My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 29, 2005


Hello, Everyone!

I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

"Nick!" Jeff said, in shock, as he glanced up at Danny.

When Nick realized that he had let Jeff's shocking secret out of the bag, his eyes widened.

"Shit!" He cursed, as he whirled around to look at Danny.

Everyone in the room, could see that Danny was beyond devastated now. For his tears were falling freely now. He glanced over at Jeff.

"Is this true, Jeff?" Danny asked him, his voice cracking with emotion. "Are you really not in love with me, anymore?"

Nick looked back at Jeff, who looked visibly guilty at that moment, and Jessica had her hand to her mouth, in shock, unable to say anything at that moment.

The silence in the room was unbearable. But it wasn't silent for long.


******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S BEACH APARTMENT.............

I pulled into the parking lot and parked the SUV and shut off the engine. I got out and locked the doors. Then, I headed towards the apartment.

I unlocked the doors and entered the house. Then I turned and closed the door behind me.

I then entered the kitchen and hung my keys back up on the wall hanger. Then I headed for my bedroom to get undressed so that I could get that shower that I said I wanted, earlier.

I went into my room and got out of my clothes. Then I took them to the laundry room and threw them into the hamper to wash in a while.

As I was heading for the bathroom, I heard the doorbell ring, suddenly. I frowned.

"Who could that be?" I wondered. "I'm not expecting anyone."

Before I went to the door, I walked back to my room to grab my bathrobe. I put it on and then headed to the living room to answer the door.

When I opened it, I came face to face with two police officers. One was Caucasian with dark hair, dark eyes, and an athletic build. He look anywhere between mid to late 20s. He was cute too.

The other one was African American, with jet-black hair and dark brown eyes. He was heavyset. He was not cute at all. He appeared to be in his mid to late 40s. I was really curious as to why they were standing here on my doorstep.

"May I help you, Officers?" I asked them, curiously.

"Are you Sean Perry?" The cute officer asked me.

"Yes, I am." I said. "What can I do for you?"

The younger officer handed me a manila envelope.

"This is for you." He said. I accepted the envelope from him, curious as to what it was.

"What is it?" I asked, as if it were dangerous.

There was silence, but only for a brief second. Then, the older officer spoke.

"A restraining order." the younger officer stated.

My eyes widened in shock. "What was going on?! Why was I being served with a restraining order?"

"A restraining order?!" I asked, shocked as hell. "Why? What did I do, officers? Please explain this to me?"

The older officer started to say something, but someone interrupted from behind them.

"Yes, officers, please do." A voice rang out. "This little home wrecker needs to know what he's dealing with now!"

When the owner of that voice appeared in my doorway, my eyes narrowed.

"I should have known that you were behind this!" I snarled at my intruder.

********** CHAPTER 81 **********

AT SEAN'S APARTMENT..................

I came face to face with Joe Simpson, Jessica's father, who stepped up behind the officer. I frowned at him.

"I don't know why I'm so surprised that it was you who got this restraining order against me." I said, holding up the manila envelope that the policeman had given me, in anger. "I would have expected this from that bratty daughter of yours!"

Joe brushed past the officers and entered my apartment. He stood in front of me, staring daggers at me, but he didn't say anything. Not yet, anyway. I wasn't finished yet. I was curious about something.

"I'm surprised that you came here, alone." I said to him, wondering where his wife was. "I'd think that your wife would want to be here to see me get served with this restraining order."

Before, Joe could answer me, another voice was heard.

"I am here." We all heard a female voice say.

The officers, Joe, and I turned and saw Tina Simpson walk into my home. She stood right next to her husband.

"So, you did come after all." I said, my voice monotone. "I didn't think that you want to miss this."

"Well, it's gets even better." Tina said, turning and motioning towards the door. "Neither will they."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, as I turned to see what she was pointed at. That's when I saw two more people enter the house. I frowned in shock as I came face to face with Nick's and Drew's mom, Cate, and their father, John."

"Oh, great." I said, in a serious tone when I saw them. "A room full of meddlers."

I then turned back and looked at Joe again.

"And I thought that your bitchy daughter was bad enough!" I added, my anger rising.

Joe glared at me. There was a fire in his eyes that I'd never seen before. But that didn't intimidate me. I could take care of myself if things got out of hand.

"I warned you never to talk about my daughter that way!" Joe said, the tone of his voice, almost intimidating. "If you see that side of Jessica, it's because she's trying to keep her family together and from what she's told us, and what we've seen with our own eyes, you pose a huge threat to all of that!"

"Well, at least now I know why Jessica is such a bitch!" I fired back at him. "It obviously runs in the family!"

That was all it took for Joe's temper to reach the boiling point.

"WHY YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Joe exploded, as he lunged at me. But he didn't get far. "I'LL POUND YOU TO PIECES!"

The officers, who were still standing there leapt into action and grabbed Joe before he could get his hands on me. I had been ready for Joe in case he tried to attack me tonight. I glared at Joe, in anger.


Joe growled, in anger as he struggled to get free of the officers who were holding him back, away from me.

"And for Pete's sake, take some Prozac!" I said, in a lower voice. "You sure could use some right now!"

"Mr. Perry is right, Mr. Simpson." Officer #2 said to Joe. "Calm down before you get yourself into something you can't get out of!"

"Alright!" Joe said, lowering his voice. But he was still kind of loud. "You can let go of me, now!"

"Only if you promise us that you're not going to go after Mr. Perry again!" Officer #1 said to him, not loosening his grip even for a moment.

"Alright, I wont!" Joe said. "Now, please let go of me!"

The officers slowly took their hands off of him. When they saw that Joe wasn't going to go after me again, they lowered their hands to their sides.

