My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jan 13, 2003


Hey all, I'm back and ready to write again. It's been such a long time, I've had to re-read the story to try to remember what my next plot was going to be.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

I started helping Nick to take off his shirt, but he stopped me.

"Not tonight, baby." Nick said, sadly. "I have to take off my sling to get my shirt off and I don't feel like it tonight." I just want to sleep tonight."

"That's totally ok, baby." I whispered. "I'm tired too and plus I know that you're in no condition to make love to me tonight either."

Nick nodded. "I'm sorry, Sean." he said, sadly. "That's how it's going to be for 6 weeks until my arm heals. Now I'm starting to wonder if we should go on our honeymoon at all."

I looked at Nick in shock. Why would he not want to go on our honeymoon?

"Not a chance, sexy." I said, You made a promise to me and you're not backing out of it now."

"But it's not going to be much of a honeymoon if I can't even make love to you." He said, the embarrassment obvious in his voice.

I looked at him sympathetically and reached out and caressed his sexy chest, lovingly.

"Baby, is that what you're worried about?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Then don't be." I said to him. "We will still be able to make love. You forget that there are lots of ways to be intimate and to express your love. But I will wait as long as it takes until your ready if you need me to."

"Don't worry, Sean." Nick said, as we both got into bed and I pulled the covers over us. "I still love you in all the ways that matter. We will make love again soon."

"I hope so." I said, as I started falling asleep.

"Goodnight, my love." Nick whispered.

"Goodnight, my angel." I whispered back. I had just barely finished saying it before I was fast asleep.

CHAPTER 42 **********

THE NEXT MORNING..............

I woke up to find Nick, not in the bed with me. I sat up and stretched, wondering where he was.

I looked at the clock on the bedside table and was shocked to see that it was almost 3:00 p.m.

Nick must have let me sleep in. I guess I didn't blame him since we had been up late last night with everything that had happened. Or maybe there was another reason.

I then thought back to last night when I asked Nick where we were going for our honeymoon and he said it was a surprise.

Just then, I heard the door open and shut from downstairs and then heard someone coming up the stairs.

Nick emerged into the bedroom, with some kind of a present in his left hand.

"Good morning, sexy." He greeted me with his killer smile.

"That's Good Afternoon to you, Babe." I said, with a confused frown. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I never sleep this late."

Nick nodded.

"I just didn't have the heart to wake you up since you were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to disturb you, so I used the time you were asleep to go and get something for you."

Here, he held out the box in his hand.

"This is for you." He said, as he leaned in and kissed me on the lips, ignoring the fact that I had bad breath.

"What is it, sweetness?" I asked him.

"Open it and find out." Nick said, with a huge grin on his face.

I swear if his grin got any bigger, he'd pull a muscle in his gorgeous face.

"Well judging by the sexy grin on your face, I'm sure I'm going to love whatever it is." I said, as I opened the box.

"Vacation brochures?" I asked, pulling out 3 brochures to 3 exotic locations.

"Yeah." Nick said. "As I said last night, I was going to make plans to take us both on the honeymoon of our lives. All 3 of these are vacation packages which include the airline tickets, hotel, and even a rental car. Now all you have to do is pick one. After you decide, then I will call and confirm our reservations."

I looked down at the brochures I had in my hand. They were to exotic locations in Hawaii, Cancun, Mexico, and Tahiti. Wow! Nick sure had great taste in picking exotic locations.

Wow, these are all great, Nick." I said, in awe. "All of these places, I've never been to, so It's not really an easy choice."

Nick just sat there, gazing at me, the sparkle evident in his beautiful blue eyes. He was definitely in a great mood today.

"Well it's up to you." Nick said. "Any one of those locations would be perfect for me. Actually like you said last night, anyplace is paradise as long as we're with each other."

I looked down at the 3 brochures for a minute or two, then decided on one.

"Well, Cancun, Mexico sounds like alot of fun, but since we're in California and Hawaii isn't that far away, how about we go there for our honeymoon?" I asked after making my decision.

"Perfect." Nick said, beaming. "I'll call and confirm the reservations right now."

Nick reached for the phone and started dialing.

"When do we leave, Nick?" I asked him, curiously.

"Three days." He said, as he waited for customer service to pick up. "We will be spending 2 weeks in Hawaii."

"Well then, we have some packing to do, don't we, sexy?" I said.

Nick nodded, with a grin. "We sure do, baby." He replied. "But let's leave that until tomorrow. Then we'll have the last 2 days to ourselves before we leave.

