My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jan 2, 2002


Hey Everyone! Just in case this chapter isn't out before then, I'd like to Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I hope yours will be as good as mine will be.

Well let's just say that even thought it will take a little longer than I thought, I've decided to try and write at least one chapter on every day that I have off of work. It has been hectic lately, but with the break I took from writing, it gave me a chance to think about how I want the story to continue. So here goes.

Oh, and I'm going to try to write it with different scenes in each chapter so we can all see what's going on with the other characters, rather then from Sean's point of view.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

When I got into the kitchen, I turned around and hugged Jeff.

"Jeff, are you going to be alright?" I asked him. "I'm not sure what Danny is doing back here this early, but I just want to know if you're going to be able to deal with him?"

Jeff, still hugging me, nodded. "Yes, I'll be alright." He replied, then added.

I'm not saying that I'm not glad to see Danny, but we still have issues we have to resolve."

I nodded and pulled back to look him in the eyes.

"I know you're still hurting, and trust me, Danny is already aware that something's wrong. I wasn't so nice to him when he came to the door. I was rather cold with him and he's going to want to know why." I told him.

"You didn't say anything to him, did you?" Jeff asked, with a worried look.

"No, I didn't, Jeff." I said to him. "But we're definitely going to have to say something to him later."

"Ok, but not yet. later." Jeff said. "First, we have to find out why he's back and for how long, and what reason."

"Yeah, that's a good point. I said. "Well, there's no time like the present." I said to him. "Are you ready to go back out there?"

"Yeah." Jeff said. "I'm ok. Come on, let's go."

He put his arm back around me and we walked back into the living room.

The guys were still talking and Nick looked in our direction just as we entered into the living room.

"Hey guys, you're just in time to hear the good news?"

Jeff and I both looked at each other with a confused look.

"What good news?" We both wanted to know.

"My good news." Danny said, looking at us. I noticed that he gave Jeff a strange look before looking back at me.

"I proposed to Amber yesterday." Danny said, smiling at me. "We're getting married."

CHAPTER 34 **********

The room was totally silent as Danny, Nick, and everyone else were watching Jeff and I, waiting for our reactions.

I looked at Jeff and noticed that he was smiling. Now, that confused me.

I watched as he walked over to Danny and stood in front of him. Then he spoke.

"You must be very happy, Danny." Jeff said to him, still smiling.

"I am, Jeff." Danny said, with a small smile. "I've prayed for this moment for a long time now."

"Really?" Jeff asked him. "Then, pray on this."

Right after Jeff said that, his fist suddenly shot out and he hit Danny square across the face. Everyone gasped and stared at Jeff in complete shock and amazement.

Danny stumbled back and landed on his ass. He looked up, shocked at what Jeff had done. I could also see the anger flashing through his eyes.

"Jeff, what the fuck are you doing?!" Nick gasped out, staring at Jeff in shock. "Have you lost your mind?!"

Jeff just flashed Nick an angry glare.

No, but he sure has, Nick!" Jeff shouted at Nick, then he turned back to Danny, his blue eyes, blazing.

"You're a real piece of work, you know that, Danny?!" Jeff yelled. "It was bad enough that you hit me and called me a cheap whore when I kissed you the day that you left...."

Jeff was unable to finish, because Nick, Drew, Justin, and Kandi, all gasped. But none of them got to say anything, as Jeff continued to rant and rave at Danny.

"You have no idea what your cruel behavior did to me after you left! I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and I sure as hell couldn't talk to any of my friends, who have all been there for me! I was in a deep depression for days!"

Jeff's angry eyes were filling with tears and he was starting to get very hysterical.

"You are the most callous, irresponsible, contemptable, fucking asshole that I've ever met!!" Jeff screamed at Danny. "And rubbing my face into this latest announcement is the last straw!!! As far as I'm concerned, I'm no longer in love with you, Danny, in fact, I hate you!! I hope you rot in hell!!!"

Jeff couldn't say anymore and he turned and ran up the stairs to his room. We could hear the door slamming behind him.

Danny got up and wiped at his lip, which was bleeding from where Jeff had hit him. His face was wet with tears, realizing just how badly he had hurt Jeff, as well as us all.

Danny wiped at his face and looked up at all the guys, standing before him.

Nick, Drew, Justin and Kandi all had angry glares on their faces as they all stared at Danny with contempt in their eyes.

"Let me at this bastard!!" Kandi screamed as she lunged at Danny.

Justin grabbed her before she could get ahold of Danny and picked her up and took her upstairs, Kandi kicking and screaming, leaving Drew, Nick, and I in the living room with Danny.

