My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Nov 22, 2004


I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

"What I feel for you." is an awesome story and Thack, himself deserves applause for all of his hard work on it.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

"I'm afraid Kandi and I have some bad news for all of you." Justin said, sadly.

"Well, talk to us, man." Nick urged Justin. "Whatever it is, we will all be here to help you through it. We will all help you get through this, together."

Justin was taking in deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. It obviously must have been pretty bad, because Justin was literally on the verge of tears, which was unlike him. Justin was not one to show emotion alot. So, naturally we were all concerned.

"Thanks, guys." Justin said. "Kandi and I are going to need your support right now."

Here he looked over at Kandi and took her hand in his.

"Especialy Kandi." He continued. "I just brought her back from the hospital. We've been there since 5 a.m. this morning."

"The hospital?!" I exclaimed in shock. "What happened? Is she ok?"

"No." Justin said. "She has C.H.F."

"What's that?" Nick asked him.

Surprisingly, Kandi was the one who answered that one for us

"C.H.F is short for "Congestive Heart Failure."

Everyone was shocked to hear this news, and especially me, since Kandi had been really great back when I first met her. We had become friends fast. And despite what had happened back when Nick and the guys disowned me, I still cared about her.

"So, what does this mean, Kandi?" I asked her. "You're not going to die, are you?"

******************************************************* BACK INSIDE THE LACHEY HOUSE..........


"Damn you, Sean!" Jessica swore as she tore off all of her wet clothes and proceeded to put on some dry ones. "I hate you so much! It's obvious that you're here to turn my husband against me and that's just flat out wrong! It's not going to happen! I won't let it happen!"

Jessica finished getting re-dressed and then went to comb her damp hair and pull it back into a ponytail.

"You just want Nick for yourself, and that's never going to happen. Not as long as I'm breathing." Jessica hissed.

She leaned against her dresser, supporting herself with her arms, which were still trembling from her anger, as well as anxiety over what had happened earlier."

"I have to be pregnant." She said, desperately. "I have to be. It's the only way I can get Sean out of Nick's life."

Jessica grabbed her keys off of the dresser and was getting ready to go. But, not before she looked at herself in the mirror.

"I intend to make sure that Sean Perry is out of my life, once and for all!"

*********** CHAPTER 74 ***********

OUTSIDE, BY THE POOL...............

"No, Sean, I'm not going to die." Kandi said. "CHF is a disease of the heart. It's not deadly, unless I allow it to be. There's actually two types of CHF and one of them affects the lungs and can turn into cancer. I'll be fine as long as I take my medication, stay off of salt, and exercise regularly."

Kandi stopped for a moment, and then she remembered something else that was important.

"Oh, and as long as I stay away from stressful situations." She said to us. "Stress isn't good for me, either."

As I listened to everything she was telling me, my heart was literally breaking for her. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Isn't there a cure for your condition?" I asked her, hoping to get a good answer.

"There is," Kandi started saying. "it's with surgery, but my doctor says it's too risky. But don't worry about that. I'll be ok."

Everyone else was quiet and not sure of what to say next. I could see that Nick, Ben, Matt, Jeff, and Danny, all felt sorry for Kandi, but they didn't want her to start feeling like a charity case. And frankly, neither did I.

I noticed Kandi looking at me funny all of a sudden.

"What is it, Kandi?" I asked her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Kandi brought a hand up to my chin and pulled my face sideways a little bit. It was at that moment that I realized what she was asking.

"What happened to your face?" Kandi asked me, as she studied it, closely. "It looks like someone punched you."

"Yeah." I said, nodding. "That's Jessica's doing."

"You're kidding?!" Kandi asked, in shock. "What the hell did she do that for?"

I then wondered whether or not I should tell her all the gory details of what I'd said. Especially since she told me that she can't have any added stress to her condition, which could affect her heart.

"Are you sure I should tell you this?" I asked her. "This could be very stressful for you to hear."

"You let me decide that, sweetie." Kandi said. "If it's too much, I'll let you know."

"Ok, but I'll give you the shortened version." I told her. "It all started with Jessica announcing to everyone that she's pregnant."