"You're damn right you won't come after me, again!" I snarled angrily at him. "Because then, it's all over for you! If you even try to attack me, I'll have you thrown in jail so fast, your head would spin!"

"Now, we know that you're lying." Tina Simpson said, as she put a hard on her husband's arm. "You wouldn't dare do that."

"Oh no?" I asked her, then added. "You just watch me! I have nothing to lose, compared to all of you who have everything to lose!"

I turned and looked over at Cate and John who were standing there, watching me, closely. I took a moment to acknowledge their presence.

"So, tell me, Cate?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest again. "What do you and your husband think of this restraining order? Do you think that it's necessary?"

Cate answered without hesitation.

"Actually, yes it is." She replied. "It will ensure that you stay away from my son, and my daughter in-law. And if you truly care about my son, as much as you say you do, then you'll agree that this is what's best for everyone."

I turned away and walked towards the kitchen. Before heading into the doorway, I stopped and turned around.

"Maybe that's how you see it." I said, a hint of anger in my voice. "But how will you convince Nick of that?"

"That's where you come in." John Lachey said, lowly.

"Me?" I asked, frowning. I started to wonder what they were up to. I was surprised that they'd want anything from me, since they viewed me as a home wrecker.

Tina Simpson then turned to the officers.

"Could you give us a moment alone with him, please?"

The officer looked at her, and then back at me. Seeing that they weren't sure that it was a good idea to leave me alone in there with Joe, Tina, Cate, and John, I nodded at them.

"It's alright, officers." I said. "You can wait outside. These people have 10 minutes to say what they have to say and then they can leave. Keep an eye on your watches. If Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Lachey are not outside by the time 10 minutes are up, I expect you to come back and knock on the door to signal it. Is that clear?"

"Crystal." The young cop said. Then he turned to his partner. "Come on, James, let's head back to the car. There are some coffee and Donuts awaiting us there."

"I'm right behind you, Derek." James, the heavyset cop, said to the younger cop. "Let's go and dig in."

The officers then left and closed the door behind them. After they were gone. Cate turned back to me.

"Here's what we expect you to do." Cate Lachey said. "You're going to convince Nick that this is what is best for him, and his family. And the only way for you to do that is to break all ties with him. If you can do that and convince our son that you want nothing more to do with him, then we will lift this restraining order and you can go on with your life, without our son in it."

My mouth dropped open in shock when I heard what they all wanted me to do. In other words, Nick was going to lose my friendship all over again. And I knew how hard he had fought to get it back. And I knew how hard I had fought to finally forgive him for everything he'd put me through in the past. I was not about to lose Nick again. Not unless I had no choice.

"And what happens if I can't or won't convince Nick?" I asked them. "You know your son, Cate. When Nick makes up his mind about something, there is no changing it. Nick will do what he feels is right for him."

"That's true." Cate said. "But, if you can't or won't convince my son that you can't be in his life anymore, then the restraining order will remain in effect, indefinitely. You will not be allowed to go anywhere near Nick or Jessica, or their place of residence when you are in Los Angeles."

I then realized that this restraining order must only be in effect in the Los Angeles county only. So, if Nick were to come here to see me, then there was nothing they could do to stop it."

"So, in other words," I said, with a small grin on my face. "If Nick comes here to see me, then there's nothing you can do because the restraining order is only effective in Los Angeles, California."

I could see the anger in all of their eyes when they could not deny that I was right about that. If Nick wanted to see me, that wouldn't count as me, violating the restraining order because it would take place in my own residence.

"You know what?" Joe finally spoke up, in an angry tone. "I don't know how and I don't know when, but one day, I am going to bring you down, Sean Perry! I promise you that!"

And with those final words, Joe Simpson stormed out of my house. Tina ran after him to try and calm him down.

Cate and John both turned to leave too, but before they did, I saw Cate turn back around.

"I meant what I said, earlier." Cate said. "You will have one chance to make things right and end your involvement with my son. Once you do that, you stay away from Nick! You are not what he needs in his life!"

"And that bitch, Jessica, is?" I asked her. "Trust me, she will hurt your son, more than I ever could. Nick deserves better. And since it can never be me again, hopefully, it will be someone else!"

John Lachey glared at me.

"Our son is who he belongs with!" He said. "And as long as you're not in the picture, it will stay that way!"

Finally, I'd had enough. I didn't want to deal with them, anymore.

"Alright, your time is up." I said, in a serious tone. "Get out!"

As they started to leave, I then remembered something that I was sure that they'd want to know about.

"By the way," I said, as they were opening the door. "How do you think Drew's going to react when he finds out about this?"

Hearing me mention Drew's name, They both turned and looked back at me. I could see their concern for their baby son, written all over their faces. They obviously had no idea that Drew was back in town. Nick must not have had a chance to tell them yet.

"You've heard from Drew?" Cate asked, now interested to know how her son was. "How is he?"

"He's fine." I asked him. "As a matter of fact, he's back in town. He showed up on my doorstep earlier today and he spent Christmas Day with me, Nick, Danny, Jeff, Kandi, and Justin. And my friends, Jake and Michelle.

They looked overjoyed that Drew was back, but at the same time, they were both jealous that I'd heard from him first before they did.

"Of all the people he has to come to first," Cate said, rolling her eyes. "Why does it have to be you?"

I rolled my eyes, in response to that question.

"I think you two already know the answer to that." I said, harshly. "After what Drew did, breaking up my marriage to Nick, it shouldn't come as some surprise that Drew would want to see me first. After all, I'm the one person he has to make amends with, besides just Nick!"

I paused for a moment, seeing the shocked looks on their faces for the way I was talking down about Drew.

"Oh, please?" I sneered at them. "Don't look so shocked. If it wasn't for Drew, Nick and I probably would still be together today!"

