My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Oct 10, 2005


Hello, Everyone!

I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

I lost my composure right then. I brought a hand to my face and covered my eyes as the first sob escaped my lips.

"She said that you never loved me the same way that you love her." I said to her. "She said that you only tried to love me, out of pity, because I was raped, and you wanted to make it up to me. So, she said you played my little charade and ended up playing me like a violin in the process."

"How dare she say that to you?!" He said. "She sure had alot of nerve!"

I removed my hand and turned to look at Nick. He was really angry now. But, I had a question to ask him.

"Was she right?" I asked, in between sobs. "Did you ever really love me?"

"No, she wasn't!" Nick said, in shock.Then he cupped my face.

"Sean, my love for you was very real." Nick said, sweetly. "I don't want you to ever doubt that."

"Thank you, Nick." I said, as I hugged him again. "I'm sorry I had to ask you that, but I needed to hear it."

"Don't apologize." He said. "Anyway, what else happened?"

I pulled back from Nick, briefly.

"Well, then she went to leave and then said that she wanted to clarify something for me." I explained to him. "That's when she told me that I wasn't the world's greatest son, and that he'd died a long time ago! After that, she left."

"I'm really sorry that you had to go through that, Sean." Nick said. "Jessica had no right to come down on you like that."

I turned away and leaned down to pick up the TV remote. I switched on the television and then set the remote back down on the table. Then, I also put my drink down, too.

"Do you want to know what the worst thing about this whole tragedy was?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked, curious as to what that was.

"When I saw on the news that Jessica had been attacked, tonight, all I could feel was relief." I explained to him, as I started to lose it again. "I wondered if she was dead. And if that had been the case, I knew that the hell in my life was over. It was finally over and I wouldn't have to worry about Jessica anymore. I wouldn't have to be put through anymore pain by her."

I looked up at Nick and saw that he was shocked by my revelation. He was looking at me, intensely.

"If it's wrong for me to feel that way, Nick, I'm sorry." I sobbed. "But, it's how I feel. It's the only way I can feel."

After saying all of that, I couldn't go on. I sank down onto the couch and buried my head in my hand as I allowed myself to cry my heart out.

Nick just stood there, looking down at me. After hearing everything that I'd said, he wasn't sure what to say or what to do. He didn't even know what to feel, either.

Finally Nick sat down beside me, on the couch. I sat up and took a look at him, wondering what he was thinking. I could see the mixed emotions that were playing on his face. It looked like he wanted to be angry with me, but at the same time, I think he felt sorry for me.

Nick didn't say anything. Instead, he put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his arms. When he did, I clung to him like I would never let him go.

"Oh God, Nick!" I said, as I sobbed hard. "I never wanted to hurt you like this! Please, forgive me! I love you so much!"

After I'd finished rambling, I heard Nick gasp, in shock. It was then and there that I realized that I'd let the truth be known. I had revealed my true feelings for Nick. "Now what? How was he going to react?"

Before I could find out, I heard the door slam shut. Startled, Nick and I both turned to see Joe Simpson, standing near the door, along with Danny, Jeff, Justin, and Detective Adams.


********** CHAPTER 89 **********


I quickly rose to my feet and wiped the remains of my tears away and tried to quit sobbing. But it wasn't easy.

"What the hell gives you the right to come barging into my home like you own it?!" I hissed at Joe, furiously. "Get the hell out of here, right now!"

"I don't think so, you little home wrecker!" Joe Simpson, snarled. "I have every right to come in here, after the way you snuck out of the hospital earlier, to avoid being questioned by Detective Adams, here."

When Joe said that, I looked over at Detective Adams, who was standing there, looking at me. And he definitely wasn't pleased with me at that moment.

"Joe, I'm exhausted!" I said to him. "Hell, everyone is! You are! Jeff and Danny are, too!"

I turned around and looked at Nick, who was still looking at me, through tired eyes. But, he also had that confused look on his face that I didn't like seeing.

