My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 26, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


We both woke up to the alarm at 3:00p.m like I had set it for. I rolled over and shut if off and then turned towards Nick to wake him up. He was sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake him. He looked even cuter when he was sleeping. But I knew I had to wake him up, since this was our last day together until I joined him and the guys on tour in two weeks. I moved over towards Nick and uncovered him a little bit so I could get a look at his hot body. He was so sexy and muscular that I was getting hard just looking at his shapely muscles and his chest, moving up and down as he slept. I then started to kiss his stomach and start poking my tongue in his navel and doing all sorts of erotic things to wake him up. He stirred a little in his sleep but was not awake yet, I then traveled up to his beautiful chest where I took each nipple in my mouth, sucking and biting them gently, getting them hard with my agressive tongue. I heard him moan and then felt his hand on the back of my head, signaling that he was awake. I looked up and saw him with his eyes open, smiling dowa at me. "What a nice way to wake up, sweetie." he said softly, "Now I want to have some fun." he said, as he rolled on top of me and started grinding his clothed crotch into my own. He was rock hard and I groaned in pleasure as I felt his crotch make contact with mine. I then proceeded to run my hands all over his body, feeling every curve and every muscle as we continued our foreplay.

"Nick, I panted, I know I said that I didn't want to have sex, but I do want to mess around with you until I cum. In my underwear I mean. We shouldn't have any problem with that as lons as we're stilled clothed in our boxers. Besides I haven't released since I met you." I told him, shyly. Nick looked up at me, his face showing concern, and he wanted to be sure that this is what I wanted.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked.

"More than anything, I said to him, I want to release my load with you at least."

Nick grinned. "Alright, if you're sure, I'd love to have an orgasm with you, but once we get the all clear from your doctor, I want us to celebrate that night. I want to make love to you that night. Would you be up to it?" he aske me. I took a moment and thought about it.

"Sure I would." I want nothing more than to make love to you in everyway." But I can wait until we have the test results to do that." Well come on, let's get this orgasm started." I grinned. "Fine by me." Nick said. He then got back on top of me and proceeded to grind his hardness into me once more. Our moans got louder and lounder as we ground into each other faster and faster. I was starting to get close.

"Oh Nick! I moaned. "I"m gonna explode." Nick, hearing this, ground into me more aggressively. I could tell that he was getting close. As soon as we locked eyes with each other, that was all it took to set us both off. We groaned in pleasure as we felt our dicks pulsate between us, emptying our loads into our underwear. Nick rolled off of me and I ran to get some towels. I brought back the towels and threw one to him and proceeded to dry myself off as he did the same.

"That was incredible, Sean, Nick said, as he cleaned up. "I haven't felt like that in years."

"The feeling is mutual baby." I said to Nick. "You make me so hot all the time."

"Thanks, babe." Nick grinned as he threw his towel to me. I then took the towels as well as both of our cum dampened underwear and threw them into the hamper. I came back and noticed Nick standing by the bed, naked and had a confused look on his face.

"What's the matter, sexy." I asked him. Nick blushed. "I don't have any spare underwear." "I didn't think to bring any with me." He said, embarrassed. "I didn't think that this would happpen." I smiled at Nick, sympatheticaly.

"You can borrow a pair of my boxerbriefs." I offered. "Have you ever wore them before." I asked him. Nick shook his head. "No." He replied. "I've always just wore boxers.

"Well why don't you try them and see if you like them?" I asked him. Nick nodded, and I went to get a pair and handed them to him. He put them on and then turned to look at himself in the mirror. He looked good in my underwear. They were a bit tight on him, showing off his perfect butt and muscular legs. "So, do you like them?" I asked him. Nick turned to me, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary.

"I love them!" He said. I"m gonna start wearing these from now on. They feel so good.

"OK then, let's get dressed and go get some food, I'm starving." I said. Nick laughed.

"Well I can't have my man starving now can I? he asked. "Alright, let's get dressed and go.

