My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jul 30, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, his longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


previously on "My Everything"....

The minister spoke once again.

"As Nick and Sean have stood before us and pledged their love for each other, I now pronounce them, Husband and Husband. For those who God have joined together, let no one put us under. Nick, you may kiss your groom."

Nick leaned into me and gave me the most passionate and loving kiss that I'd ever had in my life. I kissed him back with equal passion. I never wanted this moment to end.

Everone started clapping and stood up to continue. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Everyone was teary eyed.

Then Drew, Justin, Kandi, Jeff, and Danny, all started hugging us and congratulating us on our marriage. It had gone off without a hitch, which was better than I ever could have imagined.

After Everyone started hugging us, Nick offered me his arm, which I took and we started walking down the aisle together.

"Walking down that aisle." "It was the happiest moment of my life."

"Finally it has happened." "After all of this time."

"The Perrys and Lacheys have come together." "We put the past behind us." "And at that moment in time, We embarked on a new future together."

"For ourselves, and for this family. My family." "OUR Family."

"All because of one man." The most amazing man I have ever met." "My husband, Nick Lachey."

Chapter 30

(Later that day, at the wedding reception, in Vermont.)

Nick and I were sitting at the table, next to each other and were feeding each other jumbo shrimp, dipped in Dijonnaise, which was my favorite dressing for sandwhiches.

"I still can't believe it." I gushed, as I held another piece of shrimp to Nick's mouth. "I'm your husband."

"Yes you are." Nick said, lovingly. "I still can't believe it either." We're married. We're really and truly married. And now we're family."

"Yes." I said, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. "And that how it'll always be from now on."

Nick grinned and kissed me back, on the lips this time. "And I wouldn't have it any other way." He murmured.

Just then we all heard the rapping of a fork against a glass, signaling that we needed to give our attention to the stage. We turned to see Jeff, Drew, Justin, and Danny, standing on the stage, Drew in the center, holding the microphone.

"Hello, Everybody!" He greeted the audience. We all voiced our hello's. Then Drew continued.

"It is now time for Nick and Sean's first dance as Husbands. We are going to sing their favorite song, "My Everything." But I'd like to say something first, before they come up and dance."

He cleared his throat, before continuing.

"I just wanted to express my happiness for Nick and Sean on their marrige, and I hope that they both will be very happy with each other, just as they are now, for many more years to come."

Then his eyes turned to Nick and I who were still sitting next to each other, at the table. Kandi was sitting across from us at the other end of the table. She was beautiful. She was wearing a ruby red dress, that shimmered whenever she moved. Justin had bought it for her and she had loved it. I had to agree with him. She looked absolutely stunning in it."

"Nick." Drew continued. "You are the best brother a guy could ever have." He said. "Even when the times got rough, and we'd have our brotherly quarrels, and disagreements, you were still always there for me. I can't thank you enough for that." I love you."

Nick nodded, getting teary eyed at his brother's words. Then Drew's gaze focused on me.

"Sean, I care for you a great deal and I just know that you're gonna be the most awesome brother-in-law I've ever had. Seeing how happy you make Nick, how could I not be happy for both of you? I can see that the two of you were meant for each other. And whatever problems that come up later, and there will be alot of them along the way, in your marriage, you and Nick can count on us to be there for you and to help you through the tough times."

Then he stepped aside, allowing Jeff to say his speech next.

"First of all, I'd like to congratualate Nick and Sean as well, on their marriage today." He said. "Drew's right. We will all be there for you when the going get's tough."

He then turned to look at Danny and then added.

"Most of us anyway."

Danny looked down at the floor after he heard Jeff say that. and I noticed Jeff with a sad look in his eyes. I wondered what was going on between Danny and Jeff. I think Nick noticed it too, because then, he leaned to me and whispered in my ear.

"What do you think's going on with those two?" He asked me, worriedly. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know." I whispered back to him. "I think it's just the fact that Danny's leaving and Jeff is just going to miss him alot. You've seen how close those two having gotten in the past months. They pretty much hit it off right from the start.

"Yeah, I know." Nick said, glancing at Jeff. "They've both been through alot these past 6months."

When he said that, his eyes got wide, indicating that he knew something that he wasn't telling me.

"What are you talking about, love?" I asked him, starting to get concerned. "What's going on?"

Before He could tell me, Danny interrupted us, over the microphone.

"Ok, you two, stop the chitter-chatter and get out on this dance floor!" He said, with a grin. The rest of the guys, Kandi, and the audience laughed.

