My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jan 7, 2002


Hey Everyone! Happy New Year! I hope that you guys will have a great one!

Well let's just say that even thought it will take a little longer than I thought, I've decided to try and write at least one chapter on every day that I have off of work. It has been hectic lately, but with the break I took from writing, it gave me a chance to think about how I want the story to continue. So here goes.

Oh, and I'm going to try to write it with different scenes in each chapter so we can all see what's going on with the other characters, rather then from Sean's point of view.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

NICK'S CAR......

The guys pulled up to the scene of a gasoline tanker and a car crashed, but they couldn't make out whether the car was Sean's or not.

"Oh, my god, that looks bad." Nick said, as he and the guys jumped out and started running towards the crash site.

"Guys, don't go near that truck!" A man from the other side of the road said to them. "It could explode any second!"

Alright, but can you tell us what happened?" Danny asked him.

The man shook his head. "All I know is that a shiny red corvette collided with this gasoline tanker and right now the truckdriver is trying to get a man out of it right now."

"Oh my god!" Nick exclaimed."Sean's in that car! Come on, let's get him out!"

"No, you stay here!" Danny said to him, then to the rest of the guys. "All of you stay here. I will get him out!"

With that, Danny started running towards the truck and car. But he didn't make it in time.


The car and the tanker both exploded with a thunderous roar, the force of the explosion throwing Danny backwards several feet with him landing on his back. He looked up in horror to see nothing but flying debris and a mosterous fireball.

The guys had been all hugging each other together as a group when they heard the explosion.

They all turned around, just in time to see Danny get blown back a few feet from the force of the explosion and the car and truck get engulfed in flames.

"Sean!!!!!!!" They all cried out."

Chapter 35 ***********

"Sean!!!!! No!!!!!!!" Danny screamed, getting up and trying to run towards the now burning car and truck, to see if Sean was ok. But Drew got ahold of him before he could do that.

"Danny, don't." Drew said, then turned to all of the guys. "Guys, get down!"

All of the guys got down on the ground with their heads under their hands to protect themselves from getting hit with flying debris.

After a couple of minutes the exploding stopped and the guys all got back up, hoping and praying that Sean and the truckdriver got out alive.

Then they heard sirens coming closer, indicating that the police and the fire department were headed to the scene. But Nick was going into hysteria. He was trying to run towards the scene of the crash, but Justin and Jeff were holding him back.

"Guys, let go of me, I've got to find Sean! I've got to save him!" Nick shouted out, tears streaming down his face. "Please, let go of me!"

"Nick, calm down!" Jeff yelled at him, still keeping a strong hold on him.

"I can't calm down!" Nick sobbed. "Sean could be dying in that fire! We've got to try and help him!"

"Nick, please, the fire squad will be here any minute." Drew said, trying to calm his big brother down. "They'll find him."

Nick looked up through his tears at Drew, who also had tears in his eyes, and grabbed him into a hug.

"I hope so, bro. Oh god, how I hope so." Nick sobbed, as Drew held him close.

Just then the police and the fire team came on the scene and the firefighters immediately sprang into action, while the police questioned the onlookers to see if there were any witnesses who witnessed what happened and what caused the accident.

The guys were all worried now and they were hoping and praying that Sean would be alright. They were watching as one half of the firefighters were spraying water over the flames, trying to put them out, while other firefighters, wearing fire mask and fire proof suits were walking through the flames, trying to find any sign of any survivors.

"Oh my god, if Sean doesn't make it out of this, I don't know what I will do." Nick said, crying still. "He's my life. I'd die without him!"

Then Danny, who was standing nearby, got angry when he heard Nick say that.

"Yeah? Well Nick, if you hadn't thrown him out of the house, none of this would have happened!" He shouted at Nick.

Nick turned around and a gave Danny a look that could have turned Danny to stone, if he had the power to.

"How dare you say that to me, Danny!" Nick yelled at him. "Don't you dare think about blaming this on me! If it's anyone's fault, it's yours! If you hadn't come back to town tonight, this wouldn't have happened!"

Danny and Nick continued to stand there, glaring at each other, the tension between them, thickening with every passing second.

"Oh I see." Danny said to Nick then asked. "Would you answer a question for me then, please?"

"What?" Nick asked, still keeping his angry look.

"Was it me, who promised that I'd never hurt Sean and then deserted him?" Danny asked him. "Was it your brother who promised to cherish and love Sean for the rest of his life and then betrayed him?! Were they the ones who left Sean alone that day in despair while they got it on with another man in their bed?!"

That was more than Nick could take. "Why you fucking little bastard!" He screaming as he swung out at Danny. But Jeff blocked his hit and stood between them.

"Stop it, you guys!" He yelled out. "You're going to get us noticed if you keep this up! Now, cool it!"

Danny and Jeff stepped back and turned away from each other. then Danny turned back to Jeff.

Jeff, could I speak to you alone for a minute?" He asked Jeff. Before Jeff could answer him, Nick stuck in a sarcastic remark.