"And Nick is too." I said, tiredly. "So, excuse me if I wasn't in the mood to be questioned right there in the hospital. I need my rest."

Joe crossed his arms, and gave me a look of contempt.

"Well, that's just too bad." He said. "You won't be getting any rest until Detective Adams has questioned you."

As I looked around at everyone else, I could see that I was outnumbered here. So, I was forced to make a hasty decision.

"Alright." I said. "I'll talk with Detective Adams."

"You're damn right you will!" Joe snarled at me. "Because you're not going to avoid it this time!"

I shot Joe a death look.

"Keep it up, Joe!" I threatened him. "Keep it up and you'll be the next person who winds up in the hospital tonight!"

That did it. I'd finally hit a nerve, because Joe's temper turned red hot almost immediately.

"You Son of A--!" Joe started, as he lunged at me.

This time, Nick wasn't quick enough to react and when Joe brushed by him, he was knocked into the couch. But, I was ready for Joe.

As Joe reached out to grab ahold of me, I quickly sidestepped him, and grabbed one of his arms and pulled it up behind his back. Then with my other arm, I pushed him hard in the back, knocking him against the wall, near my mantle, face first.

Joe yelled out in pain, as he hit the wall, and I pulled the back of his arm up even harder, intent on hurting him a bit.

"I'm warning you, you fucking piece of shit!" I said, through gritted teeth. "If you ever try to attack me again, I swear I'll kick your ass clear into the next millennium!"

All Joe could do was whimper, in pain. By this time, Jeff, Danny, Nick, Justin, and Detective Adams were headed over to separate us.

"You're not going to get away with this, you fucking little whore!" Joe yelled at me.

In response to his insult, I pulled his arm up again, hard. Joe screamed out in pain.

"Sean, let go of him!" Nick begged me, in a worried tone. "You're hurting him!"

I ignored Nick and focused on Joe, who was still struggling to get free of my hold on him.


I felt someone grab me and start pulling me away from Joe. I didn't resist and let go of Joe.

"Get him out of here!" I yelled as I turned back to see that it was Danny and Justin who had ahold of me. I saw Nick and Jeff get ahold of Joe to keep him restrained. Detective Adams had moved in between me and Joe, so that there wasn't anymore blood shed.

"Alright, that is enough!" Detective Adams said, sternly. "Both of you calm down!"

When Joe finally was turned around to face me, his face was as red as a lobster, partly from rage, and the rest from pain. He was rubbing his arm that I'd pinned behind him and had hurt.

"You're not getting away with this, Sean!" Joe fumed. "I ought to hit you with assault charges!"

"You go ahead and try it!" I challenged him. "You try it, and I'll file counter charges so fast, it'll make your ugly old head swim!"

"If you both can't calm yourselves down, I can throw you both in a jail cell!" Detective Adams threatened both Joe and me.

I couldn't resist throwing out a sarcastic remark.

"Make that a padded cell for him!" I said, sarcastically. "He's even crazier than Jessica!"

Joe growled at that, and attempted to lung at me, but Nick and Jeff kept a strong hold on him.

"Will you guys get him out of here?!" I asked, in frustration. "I've had more than enough for one night!"

I saw Nick and Jeff look at each other, then at Joe, and saw them both nod in agreement. Apparently I wasn't the only one who'd had enough.

"Come on, Joe." Nick said, patting his back. "Let's get back to the hospital. Jessica needs us right now."

Joe calmed down, so Jeff and Nick slowly released him. Joe started to step in my direction, but stopped when Detective Adams stepped in front of him. Then, Joe pointed a finger at me.

"This isn't over, Sean!" Joe growled at me. "If I find out that you did try to murder my daughter, I'm going to come after you with everything I've got!"

I just rolled my eyes, in exasperation. His threats didn't intimidate me, even slightly. I was convinced I could handle anything he could possibly throw at me.