Nick rolled his eyes and got up, extending out his hand to me. I took it and stood up with him. He leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"I'll tell you later." He promised. "Now's not the time to get into it. Let's go and dance."

"That's fine by me." I said, and followed him out to the dance floor.

We walked up to the front and got in the perfect spot. We put our arms around each other, just as the lights dimmed, and the guys started singing, and started to dance.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" Nick asked me, whispering into my ear as we swayed back and forth to the music.

"Yes, Nick, I do." I whispered back. "You've shown me just how much by marrying me." I feel like the luckiest man alive right now."

Nick gazed into my eyes, smiling slightly. I gazed right back into his as we danced. His eyes were so expressive. I could tell when he was sad, the sparkle in his eyes wasn't there. When he was angry, his blue eyes blazed, but the sparkle still wasn't there. it was only there when he was happy.

"Sean?" Nick asked, quietly.

"Hmm?" I asked, dreamily.

"We're done." Nick said.

"What?" I asked, looking around, noticing that we were indeed done. The guys had stopped singing and were watching us dance, as well as everyone else. The music meanwhile had stopped.

It was at that moment that I'd realized that I'd been daydreaming.

"Sorry about that." I said, blushing a little.

before Nick could say anything, the audience started clapping again. We turned towards the stage, just in time to see Drew, start his announcement.

"Ok, now that Nick and Sean have danced, it's now time for wedding cake." He announced, getting cheering and clapping from the guests. He continued.

"Nick and Sean, please step over to the table, where the cake is sitting?" He asked us, politely.

Nick and I both headed over to the cake, which looked delicious. It was a 3 layer vanilla cake with white frosting which had red and pink roses aligning the edges of the cake.

The guys followed us to the cake and Nick picked up the large knife and started cutting two small slices of cake for us. When he finished, he set the knife down and held the cake up in front of us.

"Now, here's where I smear it all over my husband's face." He said, with a devilish grin.

"Nicholas Scott Lachey, don't you dare!" I warned him, getting ready to duck in case he went through with it after all.

Instead, he just held it to my mouth. I smiled at him and took a bite of the cake. It was really good. I'd never tasted a cake so moist and delicious. Then I held out my piece of cake to his lips.

I held it out to his mouth, and he took a bite of it, he smiled as he chewed it. Then he swallowed.

"Yum." He said, sexily."

"My thought's exactly." I agreed. "This is one of the best wedding cakes, I've ever tasted."

"Yeah, I'm sure." Nick said. "But still, we have to share it with all of the guests here."

I know." But the cake is not what matters." I said to him. "You're the only thing that matters to me. You're my husband and I wouldn't trade you for the best-tasting cake in the world, baby."

"Aww, you're so sweet." Nick said, leaning in and kissing me. I kissed him back.

When We parted, I noticed that the rest of the guys, and Kandi, were cutting the cake and handing plates of it out to the guests, who had gotten in line to get some.

Nick and I then went back to our table to sit down, and wait for the rest of the guys to get done, handing out cake to the guests. We ran into Ben, Matt, Casey, and Paul, who were sitting at the table, eating their cake, and chatting amongst each other.

"Hey you two." Ben greeted us.

"Hi, Ben." I answered back, smiling at him. "I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves?"

"You bet we have." Matt, said. "We had a blast!"

"So did we." Casey chimed in. "We can't thank you enough for letting us be a part of this day. You two certainly deserve it."

"Don't mention it, man." I said to him. "I'm glad you could come." Oh and you two were never introduced. Casey and Paul, this is my husband, Nick. Nick, these are my friends, Casey and Paul." I then said, introducing them.

"It's an honor to meet you, Nick." Casey said, extending out his hand. Nick took it and they shook hands. Then Casey introduced Nick to Paul.

"This is my boyfriend, Paul Reardon." He said, pointing to Paul.

Nick shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Paul." Nick said to him.

"The pleasure's all mine." Paul said, grinning at Nick.

"So, what do you do, Paul?" I asked him, after Nick and he had been introduced.

"Well, I'm still waiting tables, while going to college to be a computer programmer." Paul replied. "I'm loving it so far."

"That's good to hear." Nick said. "I'm sure it'll help you out in the future."

"Yeah, I'm sure it would." Paul chuckled. "Although my boy here wants to pay my way through college."

"And you won't let me." Casey whined, as Paul put his arm around his shoulders.

