My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jul 26, 2004


I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

"What I feel for you." is an awesome story and Thack, himself deserves applause for all of his hard work on it.


It is heard that Nick Lachey has signed a deal with ABC to star in his own comedy or drama series. Lets all keep our fingers crossed and hope that we get to see Nick Lachey do great things as an actor as well.

Before any of that happens, you can still catch Nick Lachey and his brother, Drew, on "Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica." The show airs Wednesdays on MTV at 10:00p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 9:00p.m. Central Standard Time. (CST)

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am going back to how I was originally doing the previous recaps of the last chapter in the beginnings of the next ones. Trying to do it the way I did in chapter 71, was too time consuming.

Previously on "My Everything".....

"I never said this before, but I will now." He said, looking into my eyes as he spoke.

He then reached out and placed both of his hands on both of my cheeks and cupped my face in his hands. He looked directly into my eyes. I could see the pain that was behind them.

"I am so sorry that I hurt you and for everything that I put you through." He whispered, softly.

It was at moment that I saw a tear slide down Nick's cheek. Feeling sympathetic, I pulled him into a brief hug.

"I know you are. I can see it in your eyes." I said to him. "And I appreciate you telling me that. I've already forgiven you. You know that."

"Yeah." Nick said as he pulled back, looking down. "But it felt good to get it out because I never really showed you how sorry I was."

I nodded, as I watched him, closely. I wanted so badly to tell him that I loved him, but with the current circumstances between him and Jessica, it wasn't a good idea.

Nick didn't need the added stress of having to deal with that on top of everything else he was dealing with.

"You have now." I said, running my hand up and down his back, gently. "And I really do appreciate it."

After saying that, I leaned over and gave Nick a soft kiss on the cheek.

"So, what do you say we lighten up the mood here?" I asked, with a smile. "What do you want to do today? I'm up for something fun."

Nick's mood lightened up immediately and a smile crossed his face.

"How about you, Danny, Jeff, Jessica, and I go swimming?" He suggested.

I wasn't sure that was a good idea. Not with Jessica in the pool too.

"I would like that, Nick." I said to him. "But I'm not up to being drowned by "Blondie."

Nick snickered at me.

"If by "Blondie" you're referring to my wife, don't worry. She won't be a problem."

"How do you know?" I asked, frowning.

"She isn't here." Nick told me. "She's not going to be back for awhile.

Nick got up out of the bed and looked outside the window. The sun was shining brightly and it was a beautiful morning for a dip in the pool.

"Well, in that case." I said, getting up out of the bed and standing up. "Let's do it."

"Excellent." Nick said. "Let's go talk to Danny and Jeff."

Nick and I left Drew's room to talk to Jeff and Danny.

******************************************************* AT THE SIMPSON HOUSEHOLD..................

Jessica was sitting on the couch with her mother, looking down at something on the table. Both of them were looking very nervous.

"Well, is it ready yet?" Jessica asked. "I need to be certain that I'm pregnant."

"You've said that at least 10 times in the last couple minutes." Her mother said, annoyed. "Calm down, sweetie."

Jessica looked up at her, with a frazzled frown.

"How can I calm down when I have so much writing on this?" Jessica asked her mother. "Having another child could be the one thing that could save my marriage."

Tina put her arm around her daughter.

"Don't worry." She said. "Whether or not you're pregnant, you and Nick will be ok. He loves you very much. Nothing can ever change that."

"I hope you're right, Mom." Jessica said, looking up at her. "I really hope you're right."

Tina smiled. "I know I am." She said.

Then she looked down at the pregnancy test that was on the table.

"I think it's ready now." She said. "Why don't you look at it and see what it says?"

Jessica picked up the pregnancy test and put her hand over the results indicator so she didn't see it right away.

She walked to the other side of the coffee table and turned back towards her mother.

"Alright, here goes." She said, as she looked down to see what the results were.

She looked down long enough that Tina couldn't take the suspense anymore.

"Well?" She urged. "What does it say? Are you pregnant or not?"

Jessica looked up at her.

********** CHAPTER 72 **********


Since it was eleven in the morning, Nick, Danny, Jeff, and I, decided that we'd have a cook out on the grill this morning, while we lounged around outside by the pool.

Nick was cooking hamburgers and steaks on the grill and I was standing nearby, helping him out, while Danny and Jeff were applying suntan lotion to their buff bodies, and sitting in the loungers to tan for awhile.

