My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Feb 4, 2004



I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

NEWSFLASH: To those of you who don't already know, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, in real life, have reconciled and are now husband and wife. I wish them all the best with their marriage and hope they live a long and happy life together.

If you want details about their wedding, check out the 98 Degrees Official Website at

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

"What I feel for you." is an awesome story and Thack, himself deserves applause for all of his hard work on it.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

Drew turned around and headed for the stairs. Jessica stopped him.

"Obviously, you're not going to listen to me." She said, looking petrified. "So, if you're really going to do this, I hope you realize that you're destroying alot more than just your bond with Nick."

Drew just shook his head, annoyed at how irrational she was being. He brushed past her and headed upstairs to his brother's room.

He found Nick, sitting on the bed, waiting for him. Nick stood up as Drew entered.

"Alright, Drew, we're alone now." Nick said. "Now, will you please tell me what's bothering you?"

Drew looked at Nick for what seemed like the longest time and then he walked over to him and put his arms around his big brother's shoulders, and hugged him close.

Nick was a little surprised by Drew's sudden affection, but he recovered quickly and hugged Drew back strongly.

"I hope you realize that there's nothing you can't say to me." Nick said, patting Drew's back. "Whatever is bothering you, it can't be that bad. We can fix whatever it is. I love you. You know that, right?"

Drew pulled back from their brotherly hug and looked Nick right in the face. Nick could see that Drew was very torn up about something.

"Drew, you're starting to scare me." Nick said, as he put his hand on Drew's shoulder. He saw the tears that were running down his little brother's face.

"I'm sorry, Nick." Drew said, as he walked by him. "I don't mean to. But I have something to tell you. Something I should have told you a long time ago."

"What is it, Drew?" Nick asked him. "I know you said that you had alot on you mind earlier and that it involves me. Is that what this is all about?"

"Yes." Drew said. "And it also involves Sean too."

"What does Sean have to do with this?" Nick asked Drew.

Drew couldn't say anything more and turned around and walked towards Nick's bedroom window and looked outside.

"God, this is so hard." Drew said. "Nick, do you remember last night when you asked me about what I'd done to Sean?"

"Yeah." Nick said. "And you told me that you wanted to wait until today to tell me and since we had alot to do today, you haven't had a chance to tell me anything until now."

"Right." Drew said, turning around to face Nick. "You're going to hate me for this, Nick. Sean already does and that's why he beat me up.

"He never told me much about that." Nick said, thinking back to the day he saw Sean in Orlando. "Just that you had hurt him somehow."

"Do you remember two years ago when you found out that your marriage to Sean wasn't legal? and how the minister was a fraud?" Drew suddenly asked Nick.

Nick was stunned to say the least that Drew was bringing up that part of the past and all of sudden he was getting a very uneasy feeling. He had a feeling that whatever Drew was going to tell him, he was not going to like at all.

"Yeah." Nick said, slowly. "Why are you bringing that up now, after all of this time?"

Drew took a deep breath, and he prepared himself to tell Nick the awful truth. The truth that could forever alter their relationship.

"Because, I'm the one who's responsible for your marriage to Sean, not being legal." Drew admitted. "I paid off someone to act as a minister so you and Sean wouldn't be legally married."

*********** CHAPTER 66 ***********

IN NICK'S ROOM..............

No words could describe what Nick was feeling at that very moment when he heard what Drew had told him.

"Did I hear you, right?" Nick asked, the expression on his face, changing to hurt. "Tell me I didn't hear what I think I did?"

Drew looked back at Nick and saw that he was starting to look like he was going to have a panic attack or something.

"I'm sorry, Nick." Drew whispered. "I wish I could, but I can't. It's the truth. I paid off a man to act as a minister so you and Sean couldn't be together legally. And that is why Sean beat me up when he found out the truth."

Nick's face crumpled. At first he looked like he was going to cry, but then he was mad. He couldn't believe what he was hearing: His own brother had betrayed him!