"Just get out!" I said. "If you want to come after me, legally, fine! Knock yourself out! It'll just be a wasted of precious time and money for you!"

Joe shook his head angrily.

"Let's go, guys!" He said, in fury. "If I stay here any longer, I will end up in jail!"

Joe stomped past Detective Adams and out of the house. I put a hand to my face and sighed, in relief.

"I'm going to go out there with him and get the car ready." Jeff said. "Justin, are you coming?"

"Yeah." Justin said. "Would you mind taking me back to the hotel? I need to get some rest."

"Sure." Jeff nodded. "Come on."

Then Jeff turned back to me.

"Good Luck, Sean." Jeff said. "I have a feeling you're gonna need it."

Jeff turned to leave. He said goodbye to Danny as he walked out. I stood there, not sure how to take Jeff's words. I didn't know if he meant that he thought I was guilty or innocent of murder.

Justin turned and looked back at me. I could see that he was trying to analyze me or something.

"Sean, I hope Joe is wrong about you." He said. "Not just for our sakes, but for yours."

I frowned at Justin, wondering what was up. "Was he turning against me?" I could tell that he had his suspicions, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't about to dignify what he'd said with a response.

"Justin, just go." I said, in exhaustion. "You need to get some sleep. We can talk about this, in the morning."

Justin shook his head at me and then sighed in defeat. Then, he looked over at Nick.

"Goodnight, Nick." He said. "I'll see you and the rest of the guys in the morning."

"Goodnight, Justin." Nick said. "Count on it."

Justin then left and closed the door behind him. Then, there was silence. But only briefly. I turned around to see Nick, Danny, and Detective Adams, all looking at me. I could see that Danny and Detective Adams were looking at me, intensely. Nick, was another story. I couldn't tell what he was thinking at that moment.

My actions tonight were bad enough, sneaking out of the hospital, and coming home without a word to anyone, but it was even worse that I'd lost my cool and threatened Joe the way I had. But worse than that, it made me look foolish in front of my friends. I could definitely sense it in their accusing looks.

I looked over at Danny and decided to excuse him from the room.

"Go to bed, Danny." I said, firmly. "We'll talk about things in the morning."

Danny didn't look like he was going to move anytime soon, so I decided to put a little more seriousness in my tone.

"Now." I said, in an authoritative tone.

Danny saw how serious I was and knew that he wasn't going to get anything out of me about what happened tonight.

"Fine." He said. "But, I'm still mad at you for leaving me at the hospital. that was really childish of you to do!"

I sighed in frustration and raised a hand to my forehead. Danny turned towards Nick.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Nick." He said, then turned to Detective Adams. "Goodnight, Detective, and good luck."

Nick and Detective Adams, bid Danny goodnight, as Danny walked away to the spare bedroom to get some sleep. It was clear that he was beyond exhausted.

When he was gone, I heard Nick speak.

"Well, I'm going to head back to the hotel." Nick said. "I have to get some sleep so that I can be ready for the press conference, later this morning."

I turned back to Nick and saw how tired he was. His eyes were barely open.

"Nick, I don't think you'll be able to drive back to the hotel." I said to him. "Look at you. You're falling asleep on your feet."

"Yes, I will." Nick said. "It's not that far."

"Are you sure?" I asked him. "I'd be more than happy to drive you back to the hotel. You can pick up your car, tomorrow."

"No, that's alright." Nick insisted. "I can manage."

He then started walking to the door. As he opened the door, he glanced back at Detective Adams.

"Detective, please find the person who did this to my wife." He said. "In the meantime, I'm going to be doing the best I can to hold my family together, right now."

"I will do what I can, Mr. Lachey." He said. "And, if you know of anything that could be of help to me, in this case, please don't hesitate to call and let me know."

"I will, Detective." Nick said, then looked at me. "I'll see you, tomorrow, Sean."

"You too, Nick." I said to him, as he left. "Get some rest."