As I watched Nick, cook the steaks, I then came up with an idea.

"Hey, Nick." I asked. "Why don't we invite a few more guests here for this cook out?"

Nick raised his head and looked at me, a slight frown on his face.

"Like who?" He asked. "We don't have that much food for a pool party."

"We don't have to." I said, with a straight face. "Besides, I'm only talking about two more mouths to feed. That is if they both agree to come."

"Who are we talking about?" Nick asked, curiously.

"Well, I was thinking: Why don't we invite Ben Affleck and Matt Damon over?" I suggested. "After all, I haven't really seen or spoke with them since the day I left here when I found out about Drew, sabotaging our wedding."

I stopped, as Drew's name was mentioned. Both Nick and I were still touchy where Drew was concerned. Especially when his name was brought up.

"Besides, I really miss them and I think it'd be a good idea for them to be here." I continued.

Nick smiled.

"That's a great idea." He said. "If they're up to it, it's ok with me."

He then guestured to the house.

"Why don't you go and give them a call and see if they want to come?" He suggested.

I was definitely glad to do that. I was glad that Nick was in a better mood.

"Ok." I agreed. "I'll be back in a minute."

I started to head into the house, until I heard Nick call my name again. I turned towards him.

"Yes, Nick?" I asked him, wondering what he wanted.

"While you're in there, could you grab some cheese and the hamburger buns and bring them back out here when you're finished with your call?" Nick asked me.

"No problem." I said to him. "I'm on it."

I went into the house and walked into the living room to get the cordless phone. I picked it up off of it's console and dialed Ben's number.

"Hello?" I heard Ben's voice answer.

"Hey, Ben!" I greeted him. "How's it going?"

"Sean?" Ben asked, as if he wasn't sure it was me. "Is that you?"

"Yes, Ben." I said. "Who did you think it was?"

"I don't know." Ben said. "What's up?"

"I'm back in Los Angeles." I told him. "I got in earlier this morning and with no sleep. I got about 5 hours of sleep when I got here."

"Where are you?" Ben wondered.

I'm at Nick's." I replied. "I was calling you to ask you if you wanted to come to Nick's and eat with us? We're having a cook out by the pool and thought that maybe you'd want to join us. And Matt too."

"Really?" Ben asked, sounding interested. "That sounds like it'll be fun. Who's all there?"

"Just me, Nick, Jeff and Danny are here right now." I told him. "But, I have no idea where Kandi and Justin are right now."

"What do you mean?" Ben asked. "You make it sound like they're missing?"

"They're not." I said. "Someone told me they were gone this morning when everyone was up. And one way to start the morning off, after a long plane ride with no sleep, was with an ambush from Nick's parents."

Here, I rolled my eyes, as I remembered the events that had happened earlier this morning. Then I fell into a crabby mood.

"Not to mention Jessica's parents, and "Evil Blondie" herself." I finished.

I heard Ben start laughing after that. I didn't have to guess what he was laughing about.

"So, I take it by calling Jessica "Evil Blondie", that means that you two still aren't getting along any better, huh?" Ben said, in between laughs.

"Unfortunately, no." I said, sarcastically. "The little bitch practically tried to rip my face to shreds this morning when I gave her the finger, after she said she was going to be sick when she saw Nick and I, hugging in front of everyone this morning."

"You did what?!" Ben asked, in shock, just before he started laughing again. "Actually never mind that. What I want to know is: Did she succeed?"

"Hell, no!" I replied. "She never got a chance to touch me. I made sure of that."

I then looked at my watch and noticed that the burgers would be done soon. I needed to get the cheese and hamburger buns out to Nick so he could start topping the cheese on the hamburgers and people could start eating.

"Hey Ben, I really need to get going. I have to get the cheese and buns out to Nick so he can start serving the food soon." I told him. "So, are you coming over or what?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Ben said. "I can't speak for Matt because he's still asleep. But I will wake him up and see if he wants to come. Whether he does or not, I'll be there."

"Alright, man." I said. "I'll see you soon."

I hung up the phone and took it with me, into the kitchen, where I opened the "refridgerater" and got out the cheese and the hamburger buns.

I shut the door to it and walked back outside, the cheese and buns in one hand, the phone in the other, and walked up to Nick, who was getting ready to take the burgers off of the grill.

