My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Dec 3, 2003


Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

NEWSFLASH: To those of you who don't already know, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, in real life, have reconciled and are now husband and wife. I wish them all the best with their marriage and hope they live a long and happy life together.

If you want details about their wedding, check out the 98 Degrees Official Website at

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally: "What I feel for you" by Thack.

"What I feel for you." is an awesome story and Thack, himself deserves applause for all of his hard work on it.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

Kandi, Justin, Danny, and Jeff turned towards the stairs to see Drew, standing there, just at the bottom.

"How much of our conversation did you hear, Drew?" Kandi asked, worriedly.

"Just when Jeff asked about why Sean can't commit to me." He told her. "I do think that it's over between Sean and my brother. But why Sean can't commit to another relationship is his problem now. And until he can commit to a relationship, I refuse to put my heart out there again just to have it stomped on and ripped to shreds again. I have my dignity you know."

"Drew, come on." Kandi urged. "It's barely been half a day since Sean welcomed us back with open arms. You've got to be patient. Sean is working on finding his way back to us again. You've got to be grateful for that much at least. I certainly couldn't stand seeing him so angry and bitter towards all of us. Not that I blame him."

"Well, I'm not doing it anymore." Drew said, a catch in his voice. "Every time I try to reach out to him, he ends up pulling away. Either that, or he's kissing up on other guys."

Everyone looked up at him in shock. They were surprised that he was still all hung up over that kiss between Sean and Ben.

"What?!? Danny asked, frowning. "Are you still pissed about that kiss that you saw?"

Drew nodded. "It sure was a slap in the face to me after Sean kisses me and then later pulls away and says he's regrets kissing me. And that he's not ready for another relationship. The next thing I know, he's kissing up on Ben Affleck and smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary."

Jeff shook his head, reluctantly and sat back into the couch. Nobody else said anything for a moment and there was an awkward silence. At least until it was broken.

Just then, sounds of Nicole crying, came from the baby monitor.

"Damn." Drew said, turning around to head towards the stairs.

"Has she been doing that alot?" Kandi asked him, getting up. "Do you want some help with her?"

"Yeah." Drew said. "And I'd welcome your help, girl."

"All right." Kandi said, then looked at Justin. "I'll be back, baby."

Justin nodded. Kandi then followed Drew upstairs.

"Where is Jessica when we need her?" Drew said, as they both headed upstairs to calm the baby down.

******************************************************* BEN"S HOUSE....................

I was on the couch, asleep and reliving one of the most special moments of my life, in my dreams.

"Sean, do you take Nicholas Lachey to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister asked. "To have and to hold? In joy and in sorrow, for richer or for poorer? In sickness and in health? for better or for worse? "Will you love and to cherish him, forsaking all others, and keep yourself only unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I said. I turned to Danny, who handed me Nick's ring. I took it and turned back to Nick.

"And as as symbol of my promise, I give you this ring." I said, as I slipped it on his third index finger. Nick looked up at me, the love evident in his eyes. My eyes mirrored his.

"As Sean and Nick have stood before us." The minister announced. "And have pledged their one for each other, I now pronounce them, Husband and Husband. Nick, you may kiss your groom."

Nick leaned in to give me the most passionate kiss I'd ever experienced in my life.

"SEAN!!! LOOK OUT!!!" Someone screamed from the pews.

I whipped my head around and saw that Matthew Sheffield had burst into the santuary and he was standing there with a gun in her hand.

"You will never have him, Sean!" Matt said, as he raised the gun. "Not ever again!"

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I watched the trigger slowly pull, as I prepared for what was about to happen.

"MATT, NO!!!!!" Nick screamed.


I woke up with a start, wondering where I was. I then realized that I was in Ben's living room. It was very quiet in the house for some reason. I looked over at the clock. It read 4:15p.m.

I sat up to process what had happened in my dreams.

"What does this mean?" I asked, outloud. "The wedding never ended like that. Not with Matt shooting me."

Feeling thirsty, I went into the kitchen to get some water. As I stood there, drinking it and thinking over the dream I'd had, I happened to glance over at the refrigerator and noticed a note, clipped to the door of it.