"Sounds good to me." I said, as I started getting dressed. It was then and there that I noticed that the house was so quiet.

"Nick, where is everybody?" I asked as I finished pulling on my shirt and zipping up my pants.

"Would you believe they're still in bed?" Nick asked, with such a serious look on his face, it was almost funny. My mouth fell open.

"Tell me you're joking?" I asked, more then said. "Even Drew?"

Nick nodded, but then added. "But he did get up to help me get dressed some before he went back to sleep.

Here I got a devilish grin on my face. Nick noticed this and cocked an eyebrow.

"Alright, what crazy stunt are you thinking of pulling now?" Nick said. I laughed.

"I swear you know me too well, baby." I said, still laughing. "But never mind, I couldn't do it anyway."

Now I had Nick curious. "Do what?" He asked me.

"Well," I started saying. "I was going to say to get the video camera, so we can give them all a 'cold' awakening."

Here's Nick's grin matched mine.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked with a grin.

"Actually, I did want to say 'all' of them, but I've already gotten Drew, Justin and Kandi, with the video camera before, so that's leave Jeff and Danny." I said, my smile getting bigger.

"Plus," I continued. "I've always wanted to get Danny in a prank. I've tried things on him when I was younger, but he always seemed to see things coming. So very rarely, did he ever get caught. I've just never been the one to get him yet."

"I love this idea." Nick chuckled. "So, I'll ask again: What do you have in mind?"

"Just follow my lead, baby." I said, getting up.

Just as I started to walk away and out the door, Nick grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"You might want to put some clothes on, you know." Nick said, looking me up and down.

I looked down and noticed that I was indeed still naked. I blushed.

"Right." I said, and grabbed my underwear and slid them on. Then I grabbed my black sweatpants and put them on also.

"Ok, muscles, let's go downstairs and get those buckets." I said, walking to the bedroom door.

"Buckets?" Nick asked with a frown. I turned around and rolled my eyes at him.

"I did say a "cold" awakening didn't I, sexy?" I said, stressing the word "Cold" as I said it.

Then, Nick got it. Grinning widely, he jumped up.

"Alright, lead the way, sweets." He said.

He followed me downstairs where we grabbed two empty buckets that were sitting outside the entrance to the house.

Taking them to the sink, I started filling mine up with ice cold water. I started to laugh, which set Nick off as well.

"You know Jeff and Danny are going to kill us, right?" I said, still laughing.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Nick answered, still laughing too.

"I might need it." I said, taking him up on his offer, then added. "Now go and get the camcorder. I want to get this on tape."

Nick rushed upstairs to get the camcorder, while I checked the water to make sure it was still ice cold.

In a few minutes, Nick came back into the kitchen with the camcorder already loaded with a tape and it's battery charged.

"Looks like we are ready, Sean." Nick said. "Come on, let's get this over with."

Nick and I tiptoed upstairs, me holding one bucket of water. We had decided not to use the other one, since Nick would have his hands full, taping everything.

We slowly opened the door to Jeff and Danny's bedroom. We both saw their half naked forms still laying in bed.

Danny had his head on Jeff's chest and looked very peaceful there. Too bad I had to interrupt it.

"Ok, guys, come on and get up." I said, setting the bucket of water down so they wouldn't see it right away.

Danny stirred, but didn't awaken. But Jeff did, but wouldn't open his eyes.

"Sean, go away. We just need a few more minutes." Jeff groaned.

"Sorry, buddy." I said to him, trying to keep from laughing. "It's either get up now or you'll be sorry."

"Yeah right." Jeff said, turning over on his back, his eyes still closed.

I then decided to do it. I picked up the bucket of water that was sitting by the bed.

"Ok, I warned you." I said, before throwing the water out on both of them.

As soon as the ice cold water came in contact with their skin, their eyes flew open and they both screamed in shock and surprise.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Jeff screamed, looking down at himself to see that the bed was soaked, and so was he.

"What the hell is going on here?! Danny shouted, waking up to find himself all drenched.

Nick and I couldn't even answer them. We were laughing so hard, we could barely stand up, so Nick shut off the camcorder at that point and set it down on a chair nearby.

"Who's responsible for this shit?" Jeff asked, looking at the both of us, still laughing.

"Nick, if this is your doing, you're a dead man." Danny said, anger showing in his features.

"Don't look at me, man." Nick giggled. "That was my sexy husband's idea."

I gave Nick a look of shock. "You traitor!" I said. "You said you would protect me."