"Here you are." I said, as I set down the cheese and burger buns on the table beside him. "Cheese, Hamburger buns, and the phone."

Nick frowned as he took it, wondering why I brought the phone out too.

"Why did you bring the phone out here?" He asked me, curiously.

"So that way, it saves one of us from running to get it every time it rings." I explained, having a good point for having the phone out here with us.

"Of course." Nick said, patting me on the arm. "Thanks, Sean."

"No problem, buddy." I said, as I looked him over.

Nick was obviously sweating from standing in front of that hot grill for a long period of time.

"But you look like you could use some cooling off." I said, noticing how sweaty he was. "Why don't we soak in the pool for a while?"

Before I'd finished saying that, Nick had taken off his tank top, in a flash, exposing his defined chest and washboard stomach. When I looked down at the swimming trunks he was wearing, I was shocked.

Nick was wearing the red trunks that he had gotten not long after we'd gotten married. The ones he said made his ass look better for my eyes. And boy did they!"

"I remember those trunks, Nick." I said. "And how good your ass always looked in them."

Nick blushed six different shades of red. I started laughing when I saw his face. I guess Jeff and Danny thought it was pretty fascinating too, for they had come over at that moment.

"Why are you blushing, Nick?" Jeff asked him. "What did Sean say to you?"

"Sean was just telling me that he remembers how good my ass looks in these swimming trunks I have on." Nick said, with an embarrassed look on his face.

Danny looked at me, with a mock-serious look.

"Shame on you, Sean, for flirting with a married man." He joked.

"So, sue me." I said. "I can't help it if I still find Nick attractive."

Everyone laughed then, and Nick had to have blushed a deeper shade of red at that moment.

We were so involved in our teasing Nick that we almost forgot about the hamburgers. At least until Nick turned around towards the grill to look at them.

"Damn, the burgers are going to burn!" Nick exclaimed, as he set about flipping them over and putting cheese on some of them.

Since Nick was busy with the burgers, I took that moment to excuse myself.

"Hey, Nick, I'm going to talk with Jeff and Danny for awhile until you get done with the burgers, alright?" I told him.

Nick nodded. I could tell he seemed a little uncomfortable, but I didn't know why.

"Ok." Nick said, quietly. I'm going to be awhile here, anyway."

I turned towards Jeff and Danny who were standing a few feet away.

"Well you two, why don't you both go and finish working on your tans. I'll join you." I suggested.

"Sure." Jeff said, looking from me to Nick and frowning.

Jeff, Danny, and I both turned and walked over to the loungers. I slowly sat back into one and started applying sunscreen to my body so I wouldn't get sunburned later.

As I was doing that, I saw Jeff and Danny both looking at me from their loungers.

"What, guys?" I asked, wondering what they were staring at me like that before.

I saw Danny look back at Jeff and I saw Jeff nod at him. Then Danny turned back to me.

"We saw the way you were flirting with Nick earlier and we were just wondering what that was all about?" He said to me.

"Come on, you guys." I said, defensively. "A little flirting never hurt anyone before. I couldn't really call it flirting."

"Then, what would you call it?" Jeff asked me. "He didn't seem all that happy about it. Or was I reading him wrong?"

"Nick happened to be wearing those red trunks that he got when he and I were still together." I said to the both of them. "I was just shocked that he still has them after all this time. I thought that he would have put everything that reminded him of me away, or gotten rid of it."

"Sean, that's not the point." Danny said. "What we're wondering is something totally different."

Now he'd lost me. I frowned in confusion at I cast a glance back over at Nick who was taking some cheeseburgers off of the grill and setting them down on plates, nearby.

"What's that?" I asked, as I looked back at Danny.

Danny looked back at Jeff again, then back to me.

"I've seen the way you look at Nick sometimes and I have to wonder if........."

Danny broke off right then. He was unsure if he should say what was on his mind.

"Go head, Danny." I urged him. "say what's on your mind. I can take it."

"Alright." Danny said. Then he looked me right in the eyes. "You still love him. Don't you?"

Now, I was trapped. I looked over at both Danny and Jeff and noticed that they both believed the same thing. That I was still in love with Nick. But I couldn't just tell them that it was true. I didn't want Nick getting wind of it.

But I was saved at that moment by the pool gate opening and Ben Affleck walked in, along with Matt Damon. They were both wearing their swimming trunks and they both were wearing sun shades.