"Oh." Kandi said, not looking shocked at all. "So, it's definite?"

When I saw Kandi's face, I knew something was up and I wasn't about to drop it.

"Wait a minute!" I said in shock. "Kandi, are you telling me that you knew Jessica was pregnant and you didn't say a word about it?"

That threw even Nick for a loop. Everyone, including Justin was stunned.

"No, Sean, I didn't know that Jessica was pregnant." Kandi said. "Jessica told me that she could have been pregnant the night Nick learned the truth about what Drew did and left to go and see you, in Orlando, but nothing was proven."

When she said that, I realized at that moment that what she was telling me was the truth. Kandi never was one to lie to us. That made me realize something.

"Ah, so then I'm right." I said. "Jessica may not be pregnant after all. She could have been lying about it. I knew something was up and I told her that I didn't believe her."

"You did?" Kandi asked me, surprised. "I'm surprised by that."

"Really?" I asked her, frowning in confusion. "How so?"

"Well, don't get me wrong." Kandi said. "I mean, Jessica has lied a few times about things, but I don't think that she'd lie about being pregnant. She wouldn't do that."

Then, Kandi looked up at me and then her eyes shifted over to Nick.

"Would she?" She asked, as if starting to doubt Jessica's word.

"That's what I'm going to find out." Nick said. "Jessica's changing out of her wet clothes right now, into some dry ones, so we can go and see the doctor. We're going to find out if she's pregnant once and for all, so that there will no longer be any doubts."

"Good." Justin said, but then frowned. "Now, what was this you said about "wet clothes?" How could Jessica have wet clothes, it's not raining."

Just at that moment, Nick's eyes shifted over to me, as well as everyone else's. Justin then turned back to me.

"Sean, do you know something about this?" Justin asked me.

"Well, duh." I said, with a grin. "Jessica punched me, so I retaliated by shoving her into the pool."

"Are you serious?" Kandi asked, trying to keep from laughing. "I can't believe you actually did that because she punched you. Why did she punch you by the way? You never did tell me that."

I opened my mouth to start telling her all about it, but it was Ben who beat me to it.

"Well, it started when Jessica announced her pregnancy to Nick and he didn't take it well at the time." He explained to Kandi. "Nick stormed off and Jessica came over and started laying into Sean. She accused Sean of loving the fact that she and Nick were growing apart."

"Yeah." Matt said, interrupting Ben and continuing with the story. "And that's when Sean accused Jessica of getting pregnant out of insecurity."

"Oh boy." Justin said, amused. "I don't have to ask how Jessica took that one do I?"

"No, you don't." I said, bitterly, remembering the whole conversation. "Jessica was just getting downright nasty. She started calling me names and started throwing all of my past sexual acts with Nick, Drew, Matt, and Ben, in my face. Then she called me "The Slut of Hollywood" and said she was thankful that Nick had never slept with me since you all disowned me years ago."

I heard a few people gasp in shock, including Justin and Kandi. I turned around and saw that Jeff, Danny, and even Nick, were shocked as well.

"Wow." Jeff said, as he looked at me. "That's still a touchy subject for you, isn't it?"

"Sometimes." I said. "But when she said that, I lost my temper and told her that I had slept with Nick, back in Orlando, right before he came home after being gone for so long, and then again this morning after Nick had a fight with her about the way she treated me earlier this morning. We had flown in to Los Angeles with hardly any sleep because we had gotten the first flight out of Orlando when Nick got the call about a family emergency."

"And that's why Jessica punched him." Ben finished for me. Then he started to laugh again.

"And let me tell you." Ben said to Justin and Kandi. "You both missed quite a show after that."

Justin and Kandi looked at each other, both of them frowning in confusion.

"What do you mean, Ben?" Justin asked him. "What happened?"

When Ben came to that part of the story, he could hardly contain his laughter.

"When Sean shoved Jessica into the pool, he turned towards me and Matt and said, and I quote: "The bitch has nothing on me." That's when Jessica grabbed the back of Sean's trunks and pulled him into the pool with her. That's when the catfight started and Matt and I jumped in to break it up."

