My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jul 20, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, his longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


previously on "My Everything"....

We got home about 20 minutes later and hopped out of the car. As we headed up to the door, I noticed a suitcase sitting by the door with a note sticking out of the zipper.

"Isn't that your suitcase, Sean?" Nick asked me.

"Yeah. There's even a note inside." I said, grabbing the note. I then started reading it aloud.

"Dear Sean."

We're sorry we had to leave the party early the other night. We were tired and went home. When we didn't hear from you, We assumed that you and Nick had made up and are together again. If this is true, We wish you both all the best. We came by and left your things on the porch, since you weren't home. Goodnight and give us a call when you can.


Ben and Matt.

"Well that was sweet of them." Drew said, smiling.

"Yeah, it was." I said, picking up my suitcase. "Now let's in inside, it's cold out here." I shivered.

"Yes. Let's." Nick said, unlocking the door and letting Drew and I inside. He shut the door and locked it, after entering.

We all took off our coats and headed up to bed, exhausted from the day's events.

Chapter 29

(1 month later, in Vermont.)

I opened my eyes to the most beautiful sunrise I'd ever seen. I sat up and stretched, getting the rest of the sleep out of my system.

"Mmm, This is my wedding day." I whispered to myself, while turning and checking on Nick, who was still sleeping. "This is the day I become Mr. Nicholas Lachey. But of course, I'll still have my last name. I'll just be Sean Perry-Lachey."

In the month that we'd planned to get married, I'd discussed how our names would be changed when we got married and I told Nick that I wanted his to stay the way it was and that I would change my name to Perry-Lachey. that way our names were linked together. Besides I'd also wanted to change my name and have a fresh start.

Jeff, Danny, Justin, and Kandi meanwhile had been great this past month. They'd spent alot of time together, when they weren't working or at rehearsals to help plan the wedding in Vermont and to let their relatives know about the plans. They also had to tell Management about our plans to get married, which they were not happy about, but went along with it anyway. But that wasn't the best thing that happened this last month.

I'd found out from Nick, the next morning, a month ago, that his parents had finally come around and had told him how sorry they were for how they reacted and asked him for forgiveness. They told him that his happiness was all that mattered to them. Nick was overjoyed and welcomed them back with open arms. Drew and the rest of our friends were happy too, that They'd finally come around. Now Mr. and Mrs. Lachey were guests at the wedding.

Drew, meanwhile, had had time to sort out his feelings for me and he was slowly, but sincerely starting to let go of them. He told me that he just wanted me to be happy and that he'd rather have me as part of his family, than not have me at all. I was grateful to him for that.

After re-living the past month, I turned and looked at Nick. He was still sleeping and the sunlight was casting it's morning glow on his face, making him look angelic at that moment. He had a small smile on his face as he slept, which must mean he was having a good dream.

After a few more minutes, he started stirring and then turned his head towards me and opened his eyes. When his eyes focused on me, he gave me his sexy smile.

"Good morning, baby." He whispered. I smiled down at him.

"Good Morning to you too, Sexy." I replied back. I leaned in to give him a good morning kiss.

We stayed like that for a while, kissing and making out for a little bit, but we both knew now wasn't the time to have a quickie.

"I can't believe it's finally here." Nick said. "Our wedding day. The day we pledge our love to one another. Now and Forever."

"I can't believe it, either, cutie." I said. "I still have to keep pinching myself to reassure myself that I'm not dreaming. Because If I am, I never want to wake up from this dream."

Nick reached out and cupped my face in his hand, running his thumb across my jawline. I leaned into his touch, longingly.

"You're not dreaming, Sean." Nick whispered to me. "In a few hours, we're going to be husbands."

"Yeah." I said, then started getting up.

"Speaking of which, we need to start getting ready. I said, walking towards the hotel bathroom.

"I'm getting a shower. would you care to join me, my love?" I asked him, seductively.