That admission from me, raised a few eyebrows. I didn't realize it right then, but just from saying that, I'd confirmed every suspicion they'd all ever had about me.

Cate and John looked at each other and nodded. Cate turned back to me, her eyes narrowed and her expression stony cold.

"We were right about you all along." She said, in an ice cold voice. "You are after our son!"

I shook my head, objecting to their accusations.

"You're wrong." I said. "All I'm trying to do is be a good friend to Nick. I actually supported your son in his decision to be with that spoiled brat he calls a wife! Well, not anymore! Jessica has messed with me for the last time! And, so have all of you!"

I lifted up the manila envelope that I had in my hands.

"This restraining order has Jessica's name written all over it!" I snarled as I slammed it down on the small table beside me. "And she's not going to get away with it!"

I looked back up at them, in contempt.

"Now, get the hell out of here!" I said to them. "And don't bother showing your faces on my doorstep, again!"

"That's fine by us!" John Lachey fired back. "We're leaving. But you remember what we said: You have one chance to talk to our son and convince him that you don't want to be involved in his life anymore! After that, you stay the hell away from him! From both of our sons!"

After saying all of that, John and Cate both left and slammed my door behind them.

I turned around and picked up the manila envelope and started ripping it open. I pulled out a binded legal document and opened it up, revealing that there was indeed a restraining order against me.

I read over the fine print and saw that it prevented me from going near Jessica Simpson or Nick Lachey. That I was considered an endangerment to Jessica and her unborn child. I laughed at that part.

"Unborn child? Ha!" I said to myself. "There is no child! And, I'm going to prove it!"

I picked up the phone and started dialing a number. I waited for him to pick up.


"Nick, it's me." I said. "I need to see you. Can you come back over here? There's something that I need to discuss with you."

"Sean, this really isn't a good time right now." Nick said, in an angry tone.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, noticing the anger in his voice. "You sound angry."

"Oh, I am angry!" Nick said. "But you wouldn't believe me if I tell you what's happened. Not in a million years!"

I frowned, wondering what was going on. Nick sounded furious about something.

"Well, then come over here and talk about it with me." I offered. "I'm a good listener, you know that."

"I can't right now, Sean." Nick said. "I have to go. I'll call you back later. I have to deal with something first."

"Alright." I said. "Goodbye, Nick."

I heard him say goodbye and I hung up the phone with him. I set the handset back on the console, and picked up the restraining order documents again and continued to read them.

After I was finished, I looked up as I felt a burning fire within me that I'd never felt before. This was definitely the last straw!

"Damn you, Jessica Simpson!" I snarled, fiercely. "Damn you!"

My eyes narrowed.

"You'd better enjoy being Mrs. Nick Lachey while you still can!" I said, in a fiery tone. "Because your days with him are numbered!"

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE HOTEL, IN NICK'S ROOM......

"Danny, Nick, please try to understand." Jeff said, addressing both Nick and Danny. "What just happened between Jessica and I was not what it looked like."

"He's right, guys." Jessica said to Nick and Danny. "That kiss you saw between us, was just that: A kiss. It didn't mean anything.

"Well, you sure as hell could have fooled us!" Danny said, in a low, angry voice, as he wiped at his tears. "How could you do this to me, Jeff?"

Jeff suddenly felt uncomfortable talking about this, in front of Jessica, so he came up with a solution.

"Danny, how about you and I go back to my room and we'll talk about this, ok?" Jeff offered. But, Danny declined.

"No way!" Danny said, forcefully. "Nick has just as much right as I do to want answers from you, so whatever you say to me, you can say it in front of Nick too! We both deserve the truth!"

"Alright." Jessica said. "You want the truth, I'll give it to you."

There was a pause, as everyone else waited for her to continue.

"I was the one who kissed Jeff first." Jessica said. "It happened because he was sticking up for me, which is something you haven't done enough of lately, Nick. It actually felt good for once to have someone who was on my side, instead of Sean's! Jeff actually gave me hope that I could maybe work things out with you and get you to forgive me for what happened earlier with Sean! That kiss was only out of gratitude. It was not meant to be interpreted as anything else!"

"Look, Jessica, I'm sorry If I haven't been more supportive," Nick said. "but you have to understand that I have alot of shit to sort out right now."

"Like what?" Jessica said. "What could you possibly have to sort out that's more important than our marriage and our family? huh?"

Nick was amazed that she could ask him that. Considering everything that had gone on since he came back home, you couldn't blame him for not being himself at the moment.

"Well, let's see..." Nick started to say, in a sarcastic tone. "First of all, I'm still trying to find a way to get along with Drew, because I'm still furious with him for betraying me the way that he did when he sabotaged my marriage to Sean, and then there's you and your constant jealousy and hatred that you have for Sean. You refuse to cut Sean a break, you've attacked him, what? Two or three times now? I've lost count! And now, I find you kissing up on my best friend? When are you going to grow up?!

"Hey!" Jeff said, coming to Jessica's defense. "Come on, Nick. Don't treat your wife this way. It wasn't her fault. I should have pushed her away the second she kissed me, but I didn't. I'm sorry."

"You stay out of this, Jeff!" Nick said. Then he pointed to the door. "As a matter of fact, I want you to leave! Besides, you have some explaining to do with Danny of why you're not in love with him, anymore, so I suggest you go and do it! Right now, I need a moment alone with my wife!"

"Alright, fine." Jeff said, in defeat. "I'll be in my room."

He turned to Jessica and gave her a guilty look.

I'm sorry about all of this, Jessica." He said. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

"It's ok, Jeff." Jessica said, putting a hand on his arm. "It wasn't your fault. Go and talk with Danny in your room, while I straighten this all out with my husband."

"Alright." Jeff said. "Nick, once again, I'm sorry, and I'll see you later."