"I know." Jeff was laughing so hard he was leaning against Danny to support himself. "Nick, Danny, and I saw it from the window, inside the house."

Now, everyone was laughing. Well, everyone but 3 of us. And that was Nick, Kandi, and me. Most especially me because I didn't find the situation all that funny.

"Come on, you guys, it wasn't even funny." I said, in disgust. "First the bitch assaults me, and then she tries to turn me bald by trying to rip my hair out of my head. If you ask me, Jessica got off easy with just a shove in the pool."

I looked over at Nick and saw that he was still pretty annoyed with me.

"You know why she assaulted you, Sean." Nick said. "You were baiting her by telling her that you and I had sex together, which was a lie."

I stared at Nick in shock. He was taking Jessica's side over me? I couldn't believe it.

"Now, you're defending her?!" I asked him in disbelief. "After all of the mean, spiteful things she's said and done to me? Well, if that's the case, you are an even bigger idiot that I thought."

Nick's mouth dropped open in complete and utter shock. He was not expecting that at all. I could see the anger and hurt within his eyes. But I was too angry over what had happened to feel guilty for what I'd said.

"I can't believe you just said that to me." Nick said, in a low voice.

Before he could continue, we heard a familiar voice from behind us.

"What who said to you, Nick?"

All eyes, including mine, turned to Jessica, who had just entered the pool area.

"Oh, god!" I said, putting a hand to my face, in disgust. "Here we go with round two."

Jessica frowned at me, in contempt.

"What the hell are you babbling about now, Mr. Slut?" Jessica sneered at me.

All I could do was glare at her.

"I can throw you back in the pool again, you know?" I threatened. " And this time, I won't be so nice! So don't push me! You got it, Blondie?!"

I said it with so much venom that Jessica actually looked frightened for a second or two, just before she shook it off.

"Oooh! I'm shaking in my boots!" Jessica said, acting like she wasn't afraid.

"Good." I said, in a serious voice. "I'm not playing anymore. Not with you, anyway."

"Alright, stop it!" Nick said, angrily. "Both of you!"

I turned around towards Nick and looked him in the eye. At the same time, Jessica had walked over to Nick and wrapped her arms around Nick's waist.

Seeing that scenario, I was so jealous at that moment, I thought I would scream, but I kept my cool and didn't show it.

"Nicholas." I began. "Don't you see what your wife is doing? She is trying to drive a wedge between you and me. She wants to destroy what's left of our friendship and she thinks that by getting pregnant that she can do that. That's how insecure she is in your marriage. Can't you see that?" I mean, what kind of a marriage can the two of you have if she can't trust you?"

"Sean, I'm not going to let Jessica take our friendship away." Nick told me. "I made it very clear to her, earlier this morning, that I would not stand for her coming in between our friendship."

Nick looked down at Jessica and locked eyes with her for a moment. Then, he put his arm around her.

"I know she still hasn't accepted it, but I'm sure I can still count on her to support me on this." He continued.

Nick looked down at Jessica for confirmation.

"Right, Baby?" He asked her.

Jessica sighed, obviously frustrated with the situation, but she nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Nick." She said, then added. "I'm not saying that I like it, but I know how much having Sean's friendship back means to you. So, if that's what you want, I'll at least try to make an effort."

After saying that, Jessica turned towards me and extended her hand out to me.

"Sean, let's both agree to call a truce." She offered. "Right here, right now. What do you say?"

I looked down at her hand and looked back up at her, deciding whether or not I was willing to do that.

I looked up at Jessica, with an arched eyebrow and gave her my decision.

"I'm sorry, Jessica, I can't do that." I said to her, bitterly. "Simply because I don't buy your little act! So, drop it!"

Jessica dropped her arm, and gave me a look of fake disappointment.

"Sean...." Nick started to complain, but he didn't get far.

"Shut up, Nick!" I said, in frustration, pointing my finger at him. "I'm not finished!"

Nick was stunned that I'd just talked to him that way. All he could do was stand there, looking at me, with a shocked look on his face.

He didn't say another word, which allowed me to continue. I turned back to Jessica.

