others were headed their way.

"Shh," Kandi whispered to Michelle. "They're coming over here, now."

Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Oh, great!" she muttered.

Selina, and all off the guys came back over to the sitting area where they all went back to their original sitting arrangements. Jake sat next to Michelle, Justin sat next to Kandi, and Danny sat down with Jeff, in the twin recliner.

"Selina, this is my fiance, Michelle Evans." Jake said, introducing her to Michelle.

"Nice to meet you, Michelle." Selina said, extending her hand out. Michelle took it and they shook hands, briefly.

"Nice to meet you, too." Michelle said to her. Then Justin introduced her to Kandi.

"And, Selina, this is my fiance, Kandi." He said to Selina.

"It's nice to meet you, Kandi." Selina said, as she and Kandi shook hands.

"You too." Kandi said. "So, you're Sean's lawyer, huh?"

"Yes, I am." Selina said, with a warm smile.

"So, Selina." Danny asked her. "Is there anything that you can do to help Sean get out of jail?"

"I'll do what I can." Selina told him. "Now, I'd better get down to the police station and talk with my client."

"I'll walk you out." Danny said, getting up and following her, as she turned and headed for the door.

Danny opened the door for Selina. As she walked outside, he walked out too, and closed the door behind him.

"Hey, Selina," He said to her. "Before you go, I'd like to ask you something?"

Selina turned back to him, with raised eyebrows.

"What?" She asked, smiling at him. Her smile was definitely infectious. Danny couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm not sure if this is the appropriate time to ask you this," Danny said to her. "but I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to have dinner with me, sometime? Maybe after things settle down with Sean's case?"

Selina smiled.

"Sure." She said, with another one of her killer smiles. "I would like that. But you were right before that this isn't the right time. How about we talk about it later after I see if I can get Sean out of jail, on bail?"

"That's good enough for me." Danny said. "Do you have a pen? I'll give you my cell phone number."

"Sure." Selina said, as she reached into her briefcase to get a pen. She pulled out two business cards as well.

******************************************************* AT THAT SAME TIME, BACK INSIDE........

Jeff was leaning over the recliner, looking out the window, where he could see Danny and Selina, talking.

"Jeff, what are you doing?" Kandi asked him, from the couch.

"I'm trying to see what Danny is up to." He said to her.

When Jeff saw what was going on between Selina and Danny, he frowned.

"What the hell?!" He asked, out loud.

"What?" Justin asked him. "What's going on?"

"I don't believe it!" Jeff exclaimed, in shock. "They're exchanging phone numbers!"

Kandi was the one who spoke up, next.

"Well, he does have that right, Jeff." Kandi replied. "You broke up with him, remember?"

"I know that!" Jeff said, getting defensive. "But I didn't expect that he would be ready to date again, this soon! Our relationship has barely been over for two days!"

"Jeff, I was just making a point, sweetie." Kandi said to him, seriously. "You don't have to get all defensive on me."

"Sorry." Jeff apologized. "It's just that I can't believe that he wants to date her!"

"Who says that he's going to date her?" Jake said to him. "He probably just wants to get to know her, better, as a friend."

"Oh, really, man?!" Jeff asked, sarcastically. "Somehow, I doubt that!"

Kandi couldn't help but crack a smile. She could see that it was driving Jeff crazy seeing that his ex-boyfriend was interested in someone else. A woman, no less.

As Jeff continued to watch, he then saw Selina leave and Danny watching after her with a smile on his face. Then Danny turned and headed back inside.

Jeff walked over to meet Danny, as he came back into the house. Danny shut the door and turned to see Jeff, standing in front of him, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What?" Danny asked, with a frown on his face

Jeff looked at him, that seriousness back in his expression again.

"You and I need to talk." He said, to Danny. "In private. Meet me in Sean's room."

Danny frowned as Jeff walked away and headed down the hall to Sean's room. Once Jeff was out of earshot, Danny turned back to everyone else.

"What the hell crawled up his ass?" He asked, in confusion.

"You'll have to talk to him and find out." Kandi said to him. "But, I will tell you this much: Jeff may not be as "out of love" with you as you think he is."

After hearing that, Danny frowned again, and then headed down the hall to Sean's room to talk to Jeff.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, DOWN AT THE POLICE STATION...........

Nick entered the police station and walked up to the front desk, where he came face to face with Detective Adams, who was talking with an officer there.

"Hello, Mr. Lachey." Detective Adams greeted him. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to talk to Sean." He said. "Can I see him?"

"Yes." Detective Adams said. "But you'll have to wait until he's through with booking. It could take awhile."

"That's ok." Nick said. "I can wait."

"Very well." Detective Adams said. "Take a seat over there and we'll let you know when you can see Mr. Perry."

"Thanks." Nick said, before he turned away.

He walked over and took a seat, near the entrance to the station.

He sat there and wondering how Sean was holding up, in the booking area.

Just then, his cell phone starting ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open.


"Nick, it's your mother." He heard his Mom's voice say. "I have good news. Tina and Joe just called from the hospital. Jessica has regained consciousness."

