My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jan 31, 2004



I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

NEWSFLASH: To those of you who don't already know, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, in real life, have reconciled and are now husband and wife. I wish them all the best with their marriage and hope they live a long and happy life together.

If you want details about their wedding, check out the 98 Degrees Official Website at

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

"What I feel for you." is an awesome story and Thack, himself deserves applause for all of his hard work on it.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

"Alright, here it is." Jake said.

He hesitated a moment. Then, summoning up his courage, he asked it:

"You're in love with him again, aren't you?" He said. "That's why you are in so much pain, and that's why you were going to drink. Isn't it?

Once again, the emotions came in a flood. Jake had hit the nail on the head.

I'm right, aren't I?" He asked, as he noticed that I was about to fall apart.

"Yes." I whispered, as I got up and started to pace the room. "I didn't realize it until we kissed for the last time and we managed to bring closure to our relationship. Nick is over me."

"But you're not over him." Jake said, standing up and coming towards me.

"I thought I was." I said, as I started sobbing. "But once he kissed me, I realized that I never really stopped loving him, even through all of that pain and bitterness, somewhere beneath all of that, I still loved him."

Jake then pulled me to him and hugged me, trying to offer me comfort. He wasn't usually the hugging type, but he could see that I needed some type of comfort right now.

"But now, I'm having dreams about him." I said, crying, as I clung to Jake. "I'm having dreams about being back with him again, and when I wake up back into reality, I realize just how lonely I really am and how much I miss being with him."

"I know." Jake said, in a low voice. "But you've got to stop torturing yourself like this, man? You need to move on with your life. I just want to see you happy again."

I knew what Jake was saying made sense, but try telling that to my wounded heart.

"I know what you're saying, Jake." I sobbed. "But it's easier said, than done, because my heart won't leave him behind. My heart won't let him go. I love him so much and yet I can never tell him that. Never."

I couldn't continue and sobbed into Jake's shoulder. He just held me and told me that everything was going to be alright, while I got it all out of my system.

After I was finished, I pulled back from Jake and gave him a weak smile.

"Thanks." I said, wiping my tears away. "I needed that."

"No, problem." Jake said. "Would you like me to stay here for a while and hang out with you?"

I looked up at him and smiled at him.

"I'd like that, buddy." I said to him. "With you here, maybe that will keep me from drinking."

Jake turned and looked at the glass on the table, which contained the vodka and orange juice.

"Speaking of drinking." He said, as he walked over to the kitchen table.

He grabbed the glass and poured it's contents into the sink and ran the faucet to flush it down and clean the sink of it's remnants.

"That takes care of that." Jake says. "I hope I never taste anything like that again."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, you wouldn't have if you hadn't helped yourself to it, without asking me first." I laughed.

"Touche." He said, laughing too. "Next time, I'll try to control my thirst urges."

"And your manly ones too." I said, giggling. I couldn't resist throwing that one out there.

"Excuse me?" He asked, with a grin. "I think you need more help with that than I do."

I just grinned at Jake. Somehow, I knew that today was going to be a good day.

*********** CHAPTER 65 ***********


Nick, Jessica, and the guys were all sitting in the kitchen, eating their lunch, and talking amongst themselves about the events for the day.

Justin Kandi, and Nick, were sitting on one side of the table, while Danny, Jeff, and Jessica were sitting on the other.

Nick and Jessica were sitting closest to the one end of the table, where Nicole was fastened in her high chair.

Drew, was sitting at the other end, totally alone. He had picked that particular place since nobody wanted to sit next to him at the table, with the exception of Nick, who had no idea what was going on.

"Well guys." Nick said, looking around at everyone. "Are you all ready to finish up our album at the recording studio today?"

"Yeah, Nick." Jeff said. He didn't sound very enthusiastic about it. Everyone noticed it.

"Why do you say it like that, Jeff?" Justin asked him.

Jeff looked at Justin, and the rest of the guys and prepared to let them know what was on his mind.