Nick glared at Danny and pointed towards the door.

I'm going to give you two seconds to get your sorry ass out of this house, before I break every contemptable bone in your body!" Nick hissed at Danny.

"Nick, please don't do that." I begged him. Nick and Drew both looked over at me in amazement.

"How come you're not angry with him, Sean?" Drew asked me, the anger apparent in his voice. "You should be madder than the rest of us!"

"Oh yeah, Drew, I'm furious." I said to him. "But hurting Danny isn't the answer."

Nick started giving me the evil eye, which is what he did when he was suspicious and trying to figure something out. I didn't like that look at all.

"Nick, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him.

The look on Nick's face got even more intense.

"You know I looked over at you when Jeff was ranting and raving earlier and when he admitted everything that he'd been through, you didn't seem all that shocked about it. "Why is that?"

I shuddered, knowing that now that everything was out in the open I had to tell my husband the truth. I just hoped that he'd be able to forgive me.

" Well, because I already knew everything." I said to him.

"You what?! Nick and Drew both shouted at the same time.

"You knew?" Nick asked, anger filling his features. "And you didn't tell us?"

"Nick? Drew? Please, let me explain?" I tried to say.

"You'd better, Sean." Drew said, his face showing anger as well. "And it better be good!"

I took a deep breath and tried to fight back the tears, which were threatening to fall any minute. I was in trouble now. And I didn' know what I was going to say or do to help Nick and Drew understand why I did what I did.

"Look you guys, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But Jeff swore me to secrecy on this. He didn't want you to know what had happened until he had a chance to tell you himself." I told Nick and Drew. "I didn't like being caught in the middle, but I wasn't about to break a confidence, either. What kind of best friend would I be if I did?"

"That's still no excuse for keeping it from us." Nick said, his voice quieter now, but he was still angry. "What if Jeff was suicidal and tried to commit suicide? How would you have felt then?"

I shuddered at the thought of Jeff committing suicide. That was a very scary thought. But I didn't think that Jeff would do that. He was a strong guy.

"Guys, please, don't be so hard on Sean." Danny managed to say. "He was just trying to be there for Jeff."

"You shut up!!" Drew shouted at Danny. "We are not interested in anything you have to say!"

Danny then decided to stay silent and let Drew rant and rave at me all they wanted. It was more his fault than mine that Jeff was in this mess, but I wasn't without fault either.

Drew and Nick turned back to me, but it was Drew this time who spoke up.

"Sean, I'm very disappointed in you." Drew. " I thought you knew what was expected of you around here."

"Drew..." I started, now feeling bad, but Drew cut me off.

"Forget it." Drew said. "I can't deal with you anymore tonight. I'm going up to bed."

And with that, He hugged Nick, bid him goodnight and with a final glare at Danny, started heading up to bed.

"Goodnight, Drew." I called out to him as he headed upstairs. He didn't answer me.

The tears were falling freely now. I turned back to Nick. He was standing there, his arms crossed over his chest, gazing at me.

"Well, Sean, don't you have something to say to me?" He asked me. I didn't like his tone of voice.

"What Nick, are you expecting an apology from me?" I asked him. "Well I'm sorry, but I have nothing to apologize for."

Then Nick blew up at me. "Geez, Sean, are you too vain to ever admit that you were wrong?!" He yelled at me again, then turning to pace the living room, his back to me.

"No, I'll admit that I made a mistake when I married you!!" I screamed at him.

I heard Danny gasp, and saw Nick stop in his tracks. He turned around, the hurt evident in his eyes.

"What?" Nick asked me, hurt in his voice.

"Let's be honest, Nick." I continued, my anger taking over any other emotion that I was feeling. "I don't think I ever really loved you!"

"What?!" Nick, whimpered, ready to cry. "What did you just say to me?!"

"I said, I don't think I ever really loved you!" I repeated.

When I'd said it for the second time, Nick's face fell and he crumpled to the floor and started sobbing.

Watching him sob, my anger faded and my face took on a look of sheer horror when I realized what I had said and done.

"Nick.." I started, trying to say something.

"Oh, my god!" Nick cried out. "I'm gonna be sick!"

"Nick..." I tried again, but nothing came out. I couldn't say anything. I'd really done it to myself now. My angry words could end up costing me my marriage and I'd have no one to blame but myself.

"How could you say that?!" Nick sobbed, unable to look up at me. He stood up and wiped at his eyes.

"Nick, I'm sorry." I said, trying to put my arms around him, but he pushed me away.

"Don't you fucking touch me, you son of a bitch!" Nick screamed at me. "Just leave me the hell alone!"