We got dressed and left my house, heading for Red Lobster. We went it and a waiter took us to a secluded table, where we wouldn't be bothered and passed out our menus to us. We then decided on what to order. Then a waitress who didn't look more than 16, came to take our orders. As soon as she recognized Nick, her mouth dropped open in shock. Nick had such a look of panic on his face, that I knew I had to do something. I quickly stood up and put my hand over the waitress's mouth so she couldn't scream. I then leaned in to whisper in her ear. "If you keep quiet, He'll give you an autograph." "Please, just let us have a nice and quiet dinner and don't spoil our day for us, ok?" I asked her with pleading eyes. She nodded and I slowly took my hand from her mouth. As soon as I did that, she started rambling.

"I love your music." She breathed. "I listen to you guys all the time."

Nick just flashed her his killer smile, making her giggle with excitement. "Thank you." Nick replied sweetly to her, I'm glad you like our music and Me and the guys thank you for your support. "Do you got a pen?" he asked her. She then handed him her pen and a slip of paper. "What's your name, darling? Nick asked the waitress. "Melanie." She said, breathlessly. Nick then wrote a message and signed his name. He then handed the autographed slip of paper to her. "Thank you so much." She swooned. "Can I ask you for one more thing and then I'll take your order?" she asked. I watched Nick flash his killer smile again and I hoped like hell that she wasn't gonna ask him for a kiss.

"Sure, honey, what is it? Nick asked.

"Could I feel your muscles?" Melanie asked Nick, while blushing profusely. "Sure." Nick replied and flexed one of his muscled arms. Melanie laid a hand on his bicep and squeezed, feeling just how rock hard Nick was.

"Wow..., She stuttered. "You're so built. Wow.

"Thanks, I try to be. Nick grinned at her as she let go of his flexed arm. I was really happy that Nick adored his fans and was touched at how nice he was with them, but I couldn't help but also feel a little bit jealous seeing how this girl was fawning all over him and he seemed to be enjoying it. "Now can you take our orders, please, Nick asked politely.

"Ok, what do you want? Melanie asked as she grabbed her tablet and proceeded to take down our orders. She turned to Nick first.

"I"ll take the seafood combo meal with a lobster tail, fries, butterflied shrimp, a tossed salad, with Italian dressing, and some ice water to drink. Nick said. Melanie took it down and then turned to me. "And what would you like?" She asked me.

"I want the 30 shrimp meal with fries, a tossed salad with ranch dressing, and I'd also like some stuffed mushrooms on the side for appetizers. and I'd like a Coke to drink.

Melanie finished writing it down. "OK, I'll be back with your drinks, salads and appetizers in a few minutes. she said. As she was leaving, she shot me an envious look. I was sure she was just wishing that she were in my place, so I just ignored her glare and turned back to Nick to see him, staring at me. "What?" I asked. Nick then made a face. "How can you eat mushrooms? He asked. I can't stand them. I looked at him, with amusement flashing through my eyes. He was so cute when he made faces too. Not to mention hilarious.

"Hey don't knock it until you've tried it, baby." I whispered so only he could hear me. Who knows you might actually like them. I laughed.

Eww, I don't think so. Nick said as he made another face again, making me laugh again.

Just then, Melanie returned with our drinks, salads, and appetizers, and asked us if we needed or wanted anything else. We politely said no and she told us to let here know if we did and left us to eat, but not before she gave me another cold look. I frowned as she left. "What is that all about?" I thought. I then decided to just drop it and start eating since I was famished. I grabbed a stuffed mushroom, covered with mozzarella cheese, and started eating it.. I noticed Nick make another face as I bit into it and started chewing. "Will you stop that?! I whispered loudly to him after I had finished chewing. "Your face will freeze like that if you keep it up." "Besides I'm telling you, they're delicious." Here try one."

I picked up another cheese covered mushroom and held it in front of him.

"No way buddy, I don't like them." Nick said, waving it away. "Please?" "For me?" I asked, while giving him my best puppy dog face. Nick sighed. "Alright, he agreed. But if I get sick, don't say I didn't warn you." He then took a bite of the mushroom, his face contorted into a look of disgust. As he chewed, his face evened out and he nodded with a smile. "Hey, not bad." You're right." These are good." "What's in them?" he asked. I smiled, glad that he liked them.

"They've got crab and lobster meat in them. they're also topped with melted cheese." I explained to him. "I was just like you when i saw them, I never thought I would ever eat mushrooms. This is the only way I eat them.