Nick just looked at him, with no emotion on his face. Then he turned to Danny.

"Listen, Danny." He said to him. "If you're angry with me for not telling you that Jeff was not in love with you, anymore, that's fine. But, it wasn't my place to tell you. Jeff was supposed to be the one to tell you this. I'm sorry about the way you had to find out, with me, blurting it out. I didn't want you to find out like this."

"It's ok, Nick." Danny said, as he wiped at his tears. "I understand. You wanted to respect Jeff's wishes, so don't worry about it."

Then Danny looked up at Jeff.

"I'll meet you in your room." He said, quietly.

Then he left Nick's room and headed for Jeff's. When he shut the door, Nick turned back to Jeff and Jessica.

"I didn't want to ask this question in front of Danny, Jeff, but I'm going to ask it now." He said. "Are you in love with my wife?"

Jeff frowned and looked at Jessica, momentarily. Then, he looked back at Nick.

"No." He said, seriously. "Despite what that kiss could have looked like, I'm not in love with your wife. It's someone else."

"Who?" Nick and Jessica who said, in unison.

******************************************************* OUTSIDE NICK'S ROOM...............

As Danny started walking towards his and Jeff's room, he ran into Kandi, Justin, Drew, and Casey, who were just coming out of the elevator. Kandi was the first one to notice Danny's shocked demeanor.

"Danny?" She asked, concerned when she saw his tear-stained face. "What happened, sweetie? What's wrong?"

"Everything." Danny said, as he pulled his key card out of his pocket. "I just found out that...that.."

Danny couldn't go on. He sobbed as he swiped his key card through the door. When, it unlocked, he headed into his room and left the door open for the others to follow.

Kandi, Justin, Drew, and Casey entered the room and Casey shut the door behind them to give them privacy from unwanted eavesdroppers who could be passing down the hall. Drew, who was holding Nicole, lay her sleeping form down on the spare bed that was in the room.

"Why don't we take this into our room, Danny?" Kandi asked us. "Since Justin's and my room is adjoined to yours, we can just cut across the room here."

"That's probably a good idea." Drew said. "if you decide to get loud, you don't want to wake up Nicole here. Although, I probably should have taken her straight to Nick's room."

"No, Drew, you do not want to do that." Danny said. "Nick is in there with Jessica right now and he's furious with her. Hell, so am I, after we both caught Jeff and Jessica in an embrace, kissing each other?"

There were a number of gasps heard around the room after he said that.

"What?" Drew asked, in shock.

"Are you serious?!" Justin asked, just as shocked as everyone else. "I can't believe it!"

"Well, see if you can believe this." Danny said, bitterly. "It gets worse. Right after Nick and I saw them together, Nick started arguing with Jeff and he let a major bombshell slip."

"What was that, hon?" Kandi wanted to know.

"I found out that Jeff is not in love with me, anymore." Danny said, his voice, cracking. "So, it looks like our relationship may be over."

"Oh, sweetie." Kandi said, as she sat down next to Danny and gave him a hug.

"Where is Jeff now, Danny?" Drew asked him. "Is he still in Nick's room?"

Danny couldn't answer him, in between his sobs, so instead he just nodded. Then, Drew stood up.

"I think I'd better go pay my brother a visit." Drew said. "He might need my support right now. That is, if he'll accept it."

Drew started walking towards the door, but turned back when Casey called his name.

"Do you want me to come with you for moral support?" Casey asked Drew. Drew shook his head.

"No, that's ok, Casey." Drew told him. "This is something I need to deal with, by myself."

"Ok, then." Casey said, walking over to Drew. He planted a kiss on Drew's lips. "Good luck."

Drew smiled at him.

"Let's hope I don't need it." He said, as he opened the door and walked out.

Casey closed the door behind him and turned back to see Kandi, still comforting Danny, who was crying hard now. Justin was standing nearby watching them.

"How could this have happened, Kandi?" Danny said, as he cried in Kandi's arms. "What did I do to deserve this?"

******************************************************* BACK IN NICK'S ROOM.................

"I can't tell any of you, yet." Jeff said. "I have to tell Danny first, so I'd better get going."

Jeff brushed past Nick and headed for the door. When he opened it, he came face to face with Drew, who had just walked up to the door and was getting ready to knock.

"Drew!" Jeff said, in surprise. "Hi buddy. What's up?"

"Hi, Jeff." Drew said. "I just heard about what happened between you and Jessica from Danny. He's devastated."

"I know." Jeff said, the guilt written all over his face. "And I never meant to hurt him, but I can't help that I feel the way that I do."

"Well, why don't you go over to your room and talk to him?" Drew said. "Kandi, Justin, and Casey are with him right now."

"I will right now." Jeff said, slapping Drew's arm, lightly as he passed by him to leave. "See you later, Drew."

Drew entered the room and shut the door. His eyes fell on Nick, who was still angry, and had his arms crossed over his chest, and Jessica, who was wiping away her tears.

"Where's Nicole?" She asked him.

"She's in Jeff's room." Drew explained. "I had Casey keep an eye on her, until I came over to find out what's going on. She's sleeping right now."

"Good." Jessica said. "She's had quite a day today, so she's got to be tired."

"She sure is." Drew said. "When do you want me to bring her back over here?"

"After Jessica and I are done, talking, Drew." Nick said. "Now, could you please give us some privacy?"

"Sure." Drew said. I'm going to go and get Casey and then we're going back to our hotel to get some sleep."

"Ok, Drew." Jessica said. "We'll see you later, ok?"

"Ok." Drew said, and he turned to go. When he was at the door, he turned around and looked back at Nick.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, Nick, don't hesitate to call me, day or night." Drew said.

"I'll think about it, Drew." Nick said, quietly.

Drew nodded, sadly. He could tell that Nick was still not quite ready to trust him, but he understood why. He had alot of work ahead of him.