Hearing that, Nick stood upright. This news was just what he was waiting to hear.

"She has?!" He asked Cate. "Oh, Thank God! How is she?!"

"The doctors say that she's doing fine." He heard her say. "The test results that came back on her, showed no signs of permanent brain damage. The swelling went down. So, it looks like Jessica is going to make a complete recovery."

Nick put a hand to his chest and sighed, in relief, as tears started running down his face.

"It worked, Mom." Nick said, as he wiped at his eyes. "Having everyone pray for Jessica's recovery worked. I'm so glad I had the press conference so that I could convince the public to help us out, by praying for her."

"I am, too, Sweetie." His mother said to him. "Jessica's been asking for you."

"Ok." Nick said. "Tell Joe and Tina that I'll be at the hospital as soon as I can. I just have to take care of something before I head over there."

"Ok, will do." His mother said. "Is your brother with you?"

Nick was shocked to hear her ask him that. He was sure that Drew would have told them that he was leaving town with Casey.

"No, Drew isn't with me, Mom." Nick said. "I can't believe that Drew didn't tell you."

"Tell us what, Nicholas?" Cate asked, in confusion.

Nick knew that she wasn't going to like what he was going to tell her.

"Drew left town, again." Nick said to her. "He went with Casey, back to New York City."

"What?!" His mother asked, in shock. "Why?!

"Casey's father had a heart attack." Nick said. "They don't know how serious it is, and Casey is very upset. Drew wanted to go with him so that he wouldn't have to face it alone."

"That was nice of your brother to do that." She said. "Casey seems like a very nice man."

"He is, Mom." Nick replied. "And before I forget, Drew told me to tell you and Dad that he said goodbye and that he'll be in touch soon."

"Ok, Honey." Cate said. "If he calls you, tell him that we love him and that our prayers are with Casey and his family."

"I will do that." Nick said. "Ok, I've gotta go."

"Alright, Sweetie." His mother said. "I'll talk with you, later."

"Bye, Mom." Nick replied.

He hung up the phone and brought a hand to his face. He sighed a huge sigh of relief. He felt as though a great weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, now that he knew that Jessica was going to be ok. He had to see her.

Nick got up and walked back over to the counter where Detective Adams was standing.

"Detective Adams," Nick said to him. "I just thought that you'd like to know that my wife, Jessica, has regained consciousness. So, it looks like she's going to be ok."

Detective Adams nodded.

"That's great news, Mr. Lachey." He replied. "Thanks for letting me know. Also, find out from the doctors when we can see her. I'd like to ask her a few questions about the night that she was attacked."

"I'm headed down to the hospital, now." Nick said. "I'll come back and visit with Sean, later."

"Sure thing, Mr. Lachey." Detective Adams replied. "And I'm glad that everything is going to be alright where your wife is concerned."

"Thank you, Detective." Nick said to him. "I really appreciate you saying that. We'll talk soon."

With those last words, Nick turned and walked towards the door. Just before he walked through it, He turned and looked around the station.

"Oh God, Sean." Nick thought to himself. "What must you be going through?"

Nick shook his head, sadly, and left the station to go and see Jessica, at the hospital.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, SOMEWHERE ELSE, IN THE POLICE STATION......

I was going through hell. Here I was, down in the booking area, getting my fingerprints taken.

"Ok now, press firmly down onto the paper." the Female Officer said.

I did as I was told and made sure that I did it, firmly enough, that they would get an accurate print of all five of my fingers. My hands were trembling, slightly, but somehow I got through it.

"Alright." The Officer said. "Now that your fingerprints are taken, now we have to take some mugshot photos of you."

I sighed and followed her to the mugshot room where they took your mugshots. I entered the room and stood, facing towards the camera. Someone handed me a black pad that had my serial numbers on it.

I had to do a variety of different profiles, each while holding the numbered pad in clear view of the camera. I had to do front, left, and right profiles.

After that was done, the female officer told me to follow her. We walked to another part of the booking area and entered another room.

Only this time, I was in a room that was damp and cold. It seemed like it was wet for some reason.

"Stay right here, Mr. Perry." The officer said. "I'll be right back."

I stood where I was, as she walked into a room for a moment. While, she was gone, I looked around the room, as I thought about my friends, who had to be very worried about me, right now. I also wondered when Nick was going to show up.

When I finally turned around, I saw that the female officer had returned and was standing in front of me, now. She was holding a laundry basket in her hands.

"Here." She said, holding it out to me. I frowned as I took it, not knowing exactly what I was to do with it.

"What's this for, Officer?" I asked her. She looked at me, a very serious look on her face.

"Your clothes." She said. "Take them all off and put them in the basket."

I looked at her, in horror.

"Why?" I asked, hoping that I wasn't going to get the answer that I thought I was going to get.

"Because, we have to search you." She explained to me. "It won't be a pleasant experience, but it's standard procedure. The doctor will be in to examine you, shortly."

I was starting to turn red, with embarrassment. From what the officer was telling me, I was going to have to be naked in front of complete strangers. And I was not looking forward to that. But, on the other hand, I just wanted to get this over with. The sooner this was over, the sooner I could get out of here, on bail.