"Now, sweetheart." Nick said, grinning. "You know that once that happens, we'll never get to the wedding in time."

"Alright." I chuckled. "I won't be long. I love you."

"I love you too." Nick said, smiling. He blew me a kiss as I headed into the bathroom.

I walked over to the tub and started the water, getting it as hot as I could stand, and then turning on the shower head.

I stepped under the hot spraying water and let it soak me from head to toe, getting the remains of sleep out of my body. I started washing my hair, which had grown out a little longer. I kind of looked like Joey Lawrence when he was in "Blossom" before he shaved his head for "Brotherly Love."

As I washed, my mind drifted back to when Nick and I first met, and the events that took place from then. I smiled as I relived all of the memories. Even his betrayal. Because despite it all, it made me realize that I loved him still, no matter what. And our love was stronger than ever.

I finished washing my hair and washed my body as well. I rinsed off and shut off the shower head and the hot water. I stepped out of the tub and gasped.

Nick was standing in the bathroom, waiting his turn, and wearing absolutely nothing at all, holding a towel in his hand for me. I put my hand to my chest in relief.

"Nick, you startled me for a minute there." I said, still clasping my chest. Nick smile apologetically.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to startle you. I probably shouldn't have snuck in like that." Nick apologized. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asked with a cheshire cat grin on his face.

"Sure." I said, then held out my hand. "You can give me my towel now. I'm freezing."

"Oh, of course." Nick said, handing me the towel, which I took. "We can't have you getting sick on your wedding day, now do we?"

"No we don't. I replied. Ok, it's your turn, baby. Get in and get cleaned up." I want my baby looking all pretty for me later at the wedding. No bad odors either."

"Hey!" Nick said, swatting my naked ass, making me laugh. "You didn't smell so hot yourself 10 minutes ago either."

"True." I giggled. "But I still love you, even if you smell."

"Thanks, baby." He said, kissing me again.

"Now, get your cute ass in that shower, boy!" I said, slapping his ass in response.

"Ouch! Ok." Nick laughed, getting in the shower.

"While you're getting washed up, I'm going to go get dressed and give Ben and Matt a call to see if they're coming to the chapel early."

"Alright." Nick said, above the running water. "Tell them I said hello."

"I will." I said, before leaving the bathroom and heading back into the bedroom to get dressed. I grabbed a clean pair of socks and underwear and put them on. Then I decided on a red shirt and blue jeans for right now to wear over to the chapel. We'd change into our wedding attire at the chapel.

I finished getting dressed and grabbed my cellphone and dialed Ben and Matt's number, but then realized another person I hadn't thought of in a while. So instead of dialing Ben and Matt's place right way, I dialed the number for the person I was trying to call.

After about two rings, I heard him pick up. "Hello?"

"Hey Casey, it's me, Sean. What's up, buddy?" I greeted him.

"Sean! Hi! I'm doing fine actually. How about you?" Casey asked. I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smiling.

"Well I've got some incredible news that I need to share with you." I answered, smiling myself.

"What news?" I heard Casey ask.

"Nick and I are getting married, today. The ceremony starts in about 4 hours. I said to him.

"Congratulations, Sean! I'm so happy for you." Casey gushed. "Hey wait a minute! Why didn't you tell me sooner. that way I could have known so I could have been there already to go to the wedding?"

"I know, Casey and I'm so sorry. With everthing that's happened over the past months, I totally forgot all about you."

"What do you mean with's everything that's happened?" Casey asked, concern in his voice.

"Well, not long ago Nick and I broke up. He'd cheated on me with his ex-boyfriend, then after that, I forgave him about 4 months later and now he loves me more than ever and I love him too. So now we're getting married."

"Well that's some story." Casey said.

"that's not exactly all of it, buddy." I said to him. "I'm just giving you the most important details of the story. I'll tell you the whole story when I see you, which is why I'm calling. Do you think you could catch a plane to Vermont so you'll be here for the ceremony?"