"I know how you feel, man." Matt said, with a grin. "Ben likes to spoil me all the time."

I saw Ben give him a dirty look, which made both Casey and Paul laugh.

"I do not spoil you!" Ben scoffed in mock disgust. "You beg for it."

We all started laughing at Ben's words.

"Hey you two?" A voice said, from behind us.

Nick and I both turned to see Danny standing there, along with the rest of the guys, who were right behind him.

"What's up, Danny?" I asked him, noticing the sad look on his face.

"I have to leave now." Danny said, sadly. "I gotta catch a plane to head to Chicago. I've got to go and meet with Amber, so we can leave to head for our destination where we will be joining the navy." And Amber sends her best wishes to the both of you, by the way."

My happy mood suddenly vanished, leaving nothing but sadness there now. I was losing someone who was very important to me. Maybe not forever, but then again, there was no telling when or if he'd ever come back. He could decide to stay in the marines longer if he enjoyed it, or move somewhere else with Amber and get married later on.

"I can't believe it. You're actually leaving." I said, sighing heavily.

"Yeah." Danny replied. "I can't believe it either, but I have to."

We know, Danny." Nick said, putting his hand on Danny's shoulders. "We are all going to miss you, you know?"

"I know." Danny said, his eyes starting to tear up. "I'm going to miss you too, Nick."

Then he turned towards the rest of the guys and looked at Jeff, who was looking down at the floor.

"I'm going to miss you the most, Jeff." Danny said to him. "You've been so great to me, since the day we met."

Jeff looked up and looked at Danny quickly, then dropped his eyes again. I saw that and took that as my cue to do something about it.

"Well then, I think we need to be going then." Nick said, then he turned back to Casey and Paul.

"Casey, Paul, It was nice meeting the two of you and We're sorry we have to leave so soon. Have a safe trip back to New York." Nick said, shaking their hands.

"We will." Casey said. "Again, thank you for having us."

"Yeah, we had a blast." Paul added, after shaking Nick's hand as well. "We wish you both all the best in your marriage."

"Thank you, Paul." I said, smiling at him. I then turned towards the rest of the guys.

"Ok guys, I think we need to drive Danny to the airport." I said, waving them all to follow me. "We'll say all of our goodbyes there."

"I think that's a better idea." Danny said. "I don't know what to say right now."

"I understand that, buddy." Drew said, putting his arms around Danny. "Come on, Let's head to Justin's van."

Drew said goodbye to Paul, Casey, Matt, and Ben, and started walking with Danny towards Justin's van. The rest of us said our goodbyes to Ben, Matt, Casey, and Paul, and followed him. Justin unlocked the van that he rented, and we all got in. Kandi sat up front with Justin, Nick and I took the middle seat, and Drew, Danny, and Jeff took the back seat. Justin started the ignition and started driving through the streets of Vermont.

Our ride to the airport was mostly silent since Danny's leaving was on everone's minds and we didn't know what to say to each other at the moment. So, we all sat back, while Justin drove, and relaxed a little.

We got to the airport in record time. We helped Danny grab his bags out of the van and we followed him into the airport. Nick started to put his arm around me, but stopped when he remembered that we were in public. I gave him a sympathetic smile, showing him that I appreciated his gesture. He smiled back, getting the message.

We walked along with Danny over to the baggage conveyor so he could pass his bags through it to test them for weapons or stolen items, that could be concealed inside. That was the reason for the conveyor belt. To check customers bags to make sure no one was carrying anything that could be of any harm to anyone.

His bags passed inspection and the luggage person took them and put them onto the conveyor that led the bags into the plane.

We all stood around Danny, all of us, searching for words to say to him, but could not think of anything that would sound right. So we were all silent. I then saw a waiting room with a door that didn't have a window, so that would give us some privacy.

"Hey guys, let's go into that room over there to have some privacy." I said to the guys, pointing to the waiting room door I saw.

"Good idea, Sean." Drew said.

We walked into the room and Justin closed the door behind him, after he walked in.

"Well I guess this is it, huh?" I said to Danny with a sigh.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall, but I willed them back, wanting to be strong. But I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold out before I broke down.

"I guess so." Danny said, his voice starting to crack. He was almost about to cry himself. He started saying his goodbyes to us.

"Well guys, I just want you all to know that I love you all and that you guys have been some of the best friends that I've ever had. I will think about you all often and I'll try to keep in touch with you as much as I can. I'll write you. I'll even call you all when I can. I just want you all to know that I'll never forget you. Even if I never come back."