"I was just thinking that once we get through today, we're going to be working on our last album as a group. After that, we all go our separate ways."

Everyone else realized what he was saying and they all shared his sadness. They were no longer going to be traveling together as a group any longer. 98 Degrees was reaching it's end.

They were going to head to the recording studio later that day to put the finishing touches on their last album, "98 Degrees, Greatest Hits." Then, after that, the group would officially split up, and they would all go their separate ways.

"But, that doesn't mean that it has to be over." Drew said, trying to jump into the conversation, so Nick wouldn't pick up on the tension between him, and the rest of the guys. If Nick hadn't already.

"We're still going to be a family." Drew continued. "That's never going to change. We just won't be 98 Degrees anymore. That doesn't mean that we can't all still be together."

"Drew is right." Nick said, nodding. "We will always be family, no matter what. And look at the bright side of this: We will have an indefinite vacation until further notice. I know I want to be able to pursue a solo career soon, but right now, I want to enjoy the time we have off and have fun. Maybe do some traveling."

Here, Nick looked over at Jessica.

"Who knows?" He said, grinning from ear to ear. "Maybe Jessica and I can go on a second honeymoon."

Jessica's face lit up when she heard that.

"Baby, that is a wonderful idea!" She said, obviously ecstatic. "I'd love that. Where will we go this time?"

Nick shook his head.

"I don't know, yet." He said. "Let's just wait and cross that bridge when we come to it. First, I want to get through today. Then, once it's over and our indefinite vacation time begins, and we'll talk about it, ok?"

"Ok." Jessica said. "I'm so excited!"

"Me too, babe." Nick said, leaning over and giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm going to get some more juice." Jessica said, getting up. "Do you want some, Nick?"

"No thanks, babe." Nick politely declined, shaking his head. "You go ahead."

Jessica headed to the refridgerator to get her juice. She pulled out grape juice and poured some into her glass.

Then, Danny had a question that he wanted to share with everyone else.

"Do you think we should call Sean and tell him about this?"

Nick hadn't thought of that. But then he had an idea.

"No." He said. "We can do better than that."

"What do you mean?" Jeff asked, looking at Nick, in confusion.

Jessica raised the glass to her lips and started drinking her grape juice.

"Why don't we go and see him and tell him in person." Nick suggested.

Jessica wasn't prepared for that, for she choked on her grape juice, spitting it out all over the place.

Everyone immediately looked in her direction as she continued coughing.

"Jessica, are you alright?" Kandi asked, concern in her face.

Jessica turned around to face everyone, who looked worried. Especially Nick.

"I'm fine." She said, between coughs. "I think some of my grape juice just went down the wrong tube."

She grabbed a paper towel and started wiping up the mess she'd made. She listened, while the others continued their conversation.

"As I was saying," Nick continued. "Why don't we go visit Sean and tell him in person?"

"I think that's a great idea, Nick." Danny said, glad that Nick had suggested it. "Let's do it."

"Not so fast, you guys." Drew's voice cut in. Everyone turned to look at him.

"What's wrong, Bro?" Nick asked, looking at Drew closely.

He could tell that something was up with Drew, but he couldn't figure out what. He was thinking of asking Drew, but he decided to let it drop and talk to Drew about it later when they could have a moment alone.

"Have you forgotten that we have to promote our last album?" He asked, reminding them all. "We have to go on a few talk shows during the week, so that is not an option."

"Damn." Nick, Jeff, and Justin all said, in unison. They had all forgotten that little bit of information.

"Yes!" Jessica silently mouthed to herself. She finished cleaning up the mess and returned to the table with the rest of the guys.

"Don't worry, honey." Jessica said, as she caressed Nick's face. "It's the thought that counts, right?"

"Right, babe." Nick said.

Then, looking around at the rest of the guys, who were still eating their lunch, he started to get up.

"Well, guys, I'm going to go upstairs and get ready." He said, as he got up. "Finish up, and do the same. We can't be late for the recording studio."