Nick nodded. "Well they are good, Can I have another one? he asked. "Sure, eat them all if you want." I said,as I grabbed a biscuit out of the basket and proceeded to eat it as I worked on my salad. Nick ate all of the stuffed mushrooms that were left and continued to eat his own salad. After about fifteen minutes we finished up our salads and started talking again. I then decided to ask Nick a very important question.

"Nick, do your parents know about you?" I asked. Nick's face fell and I could see his smile turn to one of complete sadness. "Yes they do." "I told them about a year ago." He said, sadly. I saw his eyes start to well up with tears.

"How did they take it, babe? I asked him. Nick started to choke up and I immediately felt sorry for asking him about it. "I"m sorry, Nick." I apologized to him. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I said to him. Nick looked around quickly, seeing that nobody was in sight and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, remembering that we couldn't make it look like more than just buddies between us. "No, it's alright, Nick replied. You deserve to know." I gazed at him, my own eyes starting to tear up, just seeing him in pain. I hated seeing the man I loved in pain. Nick continued.

"Well my Mom was shocked at first but said that she loved me and she would still be there for me no matter what." "But Dad took it really bad." "He started yelling at me, saying that no son of his was gay, and then when I tried to beg him to let me explain so that he would understand, he hit me." "Then after that He told me that I wasn't his son anymore and he ordered me to get out and never come back."

After saying that, Nick broke down, crying and sobbing. I walked over to his side of the booth and sat beside him, pulling him to me. He held onto me for dear life as he cried into my chest. I did not care who saw us at this moment. I was going to comfort the man that I loved no matter what anyone thought at that moment. I was stunned at how Nick's Dad had reacted. I had no idea that he could be so callous and so cruel as to throw Nick out and to disown him like that. Then Melanie came back with our bills. Once she caught sight of Nick's emotional state, she immediately started rambling.

"Nick, what's wrong?" "Are you okay?" She asked. Nick just continued to cry into my chest and Melanie then looked at me with concern in her face. I decided to answer her.

"Nick's just going through a hard time right now, Mel, so just please leave the bills here on the table and I"ll pay them before I leave." I told her.

"But I want to help." Melanie complained.

"Do you really want to help Nick?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'll do anything." Melanie said. I then looked at her sternly.

"Then leave us alone and get back to work. This is none of your business. Besides you don't need to be all over Nick. He's taken you know." Nick's head shot up and he looked at me with pure panic on his face. Melanie was taken aback by my cold voice.

"By who? You? She asked, sarcastically. For a split second I almost told her everything, but didn't. If I had, she would probably go to the press and the media would have a field day with it and the guys careers would be in jeopardy. They'd resent me for it down the line, especially if they lost alot of fans because of Nick's sexuality. I couldn't let that happen, so I came up with a better answer.

"Why, Jessica Simpson of course. I said to her coldly. She's his girlfriend and she also happens to be a good friend of mine." I lied. "And let me give you some advice: Back off and leave Nick alone because if you make another move on him, I might just call Jessica up and when she hears about this, she'll come down here and rip your head off." "And you know how jealous she gets, don't you?" Now just leave the bills here on the table and leave us alone."

Melanie tried to act like she wasn't afraid, but I knew I had her terrified by her body language. She had found out just how jealous Jessica could be if she felt her territory was being threatened. Nick had told a talk show host about it a while back in a interview. She dropped the bills onto the table and ran off to take care of another customer. I heard Nick let out a sigh and I looked at him as he wiped his eyes and gazed at me, relieved.

"Man, I thought you were gonna tell her about us there for a minute." He said. I looked at him, seriously.

"I would never do that." I reassured him. "If I did, the press and the media would have a field day with it and you guys' careers would be in jeopardy. You lose a large amount of your fans, which are mostly teenage girls, and then you guys' would resent me for it down the road and I couldn't live with myself if you did." I said to him. "Now, let me go pay these bills." I said, as I grabbed the checks.

"Oh no you dont, I'm paying." Nick said, trying to grab his bill. I pulled it out of his reach and then leaned in to whisper in his ear. "You can pay me back, and I can think of more intimate ways for repayment." I whispered with a grin. He got the message and gave me his own sexy grin.