"Before you get undressed, though." The officer continued. "We have to wait until a male officer arrives. You can't undress in front of me."

"I wish I didn't have to undress at all." I said, in an embarrassed tone.

In a few moments, the door opened and a Doctor walked in, accompanied by another police officer.

And this officer wasn't the least bit friendly looking. He seemed like a real hard nose. He was Caucasian and appeared to be in his mid 50s. He had very dark features and looked pretty intimidating. I could see the name "Sargeant Burne Armstrong" on his name badge.

The female Officer who was still in here, with me, turned to them. The Sargeant looked at me and then back at her.

"Has he been any trouble, Renaldi?" He asked her.

"No." She told him. "Mr. Perry has been very cooperative so far."

"Well, that may change now that we're here to do the body cavity search." The Doctor said to her. "Even the most cooperative ones hate this part of the booking process."

"Very true." Officer Renaldi said, nodding her head.

The Sargeant nodded towards the door.

"You can leave now, Renaldi." Sargeant Armstrong said to her. "We'll take it from here."

Officer Renaldi left the room and closed the door, leaving me in here, alone with the doctor and Sargeant Armstrong.

The doctor turned to me, and said, in a authoritative tone.

"Alright, Mr. Perry." he said to me. "Take off all of your clothes and put them into the laundry basket you are holding. It's time to perform the search."

Sighing, I reluctantly started taking off my clothes, one thing at a time. I threw each item of clothing into the basket. After the last item of clothing was off, I stood in front of the doctor and Sargeant Armstrong, in my full nakedness.

Then, the doctor came up to me, with a mini flashlight in his hand.

"Open your mouth." He said to me. "I need to check your teeth."

I obeyed, and opened my mouth as wide as I could.

"Your teeth seem to be clean." He said. "Now, lift your tongue."

I lifted my tongue and he checked under it, too. I had no idea why he was having to check my mouth. I had no idea what they could be looking for.

When the doctor finishing examining inside my mouth, he pulled back. That was when I decided to ask him what they were looking for.

"What exactly are you looking for, that you have to search in my mouth, Doctor?" I asked him.

"We're checking for weapons, drugs, signs of a struggle on the body, things like that." He said.

"But, I've never done drugs." I said to him. "And I don't own any weapons."

"And I'm sure that you're probably telling the truth." The Doctor said. "Especially since your background check indicates that you have no criminal record. But, that's not the point. We have to do this, whether or not you're telling the truth. As, I'm sure Officer Renaldi told you, it's standard procedure."

"I understand." I said, with a nod of my head.

The doctor took a step back and looked down at my feet.

"Wiggle your toes." He said.

I did, and then he stood back up again.

"Now, lift your penis and testicles up." He ordered. "I have to check them, too."

I could feel my face, turning hot with embarrassment. I was starting to feel like I was being treated like an animal, but I did as I was told.

The doctor knelt down and examined my dick and balls. As he did, I was starting to shiver. It was very cold in this room.

As the doctor was touching and fondling my genitals, I suddenly found out, in horror, that I was starting to get an erection.

"Oh God, No!" I thought to myself. "Go down! Go down! Why is this happening now? And in front of these people, no less?!

I closed my eyes and tried to think of something. Anything to get my penis to go soft again. But nothing seemed to be working.

"Cough." I heard the doctor say. I opened my eyes and looked down at him.

"I'm sorry." I said to him. "What did you say?"

The doctor looked up at me.

"I said to cough." He repeated

I coughed, as hard as I could. After I did, the Doctor withdrew his hands from my genitals.

I was already so cold, I was violently shivering. I hoped so badly that this was the last of the search.

"So, am I done now?" I asked, looking around from the doctor, to Sargeant Armstrong.

"Not yet. The Sargeant said. "Clasp your hands behind your back and stay that way until we tell you that you can unclasp them."

I sighed, in frustration. What else was I going to have to go through?"

I watched as the doctor walked back over to where Sargeant Armstrong was standing. There was a table nearby. The doctor walked over to it, his back to me, and started pulling something out of a small box.

When he started to turn in my direction, I saw him, snapping on a pair of plastic, disposable gloves. When I saw that, I started to panic.

"What's going on?!" I stuttered, panic stricken. "Why are you putting those gloves on?!"

The doctor turned back to me, as did Sargeant Armstrong.

"We have to check, in your rectum, for contraband." He told me. "Now, turn around, place your hands against the wall, and spread your legs apart."

I recoiled back, in horror. I couldn't believe that they were going to have to search in my ass. Now, I understood what Officer Renaldi meant when she said that they had to do a thorough strip search, and that it wouldn't be pleasant.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed to them. "Forget it!"

I saw Sargeant Armstrong, giving me what was probably an annoyed look. But to me, that look had "Death" written all over it.

"No back talk, Mr. Perry!" He said, loudly. "Just do as you're told!"

"NO!" I cried out, again, almost close to tears. "YOU ARE NOT SEARCHING ME, THERE!