Everyone voiced their comments and started eating again. Nick leaned over to Jessica, who was wiping Nicole's mouth with a napkin.

"And I'll see you later." He said, as he gave her another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Jessica said, smiling at him, as he walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to their room to get ready.

Jessica looked around the table and noticed that everyone was looking directly at her.

"What are you all staring at?" She asked, defensively, as she crumpled up the napkin she was using to clean up her daughter's face.

She saw Drew, grinning from ear to ear. Then he spoke up.

"Your jealousy is quite becoming!" He said, with a laugh.

******************************************************* BACK IN ORLANDO.............

Jake, Michelle, and I were sitting around the table, eating lunch together.

Jake had asked Michelle to stop by and have lunch with us, since he didn't want me to be alone. He explained the situation to her and she was extremely supportive and said that she'd be there for me.

I was grateful to both of them for their love and support. They were great friends to have.

"So, Sean, what do you want to do today?" Jake asked me. "The sun is out and the temperature is great. How about we go for a swim? I know I'm up for going surfing."

I thought that wasn't such a bad idea, but before we did that, I had something else in mind.

"That's a great idea, buddy." I agreed. "But, first I want to go shopping for a new swimsuit."

"That makes perfect sense." Jake said, grinning. "That swimsuit you have now is so 'out'."

I kicked him under the table for that remark, which caused him to crack up, laughing.

"Hey!" I said, smiling. "Don't go making fun of that swimsuit? I've had alot of great memories in it."

"Oh, I'll just bet you have." Jake threw in, still laughing.

I went to kick him again, but this time, he was ready for it. I ended up kicking Michelle instead.

"Ouch!" she said, kicking me back, while giving me an evil look. "That hurt!"

"Sorry, sweetie." I laughed. "That was meant for your dumbass fiance there."

"Now, come on." Michelle laughed. "Don't insult my man."

"He's a big boy." I said, grinning at Jake. "He can take it."

"Speak for yourself, smartass!" Jake joked, as he took a sip of his orange juice.

I shook my head, grinning ear to ear. I was definitely feeling better. Jake had done the impossible. He had managed to take my mind off of my broken heart and helped me see that having fun with him and laughing again, was definitely the best medicine.

"Well," I said, getting up and taking the dirty dishes to the sink to rinse them off. "If we're going to go to the Mall, let's get a move on."

"Alright, let's go." Michelle said, as she and Jake got up and started getting their things together.

I finished rinsing off the plates and set them in the dishwasher. I set the dishwasher to wash while we were gone and went to my room to grab my wallet and keys.

When I came back out, I saw Michelle looking in the mirror, next to the couch, applying makeup to her face. I didn't see Jake anywhere around.

"Where's Jake?" I asked her.

"He ran back to our place to get everything he needs and to lock up. He'll be back shortly." She said, not pausing from what she was doing.

"Ok." I said, heading for the door. "I'll go and get the car ready."

"Wouldn't you rather ride in Jake's convertible with us?" She asked me.

"Sure." I said, stopping where I was, next to the door. "It is a little too hot for my SUV today, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is." Michelle said. "No offense, but we'll be cooler alot quicker with the top down."

Jake returned, in his swimsuit, wearing a muscle shirt, and sporting a pair of black sunglasses, with beachbag in hand.

"Looks like you're ready to hit the beach." I said, checking him out.

"Oh yeah." Jake said. "You ready, Michelle?" He asked, looking at her.

"Coming." She said, as she closed her compact and hurred to the door.

After we'd all exited, I locked up the house and started walking with them toward's Jake's car.

Jake disarmed the anti-theft alarm, which chirped, before he unlocked the door and we all piled in.

Michelle sat up front with him, while I took the backseat.

Jake started the car and started pulling out of the parking lot.

"And off we go." He said, as he drove us towards the Mall.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE LACHEY HOUSE.................

"What are you talking about?" Jessica asked, wanting to know what Drew was implying.

