My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 6, 2002


Hey all, I'm back and still writing the story. it's getting harder and harder to write and make sense out of it considering some of the choices I've made in the story.

Oh, and I'm going to try to write it with different scenes in each chapter so we can all see what's going on with the other characters, rather then from Sean's point of view.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

"Boy, this has been a night of complete hell." Danny said sighing. "I can't wait until Nick can finally go home and we can start helping him deal with all that's happened."

"You can say that again." Drew agreed. "This time I'm going to keep a closer eye on Nick from now on."

"We all will, Drew." Justin said from behind him.

The elevator finished it's ascent and the doors opened to the second floor and the guys got out and headed to Nick's room.

They all came to his room and Drew opened the door and they all walked in.

They saw Nick lying in bed, unconcious. His head had a bandage around it, and they also saw that his right arm was in a sling, indicating that that was his dislocated shoulder.

Drew grabbed a chair and pulled it to Nick's bedside, where he sat down and then grabbed his brother's hand, squeezing it."

"Nick?" Drew called out to him. "Can you hear me?"

Nick didn't respond. But Drew wasn't about to give up.

"Nick, please wake up?" Drew begged him. "Please come back to us?"

Just then, Nick started to stir. His head moved a little towards Drew and then he slowly opened his eyes.

"Nick! You're awake." Drew whispered. "How are you feeling?"

Nick's face took on a very strange look as he looked at Drew, confusion filling his features.

"Who are you?"

Chapter 39 **********

Drew and everyone gasped in shock when they heard Nick's question.

"What do you mean, who am I, Nick?" Drew asked in surprise. "I'm Drew Lachey. Your brother." You do remember me, don't you?"

Nick's face continued to have a look of confusion and then a few seconds later, his expression changed to one of recognition.

"Yeah, I remember now." Nick said, smiling. "I'm glad you're here, bro."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that. They almost thought for sure that Nick was lost to them.

Just then, Nick winced in pain.

"Ow!" Nick whined, his face contorted in pain.

"What is it, Nick?" Jeff asked. "What's wrong?"

"It's my shoulder." Nick said. "It hurts like hell."

"That's because it's dislocated after you were hit by that car." Kandi pointed out.

Nick looked down at his right arm and noticed that it was in a sling. Then he looked up at everyone.

"Did you guys find out who hit me?" Nick asked.

"No, we didn't." Danny said. "After the car hit you, it just kept going. It didn't hit it's brakes once."

Nick's eyebrows frowned at that.

"Didn't you guys try to go after it?" He asked.

"Drew screamed for us to." Jeff told him. "But the basterd, whoever it was, had a gun and shot out the front tire to Drew's car, stopping us from going after them."

Nick laid his head back and looked at everyone with a strange look on his face.

"What's that look about, Nick?" Justin asked him.

Nick, looking a million miles away at that moment, finally spoke up about what was on his mind.

"I was just thinking about Sean." He said. "I don't believe he's really dead."

But before anyone could open their mouths to suggest otherwise, Nick stopped them by raising his hand.

"And before you guys say anything," Nick continued. "I just want you to know that even though I have grieved somewhat, that doesn't mean that I believe he's really dead. For some reason, I can't feel that loss."

"What are you getting at, Nick?" Drew asked him.

Before Nick could answer, Dr. Kerry walked in and saw that Nick was awake.

"Well, look who's awake?" Dr. Kerry said with a friendly smile." How are you feeling?"

Nick gave him a small smile. I'm alright, Dr." He said. "Right now, I just want to know when I can go home."

Dr. Kerry nodded and smiled at Nick.

"Actually, I don't see no reason, why you can't check out of here now." He said. "I'll just have to sign your release papers and write you out a prescription for pain and suggest that you take it easy for awhile. No strenuous exercise of any kind."

"Don't worry, Doctor." Nick assured him. I'll be alright."

"Ok, I'll just have to take your word for it." Dr. Kerry said. "I'll check on you in a few minutes.

He left the room to get Nick's release papers ready. When he was gone, the rest of the guys, Danny, and Kandi, all looked at Nick in relief.

"Well Nick, our prayers were answered." Justin said. "You survived this ordeal and now you get to go home with us."

Nick nodded. "Yeah, I'll be glad once I'm at home and in bed." He said.

"Sure." Drew said, but then looked at Nick, a serious look on his face.

"But not before we have a serious talk about what happened tonight." He said, sternly.

Nick sighed. He knew what was coming. Drew was going to let him have it for worrying him and everyone else tonight.

"Drew, please, not tonight." Nick begged his brother. "Can't we talk about this tommorrow?"