"So, let me get this straight." Nick said, raising his hands, trying to calm himself of all the emotions that were starting to overwhelm him. "You're telling me that you, my little brother, whom I love more than life, are responsible for destroying one of the most memorable moments of my entire life? "And because of you, I ended up throwing away the one man who loved me, all because I thought that he couldn't be honest with me? All because he couldn't tell me that our marriage wasn't legal?"

Drew sniffed, and wiped at his eyes as he watched Nick, closely. He knew that Nick was about to lose it. But it hadn't registered yet.

"Oh, God!" Nick whispered, as his eyes welled up with tears. "And here I thought that Sean had betrayed me by lying."

Nick turned to look at Drew. As soon as he locked eyes with his brother and saw the guilt written all over his face, he couldn't contain himself any longer.

"AND INSTEAD, IT WAS YOU!!!!!!!!" He bellowed, just as two tears fell down his face.

Drew hung his head in shame and put his head into his hands. He knew that he'd done wrong and now he had to deal with the consequences of his actions.


Drew looked up at Nick, as he tried to steady himself so he could try to help Nick understand why he did what he did.

"Nick, please." Drew said, raising his hands, hoping Nick would calm down some. "Let me try to explain."


Drew took a few steps towards Nick, but kept his distance. He was afraid to step any closer to his brother right now. He was afraid and had no idea what Nick would do if he came any closer.

"Nick, please calm down." Drew said. "Nicole is sleeping downstairs. You don't want to wake her up."


Drew sighed heavily. Then he began.

"Nick, you have to understand that I was in love with Sean." Drew said, as his eyes filled with tears. "I still am. Even though, I was happy for you and Sean the day of your wedding, I still wasn't ready to let him go. I thought I was, but I was wrong. I was so desperate not to lose him, that I listened to my heart and not my head."

Nick calmed down a bit, enough to stop screaming at Drew, but was still angry at him.

"That's no excuse, and you know it, Bro!" Nick said, loudly. "You still went ahead and betrayed me anyway!"

Drew turned away and walked back to the window, unable to look at his brother. The guilt he was feeling right now was too intense for him.

Nick then wondered something.

"Who else knows about this?" He asked Drew, in a quieter tone. "Just me, you, and Sean?"

"No." Drew said. "The rest of the guys, and Kandi, know too."

He turned and looked at Nick and named the most important person, as well.

"And Jessica." He finished.

Nick's eyes bulged.

"Jessica knew about this too?!"

******************************************************* DOWNSTAIRS.................

"I think Drew just told Nick the truth." Jeff said, from the couch. "I just heard him screaming just a minute ago."

Jessica jumped up from her chair.

"That's it!" She said. "I'm going up there."

As she started to walked towards the stairs, Kandi grabbed her arm. stopping her in her tracks.

"No, you're not, honey." Kandi said, calm, yet firmly. "Drew wanted to speak to Nick alone and you're going to have to respect his wishes. You don't need to get yourself any more involved than you already are. It's not going to help things."

"But, Nick is my husband, Kandi." Jessica said, as Kandi let go of her arm. "I love him. And whether any of us likes it or not, I'm already involved. I'm stuck in the middle of this whole mess."

Jessica walked over to the playpen to look in on Nicole. Luckily, she was still asleep. She had managed to sleep through Nick's screaming. It wasn't as loud as she thought it would be since they were both upstairs in his room and the door was shut, which helped some.

"A part of me wishes that Drew had never told us the truth." Jessica said. Then she turned towards the guys.

"Yet, you guys forced it out of him." She said, as the first two tears started running down her face. "If you hadn't have done that and left Drew alone, maybe none of this would be happening right now! I wouldn't be losing my family right now!"

"Whoa, Jessica! Hold on!" Justin said, turning to look at her. "You're blaming us for this?! Why?! If you should be blaming anyone, it should be Drew. He's the one who started all of this."