Instead of answering me, I saw the Sargeant look at the doctor and saw them both nod. Then Sargeant Armstrong went and grabbed a pair of disposable gloves and put them on.

I was frightened, now. I wondered what he was going to do. The Sargeant walked up to me and stood over me. He was very tall. About 6'4" I think, maybe taller.

"There's no getting around this, Mr. Perry!" He said, in an annoyed tone. "Either you cooperate and let the doctor do his job, or I can do it for him and stick my big fingers up your ass! And trust me, I might not be as gentle!"

I gave him a blank stare, despite the fact that I was afraid to him.

"The only way you are going to search up my ass is if you....."

That was as far as I got, before I realized that I was already turning and doing what the doctor had ordered me to do. It was like my body had a mind of it's own. I didn't voluntarily move.

My hands went against the wall, my fingers spread. I then felt my legs spread out.

"What the hell?!" I asked, outloud. "I didn't willingly do this?!"

"Alright, Doc." Sargeant Armstrong said. "Now's your chance. Do it and get it over with."

I tensed up, when I heard Seargeant Armstrong say that.

"This is insane!" I exclaimed. "You can't do this to me! I didn't...."

I didn't get to finish my sentence, for suddenly, I felt someone's finger go up my ass. I gasped, and my eyes widened, in shock.

The doctor moved his finger inside of me, in and out a few times. And the way he was doing it, didn't feel very good.

"There appears to be nothing in there." The doctor said. "Now, we can get him to the showers for delousing."

I felt the doctor withdraw his finger from my ass. When he did, I closed my eyes, feeling totally humiliated at that moment. Luckily, my back was turned so that they couldn't see the look on my face.

"Thanks, Doc." Sargeant Armstrong said to the doctor. 'I'll take it from here."

"Ok." The doctor replied, with a brief smile.

I heard the doctor leave the room and shut the door behind him.

"Now, Mr. Perry," Sargeant Armstrong said, as I turned around. "Follow me down to the showers. And bring that laundry basket with you."

As he started walking towards the door, I picked up the laundry basket, which had my clothes in it. Then, I followed him.

He took me to a shower room and told me to sit my clothes down near the door. I did that and turned back to him.

"Now," He started to explain to me. "You're going to walk through the shower area where delousing will take place. Hold in your breath when I tell you to. The same goes for exhaling. If you inhale, when the shower heads are spraying you, it will mess up your lungs."

"Alright, Sargeant." I said to him. "I understand."

"Good." he said. "Go ahead and walk in now."

I walked in, slowly, with my legs apart. As I got close to the shower heads, I heard Sargeant Armstrong tell me to hold my breath. I inhaled and held my breath. I then felt the shower head, delousing me. I was mortified.

I heard the Sargeant tell me to exhale, as soon as the shower heads stopped running. I did. But when I inhaled, I got a taste of the fumes, which hadn't entirely subsided, and it made me want to throw up.

"Alright, now turn around and come back to me." I heard Sargeant Armstrong call out to me.

I turned around and came back to him. I saw him, holding bath soap, and shampoo out to me.

"Here's some soap." He said. "Clean yourself up and then we'll get you put up in a holding cell, until your lawyer can see you, about making bail."

I accepted the soap and shampoo from him and walked back into the shower area. I turned on the water and set to work on washing away the smell of the delousing spray.

It seemed to take forever for me to scrub the nauseating fumes off of me. But when I finally felt that I had done what I could, I then started washing my hair.

It took me a few minutes to get done. When I was, I turned off the water and headed out to where the Sargeant was. He had a towel in his hands.

"Here.' He said. "Dry off and put your clothes back on. Then, I'll take you back upstairs to the office area, until we get a holding cell ready for you."

I nodded and quickly started drying myself off. Then, I put my clothes on, as fast as possible. I didn't want to be naked, another moment. I had been humiliated enough.

I finished getting dressed and looked up at him. I was more determined than ever to make bail and get out of this awful place. After that, I never wanted to see it again.

"But, before I take you up there," Sargeant Armstrong said to me. "you're entitled to ONE phone call. Do you want to call anyone now?" Your lawyer, maybe?"

I thought about calling Selina, but I was sure that Danny had called her by now. She was probably waiting in the police station area until she could see me.

I then thought about calling Danny and decided that maybe it was a good idea after all. I knew everyone was worried about me.

"Actually, my lawyer should already be here." I told him. "But, I'd like to call my friends back at my apartment, so that they know that I'm alright."

He took me down to the phone area and stood behind me.

"Five minutes." He said. "No more."

I nodded at him. But when my back was turned, I rolled my eyes. I picked up the phone and dialed the number for my apartment. I just hoped that my friends were still there.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT.......

"Alright, Jeff." Danny said, as he entered Sean's bedroom. "What the hell is your problem?"

Jeff, who was already in the room, turned towards Jeff. He had an angry look on his face.

"What exactly are you doing?!" He asked Danny. "Our relationship has barely been over for two days, and already you're getting a total stranger's phone number?"

Danny frowned, and crossed his arms over his chest. He was annoyed that Jeff was the least bit bothered by it. After all, it was Jeff who had feelings for another man. And it was Drew, of all people.

