My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Dec 31, 2002


Hey all, I'm back and ready to write again. It's been such a long time, I've had to re-read the story to try to remember what my next plot was going to be.

Plus, I went to California last August and had a great time. I just wish I could have been in Hollywood, rather than where I was. I will go again hopefully next summer. I will tell you more later. Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

Danny, Jeff, Drew, Nick, and I followed the rest of them out of the house and we got in the van and drove towards the hospital.

As they drove, Nick and I snuggled together in the back seat of Justin's van.

"Well now that you're back with us, safe and sound, baby, there's still something missing."

"What's that?" I asked, looking up into his sexy blue eyes.

In response, Nick reached into his pants pocket and pulled something out of it. He held the object up in front of me so I could see it. I smiled when I saw what it was.

"My wedding band." I murmured. "You brought it with you."

Nick smiled. "Of course I did, baby. We wouldn't be whole without it."

He took my hand and slid the ring back on my third index finger. I was whole once again! I had my ring and my man back again.

"I love you so much, Nick." I said to him, lovingly. "Let's promise each other never to take our love forgranted ever again."

"I promise you, I never will again and neither will you. So let's seal the deal with a kiss."

"Gladly." I said, leaning in and kissing his sexy full lips. He tasted so good. I wanted nothing more than to make love to him right then and there, but with the current circumstances, we just had to be satisfied with kissing at the moment.

We parted from our kiss and Nick cupped my face and smiled.

"When we get back home, I'm going to make plans to take us both on the best honeymoon of our lives." Nick said.

I smiled. "I can't wait."

I leaned back into Nick's chest and got comfortable as Justin continued to drive towards the hospital.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE BUILDING......

"Damn you, Jay!" A man's voice said. "You screwed up everything for me tonight! I guess if I want something done, I'll have to do it myself.

Then he pulls off his ski mask, revealing who he really is.

If I want to get Nick back, I'll have to eliminate Sean from his life! He said.

He then had a look in his eyes that would have turned anyone ice cold. He knew what he had to do.

"Sean Perry-Lachey will be sorry he ever messed with Matthew Sheffield!!!!!

Then he starts laughing, which echoes throughout the entire house.

Chapter 41 **********


Drew, Jeff, Danny, Justin, Kandi, Nick, and I were sitting at the table, talking about the night's events.

"Sean, have we told you how good it is to have you back again?" Justin said, smiled.

"Probably for about the 100th time since I left the hospital, Justin." I laughed.

I had gone to the hospital to get myself checked out to see if I could have gotten Toxemia from any drugs Jay and Matt could have given me when the explosion happened. As well as x-rays of my face to see if any bones were broken.

Things turned out fine and the doctors had told me that I was very lucky. They said that if I had taken anymore kind of drugs from those guys, I could have very easily overdosed. I was checked out of the hospital in an hour, so the guys, Danny, Kandi and I all went back to Nick's house.

"I'm just glad that we got to you in time, buddy." Danny said, then added. "I still can't believe that it was Jay Phillips who did all of this to you. First the rape, and now he tried to kill you."

"I'm just glad that he's behind bars where he can't hurt me anymore." I said to Danny.

"Me too, baby." Nick said, pulling me close to him with his one good arm. "I thought I might have lost you for good."

"Never, sexy." I said, leaning back into him. But I leaned into the wrong shoulder.

Nick gasped in pain, and I immediately sat back up, quickly and turned to face him.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." I said, with a guilty look. "I totally forgot about your arm."

"That's ok, Sean." Nick said, with a small smile, knowing that I didn't mean to hurt him. "I forget too sometimes. I still am not used to this."

"Speaking of your arm, you never really did tell me what happened to you." I said to him. "As well as this bandage on your head. What happened?"

Nick looked at everyone around him, who all nodded, except me since I didn't know what all Nick had gone through that night. Then he spoke.

"Well tonight after I thought you were dead, I came home and had a terrifying nightmare about the crash tonight."

Nick stopped for a moment, the memories coming back to him of the terrifying dream he'd had.

The guys could see that Nick was still emotionally disturbed from it. It was Drew who spoke next.

"Do you want me to tell him, Nick?" He asked his brother. "If it's too much for you to take, I'll do it."

"No, bro." Nick said, shaking his head. "I want Sean to hear this from me."