"No, Nick." Jeff said, from next to Danny. "We're going to talk about this later when we get home because this is not the time or the place to have this discussion."

Look, Jeff, I know I've worried all of you, and I'm sorry." Nick said. "But I'll be alright, don't worry about me."

Nick, you didn't worry us, you SCARED us half to death, wondering whether you were going to live or die." Drew said, starting to choke up. "We've already lost a good friend tonight, and now that it almost happened to you, I can't take any chances of leaving you alone to deal with your grief anymore."

"Drew...." Nick started, but Drew cut him off.

"Nick, look at all of us?" Drew asked him, gesturing towards himself, Jeff, Danny, Justin and Kandi.

"We're your friends." Drew said, as Nick looked around at everyone, meeting them all eye to eye."

"We want to be there for you." Drew continued, a few tears running down his face. "But you're already in such denial that you won't let us try to help you through this."

"He's right, Nick." Danny piped in. "You can't just wallow around in your grief and self pity, you have to start facing reality."

"Danny, I am facing reality." Nick said, calmly. "The reality that Sean is not dead. I know it SEEMS like he's dead, but don't forget that Sean and I are soulmates. Our souls are connected."

"See, Nick, you're still doing it!" Kandi said, harshly. "You're still in serious denial!"

Nick just looked at Kandi, calmly, with no angry emotion showing on his face.

"If he were dead, I'd know it, Kandi." Nick said."

Everyone looked at Nick, not saying a word, listening to what he had to say.

"So until we figure out what really happened tonight and find out the truth, I refuse to accept that Sean is dead." Nick said.

Drew reached out and pulled Nick into a hug, being very careful not to touch Nick's injured shoulder. Nick returned Drew's hug as two tears rolled down his cheeks.

Just then Dr. Kerry came in with Nick's release papers.

"Ok, Nick, your release papers are ready, all you'll have to do is sign them and then you can leave." He said.

He set the papers down in front of Nick and Nick grabbed the pen in his left hand and signed the papers as best he could.

He was not as good with his left hand as he was with his right, but his signature was edible enough. Then Dr. Kerry sat down a prescripion bottle in front of Nick.

"Here is your medication to take for the pain." Dr. Kerry said. "Take 2 capsules for pain twice a day and with plenty of fluids. And be sure to get plenty of rest and don't push yourself. I'm sure after a few days, you're going to really feel the effects of the accident."

Nick nodded to him. "Thank you, Dr." He said, then asked. "Is there anything else?"

Dr. Kerry then remembered something.

"Oh yes!" He said. "I wanted you guys to autograph my daughter's poster of you guys in my office. Would you all be up to doing that before you leave?"

Nick looked at everyone else. "What do you all think?" He asked them.

"I'm all for it." Jeff agreed.

"Me too." Justin said, next.

"Count me in, too." Drew said.

Since everyone agreed, Nick turned to Dr. Kerry and flashed him his killer smile.

"Well, Doc, go ahead and get it. We'd love to sign your daughter's poster for her." Nick told him.

The Doctor grinned. "I'll be right back, then." He said, walking out of the room.

A few minutes later, he returned with a black marker pen and a poster of the guys.

"Here it is." Dr Kerry said, sitting it down in front of Nick, and the guys for them to autograph.

"What's your daughter's name?" Nick asked as he picked up the black marker.

"Nicole." The doctor said, smiling.

"Pretty name." Nick said, as he wrote his message and signed his name.

After doing that, he handed the pen to Drew, who also wrote a message and signed it, before giving the pen to Jeff.

Jeff did the same and handed it to Justin when he was finished.

"There you go." Justin said, once he'd finished signing it. "This should make your daughter a happy girl."

"Oh, believe me, it will." Dr. Kerry said with a grin. Then he grabbed Nick's release papers and ripped the top part off, giving Nick the bottom copy.

"Well, Nick, I wish you and your friends good luck." Dr. Kerry said, holding out his hand. Nick took it and shook hands with Dr. Kerry, who in turn shook hands with everyone else.

"We will." Nick told him, standing up out of the bed . Take care, Doctor."

The doctor left the room and Nick turned to the rest of the guys.

"Guys, would you wait outside until I get dressed?" Nick asked them when he realized that he was naked underneath his hospital gown.

"You mean you're naked under there?" Danny asked him, with a shit-eating grin on his face. "Woo hoo! Let me see!"

He then went to grab Nick's gown, but Nick was too quick for him and pulled back before he could get ahold of him. Everyone laughed.

"Now now, Danny, don't you already have a guy that you can see naked?" Nick asked, grinning.