"It's just too funny how jealous you are of Sean." He said, a smile on his lips.

"I am not jealous of Sean." Jessica said. "Please, don't make me laugh."

"Really?" Danny asked, grinning also. "You were literaly choking on grape juice earlier when Nick suggested we go and see Sean, earlier. Don't tell me that was just a coincedence."

"Alright, fine, I won't." Jessica said, as she picked up Nicole, who was starting to cry, out of her highchair. "It just caught me off guard, that's all."

She stood there, with Nicole in her arms.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and change Nicole." She said, as she exited the kitchen and headed upstairs.

"Well, we'd better get going too." Jeff said, getting up with his plate, which he rinsed off and put into the dishwasher.

Justin, Kandi, and Danny got up and did the same. They each handed their plates to Jeff, who put them in the dishwasher.

Jeff then looked up at Drew, who was just sitting there. He still had yet to finish his lunch.

"Since you're still not finished, will you run the dishwasher when you're done?" Jeff asked him.

"Sure." Drew said, nodding. "I'm sure you guys can't wait to get away from me, now that you all hate me so much."

Jeff, Danny, Justin, and Kandi all looked at him when he said that.

"Drew, come on." Jeff said. "We don't hate you. We just don't like what you did to your brother."

"And Sean." Danny added.

"And you think I do?" Drew said. "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

Everyone else was silent for a moment. This time it was Kandi, who broke the silence.

"We're not the ones you should be apologizing to." She said, lowly.

With that said, she left the kitchen. Justin followed her.

Jeff and Danny stayed behind. Drew looked up at them.

"I wouldn't tell Nick until we get through today." Jeff said. "Wait until tonight to tell him."

"Jeff has a point, Drew." Danny agreed. "Besides, it would be futile to tell Nick before the rehearsal today. Otherwise, you guys won't be able to work on the album, with all the tension."

"Right." Drew said. "We don't want that. Plus, it'll give him time to think about what I'm going to say to Nick when I tell him."

"Good." Jeff said. Then he put his arm around Danny.

"We'll see you in a few." Danny said, as he and Jeff left the room, leaving Drew in the kitchen, alone.

"Dear God." Drew prayed. "Please, give me the strength I need to tell my brother the truth. And please forgive me, for I have sinned. Please let Nick forgive me. Amen."

With that done, he looked down at his food. He was no longer hungry. He got up and threw away the rest of his lunch. He put his plate into the dishwasher and started it.

He then went upstairs to get dressed and ready to head to the recording studio with the rest of the guys.

******************************************************* AT THE MALL, IN ORLANDO...........

Jake parked the car shut off the ignition. We all got out and headed into the mall.

I'm going to go to "PayLess." And look at shoes." Michelle said to Jake and me.

"Ok, babe." Jake said. "I will go with Sean to help him find his swimsuit."

"How about we meet back here when we're done? and we can get something to eat?" I suggested, since we were near the Hot Dog Shoppe that was nearby.

"Deal." Michelle said. "See you both, later."

She walked off towards "PayLess" while Jake and I headed towards our destination.

When we got there, Jake and I started looking around at the swimsuits that were there. I looked around, trying to decide which one I wanted.

"How about this one?" I heard Jake ask. I looked at him and saw him grinning. I then looked down and saw that he was holding up a speedo.

"Oh, very funny, asshole." I said, sarcastically, as I grabbed them and threw them at him.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help." Jake said, laughing. "There's no reason you need to be a bitch about it."

"Bitch?" I asked, mocking shock. "Oh no, you didn't!"

Jake laughed, which got me going too, as we looked around at the different swimsuits. Then, I saw it.

It was a pair that looked like shorts, with side pockets and back pockets, that were dark navy blue. I thought they would look good on me. I picked them up and held them up to Jake.

"What do you think?" I asked him. Jake looked them over and nodded.

"I like them." He said. "Do you?"

"Yes." I said. "This is definitely the one. Let's go."