"That's all I ask, Nick." Drew said. "I'll wait for your call about when I can bring Nicole back over here. Later."

Drew turned and left the room. After the door closed, Nick turned back to Jessica.

"Alright, we need to talk." He said to her. "And not about what I just walked in on between you and Jeff. That's only one of the worst things you've done tonight. The other is what you did to Sean earlier by going after him like a wild animal. Do you care to tell me what the hell you were thinking?!"

"I couldn't help it, Nick!" Jessica complained. "That man ticks me off! He's obviously not going to rest until he gets you to divorce me, and then get you back into his bed!"

"Oh, please, not this again!" Nick said. "Jessica, I understand how you feel, but I'm sorry. I disagree with you. Sean is not going out of his way to get me to divorce you. Sean does not operate that way!"

"Oh no?" Jessica said. "Then, why do you suppose we are having so much trouble in our marriage right now?"

Nick just shook his head.

"You know why we are having so much trouble." Nick said, a little too harshly. "Because of you and your own insecurities. You have nothing to worry about. I don't love Sean anymore, and he doesn't love me, either. I have told you that, time and time again, but the words just never seem to penetrate that thick head of yours!"

"Nick!" Jessica exclaimed, in shock. "How dare you talk to me like this! I have very good reason to feel insecure about Sean."

"Really?" Nick asked, sarcastically. "Then, give me one."

"Alright, I will!" Jessica said, her voice starting to rise. "For starters, I've caught him looking at you from time to time, when he thinks that I don't notice!"

"So what?" Nick asked, shrugging. "Sean's a red blooded guy just like every other man out there, gay, bi, or straight. And I was his husband at one time. So, I'm sure his staring at me, means nothing. He knows that I'm a married man. He knows that he can look, but he can't touch."

"Well, I know he'd love to touch you again." Jessica said. "That much is pretty obvious."

Nick was sick and tired of arguing with her. And he was tired of trying to convince her that she didn't have to worry about Sean anymore. In fact, he was totally done.

"You know what, Jessica?" Nick said, throwing up his hands, in defeat, and frustration. "I'm done trying to get through to you!"

Nick has his fists clenched, like he was ready to explode, but he didn't. He did the total opposite.

"This is no marriage." Nick said, in anger. "You're never going to trust me."

And with those final words, Nick turned to leave the room. As he did, Jessica called out to him.

"Nick wait!" She yelled at him. But the only answer she got was the door slamming behind her, as Nick left the room.

Jessica sat down on the bed and buried her face in her hands, as she started to cry. Then, her cell phone started ringing. She answered it.

"Hello?" She asked, in her emotionally distraught voice.

"Honey, it your mother." She heard Tina say. "I just wanted to call and tell you that we served Sean with the restraining order. So, your problems with Sean are going to be over soon! You can rest, knowing that Sean will not be allowed to come near you, or Nick whenever he is in Los Angeles, California. So, maybe this will keep him from visiting Los Angeles, either."

"Great!" Jessica said, clutching her hand to her chest, in relief. "That's the best news I've heard all day!"

"But, don't celebrate just yet, sweetie." She heard Tina say, all of a sudden. "We're going to have to deal with the fact that Sean can still see Nick here, because the restraining order is only effective in Los Angeles county."

"Don't worry about that, Mom." Jessica said. "I can deal with that. Nick's only going to be here for my performance tomorrow, and then he'll be heading back to Los Angeles with me and our daughter the next day."

"Good." She said. "By the way, where is Nick right now?"

Jessica knew that her mother was going to ask where Nick was, eventually.

"He stormed out of here just before you called." She said. "We just had another fight about Sean."

"I'm sorry to hear that, honey." Tina said. "I'm sure he'll be back once he cools off."

"Not unless, he's heading in Sean's direction." Jessica said. "I'm sure Sean would love to use this restraining order against me right now and tell Nick about it."

"I don't think that he will, honey." Tina said. "We made it clear to Sean that he only has one choice. To break all ties with Nick. If he can do that, and agree to stay away from Nick, we will lift the restraining order and he can go on with his life, alone. If he refuses to make Nick understand that he can't see him anymore, then the restraining order stays in effect, indefinitely. Either way, we win."

"I hope you're right." Jessica said. "Because after the way Nick laid into me, earlier, it wouldn't surprise me if he gets angry enough that he decides to go through with that legal separation that he talked about back in Los Angeles."

"He won't." Tina replied. "Now, I have to go. Your father and I are heading back to our hotel to get some sleep and then we'll be by tomorrow to have dinner with you and then take you to your performance later that night."

"Ok." Jessica said. "I'll see you then."

"Ok, honey." Tina said, then added. "Oh, and before I forget, tell Nick that his parents are here as well and that they want him to come by the hotel tomorrow so that they can talk to him. They'll be here at the same hotel we are staying at, in room 304. We're in 303."

"Ok, Mom." Jessica said. "Get some rest and Nick and I will see you tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight, sweetheart." She said. "Your father also says goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mom." Jessica said, with a smile. "Tell Daddy that I love him. I love you, too."

"I will, hon." Tina said. "I love you too. Goodnight."

Jessica hung up the phone and put it away. Then, she started looking around in her purse for something.

"Where's my date book?" She asked. "I need it so that I know what all I have planned for tomorrow. It's gotta be here, somewhere."

She emptied out her purse and searched through the contents, on the bed. Still, she couldn't find it.

"I don't get this." She said, with a frown. "I know I had it with me when I came to Orlando earlier today. When did I have it last?"

Suddenly, realization dawned on her when she had last seen it.

"Oh no!" She said, putting a hand to her hand. "I left it on Sean's coffee table in his apartment."