Nick left the house and left me alone with Detective Adams. I looked over at the Detective, intent on getting this interrogation over with so I could have some peace and quiet.

"Alright, Detective." I said, wiping my tears of sleepiness away. "I'm ready. So, where did we leave off?"

******************************************************* BACK AT THE HOSPITAL, IN JESSICA'S ROOM............

Drew and Casey were still sitting in the chairs next to Jessica's bedside. Drew had ahold of Jessica's hand and was talking to her, softly.

"Jessica, it's me, Drew." He said. "If you can hear me, I want you to know something."

Casey watched as Drew talked to Jessica and saw a tear running down his face.

"I want you to know that you have my full support." He told her. "Everyone is rooting for you. Casey is, Nick and the rest of the guys are. Kandi is, too. You've got alot of people who want to see you get better."

Jessica still wasn't responding yet, meaning there had been no change since she had been brought into the hospital.

Then, the door opened, and Tina, Cate, and John walked into the room. All of them had coffee in their hands.

"How is she?" Tina asked them, hoping for some good news. Her hopes shattered when she saw the looks on Drew's and Casey's faces.

"There's been no change." Casey told them. "She's still unresponsive."

Casey and Drew both got up so that Tina could sit back down next to her daughter's bedside.

"Here, you two." Cate said, holding up a hot coffee cup. "John and I brought you, both, some coffee from the cafeteria. You both look like you could use some."

She held the one out, that she was holding, to Drew. Drew accepted it and managed a weak smile from his mother, while Casey accepted his cup of coffee from John.

"Thanks, Mom." Drew said, tiredly. She nodded, as she watched him take a sip of it.

"Thanks, Mr. Lachey." Casey said to him, as he took his coffee cup from him.

"You're welcome, Casey." He said. "And, please, call me John."

Casey nodded. Then he started yawning. John saw this and noticed that Drew and Casey were both tired.

"Why don't the two of you head back to your hotel and get some sleep. He suggested. "There's nothing more you can do here."

"I think he's right." Cate agreed. "Drew, you look like you could use some sleep too."

"I sure could." Drew said. "Why don't we head back to the hotel and sleep for awhile, Casey?"

"Alright." Casey agreed. "Come on, let's go."

Drew looked over at Tina.

"Tina, will you promise to have someone call us if there's any change in Jessica's condition?" He asked her. She nodded.

"Yes, I will." Tina said. "Thank you, both, for being here. Your support helps alot."

Drew leaned down and kissed Tina, lightly on the cheek.

"Don't lose faith." He said to her. "I'm sure that Jessica will come out of this, alright."

Tina nodded and Drew turned to go. Casey was at the door, waiting for him.

"Drive safe, you two." Cate said, as Casey opened the door.

"We will, Mom." Drew said as he exited the room. Then Casey left as well and closed the door.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE BEST WESTERN HOTEL........

NICK'S ROOM.......

Nick opened the door to his room and walked in to find Kandi, asleep, on the spare bed. Justin and Jeff were right behind him.

"She's asleep." Nick whispered. "Should we wake her up?"

Justin shook his head no. He didn't like that idea. As much as he would have wanted to have her sleep in his room where he could keep a closer eye on her, he didn't want to disturb her. She needed the rest.

"No, don't do that." Justin whispered to Nick. "I'll let her sleep in here, tonight, if that's ok with you."

"Yeah, it's fine." Nick whispered back. "Come on, let's go into the living room area and we'll talk there."

Jeff, who hadn't said a word since they came in, walked into the family room with Nick, while Justin carefully leaned over and shut off the baby monitor so Kandi wouldn't be disturbed if she woke up. Nick was going to be in the room anyway if she did.

Then Justin joined Nick and Jeff in the living room. As he did, he happened to glance at the mini bar there and noticed the bottles of booze there.

"Would any of you care for a drink?" He asked. "I could use some before I hit the sheets."