"Consider it done." He grinned. "Go on, I'll be fine." He said. "Alright, wait here." I said to him. I went to take the bills to the front to be paid. After that, I went to the restroom to urinate. I finished up and left the restroom, heading back to our booth. Right before I got there, I noticed that Melanie had came back and was sitting beside him, rubbing his muscular arm, and talking to him softly. I moved in more and hid behind a huge plant, totally out of sight behind them. I looked through the plant leaves and watched them and listened to them, talking.

"Nick, can I kiss you?" I heard Melanie say to him. Nick had a stunned look on his face and I was stunned too. I started getting angry. "She doesn't know when to quit, does she?" I thought to myself. Then I heard Nick answer her.

"Melanie, I don't think so, I'm involved and I don't think-

That was as far as Nick got before her lips were on his. His eyes opened wide in surprise, but he returned the kiss, reluctantly. If I was angry before, I was fuming now. I hated this girl. She was hanging all over my boyfriend like a bitch in heat. I wasn't angry with Nick since I had seen the look on his face and knew as well as saw that he wasn't into the kiss, so it wasn't his fault. He was just trying to be polite and not hurt her feelings. After they parted, Melanie looked at Nick, smiling.

"Please don't tell your friend or Jessica about this." "I just wanted to see what it would be like to kiss you." She's a very lucky girl to have you." With that said she walked off to assist another customer. I stood there until she was totally out of sight. Before I moved, I saw Nick shake his head and heard him talking out loud. "I'm sorry, Sean." I heard him say. "She kissed me and I returned it only to be polite." "I hope you can understand this when I figure out how I'm gonna tell you." He murmured. I then chose that moment to come out of hiding. "You already have, Nick." I said from behind him.

Nick jumped and whipped around to look at me. He looked like he was going to have a panic attack. "Sean, you scared the shit out of me! Nick said. "How long have you been standing there." he wanted to know.

"Actually, Babe, I've been hiding behind this bush and I saw and heard everything. I saw her kiss you and if I hadn't seen the look on your face when she did, believe me I'd be furious. But I could tell you weren't into it anyway. She kissed you, you didn't kiss her, so don't worry about it, it's not your fault." I reassured him."

"Thank you, Sexy." Nick said as he stood up and gave me a quick hug. "So, did you pay the bills?" He asked.

"Yep, and it's already 6p.m. so let's go back to your hotel." I said. Nick nodded and we headed out towards the exit. As we did, we ran into Melanie coming our way with a tray of drinks, stopping us on our way out. "So Nick are you feeling better now?" She asked him, while grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary. "I'm fine now thanks." Nick said, smiling. I then turned to Nick. "Nick, why don't you take my keys and go start the SUV and I'll be out in a minute ok?" I asked him.

"Alright, don't be long." He said. I handed him my keys and he walked out to the SUV. I then turned to Melanie. "Alright, you little bitch, you listen to me and you listen good." I said to her, angrily. Melanie was taken aback by my cold tone of voice. I continued.

"I do not appreciate your behavior to us this evening. It's one thing to ask for an autograph and feel Nick's muscles, but to make another move on him and throw yourself at him like a bitch in heat, was really foolish of you and I warned you not to do it." I told her, sternly.

Melanie's face contorted into one of terror when she realized that I must have seen the kiss. "Thats right, I saw you kiss him and if Jessica hears about this she'll come down here and kick your cute little ass." Then after you've been beaten by her, you'll also be out of a job." "Now you have a nice day." I said and I started to leave. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to her roughly. "You're not gonna tell her are you?" She wailed. I had her good and scared now. I yanked my arm away from her. "We'll just have to wait and see now won't we?" I asked her with an evil grin on my face. I then turned to leave and before I went out the door, I turned back just in time to see Melanie spill the tray of drinks all over her customers. The customers berated her as she turned red from embarrassment. I laughed as I exited the restaurant. I walked to the SUV and got in, still laughing which got me a confused look from Nick, making him wonder what I was laughing about.

"What's so funny?" he asked me.

"Well after you left, I told Melanie that I saw you guys kiss and that if Jessica found out about it, she'd kick her ass." "You should have seen her face." "It was priceless." I had her scared." "She asked if I was gonna tell Jessica about the kiss and I just said to her: "We'll just have to wait and see now won't we?" "Then as I was leaving, I saw her spill those drinks she was holding when she stopped us, all over her customers." "It was so funny." I kept on giggling.