All Nick could do was laugh.

"You are so dead, Sean." Danny said jumping out of bed with Jeff right behind him.

"Yeah, well you'll have to catch me first." I said, before bolting out the bedroom door.

"Get him!" Jeff yelled, as he and Danny chased after me.

Nick just laughed and shook his head as he watched us go and then walked over to Drew's bedroom door.

Just as Nick was about to knock, Drew opened the door and saw him standing there.

"Hi Nick. Drew greeted him. "What was all that racket I heard earlier? It sounded like a couple of girls screaming."

That set Nick off into more fits of laughter, which made Drew look at Nick like he was insane.

"That was Jeff and Danny." Nick said, in between his laughter. "They were screaming because Sean threw a bucket of ice cold water all over them because they wouldn't get up."

Drew laughed when he heard the whole story.

"Man, I wish I'd have seen the look on both of their faces." He snickered. "You know they're going to kill him, right?"

"Yep." Nick said, nodding. "And if I don't get down there and rescue him, I probably won't be getting any lovin' for awhile."

Just then, Nick and Drew heard me screaming from the living room.

"Well judging by that scream I just heard, I think you're right, bro." Drew said, racing towards the door.

"Come on." He said. "Let's go and save Sean before he pisses his pants. Jeff and Danny must be giving him the worst tickle torture right now."

Nick and Drew raced out of his room and down the stairs and found me pinned under Jeff and Danny on the couch in the living room. Danny was straddling my waist and tickling my abdomen while Jeff was holding down my arms.

"Danny stop or I'll piss in my pants!" I Half laughed, Half yelled at him. "And it'll be on you too!

"Ok, you two, I think he's had enough tickling." Nick told Jeff and Danny. "You can leave him alone now."

"But we haven't even started." Jeff said, still holding my arms down. "He put up one hell of a fight. We just got him down before you two came in here."

"Well you can let him up now, anyway." Drew said, seriously.

Danny sighed and got off of me, while Jeff let go of my arms. I sat up as they both sat down beside me.

"Hey, you two!" Drew scolded. "Get your wet bodies off of my couch!

Jeff and Danny jumped up off the couch instantly, which made me laugh again.

"Well, I guess he told you, Bitches." I said, with a sarcastic laugh, causing Nick and Drew to laugh.

"Bitches?" Jeff asked with a funny look on his face.

"We'll get you for that, Sean." Danny said, trying to be serious before he started to smile.

"Oh, so I guess you want to spank me?" I asked, in a playful voice.

"Not a bad idea." Jeff said, reaching over to pull me down again.

"Oh no you don't, Jeff." Nick said, grabbing my arm and yanking me up towards him, suddenly.

"The only person who does any spanking to this sexy guy is me!" Nick said, then added. "But unfortunately, we're not into that."

"Alright then, Nick, you can do whatever you want to him, then." Jeff said, standing up with Danny. "We're going to get changed into some dry clothes.

Jeff and Danny started walking back upstairs just as Justin and Kandi came into the living room.

"What happened to you two?" Kandi asked, looking at Jeff's and Danny's soaked pajamas. "Did you get into a fight with the garden hose?"

"Very funny, Kandi." Danny said, with a smirk. "Actually, not with the garden hose. Sean threw ice cold water on Jeff and I earlier when we wouldn't get up."

Justin looked over at me in shock. "You didn't?" He asked, more than said. I nodded.

"You did!" Justin said, starting to laugh.

"Yes he did." Nick said. "Drew heard them scream earlier and said that they sounded like a couple of girls."

"Well, I sure didn't call them "Bitches" for nothing." I added in.

This made Justin and Kandi, who had already been laughing, laugh even harder. Nick, and Drew were already on the floor, howling with laughter. Jeff and Danny were just standing there with shocked looks on their faces.

"Man, forget you guys." Jeff said, feigning hurt.

"Yeah, if you're just going to laugh at us, we're not gonna stand there and take it." Danny said, also pretending to be hurt. "Let's go, Jeff."

"With pleasure, cutie." Jeff said, following Danny back upstairs to their room where they would get changed.

Drew stood up, still laughing, and held up his hand.

"Good comeback, Sean." Drew said, as I gave him a high five.

"Thanks, Bro." I thanked him, patting his shoulder. He looked at me with surprise written all over his face.

"What?" I asked. Drew smiled.

"You just called me bro." Drew said "Only Nick calls me that."

"Does that bother you?" I asked, confusion filling my features.