"You don't want me in Nick's life in any way, shape, or form." I said to her. "You've made that clear, ever since I came back into Nick's life, as well as everyone else who are standing around us."

I gestured towards Jeff, Danny, Ben, Matt, Justin, and Kandi, to make my point.

"Not to mention, the way you assaulted me earlier." I continued, pointing at my face where she had hit me. "How can you just do all of that and then all of a sudden decide to call a truce? I'm sorry, Jessica, but that just isn't you. So, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take a pass on your offer. I don't trust you."

I walked past her and Nick to pick up my iced tea that was sitting. As I was walking, I heard Jessica speak again.

"Fine." Jessica said, lowly. "It doesn't surprise me that you would turn me down. It just proves that I was right about you all along. You don't care who you hurt or who you destroy as long as you get what you want. And I know what you want. You want my husband."

I had just picked up my glass of iced tea, and when Jessica said that last part about my wanting her husband, I froze, literally.

"Your marriage to Nick didn't work out, so now you want to try to destroy mine." Jessica said, angrily.

"Jessica, stop!" Nick exclaimed, in horror. "What the hell are you doing?!"

As soon as Jessica finished saying that, I knew right then and there that she had figured me out. If Danny and Jeff had been able to pick up on it, I'm sure she could too. And obviously she had.

Now, I was madder than I had ever been in my life. And it wasn't just because Jessica was on to me. But because of everything that had happened in my life. It was all coming back to me:

Being disowned by 98 Degrees, my anger, pain, and resentment over being treated like garbage, my suicide attempt, my love for Nick, learning about Drew's involvement in breaking up my marriage to Nick, and my tremendous dislike for Jessica, who was a pain to be around now, given her hatred of me.

She was living my life! The life that I should have had, and would have had, if Jessica had not have gotten pregnant. Not only that, she was married to the man I still loved.

She was married to the man who should still be MY husband! Not hers!

Finally, I snapped. I couldn't hold in my anger any longer. The glass of iced tea, that I had in my hand, went flying into the wall near the grill. The glass shattered into a thousand pieces, the tea splattering against the wall, now starting to run down it.

I had startled everyone when I threw my glass and shattered it. They had never seen this side of me before. And they were going to get a glimpse of the old Sean Perry: The one they never saw when he was going through hell.


I couldn't say anymore, as my breaths were coming out in quick gasps. I felt like I was going to faint. As I looked around, I noticed everyone seemed afraid of me at that moment. Especially Jessica, who was visibly shaken. She was clutching Nick's arm and from the looks of it a little too tightly, because he had grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his bicep. He was really nervous at that moment, seeing me like this.

"Sean, calm down." Jeff said, quietly. "You'll give yourself a heart attack or a stroke."

I calmed down enough so that I wasn't screaming anymore, but I was still going to be talking very loudly.

"Oh please, Jeff, that's not going to happen!" I said, loudly. "I will NEVER give Jessica the satisfaction of that! No way in hell!"

After making sure that Jeff knew that, I turned back towards Nick and Jessica.

"You have some nerve, Jessica!" I said, shaking my finger at her, as the first set of angry tears slid down my face. "You and Drew destroyed my marriage, except that Drew did it directly. But you did it literally! I, on the other hand, have done nothing but support Nick in his decision to be with you! That's what a best friend does! I did it because Nick's happiness is all that matters to me! Or at least it did until now!"

"Sean...."Danny tried to interrupt, but I ignored him and kept ranting and raving.

I turned to face Jessica and Nick again. What I was going to say was heartless and cruel, but I was so mad right now, I wasn't thinking rationally. I wasn't aware of what I would be risking.

"And as for your accusations of me, wanting your husband." I continued, ranting at Jessica. "You couldn't be further from the truth. How could you think that I could love him in that way ever again? After everything he did to me? My god, he and everyone else threw me out on the street when things didn't work out. And it was all because I wasn't honest with Nick about what I was feeling and about our marriage not being legal!"

Here, I turned to look at Nick, who was glaring at me, his jaw clenched tightly. I didn't know if he was glaring at me because he was angry, or if he was trying to keep from bursting into tears. Maybe a little of both.