Nick didn't say much after that and I noticed that he had an intense look on his face, meaning he had alot on his mind, but I decided to just let him sort it all out and talk to me when he was ready. We rode back to the hotel in silence and I parked the SUV in the back of the hotel and shut off the ignition. Nick and I got out and headed up to his room. We entered and he closed the door behind him and sat down beside me on the bed. I then leaned in and kissed him. After that, I pulled back and looked into his beautiful face.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since you started crying at Red Lobster." I said, sweetly. "I'm sorry that I brought up your parents." "I had no idea that it was so painful for you." I replied. Nick looked up at me and smiled. "You don't have to apologize to me for anything." "And just so you know that was also another reason why I kind of freaked out when I found out that you were gay. My mind flashed back to that argument." "I'm sorry again for how I treated you." Nick said.

"Shh." I said, as I put my finger to his lips. "Don't talk about that, let's just enjoy our last four hours together, before you all have to leave tommorrow morning and I have to go home tonight." I said, sadly. Nick sighed heavily. We knew that it was inevitable that we'd be separated eventually. So, I decided to just enjoy my last few hours with him before I had to go home. Nick then pushed me back down on the bed and we started to make out. I ran my hands up and down his body as he kissed me. I could never get enough of him. I loved him so much and I hoped that one day I could get him reunited with his family one day.

Before we could get into it, we heard a knock on the door. Nick and I both sighed, disappointed that we were interrupted. I walked to the door and opened it, revealing Drew, Jeff and Justin standing there. "Hey guys, come on in." I said to them, motioning for them to come in. They entered and I shut the door. I walked into the bedroom where Drew had taken a seat beside Nick on the bed and the guys were sitting on the other bed across from them.

"So, how was your day, guys? I asked as I sat down on the other side of Nick. Jeff was the first one to answer. "We had a blast! he crowed. "We went back to Dale's again and this time, we all got lucky." My eyes widened.

"What? I gasped. "You mean, you guys got it on with some girls."

"No, no, nothing like that." Justin laughed. "We just got the numbers of some girls who are from where we all live and we said that we'd call them up and party with them again sometime."

"Oh. I said, surprised. "I'm sorry I thought you meant you had sex with them."

"No, we didn't. Drew said. "We just had fun. So, what do you guys want to do now? Drew asked us all.

"How about we watch a movie." Nick suggested. Me and the guys all thought it was a good idea. Then I remembered Danny. Maybe he'd like to be here to watch a movie and say goodbye to the guys when we left.

"Hey guys why don't I call Danny and see if he wants to join us tonight. Then you guys can say goodbye to both of us tonight." I said.

"That'll be great, I miss that guy." Jeff said to me. "He and I have alot in common."

"That's so cool." I said to him. "I'm so glad that you, Justin and he are getting close.

"I"m glad that you introduced us to him that night. I was also wondering something about him." Justin said.

"What's that? I said.

"The way he's so protective of you and so affectionate with you makes me wonder if he's in love with you." Justin said.

My mouth dropped open in shock for a second before I burst out laughing. The guys and Nick looked at me like I had gone crazy.

"No guys, I said as I stopped laughing. Danny is straight so he's not in love with me. You guys heard him talking about girls before haven't you? plus he's dating Amber, who's his girlfriend. He loves me, no doubt about it, but it's purely platonic. We love each other like brothers, not anything more. Just the best of friends." I said to them. I saw Justin nod at me. "Yeah we do, He said. I"m sorry I brought it up." he said. "That's ok." I told him. "Sometimes people do wonder about me and Danny being as close as we are, but we just tell them that we're just friends.

"So, what movie are we gonna watch?" Drew asked. How about "The Bachelor?" I suggested. "Chris O' Donnell is so cute." I swooned. Jeff, Drew and Justin just rolled their eyes and Nick hit me in the back of the head, playfully. "OW! I yelled, feigning hurt. "What was that for?" I asked him.

"You just said that Chris was cute." Nick said, pretending to be upset. "Do I have to keep an eye on you?" he joked. I smiled and kissed him on the lips quickly. Nick beamed after I did that.

"Well he is, isn't he?" I asked Nick. Nick nodded. "Yeah he's gorgeous, but you don't kiss as well as he does." He said with a straight face. MY mouth dropped open in complete and utter shock and surprise.