"What's this?" I asked, outloud, as I pulled the piece of paper off of the refrigerator and started reading it.

"Dear Sean,"

"We've gone out to get some groceries, as our refridgerater is getting low. We'll be back soon."


Ben and Matt

"Ben and Matt?"

It was more of a statement than a question when I'd said it.

"I like the sound of that." I said, smiling. "I just hope those two were able to talk and get things worked out between them. I just want to see them happy again."

Just then, the doorbell rang. I went to the door and opened it. I was shocked to see who the visitor was.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

*********** CHAPTER 59 ***********

"Well, hello to you too." Jessica said, bitterly. "You and I need to settle things between us once and for all."

I just gave her an annoyed look. I wasn't sure I was ready to go another round with her. But then and there, I decided the sooner that I listened to what she had to say, the sooner I could get rid of her.

"Look Jessica," I said to her. "I'm really not up for another fight right now. I just woke up from a terrible nightmare and I need time to think. So, if you think that we can sit down and talk about whatever it is, in a civil manner, then of course we can talk."

Jessica nodded, her angry look still on her face.

"Yes, I can do that, if you can too." She said. "I'm not looking for a fight either. I'm just trying to find some answers."

I nodded and stepped aside to let her in. She entered and I closed the door and locked it. Then I turned back to Jessica.

"Can I offer you something to drink?" I asked her. "Water? Coffee?"

"No thanks." Jessica said. "I actually came over here with some news."

I frowned, wondering what was up.

"What news is that?" I asked her.

"We've heard from my husband." Jessica said. "He called on Drew's cellphone just a couple of hours ago."

She watched me closely, as she told me the news, wondering how I was going to react to it.

I felt this huge sense of relief flood over me when she told me that she'd actually spoken to Nick. I was hoping that he'd call and talk to someone eventually. that way we could all get a better sense as to how he was, emotionally.

"You have?" I asked, in disbelief. "How is he? is he alright?"

Jessica shook her head. I could tell she was really torn up about something.

"I don't know." She said, starting to tear up. "He says he's alright physically, but I can tell he's a real mess. He wouldn't even tell Drew where he is. Or me, his own wife."

I could see that she was starting to get really emotional again and I had to admit that even though she'd been really harsh to me the last few days, I felt sorry for her.

"Come on." I said. "Let's go into the living room and sit down."

"Alright." She said, walking towards the living room with me.

I took a seat on the couch at one end and she took a seat directly across the room from me, where Ben had been sitting, earlier this morning.

"I am sorry, Jessica." I told her. "I truly mean that."

She frowned, not sure if she could believe me. I could tell she wanted to, but she was still angry with me over Nick's leaving.

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Jessica said, as she wiped her tears away. "You sure didn't act like it yesterday when you showed up, out of the blue on our doorstep."

I remembered that confrontation. when she'd insulted me and I retaliated by saying I'd rather fuck her husband. I did feel a little bad about it now.

"Could you answer me a question please?" I asked her, really wanting to know the answer to it.

Especially since this was a good question that I did deserve an answer to.

"How did I end up getting on your bad side?" I asked her. "You used to be my friend once. When Nick and I were together and he introduced me to you, I always thought you were so nice and that you'd never hold a grudge against someone you didn't like forever."

Jessica took a moment to process what I was asking her and she thought about it carefully before she gave me an answer.

"I guess it was because of the way you hurt Nick when he found out that you had feelings for his brother, as well as keeping things from him like the fact that your marriage wasn't legal anymore."

"But I still think I should have been the one to tell him, Jessica." I told her. "After all, Nick should have heard it from me, not Drew."

"Are you still mad at Drew for that?" Jessica asked me, surprised that I'd actually said it outloud.

"Yeah, I guess I still am." I admitted. "Maybe that's why I can't bring myself to start up a relationship with him again."

Jessica nodded, understanding how I felt. I then continued, talking.

"There are times that I really do want to reach out to him again, but then I think about his part in breaking up me and Nick...........