"Man, it's such short notice, but of course, I'll do the best I can." Casey said. "By the way, do you mind if I bring Paul with me?" He then asked.

"Of course. How are you and Paul doing?" I asked him.

"We're great!" Casey said. "Paul and I are so in love. and I hope that one day we'll be just as happy as you and Nick are."

"I know you will." I said to him. "So go and get Paul and get on a plane to Vermont. Once you're there, I'll have the limo waiting for you at the Comfort Inn. The driver will take you to the chapel from there."

"You bet. We'll be there." Thanks for inviting us." Casey said. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. Bye." I said.

I Then hit the "End" button and dialed Ben and Matt's home number. after about 3 rings, I heard a groggy Ben answer the phone.

"Hello?" He asked, still half-asleep.

"Ben?!" I exclaimed. "Why are you and Matt still in bed? Today is my wedding you know?"

"Oh shit!" I heard Ben shout. I could practically see him shoot out of the bed. I then heard Matt asking Ben what was wrong, and when Ben told him that they'd slept in and my wedding would be starting in a few hours, his response was almost the same as Ben's. I had to laugh.

"Sean, we're so sorry. We forgot to set the alarm." Ben said.

"Don't worry about it, Ben." I said. "Just get yourselves cleaned up and on a plane to Vermont. You know where the chapel is right? Nick and I gave you the directions to it the other night." I'll tell the minister to wait until all of the guests arrive before we start."

"Yes, I have the directions." Ben said. "Thank you, Sean, for calling us. We'll be there."

"Alright, I'll see you both later. And don't forget your wedding attire!" I reminded him.

"We won't. don't worry. We're actually already packed. We packed our stuff last night."

"Good. Just get on a plane and I'll tell the minister that you're on your way. But stay quiet about this. I don't want the press getting wind of this wedding."

"You got it." Ben said. "Matt and I will be careful. We'll see you later."

"Ok. Bye." I said.

I hung up the phone, just as Nick came out of the bathroom, looking sexy, in just a towel, wrapped around his waist.

"Are you alright?" He asked, walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "Ben and Matt just slept in so now they're getting ready to get on a flight here to Vermont. And I totally forgot to invite Casey and Paul as well, so I gave them last minute invitations over the phone, so they're joining us as well."

"Oh. Alright. I'm fine with that. After all, this is your wedding too." Nick replied, releasing me from his hug. "Now, let's give the guys a call and see if they're ready yet."

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Nick went to answer it and came face to face with Drew.

"Hi, bro." Nick greeted his little brother. "Come on in."

"Thanks, Nick." Drew said, entering the bedroom and glancing at me.

"Hi, Sean." He greeted me with a cute smile. I returned his smile with one of my own.

"Hey, Drew, how are you doing?" I asked him. Drew shrugged.

I'm alright I guess." He said. "So, are you ready for today?" He then asked.

I've never been more ready for anything in my entire life." I said, putting my arm around Nick, who had come back to my side, smiling so hard I felt like my face was gonna burst.

"It shows." Drew said, his smile getting a little bigger. "I can tell you're really ready for this."

I could sense a little sadness in his voice, so I decided to call him on it.

"Drew, are you alright?" I asked him. He nodded.

"I'm fine." He said, shrugging slightly.

"It's just that I know that this can't be easy for you and that you're still hurting."

"Sean, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Drew insisted. "Besides, the pain hurts less and less as each day goes by. No, it's not easy, but I'm slowly getting over you." Seeing how happy you are is what helping me through this." That's all I've ever wanted for you. You know that."

"Yes I do, Drew." I replied.

"We both do, bro." Nick agreed, walking towards Drew and giving him a brotherly hug. Drew accepted.

"Well let's go and meet the rest of the guys for breakfast." Drew said, after Nick released him. "They're waiting for us. That's why I came over to get you."

"I don't know if I can eat." I said. I'm too excited."