"No thanks." Jeff said, "I'm going to head to my room in a few minutes.

Justin nodded, then looked in Nick's direction.

"How about you, Nick?" He asked. "Would you like anything?"

Nick wasn't sure if he should, but then he decided that maybe it couldn't hurt.

"Sure." He said. "Pour me a glass of Merlot, please."

"Coming right up." Justin said, as he turned back to the minibar and grabbed a wine glass. Then he pulled a bottle of Merlot from the shelf there. He opened it and poured Nick some into the wine glass.

When he was done, he set the bottle back down on the table there and handed the wine glass to Nick after he'd checked on Nicole and then turned around to face him.

"Thanks." Nick said, accepting the glass from Justin. He took a sip of it as she sat down on the couch, near Nicole's crib.

"Can you believe what happened over at Sean's, earlier?" Justin asked, as he turned around to get himself something from the bar. "That was quite a show."

"I know." Nick said, nodding. "I have seen many sides to Sean, but that one was a first."

"I agree." Jeff said. "I almost believed Sean meant what he said when he threatened to put Joe in the hospital. And seeing how Joe went after Sean and the way Sean handled him, I have to wonder what would have happened if Danny, Justin and I had not accompanied Joe over to Sean's."

Justin came over to sit next to Jeff, with a glass of scotch in his hand.

"Things could have been alot worse." He replied. "I wonder if Sean really would have put Joe in the hospital tonight."

"Well," Nick said, as he sipped his glass of wine again. "I'm just glad that I was there so that things didn't get out of hand in case Joe had shown up there alone."

"Justin nodded. Then, something occurred to him.

"Why were you there, Nick?" He asked. "You never did tell us."

Nick sat back and looked at Justin and Jeff. He knew that he had quite a story to tell them.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN"S APARTMENT............

"Let's continue from where we left off, back at the hospital." Detective Adams said, as he opened his notepad and grabbed his pen. "The last question I'd asked you, before that nurse interrupted us, was if you knew that Jessica Simpson was in the hospital in acoma. Did you?"

"I knew she was in the hospital, tonight." I said to him. "I saw on the news, tonight, that she'd been attacked, but I didn't know how serious it was until Danny came by and told me."

Detective Adams wrote that down, in his notepad. When he was done, he looked up at me and proceeded to ask me the next question.

"What time was it when you heard it on the news?" He asked me.

I'd remembered that it had been after 10:30 when I'd walked into the house, tonight. I'd turned on the TV and was flipping through the channels.

"It was about 10:40p.m. when I saw it on TV." I told Detective Adams

"How do you know that for sure?" Detective Adams, asked, as he wrote.

"Because, I'd looked at the clock just before I turned on the TV." I told him, as I started getting kind of anxious. I knew that the harder questions were coming. It was just a matter of when.

Detective Adams, finished writing that down and looked back up at me.

"Where were you in between the times of 10:00 and 10:40p.m.?" The Detective asked me.

I knew that had been coming. So, I had to be careful not to make any mistakes in my answers, or Detective Adams would know I was lying.

"I was here, at home, taking down the Christmas Tree." I told him. Of course that was only half the truth, but he didn't know that. And I certainly didn't want to tell him that

"The whole time?" He asked me.

"The whole time." I said, seriously.

"You didn't go anywhere or do anything?" He asked me, as he studied my reaction.

Luckily, I was too smart for him. I put on my Poker face and kept my emotions in check. Although, I didn't show it, I was definitely scared.

"No, I didn't." I lied to him. "I stayed here. The way that it was storming earlier, I was not about to go out in all of that."

Detective Adams looked at me. I couldn't tell if he bought my answers or not. He was looking at me the way a detective is supposed to when he's doing an interrogation.

"Is there anyone who can confirm your whereabouts, tonight?"

I shook my head.

"No, I don't think so." I told him. "I was here, alone. I didn't have anyone else over at all, tonight."