"No, he didn't." Jessica said, angrily. "Sean did! He just had to try to prove that he's a man by taking a beating out on Drew's face! Well, what a creep! Drew did not deserve that!"

"Maybe. Maybe not." Jeff said, trying to make Jessica see reason. "But you can't blame Sean for this. It's not fair!"

"Not fair?!" Jessica asked, in shock, like she'd just been scolded. Now she was started to get mad.

"I'll tell you what's not fair." She said, loudly. "My daughter is about to lose her family, all because of one stupid secret that should have been left in the past!"

"Shhh!" Everyone hissed loudly, looking over at Nicole to see if she'd wake up.

Nicole stirred a little bit, but didn't awaken. Jessica breathed a sigh of relief and took a moment to calm down.

"As I was saying," She said, in a quieter tone. "There was no need for Drew to tell Nick the truth. The only reason he's doing it is so Nick doesn't hear it from someone else. Like Sean!"

Everyone looked at her and could see that even though she'd managed to be civil with Sean a few times, that she still disliked him like noboby's business.

"I wish Sean had never come back into Nick's life!" Jessica said. "All he's done since then, is cause trouble for me and my family! After all Nick left town for days and it was a miracle that he came back to me and we found our way back to each other."

Jessica wiped at the remainder of her tears and cleared them from her face.

"I almost lost everything before, but not this time!" She continued. "Nick and I are going to stay together. And I intend to make sure that happens! Whatever it takes, I will not lose my husband to a disgusting, man-eating, slut like Sean Perry!"

"Jessica!" Danny scolded her, keeping his voice low. "That's my best friend you're talking about!"

"Yeah, Jessica." Jeff agreed. "And I'm curious. How are you going to make sure that you don't lose Nick? If Nick wants to be with Sean, he's going to be with him and there's nothing any of us can do to stop him!"

"That's what you think." Jessica said. "But I know differently.


The more bombshells that Drew dropped, the more angry and bitter Nick became. He had just learned that Jessica had known about Drew's little secret and she never said a word to him.

"Well, " Nick said, throwing his hands up in the air, laughing a bit. But not happy laughter. "It looks like you're not the only one with a secret huh?"

"Don't be mad at your wife, Bro." Drew said. "She just found out the other day, before we knew you were back."

Nick was silent for a moment. His thoughts were in a whirl. He didn't know what to think or what to feel at that particular moment. All he could feel was anger. And it was directed at his brother.

"You know, she didn't want me to tell you any of this?" Drew asked him.

Nick jerked his head around when he heard that. Every confession from Drew was getting more and more unbelieveable by the minute.

"She didn't?!" He asked in shock." What about the rest of the guys?"

"The exact opposite." Drew said. "When they found out what I'd done, they wanted me to tell you right away when you came back home, which we didn't know at the time when that would be."

"And then, when Sean called us and told us you were coming home, they all convinced me to wait until today to tell you, since they wanted you to enjoy your first day back home and to have time with Jessica and Nicole before you were told any of this."

Realization dawned on Nick's face at what Drew was telling him. That's why they'd all looked so intense last night.

"That's what you guys were talking about when you were all huddled together in the kitchen." Nick said. "You were talking about telling me right then, last night."

"Yes." Drew said, walking over to Nick. He stood beside him, just a few feet away. "Jessica managed to convince me to wait until today since you were so exhausted from jetlag and you wanted to spend some time with Nicole before you and Jessica went to bed."

Nick's eyes closed and the tears continued to fall down his face, as the pain of his brother's betrayal, continued to hack at his very soul.

"Yet, she was willing to keep this secret frome me indefinitely if she had to." Nick said, still crying. "And I would have gone on, believing that she would always have been honest with me about everything."

Drew couldn't stand, seeing Nick in this turmoil. But he knew that it was his fault. He had done the unforgiveable. He knew that there was probably no way to fix what he had done.