"Why? So you can break Jeff's heart more than it already is?!" Nick snarled.

Danny just gave Nick an angry look. "Nick, just mind your own business!"

"Alright, enough!" Jeff hissed. "Yes, Danny, I'll talk to you for a minute. Let's go back to the car."

Danny turned and started walking towards Nick's car, Jeff following right behind him.

"Who does he think he is?!" Nick snarled outloud. "Blaming me for what happened with Sean! and to bring up everything that I did wrong in the past......

Here Nick's fists were clenched and he finally erupted:

"I just wanna kill him!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then Nick sank down and started sobbing again, while Drew and Kandi tried to comfort him.

"Excuse me, guys?" A voice asked.

Nick, Drew, Kandi, and Justin looked up to see a police officer, standing near them.

"Yes?" Justin asked him. "Can we help you?"

"I hope so." The officer said."I was hoping you guys could tell me what happened here tonight and what caused this accident."


When Danny and Jeff got back to the car, Jeff then asked: "Well Danny, what is it you just had to talk to me that you couldn't have said in front of the guys?"

Danny turned around to face Jeff. As he did Jeff could see the tears that were running down his face.

"I'm sorry, Jeff." Danny sobbed. "For everything that I said to you the day I left. I shouldn't have been so cruel to you that day."

"Then why were you?" Jeff asked, his eyes starting to tear up also.

"Because I was scared, alright?!" Danny said, sharply.

Now Jeff was confused. What could Danny possibly be scared of?

"Scared of what, Danny?" Jeff asked him.

Danny closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Scared of my feelings for you, Jeff." He blurted out.

Jeff's eyes widened when he heard Danny's confession. He almost couldn't believe that he'd heard Danny right.

"Your feelings for me?" Jeff asked him, starting to smile. "

"Yes." Danny replied. That's why I've been acting the way I have because I didn't know how to deal with it. and when you blew up at me tonight and said all those hurtful things, which I know I deserved at the time, I didn't see how much in love you were with me until tonight. And that made me realize something."

"What's that?" Jeff asked him, curious to know.

Danny stared at Jeff for a second. Then he moved in closer to him and gently pressed his lips against Jeff's.

Jeff's eyes almost flew out of their sockets when he realized what was happening. Danny was kissing him!

Danny pulled back from that kiss and looked at Jeff, smiling.

"I realized that I love you, Jeff." Danny confessed to Jeff.

Jeff couldn't believe his ears! Danny said that he loves him!

"You do?" Jeff asked him. "Really?"

Danny nodded.

"Yes, Jeff. I love you with all my heart." He said. And I'm hoping that when you're ready to forgive me, that you'll give me another chance to be your friend again and to make up for what I did?"

Jeff just stood there and looked at Danny's handsome face to see if he could see any signs that was Danny was saying was BS. But he didn't see any sign like that in Danny's eyes.

"I do have one question though?" Jeff asked Danny. Danny raised his eyebrows in question.

"What's that, Jeff?" He asked.

"Did you really announce your marriage to Amber to hurt me or was it just to see if I still loved you?" He asked. Danny shook his head.

"No, Jeff, my announcing my wedding plans was not meant to hurt you, I swear." Danny said, with truth to his words. "I just didn't know how real your feeling were. I thought that by now, they would have gone away because I thought it was just a crush you had on me or something."

Jeff's face fell when he remember that Danny was engaged to be married.

"What does this mean for you and Amber now?" Jeff asked him.

Danny sighed sadly. "I'll have to end it with Amber." He said. "As soon as I can."

"Jeff then pulled Danny into a hug.

"This is just going to devastate her." Danny said,sadly, as he hugged Jeff back.

"I know, Danny." Jeff said, still hugging him. "But you'll get through it........

Here, Jeff put his hand under Danny's chin, forcing Danny to look up into his eyes.

"We'll get through it." He finished.

Danny tried to smile, but couldn't, because his mind came back to Sean. if he was alive or dead.

"Jeff, let's talk about this, later." Danny said. "Right now, you and I need to get back to the guys so we can find out what's going to become of Sean."

"You're right." Jeff said, looking towards the guys, to see a police office, talking to them.

"We'll talk about this more later." Jeff said. "Come on, let's get back down there."

******************************************************* BACK ACROSS THE STREET..............

"How are you guys related to the victim of the crash?" The officer asked the rest of the guys.

"He's our friend." Drew aswered since Nick was in no condition to answer any questions.

"I see." the officer said. "Do you have any idea what caused the crash?"

"No, we don't." Drew said. "We were actually out looking for him when it happened."

"Ok, I guess that will have to do for now." The officer replied, then handed Drew a business card.

"If you should remember or find out anything that may be significant, please give us a call." He said, before walking over to the fire squad.

Nick then turned towards Drew. He needed his brother's support right now.

"Drew, please tell me that Sean will be alright?" Nick begged Drew. "He's all I need."