"What do you mean I don't kiss as well as he does?" I said, getting upset. "Are you telling me that Chris is gay too?" I asked.

Then all the guys started laughing. I was confused as to what they would find funny about Chris being gay. Then Nick spoke up.

"I was just kidding, Sean. I"ve never kissed Chris, so I can't say that he kisses better anyway. I was stunned and then I punched him in the arm, playfully. "Ouch!" Nick said, laughing his ass off. "You little bitch! "YOu had me going there for a moment." "Now tell me if Chris kisses better than me." I said as I grabbed him and gave him the most aggressive kiss that I"ve ever initiated.

After about 30 seconds, Nick came up breathless, with a surprised look on his face. "Wow." he said. "You definitely kiss better than Chris anyday of the week."

"That's better." I said. "Now I"m gonna call Danny and see if he wants to come and watch the movie with us." I said as I picked up the phone and dialed Danny's home number. He must have been sitting right by it, because he picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Dan, it's Sean. I said. "Hey Sean, What's up? Danny greeted me.

"Well I"m here with the guys and we're getting ready to watch a movie and I was wondering if you wanted to join us? Then you can say goodbye to the guys before they have to leave tommorrow. How about it? I asked.

"They're leaving already?" Danny asked in amazement. I sighed.

"Yeah, They leave for Pittsburgh tommorrow for they're next show." I told him.

"Well count me in." "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Danny said. I then decided to be sarcastic. "Just don't get a speeding ticket trying to get here." I joked.

"Oh shut up you Hornball, Danny retorted with a giggle. I drive better than you anytime." He said.

"Yeah yeah yeah, just get your ass over here, buddy." I snickered.

"You just keep your mind off of my ass! He laughed. "I"ll be there, Bye."

"Bye." I said as I hung up. I then turned to the guys. "Well Danny said he's all for it and he'll be here in 10 minutes." I told them. Nick then put his arms around me. I leaned back into him and the guys just rolled their eyes and they watched me and Nick get into it again. We felt a pillow hit us in the head and I turned to see who threw it and saw Jeff and Justin pointing at Drew. Drew just smiled as I cocked an eyebrow. "You should know that no-one hits me with a pillow, Drew. "Not unless you want to be sorry." I warned him and grabbed the pillow and started charging at him, swinging the pillow at him. He ducked and ran over to the other bed where he grabbed a pillow of his own to defend himself. I swung and hit him in the side of the head and he swung back getting me right in the face, I staggered back right on top of Nick who had been laughing his ass off. He put his arms around my waist and started to lean in to kiss me, I turned to see Drew swing the pillow at me at the same time. I ducked and the pillow hit Nick right in the face, knocking him back down on the bed. The look on his face was priceless and I busted up laughing as he glared at me in shock. "Don't look at me, Baby." I said between fits of laughter, "It was Drew who did that." I said. Nick looked at Drew and then he pushed me aside and went after Drew who started running into the living room to get away. Nick caught him and pushed him on the couch and started to tickle him, while pinning his arms down, like the guys had done to me when we had been here before. Drew laughed and screamed for help. The guys and I stood by and laughed, while watching Nick tickle Drew to death. I finally walked over and yanked him off of Drew and proceeded to wrestle him down. He was so much stronger than Drew that I couldn't even move my arms when he grabbed them and I tried to get at him to tickle him. But then I pulled him down and flipped him off of me in a backwards somersault in which he ended up on his back. He hit the floor hard and cried out in pain. I panicked immediately and rushed over to him. Oh my gosh, Nick, I'm so sorry are you alright? I asked him, frantically. I walked over to him to help him get up. "Why did you do that?" He asked me, out of breath. "That hurt." Before I could answer him, Danny came rushing into the room, startling all of us. "What's the hell's going on in here? He shouted. the guys whirled in his direction all ready to fight until they realized who it was.