"God, Nick, you ripped out my soul!" I shouted at him. "You ripped out my soul, you....."

I couldn't go on anymore and I started walking past them. I stopped when I was in front of Justin and Kandi, and turned back around, forgetting something else I had meant to say.

"As I said before, Nick's happiness was all that mattered to me, but not anymore." I repeated, then added. "If Nick wants to stay married to someone like you who will lie, scheme, and even try to get pregnant out of insecurity, then that's his funeral. Because ultimately, that's what you'll do, you'll destroy him."

I continued to look at both Jessica and Nick, coldly, my emotions closed off now.

"If that's what going to happen, I'm not going to be around to watch it." I said, coldly. "And another thing, Jessica, I hope that you are telling the truth about being pregnant! Not for your sake, but for Nick's and your daughter's. Because if you're not, you can kiss any fanstasies you have of a long and lasting marriage goodbye."

I finished what I had to say and reached for my cellphone.

"As for me, I have a flight to book." I said, as I looked over at Nick. "And Nick, you love Jessica, so I know you don't see her the way that I do, right now. But one day you will. And when that day comes, I hope that you remember that there were people who tried to help you....."

I looked at Nick sadly, as I came to the last part.

"People who love you." I finished.

Nick stood there, unable to speak. He wasn't sure what to do or say at that moment. He couldn't even look at me.

"But you'll have to count me as one less person who does love you now." I said, not bothering to look Nick in the eye. "Hell, I don't even want to be your friend. Being your friend is too painful and exhausting."

Once that was out of my mouth, I immediately knew that I could never take it back. Once it was said, the damage was done.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some packing to do, and a flight back to Orlando to catch, so I'd better get started."

I opened my phone and dialed the number for the airline.

"Have a nice life, Nick." I said, not looking up. "Goodbye."

After saying my final words, I turned around and walked out of the pool area, leaving everyone behind me, speechless, as I booked my flight.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE POOL AREA...........

"Well, Jessica, I hope you're proud of yourself!" Kandi said, all of a sudden. "You've managed to make things go from bad to worse!"

Jessica's mouth dropped open in shock when she realized what had just happened. Kandi was turning against her!

"Now, wait just a minute, Kandi!" She complained. But Kandi cut her off before she could say any more.

"No, you wait a second, bitch!" Kandi scoffed, angrily. "You had your say, now you're going to listen to me for a change!"

Jessica didn't say anymore, allowing Kandi to continue.

"Ever since the day Sean came back into our lives, I have told you, time and time again, to stop being so insecure about Sean and focus on the fact that you have a husband who loves you, despite all your flaws. And he still loves you now, even after everything you have done in the last few days! And frankly, with this last stunt that you just pulled, with trying to attack Sean in the pool, I'm surprised Nick hasn't dragged you into Divorce Court yet!"

"Sweetheart, calm down." Justin said, trying to reason with Kandi. "Remember the doctor said that stress is not good for your condition."

"What condition?" Jessica frowned. "Kandi, what is he talking about?"

Kandi looked at Jessica, still annoyed with her.

"I have a condition that's called "Congestive Heart Failure" and it a very serious condition, but with medication and a few precautions, I can keep it under control. But stress is the number one factor that I need to avoid at all costs."

"She's right." Ben chimed in. "And I'm sorry to say it, Jessica, but you're stress with a capital S."

Jessica glared at Ben.

"If you two are against me as well, then why don't you both just leave?!" She snarled. "I don't need your insults either."

"That's fine by us." Ben said, getting up, along with Matt Damon, an angry look on his face. "After all, We're Sean's friends, not yours!"

"I couldn't agree more with you, Ben." Matt said, annoyed, as he and Ben were getting their stuff together.

As Ben and Matt were leaving, they turned back to face Nick and Jessica.

"Nick, despite what's happening right now, Matt and I want to thank you for inviting us over." Ben said to Nick.

"You're welcome, guys." Nick said. "I'm really sorry about all this."