I chose that moment to make my escape.

"Ben! Matt! What's up?" I said, getting up and rushing over to them.

I swooped Ben up in a hug first. I was glad to see them both. Especially after the way I'd left them a while back when I left Los Angeles before.

"Hey, Sean." Ben said as he returned my hug. "How have you been?"

"Yeah." Matt threw in, as I released Ben and hugged him. "We both have been worried about you since the day you left so suddenly without saying goodbye to us in person."

"I know." I said, sadly. "And I feel really bad about that. How can I make it up to you guys?"

"Just don't leave like that again." Ben said, seriously. "You had us worried to death."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on doing that again." I said.

"Good." Matt replied, with a grin. "See that you don't."

Just then, Nick's voice rang out.

"Alright, Everyone, lunch is served!" He said, loudly. "Let's eat!"

We all headed towards Nick and the table to get some food.

****************************************************** BACK AT THE SIMPSON RESIDENCE................

"Jessica, come on!" Tina urged her. "The suspense is killing me! Are you pregnant or not?"

Jessica was looking at her mother for a few seconds and then her face broke into a grin.

"Yes!" She squealed. I'm pregnant! Again!"

"Oh, Honey, that's fantastic!" Tina crowed, excitedly, as Jessica leapt into her arms. "I'm so happy for you!"

Jessica's face faltered a little. I guess it was because she was wondering how Nick was going to take the news.

"Well, I don't think I should celebrate just yet." She said. "I still have to tell my husband. I wonder how he's going to take it."

Tina released Jessica and looked her in the face.

"I'm sure Nick will be thrilled, sweetie." She said. "Why wouldn't he be?"

Jessica thought about it for a moment. Even though she was happy to be pregnant again, even she knew that there were circumstances that would prevent some people from sharing her good news.

"Well, for one thing, the timing isn't exactly good." She said. "Especially after the fight Nick and I had about Sean, earlier this morning."

"Speaking of Sean." Tina said, with a serious look on her face. "How do you think he's going to react to this?"

"Oh, I'll find out soon enough." Jessica said, as she turned and walked over to a table nearby.

She grabbed her purse and turned back to her mother.

"Can you watch Nicole for a few more hours?" She asked. "I'd like her to stay here for awhile just in case things don't go well at home."

Tina agreed.

"Sure, I'll watch her." She said, with a smile on her face. "I just wish I could be there to see Sean's reaction to this. And now that I think about it, your getting pregnant might be just the thing to get Sean out of our lives once and for all."

"I hope you're right, Mom." Jessica said, as she opened the door. "I'll call you later."

"Ok. Bye sweetie." Her mother called after her, as she shut the door behind her.

Jessica walked to her car and got into it. She started the ignition and adjusted her mirrors. After that, she got out her lipstick and compact and started dolling herself up a bit to be presentable for Nick when she gave him the good news.

"It's showtime." Jessica said, as she applied her lipstick and put everything away.

She then backed out of the driveway and started heading back home to Nick's.

****************************************************** BACK AT THE LACHEY RESIDENCE...................

"Nick, I have to hand it to you." Ben said, as he took another bite of his cheeseburger. "You make an excellent chef."

"I try." Nick said, trying to sound modest about it. But nobody was buying it.

"Nick, come on." Matt said, around his food. "You cook well and you know it."

Nick smirked as he sat back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Thanks, Matt." He said. "Sean used to tell me that same thing. Right Sean?"

Nick didn't get a response from me because I hadn't heard him.

"Hey!" Danny said, trying to get my attention. "Sean, did you hear what Nick just said right now?"

I turned towards Danny, thinking I'd heard him say something just now.

"I'm sorry, Danny. What did you say?" I asked, when I'd finally snapped out of it.

The guys all took a good look at me. They definitely could see that I wasn't myself right now.

"Are you alright?" Matt asked me. "You not acting at all like yourself right now?"

I frowned at him, in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, wondering what he was thinking.

Matt looked at Nick and then back at me.

"Well for starters, you haven't said a word since we sat down to eat." He told me, as he was looking down at something.

"And you haven't even touched your food." He added.

I looked down at my cheeseburger and saw that Matt was right. I hadn't even touched my food since I got it. I then placed it on the table beside me.

I guess I'm not hungry right now." I said, as I got up out of my lounger. "Right now, I can't stop thinking about Justin and Kandi."

