My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jul 6, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, his longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


previously on "My Everything".....

"Will you marry me, Sean Perry?" He asked, looking up at me, the love evident in his eyes. He was ready for this. And so was I.

"Yes, Nick." I said kneeling down and hugging him. "I would be thrilled to marry you."

Nick then squeezed me harder, almost choking me. Then I heard him ask me something that we hadn't done for a long time.

"Make love to me, Sean." Nick said. "I want you inside of me this time."

I pulled back and looked Nick in the eyes. I could see desire and passion in his eyes. He wanted this. And so did I.

"Yes, Nick. I'd be honored. It's been so long." I said.

And with that, I leaned in and kissed him. I felt like I was kissing him for the first time, all over again. That kiss turned more passionate until Nick lifted me off the floor and set me down on the bed. He set his ring and mine, which were in different colored boxes, his blue, and my black, on the dresser beside the bed. He then proceeded to take off his clothes. He stripped to his boxers, showing off that awesome, muscular body that I'd grown to love so much. Then he got into bed with me and started kissing me again.

"I love you, Nicholas Lachey." I whispered, breaking the kiss. "And I want to show you how much."

"I love you too, Sean." Nick said. "More than you'll ever know. Make love to me." He said and I rolled him over so he was on the bottom and made sure that his first time, being a bottom was one that he wouldn't soon forget.

We made love all night that night, and fell asleep in each other arms.

Chapter 26

I woke up in Nick's arms, the next morning and felt like a new man. After a long four months, I'd finally realized that my love for Nick was stronger than ever. And I'd managed to forgive him for his betrayal. But things were even more complicated now. Drew was in love with me and had had his heart broken, after I'd made my decision to be with Nick. I really felt sorry for Drew. And I now had to wonder, if my friendship with Drew would ever be the same ever again.

"Of all the men to fall in love with, why did it have to be me?" I thought to myself. "He deserves better."

I slowly unwrapped myself from Nick's arms, trying not to wake him. But to my surprise, he didn't even stir. I guess he was still pretty tired. And frankly, so was I. Especially after making love til dawn last night.

I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to urinate. After doing that, I decided to grab a nice hot bath in the bathtub. Maybe that would wake me up.

I walked into the bathroom and started running the bathwater, getting it to the right temperature, then putting in the plug to fill up the bathtub. Then I undressed while the tub filled up. After doing that, I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash to get rid of my morning breath. By the time I was done, the tub was filled to my liking. I turned off the water and hopped in. I sighed in satisfaction as I felt the warm water soothing my aching muscles. I sat back and then noticed some colored bottles, on the stand by the tub. They must be bath oils or something. So I got the red and blue ones and poured them into the tub. Their fragrances smelled really good and I laid back and relaxed for a bit, closing my eyes. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, I felt somone kissing me.

I opened my eyes to see Nick, in front of me in the bathtub, looking at me, smiling.

"Good morning, muscles." I murmured, sleepily.

"Good morning, yourself." He replied. "It looks like you're still a little sleepy there."

"Yeah, I guess I am. How long have I been sleeping in here?" I asked him, noticing that the water was starting to feel lukewarm.

"I think about 15 minutes." He said, shrugging. "I'm not sure."

I then grinned, devilishly, at Nick. When he saw that look, His grin matched mine. I guess he must have knew what I was thinking.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked Nick, still grinning.

"Oh yeah." Nick said, seductively. "Let's heat things up in here."

"My thoughts exactly, baby." I said and reached over to turn on the water, letting the hot water heat up the already lukewarm water. Once the water was heated to our satisfaction, Nick turned off the faucet and then turned to me.

"Well let's have some fun, while this water cools a little bit." He suggested, grinning. "It's a little too hot to be dipping our heads into it to wash our hair, just yet."

"Not to worry." I said. "That's why they made this."

I reached down by the other side of the tub and pulled up a shower attachment nozzle, the kind that people use when they can't wash every part of their body and need a little help. Nick just started laughing.

"You just ruined the whole point of a bath." he said, laughing. "The whole point of a bath together is to have some fun, while getting cozy in this warm water."

Then he reached up to the panel and pushed a button. I then felt the tub started vibrating and then saw the water start bubbling beneath us.

"Well you think of everything, don't you, my love?" I asked him.

"Sure do." Nick replied. "Besides, I'm the brains in the group, remember?"

"Funny. I thought you were just the muscles of the group." I snickered. Nick punched me in the arm for that.

"Well all of us in this group have muscles you know. if anything, the muscles go to Jeff, since he's biggest of all of us. He's the one who's all muscle and no brains." Nick said, sarcastically, while grinning the entire time.

"Aww, Nick, don't make fun of Jeff. He's cool." I said, giving Nick a puppy dog face, making him laugh.

"Alright, I won't." Nick said. "Now, shut up and kiss me."

"Gladly." I said, pulling him in for a kiss. I felt his sexy lips connect with mine. Then I felt his tongue make it's way into my mouth.

"Mmm, Minty, fresh." Nick murmured, breaking the kiss for a second. "Good thing you brushed. Your breath in the morning would knock out even the garbage man."