"Nick, Sean didn't want you to know about this secret either." Drew said. "He knew more than anyone what I stand to lose by telling you the truth. That our relationship would be in jeopardy and he said he'd die before he'd become between you and me."

"I can't believe this." Nick said. "Sean, too. He was willing to lie to me too?"

Drew acted quick to prevent Nick from being angry at Sean as well.

"Nick, Sean just thought that he was protecting you by not saying anything." Drew said. "He respected your marriage and he thought he was doing what was best for our family. Not to mention our relationship, Bro. But it was my decision to tell you the truth and own up to what I've done and Sean didn't fight me on it."

Nick turned and frowned at Drew.

"Well, isn't that so noble of you?!" He said, angrily, as he walked over to his dresser. As he did, his face fell on something.

It was his wedding photo with Jessica, which was framed and was sitting on the top of the dresser. He picked it up and looked at it.

"2 years." He said, wiping at his eyes. "2 years of marriage to a woman who I love and adore, only now to find out that......."

Nick lost his composure and fell down onto the bed and clutched the photo close.

"That I've been living a lie!" Nick finished.

Nick turned around and glared at Drew, in contempt.

"All because of you!" He said, as tears of anger continued to run down his face.

"Nick, please!" Drew begged him. "Can you ever forgive me? I love you."

When Nick heard that, he erupted without warning.

"DON'T YOU SAY THAT TO ME!!!!" He screamed at Drew. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!!!!!"

Nick lunged at Drew and grabbed him by his shirt collar. He then slammed Drew against the wall. He started shaking Drew, violently, knocking him against the wall each time, while continuing to shout at him.


"NICK, STOP!!!!!" Someone screamed.

Nick whirled around and saw Jessica standing in the doorway. The guys were standing behind her.

They entered quickly and Justin walked over to Nick, who still had his hands around Drew's shirt collar.

"Let go of your brother!" Justin said, firmly. "Now!"

Nick looked back at Drew and saw that he was scared. With a gutteral growl, he jerked away from Drew, releasing him.

Drew took that moment to get as far away from Nick as he could. He walked over to the far side of the room, near the window and sat down on the couch, Nick had set up, and flung himself down on it, face first and started sobbing into a pillow.

Nick watched his brother cry, unable to feel any sympathy for him. He saw Jeff and Danny walk over to the sofa. Jeff knelt down next to Drew. He started running his hand, up and down Drew's back, offering him comfort, while talking softly to him. Danny watched from nearby.

Nick then turned back to Justin, who was watching him closely.

"You're being a little too hard on Drew, don't you think, buddy?" Justin asked, Nick.

"No, I don't." Nick said, angrily. "I've only just begun!"

Kandi walked up next to Justin and put her hand to Nick's face. She wiped away his tears and caressed his cheek, lovingly, but not in a sexual way.

"We understand you're angry with him, Sweetheart." She said, softly. "Hell, we all are. But you have to understand that it took alot of guts and maturity for Drew to come up these stairs and tell you the truth. It's probably one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. He's ready to accept responsibility for what he's done. We know how much you mean to him. He loves you like his last breath. You at least owe him a chance to try to make it up to you."

Nick thought over what Kandi had said. He knew that she was right about how hard it must have been for Drew to tell him something so heartbreaking as what Drew had done. But his anger overrode every other emotion for him to even be rational.

"I owe him nothing!" Nick said, bitterly. "Besides, I still haven't heard the whole story."

He turned to Drew, who was now sitting up and looking at him. He was no longer crying. Danny and Jeff were sitting on either side of him.

"So, little brother," Nick said to him. "How much did you pay that minister to betray Sean and I?"

Drew didn't answer right away. His eyes shifted to the floor.

"ANSWER ME!" Nick shouted.

"Twenty thousand dollars." Drew said, calmly. He was watching Nick to see his reaction.

But by now, nothing Drew said shocked Nick anymore. Nick just rolled his eyes and sighed in disgust.

"Of course." He said, angrily. "This from someone who supposedly loves me? God, what a joke!"