Everyone else wondered the same thing at that moment. Justin and Kandi hadn't been seen all morning. It was almost noon and we hadn't heard from either one of them yet.

"Why don't you call Justin, Nick?" I suggested to him. "I would feel alot better if I knew what was going on."

"So would I." Nick agreed, as he reached for the phone. "I'll do it."

Everyone kept quiet as Nick dialed Justin's cell phone number. Nick waited for a response.


Nick sighed in relief when he heard Justin's voice on the line.

"Justin, thank god I got ahold of you." Nick said to him, feeling relieved. "Where the hell are you and Kandi? We haven't seen you all morning ever since we got up and we're getting worried. Is everything alright?"

Nick didn't get a response right away from Justin. He could hear Justin breathing on the other end of the line.

"Justin, are you there?" Nick asked, making sure Justin was still on the line.

"Yeah, Nick, I'm here." Justin replied, his voice sounding strange. "Actually things are pretty intense right now for Kandi and I. We have something to tell you, but I'd rather wait until we both get home to tell you, guys."

Nick could hear the strange tone in Justin's voice. He knew something was wrong. He could feel it.

"Justin, what's wrong?" Nick asked him. "You sound terrible. Talk to me, man."

"I have to go, Nick." Justin said. "I'll talk to you and the rest of the guys, later."

"No, Justin! Wait!" Nick called out.

All he was met with was the dial tone, indicating that Justin had hung up.

"Damn it!" Nick said, worriedly, as he set the phone down. "Justin hung up on me."

Everyone, including myself, looked at Nick in concern, wondering what Justin had said to him, during that phone conversation.

"What did Justin say, Nick?" Ben asked him. "Did you find out where he and Kandi are?"

Nick shook his head.

"No." He replied, looking around at all of us. "All he told me is that things are intense with him and Kandi right now. He said he'd tell us all about it when they get back."

Everyone looked around at each other, all of us thinking the same thing. Now we all knew for sure that something was wrong. This was the first time anything was wrong with Justin and Kandi.

As long as I'd known Justin and Kandi they hadn't had a fight in their relationship, ever. Well, at least in the time I was with them before I was banished from their lives, they hadn't.

All I knew was that I wanted to be alone at the moment. I had alot on my mind right now. And it wasn't just Justin and Kandi.

I stood up.

"Guys, I'm going to get out of here." I said. "I need some time to myself."

I walked away, leaving the guys sitting there in shock. They looked at each other, wondering what was going on.

****************************************************** BACK AT THE POOL.............

"What was that all about?" Nick asked, looking after me.

Danny frowned. "I don't know." He said, getting up. "I'll go and talk to him.

"Wait a minute, Danny." Jeff said, as he started getting up also. "I'll come with you."

Danny shook his head.

"No, Jeff, stay here." He said, reluctantly. "I need to talk to Sean alone. We haven't had a chance to talk, just the two of us, for a long time."

"Ok, sexy." Jeff said, sitting back down, then motioning for Danny to come to him. "But before you do, give me a quick kiss first."

Danny grinned at Jeff's request. He was more than happy to honor that one. He leaned down towards Jeff.

"With pleasure, handsome." Danny murmured, as his lips met Jeff.

Jeff put his hand behind Danny's head and pulled him in for a deeper kiss.

After Jeff was satisfied, he let Danny stand up again.

"Don't be long, stud." Jeff said, with a smile. "I still want to have fun with you in the pool."

"Not to worry." Danny grinning. "We'll have plenty of time for that. Right now, I'm going to talk to Sean for a minute. I won't be long."

Danny turned and walked in the direction that I had gone.

Nick frowned as he watched Danny go, wondering what was wrong with Sean.

Then, he turned back to the rest of the guys.

"Well, you guys, is anyone ready for a dip in the pool?" He asked, everyone around him?

"I am." Matt said, standing up. "Let's do it."

Ben, Matt, and Nick got up and started heading for the pool. Matt and Ben both jumped in. Nick turned around to see Jeff, still sitting in the lounger.

Jeff, are you coming?" Nick asked him. Jeff shook his head.

"Not right now." Jeff said. I'm going to wait for Danny."

"Ok." Nick nodded. Then he looked at Jeff and noticed how worried Jeff was, by the expression on his face.

"Don't worry, Jeff." Nick said, softly. "Sean will be alright. I think he just has alot to sort though, that's all. He hasn't exactly had the best time right now."