That answer seemed ok with Detective Adams, because he didn't seem to have anything else to add to that.

"So, are we done, here?" I asked him. "I really do need my rest."

"Not quite." He said. "I have a few more questions to ask you. But, first I'm going to do a quick review."

"Go ahead." I said. "I'm not going anywhere."

Detective Adams took a moment to look over his notes on what he had so far. Once he was done, he looked back up at me.

"From what I have here, in your earlier statements, you said that you and Nick Lachey are good friends, yet you and Jessica Simpson are not. I find that quite interesting, which leads me to my next question.

"What?" I asked him, as I turned away and walked a bit.

I heard a few seconds of silence. Then, I heard a question that I wasn't prepared for.

"Are you in love with her husband?" I heard Detective Adams ask.

I froze in place. "How was I supposed to answer that?"

******************************************************* AT THE SHERATON HOTEL, IN CASEY'S ROOM.....

Casey opened the door and he and Drew walked into the room. Casey shut the door behind him and Drew plopped himself down on the bed.

"Man, I am beat." He said, as he started to take off his shoes. "I could probably sleep for a week straight."

"I know how you feel." Casey said, as he removed his shoes and started on his socks. "I feel the same way."

Drew stood up and took off his shirt, revealing his tight and toned body.

"I wonder what's going to happen now that Jessica is here, in critical condition." Drew asked, out loud. "If things don't improve for her soon, I may have to stay here until she does. I won't be able to go back to New York with you."

"I've even wondered about that, myself." Casey said, as he stripped down to his boxers. "If you have to stay here, then that means I have to go back to New York, alone. I'd have to. My job is back in New York. So, is my home. And all my patients who I have to check up on."

"I know." Drew said, as he removed his pants and was now in only his boxers, as well. "Let's just hope that everything works out, so that I can go back to New York with you."

"I hope so." Casey said. "I'm praying that you will. But, if you can't, then I'm not going to worry about it. Right now, your family needs you more than I do."

"Yeah, I know you're right." Drew said, as he pulled back the covers from the bed and got into it. "But it won't be the same without you, here. I'd miss you, terribly."

"I'd miss you too." Casey said, as he shut off the light and climbed in bed, next to Drew. "But, now's not the time for me to be selfish about it. Your family needs you and that's all that matters right now."

He planted a kiss on Drew's lips. Then, he brought his hand to Drew's cheek and caressed it gently, with his thumb.

"Don't worry your handsome head about it, anymore." He said. "Let's get some sleep."

Drew snuggled into Casey and laid his head on his chest. then, with a huge grin, he looked back up at Casey.

"You in the mood for some hot lovin', Baby?" He asked.

Even though it was dark, Casey could tell that Drew was grinning from the tone of his voice. He laughed.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked, in between laugh. "You're not too tired? I sure am, that's for sure."

"I was just joking." Drew said. "I'm too tired for it as well. Raincheck?"

"Oh yeah." Casey said, kissing Drew again. "I'm going to hold you to it."

Drew laughed.

"Ok, baby." He said. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Drew laid back down on Casey's chest.

"Goodnight, my handsome Doctor." Drew said, as he yawned.

"Goodnight, my handsome Sprout." Casey answer back, with Drew's most popular nickname.

Given how tired they both were, they were asleep within minutes.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE BEST WESTERN HOTEL, IN NICK'S ROOM......

"Wow." Jeff said, as he stood up. "That's some story."

"Yeah." Justin said. "Jessica sure was nasty to Sean, tonight. Not to mention you."

"Yeah, I know." Nick said. "But, I don't really believe that Jessica would have done something like that. I think she was just blowing smoke.

Nick looked over at Jeff and noticed that he had a very intense look on his face. Justin saw it too and wondered what he was thinking about.

"Jeff, what is it?" He asked. "You look so intense."

Jeff looked at Nick and then back at Justin. What he was going to say would no doubt shock them.

