My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Apr 1, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


It had already been a whole week since Nick and the guys left on the tour and still it didn't help. I had missed Nick so much. I had nights where I've cried myself to sleep just because he wasn't with me. On top of that, I also missed having Drew to talk to as well. Oh hell, I missed all of those guys and I couldn't wait until Monday of next week when I would join them on their tour. I decided to bury myself in my work in order to try not to think about Nick, but it wasn't easy at first. I had told my boss that I was leaving and needless to say he wasn't thrilled to see me go. I had become a very important and reliable production assistant to him and his company and everyone was sad to see me go. I told Tony and them that I had gotten a better offer to work as a production assistant and a fashion coordinator for 98 Degrees. Tony wasn't happy that I was leaving, but he agreed to 2 weeks notice and he said that if things didn't work out for me that I could come back to work for him anytime. I told him thank you for keeping the door open to work there, since who knows I probably would need it if something were to go wrong on the tour. I told him that I would keep him in mind if I needed to.

Anyway, Danny in the meantime had a break during those two weeks from school and had flown to California to be with his girlfriend, Amber since they both had the same two weeks off of school. Danny had said goodbye and told me that he would call me when he got to California and knew where he would be staying. After he left, I then had no one who would be there for me if I was in trouble. I was getting even lonelier everyday that Danny was gone. He was the only friend I had besides Drew and the guys. Now I was alone and I wasn't enjoying it. Then I remembered about Paul and Casey, two guys I had met the week that Nick had rejected me and I had gotten raped and put in the hospital. I decided to go down to the hospital to see Casey, since it was already almost time for Casey's shift to end. I drove down to the hospital and parked the SUV. I headed to the entrance of the hospital. I got there just as he was exiting the hospital, and his face lit up as he saw me.

"Hey, Sean, it's good to see you." Casey said as he shook my hand. "How are you?" he asked.

"Actually that's why I'm here, I could use a friend right now." I said, sighing. Casey looked at me with concern on his face. "What happened to your friend, Danny?" he asked me. "Why isn't he here for you?"

"Well, because he went to California to spend time with his girlfriend since he doesn't get to see her that much." "Besides he needs this time to himself." "I don't want him stressing over me all the time." I told him. "So is that offer to be my friend still good?" I asked him. Casey could see the loneliness in my face and hear it in my voice and got concerned. "Of course it is." He said. "Come on, my shift is up, why don't you come with me to my house and we'll talk ok?" He suggestd. I thought about it and decided that it would be alright. Casey seemed like a nice guy and was really good looking, even cute, so I didn't think that it'd be a problem. I just wanted someone to talk to.

"Alright, Lead the way and I'll follow you in my SUV." I told him as I agreed. "Ok, Casey said. "It's not far from here at all." "Come on."

Casey and I walked to our vehicles and got in them. I waited for him to get ahead of me before I pulled out of the parking lot and followed him to his house. When we got there, I looked around in amazement as we pulled into his driveway. His property was beautiful. He had a huge mansion and it was all protected by gating all around the property. He had to punch in a code before we could enter into the driveway. I parked behind him and shut off my engine. I got out and walked up to Casey as he got out. "This place is gorgeous, man." I said, breathlessly. "How can you afford all of this?" I asked, amazed. Casey just laughed.

"Actually man, this was a gift from my parents." He said. "They are millionaires and own their own businesses that are a huge conglomerate around the world." It's all paid for except for my usual bills and stuff, but I have all the money in the world to live comfortably." "My parents set up a $50 million dollar trust fund for me when I turned 18 and I inherited it the day after my birthday."

I looked at him in shock. "How old are you,Casey? I asked him. "When I first met you, you looked like you weren't anymore than 18." I replied. Casey started laughing his ass off. "You really think so?" he asked, in between fits of laughter.

"Yeah I do or at least I did." "What's so funny about it?" I said, confused as to why he was laughing. "Well I"m told that all the time than I'm much younger than I am." "I"m actually 21 he said. "I'll be 22 in three more months." "Are you surprised." he asked. I was floored. This guy had such an innocent looking face, one that never knew a blemish and such a young boyish look to it too. plus he had a nice body, a swimmers build with a nice set of six pack abs. He was definitely a looker and could probably have any guy that he wanted. I then wondered about something else.

"Hey, I was just wondering: Since you have more than enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life, may I ask why you are working in the hospital? I asked him. Casey shrugged before answering.

"I guess because I wanted something to do, since even though I have all the space in the world and plenty to do here, it's just not as much fun without someone to share it with." "Plus I'm very passionate about health care and I want to become a doctor and help people." "I'm in my fourth year of Med school." He explained, then as I looked at him, I noticed that he was slightly shivering.

"You cold?" I asked him. he nodded. "Yeah it is getting a little chilly out here." He commented. "Come on, let's go inside and talk more in there where it's warm."

"Fine by me, lead the way." I said. Casey smiled and started walking towards his huge victorian mansion with me right at his heels. As we walked, I looked around in awe at his property. It was gorgeous. A Beautiful garden outlined his house all around. Flowers of all kinds and colors bloomed in the soil, making his house look breathtaking. As I looked towards my left, I saw another garden which was a vegtable garden, with everything from Tomatoes, Jalepeno Peppers, Zuchini, and potatoes. As I looked around, I felt something grab my hand, I whipped around to see Casey smiling at me.