Danny was starting to sob, and he continued.

"Take care of yourselves, all of you." And promise me that if there's a chance that I'll never come back, that you won't ever forget me." Please, promise me that."

Danny couldn't say anymore and sank down into a nearby chair and buried his head into his hands, sobbing. Drew, who was nearby, knelt down and put his arms around Danny, comforting him.

I looked up at Nick, who's face was wet with tears. So was mine. Even Drew, Justin, Kandi, and Jeff, had tears streaming down their faces. I glanced over at Jeff and noticed that he seemed to be taking it the hardest. He was sobbing hard and his nose was running from his crying. He looked like hell. His eyes were all red, and his face was streaked with tears, which he was trying unsuccessfully to wipe away. I looked over to the right and saw a box of Kleenex, sitting on the table there. I took my arm off of Nick's shoulders and walked over to the table to get the Kleenex box. I grabbed it and headed back over towards Nick, who was looking at me as I came over. I handed him a Kleenex as I came to him.

"Thanks, Sean." He whispered, taking the Kleenex and wiping his eyes, then blowing his nose.

"You're welcome, sweetie."I said, then turned and headed towards Jeff, who was still crying and his nose still running. He needed Kleenex bad. I came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and looked at me, noticing me holding out the Kleenex box. He smiled and took about four of them.

"Thanks, buddy." jeff said, softly.

"You're welcome, Jeff." I said, giving him a sympathetic smile. "Come here."

As I said that, I grabbed him into a hug, offering him my comfort. I felt his strong arms wrap around me, tightly. I could feel him starting to sob again. I just held him until he calmed down.

Just then, we heard the announcement for Danny's plane to start boarding in about twenty minutes, signaling that we didn't have much time left to say goodbye.

Drew and Danny released each other from their hug, and Danny stood up and then walked over to Justin and Kandi and hugged Justin first.

"Take care of yourselves." He said, sadly. "I hope the two of you will be as happy as Sean and Nick are someday."

"I'm sure We will, man." Justin said, after Danny released him. Danny then hugged Kandi.

"You be sure to give Nick and Sean a swift kick in the ass if they both ever start taking each other or their love forgranted."

"You bet." Kandi said as she released Danny. "I'll kick their asses so hard, that they'll feel that pain for years to come."

Everyone started to laugh a little. Even Nick and I. The mood wasn't lightened that much, but at least Kandi was nice enough to try and lighten it some. It worked for a bit.

"Well, don't worry about us, Danny." Nick said, smiling. "Sean and I won't do that now. We don't need to be victim to her high heels."

"You've got that right." I chuckled, leaning into Nick.

Then we heard Jeff's voice.

"Guys, do you mind if Danny and I have a moment alone?" He asked us.

We all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sure." I said to him. "We'll wait outside. Come on, guys.

Justin, Kandi, and Drew followed Nick and I outside and Drew shut the door behind him, leaving Jeff and Danny alone in the room.

As we all stood out there, waiting, I then came up with an idea for the guys.

"Hey guys, while you're here, why don't you all go to the vending room and grab some snacks or something? Or go to the restroom if you have to? You'll have plenty of time until the final boarding call for Danny's flight is announced." I suggested."

"Yeah, I'm down with that." Nick said. "I'm still a little hungry for something."

I looked at him in amazement.

"You? Hungry? After all that dinner and wedding cake you ate?!" I asked, shocked. I swear that boy could eat! It seemed like he never was full. He's like a bottomless pit.

"Well blame it on my fast metabolism, baby." Nick laughed.

"Alright, so then it's settled." Drew said. "We're all going to go to the vending room and grab some snacks."

"Actually, I'm going to stay here." I said to Drew. "I'll wait for you guys here. I'm not hungry."

"Oh. Alright." Drew said. "You ok with that, Nick?" He asked his brother.

"Yeah, I'm cool with it." Nick said, turning to me and putting his hand on my shoulders. "I'll be right back, Sean Lachey."

After saying that, he squeezed my shoulder and headed off with the rest of the guys to the vending area, leaving me standing there, breathless.

He'd called me Sean Lachey! That was the first time he'd ever called me that. Even though my name was Perry-Lachey, I was still Sean Lachey, even if I'd legally kept my last name along with my married name.

"Wow." I managed to gasp out. "Sean Lachey! That's the first time he's called me that today." I love him so much. More than he'll ever know."