"After all, he didn't get any sleep, during the flight here, he had a confrontation with our families, had to deal with Jessica's bitterness and insults, as well as the fact that before he left Orlando, he and Jake had a fight about me."

Now, Jeff was intruiged. He sat up in his lounger.

"Sean and Jake had a fight about you? He asked, curiously. "What about?"

Nick walked over to the lounger, next to Jeff, and sat down on it.

"It's a long story." Nick said, as he sat back in the lounger.

"Hey, I've got all the time in the world, man." Jeff said, laying back in his lounger, as well. "Let's hear it."

****************************************************** INSIDE THE HOUSE: IN THE LIVING ROOM.......

I was sitting on the sofa in the living room, just looking around the room, trying to hold back my tears.

My eyes fell upon Nick and Jessica's wedding photo, sitting up on the mantle and I took it down and looked at it.

I studied Nick's face and saw how happy he had been in that photo. The way he was smiling in that photo was a smile that only Jessica was able to bring out in him. He'd never smiled like that for me ever. He shared a bond with Jessica that I would never understand. After all they had years of history, compared to Nick and I, who had only shared months together.

I sat the picture back down and looked over some of the others that were placed there.

I came across one of Drew and Nick together with their arms around each other. They were both dressed in their tuxedos and they were both beaming with joy.

I was so engrossed in the photo, that I didn't hear anyone come into the room.


I jumped in surprise and spun around to face the owner of that voice: Danny.

"You startled me." I said, as I put the photo back onto the dresser. I turned around to face him.

"Are you alright?" Danny asked. "You left rather suddenly."

I saw the concern that was written on his face and for a moment, I caught a glimpse of the best friend that he once was to me, before I realized that we could never be that close again.

"I just have alot on my mind, Danny." I said. "I'm worried about Justin and Kandi right now, as well as other things."

"Like what?" Danny asked. "Talk to me, man. I want to help you."

I looked him in the eyes and took a deep breath before I said what was on m mind.

"You know," I started saying. "I look at you and I see the best friend that I once had. But now, when I look at you, all I can see is the man who turned his back on his truest, best friend that he ever had. Our days of being best friends are over."

I probably should have said all of that the way that I did, for Danny's concerned expression turned to hurt almost instantaneously.

I took that moment to continue talking.

"Danny, I'm sorry if that hurts you." I said to him, sympathetically. "I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just trying to be honest with you."

Danny nodded, as he started to wipe at a tear that was starting to come out of his eye. He didn't say anything, so I decided to go on.

"Remember, I told you before that there are no gaurantees that I'd be able to fully forgive you for what happened. I'm trying to get past it. But it's easier said than done."

"I understand." Danny said, as he wiped the tears away, only to have more of them replace the ones he did.

"Danny, don't misunderstand me here." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not saying that we can never be friends again. Anything is possible. But our relationship will never be what it used to be. Sure we'll probably be good friends in the future, but we won't be as close as we used to be."

"I know." Danny said, as he moved in closer to me and pulled me in for a hug. "And I can live with that as long as we are friends in some way. But I just want you to know that I still love you as much today as I ever did when we were best friends."

I pulled back from Danny's embrace and I wiped away his tears, now feeling bad for what I had said, now that I'd seen what it had done to him.

"Danny, I know what I said hurts you." I told him. "But I promised you that I would always be honest with you, even if it hurts you. All I'm trying to do is let you know how I'm feeling."

"And I appreciate that, despite how much it hurts me to hear it." Danny replied, as he turned away and looked out the window nearby.

"Danny, I"m ready to give you an answer to your earlier question if I"m still in love with Nick or not."

I saw Danny nod, but he didn't turn around. At that moment, I could feel my own waterworks start within me just from remembering how my love for Nick burned within my heart.

"And the answer is: Yes." I finished.

Danny spun around and looked at me, the shock written all over his face.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall, but I willed them away. I was trying to be strong. But I wasn't sucessful.

"It's true." I said to Danny, as the tears started streaming down my face. "I love Nick so much and yet, I can never tell him that."

Danny came over and pulled me into his arms, offering me comfort if I chose to take it.

I collapsed into his arms as I let it all out.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone what I told you, Danny." I said to him. "Especially Nick. He doesn't need to deal with this, on top of everything else he's going through right now."