"Now, that I think about it," He said. "and from everything that you just told us and what we witnessed tonight at Sean's, I have to wonder if Sean did have something to do with Jessica's accident tonight."

Justin didn't look too shocked by that, but Nick was.

"Jeff, come on." He said. "Besides Danny, I know Sean better than anyone. He was my husband, once. Sure, he has some issues with Jessica, but he's always tried to make nice with her. No. There is no way that he would have tried to do something like this."

"How do you know that, Nick?" He asked. "With everything she's done to him up until tonight, how could Sean not have been pushed to the edge?"

"Jeff has a point, Nick." Justin said, before Nick could say anything. "When Kandi and I were at dinner, we were talking about Jessica and how she's been treating Sean since he came back into our lives. Kandi and I were talking about how Sean's been a real trooper through all of this family drama that Jessica has put him through."

"So?" Nick asked. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Justin looked at Nick, knowing that what he was about to say would have a great impact on him.

"Kandi said that Sean has taken alot more flack from Jessica than she thought he would, but eventually at some point that he was going to snap. And if he did, she didn't want to be anywhere near him."

Nick was rendered speechless at that moment. He realized that what Justin had said, made sense. But he still found it hard to believe that Sean could resort to violence as extreme as murder.

As Nick sat there, speechless, his mind flashed back to an earlier moment.


"Oh god, Nick!" He heard Sean sob. "I never meant to hurt you like this! Please forgive me! I love you so much!"


"No." Nick said, shaking his head. "Sean didn't do this. He didn't try to kill my wife! It's not possible!"

"Nick, think about it." Jeff urged him. "Jessica threatened to out you to the world about your relationship with Sean, as well as try to take your daughter away from you. She destroyed Sean's ornament that had been very special to him. She lied to him and said that you only loved Sean, out of pity, which was a lie. And then, we heard Sean say that he loves you when we were at Sean's earlier after we found out that he snuck out of the hospital."

"So what?" Nick whispered, fiercely. "Sean was upset because of the things that Jessica said and did to him! Can you really blame him?! She really did a number on him, tonight." I didn't take what he said, personally! Sean knows that it's over between us and we will never be anything more than good friends!"

"Nick, I think you're in denial." Justin said. "The facts don't lie. I think the question would be "What would be Sean's motive for wanting Jessica dead?" From everything you've just told us, his motive would be to protect you from being outed to the whole world. He wanted to make sure that you didn't lose everything that was most important to you."

"I am not in denial!" Nick was starting to get mad, now. "Sean is innocent! He didn't do it!"

"Shh!!" Jeff said, gesturing towards the baby crib. But it was too late. Nicole started crying.

"Go to bed, you two!" Nick told them. "I've heard enough on this subject tonight!"

He got up and went over to get Nicole out of her crib.

"Do you think that we want to believe that Sean is capable of murder, either?" Justin asked him. "No, we don't. But, the facts speak for themselves."

"I don't care about the facts, Justin!" Nick said, as he lifted Nicole out of the crib. "There is no solid evidence that Sean could have done this!"

"What about the fact that he won't tell any of us what happened to his hand, tonight?" Jeff asked him. "If it was just an accident, why couldn't he just tell us?!"

"Enough!" Nick said. "I don't want to hear anymore! Both of you, just go to your rooms and get some sleep now! We'll talk about this, in the morning!"

Jeff and Justin could both see that Nick was beyond upset now. They watched him sit down on the couch and try to calm down Nicole, who was crying loudly.

"Alright." Justin said. "Come on, Jeff. Let's go."

Justin turned and walked out of the living room. Jeff walked to the doorway, but turned and looked back at Nick, momentarily. Nick looked up at him from where he was sitting. He didn't say anything. But, he gave Jeff that look again, which meant that Jeff wasn't going to get anywhere with him where Sean with concerned. So, Jeff decided to just leave him be. He left the room and headed for Justin's so that he could talk to him before he left to go to his room.