"We're not the ones you should be apologizing to, man." Matt said. Then he turned to everyone else.

"Jeff, Danny, Justin, Kandi, it's been a pleasure as always." He said to them. "Please tell Sean that we said goodbye and that we'll be thinking of him."

"We'll do that, guys." Jeff said, on everyone's behalf. "Thank you for coming."

Ben and Matt then left the Lachey residence and headed for home.

Once the rest of them were alone, Kandi continued to lay into Jessica.

"You see what I mean?" She said, angrily. "Now, you've alienated Ben and Matt! Now they probably won't come here as much anymore! Now, do you see why you're your own worst enemy?!"

Jessica went on the defensive as if she were a child bein scolded.

"Kandi, Ben was insulting me!" Jessica exclaimed, obviously frustrated because Kandi was taking Sean's side. "He had no right to do that!"

"No, Ben was stating a fact, sweetie!" Kandi fired back at her. He was only trying to protect me. He had every right, considering the way you acted earlier with Sean by punching him and then trying to drown him in the pool! And he was right! You are 'stress' with a capital "S." It doesn't surprise me that Sean finally had had enough of you! I can't say I blame him!"

Jessica looked to Nick for help.

"Nick, help me here." She begged him. "Talk some sense into her. She'll listen to you!"

Nick just threw up his hands.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I'm staying out of this one for safety reasons." He said. "As far as dealing with Kandi is concerned, you're on your own."

"Oh, thanks Nick." Jessica said, sarcastically. "Some help you are."

Nick shook his head.

"You know what, I'd love to stand here and referee, but I have to see if I can do some damage control where Sean is concerned." He said. "I'm going to go and try to talk to him."

He started to walk towards the house, but Kandi put a hand to his chest, stopping him in his tracks.

"I don't think you should do that right now, hon." Kandi told him. "I think you should give Sean time to cool down before you talk with him."

Nick looked at her, the guilt written all over his face.

"Do you think he meant what he said before?" He asked Kandi, hoping that what Sean had said wasn't true. "About not wanting to be my friend anymore?"

Kandi looked at Nick and shrugged.

"I don't know what to tell you, honey." She said. "I've never seen that side of Sean before. I think he was dead-serious. But even I don't know for sure. The only person who can answer your questions is Sean."

"Well, whether he was serious or not, I've got to try to get him to reconsider his decision." Nick said. "His friendship means alot to me. I cannot let that go. Not without a fight."

Kandi smiled a little and caressed Nick's arm a little.

"Then, you do what you have to do, sweetie." She said. "But just be careful and try not to expect too much from Sean right now. Just play it by ear and see what happens from there, ok?"

"Thanks, Kandi." Nick said, kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks for giving me hope."

She smiled.

"That's what I'm here for." She replied. "Now, go and talk to Sean, while I stay here and straighten out your wife."

Nick nodded and headed into the house to find Sean, leaving Jessica alone with Justin, Kandi, Jeff, and Danny.

Kandi turned back to Jessica.

"You know, Jessica, I'm very disappointed in you!" Kandi continued. "And as long as we're being honest, I have something to tell you that I've been wanting to tell you for a few days now."

Jessica wiped at her eyes, and nodded.

"Ever since the day Nick left after he found out about Drew's sabotage of his and Sean's marriage, I have questioned your integrity, and now it's become very clear to me that you have none of that! Especially with the fact that you called your parents and your in-laws to get Nick back here when you should have just left well enough alone!"

"And that, along with the fact that you told me that you may be pregnant again. And if what Sean says is true and you did get pregnant out of insecurity, then you have no business being married to Nick. Not if you constantly have to question whether or not you can trust him."

"I do trust Nick!" Jessica wailed.

"No, you don't, sweetie." Kandi said, bluntly. "If you did trust Nick, then Sean wouldn't even be an issue between the two of you! Sean has done nothing but be supportive of you and Nick and he's tried to be civil to you and respect the fact that you're Nick's wife, but you wouldn't even give him a chance!"

"I couldn't, Kandi." Jessica cried. "Because of the way he treated Nick before he left all those years ago. He lied to Nick about his feelings for Drew, as well as the fact that he couldn't bring himself to tell Nick that their marriage wasn't legal. Sean lied to Nick too many times."