"Oh no, not at all." Drew said, making sure I knew he wasn't bothered by it. "I was just wasn't expecting to be called "Bro" by you."

"Well that's what I think of you, Drew." I said, smiling at him. "Legally, you're my brother-in-law, but in my heart, you're the brother I've always wanted....the brother I never had."

Drew was starting to get a little emotional at my revelation. It really meant alot to him that I thought of him as family.

"Thanks, Sean." Drew said, embracing me in a hug. "It means alot to me that you can think of me as a brother."

"Anytime, Drew." I said, as I returned the hug.

Drew and I stood there, embraced, as Nick looked on with happy tears in his eyes. Justin and Kandi were also standing nearby, watching us.

"You know you can always count on me to be there for you, Sean." Drew said, as he pulled back from our hug.

"I know that, Drew." I said, nodding. "I appreciate your support of Nick and me. I know it wasn't easy for you considering how you once felt about me."

That took Drew so much by surprise, that he hesitated before saying anything.

"That's ancient history, Sean." Drew said, patting my shoulder. "I resolved my feelings for you a long time ago. You make Nick happy and I'm happy for you both."

"Thanks, Drew." I said, hugging him again.

As I was hugging Drew, I looked over at Nick and saw that he had a strange look on his face. I couldn't really place whether it was confusion or maybe even jealousy, so I decided I'd talk to him about it when we were alone.

I released Drew and decided to change the subject.

"So, what do we all want to do today since we all have six weeks to ourselves?" I asked Justin, Kandi, Nick, and Drew.

"How about we go down to Venice and hang out at the beach?" Kandi suggested.

I thought it was a great idea. Apparently, so did Nick.

"Oh yeah." Nick said. "I don't think Sean has ever been to Venice Beach.

He then turned to me. "Have you?" he asked.

"No, Nick, I havent." I told him. "But I've heard alot about it. Especially since they have a spot called "Muscle Beach" down there too. And if there's one thing I enjoy looking at, it's oiled up, muscular men."

"Excuse me?" Nick asked, cocking his eyebrow. "Mr. Perry-Lachey, what am I? Chop liver?"

"Of course not, love." I said, putting my arm around his waist and pulling him close. "Your the only muscle hunk that I want."

"Good answer." Nick grinned. He then leaned in and his lips met mine.

I put my arms around him and kissed him for all he was worth. Nick, wasn't just sexy, muscular, and a great dancer. He was also one hell of a kisser! And an even better lover!

We had to have been kissing for about 5 minutes until we were interrupted.

"Damn, there sure is a love fest going on in here." I heard Danny's voice say.

Nick and I broke apart to see Danny and Jeff, standing near us, with smiles on their faces.

"How do you and Danny feel about going to Venice Beach today?" I asked Jeff.

Jeff and Danny looked at each other and nodded.

"It's a great idea." Jeff said, looking at his skin. "I do need to work on my tan a little more."

"I do too." Danny agreed. "I haven't been to the beach in a long time."

So, we were all agreed. We were going to the beach to have some fun. But then, I thought of something.

"Hey, since we're going to hang out at the beach, why not have a picnic there too?"

Drew brightened at that.

"That's an even better idea, Sean." He said. "After all, we all do need to eat too."

"Ok then, How about Kandi and I go and get the food and we meet you at the beach later?" Justin suggested.

I didn't think it was a good idea.

"Justin, I don't think that's a good idea." I told him.

"Why not?" Kandi asked, frowning. I proceeded to explain.

"Well after what happened with those reporters yesterday, I don't think Justin should go." I told Kandi."The last thing we need is fans or reporters causing a scene if Justin gets noticed. How about you and I go and get the food instead?"

Justin and Kandi looked at each other and reluctantly agreed.

"Alright, I guess that will have to be taken under advisement." Kandi said.

Just then, I heard my cell phone ringing upstairs.

"Excuse me, guys, I hear my phone ringing." I said, running upstairs to Nick's and my room.

I entered the bedroom and saw my cellphone sitting on the bedside table at my side of the bed.

I grabbed it and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello, Sean." I heard an eerie voice, which I didn't recognize, say.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"That's not important." The voice said. "Right now, I just want you to listen to what I have to say."

I was wondering if this was some kind of a prank.

"Look, whoever you are, I don't have time for your games, so unless you tell me who you are, I'm hanging up now." I told the voice, seriously.

"Don't even think about it, Sean." The voice said.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, starting to get nervous. "And how did you get my number?"