Drew nodded and let Nick continue. Nick turned to face me and continued.

"Anyway, I was dreaming that you were calling out for help and I couldn't see you for a few seconds. Then I saw your face from the car window and you were extending your arm out to me."

I ran towards the car, but didn't get there in time. The car blew up and I saw the expression on your face turn really cold and it chilled me to the bone. You're not going to believe what you did next."

Here I was concerned. The look in Nick's eyes really tore at my heart. I hated to see my husband in so much pain.

"What's that, baby?" I asked, with a worried look. "I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad."

"Wait til you hear the rest, buddy." Danny said to me.

I turned back to Nick. "Go on, sweetie." I urged him.

"Well then your voice was so frightening that you sounded like the devil himself. You said that I never loved you. you said that I turned my back on you and everything that we ever meant to each other and that I left you to die. Literally."

Here, Nick couldn't go on and started choking up. I just hugged him as close as I could, being very careful not to touch his injured shoulder.

"Oh Nick." I said, as I kissed his forehead. "I would never think that about you. I'd have never blamed you for my death if it had really happened. Besides if it would have been anyone's fault, it would have been mine. I was clearly in no shape to drive after you kicked me out of the house."'

"I shouldn't have done that." Nick sobbed. "I shouldn't have been so cruel."

"Nick, it's alright." I told him. "I deserved it at the time." I said, then added. "But that dream still doesn't explain why your arm is in a sling."

"Well, after that dream, I couldn't stay here, so I went back to the crash site and ended up falling asleep and having another dream where you showed up and seemed very much alive. then after we'd talked for awhile, you said that I was just dreaming and then you disappeared."

After that, Drew woke me up and I said to them that I saw you and that you were alive. Drew said that I was just dreaming and that you were dead. I coudn't take that and ended up yelling at Drew and everyone else that I saw you and if they couldn't believe it then to hell with all of them. I then ended up running into the street, not looking where I was going. I heard Drew scream for me to watch out and then the next thing I knew I saw a car coming at me and I ended up getting hit by it."

"Oh god, Nick." I said, hugging him again, then asked. "What happened after that?"

"I don't know." Nick said. "All I remember was waking up in the hospital."

"I'll answer for you, Nick." Jeff said, then looked at me. "The car just kept going after it hit Nick. Drew screamed for us to go after the car, but whoever was in that car, had a gun and shot Drew's car tire out, knowing that we'd try to follow them."

"Well thank god my baby is alright." I said.

"He almost wasn't." Kandi said, her face all serious. "The doctor told us that he hit his head pretty head and could have had brain damage. He could have suffered paralysis, blindness, or even death."

"Oh my god." I said, tears coming to my eyes.

"Then after Nick's results came back ok, We visited him in his room." Danny explained." Then when Nick woke up, he saw Drew's face, but didn't recognize him right away. We all thought for sure that he had amnesia."

"Well thank god he didn't." I said, wiping at my tears. "I'd have died inside if Nick forgot about me."

"Never, babe." Nick said, hugging me again. "I wouldn't ever forget you.

He held me close for a few moments and then I heard him yawn.

I'm exhausted." He said. "This has been a night of complete hell, except for having you back of course."

"We second that, Nick." Drew said, also yawning. "This has been one hell of a night."

"I think we all should turn in and get the rest of our sleep." Justin said, standing up and stretching. Kandi got up with him."

"Oh,and before we all go to bed, I have some great news." Drew announced.

"What's that, Drew?" Jeff asked him.

"Well while Sean was at the hospital and you guys were down at the cafeteria, I called Tom, our manager, and told him what happened to Nick tonight and he said we don't have to go back on tour in a few days. Because of Nick's injuries, The tour will be delayed for 6 weeks. So, until then, we're on a 6 week vacation."

"COOL!!" Everyone else said in unison."

"Now, we should think about what we're going to be doing on our free time."

"Well I know exactly what we need to do. Well at least what I want to do if Sean is willing." Nick said.

I looked at him, curiously. "What's that?" I asked him.

"Going on our long overdue honeymoon?" He asked, more than said.

My face lit up when he said that. "Really?! Are you serious?!" I asked, excitedly.

"Yes." Nick said, flashing his killer smile. "That is if you still want to go away with me?