"And you haven't?" Kandi asked, in disgust. "Well, considering some of the things you done, it makes Sean look like a saint, compared to you! And I'm so sick and tired of hearing you call Sean a slut! All Sean has done is follow his heart! And maybe he and Drew didn't work out, but that doesn't mean that Sean didn't care about him! If Sean didn't, he wouldn't have had a night of passion with Drew! Sean isn't the one night stand type of guy!"

"She's right, Jessica." Jeff said, coming over to Jessica and putting his hands on her shoulders. "You really need to stop with the name calling and give Sean a fair chance."

"You two were friends at one time." Danny chimed in. "There's no reason you couldn't be again if you could just drop the attitude and insecurity and see him how we see him. Do you think you could do that?"

Jessica thought it over for a moment

******************************************************* UPSTAIRS IN DREW'S ROOM.................

I was packing up what little I had brought with me to Los Angeles, into my suitcase to get ready to leave.

"I can't believe I said all of those awful things out there." I said, putting a hand to my face, as the guilt sunk in. "What was I thinking?"

"You knew exactly what you were thinking." A voice inside my head was saying. "You were trying to protect yourself from being hurt again. And Jessica was not being fair, so you decided to remove yourself from the situation!"

"But I love Nick." I whispered, so only I could hear it, as I wrestled with my own thoughts.

"I know you love him." My mind supplied. "But, as along as Jessica is Nick's wife, and the mother of his child, you can't win. You have to move on, no matter how hard it is for you. Whether or not Jessica is good for Nick is something Nick has to find out for himself."

"If only it were that simple for me." I thought outloud, as I finished packing and closed my suitcase.

Just then there was a knock at the door. I set my suitcase down and went to answer the door.

I was greeted with Nick's form, standing in the doorway. Immediately, I went back into defense mode.

"What do you want, Nick?" I asked, in a aggravated tone. "Can't you see I'm getting ready to go. I have a flight to catch."

As I stood there, looking at Nick, I could see that he was still hurting from everything that I'd said, outside, just a few minutes ago.

"This won't take long." Nick said. "I have a few things to say to you and you're going to listen."

He brushed past me, into the room. I shut the door behind me and turned to face him.

"Well, make it quick, Nick." I said, bitterly. "I have to leave in 10 minutes for the airport. My flight leaves in two hours."

Nick looked at me for a few moments. Then he shook his head in defeat.

"What the hell was that all about out there?" He asked me. "I've never seen that side of you before. I never knew you had such a hot temper."

I knew what he was asking. He was referring to the fact that I'd blown up out there when I'd thrown my glass and broken it. And the way I blew up at Jessica and said those hurtful things.

"Well, now you know why." I said to him. "Which just goes to show you that I've truly changed. "After the way you treated me, years back, the scars are still there. And it doesn't matter that I've forgiven you for it. It doesn't erase the pain that I went through."

Nick eyes closed and he sighed in frustration.

"But, I thought you and I were past all of that." He said to me. "We were starting to become close again."

I nodded. He was right about that. But too much had happened in the last 5 hours since I'd came to Los Angeles for me to even want to stay here any longer.

"Yes, we were." I said. "But that's over and done with now. Your life is here in Los Angeles. Mine is back home in Orlando. I have to get back home."

Nick's eyes shifted to the floor. He could tell that I was being serious about leaving Los Angeles and leaving my past behind.

"So, you meant what you said out there about not wanting to be my friend anymore?" Nick said, his voice filled with sadness. "You're really going to just walk out of my life just like that?"

I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore. My eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, Nick." I said. "But I can't stand by and watch you go down this road with Jessica. You refuse to see Jessica the way I see her, so there's nothing I can do for you anymore. You'll have to find out for yourself what kind of a person Jessica really is."

Nick shook his head in defeat.

"If you're that determined to cut me out of your life, then I guess that there's nothing I can do to stop you. But I will say this. You're making a big mistake. Because once you walk out that door, you know that there is no turning back."