Jessica didn't like it, but she knew that she needed that date book and that she was going to have to go back to Sean's to get it.

"I have no choice." Jessica said, as she put everything back into her purse and zipped it up. "I have to go back for it."

She grabbed her hotel key, and the keys to the Mercedes and left her room, intent on getting her date book back.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, BACK IN JEFF'S ROOM.......

Drew entered Jeff's room to see Danny, still sitting on the bed, crying. But now, he was looking up at Jeff, who was standing just at the foot of the bed, in front of him. Kandi and Justin, were standing nearby, and Casey was coming over to him when he'd seen Drew enter the room.

"Hey, sexy." Casey said, as Drew shut the door. He then planted a kiss on Drew's lips. "How did it go with Nick?"

Drew shrugged. "Not that good." He said, a bit sadly. "I really do have my work cut out for me. I never realized, until that very moment, how extensive the damage really is between Nick and me. His trust in me has been completely shattered."

"What did he say when you talked to him?" Jeff asked him.

"Actually, we didn't do much talking." Drew said. "I was back out the door, almost as quick as I'd come in. I'd gone over to ask him and Jessica when they wanted Nicole back. Nick just said that he had to talk with Jessica and asked me to leave."

Casey looked at Drew, feeling sympathetic towards him. He didn't like to see Drew sad, but he understood why Nick was still being distant from Drew. Everyone did.

"Give him time, Drew." Casey said, as he pulled Drew into his arms. "You'll get back his trust again. He just needs time to sort out things."

Drew sighed, heavily, as he threw his arms around Casey, accepting his hug.

"I know, Baby." He whispered. "I may not be able to change the past, but I will do my best to become a better person, in the future."

"You're already doing it, Drew." Danny said, once he was able to speak again. "You're giving Nick the space that he needs and you're not pressuring him into anything. That says alot right now."

"He's right, Hon." Kandi said, extending out her hand to Drew. Drew took it and she squeezed his hand, gently. "Nick won't admit it right now, but I'm sure he appreciates the effort that you're making to respect him and honor his wishes. Nick won't stay mad at you, forever. Deep down inside, he still loves you. Never lose sight of that."

Drew smiled as he listened to Kandi. Little by little, she was giving him hope that maybe, just maybe, things would be alright between him and Nick again. And that Nick would eventually forgive him for his betrayal. Maybe even sooner that he thought.

"Thanks, Kandi." Drew said, quietly. "I don't know where I'd be without your support. Despite my betrayal to Nick, and all of you, I'm glad you're still able to be there for me."

"You're welcome." Kandi said. "But don't thank me. You're the one who turned over the new leaf."

Now, Everyone was curious about that. Kandi wasn't the type of person who forgives very easily. It took her quite a while before she had been able to forgive Danny for how he had hurt Jeff, years ago, before he had realized that he was in love with Jeff.

Drew frowned.

"I did?" He asked, astonished. "How?"

Kandi smiled at him.

"When, you showed up, unexpectedly, here in Orlando this morning." She revealed. "When I'd gotten over the shock of realizing that you were back, as well as when you re-introduced Casey into our lives, I saw something within you that I hadn't seen before. I saw this glow about you, which told me that you were finally happy and that you'd finally found love. And that made me understand that that was what you were desperately reaching out for when you went to the lengths that you went to and betrayed Nick, in the process. Seeing you, with Casey, was what convinced me that this experience helped you to grow up and learn from your mistakes. And, I just want to say that I'm very proud of you."

Drew was almost brought to tears by Kandi's revelation. He was so touched by it.

"You're right about one thing, Kandi." He said. "I have grown from this experience. Let's hope that Nick agrees one day."

"He will." Jeff assured him. "As your handsome boyfriend there, said: "Just give him time."

When Jeff said that, he brought up a sore subject. It'd reminded Danny that Jeff was no longer in love with him, anymore. And now, he wanted to know why.

"Speaking of boyfriends." Danny said, out-loud. "I need some time alone with Jeff so I can figure out if I still have a boyfriend or not."

"Right." Kandi said, getting up. "We'll leave the two of you alone so that you can talk."

She turned to Drew and Casey.

"Do you two want to wait in our room until Nick calls about his daughter?" She asked them. Drew and Casey looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"Actually, no." He said. "We're going to go and head back to our hotel now." He said. "But, first, I'll call Nick's room to see if he's ready to have Nicole back.

"Alright." Kandi said. "Come and use our phone in our room."

Then, Kandi, Justin, Drew, and Casey walked through the doorway, adjoining Danny and Jeff's room and Kandi turned back and closed it, so that they could have some privacy.

Finally alone, Jeff turned back to Danny.

"Listen, Danny." He said. "I know how you must feel right now."

"You have no idea what I'm feeling right now!" Danny said, in an upset tone. "How do you think it feels when your boyfriend tells you that he doesn't love you anymore?!"

"Danny, that's not true." Jeff said. "I never said that I didn't love you. I will always love you. It's just...."

Jeff was having trouble continuing, as his voice was becoming unsteady and his emotions were getting the better of him.

"Just what?" Danny asked him. "Go on. Say it."

Jeff looked back up at Danny as he tried to figure out a way to tell him what he was feeling, without devastating Danny anymore than he already was. But, it was Danny who decided to ask the tough questions.

"What happened, Jeff?" Danny asked him, as the tears kept coming. "What did I do wrong to make you feel this way?"

It was killing Jeff to see Danny hurting like this. Even more so, that he was asking if he did something wrong to make Jeff feel the way that he was.

"Baby, you haven't done anything wrong." Jeff said, just as the first set of tears ran down his face. "It's not you. It's me. I'm not myself right now and I haven't been for weeks."

Now, this was news to Danny. He'd had no idea that Jeff had been having some problems for awhile.