"And you get as bitter as chocolate without the sugar." Jessica finished for me.

"Very." I added. "And I really hate that I'm being bitter. But I guess, it's going to take me a while before it totally goes away. After all, it was just this morning that I told them all, that if they could agree to let me forgive them on my terms, then I would try again with all of them. They agreed and now we're working on it."

Jessica nodded, then she put her hand over her face, obviously embarrassed about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I sure didn't make it any easier for you, the way I laid into you at the house earlier did I?" She asked me. "You were there to spend time with the guys and have lunch with us, right?"

"That was the plan." I said, nodding my head. "But don't worry about it now. It's not important anymore."

My thoughts went back to Nick and I realized that Jessica and I really needed to put our heads together to think about where Nick would go at a time like this.

"Anyway, back to Nick." I said. "Did he tell you anything else when you talked to him, besides that he wouldn't tell you where he was?"

Jessica was quiet for a moment. She wasn't sure she wanted to tell me what else Nick said. It seemed like it was very hard for her to say. Especially if it had something to do with me."

"He said that he owes both you and I some kind of decision and he wanted me to know that he's almost there where that's concerned. He told me to take care of our daughter and that he loves us."

I sat back in the couch and really processed everything Jessica was telling me. It was obvious that Nick's being away was affecting everyone involved. I wondered how his precious little girl was taking his absence.

"Jessica?" I asked her. "How is your daughter taking all of this?"


Nicole just would not stop crying. Kandi was holding her in her arms and trying to get her to calm down. But nothing seemed to be working.

They had tried everything. They tried giving her a bottle, changing her diaper, putting her down on the floor to see if she wanted to walk around, and even putting her in the playpen that Drew had set up for her, with toys in it and everything.

"Sweetie, please calm down." Drew said to the baby. "You're going to make yourself sick."

Nicole was too young to understand what that meant, but it was like it fell on deaf ears anyway.

"It's more obvious now that she misses her father more than anything."

Just when it seemed that there was no hope of calming her down, Jeff had an idea.

"Wait a minute, I have an idea." He said. "It still might not work, but it's worth a try."

Jeff walked over to the tv stand and knelt down to the video case where all of the VCR tapes were. He picked one out of the bunch and quickly put it into the VCR and pressed "Play."

"May I hold her now?" Jeff, asked Kandi, who was starting to get exhausted.

"Be my guest." Kandi said, handing Nicole, who had quieted down a little, but still was crying, over to Jeff. He took her and turned her around to face the tv.

At that moment, images of Nick and Jessica came on the screen. They were singing a duet together.

"Look, precious!" Jeff cooed to her. "It's your mommy and daddy on the tv. They're singing together.

Nicole seemed to stop crying almost immediately, as she watched the images of Nick singing to Jessica. Her eyes never left the screen for a moment.

Jeff sat back down on the couch, beside Danny and sat Nicole down on his lap, so she could watch the video.

"That was obviously a great idea, baby." Danny said, kissing Jeff on the cheek. Then he whispered in Jeff's ear.

"Remind me to thank you for it later tonight." He said.

Jeff looked at Danny and saw him waggle his eyebrows. Jeff grinned, getting the message.

"Oh, I definitely intend to take you up on that, Sexy." He whispered so only Danny could hear.

"Whew!" Drew said, sitting down on the couch, next to Danny. "Nice going, Jeff. If that didn't work, I was going to call Jessica."

"Speaking of Jessica, I sure hope she gets back soon." Kandi said, stifling a yawn.

"Yeah, it's getting dark outside." Justin said, noticing just how dark. "She's been gone a long time. I just hope that wherever she is, that she's alright."

"Me too." Jeff said, as they all were watching Nick and Jessica's tape.

They were just getting to the final song, when Jeff happened to glance down and find that Nicole had fallen asleep once again.

"Well, since it looked like my plan worked, I'll go and put her down now." Jeff said, getting up carefully, trying not to wake her up again.

"Let me take her." Drew said, getting up with him. "Just in case she wakes up again."