Jake followed me to the cashier counter. I paid for my swimsuit and we left the store, in search of Michelle.

We found her, waiting by the Hot Dog Shoppe, near the entrance. Jake and I were both stunned.

"That was fast, Michelle." I said, in amazement. "You're usually in the shoe stores for 3 hours!"

"Shut up, smartass!" Michelle said, with a grin. "I don't take that long."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, if you say so." I said, sarcastically. "So, are we ready to hit the beach?"

"Hell yeah!" Jake said. "Let's go. The water is calling my name."

We left the Mall and headed home.

When, we got there, Michelle went into the house to change into her swimsuit. While she did that, Jake and I went into my house to wait for her.

Once, we were inside, I opened the bag that contained my swimsuit and I pulled it out.

"I'm going to go and put this on, Jake." I said. "I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Go ahead." Jake said. "I'm going to wait for Michelle while you do that."

"Suit yourself." I said, smiling as I walked away.

I walked into my bedroom and set about putting on my new swimming trunks. I took off my shorts and underwear and pulled on the trunks.

Once that was done, I turned around and took a glimpse in the mirror, checking them out on my body. They looked good!

"Cool." I said. "Now, let's get a second opinion."

I walked out into the living room, where Jake was reading a magazine, while he waited.

"Well, what do you think?" I asked him. He looked towards me and his eyes traveled down to my swimsuit.

"It looks good on you." Jake said. "Finally, you're in style, once again."

"Oh, thanks alot." I said, laying on the sarcasm. "So, are you ready to hit the water?"

"I am." Jake said. "But where is Michelle?"

Just then, Michelle knocked on the door.

"Looks like your question just got answered." I laughed, as I opened the door.

"What took you so long, girl?" I asked her. "We're dying to hit the water right now."

Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Well then, let's go." She said, turning around and walking out. Jake and I followed.

******************************************************* LATER THAT DAY, BACK AT THE LACHEY HOUSE.........

The guys all piled into the house, exhausted from being in the recording studio most of the day. And it was especially hard because Drew was otherwise occupied about something.

"Hi, guys." Jessica greeted them, as they walked in. "How did it go?"

"It was grueling." Drew said, tiredly, as he sat down on the couch.

"And who's fault is that?" Jeff muttered.

"Jeff, that's not fair." Danny said. "You messed up a few times as well."

Nick collapsed into the chair and started rubbing his temples. He was tired.

"Drew?" He asked, "What is going on with you? You've been so out of it most of the day."

Drew sat up and sighed, in frustration.

"I've just got alot on my mind, Nick." He said, sadly. "It involves you."

Nick sat up. Drew's statement had peeked his curiosity. He definitely wanted to know.

"What's going on, Bro?" Nick asked him, a worried expression on his face. "You look so serious."

Drew flashed a look at Jessica, who was standing nearby. She rapidly shook her head, 'no' at him.

"Not here, Nick." He said, gesturing to the playpen where Nicole was lying, asleep. "Let's go upstairs to your room."

"Alright." Nick said, slowly. "But first, let me grab something to drink. I'm thirsty."

"Ok." Drew said, as Nick got up and walked towards the kitchen to get a drink.

As soon as he was gone, Jessica grabbed Drew's arm and pulled him out of earshot.

"Drew, please don't do this." Jessica begged him. "Please, don't tell my husband about what you did to him and Sean?"

Drew just gave Jessica an annoyed look. He was really getting tired of her trying to tell him what to do.

"Jessica, I have to tell him." Drew said, insistently. "I can't live this lie anymore. Nick has to know the truth, even if it means that I lose him forever."


Drew just rolled his eyes at her.

"That's not what you're really afraid of, is it?" He asked her. She frowned,in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" She asked him.

"You're worried that when Nick finds out that he's going to know that you knew this as well and you didn't tell him." Drew said to her. "You're worried he's going to blame you too for you part in all of this. Am I right?"