"You scared me, Casey!" I said, clutching my chest. Casey chuckled. "I'm sorry, but I tried to get your attention, but you were obviously go engrossed in your surroundings that you stopped walking and just stood there." "Do you like what you see?" he asked, knowing full well that I did.

"Oh hell yeah!" I swooned. "This place is beautiful. That flower garden really makes your home look breathtakingly gorgeous. Not to mention a vegtable garden like one I"ve never seen before." "This must take the people you pay to do this stuff forever." I said. Casey just shook his head. "I do my best around here to make these gardens look good and make sure everything is good and fresh." he said. My jaw dropped to the floor after hearing this.

"You mean, you do ALL of this?! I stuttered in shock. Casey must have found the look on my face really comical because then he started laughing so hard, he had tears in his eyes. I just looked around as he laughed at those gardens again. Man I would probably get tired just doing the flower garden and after I was finished, I probably wouldn't have been able to move from such a hard day's work. I wondered how he managed not to tire out from it. I looked back at him as he stopped laughing. "How do you keep from killing yourself from all of this hard work?" I asked.

"I"m used to it." He said. "I've been used to working hard all day ever since I was 6 years old." "Besides that's also another reason why I"m working in the hospital." "I get bored if I don't have something to do." "Now come on and let's go inside, it's getting chillier by the minute." he said. We walked to the door of his mansion and he unlocked it and led me inside.

If I thought that the mansion was gorgeous on the outside, I was totally speechless as to how it looked inside. The walls and the floor looked like they could have made of gold and shimmered in the bright light, which the chandeliers hanging above cast over us. Casey led me into a beautiful, spacous living room, with a crackling fireplace, a big screen Television with a VCR, and two comforable looking couches. I noticed that both of them ufolded into a bed as well. One was near the fireplace and the other was sitting near the doorway to the living room, in front of the TV. Casey then turned to me.

"This, as you can probably guess is the family room." he said.

"It's beautiful and comfy looking." I said to him, smiling.

"Yeah, I can't complain." Casey replied. "Come on and I'll show you the kitchen." He said as he put his arm around my shoulders. We walked through the living room and Casey led me into a HUGE kitchen. I swear it looked as big as a Bar. It was beautiful with a nice Stove and Oven, Microwave, and Dishwasher. Not only that, it had a stand like the ones you see at the bar and the seats were pretty similar as well.

"Do you like?" Casey said as we stood in the kitchen." "Yeah, I said to him. "I love it, it's beautiful." "This whole house is beautiful." "You've definitely got great taste in houses." Casey smiled. "Yeah I guess I do." "Anyway, are you hungry or do you want something to drink?" He asked. I nodded.

"I"m famished actually, I don't even think I"ve eaten all day." What do you have?" I asked him.

"Well I've got some chilled shrimp scampi in the fridge, and I've got luch meat too that we can make ourselves some sandwiches." And I've got different kinds of Colas as well." Casey said to me.

As soon as he mentioned the shrimp, my face lit up. "You've got shrimp?" I asked. "I love shrimp, break that out with some shrimp sauce and give me some ginger ale as well and let's eat." I said. "I'll also help you make the sandwiches." I offered. "Alright." Casey replied. "I could use the help." "Let's do it." He said. "Ok lets." I agreed and we set to work. Casey got out the chilled shrimp from the refrigerator and I set to making the sandwiches, while Casey prepared the shrimp sauce. After he finished that, He grabbed me a ginger ale from the refrigerator and he grabbed himself a Sprite and we sat down at the bar table to eat. We ate until we were stuffed.

After we were done eating, we talked for hours about our childhoods, and our dreams and goals for the future. he totally shocked me when he told me that he was gay. I reassured him that it was alright and I told him that I was gay too. After that he hugged me tight. As I released him, I looked at the clock and noticed that it was almost 2a.m. and that I had to get home.

"Casey, it's been a blast talking to you, but I've gotta get home." I said, while yawning. I had become really sleepy and Casey noticed.

"No way." He said. "You're not going anywhere in the condition you're in." "You looke like you're dead on your feet." "Why don't you just stay here for the night?" "I"ve got plenty of room." He offered. I looked at him tiredly.

"Are you sure?" "I don't want to be an inconvienence." I said to him. "You know you wouldn't be." Casey said. "Now come on, let me show you where you can stay."

Casey led me up the staircase to a guest bedroom right beside his. It had a jacuzzi in it, as well as a nice big bathtub and shower. Just like a hotel sheet. A King size bed sat in the corner, near the window. I looked around in awe. I was of course too tired to take the grand tour and figured I could do that tommorrow.

"Make yourself at home." Casey told me. "I also want you to know that if you ever need a place to crash, you're welcome to stay here as long as you like." Besides, I could use the company." He said with a smile. I nodded sleepily. "Thanks, Casey." "Right now, I'm just wanting to get some shuteye, so how about we talk tommorrow after you get off of work?" I asked.

"Sure thing." Casey replied. "Goodnight." He said as he walked over to me and gave me a goodnight hug. I returned it and then smiled at him. "You know, you're gonna make one hell of a friend." I said to him. "I hope so." Casey said, grining. "Now, I"ll let you get to sleep." "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I said to Casey, as he was leaving the room. I walked over to the bed and stripped my clothes off, leaving me in only my undershirt and boxers. I then climbed in and fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.


That's it for now. What do you think Casey is up to? Could he be interested in Sean for more than just friendship. If he is, will Sean give in to temptation if the opportunity arises? you'll just have to wait and see. Stay tuned.


Next: Chapter 9: My Everything 9 10

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