"Ok, if you want to." Jeff said, handing her over to him. Drew took her and headed upstairs to put her down.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I am definitely beat, so I'm going to go upstairs and get a nap for awhile." Justin said, standing up. "After all, Kandi and I are going out tonight."

"We are?" She asked him, in surprise. "Where?"

"It's a surprise." He told her, grinning like the cat who swallow the canary. "Are you gonna come up with me and get some sleep, girl?"

"Trust me, if I'm coming up there with you, we're not going to be getting much sleep."

Realizing that she'd actually said that outloud, she blushed crimson. And she was not the only one, counting the two on the couch.

"Uh, T.M.I. you two." Jeff said.

"Yeah, right." Kandi said, with a sarcastic smile. "Like you and Danny haven't done that to us before."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jeff laughed. "You two just go get your sleep and shut up."

"Gladly." Kandi giggled. "Come on, Justin, Let's go."

"With pleasure, babe." He said, putting his arm around her, as they headed to the stairs.

"Remind me to grab the baby monitor from Nicole's room to put in ours so they can listen to us down here." He said, grinning.

"Don't you dare!" Jeff and Danny said, in unison, causing them all to laugh, as Kandi and Justin disappeared upstairs.

Once they were gone, Jeff turned around and looked at Danny, lovingly. He was so in love with him and he couldn't imagine his future without him.

"Well, now that we have a moment alone together, baby, let's not let it go to waste." Danny said, as his hand came down to rest on Jeff's sexy pecs.

"You read my mind, baby." Jeff said, as he leaned into him. Their lips met and they started a slow, and sensual kiss, their tongues wrestling with each other.

Jeff pushed Danny down on the couch, onto his back, and climbed on top of him and continued their little make out session.

Danny ran his hands down Jeff's sculpted back and down to his tight, bubble, ass, which he cupped in his hands. Jeff moaned in appreciation and started to grind into Danny's hips, as he broke the kiss and started kissing and sucking on Danny's neck.

"Oh god, Jeff." Danny panted. "That feels so good. Don't stop."

Jeff looked up at Danny, the lust and desire he was feeling, evident in his eyes. He wanted Danny and he wanted him now.

As he looked over Danny's body, he noticed that Danny was wearing a shirt with snaps, instead of buttons. When Jeff saw that, he practically ripped Danny's shirt open, revealing Danny's sexy muscular chest and abs.

Danny gasped in surprise at Jeff's sudden move. Then he grinned.

"You are so sexy when you're horny, you know that?" He chuckled.

"Aha, you know it!" Jeff said, grinning. "What do you say we get in that big bed upstairs and really get down to business."

"My thought's exactly." Danny said, as Jeff got up off of him.

Jeff held out a hand to help Danny up and Danny took it and Jeff hoisted him up onto his feet.

Jeff and Danny shared another kiss and then headed upstairs to their room.

As they passed by Nick's room, they glanced in and saw Drew, watching the baby sleep. He also seemed a million miles away in his head.

"Drew, are you ok?" Danny whispered, so he wouldn't wake up the baby.

Drew noticed them standing in the doorway and with a final look at Nicole, he got up and walked to the doorway to talk to them.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Danny." He said, smiling a little. "Thanks for asking.

He then noticed Danny's shirt was open, showing off his sexy body.

"Well, looks like someone's ready for some lovin' huh?" Drew asked with a grin.

Danny blushed and started to button his shirt back up.

"Yeah, buddy." Jeff said. "We need some time alone for awhile."

"In that case, you two go ahead." Drew said. "You deserve it."

Jeff had a worried look on his face as he looked at Drew. Even though, Drew was trying to be strong, Jeff could tell that Drew was really feeling alone right now."

"Drew, are you sure you're going to be ok?" Jeff asked him. "You just seem so alone and lonely right now."

Drew smiled at Jeff, realizing how lucky he was to have a friend like Jeff, who cared about him so much.

Drew reached out and pulled Jeff into a brief hug.

"I'll be alright, Jeff." He said, as he hugged him tightly. "Don't worry about me. Just go and spend some time with your sexy boyfriend here. I'll be fine. And thanks for caring."