"Yeah, he's right." Jeff said, smacking Danny's shoulder. "And I better be the only guy you want to see naked." Jeff said. A little too loudly.

"Jeff! Shh!!" Drew hissed fiercely. "Someone could have heard you!"

They all looked around to see if anyone has heard him, but apparently not. All the hospital employees were still busy working.

"Watch what you say next time, Jeff." Justin said to him, quietly.

"Sorry." Jeff apologized, looking relieved. "I'll be more careful from now on."

Everyone nodded, then Nick spoke up again.

"Ok guys, can I get dressed now?" He asked, giggling.

Everyone took that as their cue to leave and walked outside to wait until Nick was dressed and ready to go.

After they left, Nick closed the door to his room and pulled the curtains closed so he'd have some privacy.

As he got dressed, which wasn't easy to do with only one good arm, his mind thought back to all the memories that he and Sean had shared. Everything they'd been through. The Laughs. The dissapointments. Even the tears.

Nick smiled as he remembered the day he and Sean got married, which hadn't been even a month ago.

"Oh Sean." Nick said, dreamily. "We sure had some good times."

He pulled on his jeans and then his shirt. Then he smiled again as he remember how Sean used to hold him when they go to sleep at night. Sean caressing Nick's washboard abs, which would put Nick right to sleep.

"How I hope and pray that I'm right about you being alive." Nick whispered. "If I find out that you are, I'm going to do everything I can to find you and get you back into my arms. Soon."

Nick finished getting dressed and headed out to the hallway with the rest of the guys.

"Well, it looks like you're ready to go." Jeff said, noticing Nick fully dressed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Nick said, with a sigh.

"Alright then, let's go home." Drew said, as he stood close to Nick to help him out in case he needed any assistance.

They all started walking towards the elevators to head down to the lobby.

When the elevator headed down from the lobby, the guys exited to a flurry of flashes, as photographers and reporters were snapping photos and shouting out questions at the guys.

"What the hell?!" Drew exclaimed, as he put his hand over his eyes, blinded by the sudden flashes.

"What are they doing here?" Kandi asked, as Justin pulled her close.

"They must have found out about us being here at the hospital somehow." Jeff said, as he and Danny walked behind them.

The reporters fired questions out at the guys, as they walked. They got no response from any of them.

Well almost. That is until one question caught them all offguard.

"Nick, is it true that you are gay?" A male reporter shouted out.

That caused Nick to stop in his tracks, his heart catching into his throat. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

Luckily for him, Drew acted fast.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we are not answering any questions at this time." Drew announced. "If you want anwers, I suggest you deal with our Management company."

After saying that, Drew grabbed Nick's left arm and they walked out of the hospital.

The reporters continued to follow them and shout out questions.

"Nick, if you are not gay, then where does the rumor that you got married to a faggot named Sean Perry come from?" A female reporter asked, rudely.

That did it. Nick turned around and was ready to say something, but Kandi was the one who flung herself around and decked the female reporter.

"Bitch?! didn't Drew just say we weren't answering any questions?!" Kandi shouted, as the female went down among the reporters and photographers.

All the rest of the reporters and photographers huddled around the decked woman, who was bleeding from a busted lip.

"Run!" Justin yelled, as he grabbed Kandi's hand and they all ran for the van, taking advantage of the media's distraction.

They got to the van and Justin hopped in the driver's seat, unlocking the door for Nick, who was helped in by Drew, and started the engine.

"Hurry! They're coming!" Jeff said, as he and Danny both jumped in.

Justin gunned the motor and peeled out of the parking lot, just before the reporters and photographers could catch up to them.

"Can you believe that bitch?!" The female reporter, whose name was Jen, yelled, as she watched the van speed off. "Decking me like that?!"

But nobody paid attention to her.

BACK IN THE VAN...............

"Whew, that was close!" Danny said, as he leaned into Jeff, in the middle seat. Drew was sitting across from him. and Jeff was to his left.

"It sure was." Jeff said, holding him close. Then he turned to Kandi with a huge smirk on his face.

"Man, I still can't believe you decked her, Kandi." Jeff said, with a laugh. "I'm sure she wants to make you pay now."

"Screw her." Kandi said, with a scowl. "She was hitting to close to home. I had to do something."

"Yeah, but did you have to do THAT?" Justin asked from the driver's seat.

"Yes, I did." Kandi said, then added. "I'm not sure Nick won't agree with me?"

"I don't blame you for hitting her, Kandi." Nick said. "You actually saved my butt because I would have done the same thing at that moment."

"Well, I had to protect you guys." Kandi said.