"Shh," Danny soothed as he held me tight. "I won't tell anyone. Not even Jeff if that's what you want."

I lifted my head and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry I put you in this position, Danny." I said as I wiped at my wet face. "If you're not comfortable with this, then just forget I told you any of this."

"Don't worry about it, Sean." Danny whispered. "I can handle it. Besides, If this is one way i can prove to you that you can trust me again, than so be it."

I breathed a sigh of relief as I hugged Danny harder, as my way of showing my gratitude.

"Thank you, so much." I said to him. "But I want you to know that if things start to get tense between you and Jeff because of this, then you can tell him about my secret. But only if you have no choice."

"I understand, Sean." Danny said. "And thank you for giving me a chance at least to try to make up for my mistakes."

I nodded.

"I've already destroyed two brothers who's bond I thought could never be broken by anything or anyone." I said to Danny, sadly. "The last thing I want is for the same thing to happen with you and Jeff. I know how much you love him."

"Sean." Danny said, putting his hands on my shoulders and gently massaging them. "Don't worry about me and Jeff. We'll be just fine. And don't blame yourself for Drew and Nick's relationship being broken. It's not your fault. It was Drew's fault. He's the one who betrayed both you and Nick."

Now I was the one to protest that.

"But Danny." I started. "Indirectly, I'm the cause of Nick and Drew being at odds with each other. I swore I would never tear the Lachey family apart and, without meaning to, I did."

I turned away and looked back at the photos of Nick and Drew, as well as the photo of Nick and Jessica at their wedding. At that moment, another photo caught my eye.

I picked it up and looked at it. Drew and Nick were in the photo and Drew was holding Nicole in his arms.

"Now, I have to wonder if I really am trouble for everyone involved in this family?"

"Sean!" Danny exclaimed in shock. "How can you say that?" You've never been trouble for anyone. You know that and I know that. Even Nick knows that."

I set the photo back down and turned back to Danny.

"I don't want to talk anymore." I said. "Why don't you and I go back out there and join the guys in the pool? It might help take my mind off of things."

Danny smiled.

"That's a great idea." He said. "Come on, let's go."

He then put his arm around my shoulders and we walked back outside to the pool area.

Unfortunately, I was about to have an unpleasant surprise in store for me.


Danny and I walked back to the pool and saw that Jeff and Nick were sitting back in the loungers and they both were deep in conversation.

"Hey guys." I greeted Nick and Jeff as I walked up to them and took a seat in the lounger beside Nick and lay back in it. "You both look like you were having a pretty serious conversation."

"Yeah, babe." Danny said as he took a seat right in Jeff's lap, which almost toppled Jeff's lounger over. "What were you two talking about?"

"Baby, be careful." Jeff said, as his hands went around Danny's waist and started playing with Danny's rock hard abs. "You almost knocked the lounger and us over."

"Sorry, Sugar." Danny said, apologetically, using one of Jeff's popular nicnames. "What were you and Nick talking about just now?"

Nick decided to be the one to answer that.

"Actually, I was telling Jeff all about what happened back in Orlando with Sean and Jake before I came back home." He said, as he looked over at me.

As soon as Jake's name came up, I thought back to how I'd left things with him. I'm sure he was probably going to be worried when he found out that I was not at home today.

"What are you talking about?" Danny asked, looking from Nick and Jeff, then back to me. "What happened between you and Jake?"

"We had a fight.' I told Danny, as I walked over to the table nearby.

I grabbed some iced tea and poured it into a glass. Then I set the pitcher back down and walked over to the lounger beside Nick and sat down.

"I told Jake and Michelle that Nick and I used to be married and that's when they realized that Nick was the same Nick that had disowned me, along with the rest of you."

"How did they take it?" Jeff asked me.

"Not good." I told him. "Jake started laying into Nick and I couldn't take it anymore, so I told him to butt out."

"You did alot more than that, Sean." Nick said, sadly. "You hurt Jake when you said that I'd been there for you whenever you needed me, and you couldn't say the same about them. That had to hurt."

"I know it did." I said to Nick. "But hopefully Jake has cooled down by now and he'll realize that I didn't mean a word of what I said. Then, we can make up and be best friends again."

I caught a glance at Danny's face right before he turned away. I could tell that my last remark had hurt him. But more than that, I think he was jealous of Jake replacing him as my best friend.

"Would you all excuse me for a moment?" Danny asked.