My mouth dropped open in shock, and I punched him in the chest, causing him to start laughing.

"Nicholas Scott Lachey!" I scolded him, a mock hurt look on my face. "My morning breath is not that bad!"

"You're right, it's not." Nick said, with a serious look, then I saw him grin again.

"It's worse!" Nick added, busting out laughing, and started to try to get out of the tub. I grabbed his arms and pulled him back in with a splash.

"Where do you think you're going, muscleboy?" I asked him, cocking an eyebrow. "You don't expect to get away scott-free with those insults do you?"

Nick looked at me, still grinning a little. Even though he'd playfully insulted me, I could see that the sparkle was back in his eyes again. I was glad that it was. I'd missed his beautiful eyes, as well as the rest of him alot while I was gone.

"Well what are you gonna do about it?" Nick asked, waggling his eyebrows in response.

"This." I said, grabbing the back of his head, pulling him in for another kiss.

This time, He wrapped his legs around me, as we kissed, passionately. I reached down and grabbed his butt, squeezing it. He moaned in appreciation. Then I broke the kiss again.

"We better get washed up now. The water's gonna start getting cold again." I said to Nick. He sighed in response.

"Ok, lets do the body first." He said, grabbing the soap and lathering it up in his hands. As soon as he had enough, he set the soap down and started running his soapy hands over my body, washing every area with care. His hands were like magic! Strong, but yet so gentle.

He finished up and then handed me the soap.

"Your turn, baby." He said, flashing me his killer smile.

"And I intend to take full advantage of it, sexy." I said, as I lathered up the soap in my hands. Once I had enough, I started running my hands along his awesome chest, which seemed to have gotten bigger since the last time I saw him. Well I wasn't all that surprised. I guess he must have worked out alot with Jeff and the rest of the guys while I was gone, even if it was to vent his frustration. It obviously had done him good. He had a little more definition now than the last time I saw him.

I continued, washing his body, pulling him to me, his back to me. Then I lathered up my hands again and ran them along his washboard abs, which he tightened, as my soapy hands glided along them. He really knew how to get me all hot and bothered. And I could tell he was enjoying it. But I wasn't going to give in to temptation right at the moment.

So I continued washing his body. When I go to his arms, He flexed both biceps, as I ran my hands along them, soaping them up too. My dick was getting harder and harder by the minute. And he knew it. He could feel it, since he was sitting on my lap, so my hardon was poking him in the butt. I then finished with his back and his legs, and then he rinsed them off as well.

"Alright, now let's get our hair washed so we can get out." I suggested to him. "I'm starving and want breakfast."

"So do I." Nick said. "Then we can have dessert afterwards."

He grinned when he said that.

"And what is it that you want for dessert?" I asked, curiously. Nick looked at me and grinned.

"You." He said.

"Me?" I asked him, confused.

"Yeah, and I'm expecting an all-you-can-eat, buffet." He said with a laugh.

"Nick, I don't think I could provide enough manjuice for you right now, after I gave your ass all of it last night." I said, sarcastically.

"I was just kidding." Nick laughed. "I actually want some Reese's Cheesecake for dessert."

"Mmm, that sounds good." I said, licking my lips. "In that case let's finish up so we can get out and eat."

"You read my mind." Nick said.

We then both washed our hair and rinsed out the shampoo. Then Nick climbed out of the tub and grabbed two towels. He handed one to me, as I climbed out. I grabbed it and wrapped it around me, before reaching down into the tub and pulling out the plug, draining the tub.

Nick opened the bathroom door and headed out to the bedroom, with me right behind him. As soon as were in the bedroom, we felt the ice-cold air immediately, since the heater wasn't on yet.

"Man, it's freezing in here." I said, my teeth chattering from being cold. "I'm turning on the heater."

"Well, I know of a better way to get warm." Nick said, then putting his arms around me. "How about we get back in the bed for a bit?" He suggested.

"Well, ok, I'm still a little tired." I agreed, then added. "I'm not ready for another round of sex. I have to say, you wore me out last night, love."

"I hope that isn't bad." Nick said, as we both crawled into bed and got under the covers.

"Oh no, babe, it was worth it." I said, "It was all good."

"Yeah, and now that we're gonna be getting married soon, It's gonna get even better." Nick said, smiling.

As soon, as he mentioned our getting married, my face grew serious.

"What is it, baby?" Nick asked, noticing my serious look.

I sighed, before answering him. "I still can't stop thinking about your brother, Nick, and how he's feeling right now." I said to him.

Nick let out a sigh of his own, then looked at me, sadly.

"Yeah, I know." He said. "I feel for him, I really do. And I feel even worse that I barely even spoke to him much with you gone."

When he said that, that had me concerned. I sat up, and glanced down at him.

"What do you mean, Muscles?" I asked him. Nick looked straight into my eyes. I could see the sadness that was in them. Clearly. Then I saw the tears starting in his eyes.

"Drew and I fought most of the time, on tour." Nick said. "The tension between him and I after you left all those months ago, got bad enough that we almost got into a fistfight one night."

"Oh, Nick." I said, putting my arms around his neck, pulling him to me. "I had no idea and I'm so sorry that you two had it so bad. This is all my fault."