As I was standing there, in oblivion, the door opened and Jeff came out and smiled at me.

"Danny wants to see you now." Jeff said, looking around the airport. "Where did Everyone else go?" He asked me.

"They went to the vending room to grab some snacks." I told him. "If you hurry, you can catch up with them."

"I'll do that." Jeff said. "Thanks, Sean."

With that, he started running towards the vending area. I turned and walked back into the private waiting room, where Danny was standing there, looking at me, with a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, when I noticed it. Danny shook his head.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Danny said, trying to reassure me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him again.

"Yes, I'm sure." He said, smiling.

Somehow I got the feeling that something was bothering him, despite his trying to hide it. I decided to just let it drop. I didn't want to bring him down, more than he already was. I decided that when Danny wanted to tell me what it was, he would.

"What do I say to you, man?" I asked him, feeling my tears starting again. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Danny looked at me, his eyes still wet from crying and now they were starting to get worse.

"I'm going to miss you too, Sean, more than I can ever tell you." Danny said, pulling me into a tight hug. I returned it just as strongly.

"Damn it, Danny!" I sobbed. "I feel like I'm losing you forever. Life isn't going to be the same here without my best friend around."

"I know, Sean." Danny said, still holding me tight. "But our friendship will never end, no matter where you and I end up. Our friendship will last forever. Nothing and no-one can ever change that. You and I share a bond that nobody will ever be able to break. Even if we never see each other again, just know that I'll always be with you in here."

Here he released me for a moment and set his hand on my chest, feeling my heartbeat.

"I'll always be with you in your heart." Danny said, his voice cracking with emotion. "Just as you'll always be with me in my heart."

"You will, buddy." I said, his words starting to affect me. "I love you."

"I love you too, Sean." He said, grabbing me into another hug again.

"I hope you and Nick will always be happy." He said. "I'll write to you as often as I can and ask how you're doing and what's new in your life."

"We will, Danny." I said, the tears overwheming me again. "And I hope that you and Amber get married and are happy. But promise me that if that happens, Me, Nick, and the rest of the guys will have invitations to your wedding? Even if that may be the only time we'll get to see you."

Danny smiled, and hugged me tighter.

"Count on it." He said. "I won't have it any other way."

"Goodbye, my friend." I whispered.

"Goodbye, Sean." Danny replied back.

As we continued to hug each other, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Danny called out, as we released each other and wiped at our eyes.

The door opened, revealing the guys, with snacks, coming into the room.

"Is everything alright in here?" Nick asked, concern showing in his eyes.

"Yeah, honey, everything's fine." I replied.

Just then, we heard the final boarding call for Danny's plane come over the P.A. system. Danny sighed.

"Well, that's my cue." He said. He started walking out of the waiting room, with all of us right behind him. As he stopped at the gate, he turned and threw his arms around my husband. Nick hugged him back.

"Take care of him for me, Nick." Danny whispered in Nick's ear. "You've finally made my best friend the happiest man alive. Promise me that you won't ever let him down again?"

"Don't worry, Danny, I won't." Nick said. "I'll take good care of him. I intend to keep him this happy for years to come."

"Good." Danny said, as he released Nick. Then he hugged Justin, Kandi, and Drew, and said his last goodbyes to them as well. when he came to Jeff, I saw him hesitate slightly, but then give him a hug too.

I frowned at that. I wondered what had gone on between the two of them earlier. But I probably would never know. At least not until either Danny or Jeff was ready to tell me what it was.

"Ok, guys, I have to go now." He said. He then came over to me and gave me one last hug goodbye.

"Goodbye, Sean." He said. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Danny." I said. Then I thought of something. "Hey Danny, what are you going to do about your Corvette?"

"Oh, that's right! I almost forgot!" Danny said, as he set his bag down and rifled through it. He pulled out some papers and handed them to me, with a smile.

"What are these?" I asked him.

"Open them and find out." He said, with a grin.

The guys gathered around me, as I opened the papers. I noticed that they were legal documents, and registration papers for Danny's car. And it was registered under my name!

"You're giving me your Corvette?!" I gasped in shock.

"Yeah." Danny said, smiling. "Consider it my wedding present to both of you. I hope you enjoy it."

I was shocked. Danny was actually giving me his car! I was surprised. He loved that car. I couldn't imagine him ever giving it to anyone.

"But Danny, you love that car." I said. "I can't take it. It's too much."

"Sean, I insist." Danny said. "Please?" He begged with his puppy dog look. That did it for me.