Nick sat there, on the couch, holding his little girl, who was calming down now, and shook his head.

"Sean didn't do this!" He kept saying to himself. "Sean wouldn't do this to Jessica! He's innocent! He has to be!"

As Nicole started to drift off again, Nick thought about Sean and wondered how his interrogation was going with Detective Adams.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT.........

I still couldn't get over the shock of Detective Adams, asking me if I was in love with Nick. "Was I really that obvious?" I couldn't have been. But, then I remembered that he had been there, when Joe, Danny, Jeff, and Justin had walked in on me, crying in Nick's arms. He'd heard me say that I loved him. Which was true, but he didn't need to know that.

I turned back to the Detective and gave him an answer.

"Of course I love Nick." I told him. "He's been a great friend to me."

Detective Adams gave me a strange look. Obviously that wasn't the answer he wanted.

"That's not what I asked you." He said. "I asked you if you were in love with him?"

Now, I was starting to get angry. I was severely tired and this interrogation was getting us nowhere, and frankly, I didn't see why I had to put up with it.

"Listen, Detective," I started telling him. "I think it would be best if we wrap this up, right now. I'm very tired and I need my rest."

I had hoped that this would get him off my back. But, unfortunately, no such luck.

"You seem very anxious to get rid of me." Detective Adams, said, looking at me, suspiciously. "Why is that?"

The Detective was really starting to annoy me with his questions. But, I knew that If I lost my cool, then he'd get even more suspicious that he already was.

"I'm tired, Detective Adams." I told him. "That's why."

"I can see that." He said. "I have one more question and then we'll wrap this up for now."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Little did I know that my relief was going to be short lived.

"What is you blood type?" Detective Adams, asked, out of the blue.

"My blood type?" I asked again, in shock. "It's B positive. Why?"

The Detective looked like he wanted to say something, but decided not to.

"Thank you, Mr. Perry." He said, jotting that down and closing his notepad. "I have what I need for now. I will go now so you can get your rest."

"I'll show you out, Detective." I said, walking to the door with him.

Detective Adams opened the door and walked out. But, before he left, he turned back to me.

"Oh and before I forget." He said. "I may have more questions for you, later, as this investigation continues. I'd advise you not to leave town until the investigation comes to a close."

I looked at the Detective and saw it in his eyes. Even though he wouldn't admit it, he was definitely considering me as a suspect in this case. Plus, I got the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling me. But right now, I didn't care. I just wanted him gone.

"Fine." I said. "It's not like I'm going anywhere."

"See that you don't." Detective Adams, said. "Have a good day."

Then he left and I closed the door behind me and locked it. The last thing I wanted was anymore unexpected surprises like I'd had earlier.

Then, after shutting out all of the lights in the house, I headed for my room. As I got to the door, I peeked in on Danny and saw that he was fast asleep. Then I walked into my bedroom and started taking off my clothes.

Once that was done, I walked to the laundry room and threw them into the hamper with my other dirty clothes to be washed.

I re-entered my bedroom and shut off the light. Then, I crawled into bed and pulled the covers tightly over me. Finally, I was going to get some rest.

But, I was still worried about Detective Adams. The way he told me not to leave town, meant that he was considering me as a suspect in Jessica's attack tonight. I wished at that moment that I'd never left the house last night. I shouldn't have let Jessica get to me like she had. Now, everything was a mess.

I looked at the clock on the table, next to my bed. It read 4:30a.m. I had sure been up a long time. But so had the guys, now that I thought about it. But two people that I knew wouldn't be getting much rest was Joe and Tina Simpson. They would most likely be spending the night in the hospital, next to their daughter's hospital bed.

"Stay strong, Sean." I said to myself. "Everything will be alright."

But I wasn't so sure things would be alright. I fell asleep, wondering what was in store of me, later today."

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's all for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it!

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 91

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