"Jeff, what are you talking about?" Danny asked him. "I don't understand."

Jeff turned away and ran his hands through his hair, as he tried to hold back his continuing tears, at the same time, feeling overwhelmed by everything that he was feeling right now.

"Jeff, the first thing you have to do is tell me what the problem is." Danny said to him. "The only way we're going to resolve anything is if you tell me what's wrong, so that we can deal with it and come up with a solution."

Jeff turned back to Danny. He knew that he had to resolve things with him. But he couldn't spend all night stalling. He had to resolve it now.

"First of all, I'm kind of in love with someone else." Jeff said. "But it doesn't matter anymore because I can never have that person."

Danny frowned, wondering something. He had a feeling that he knew who Jeff was talking about.

"You're not talking about Jessica are you?" He asked. "You're in love with that tramp?!"

Danny's insult to Jessica must have hit a nerve, because Jeff lost it.

"No, I'm not!" Jeff said, loudly. "And don't call her that!"

"Why not?!" Danny asked him. "She calls Sean a slut because she thinks that he wants to steal her husband away from her, and then Nick and I walk into his room and find the two of you in an embrace. Jeff, she had her hands all over you! You don't think I'm entitled to my opinion of her, now?!"

"Now, you're over-reacting!" Jeff said. "I already told you that the kiss between Jessica and I was not what it look like! I am not in love with Jessica!"

Danny exploded then. He was sick and tired of getting the run-around.


Jeff froze at that moment. He didn't know what to say or do. But, one thing he did know is that he couldn't do it. He couldn't tell Danny who it was.

"Danny, I can't." Jeff said. "I can't tell you who it is."

Danny's eyes narrowed.

"You can't or you won't?" He asked, his voice dangerously low.

Jeff looked back up at him, the guilt written all over his face.

"I can't." He said. "I'm sorry."

Danny nodded as he tried once again to hold back his emotions.

"I'm sorry too." He said, as he went to the closet and opened it up. He grabbed his suitcase out of it.

Jeff frowned.

"What are you doing?" He asked, as he watched Danny walk over to the bed with his suitcase and set it down on the bed.

Danny then walked over to the dresser drawers and started taking things out of it. Then, he walked over to his suitcase and started throwing things into it.

"What does it look like I'm doing?!" Danny asked, in disgust. "I'm getting out of here! Since you obviously can't or won't give me the answers that I need, I need to get away from you! I need some time to think and deal with things on my own!"

"You can't!" Jeff exclaimed. "Where would you go?"

"I don't care!" Danny said, in between sobs. "Any place is better than being here with you, right now!"

Danny finished up packing and started to pick up his suitcase, but Jeff's hand came down upon it, stopping him.

"I'm not going to let you leave like this." Jeff said, softly. "You shouldn't drive when you're upset like this."

Danny sighed, in frustration over Jeff's trying to stop him.

"I will be fine, Jeff!" Danny snapped at him. "Now, would you please remove your hand so I can leave?"

"No!" Jeff said, forcefully. "I don't care what I have to do, I am not going to let you leave this hotel like this! You remember what almost happened to Sean a few years ago?! I'll be damned if I take the risk of something like that, happening to you!"

Now, Danny was starting to get mad. And when Danny did get mad, you'd better be prepared.

"Well, it's nice to know you care so much!" Danny said, laying on the sarcasm, thick. "Now, I'm warning you, Jeff! Get out of my way!"

Jeff stood in front of Danny and stood his ground.

"No way, man!" Jeff said. "I am not moving!"

In a final attempt to try to show Jeff that he meant business, Danny stepped towards him a bit and gave him a hard shove backwards. Jeff staggered back a bit, but didn't fall. He regained his balance just in time.

"I'm only going to say this one more time, Jeff!" Danny shouted at him. "Move or you'll be sorry!"

Jeff shook his head no, and that finally pushed Danny to the breaking point so unexpectedly, that Jeff was not prepared for what happened next.

Danny's fist came into contact with Jeff's jaw as he punched Jeff, across the face.

Jeff reeled from the blow and fell down to the floor, coughing.

"That was for kissing Jessica!" Danny said to him. "And for lying to me all these weeks about your feelings!

Jeff didn't get up. He was still stunned by the fact that Danny had hit him.

"Goodbye, Jeff." Danny said. "We're through!"

Danny took that moment to grab his luggage and his keys to the rental car and leave the room, slamming the door behind him.

Jeff picked himself up off the floor and rubbed at his jaw where Danny had hit him. The tears finally came full force.

Jeff crawled over to the bed and fell down upon it. He curled up into a fetal position and clutched one of the bed pillows close and then buried his face into it and cried his heart out.

Oh god, Danny!" Jeff sobbed. I'm so sorry!"


Jessica pulled into the parking lot and shut off the engine. She got out of the car, locked it, and headed to Sean's doorstep. When she got to the door, she knocked on it and waited. No answer.

She knocked again. No answer.

"Sean?!" She yelled out. "Sean, are you in there?! It's me, Jessica! I left my date book in there and I need it for the concert tomorrow!"

Still, she got no response. All she could hear was the waves crashing against the shore.

This time, she tried the door, and to her surprise, it was unlocked. She let herself in and immediately went over to the coffee table, remembering that that was where she had left her date book.

But, it wasn't there.

"That's strange." Jessica frowned. "I know it was here."

Then, she started running around, opening drawers, and looking under the sofa and couch cushions, intent on finding her date book. She became so engrossed in what she was doing, that she had no idea that she was about to be caught red-handed.

Just then, the door slammed. Startled, Jessica looked up and saw me, standing there, with a cold look on my face.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jessica?!" I asked her, in anger. "Get out, now, before I call the police!"

Jessica stood up and frowned at me.