His words hurt me very deeply, but I knew I deserved it. They could not compare to what I'd said to him.

"Nick, please..." I said, trying to grab him again. Instead I earned a slap in the face.

"I said don't touch me!" Nick screamed, his face still wet with tears. "As a matter of fact, you and Danny both get the hell out of my house!"

I gasped hearing those words. Now I knew that I was in trouble. Nick was kicking me out!"

"You don't mean that, Nick." I sobbed to him.

Nick finally looked up at me straight in the eyes.

"After what you just said to me, You better believe I mean it!" He said.

His eyes said it all. He meant it. He wanted me to leave.

"I'm going up to my room now." Nick said to me. "Don't even think about coming up here."

And with that, he ran upstairs to his room.

I sank down in a chair and buried my face in my hands, sobs racking my body. I'd lost him.

I felt someone sit beside me and put their arm around me. I looked up to see that it was Danny.

"Sean, how could you say all of that to him?" Danny said to me. "That's not like you at all."

I then pushed his arm off of me, still angry with him over how he treated Jeff.

"You're one to talk over how you treated Jeff!" I hissed at him. "I don't need your sympathy or pity!" I yelled.

I stood up, knowing that I had to do something. I couldn't stay here.

"I can't stay here. I've got to get out of here!" I said, running and grabbing my keys off of the coffee table and running to the door.

Danny looked after me in horror and then started running after me.

"Sean, wait! You're in no shape to drive!" He yelled out, as he ran after me."

UP IN NICK'S ROOM.........

Nick was sobbing on the bed, when someone knocked on the door.

"If that's you, Sean, go the fuck away!" He said.

"Nick, it's just me, can I come in?" Drew's voice asked from the other side of the door.

Nick stood up and walked over to the door. He opened it to reveal Drew standing on the other side of the door.

Once Drew caught sight of Nick's face, his already worried look turned to one of panic.

"Nick, what happened?" Drew asked him. "Why are you crying?"

Nick just turned and walked back over to the bed and sat back down on it and buried his face into his hands.

"Sean, said he made a mistake marrying me." Nick got out between his sobs.

"Come again?" Drew asked in disbelief, hoping that he'd heard Nick wrong.

"You heard me, Drew." Nick whimpered. "Sean said he made a mistake marrying me."

Drew was shocked that Sean could even think of saying something like that to Nick.

"Nick, I don't think Sean really meant that." Drew said, as he sat down beside his older brother and put his arms around him.

"Couples say crazy things all the time when they're fighting." He said to Nick.

"I don't think so, Drew." Nick replied, wiping at his eyes. "I think this time what Sean said was the last straw for me."

"Well then why don't you and I both go downstairs and talk to Sean and get this whole thing straightened out?"

"I can't Drew." Nick said.

"Why not?" Drew asked him.

Nick sighed and gave Drew his revelation.

"Because I kicked him out of the house." Nick said.

"You what?!" Drew asked in horror. "Nick, what were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking, Drew." Nick. "I just wanted him to get out."

"Nick, do you realize what you may have done?" Drew asked, getting up and running to the door.

"Where are you going?" Nick asked him.

Drew turned back to look at Nick, then said.

"To get, Jeff, Justin, and Kandi up, so we can go out looking for Sean. Before he does something drastic."

"What do you mean?" Nick asked, suddenly looking very afraid.

"I'm telling you if Sean thinks he's lost you, then he might very well do something to himself."

Realizing what Drew meant, Nick's face took on a look of horror.

"Oh my god, Drew, are you saying.....?" Nick stammered out.

"Come on, Nick. Let's go!" Drew said, motioning Nick to follow him.

Nick jumped up off the bed and followed Drew to get the rest of the guys.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, ON THE STREETS OF L.A.

I had run outside of the house and jumped into Danny's corvette that he had given to me for my wedding present, and started the engine.

I could hear someone yelling out my name and I looked up to see Danny running towards the car. But I was not going to deal with him.

I put the car in "drive" and floored the pedal, peeling out of the parking lot.

I continued to drive along the winding roads of the streets and then continued to drive, all the while voices were ringing through my head.

"Don't you fucking touch me you son of a bitch!" I heard Nick's voice say.

"Sean, how could you say that to him?" Danny's voice said next."

"Actually you and Danny get the hell out of my house!" I heard Nick's voice scream.

"Nick, you don't mean that." I heard myself say."

"After what you just said to me, You'd better believe that I mean it." Nick's voice rang out again.

I started crying again, my eyes closing from the sobs, racking my body, that I wasn't watching where I was going.