Jeff pulled back and ran his hands down Drew's shoulders.

"Anytime." He said to Drew. "You know that."

Drew turned and looked at Danny, who was watching them with tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry, Danny." Drew said, pulling him into a hug as well. "I'm a survivor. I can get through anything."

"You shouldn't have to get through it." Danny said, as he pulled back from Drew's hug. "You deserve to be happy just like the rest of us, buddy."

"Maybe I will be happy again, someday." Drew said. "Maybe that time just isn't right now."

"Just don't give up, ok?" Jeff said, patting Drew's shoulder one last time. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, guys." Drew said, as Danny and Jeff headed off to their rooms.

Drew sighed as he walked back over to the bed and sat down on it. He glanced down at the dresser and noticed a picture of him and Nick, with their arms around each other's shoulders on the day that Nick and Jessica got married. He picked it up and looked over it.

"Come back to us, bro." he said, to his brother's image in the photo. "Come back to all of us."

BACK AT BEN'S HOUSE....................

"Nicole is taking Nick's absence really hard." Jessica said. "She loves her Daddy."

"I don't doubt that for a second." I agreed. "What's not to love about Nick?"

I sort of flinched when I heard myself say that, which also seemed to bother Jessica as well.

"I didn't mean that like it sounded, Jessica." I told her. "I just meant that there's alot of qualities in Nick that you can't help but love."

She nodded. "Like how romantic he is." She said.

"Yeah, that's one of them." I said, agreeing with that one. "You and I do have one very special thing in common, you know?"

Jessica was surprised to hear that. She couldn't think of one thing that she and I could possibly have in common.

"What's that?" She wanted to know.

I smiled as I thought back to that memory.

"Nick was the first person that we both shared our virginity with for the first time." I confessed to her. "Well, I wasn't exactly a virgin when Nick and I made love. Mine was taken from me when Jay Phillips raped me."

"What?" Jessica gasped. "Sean, I'm so sorry."

I was surprised that she didn't know about the rape. I guess Nick had never told her.

"Nick never told you about that?" I asked her, curiously.

"No, he didn't." Jessica said, shaking her head. "Could you tell me a bit about that."

As much as I was enjoying our civil heart-to-heart conversation, I didn't want to go back and relive the past again. I had moved on for a reason.

"If you don't mind, Jessica, I don't really want to relive that painful memory." I told her. "I'm over it now, sort of. But, I guess a part of me will never totally be over it. I just dont want to dwell on the past. Some other time, maybe, but not right now, ok?"

"That's alright, Sean." Jessica said. I'm sorry I asked. I just want you to know that I wish that none of that had happened to you. Despite our differences between us, I would never, ever wish that for you."

If she was able to surprise me before, she really did this time. It was really nice of her to say that. But I actually surprised myself even more with what I did next.

I got up and walked over to where she was sitting. I knelt down and embraced her in my arms.

Jessica was surprised by my sudden affection, but made no move to stop it. She hugged me back.

"Thanks, Jessica." I said to her. "That means alot coming from you."

She didn't say anything, so I pulled back and looked her in the face. She seemed unsure of whether she should have embraced me or slapped me.

"Jessica, I'm not the enemy here." I told her. "I just want you to know that."

Jessica was quiet for a moment. It was obvious that something was on her mind. Something that she wanted to ask me. Something very heavy.

As I watched her, she looked up at me and finally opened her mouth to say what she wanted to say.

"This decision that Nick says he has to make," She started, then asked. "What if he were to choose you over me? What would you do, then?"

I was shocked that she was able to come out and ask me that. That couldn't have been easy for her and it took alot of guts to ask someone, who was her husband's ex, something like that.

I thought over what she had asked me and I didn't know how to answer that. Nick and I still had a connection, that much was true, but I didn't think it was love.

"I don't know, Jess." I told her. "But I will tell you this much: I still have alot of issues where Nick is concerned that need to be resolved before I can answer that. For one thing, Nick doesn't know that the guys and I have made up, somewhat. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear that. Secondly, we have to wait and see what Nick decides when he gets back.