"Well I am too." Nick said, putting his arm around my waist. "But we have to eat something to keep up our strength for later tonight."

I grinned at what he was implying.

"Well when you put it like that, you actually have a good point." I said, then turned to Drew. "Lead the way, buddy." I commanded him. Drew gave me a salute.

"Aye, Aye, Sir." He laughed. "Right this way."

Nick and I followed Drew to the private dining room, which was beautifully decorated and the table set, and food sitting there waiting for us. As well as the guys, Danny, and Kandi, who were all sitting at the table, waiting for us to join them. Drew walked back over to his seat and sat down.

"Hey guys." I greeted them. They all voiced their greetings and then Nick and I sat down, beside each other at the edge of the table, where two seats were set up for us.

"So, buddy, are you ready for the big moment later today?" Danny, who was sitting to my right, asked me.

"I can't wait." I said to him, smiling. "I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. The right guy to commit to and spend the rest of my life with."

I turned my head and glanced at Nick, who was watching me, with a dreamy look on his face.

"And I've found him." I said, reaching out my hand and rubbing his back, lovingly.

"Well it's obvious to all of us right now." Jeff said, from beside Danny. Justin and Kandi were sitting across from Drew on Nick's side of the table.

"Well I think we'll have more time to talk about us later." I said. "Right now, I want to eat something before my appetite goes away again."

"I couldn't agree with you more." Justin said across the table.

"But first, if you don't mind, I'd like to propose a toast first." I said, picking up my orange juice and raising it high.

"To Friendship, Love, and great blessings. May each of us achieve all of our goals in life that are good and make us who we are. And may we all be happy and successful for many more years to come." I toasted, raising my glass.

"Here, Here." Nick said, as we all clinked our glasses together to the toast and then sipping our juice.

After that we all set our glasses down and ate the rest of our breakfast, while chatting back and forth about anything and everything, as well as the day's events that were going to happen.

As We were all finishing up, a hotel bellman came up to where Nick and I were sitting, and whispered into my ear.

"Excuse me, Mr. Perry, but there are 4 guests outside, two of which are on the wedding list and two that said that they were invited by you last minute. Shall I let them in?" He asked.

"Yes, please and I'll come with you, in case there are any problems." I told him, rising up to follow him. Nick grabbed my hand as I was getting up.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "What did that bellman say to you?"

"Oh, He was just telling me that Ben and Matt are here and that Casey and Paul are not on the wedding list, so I have to go with him to let the security know that they can come in." I explained to him.

"Oh, ok." Nick said, then squeezed my hand, remembering that we were in public. "Don't be long."

"I'll try not to be." I said, smiling at him.

I turned and followed the bellman to the entrance where Ben, Matt, Casey, and Paul were waiting for me. The guard by the door looked at me waiting for my answer whether to let them in or not.

"It's ok, sir, they're all friends of mine. They can come in." I told him.

"As you wish, sir." He said, before stepping aside and letting them in.

Casey swooped me up into a hug as soon as he came in.

"It's so great to see you, Sean." He said. "I haven't seen you in like Forever."

"I know and I intend to make up for that, buddy." I said, releasing him. Then I turned to Paul.

"Hi, Paul." I said, giving him a hug too as he came over to me. I'm glad that you could come."

"Well thanks for having us." Paul said, smiling at me.

"No problem, you're welcome." I said, then turned to Ben and Matt.

"And how are the two of you?" I asked them.

"Oh, we're fine." Matt said. "We got here right on time.

"Well then, you two better follow me to the dining room and get some food while you still can." I laughed. "Before the guys eat it all."

"Well we can't have that." Ben quipped with a smirk.

"Alright then, follow me." I said, turning and heading back to the dining room. As soon as we entered, everyone looked up and smiled when they saw us enter.

"Guys, since you already know Ben Affleck and Matt Damon from Nick's birthday party, I'd like you to meet two of my other friends." I said, pointing to them as I introduced them. "Meet Paul and Casey."