A honking horn and the glaring of headlights brought me out of my stupor and I looked up in time to see a gasoline tanker just about ready to collide with me head on.

I swerved to avoid it, but it was too late.

"Oh no!" I screamed. "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!"


******************************************************* BACK IN NICK'S CAR......

Nick, Drew, Jeff, Justin, and Kandi were all in Nick's car, driving as fast as they could down the highway, to find me before something bad happened.

"Danny, which way do you think he went?" Jeff asked, Danny, who was sitting beside him.

"I don't know, Jeff." Danny said, his face white as a ghost. "I wish I did."

Jeff, and the guys were still angry with Danny, but they put their feelings aside for the time being because they needed Danny's help to find me. and fast.

"Well we've got to find him, before it's too late."

******************************************************* AT THE SCENE OF THE CRASH........

When I came to, I winced in pain. Then as I looked around, I notice that I'd hit the tanker broadside and the car was lodged underneath it.

Then I heard someone from beside me.

"Excuse me, sir, are you alright?" I heard a female voice ask.

I turned to see the truckdriver looking in at me, with a worried expression.

"Well physically I'm fine, but my legs are stuck under the dash." I said to her, just as I tried to move, and realized that I couldn't move my legs. Somehow they were caught under the dash.

"What?" The truckdriver said. "Hold on, I'll open the door."

She grabbed the handle to the driver's side door and tried to open it. but it was stuck too.

"It's stuck." she said. "I'll have to go back to my truck and get a crowbar or something to pry the door open."

"Alright, go ahead." I said to her. "I'll be alright."

"Ok, sit tight." She said, running off to get what she needed.

I tried to move my legs again, but still couldn't. I lay my head back against the seat and closed my eyes for a second.

A minute later I thought I heard what sounded like the trickling of water. I opened my eyes and noticed it trickling down the windshield. Then as I looked more closely, I realized in horror that it was not water. The smell later confirmed it.

"Oh my god!" I gasped out in horror. "Oh my god, that's gasoline!"

Then I tried pushing the wheel on the dashboard up to try and free my legs, but still couldn't free them.

Then I screamed when sparks started spewing out of the dash. This car could explode any second!

Just at that moment, the driver came back with a crowbar.

"Ok, I'm going to get you out of here, just let me get the door open." She said, while trying to pry it open with the crowbar.

"Oh, thank god!" I gasped out. "Hurry! Hurry, there's gasoline! There's gasoline!"

"What?!" the truck driver gasped in horror, looking up at the trunks tank to notice a hose leaking gasoline out all over the windshield.

"Alright, I'm going to get you out of here." She said, running towards the back of the car.

"Where's she going?" I wondered. She was supposed to be helping me out.

Just then she appeared on the other side of the car and opened the door, holding out her hand.

"Come on, come on." She insisted.

"I can't, I'm trapped. My legs are stuck, remember?"

The truckdriver then started helping me try to push up the dash to help me get my legs free. Time was running out!

"Oh god! Oh, god! Push! Push!" I sobbed out, tears of horror and desperation running down my face as I tried to help her get myself free.

******************************************************* NICK'S CAR......

The guys pulled up to the scene of a gasoline tanker and a car crashed, but they couldn't make out whether the car was Sean's or not.

"Oh, my god, that looks bad." Nick said, as he and the guys jumped out and started running towards the crash site.

"Guys, don't go near that truck!" A man from the other side of the road said to them. "It could explode any second!"

Alright, but can you tell us what happened?" Danny asked him.

The man shook his head. "All I know is that a shiny red corvette collided with this gasoline tanker and right now the truckdriver is trying to get a man out of it right now."

"Oh my god!" Nick exclaimed."Sean's in that car! Come on, let's get him out!"

"No, you stay here!" Danny said to him, then to the rest of the guys. "All of you stay here. I will get him out!"

With that, Danny started running towards the truck and car. But he didn't make it in time.


The car and the tanker both exploded with a thunderous roar, the force of the explosion throwing Danny backwards several feet with him landing on his back. He looked up in horror to see nothing but flying debris and a mosterous fireball.

The guys had been all hugging each other together as a group when they heard the explosion.

They all turned around, just in time to see Danny get blown back a few feet from the force of the explosion and the car and truck get engulfed in flames.

"Sean!!!!!!!" They all cried out."


Well that's it for this installment. Did Sean die?" or did the truckdriver get him out in time?"

If Sean is dead, where will this leave Nick, Danny, and the rest of the guys?" Will Nick be able to move on without Sean should the worst happen?"

Don't miss what happens next. Because it's Everything!"

Until next time,


Next: Chapter 35

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