"But one thing, I do know is that I will always have a special place in my heart for him, but beyond that, I just don't know."

"That's fair enough." Jessica said. She then looked at her watch.

"Oh my god, it's getting late!" Jessica exclaimed. "Nicole must be really giving the guys a hard time right now, so I have to get going."

"She's beautiful, you know." I admitted to her. "Back in Orlando, Nick showed me a photo of her. She looks alot like you, but you can see alot of Nick in her. She has your blond hair and her father's blue eyes. So, she has the best of both her parents."

"Thanks, Sean." Jessica said, smiling at me. "That's nice of you to say."

"You're welcome." I told her. "Come on, I'll walk you out."

I followed Jessica to the door and opened it for her.

"Jessica?" She turned around.

"What?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Is it possible that we can put our differences aside and maybe become friends again?" I asked her. "Is that even possible?"

"I don't know." She said. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we were able to put our differences aside and have a civil conversation for once, but I don't know if that's gonna be enough right now."

"Will you at least think about it?" I asked her.

"I will." She nodded. "Goodbye, Sean."

"Goodbye." I said, as I watched her get into her car and drive back home.

I shut the door and went back into the living room to sit down. At that moment, my cellphone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey! How's it going in Los Angeles?" I heard someone say, I recognized his voice.

"Jake! Hey, man." I said. "Not bad, actually. How are things with you?"

"Things are going good." Jake said. " I have some news for you."

"what's that, buddy?" I asked him. I could hear just how excited he was on the phone.

"Come on! Don't keep me in suspense, tell me!" I exclaimed, knowing it must be big, the way he was making me sweat it out."

"I proposed to Michelle last night." Jake confessed. "And she said yes. We're getting married."

I just about fell off of the couch when he told me that. I was definitely not expecting that. But I was happy for him."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Jake, buddy, that's great! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, Sean." Jake laughed. "I'm the happiest guy in the world right now. Especially when I tell you the other big news?"

"What's that?" I asked, grinning. "Did you get a new Firebird Convertible or something?"

"Hell no!" Jake laughed. "Even I can't afford that right now, you know that. This is even better."

"Alright." I replied. "Spill it."

I heard Jake take a big breath and then blurt it out.

"Michelle is pregnant. We're expecting a baby."

Now, I was floored. Not only was Jake getting married, but now he was having a baby with his girlfriend, now fiance."

"Sean, are you there?" Jake asked, in a worried tone.

"Yeah, buddy, I'm here." I said to him. "Wow. First you propose marriage and now there's a baby on the way. Is that good or bad?"

"Are you kidding?! Jake asked, excitedly. "It's fantastic! You know how much I've wanted to have a family of my own."

"Yeah, I know." I said, "But I thought that was still a ways away. But now? Are you sure you're not getting married because Michelle is pregnant?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jake asked me. He sounded like he was getting upset.

"Well, Jake, I've never heard you talk about marriage this soon. Hell, I didn't even know that you were ready for marriage this soon in your life."

"Well, neither was I until last night!" Jake said, a catch in his voice. "It just felt so right and I proposed to her before I even knew she was pregnant! She didn't even know herself until this morning!"

"Calm down, buddy." I said to him. "I didn't mean to make it sound like you were actually marrying her just because of the baby. It was just a concern I had. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't getting married for all the wrong reasons. You know I'm just looking out for you, right?"

"Yeah I know that, Sean." Jake said, sounding calm down. "I'm sorry I went off on you like that."

"No, problem, buddy." I reassured him. "You're obviously under alot of stress."

I then thought about what this was going to mean for his career. Especially since he was still in college.

"Jake, have you and Michelle talking about what you're going to do when that baby in born? What about college? Will you finish school?"

"Oh yeah." Jake said. "Michelle and I will graduate college in plenty of time before the baby is born. We actually graduate in a few more months."

"Really?" I said. "That's great. Then you don't have to worry about Michelle having to drop out later for maternity leave."