"I know that, Nick." I said, as I wiped at my eyes to clear them of the tears. "I don't want to do this, but it's for your own good, Nick, as well as mine. And to be honest with you, I can't take your family's drama anymore."

Nick came over to me and tried to put his arms around me, but I moved away.

"Don't Nick." I said, angrily. "Don't touch me. I don't want your pity."

Nick was visibly hurt by my words. He raised his hands in the air.

"You know what? Fine!" He said, harshly. "If you're going to be this difficult, then just go!"

I watched Nick, closely and saw just how upset he was getting. His face was turning red, which is what happened when he was getting angry.

"You don't care about me!" Nick shouted at me. "You never did!"

Nick's words were like a knife in my heart. I'm sure he didn't really mean them, but it still hurt to hear them.

"I'm through trying to reason with you!" Nick said, through gritted teeth. "Good-bye Sean!"

Nick brushed past me, bumping against me, as he exited Drew's room and slammed the door behind him.

About a minute later, I heard the sound of a car being started and then the sound of squealing tires, signaling that Nick was driving away.

I grabbed my suitcase and headed towards the door, as I wiped the remains of my tears away.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I closed it behind me and walked downstairs and out the front door.

As I walked outside, I could hear voices from the pool area. It sounded like Kandi was laying into Jessica. I knew I had to stop it before Kandi got too stressed. Besides, I needed to say goodbye anyway. As well as ask for a favor.

I set my suitcase down by the gate, and opened the gate to enter the pool area. Everyone looked in my direction as I came in.

"Well, guys, I've come to say goodbye to all of you." I said. "And to ask for a favor."

"What favor is that, Sean?" Jeff asked me, curiously.

I looked Jeff in the eyes.

"I need a ride to the airport." I told him. "Would you be willing to take me?"

"Sure." Jeff said, nodding. "Just let me go and put on a shirt and grab my wallet and car keys, and I'll be right back."

"Ok." I said, as Jeff started walking towards the house.

"I'll go with you." Danny said, as he followed Jeff into the house to get a shirt put on as well.

I turned back to Justin, Kandi, and Jessica who was standing nearby.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." I said to Justin and Kandi. "I'll miss you two."

"Same here, hon." Kandi said. "I'm sorry about everything that's happened."

"It's not your fault, Kandi." I said, hugging her. "If you want someone to blame, look at the bitch behind you."

"Right." Kandi said, as she released me.

When she did, I looked past her and walked up to Jessica.

"You listen to me, and you listen good, you little ingrate!" I said to her. "If you are not on the up and up about being pregnant with Nick's child, and you hurt him, you will answer to me. Because I will come back! I will come back with a vengeance! And I will attack you, your life, and your work! And I will pull them all down! I will do everything I have to do to destroy you, Jessica! Never doubt me on that!"

"Oh, shut up, you little whiner, and get lost!" Jessica spat back at me.

"Gladly." I retorted. "If I never see you again, that's just fine with me. Even if it means not seeing Nick too."

I turned away from her and turned back to Justin.

"Take care of Kandi, Justin." I said to him. "I'll email you guys when I can, ok?"

"I will." Justin said, as he hugged me. "Take care, Sean."

"You too, Justin." I said, as I pulled back from his hug.

Just then, Jeff and Danny, re-entered the pool area. Both of them now had shirts on, but still had on their swimming trunks, which had not been wet, since neither of them had gone into the pool yet, this morning.

"Are you ready, Sean?" Jeff asked me. "Danny and I will get the car ready and put your suitcase in it."

"Yes, Jeff, I'm ready." I said, as I walked toward the gate entrance. "Let's go."

I waved goodbye to Kandi and Justin, who were staying behind, and left with Danny and Jeff and followed them to their car.

"Speaking of the car," Danny started to say, as we all got into the car. "We all heard Nick get into his and peel out of the driveway. What happened between you two that upset him so much?

"I'll tell you on the way to the airport." I said to him. "For now, let's get out of here."

Jeff started the engine and backed the car out of the driveway. He put it in gear and started driving towards the airport.

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's it for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it!

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 76

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