"What the matter, Jeff?" He scoffed. "Are you jealous?!

"Hardly." Jeff said. "I just don't think that you're ready for dating just yet."

Danny shook his head, in annoyance.

"You have some nerve, you know that, man?!" He said, giving Jeff that look of anguish. "First, I find out, on Christmas night, that you're in love with Nick's baby brother, and I use that term loosely! Then, when I want to meet someone new, and possibly make a new friend, my former boyfriend has to give me grief about it, as if we were never broken up! "Who the hell do you think you are!"

"I'm someone who still cares about you!" Jeff yelled back at Danny. "That's who I am! I just don't want to see you end up hurting that girl, if she were to fall for you, just to get back at me for hurting you!"

Danny glared at him.

"Do you have any idea how incredibly self-centered you sound right now?!" Danny asked, in disbelief. "And what right do you have to come down on me for wanting to date someone else?! If I want to date other people, it's my decision! You don't have a say anymore!"

Jeff sighed and brought a hand over his eyes for a moment. Then, he brought his hand down and looked back at Danny.

"Danny." Jeff said, his voice softer now. "I know I've hurt you, terribly. But I'm just trying to look out for you. And if you date this Selina, before you've had a chance to come to terms with our break up, you will only end up hurting her, and yourself, in the long run."

Danny's angry frown, softed, and his expression took on a look of pain. The pain from his break up with Jeff, still stung in his heart.

"Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now?!" Danny asked him, softly, as a tear ran down his right cheek. "You've ripped out my heart!"

Danny's words cut through Jeff, like a hot knife through butter.

"Danny, I know." Jeff said, unable to stop his own tears from falling. "And you love me. How can that just disappear?"

Danny shook his head. He knew, as well as Jeff did, that the love that they shared together, hadn't totally gone away.

"It doesn't." Danny admitted to him. "That's why this hurts so much."

Danny walked over to Sean's dresser, where the stereo was sitting. He placed his hands on the dresser, and leaned forward a bit, as his tears started flowing, more freely."

"What can I do to make this up to you?" He heard Jeff ask him. "I'll do anything for you."

After a brief silence, Danny wiped at his eyes and turned back to Jeff. He could see that Jeff was very torn up over how he had hurt Danny.

"Can you stop loving Drew?" Danny asked him.

Jeff looked at Danny, stunned that he'd asked him that. In response, Jeff lowered his eyes to the floor. In that same moment, Danny had his answer. No words were necessary. Jeff's body language said it all.

"That's what I thought." Danny said, sadly. "You can't stop loving Drew, anymore than I could stop loving you, right now."

Jeff's emotions were starting to get out of control. It was finally starting to sink in for him, what he was giving up. A man who still loved him, beyond all reason, all for another man, who didn't love him the same way.

"Oh God, Danny!" Jeff exclaimed, trying to keep from sobbing. "Will you ever be able to forgive me for this?"

Danny's eyes lowered. He wasn't sure how to answer that. But he knew that he had to.

"I don't know." He said, as he looked back up at Jeff. "Some things can't be forgiven. Some pain can't be undone."

Just then, the phone rang. Danny wiped his eyes and walked over to get it. He picked it up and turned it on.

"Hello?" He asked, sniffling as he did.

"Danny, it's Sean." He heard Sean's voice say. And he sounded terrible.

"Sean?!" Danny exclaimed, looking up at Jeff. "How are you holding up?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know." "Danny heard him say. "Words can't even describe what I'm feeling right now."

Danny then realized that maybe everyone else would like to hear what Sean had to say.

"I'm in your room with Jeff right now." Danny said, to Sean. "I'm going to take the phone and go out into the living room with it. Jake and Michelle are here, with the rest of us."

"Alright." Sean said to him. "But, make it quick. I only have about a few more minutes left for this call."

"Ok." Danny said. He lifted the phone from his ear, and looked up at Jeff, quickly.

"Come on." He said to Jeff. "Our conversation will have to wait. Sean only has a few minutes left to talk and I thought that everyone else would like to hear how he's doing."

Jeff nodded, and he and Danny quickly left Sean's bedroom and headed out into the living room. Kandi, Justin, Jake, and Michelle were talking.

"Guys!" Danny said, as he and Jeff entered the living room. "Sean's on the phone! Put the phone on speaker so that we can all talk to him."

Justin reached over and pushed the speaker button. Then, he spoke into the phone to see if it was on.

"Sean, it's Justin." Justin said, into the phone. You're on speakerphone "Are you there?"

"Yes." Everyone heard Sean's voice say. "I'm here, Justin."

Everyone could hear just how terrible Sean sounded. They all knew how devastated he was over what was happening to him.

"Sean, you sound awful." Michelle said, sympathetically. "Are you ok?"

"No, Michelle I'm not." Sean's voice said. "I've been through the ringer, tonight."

"I'm so sorry, sweetie." Michelle replied. "I wish that there was something we could do for you."

"Actually, there is." Sean's voice replied.

Kandi, Justin, Jake, Michelle, Danny, and Jeff, all looked around at each other, wondering what Sean wanted. It sounded important.