Everyone said hello and then Casey and Paul sat down near Drew and Justin and was talking to them and getting better acquainted. They all talked for like an hour while Nick and I sat on a nearby couch and cuddled for a while. Then we heard someone rapping their fork against their glass, getting everyone's attention. We all turned towards the door and saw the minister standing there.

"Hello Everyone." He said.

"Hi!" Everyone said in unison, greeting him. He then continued, smiling at everone's politeness.

"I just wanted to let you all know that the ceremony will be starting in about an hour, so I need to see the two grooms. He said, looking around. Are they here?" He then asked.

Nick and I stood up, holding hands. "We're right here, Reverend." Nick announced, smiling at him.

"Good. I'm just here to tell you two that since the ceremony will be starting in about a half hour, that you two should go and get into your wedding attire, so we won't be late. The guests are already arriving and are being seated now." He said. "If you get ready early and want to start then, just let me know, ok?"

"We will." I assured him. "Thank you, Reverend."

He nodded and left the dining room. I then turned to the guys.

"Well guys, let's get a move on." I said. "Danny and Jeff, you two are with me. Drew and Justin, you're both with Nick."

"We're ready when you are." Danny said, as he and Jeff both walked over to me. I nodded at them.

"Alright, let's get to our dressing rooms." I said, then turned to Nick.

"And I'll see you later." I said.

"You betcha." Nick said. "I'll be waiting for you at the end of the aisle."

He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss.

"Ok, Nick." I said, I then turned to Drew and Danny. "Drew? Danny? Do you two still have our rings?" I asked them, getting a little nervous.

Danny and Drew both pulled the ring boxes out of their pockets and held them up, showing Nick and I that they had them.

"Sean, don't be so nervous, We've got them." Danny laughed at me.

"I know, but I just don't want anything to go wrong." I said to him, nervously.

"And nothing will, baby." Nick said, before kissing me on my forehead. "Now scoot you guys. We have to get dressed.

"Yes Seargeant Lachey." Danny and Jeff said at the same time and saluted him, making everyone start snickering.

"You two are insationable, you know that?" Nick laughed. "Now move it."

"See ya." I said, walking out of the dining room to my dressing room, Danny and Jeff both following me.

We walked into the dressing room and I grabbed my wedding suit from off of the chair where Danny had set it earlier this morning. I unzipped it and admire my suit.

Since I was going to be the groom, walkind down the aisle, like the bride does, my suit was all white. frim the suit coat and pants, down to the white socks and shoes. The only thing that was black was the bow tie that went around my collar.

I started to put on my suit, while Danny and Jeff were already getting into theirs, and took a second to admire myself in the mirror. I looked good enough to go. Danny and Jeff were all wearing black suits with white shirts. I admired them as I finished buttoning up my suit coat.

"You guys look good." I said to them. They both smiled at me.

"Thanks." Jeff said. "You don't look so bad yourself." He said.

"Thank you." I said, giving him a grin.

"But you're gonna have to do something about that hair of yours." Danny said.

I looked into the mirror and saw that my hair was starting to get a bit too long to comb the usual way, so I decided on something.

"You're right, Danny." I said, then asked. "Do you have any hair gel? I might as well put some in my hair and comb it back."

"That's a good idea." Jeff said. "It'll give you a much more suave look." I was actually getting tired of the bangs in your face all the time.

"Gee, thanks Jeff." I said, sarcastically as I grabbed the hair gel from Danny and squeezed some into my hand.

I then worked it through my hair and Danny combed it back for me, while I sat in the chair and watched him. After he was finished, Jeff whistled.

"You look really suave, Sean." He said, complimenting me again.

"I have to agree with Jeff, Sean." Danny chimed in. "You look great. Nick is not going to be able to take his eyes off of you as you walk down that aisle today."

"Thanks guys." I said, standing up and moving around a little bit.

Then there was a knock on the door to my dressing room.