Let's just say that it started with a pillow fight and went from there." Jeff said, laughing as he put his arm around Danny. Danny laughed along with Jeff. "Nick are you ok? Justin asked Nick. "I'll be fine." Nick said. I put my arm around his waist and led him back over to the couch and laid him down on it. I then laid behind him and draped my arm across his waist and after pulling up his shirt, I started to stroke his abs, running my hand up and down his chiseled stomach. Nick loved it when I did that. The guys all rolled their eyes and sat down to put on the movie. I continued to stroke Nick's abs and I kissed him on the cheek. He didn't respond, so I leaned over to look at him and discovered that he'd fallen asleep. I removed my hand from under his shirt and slowly slid out from behind him and went to sit beside Jeff and Danny to watch the movie. Danny put his arm around me as I sat down. "Man, you sure managed to get him to sleep fast." he gigled quietly. I then remembered that Danny didn't know about the tour, I had to tell him.

"Hey guess what, buddy? I asked him.

"What? Danny asked me, curiously.

"I'm going on tour with the guys in two weeks." I whispered excitedly. Danny's jaw dropped open in surprise. "No way! He said in disbelief. "That's great! How'd you manage to do that?" He asked me.

"Well Nick called and asked Management if they had a job for me while traveling on the road. I only agreed to go if they got me a job so I'd have something to do while on the road and you're never gonna believe what the job is. I said to him. It's the same thing that I'm doing right now, but not only am I a production assistant, I"m also going to be their fashion coordinator and help pick out thier clothes for them and I get paid $20 bucks an hour. Danny raised his eyebrows and whistled softly enough not to wake up Nick.

"Wow, man you're lucky to have him. The fact that you're gonna give up your old job to be with him is really something. You must really love him alot to do that." Danny said. I smiled. "I love him more than you will ever know." I said to Danny, as I gazed at Nick's sleeping form. He looked so angelic when he was sleeping. "Well I hope you two are always this happy." You both deserve it." Danny whispered while grinning at me. We then turned to watch the rest of the movie. When it was over, The guys, except Nick who was still sleeping all yawned and stood up. I looked at my watch and noticed that It was 10:00p.m. already. I stood up just as Drew came over to me. "Hey, Sean, aren't you going to wake him up?" he asked me. "No, not yet, let him sleep a little bit longer, I need to talk to you guys before he wakes up." I said to him. Drew nodded and then ushered the guys into the bedroom area. I followed leaving Nick asleep on the couch. I went into the bedroom to see the guys all staring at me. I took a deep breath and started talking.

"I just wanted to talk to you guys before I said goodbye to you and Nick. I said to them.

"What about?" Jeff asked.

"You know these 2 weeks are going to be hard on him. Both of us for that matter. I just want to ask you all to be there for him and try to comfort him on days he gets lonely. I don't want him getting depressed. It's not healthy. "Will you guys do that for me?" I asked them.

"Sure we will, you can count on us." Justin said to me. I nodded. "I knew I could." "Well let me say goodbye to you guys and then you can go to bed." I said to them. I stood in front of Justin first and put my hands on his shoulders. "Thanks for everything, Justin." "For accepting me into the group and for being there for me when I needed you." I said to him. Justin smiled and then grabbed me into a hug. "You can always count on me to be there for you." He said. He let me go and I then walked over to Jeff and grabbed him into a hug, which he returned tightly. I realized that I hadn't spent that much time with Jeff that much and I immediately felt bad about it.

"Jeff, I'm so sorry that I haven't spent that much time with you and the rest of the guys that much. I'm always with Nick and never with you guys and I feel like I've just ignored you all like you don't even exist." I said as I started to cry. Jeff just rubbed my back gently to comfort me as I sobbed into his muscular chest.

"You haven't done it purposely, Sean, don't feel bad." You're a man in love and I understand." "Besides we'll be seeing more of each other when you come on tour with us in 2 weeks." Jeff reassured me as he rubbed my back. I then noticed that there were more hands on me and one was squeezing my shoulder, and the other was stroking my arm. The one on my shoulder was Drew's and the one on my arm was Danny's. I released Jeff and then he and Justin hugged Danny, said goodnight to Drew and left to go to bed in their rooms. I then turned to Drew. If saying goodbye to anyone else besides Nick was gonna be the hardest, it would be him. Drew and I had become really close since we met, and second to Danny, he was quickly becoming one of the best friends that I'd ever had. Drew was always so easy to talk to and he was a good listener for whenever you had a problem.

I looked into Drew's eyes and saw the tears that he was trying unsuccessfully to hold back, falling down his face. I then put my arms around him, hugging him. Drew hugged me back in a tight bear hug.