"Are you kidding, sexy?" I asked him. "Just tell me what time to be up, so we can get to the airport in time."

"Deal." Nick agreed, before giving me a peck on the lips.

"Well Nick, I think you and Sean going on your honeymoon is a wonderful idea." Jeff said. "After all I was the reason you couldn't go in the first place."

Nick, shocked at Jeff's revelation, said to him:

"Jeff, don't blame yourself for that. You needed us and we were there for you. You're like family to all of us and my family and friends always come first."

"I agree with Nick, Jeff." Danny said with a guilty look. "It was actually because of me that they had to put their honeymoon on hold. I was the reason for your depression. And I'm truly sorry for that."

"Danny, there's no sense in beating yourself up about it anymore. We all forgive you." Justin said.

"Almost all of us." Kandi said, still angry with Danny. "I can't just forget about what you did to Jeff, Danny. I do not forgive easily."

Jeff opened his mouth to object, but Danny stopped him.

It's ok, Jeff, I can handle this." Danny said, then turned back to Kandi.

I'm not expecting your forgiveness this soon either Kandi." He said. "I do understand that I have to earn it back and I can accept that."

Kandi nodded. "Well let me put it to you this way." She said. "Everday that you make Jeff the happiest guy in the world will be a day earned towards forgiveness. When I am satisfied, I will let you know when you are officially forgiven."

"Deal." Danny said, extending his hand out to Kandi. She took it and they shook on it.

"Well on that note, let's all hit the sheets." Drew said, yawning.

"Now there's an idea I can't pass up." Nick said, yawning again. "Tommorrow I'm going to start setting up the plans to take Sean and I on the honeymoon of our lives."

"I can't wait." I said, full of excitement. "Where are we going for our honeymoon?" I then asked him.

"That's going to be a surprise." Nick said with a grin. He knew I hated being tortured when it came to surprises.

"Well it doesn't matter, anyplace is paradise as long as I'm with you." I said, letting Nick keep his surprise a secret.

Ok, let's head to bed. I'm tired." Kandi said.

Alright, let's go, honey." Justin said.

He and Kandi started walking upstairs and the rest of us followed them up to our own rooms. Justin and Kandi said goodnight to all of us and disappeared into their rooms. Danny and Jeff disappeared into their rooms as well, after saying goodnight. Drew was already in his room fast asleep.

I started helping Nick to take off his shirt, but he stopped me.

"Not tonight, baby." Nick said, sadly. "I have to take off my sling to get my shirt off and I don't feel like it tonight." I just want to sleep tonight."

"That's totally ok, baby." I whispered. "I'm tired too and plus I know that you're in no condition to make love to me tonight either."

Nick nodded. "I'm sorry, Sean." he said, sadly. "That's how it's going to be for 6 weeks until my arm heals. Now I'm starting to wonder if we should go on our honeymoon at all."

I looked at Nick in shock. Why would he not want to go on our honeymoon?

"Not a chance, sexy." I said, You made a promise to me and you're not backing out of it now."

"But it's not going to be much of a honeymoon if I can't even make love to you." He said, the embarrassment obvious in his voice.

I looked at him sympathetically and reached out and caressed his sexy chest, lovingly.

"Baby, is that what you're worried about?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Then don't be." I said to him. "We will still be able to make love. You forget that there are lots of ways to be intimate and to express your love. But I will wait as long as it takes until your ready if you need me to."

"Don't worry, Sean." Nick said, as we both got into bed and I pulled the covers over us. "I still love you in all the ways that matter. We will make love again soon."

"I hope so." I said, as I started falling asleep.

"Goodnight, my love." Nick whispered.

"Goodnight, my angel." I whispered back. I had just barely finished saying it before I was fast asleep.


Well, that's all for this installment. I finally managed to get it done. Now hopefully the next chapters will be easier. But if I take longer, don't be discouraged. I will email you all when the chapters are sent it to be posted.

Thanks to all of my readers who have been so understanding with everything I've gone through this year. Let's all hope to have a Better year in 2003.

Will Nick and Sean's honeymoon go off without a hitch?

Will Jeff and Danny really be happy together? Will Drew find out who his secret admirer is?

And will Matt Sheffield make good on his threats to eliminate Sean from Nick's life permanently?

You won't want to miss a minute of what happens. Because every minute is Everything!

Next: Chapter 42

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