"So you see? The timing is better than we thought. I don't think we were really planning on becoming parents this soon, but since we'll be graduating college soon and have jobs by the time the baby comes, the timing couldn't be more perfect."

"Well, as I said before, I'm really happy for you, man." I said to him, again.

"Thanks." He said. "Listen, I gotta go for now. Call me back sometime tommorrow and give me an update on how things are going with Ben and Matt, ok?"

"I sure will, Jake." I said to him. "Later, bro."

"Later." He said, as he hung up.

I ended the call and put my cell phone back in my pocket, just as the door opened and Matt and Ben came in, with lots of grocery bags in their hands."

"Hey guys, you're back." I said, greeting them, as I walked to the door.

"Do you want some help?" I asked, when I saw all the bags they were carrying.

"That would be great." Matt said, handing me a bunch of bags. "There's more out in the trunk yet."

"There's more?" I asked, my eyes, widening. "What did you guys do? Buy out the whole supermarket?"

"Very funny." Matt said, grinning. "No, actually it's food for the rest of the weekend."

"We're going to have a cookout." Ben said, as he handed me a big brown bag he had in his hands. "Here take this one and set it on the table."

"Sure." I said, as he lifted the bag and set it in my arms. "I almost fell with it.

"Damn, what the hell is this?" I said, as I walked into the kitchen and set it down on the table. Ben laughed at the look on my face.

"You'll find out soon enough." He chuckled. "Besides, you can't have a cookout without it."

I looked into the bag and noticed a 24pack of Ying Ling.

"Beer?" I asked, outloud.

"Yep." Ben said. "I thought that tonight, we could go out back and soak in the hot tub for awhile, and have a drink? What do you say?"

"Well, guys, I'm not much of a beer drinker, you know." I said. "I perfer wine."

"Oh, right." Matt said, taking out another 6pack case that I hadn't noticed in the bag with the beer in it. No wonder it had been so heavy. It was a pack of Arbor Mist Merlot wine coolers."

"That's my favorite." I said, in surprise. "How did you guys know?"

"Just a lucky guess." Matt said. "So, are you up to that soak?" He asked. "We also have a futon bed open out there in case we get tired."

"What about going clubbing tonight?" I asked him. "You asked me if I wanted to go clubbing with you earlier this morning."

"That was the plan, but we thought that we'd just stay in tonight and have a few beers instead, just the 3 of us. How about it?"

"Sure." I said. "Just tell me you're both not going to get drunk, ok?"

"Where would the fun be in that?" Ben asked me, with a grin. "Come on, let's go get in our trunks."

I watched as he and Ben raced each other upstairs to get into their trunks. I swear those two were like a couple of kids sometimes.

"Oh boy." I said to myself. "Something tells me that this is going to be a night I will never forget."

With that being said, I went upstairs to the guest room to change into my trunks.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE LACHEY HOUSE.........

"I'm so glad you're back, Jessica." Drew said, as he hugged her. "Where have you been?"

Jessica released him from the hug and glanced at him. He looked sad and tired.

"I went to talk to Sean." She said. "We actually had a civil conversation for once."

"About Nick?" Drew asked her.

"Yes." She said. "And about you."

Drew sat down on the bed in Nick's room and looked up at Jessica.

"What about me?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to hear it.

Jessica sat down beside him and put her arm around him.

"Sean talked about you and how he still has problems with moving on with you." She said to him. "He still blames you for his breakup with Nick. He hasn't really dealt with that in it's entirety. I think you two should talk and get everything out on the table and then once you get all of the obstacles out of the way, then maybe you both might be able to work things out."

Drew shrugged.

"I don't know, Jessica." He said, sadly. "I think that Sean and I just aren't meant to be."

"You'll never know if you give up." Jessica said. She put her hand to Drew's face, caressing his cheek, gently.

"Even you deserve to be happy." She told him. "And if Sean is the man who will make you happy, then you go after him and prove to him how much you still love him."

Drew hugged Jessica again.

"I will." He said. "Right now."

He kissed her cheek and left the room, leaving Jessica alone with the baby, who was still sleeping.