Sean's voice continued.

"I'm hoping I'll be out of here, by tonight." He said. "But, if not, could you and Jake watch over my place until I can make bail?"

"Of course we will, buddy." Jake said to him. "Don't worry about a thing. Michelle and I will take care of everything."

"Thanks Jake." They heard Sean say. "I knew I could count on you guys! The same goes for the rest of you, too!"

Sean was, of course, referring to Kandi, Justin, Jeff, and Danny.

"Sean, hon?" Kandi asked him. "Has Nick been by to see you, yet?"

"I don't know." She heard Sean say to her. "He might be waiting in the station."

"What about your lawyer?" Danny asked me. "Selina just left here, about five minutes ago?"

"She's probably here, by now." Sean's voice replied, again. "An officer was just about to find out if she's here or not. If she is, they'll take me to the visiting room, so that I can talk to her."

"Good." Danny said to me. "Hopefully, she can get you out of that hell hole."

"That's what I'm praying for, Danny." Sean's voice souned like he was crying."

Then, Everyone heard a voice in the background:

"Time's up, Mr. Perry." They heard Sargeant Armstrong say."

"Well, that's my cue, guys." Sean said to them. "I have to go."

"Alright, Sean." Jeff said to him. "Keep it together, man. I'm sure you'll be out, soon!"

"Thanks, Jeff." Sean said. "I love you guys!"

"We love you too, Sean." Jeff said to him. "Take it easy, ok?"

"I will." Sean replied. "Goodbye, guys."

Then, everyone heard the phone click, signaling the end of the call.

Justin shut off the speakerphone and sighed, heavily, as he sat back in his chair and put his hand over his face.

Everyone in the room looked amonst themelves, in silence, all of them feeling the same way about what Sean was going through.

At that moment, the silence between everyone was interrupted by the phone, ringing, again. Justin answered it, again.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey, Justin." It was Nick, calling. "Can you put me on speaker? I have news that all of you should hear."

"Sure, Nick." Justin said, pushing the speaker button again. once it was on, he hung up the handset. "Ok, buddy, what is this news that we all need to hear?"

"I just thought that I'd call and tell you guys that Jessica has regained consciousness." Nick revealed to everyone.

A round of gasps were heard around the room. It was like the oxygen was being sucked out of the room.

"Nick, that is great news!" Jeff said, from where he was standing. "How is she doing?"

"Mom and Dad called me, when I was at the station to see Sean." Nick told them. "They said that the tests the doctors ran on Jessica, showed no signs of permanent brain damage. So, it looks like Jessica will make a full recovery."

Sighs of relief could be heard around the room. Everyone was relieved to hear that Jessica was going to be alright.

"We couldn't be happier about that, Nick." Danny replied to him. "We're glad that Jessica is going to be alright."

"Thanks, Danny." Nick said back to him. "Thanks to all of you. Your support has helped me, immensely, through this difficult time."

"Don't mention it, Buddy." Justin said to him. "You know we're always going to be there for you, no matter what."

"I appreciate you saying that, Justin." Nick said. "Anyway, I've got to go. I'm getting close to the hospital now."

"Alright." Justin said. "We'll see you later, Nick."

"Alright." Nick said. "Bye guys!"

"Everyone voiced their goodbyes before Justin shut off the speaker phone, cutting the call short.

"It's really great that Jessica is going to be alright." Kandi said, out loud. "Now, I just wish the same could be said about Sean."

"Yeah." Michelle agreed. "I agree with you. I just can't stand the thought of Sean, rotting behind bars. It just isn't right."

"That's not going to happen, Babe." Jake said to her. "Sean is going to beat these charges. Selina seemed pretty determined, so I'm sure that she will succeed in getting the charges against him, dropped."

"I sure hope that she does." Michelle said. "At least now Sean doesn't have to worry about being charged with murder one, since Jessica didn't die."

"True." Kandi said, to Michelle. "But Sean will still have to deal with Jessica's constant dislike for him. I'm sure that her father is going to tell her that he believes that Sean did this to her. And when he's done with her, she'll believe it, too. And since Nick's going to divorce her now, I wouldn't put it past her to blame it on Sean just to keep him from reconciling with Nick."

Not wanting to talk about Jessica anymore, Kandi elected to change the subject. She turned to Jeff and Danny.

"So, what's going on with you two?" Kandi asked them. "We could hear you guys, arguing, in Sean's room. Is everything alright?"

That subject was not a good one to bring up at that moment, because it only reminded Danny of how angry he was with Jeff, over breaking up with him, for Drew. Not to mention the fact that Jeff was trying to tell him that dating Selina was not such a good idea.

"It will be." Danny said, as he looked up at Jeff. "When Jeff stops acting so possessive of me, and gets it through his thick skull, that he doesn't have a say in what goes on in my life anymore!"

Jeff glared at Danny.

"I was not being possessive of you!" Jeff shot back at him. "I was just trying to get you to see that dating Selina is not such a good idea right now, given that you still have feelings for me! You even said, yourself, in Sean's room that you still love me!"