Before Jessica could answer him, they saw Nick coming back in from the kitchen with a bottle of water in his hand.

"You ready, bro?" Nick asked, looking from him and Jessica.

"Yeah." Drew said. "Come on, let's get this over with."

Nick started walked up the stairs. Drew shot one last look at Jessica and the rest of the guys.

Jeff got up off of the counch and went over to Drew. He pulled Drew into a quick hug. Even though he was still angry with Drew, he still wanted him to know that he was there for him.

"Good luck, Drew." Jeff whispered in his ear. "You're gonna need it."

"Thanks, Jeff." Drew replied, as he started to get emotional. "It means alot that you're there for me, still, even after everything that's happened."

Jeff released Drew and walked back over to the couch to sit next to Danny again.

"Nick's waiting for you." Danny said. "Go and talk to him."

Drew turned around and headed for the stairs. Jessica stopped him.

"Obviously, you're not going to listen to me." She said, looking petrified. "So, if you're really going to do this, I hope you realize that you're destroying alot more than just your bond with Nick."

Drew just shook his head, annoyed at how irrational she was being. He brushed past her and headed upstairs to his brother's room.

He found Nick, sitting on the bed, waiting for him. Nick stood up as Drew entered.

"Alright, Drew, we're alone now." Nick said. "Now, will you please tell me what's bothering you?"

Drew looked at Nick for what seemed like the longest time and then he walked over to him and put his arms around his big brother's shoulders, and hugged him close.

Nick was a little surprised by Drew's sudden affection, but he recovered quickly and hugged Drew back strongly.

"I hope you realize that there's nothing you can't say to me." Nick said, patting Drew's back. "Whatever is bothering you, it can't be that bad. We can fix whatever it is. I love you. You know that, right?"

Drew pulled back from their brotherly hug and looked Nick right in the face. Nick could see that Drew was very torn up about something.

"Drew, you're starting to scare me." Nick said, as he put his hand on Drew's shoulder. He saw the tears that were running down his little brother's face.

"I'm sorry, Nick." Drew said, as he walked by him. "I don't mean to. But I have something to tell you. Something I should have told you a long time ago."

"What is it, Drew?" Nick asked him. "I know you said that you had alot on you mind earlier and that it involves me. Is that what this is all about?"

"Yes." Drew said. "And it also involves Sean too."

"What does Sean have to do with this?" Nick asked Drew.

Drew couldn't say anything more and turned around and walked towards Nick's bedroom window and looked outside.

"God, this is so hard." Drew said. "Nick, do you remember last night when you asked me about what I'd done to Sean?"

"Yeah." Nick said. "And you told me that you wanted to wait until today to tell me and since we had alot to do today, you haven't had a chance to tell me anything until now."

"Right." Drew said, turning around to face Nick. "You're going to hate me for this, Nick. Sean already does and that's why he beat me up.

"He never told me much about that." Nick said, thinking back to the day he saw Sean in Orlando. "Just that you had hurt him somehow."

"Do you remember two years ago when you found out that your marriage to Sean wasn't legal? and how the minister was a fraud?" Drew suddenly asked Nick.

Nick was stunned to say the least that Drew was bringing up that part of the past and all of sudden he was getting a very uneasy feeling. He had a feeling that whatever Drew was going to tell him, he was not going to like at all.

"Yeah." Nick said, slowly. "Why are you bringing that up now, after all of this time?"

Drew took a deep breath, and he prepared himself to tell Nick the awful truth. The truth that could forever alter their relationship.

"Because, I'm the one who's responsible for your marriage to Sean, not being legal." Drew admitted. "I paid off someone to act as a minister so you and Sean wouldn't be legally married."

To Be Continued........?

That's all for this one! Stay tuned for the next installment coming soon.

"Now that Drew has told Nick the truth, how will Nick react? Will Nick be able to forgive his brother's betrayal? Or will this tear them apart forever?

Will Nick and Jessica's marriage survive??

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 67

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