"I've been watching you." The voice hissed. "But most importantly, I've been watching your friend, Nick. He is one sexy guy, isn't he?"

Here, I was starting to get terrified. What if this was an obsessed fan, or a stalker? or worse.

"You stay the hell away from Nick, do you hear me?!" I hissed ferociously.

"Oh, I'm sooo scared!" The voice said, sarcastically.

"You'd better be scared!" I told the voice, vehom obvious in my voice. "You set one foot near Nick and I swear I'll kill you!"

The voice just laughed.

"I've gotta go. Give Nick a big kiss for me, huh?"

Now, I was pissed. "You listen here, you little fucker! You stay away from............


"Hello?" I asked. "Hello?"

I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at the screen. it said "Call Ended."

I hit the end button and hit *69 to see who it was that had called me.

All I got was a message saying that the number was blocked. I ended the call in vain and sat down on the bed.

"Who was after Nick?" I thought. "And what does he want? Oh god, he said he was watching me! That means that he could be after me too!"

I then thought that maybe whoever it was was just trying to scare me and that it was just a prank call. I hoped like hell that it wasnt. Which is why I decided that I wasn't going to say anything about it to the guys unless it became necessary.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs, where I found everyone waiting anxiously for me.

"What took you so long, baby?" Nick asked me. "Who was it that called?"

I sighed.

Oh, just someone trying to sell something." I lied. "I told them I wasn't interested."

"Oh." Nick said. "Alright, well now we can get going."

It amazed me that he actually bought it, considering how well he knew me. Nick could pick up on things, but even he wasn't perfect. This was definitely the first time, he hadn't picked up on the feeling that something was bothering me.

"Ok." Kandi said. "Sean can ride with me. Nick, you go with the guys to the beach and we'll get the food at the supermarket."

"That works for me." I said. I then turned to face my sexy hubby.

"I'll see you soon, sexy." I told him, smiling. "Until then, I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you more." Nick replied, leaning in to kiss me.

Our lips met and we began to get into it, until I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away from Nick, interrupting our kiss.

"Hey!" I said, turning around to see Drew, giving me an annoyed look.

"If you two start that up again, we'll never get out of here." He said.

I didn't like the tone in his voice.

"We were almost done, Drew." Nick said to him, annoyed.

Drew suddenly exploded.


Everyone was stunned at Drew's outburst. Even Danny and Jeff, who had beeen coming down the stairs at that moment, froze when they heard him shouting.

I was speechless. All I could do was look at Drew, who's face was red, partially from anger and some embarrassment for how he had just acted.

"Drew, what the hell was that all about?" I asked him, when I'd gotten my voice back."

Drew didn't say anything. He just started brushing past Nick and I towards the stairs. Before he got that far, I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards me.

"ANSWER ME!" I said harshly, the hurt obvious in my voice.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Drew snarled, yanking his arm out of my hand, fiercely. He then turned and bolted up the stairs. Danny and Jeff just moved out of his way, not wanting to even mess with him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, BRO?!" Nick shouted at Drew.

All we heard was Drew's bedroom door, slamming.

"Let him go, Nick." I told him. "I think he just needs some time to himself right now."

"He sure had some nerve saying what he said to us." Nick said, calmly.

I could tell he was really hurt by his brother's harsh words.

"Nick, He didn't mean a word of it." I told him, hoping that I was right.

"I hope you're right, Sean." Nick said. "I really hope you are right."

I frowned, wondering if Nick was aware of something that I wasn't.

DREW'S ROOM.............

Drew sat on his bed, trying to fight back his tears, but to no avail.

He stood up and walked over to his dresser and looked into the mirror, noticing his red eyes and tear streaked face.

"Well, don't you look cute." He muttered, sarcastically.

He looked down and noticed a picture of me and himself sitting on top of the dresser. The picture was from the wedding reception where I'd posed with the best man.

Drew set the picture back down and opened up his dresser drawer, looking for his cologne. As he did, something caught his eye.

It was a wedding photo of Nick and I that was taken right after the ceremony. We were both positively beaming, our happiness evident that day.

"You and Nick were so happy that day, Sean." Drew said to himself. "Just like I was when......

He was interrupted by a knock on his door.

"Drew, can I come in?" He heard my voice say.


What is wrong with Drew? Is it possible he's never really gotten over Sean? Or is there another reason why he acted the way that he did?

And who is stalking Nick, and maybe even Sean?

What was Drew about to say before Sean knocked on the door?

Oh, if you only KNEW what happens next.

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 43

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