"I would like nothing better than to leave!" Jessica said, angrily. "But, I had to come back because I left my date book on the coffee table here, and now it's not there. Do you know where it is?"

I nodded.

"Yes, I do." I said, reaching into my back pocket and pulling it out. "You're looking for this, right?"

I held it up to her and she walked over to take it from me, but I pulled it away.

"Not so fast!" I said, as I stared daggers at her. "First, you and I have a few things to straighten out here, sweetie!"

Jessica was dumbfounded.

"Like what?" She asked, rudely.

I turned towards the end table and grabbed the restraining order documents and held them up to her.

"Like this." I said, waving the documents in her face. "I want to know what the hell you were thinking getting this restraining order against me!"

Jessica just crossed her arms and a smug look came over her face.

"So, you were surprised, huh?" She asked me, looking quite pleased with herself. "You didn't expect me to do that, did you? I warned you to take me, seriously. Now, maybe you'll learn not to mess with me and my family anymore. And this restraining order will definitely make my life easier, by keeping you away from my husband!"

As I listened to her, I smiled, as I hatched up a plan. And this plan was going to be good. I was finally going to get the best of Jessica, once and for all.

"Oh come on, Jessica!" I said, in disgust. "Wild horses couldn't keep Nick away from me, or vice versa! This restraining order is only valid in Los Angeles county! And as long as Nick is here in Orlando, I will see him as much as I want to! So, get used to it, Blondie, because I'm not going anywhere! As long as I am in Nick's life, I'm here to stay!"

"Wrong!" Jessica shot back at me. "The only place you will be staying is right here in Orlando, Florida where you belong! And I'll be damned if I let you have a shot at my husband!"

My smile got even bigger when she said that. Since she was going to make my life miserable, I was going to do the same thing to her!

"Don't you think that if I wanted Nick back, that I could have him?" I asked her, smugly. "But, that's just not the case! I just don't want him, so you can leave me out of this!"

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Jessica asked, with arched eyebrows.

"I don't care what you believe." I said to her. "But, you just know this: Nick may not be in love with me, anymore, but let me tell you something, he still desires me!"

Jessica's eyes bulged when I said that.

"Oh my god!" I gushed. "He was so romantic today when he showed up on my doorstep with a bouquet of roses for me. He wanted to apologize for how we'd left things in Los Angeles, last night. And then, later when Nick wanted to talk to me about your legal separation, He got so emotional that he couldn't help himself!"


"Oh really?" I asked her, in amusement. Then I closed my eyes, thinking back to my intimate moment with Nick, earlier that afternoon.

"I can still feel his hands, all over me." I said, and then opened my eyes. "His body pressed up against mine! Trust me, Jessica, he wanted me! He wanted me, bad!"

Jessica finally had heard enough. And what she did next, caught me so off guard.

The next thing I knew, Jessica had kicked me, hard, right between the legs, doubling me over, instantly. I collapsed to the floor, in pain.

"Oh god, my balls!" I groaned out. "You fucking little bitch! You'll pay for this!"

Jessica got right behind me and pulled my head up, by the hair. Then, she placed her hand under my chin.

"Not half as much as you will!" She said, the venom in her voice, obvious. "I'm warning you for the last time! Stay away from my husband! Or I will make you regret the day you were born!"

I couldn't do anything, because I was still crouched over in the fetal position. Jessica let go of my hair and pushed me back down to the floor.

I saw her grab her date book, which I had dropped when she'd kicked me, and left the apartment, slamming the door behind me. Then, a few moments later, I heard the sound of squealing tires, signaling that she had left the premises.

I struggled to get up, but still couldn't move. The pain still hurt too much. "Of course, what do you expect if you get kicked in the balls?"

As I was trying to recover from the pain, I heard someone knock on the door, again.

I finally managed to get up and I hobbled over to the door to answer it. When I did, my mouth fell open in shock when I saw who my visitor was.

There, standing in front of me, dressed in a black button up dress shirt, with short sleeves, and a pair of gray dress pants, holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hand, was Jason Madison.

"Jason!" I said, in shock. "You're back!"

Jason smiled at me.

"Hi, Sean." He said, warmly. "May I come in?"

"Yes, please." I said, still holding a hand over my bladder area.

Jason entered the room, frowning. When he turned around, he decided to bring up the question of why I was crouched over the way that I was.

"What happened?" He asked, concerned. "You act like you've just been kicked in the groin?"

"I was." I said, as I hobbled over to the couch and sat down on it. Jason was curious.

"By who?" He asked me, wanting to know. I looked up at him, with an angry look on my face, but it wasn't directed at him.

"By Jessica Simpson Lachey." I grumbled. "The most spoiled, rotten ass, bitch, in the entire universe!"

Now, Jason was amused, for he started laughing.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I don't mean to laugh at your pain, man, but why would Jessica Simpson kick you like that? She seems to be one of the sweetest girls I've seen. At least on TV."

"That's because you don't know the real Jessica Simpson." I said to him. "You have never met her in the flesh and let me tell you, you never will want to, when you hear what I'm about to tell you."

I could see that Jason was curious. It was written all over his face.

"Alright, I'm all ears, but first, I need to give you something." He said. Then he handed me the roses in his hand. "These are for you."

I accepted the roses and admired them. He was the second person who brought me roses today.

"They're beautiful, Jason." I said, as my eyes filled with tears. "Thank you."

"That's not all." Jason said. "I also wanted to give you this."

He brought his hand to my cheek and leaned into me and he planted a gentle kiss on my lips.

I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, as I kissed him back, slipping my tongue into his mouth, wrestling with his.

Little did we know that someone was walking up to the door outside, and witnessed us, kissing, in the window.

To Be Continued........?

COMING UP NEXT: Who witnesses Sean and Jason in an intimate situation?"

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 83

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