"You're like a brother to me.""I love you, Sprout." I said, using one of Drew's many nicknames. Drew gasped and pulled back from me, but didn't release me from the hug. "You know I"ve never heard you call me that since we met." He said to me.

"You don't mind do you?" I asked him. Drew smiled and shook his head. "Not at all, after all you and Danny are basically family to us now." "And I love you too." He said and pulled me in for another hug. He then released me and we both wiped at our eyes, and so did Danny, who had been watching us. "Hey, I"m gonna go wake up Nick, stay here, Drew, Ok? I said to him. He nodded and turned to talk to Danny as I walked into the living room to see Nick, still asleep. I walked over to him and shook him, gently. His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at me, smiling.

"Hey, he said sleepily. "What time is it?" he asked.

"It's time for us to say goodbye to each other." I said to him, sadly. Nick immediately sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up.

"Already?" He asked in disbelief. "How long have I been asleep?

"Ever since the movie started about two hours ago." I told him. Nick stood up and put his arm around me and we walked out to the bedroom where Drew and Danny were waiting for us.

"Well look who's awake." Danny said with a smile as Nick and I walked into the bedroom.

"Hey Danny." Nick said. "I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you much today." he apologized. Danny just shrugged it off.

"No problem, We'll talk another time, right now we gotta get going so you guys can get to bed." he said. He came over and hugged Nick tightly. I looked on, happy that my best friend and my boyfriend were becoming close.

"Alright I"ll be outside in a few minutes Danny, just give me a few minutes with Nick and Drew." Danny nodded. "I"ll wait for you outside by my car." he said to me. I nodded to him and he then hugged Drew and left the room. I turned to Nick and took his hands into mine.

"I love you, babe. I said to him, starting to cry again. he wasn't far behind me. "I don't know how to thank you enough to everything that you have done for me. I"ll see you in two weeks. I promise." I said to him. I then pulled him to me and he hugged me like he would never let me go. He started sobbing into my shoulder as the tears streamed down my face too. Then he cupped my face into his hands and gave me the softest, gentlest, more passionate kiss I've ever had. I clung to him and let his tongue explore my mouth as my tongue wrestled with his. When we pulled back, we were both smiling through our tears. "That should hold us both over until we see each other again in 2 weeks. I said to him. He nodded and turned to Drew. "Well bro, get another hug from him while you can, so he can go." Drew then smiled at Nick and came over and hugged me again.

"You know if and when Nick and I decide to get married one day, you're gonna make one hell of a brother in law." I said to him. Drew laughed a little. "So will you." He said. He let go of me and I gave Nick one more kiss.

"I love you, muscles." I said to him. "I love you too, sexy."Nick said and flexed for me again as I felt him for the last time until we meet again. Drew decided to flex too. I felt him and he was rock hard too. "Well I have to admit, I didn't know that you were Nick's brother until I looked at the resemblance in your face and how muscular you were." I said to him, causing him and Nick to start laughing. "Goodbye you two. I'll see you soon." I said. Nick and Drew walked me to the door and I kissed Nick goodbye and gave Drew one last hug before they shut the door. I walked to the elevator and hit the down button. The elevator opened it's doors and I got in and punched the button for the lobby. The elevater began it's descent and stopped in the lobby where I walked to the back entrance where my SUV was parked, and Danny was waiting for me. I walked out and saw him waiting by his car. As soon as I got up to him, he grabbed me in a hug. "How are you holding up?" He asked, worry in his voice. "I"m ok, Danny." I said. "I know I'll see him again soon." I said. "Well I gotta get home and get up for class, so I'll see you tommorrow after school maybe and we'll go out and do something, ok? Danny asked, still hugging me. "Count on it, buddy." I said to him as I released him.

We both got into our cars and headed to our respective homes. I got home and parked. I locked the SUV's doors and went to the apartment, where I unlocked the door and went in. I locked the doors in the apartment and headed to my room and took off my clothes for bed. I set the alarm to get me up at 6:30 so I could take a long shower in the morning before work. I crawled under the covers and turned out the light.

"I love you Nick." I murmured before I fell fast asleep.


Well that's it for now. Send comments and even criticism to me email and also if you want, send me some suggestions as to what you might like to see happen in the story. Stayed tuned for chapter 8 coming soon. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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