And with that, Danny started walking away towards the house, leaving Nick and Jeff, astonished. I, on the other hand, knew exactly what had happened.

"I'm going to go and see if he's alright." Jeff said, getting up and walking after him.

I sat back in the lounger and took a sip of my iced tea. I set it back down beside the lounger and turned back to see Nick, looking at me, strangely.

"What is it, Nick?" I asked him. "What's that look about?"

Before he could answer me, I heard the pool gate opened and Jessica bounced through it.

"Hey guys, I'm back!" She said, cheerfully.

She walked over to where Nick was sitting and sat down next to him, on his recliner. She then pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted, earlier this morning, Baby." She apologized to him. "I promise I will behave better from now on."

I watched the two of them hugging, and I saw Nick look up at me, a frown on his face. My look mirrored his.

I looked over at Jeff and saw him give me a "What do you think she's up to?" look.

I shrugged my shoulders, as my way of telling him that I didn't know what was going on with her. She was obviously happy about something.

"Well, Babe, that's great and all, and I do accept your apology." Nick said. "But I'm curious as to what brought on this change of attitude?"

Jessica looked at him, grinning from ear to ear.

"I have some news." She said.

Just at that moment, Ben and Matt had gotten out of the pool and had walked over just in time to hear Jessica say she had news.

"News about what, Jessica?" Ben asked her.

Jessica took both of Nick's hands in hers and then blurted it out.

"I'm pregnant, Nick." She confessed. "You and I are going to have another baby."

****************************************************** BACK INSIDE THE LACHEY HOUSE........

"Danny, what's going on?" Jeff asked, as he shut the door behind him and followed Danny into the living room.

When Danny turned around, Jeff gasped when he saw his face. It was wet with tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Jeff asked, as he walked over to Danny and put his arms around him. "What are you so upset about?"

Danny hugged Jeff back, tightly.

"It's not that big of a deal, Sugar." He told Jeff. "I just felt a little hurt and jealous when Sean said he was going to make up with Jake and then they'd be best friends again.

Jeff released Danny and then wiped his tears away.

"I think you just need to be patient with Sean." Jeff said as he caressed Danny's jawline with his thumb. "He'll come around. It's just going to take some time."

Danny smiled.

"Thanks, Jeff." Danny whispered to him.

Jeff frowned. "For what?"

Danny then brought one of his hands up to Jeff's cheek and caressed it, lovingly.

"For being there for me and for giving me hope again that things will turn out alright for me."

Jeff nodded. Then his hand came up and rested on top of Danny's hand, which was still rested against his cheek. He pulled Danny's hand down and kissed it.

"I will always be there for you, Danny." Jeff whispered to him. "I love you and that will never change. I hope you always remember that."

"I will, Sugar." Danny said. Then he leaned in and his lips met Jeff's at that moment.

Their gentle kiss started to build up and become alot more. Danny slid his hands down Jeff buff chest, down his washboard abs, and then he came to Jeff's waist where he groped Jeff's rapidly growing member.

"I'd be careful, stud." Jeff said, his breathing getting heavy with lust. "If you keep this up, we're going to start something that we won't be able to finish."

Danny looked back up at Jeff and Jeff could see the desire in Danny's eyes. Danny leaned in, as if he was going to kiss Jeff again, and stopped, his lips just inches from Jeff's.

"But I'm such a strong finisher." Danny whispered, seductively.

"I know you are." Jeff said, with a lusty grin. "But we have to get back outside. We'll have plenty of time for that later."

Jeff turned to head back outside, but found that he couldn't move because Danny hadn't let go of Jeff's hardon.

"But I want you now, Sexy." Danny murmured, locking eyes with Jeff. "Right now."

After saying that, Danny upped the ante a little to see if he would get his way. He gave Jeff's crotch a few playful strokes.

Now Jeff was almost starting to give in to his desires, but once Danny jerked his hard member a few times, he lost all his restraint right then and there.

"Fuck it!" Jeff swore, as he was overcome with lust.

He jerked Danny close to him and ravished Danny's lips, as he kissed Danny back with an animalistic passion.

Danny threw his arms around Jeff's neck and jumped up on him, wrapping his legs around Jeff's waist, as he continued to kiss Jeff back with a fiery passion of his own.

Jeff started walking, with Danny wrapped around him, upstairs to their room.

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's it for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it!

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 74

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