Kandi decided that she didn't want to hear anymore.

"Jessica, I'm going back downstairs to keep an eye on your daughter." She said to Jessica.

"Thanks, Kandi." Jessica said, as Kandi left the room.

Nick looked at Drew and his anger started to heat up again.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Nick asked him. "After all, you've had two years to think about it!"

"Why?" Drew asked him. "You decided you didn't want Sean in your life anymore and later on you got married again. To Jessica. And you were happy again. Why should I have told you then? What would the point have been?"

Nick was also annoyed that Drew wasn't thinking clearly. He wondered just how stupid Drew was at that moment.

"Honesty, Drew!" Nick said, loudly. "Doesn't that word mean anything to you?!"

"Yes, Nick, it does." Drew said, getting up and walking back over to his brother. "That's why I told you the truth."

"He's right, baby." Jessica said, agreeing with him. "Besides, some good came out of what Drew did."

Nick turned around and frowned at Jessica. He could not believe what he was hearing. How could she stand there and think that some good has come out of this?"

"What could have possibly come out of what Drew did, that's good?" Nick asked her.

Jessica's mouth dropped open, in shock when she heard him ask that question. The palm of her hand connected with Nick's face in an emotional slap.

"What about me?! Our marriage?! Jessica asked, looking really hurt. "And our precious little Nicole?!"

Nick looked back at Jessica and the look he gave her would have made anyone want to disappear.

"My beautiful little girl is the only good thing that's come out of this mess." Nick said to her. "But do you want to know what my real mistake was?"

"What was that, Nick?" Danny asked him, wanting to know.

Nick turned back to Jessica.

"It was ever believing that I could be happy with you." He said, coldy.

Everyone gasped in horror when they heard him say that. By this point now, Jessica was crying.

"Baby, you don't mean that!" Jessica sobbed. "Please, tell me you didn't mean that?!"

"I still can't belive that you didn't want Drew to tell me the truth." Nick said, the hurt evident on his face. "So, right now, I'm not even sure I want to stay married to you anymore."

"NO!" Jessica whimpered, sobbing hysterically.

Nick just looked at her, unable to continue. He was too hurt to say anything else.

"Go downstairs and be with Nicole." He told her, his voice monotone. "Right now, she's all you've got!"

Jessica's couldn't take anymore from Nick, so she ran downstairs to be with Kandi and her daughter.

"Nick, how could you say that to her?" Jeff's voice had anger in it. "That was cruel, even for you."

Nick looked at Jeff and saw the anger in his eyes. He started to feel guilty.

"Right now, I don't know what to feel." Nick said. "Will you, Danny, and Justin go downstairs and make sure she's ok? I need to finish my conversation with Drew."

Jeff, Danny, and Justin all looked at each other, then back at Nick, and then at Drew. Drew nodded at them.

"It's alright." He said. "Nick's cooled down. We'll be fine."

Drew looked back at Nick.

"Right, Nick?"

Nick looked back at Drew, the anger still on his face.

"Don't worry." He said. "I'm not going to waste my time, dirtying my hands on you! You're scum!"

"Nick!" Justin said, sternly. "Give it a rest!"

Drew was hurt by his brother's insult, but he didn't say anything.

"Alright, we're going down to check on Jessica." Jeff said.

Justin and Danny walked out the door. Jeff followed. Before he walked out, he turned back around towards Nick and Drew.

"You both be good." He warned them. "If I hear any screaming, I'll be back up here like white on rice and I will separate you two myself if I have to."

"We'll be fine, Jeff." Nick said, quietly. "Go."

Jeff looked at them one last time before he headed downstairs. Nick and Drew were alone, once again.

"Can I ask you something, Drew?" Nick suddenly asked him.

"What, Nick?" Drew asked, curious as to what his brother was thinking.

Nick looked at Drew for a long time. The anger was still there, but there was a little sadness as well.

"What the hell happened to you?" Nick asked him. "I don't think I know you anymore."