"Alright, I'll keep it." I laughed. "Besides, I might as well. It's probably the last thing I'll ever get from you."

"Maybe." Danny said, then added. "Maybe not. I gotta go. Goodbye guys."

With that he picked up his tote bag and gave the lady his ticket at the gate. She checked his bag and then let him through the gate. He started walking towards the corridor. When he came to the doorway, he turned around and waved to us one last time. We all waved back. Then he was gone.

"Well guys, this has been one emotional day for all of us." I said to everyone.

"You can say that again, Sean." Kandi said. "I'm beat. I'm ready to go back to the hotel and get some rest."

"Me too." Justin said, putting his arm around her.

"Well then, let's get going." Nick said, putting his arm around Drew and I, as we all started walking towards the exit to the airport. Well almost all of us.

When we were about 20 feet away, I turned around and noticed that Jeff was still standing at the gate, staring at the corridor where Danny had once stood.

"Jeff?" I called out to him.

He didn't answer. Poor Jeff. He really seemed to be taking this hard.

"Guys, I'm going to go get him." I said.

The guys nodded, and Nick let go of me. I rushed over to Jeff, his back to me, and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Jeff, buddy, come on. We're leaving." I said again.

Jeff slowly turned around and followed me, not saying a word, with a catatonic look on his face. That look scared me when I saw it.

"Jeff, it's gonna be alright." I said. "He won't be gone forever."

"I hope not." Jeff managed to say. "I'm just going to miss him so much."

"I know, Jeff." I said, just as we caught up to everyone else. "We all will."

"I'm so tired." Jeff said, yawning.

"I don't blame you." I said. "We all are. This has been an emotional day for all of us."

"Come on." Nick said, putting his arms around Drew and Jeff this time, so Jeff didn't feel left out. I gave Nick an understanding look and followed him and the guys out of the airport.

We drove back to the hotel and went up to our rooms. When we stopped at Nick's and my room, I turned around.

"Goodnight, you two." I said to Justin and Kandi.

"Goodnight." They both said, each hugging everyone, before heading to their rooms. Drew and Jeff were next. I hugged Jeff first and Drew hugged Nick.

"Goodnight, Jeff." I whispered to him. "And try to be happy. That's what Danny would want."

"I'll try, Sean." Jeff mumured, sadly. "I'll just have to take it one day at a time."

"You do that." I said.

"Goodnight, Nick. Drew, I'll see you in our room." He said.

"Goodnight, Jeff." Nick said to him.

"Alright, Jeff, I'll be in in a few minutes." Drew said.

Jeff then headed off to the hotel room that he and Drew shared.

"Well you two, I better head off to bed too." Drew said. "Goodnight, Sean."

He gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"Goodnight, my new brother-in-law." I replied. "Sleep well."

"I will." Drew said to me. "You both do the same."

He then headed off to his room. Nick and I then entered ours.

"Man, I'm ready to hit the sack." I yawned.

Nick had other ideas though.

"Me too." He said. "But I'm ready to make love to my incredibly handsome husband."

"Oh, now that's a good idea." I said. "I'll be able to stay awake a while longer for this. Besides, I can't think of any better way to fall asleep."

Me neither." Nick said, as we stripped out of our clothes, which we had changed into before the reception.

If we all had gone to the airport in our wedding attire, we'd have most likely let the cat out of the bag.

Nick and I climbed into bed and pulled the covers over us to keep warm, as we started kissing.

"I love you, Nick Lachey." I whispered.

"I love you too, Sean Lachey." He whispered back. "Make love to me. Now. Tonight."

"With Pleasure, baby." I said, then rolled over so that I was on top of him now.

We made love til 3 a.m. and We both fell asleep, me dreaming of my lover.

My Husband.

My Everything.


Well that's all for now. I've had a blast writing this story and Hopefully after I've had time to think about a new plot on where to take the story beyond Nick and Sean's marriage, I'll continue it. Until then, all you readers, keep in touch and I'll let you all know when I'll be ready to start writing again.

I've enjoyed all of my fans feedback, on my story. You are all the best!

"What could be wrong with Danny and Jeff? and will Danny ever be back? What will become of Drew now that Sean and Nick are married? Will Sean and Nick really be happy in their marriage? Or will circumstances, fate, and a certain SOMEONE tear them apart once again?

Will this story continue? Oh, if you only knew!

Stay tuned. Because what happens next is Everything!

Next: Chapter 31

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