"Come in!" I called out to let whoever it was know that they were welcome to enter.

The door opened and Drew entered the room, looking so cute in his tux, that I couldn't resist checking him out.

"Hey, Drew." I greeted him. "Is Nick ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, he is. He's already waiting behind the curtain for the ceremony to start." Drew said to me.

"Well in that case, we all better get to our positions too." Danny said.

"Yeah, let's do that." Jeff said, as he and Danny started walking out the door.

"You coming, Drew?" Jeff asked him. Drew nodded.

"In a few minutes. I just need to talk to Sean alone for a minute." He said.

Jeff and Danny just looked at each other, both shrugging, before heading out of the dressing room, closing the door behind them.

"So, Drew, what is it you want to talk to me about?" I asked, while gazing at him.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to say once again that I'm really happy for you and that I'll be honored to have you as my new brother-in-law." He replied. "Nick's a very lucky guy to have someone like you." I just hope one day I can find someone like you who will make me happy too."

"And you will, Drew." I said, giving him a hug. "He's out there somewhere. You'll just have to wait until you and he cross paths. It just takes time."

"And I've got plenty of that." He said.

I then released him from the hug and he stood back and admired me. "You look great." He said.

"Thanks, buddy." I replied. "You look pretty cute yourself."

Drew blushed and giggled a little. "Thanks." He said, shyly.

There was another knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called out.

The door opened and the minister popped his head in.

"I'm just here to tell you that the guests are already in their seats and that the ceremony is about to start in a few minutes. So, all of you should get to your positions now." He told Drew and I.

"Alright, we're coming." I said, then turned to Drew. "We'll talk more later." I whispered to him.

"I'm counting on it." He whispered back and followed me outside to where I was to wait until the music started. Jeff and Danny were at the same place I was, waiting for me.

"Hey you two." Jeff whispered, greeting us. "Drew, aren't you supposed to be up with Nick and Justin at the end of the aisle?" He said, whispering to Drew.

"Yes, I am." Drew replied back with a whisper. "I just wanted to make sure Sean and the rest of you guys were in your places. Now that you are, I'm going to go and get myself into position."

"Alright. "We'll see you after the wedding, man." Danny whispered to him.

"You got it." Drew said, then turned to me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Good Luck, Sean." He whispered, smiling. "You deserve it."

"Thanks." I said, returning his smile and patting his shoulder.

Drew nodded in response and then turned and walked out of the room we were waiting in, to get in place with Nick.

"Are you alright, Sean?" Danny asked me.

"Yeah, Dan, I'm fine." I said.

But that was far from the truth. I was nervous as hell. my hands were shaking. Danny took a long look at me and noticed it too.

"Sean, try to relax." Danny said, trying to calm me down a little. "Nothing is going to go wrong. I promise you that."

"Yeah, Danny's right, Sean." Jeff whispered. "We're not going to let anything or anyone ruin this day for you and Nick."

"I hope you guys are right." I replied, quietly.

Then we heard the music start playing. I then turned to Danny and Jeff.

"Well guys, it's your cue." I said. "Get ready."

"We are." Jeff said.

Jeff was going first since he was the bridesman. He then exited the room. Then about 10 seconds later, Danny exited the room, winking at me, taking his turn. Soon it was going to be my turn.

Then I heard the wedding march beginning, so I stood in the doorway, preparing to walk down the aisle.

I saw Everyone standing up, looking towards the back of the room, where I was standing. Then the wedding march song began and I slowly started to walk down the aisle, pausing after every step. As I walked, I noticed Nick standing at the end of the aisle. He looked so gorgeous in his black tux, white shirt, and black bow tie. I'd never seen him look better. Except for being naked of course. He watched me coming down the aisle, smiling at me, while I stepped closer and closer to him.