Danny frowned at Jeff, angrily.

"Do you know who you sound like, right now?!" He asked, Jeff, in an annoyed tone. "You sound the same way Drew did, when he was in love with Sean? So self centered and selfish! Well you know what?! Fine! If you want Drew so bad, you can have him! You two deserve each other!"

"WHAT?!" Everyone asked, shocked by Danny revelation.

But Danny wasn't sticking around to hear anymore. He had brushed past Jeff and opened the door to leave the apartment. The door slammed behind him.

Jeff was shocked that Danny had let the cat out of the bag, about his feelings for Drew. He wondered how everyone else was going to react to that bombshell.

"Jeff, what is going on?" Justin asked him. "Is what Danny just said true? Is Drew really the man that you're in love with?"

******************************************************* BACK AT THE ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT............

Sargeant Armstrong opened the door and led me into the visiting room. As I entered, I looked up and saw Selina standing on the opposite side of the room.

"Selina,"I greeted her. "Thank you for coming."

"You're welcome." Selina said to me. "Your friend, Danny Matheson called me and said that you needed my help."

Then, she turned to Sargeant Armstrong, who was standing behind me.

"I need to talk with my client, alone."She said to him. "We have alot to discuss."

"Very well." Sargeant Armstrong said as he led me to the table, where there were two chairs, sitting. "You have 10 minutes, while I go and check to see if there's a holding cell, available for Mr. Perry. We're getting pretty crowded as it is."

I sat down in the chair, with handcuffs still around my wrists. Sargeant Armstrong had put them back on after I was done with my phone call.

I watched Sargeant Armstong leave the room. As he did, he told the guard to watch us, until he got back. Then, he shut the door behind him.

I turned back to Selina.

"Will you be able to get me out of here, on bail?" I asked her.

"I will do my best." Selina replied, to me. "But, first I need to know the whole story about how you got into this mess."

I sighed, heavily, and sat back in my seat. I knew that she was going to be in for one hell of a story.

******************************************************* AT THE HOSPITAL....................

Nick walked up to Jessica's room and stopped, just at the door. He peeked in the window to see what was going on in there.

He saw Joe and Tina, each holding one of Jessica's hands. He could see that Jessica was awake and she was talking to themm. It looked as though they were talking about something, upsetting, because Jessica was crying.

Nick opened the door and stepped into the room. Joe and Tina looked his way when they heard the door open.

"Nick." Tina said, standing up. "I'm so glad you're here. Jessica has been asking for you."

Nick looked down at his bedridden wife, and saw that she was upset about something. He wanted to find out what it was.

"Well, I'm here now." Nick said, smiling down at her. "How are you feeling?"

Jessica looked up at him, through tear filled eyes.

"Terrible." She said to him. "Now that I know the truth about what happened to me."

Nick frowned and looked around at Joe and Tina.

"What are you talking about, Jessica?" He asked, when he'd brought his eyes back on her.

Jessica looked over at her father, who nodded at her. Then, she looked back at Nick.

"Dad told me that Sean could have been the one who did this to me." Jessica said, as she started to sob. "And if that's the case, I'm scared to death of what he'll do next when he finds out that I'm still alive."

Nick looked over at Joe and glared at him.

"You had no right to tell her that!" Nick snarled at him. "Especially, since it isn't true!"

Joe rolled his eyes.

"And how do you know that for sure?" He asked Nick, angrily.

"Because I know Sean!" Nick replied back, harshly. "He wouldn't hurt anyone! I'm so sick and tired of trying to run that throught your thick skull!"

"Then, stop trying!" Joe shot back at him. "Because until you have any kind of solid proof of his innocence, He's still the number one suspect in my book!"

Nick shook his head, in defeat. He was tired of having to go head to head with Joe, over Sean.

"Well, I'm sure that this news will please you to no end!" Nick muttered to him. "Sean has been arrested and charged with attempted murder!"

hearing that news, Joe shot upright out of his chair.

"When?" He asked, in shock.

"About a few hours ago." Nick said. "I just came from the police station. I was there to visit Sean, but he was still going through booking, so I didn't get to see him. While I was there, I got the call from my Mom and Dad about Jessica."

Joe started to laugh, when he heard the news about Sean's arrest, making Jessica and Tina look at him, strangely. Nick could only frown at Joe, getting angry over him, taking pleasure in Sean's pain.

"I'll bet it's all over the news now." Joe laughed, as he turned on the TV.

Sure enough, Sean's arrest was all over hte news. Nick had been right before. The media was all over this story.

Then, Joe turned to Tina.

"Honey, I'm going to head back to the hotel now and grab a shower." He told her. "Would that be alright?"

"Sure, Darling." Tina said, getting up briefly and kissing him. "Come back when you're finished, ok?"

"I will." Joe said to her.

Joe looked down at Jessica. Then he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll see you later, Sweetie."He told her. "Your mother and Nick will keep you company until I get back."

Jessica smiled at him, tiredly.

"Alright, Daddy." She whispered to him.

Joe turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Outside the room, He stood there a moment, with a strange look on his face.