"Thanks, Kandi." Nick said. "But actually the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that maybe I should come clean and tell the truth."

"What???" Everyone asked at the same time, in shock.

"You can't be serious, Nick." Danny said in amazement.

"I am, Danny." Nick said. "I was going to do it back when Sean was still with us."

"Well I think you'd better sleep on it for tonight before you make that decision." Justin said, as he pulled into Nick's driveway.

"Alright, I'll do that." Nick said, opening the door and getting out.

Justin got out and walked around to let Kandi out, while Drew helped Nick.

Jeff got out and turned towards Danny who was getting out. Danny jumped out and Jeff grabbed him suddenly and gave him a kiss that left him stunned.

"Wow." Danny said, with a wide grin, then asked. "What was that for?"

"I've wanted to do that for so long tonight, but since the accident, I hadn't had the chance. Except for when we were talking at Sean's crash site.

At the mention of Sean's name, Danny's smile faded. Then he hugged Jeff.

"Oh Jeff." Danny said, starting to choke up. "I feel responsible for Sean's death."

"Hey, Hey." Jeff soothed, returning his hug."It's not your fault."

"If it hadn't been for me, Sean would still be alive today." Danny sobbed.

"Stop blaming yourself, Danny, it's not your fault." Jeff to him.

"Jeff's right, Danny." Nick said, from behind him. "It's not your fault. If it's anyone's, it's mine."

Danny let go of Jeff and sniffed.

"You seemed pretty devoted to that accusation at the time." Danny replied, looking at Nick, sadly.

"I was angry, Danny." Nick said. "I wasn't thinking clearly. I was hurt by the things that Sean said to me tonight."

"I know." Danny said. "I'm sorry for that, Nick. You have no idea how sorry."

Nick looked at Danny, sympathetically and then gave him a hug.

"I know you're sorry, Danny." Nick said. "It's alright. I'm still your friend."

Nick and Danny stood there for about 5 minutes, embraced in a hug, Jeff standing nearby, watching them, a few tears running down his face.

"Nick, you're wanted on the phone!" Drew said, from the doorway.

Nick released Danny and rushed to get the phone.

"This is Nick speaking." He said.

"Nick? This is officer Wright here down at the L.A. Police Department. I saw you earlier tonight at the scene of your friend's crash."

"Yes, officer, How can I help you?" Nick asked him.

"Well, I have some news that you're going to want to hear." Officer Wright said.

Nick frowned. "What is it?" He asked.

"Well, after we found those partial remains of a body in the explosion, we had forensics experts do a DNA test to find out whose body it was." Officer Wright told him.

Nick frowned. "And what did you find out?" He asked.

"Well after doing 3 DNA tests to be sure......We found that the person who died in the explosion was not your husband."

Nick's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you sure?" He managed to get out. "I mean are you absolutely positive?"

"Yes, Mr. Lachey, I am." Officer Wright told him. "I didn't want to tell you until we knew for sure. Now that you know, you can start finding out what really happened to your husband."

Nick couldn't believe his ears. His greatest wish was coming true. Sean was very much alive and well!

"Officer, thank you so much for telling me." Nick gushed. "You have no idea what you've done for me. You've given me the answer to my greatest prayers. How can I ever thank you enough?"

"Just find your husband and be happy. that's all the thanks I need." Officer Wright said. "And if you ever need my help, just let me know, ok?"

"Yes, Officer I certainly will." Nick said, tears of joy running down his face.

Then he realized something.

"Officer?" He asked.


"If it wasn't Sean's body, who's was it?" Nick asked.

"The truck driver's." Officer Wright said. "She must have succeeded in getting him out of the car after all."

"Thank God." Nick said.

"Yeah." Officer Wright said. "Well I need to get back to work now. You give me a call if you ever need help ok?"

"I will." Nick replied to him. "Thanks, Officer Wright. Goodbye."

Nick hung up the phone and walked over and sat down on the couch, just as Drew and everyone else came into the room.

Once Drew caught sight of Nick's tears, he looked like he was ready to panic.

"Nick, what's wrong?" He asked Nick.

Before Nick could answer, the phone rang again. Drew, who was nearest to it, answered it.

"Hello?" He said into the receiver.

"Drew? Is that you?" A voice asked

Drew's eyes widened in complete and utter shock.

Drew, what is it?" Nick asked Drew, with a worried look on his face. "Who's that on the phone?"

Drew turned towards Nick, his face white as a ghost.

"It's Sean."


Well, that's all for this installment. Stay tuned. Because what happens next is Everything!

Next: Chapter 40

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