Drew gasped a bit. He wasn't expecting Nick to say that.

"Nick, please don't say that." Drew said. "What I did was stupid, I know that. But, I do love you. I would do anything for you."

Nick cocked an eyebrow as he listened to Drew. Now, he was going to see if Drew really meant that.

"Anything?" He asked again.

"Yes, Nick." Drew said, walking up to Nick. "Anything."

Nick thought it over for a few moments. Then, he came up with the one thing that he wanted from Drew.

"Alright, Drew." He said. "I want you to pack up whatever you need and get out of my house!"

Drew's eyes widened in shock. Nick was kicking him out!

"Nick, No!" Drew said, shaking his head. "Please, anything but that?"

"Sorry, bro." Nick said. "That's my answer for you. I don't care where you go. To Mom and Dad's, to a hotel, to Bermuda, I don't care! I just want you gone!"

Drew's eyes filled with tears. Nick wanted him to leave the Lachey house. If that's what he wanted, Drew was going to honor his wishes.

"Alright, Bro." He said, sadly. "If that's what you want, I'll honor your wishes."

Nick looked at Drew, sadly.

"You know, I feel sorry for you." Nick said. "I feel sorry for all of us." For you, and for me. And for Mom and Dad, the guys, Kandi, Jessica, and our daughter."

Nick choked up and he couldn't go on.

"I feel sorry for all of us." He whimpered. "I gotta get out of here!"

He grabbed his keys from off the dresser, wiping at his face as his tears continued to fall.

When he'd gotten the rest of his things together, he looked back up at Drew, who hung his head in shame.

"I don't know how I'm ever going to forgive you for this." Nick said to him. "Maybe someday, I will."

Drew turned away, unable to look at his brother. He knew what Nick was saying. Their relationship was over. They would probably never be the same loving brothers ever again. What he had done had destroyed Nick and their brotherly bond forever.

"But I think," Nick continued. "That when it finally sinks in what you've done, you're going to have a hard time forgiving yourself. Good luck."

Drew walked towards the door to leave Nick's room. As he started to pass by Nick, he grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

At first, Nick resisted, but then he threw his arms around his brother and hugged him tightly, as he began to lose control of his emotions.

"I'm sorry, Nick!" Drew cried, as he sobbed into Nick's chest. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!"

Nick also started crying as he held his brother close.

"So am, I." He said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm sorry that this is going to be the last brotherly hug that we share."

Drew looked up at Nick, as they pulled back. Drew could see the pain in Nick's eyes.

"Why, Nick?" He wanted to know. But he had a feeling that he knew what Nick was going to say.

"Because, you and I will never be friends again after this." Nick told him. "Now go and pack up your things."

Drew sobbed, as he turned around and started walking out the door. As he did, Nick's voice rang out again.

"You are not my brother!"

Drew froze in his tracks when he heard that, but didn't turn around.

"Not anymore." Nick finished.

Drew slowly turned around and looked into his brother's eyes and what he saw there ripped at his very core: Nick had meant those words.

"I understand." Drew said, his voice barely audible.

Those were his last words before he left Nick's room and went into his to pack up his stuff to leave. He shut Nick's door behind him.

Nick walked over to the dresser where his wedding picture with Jessica was sitting. He looked at it for a moment. Then his anger with Jessica came up again and he threw the picture across the room. It hit the wall and the glass shattered into a million pieces.

"Now, what do I do?" Nick asked, outloud. Just then, he eyes fell onto the phone.

He grabbed it and dialed it. It started ringing and he waited for a response.

"Hello?" He heard a familiar voice say.

"Sean, it's Nick." Nick said, into the phone. "We need to talk."

To Be Continued........?

"Will Drew and Nick's relationship ever be the same again?

"What about Nick and Jessica's marriage? Is it over between them?

"What does Nick want to talk about with Sean? Will they reunite?

Drew is kicked out of the house? What will he do? Where will he go?"

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 68

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