"He'll be alright, bro." Drew said, pulling Nick into a hug, yet unsure whether he could believe his own words. "I'm sure he will be."

Just then Danny and Jeff made it back to the group.

"Hey guys, we're back." Jeff said, smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary.

"What are you smiling about?" Nick asked Jeff, confused as to why he would be smiling at a time like this.

"Well I found out why Danny treated me the way he did." Jeff said.

"I don't think I want to hear it." Nick said, turning away.

"Well you're going to anyway, Nick." Jeff said, then continued. "Danny had feelings for me. He didn't know how to deal with them at the time and he didn't realize how in love I was with him until tonight."

All the guys gasped at hearing Jeff's confession. Then Nick decided to just be sarcastic about it.

"How convienent for him." Nick snarled.

"Nick, please." Justin said. "Don't make another scene."

Nick then turned towards Danny and gazed at him, anger still apparent on his face.

"Listen, Danny, It's no excuse that you treated Jeff that way, but I'm hoping that this time, it will be different. If you ever hurt him like that ever again, you'll have to answer to me and it will not be pretty!" Nick said, the vehom obvious in his voice.

"Thanks, Nick." Danny said, then started to try and hug him, but Nick held up his hand, motioning Danny to stop. Nick wasn't yet ready to forgive Danny just yet.

"Don't hug me, Danny."Nick said. "I still hold you responsible for what's happened to Sean."

Danny then gave Nick a worried look. "Nick, I know it's going to take a while to earn your trust again."

Then Danny looked around again at the rest of the guys and Kandi.

"All of you for that matter." Danny continued. "Right now, we need to focus on Sean right now. If anything has happened to my best friend, I will never forgive myself. Ever."

Danny finally lost his composure and started crying hard. Jeff pulled Danny to him and tried to comfort Danny in any way he could.

"Excuse me, guys?" A voice said from behind them.

The guys turned to see one of the firemen standing before them, a serious look on his face.

"Where is Sean?" Nick asked, frantically. "Did you find him?"

The fireman sighed.

"There's no easy way to tell you this." He said. "But we found.........partial remains."

Everyone's faces took on a look of sheer horror, realizing what the fireman was telling them.

"Partial remains?! Nick managed to get out. The fireman looked at him, sadly.

"I'm sorry." He said. "There were no survivors."

Everyone was grief stricken. They'd lost a best friend that they'd barely gotten to know even a year.

"No." Nick said, in denial. "No, this can't be happening. "This can't be true."

"I'm truly sorry, Mr. Lachey." The officer said, then looked down at something.

"I also found this near the explosion" He said, holding out his hand to Nick, his palm opened, revealing what he had inside. Nick gasped when he saw it:

It was Sean's wedding ring. The one Nick had bought for him when they'd gotten married.

With trembling fingers, Nick took the ring and looked at it.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss, all of you." The fireman said, then he put his hand on Nick's shoulder.

"I'm sure he loved you very much." He said.

And with those last words, He walked back towards the crash site to help the guys put out the rest of the fire.

Nick just stood there, looking at Sean's ring. Then his cellphone started beeping, signaling a new voice mail message.

Nick grabbed it and dialed his voice mail. He had 1 new message.

"Nick? Baby, are you there?" He heard Sean's voice say. "Look, I'm stuck in this car and it's ready to explode, so If I don't get out in time, I want you to know something...........

Nick could hear the sparks that were coming out of the dash and the truck driver grunting in the background.

Sean's voice, now crying, continued.

"I want you to know that I'm sorry for everything that I said to you tonight and I hope that someday you can forgive me for it." I never meant to hurt you. And remember that I'll always love you. I'll never stop loving you, baby. Til death do us part, you are and always will be my everything. Goodbye, my love. I love you. Now and forever."

The voicemail ended and Nick crumpled to the ground, in despair.

"NO!!!!!" He cried out. "Oh god, no! Not my baby, no!"

Drew knelt down on the ground and pulled Nick to him, trying to comfort him, while sobbing himself.

"Nick, was that voice message from Sean?" He asking, still crying.

"Nick aswered him, between sobs, and nodded. "It was his......last......message before he........he.........DIED!"

Nick collapsed into Drew's arms and hung onto him like a lifeline, his grief consuming him.

Drew looked up at the rest of the guys. They were all sobbing and hugging each other. Justin was comforting Kandi, who was crying really hard, while he was crying himself. So were Jeff and Danny, but they were all actually comforting each other.

"Nick, I'm so sorry, bro." Drew whispered in Nick's ear.

Nick raised his head, his eyes red, face wet with his tears and his nose running.

"Oh Drew, I can't take this!" Nick cried. "I loved him so much and now he's gone! He's gone! And it's all because of me!"


Well, that's it for this installment. This one was a very emotional one for me to write.

What will become of Nick and the guys now after this tragedy? and what does it mean for Jeff and Danny?

But the real question is:

Is this "The End?"


Next: Chapter 36

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