Downstairs, Drew grabbed his keys and coat and left the house, locking the doors behind him."

******************************************************* LATER, BACK AT BEN'S HOUSE...............

"Oh my god!" I laughed. "You two are so insane!"

I was lying on the futon, laughing my ass off, as Ben and Matt were getting drunk and they were splashing around in the pool, bare-ass naked and showing off. At least until Ben said he wasn't feeling well anymore. Matt didn't either, so they both got out and grabbed their towels to dry off.

I, on the other hand, wasn't much better off. I actually had drank the whole six pack of Arbot Mist wine coolers and was pretty much on my way to being drunk myself. Or at least buzzed, I didn't know what was what, since I don't think I had ever been drunk before.

"Ok, I think it time to play a game of "Truth or Dare." Matt said, slurring his words, slightly.

"Oh no." I said, putting my hand to my face. "I don't think I'm sober enough for this."

"Oh, I think you are." Matt said, as he came over to me, zigzagged a bit.

"Matt be careful." I warned him, a little too late as he stumbled and fell into the futon. Right on top of me.

"Damn boy!" I laughed. "See what I mean?"

Matt couldn't stop laughing. Ben came over and sat down on the futon with us, and laughed along with us over Matt's obvious drunkness.

"You both are cute when you're drunk, I've gotta admit." I laughed. "I never thought I'd see two pale white asses like that."

I could not contain myself and I started laughing so hard, tears were forming in my eyes.

"Pale asses?!" Ben and Matt said, in unison.

"I don't think so." Matt said, just as he grabbed my trunks and ripped them off of me in a flash, leaving me naked and totally exposed.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, laughing in embarassment, as I reached for my trunks. "Give those back!

"You want em?" Matt asked, with a chesire grin. "Wrestle me for em."

"All right, you asked for it." I said, as I leapt at him.

Then started a crazy nude wrestling match to get my trunks back. Matt would toss them to Ben and I'd have to start struggling with him for them, while laughing the whole time.

When they finally gave up, they tossed them back to me. I took them back and lay down to catch my breath.

"Now, look what you two did?" I said, looking down at myself. "You got me all hot and bothered. I'm as hard as a rock now."

I looked at both Ben and Matt and saw the looks of lust in their eyes.

"Well, how about Ben and I take care of it for you?" Matt asked, out of the blue.

"What?" I askes, stupidly, not sure I'd heard him correctly.

Then it happened.

Matt's lips were on mine, in a kiss. I kissed him back and started running my hands down his body, feeling how toned he really was. I squeezed his rock hard buns, which he tightened as I did.

Then, I felt another pair of lips on my neck. I knew then that Ben was also kissing me. Matt and I broke our kiss and I turned around towards Ben and he leaned in and kissed me as well. We could no doubt taste the alcohol in our

I felt Matt running his hands up and down my sides, and he went down and started kissing all down my back, while Ben ravished me with his lips. I ran my own hands down Ben's muscular build and came down to his ass and squeezed it in my hands. He had one fine ass too! Hell, they both did!

"Oh, man." I groaned. "Guys, don't stop."

******************************************************* "ALSO AT BEN'S HOUSE..............

Drew pulled up and shut off the engine. He got out of the car and walked up to the door to Ben's house. He knocked on the door and waited. No response. He knocked again. Still no one answered the door.

"Damn, they must be in bed." Drew said. Then he looked inside again.

"But if they're in bed, then why are the lights still on?"

Just then, Drew could hear sounds coming from the back of the house.

Slowly, he crept around the side of the house and came to the back of the house where the gate to the pool was. As he came to the gate, he saw the pool right in front of him.

He then turned and glanced down to the far left side of the pool and he froze, horrified, at what he saw before him.

To Be Continued.......?

"Well, that's it for this installment. I hope you get a kick out of this one.

"Is Jessica being sincere where Sean is concerned? Or does she have ulterior motives behind it?"

"Will Ben, Sean, and Matt realize what they're doing and stop before it goes too far? Or will it already be too late?

But most importantly:

"What happens when Drew gets an eyeful?

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 61

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