"But before I go back to my hotel room," He said. "There's someone that I need to see."

He then started walking towards the hospital elevators.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE POLICE STATION......

I was still in the visiting room, sitting at the table. Seline had gone out to see what the status of my bail situation was.

She hadn't been gone long, but it seemed like it was taking forever. Probably because I was anxious to get out of this awful place.

In a few moments, the door opened and Selina came back into the room.

"Well?" I asked her. "When can I get out of here?"

Selina looked at me, sadly.

"Well, it doesn't look like you'll be getting out of here, tonight." She said. "your request to post bail here was denied."

No!" I exclaimed, in shock. "Does that mean I have to stay here?!"

Selina nodded.

"Until your bail hearing is set." She replied to me.

"How long will that take?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She said, with a shrug. "It could take anywhere from a couple of days to 2 weeks."

"Oh God!" I said, as my eyes closed, in horror. "3 days will be bad enough, but I can't stay in here for 2 weeks! I will go out of my mind!"

I buried my face, in my hands, and lost my composure right there.

"Sean, you have to stay strong!" Selina said, her tone serious. "If you act like someone who could lose it, you may end up staying in jail, pending trial."

When I heard that part, I raised my head and looked at her, through my tears, in horror.

"You think that this could go to trial?!" I asked her, feeling scared at that moment.

Selina gave me an even more serious look that before.

"Given everything you've told me, I don't think that it will come down to that." She said to me. "But we need to prepare ourselves. YOU need to prepare yourself."

I sighed, and buried my face, in my hands again, as my fear grew over the possibility that my case could wind up going to trial.

Just then, the guard at the door, opened it and came in.

"Time's up, Mr. Perry." He said to him. "Sargeant Armstrong said that your holding cell is ready. I'm going to take you down now."

I nodded at him as I stood up. He came over to me and took ahold of my arm.

As the guard started to lead me away, I looked back at Selina.

"Selina, please!" I begged her. "Get me out of this awful place before I lose it, completely!"

"Stay strong, Sean." She said to me. "You'll be out of here, before you know it."

The guard pulled me behind the door and closed it. I couldn't see Selina anymore.

The guard then walked me down to a holding cell which was empty. He looked through his keys, until he found the right one. Then, he unlocked the cell door and pulled it open.

I slowly entered the cell, looking around the place, as I heard the guard slide the cell door shut and lock it.

I walked over and sat down on the cot that was set up there. I then thought about Nick, who still hadn't shown up yet. I was starting to wonder now if he really was having doubts about my innocence.

"Nick, where are you?" I whispered to myself.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE HOSPITAL............

Nick was in the room, talking with Jessica, while Tina had run down to the cafeteria to get some coffee and something to eat.

"Jessica, I'm so glad that you're alright." Nick said to her. "When I saw that chandelier come down on you, my heart almost stopped cold. I thought that I'd lost you, forever."

Jessica managed a tired smile for him.

"Well, I'm still here, aren't I?" She asked, softly. "How is our little girl doing?"

Nick took her hand in his and brought his other hand over her palm, caressing it gently.

"Our daughter is fine." He told her. "She misses you, though."

Tears came to Jessica's eyes when Nick told her that. She missed Nicole too. And it was only natural. She was the child's mother after all.

"I want to see my baby so bad!" She said, starting to sob. "But I don't want her to see me like this! What if I scare her?!"

"Hey, Hey." Nick soothed her, bringing a hand up to her cheek and brushing the tears away. "You won't scare her. Our daughter will be so happy to be back in her mother's arms again, she might not even notice your cuts and bruises."

Jessica brought her hand up to Nick's, which was still resting on her cheek, and caressed his hand, showing her appreciation for his support.

"That's very sweet of you to say, Baby." She said, softly. "I just hope that it's all true."

"It will be." Nick said, smiling down at her.

Then, Jessica yawned. She was definitely getting tired.

"I'm so tired." Jessica said, her eyes fluttering.

"Go ahead and rest, Babe." Nick said to her. "I'll be here."

"Ok." Jessica whispered, yawning again. Within moments, she was out like a light.

Nick sat there and watched her sleep. As he did, his thoughts drifted back to Sean. He remembered that he still had to visit him at the police station. later.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT.......

I was laying there, on my cot, thinking about what my friends must be going through, at home. They had to be really worried about me, right now.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment, as my mind continued to wander and flood with questions.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, someone was talking to me.

"Wake up, Sean!" I heard a man's voice yell. "I have something to say to you!"

My eyes opened and I turned around to see Joe Simpson, standing on the other side of my cell, looking down at me.

"Oh great." I thought to myself. "More hell to have to go through."

I sat up and turned to look at Joe, through tired eyes. I didn't feel like fighting right now.

"What the hell do you want now?" I asked him, bitterly. "Haven't you caused me enough trouble?"

Joe crossed his arms over his chest and smiled at me. But it wasn't a pleasant smile.

"I never thought I would see this day." He said, with a sastisfied smirk on his face. "But now that it's come, I couldn't be more pleased to see that you're finally getting what you deserve!"

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's all for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it!

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 94

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