As I walked, I looked around the room and saw Ben, Matt, Casey, and Paul, sitting in the pews on the left, second from the front. They all smiled at me when I locked eyes with them, and I returned their smiles. And on the right in the first pews, I saw Nick's mother, Cate and his father, John, sitting there. Sitting alongside them was Nick's stepsister, Josie, and his half-brother, Isaac. And sitting in the second row were his adopted brothers and sisters, Zac, Tim, Kaitlin, and Sally. It was great to see the whole family there. I noticed all of them smiling at me which made me feel alot better. Maybe they'd come to accept me in Nick's life after all.

I turned back towards Nick, who was still watching me and still smiling. A couple more steps and I'd be right next to him.

I took those last steps and was right in front of Nick, just as the wedding march music ended. Then the minister started his speech.

"Friends?" He started. "We are gathered here today, in the presence of God, to witness the joining of two very special people. Nicholas Lachey and Sean Perry. Two people destined for each other."

Nick and I both looked at each other, smiling, as we both flashed back to everything we had been through together, both of us thinking the same thing. Then we heard the minister continue.

"Nick and Sean, come now to be joined in the holiest state of Matrimony." If there is anyone who can show just cause why these two should not be joined, Speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Everyone was silent, waiting to hear an objection. At that same moment, I glanced at Drew and noticed that he was staring back at me, an intense look on his face.

"Drew, don't you dare!" I hissed in my thoughts. "Please, don't ruin the most important day of my life."

I waited to hear an objection come out of his mouth. But it never came. So the minister continued, once again.

"Both of you join hands now." He said, giving us a warm smile. Nick and I turned towards each other and joined hands, never taking our eyes off of each other.

"Nicholas, do you take Sean Perry, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister asked him. "To have and to hold? In joy and in sorrow? For richer or for poorer? In sickness and in health? For better or for worse? Will you promise to love and to cherish him, forsaking all others, and keep yourself only unto him, for as long as you both shall live?"

Nick turned to look at me, tears of joy streaming down his face, and answered.

"I do." he said, lovingly, then he turned to Drew, who gave him his ring. He took it and held it up to me.

"And as a symbol of my promise, I give you this ring." Nick said, putting it on my third index finger on my right hand. I sniffed, my own tears getting the better of me, as he slipped it on.

Then the minister turned to me.

Sean, do you take Nicholas Lachey, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold? In joy and in sorrow? For richer or for poorer? In sickness and in health? For better or for worse? Will you promise to love and to cherish him, forsaking all others, and keep yourself only unto him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I managed to get out. Then I turned to Danny, who handed me Nick's ring. I took it and turned back to Nick.

"And as a symbol of my promise, I give you this ring." I said, softly. I took Nick's hand and slipped his ring on his third index finger. He just looked at me, the love clearly evident in his eyes. My eyes mirrored his.

The minister spoke once again.

"As Nick and Sean have stood before us and pledged their love for each other, I now pronounce them, Husband and Husband. For those who God have joined together, let no one put us under. Nick, you may kiss your groom."

Nick leaned into me and gave me the most passionate and loving kiss that I'd ever had in my life. I kissed him back with equal passion. I never wanted this moment to end.

Everone started clapping and stood up to continue. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Everyone was teary eyed.

Then Drew, Justin, Kandi, Jeff, and Danny, all started hugging us and congratulating us on our marriage. It had gone off without a hitch, which was better than I ever could have imagined.

After Everyone started hugging us, Nick offered me his arm, which I took and we started walking down the aisle together.

"Walking down that aisle." "It was the happiest moment of my life."

"Finally it has happened." "After all of this time."

"The Perrys and Lacheys have come together." "We put the past behind us." "And at that moment in time, We embarked on a new future together."

"For ourselves, and for this family. My family." "OUR Family."

"All because of one man." The most amazing man I have ever met." "My husband, Nick Lachey."

Well that's it for this installment. "What did you all think about the way I wrote this chapter? In my opinion I think it was very emotional.

Stay tuned for Chapter 30 coming soon.

What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!


Next: Chapter 30

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