Nick looked up at me, when I said that. "Why do you think you're at fault?" He asked me, confusion filling his features.

"I led him on, Nick." I said, starting to tear up.

"Led him on? How?" Nick asked again.

"Well, what neither you, or the rest of the guys know, is that before I left that day we broke up, is that I kissed Drew on the lips before I left his room that day, four months ago." I told him.

Nick's expression turned to a mixture of surprise and jealousy, after hearing that.

"Well, Sean, you couldn't have known then, that you would have chosen to be with me." Nick replied, putting his hand on my cheek to wipe the tears, that were starting to fall, away.

"But that doesn't make me feel any better, Nick." I said, burying my head into his chest, as I sobbed. "I led him on and now I have to wonder if I've lost his friendship for good."

Nick stroked my hair, and rubbed his other hand up and down my back, trying his best to console and comfort me.

"I don't think you have, sweetie." Nick said, softly. "Drew's just hurt right now. Give him some time. He'll come around."

"I hope so." I said, sniffing. "I'm sorry, Nick. I'm sorry that I caused the rift between you and your brother. I swore I'd never let that happen. I don't want the two of you at odds because of me."

"Sean, stop blaming yourself." Nick said. "It's not your fault. Besides, you're tired. Let's go to sleep for a few more hours and then we'll talk more about this later."

"Alright, babe." I said, wiping my eyes and laying back into Nick's chest. "I love you, Nick."

"And I love you too, Sean." He said.

After saying those words, we both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

When I woke up about 3 hours later, and it was already about 3:00 in the afternoon, I'd discovered that I'd woken up alone. As soon as I realized that, I shot up in bed.

"Nick?" I called out. I got no answer.

"Nick, are you here? Where are you?" I tried again. Still no answer.

I got up and walked downstairs to the living room, intent on finding my boyfriend. He wasn't in the living room.

"Where did he go?" Or more importantly, why wouldn't he wake me up and tell me where he was going?" I wondered as I continued searching through the house for him. Finally, I went to look in the kitchen. As I looked around, my eyes laid on a piece of paper, taped to the refrigerator.

I walked over and pulled the piece of paper off of the refrigerator and looked at it. It was a note from Nick. That much was clear, since I recognized his handwriting. I began reading the letter.

Dear, Sean,

"Hey, baby. I knew that you'd be worried about me being gone when you woke up. That's why I'm writing this letter, to tell you not to worry about me. I got up about 2:00p.m. and got a call from my parents on my cellphone earlier. They want me to come and talk to them. I thought about waking you up, but you seemed so exhausted, that I didn't want to wake you. I'm going to meet with my parents and see what they want. I'll be back soon, baby."

All my love,


"Oh no!" I said, dropping the note on the table. "What do his parents want to talk to him about? Do they already know about Nick and I? Well, I'm certainly gonna find out. And I think I know the one person who might know what's going on."

After saying those words, I rushed back upstairs and grabbed my cellphone. I dialed Drew's number and waited for him to pick up. It rang about five times and then his voice mail picked up.

"Hi, this is Drew, I'm not available right now. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message and I'll return your call as soon as possible. Thank you."

Then I heard the beep, signaling that I needed to leave a message.

"Drew, it's Sean. When you get this message, please call me back. It's very important that I speak with you." Thanks buddy."

I ended the call and set my cellphone down on the charger again. As I headed towards the bathroom, my cellphone started to ring. I rushed over to the table and grabbed it off the charger, noticing that it was Drew's cellphone number that was calling me. I pressed the "Send" button to answer the call.

"Drew, is that you?" I answer, hoping it was him.

"No, Sean, it's Danny." I heard Danny's voice say. He sounded really strange.

"Hi, Danny." I greeted him, hearing the tone in his voice. "What's wrong? You seemed like you're really down. And why are you answering Drew's phone." I asked him.

Danny was silent for a moment, which was starting to worry me. As I listened, I thought I heard sobbing in the background.

"Danny, are you crying?" I asked him.

"No." I heard him say, his voice indicating that he wasn't crying, but still had a sadness to it.

"But, something is wrong." I said, starting to get scared. "You're starting to scare me, Danny. If you're not crying, then who is? I swear I heard sobbing in the background."

"You did, Sean." Danny said. "It's Drew. And it's not good. I think you better get over here right away. Jeff, Justin, Kandi, and I are doing everything we can to try and help him, but nothing seems to be working. He won't talk to us. I think you're the only one who can help him now."

My face turned white as a ghost when I heard Danny's revelation. Drew was in trouble. And I had to help him. Even if our friendship was over.

"Alright, Danny, I'll be there as soon as I can." I said. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Damn, I can't." I cursed.

"Why not?" Danny asked, worried.

"Well, because I don't have a car, Danny." I said to him. "Nick left in his to go and see his parents. They wanted to talk to him. And my SUV is still back in New York."

"I'll come and get you." Danny told me. "Be ready when I get there. I'll see you in about 20 minutes."

"Ok. Bye, Danny. And thanks." I said to him.

"Anytime. That's what friends are for." Danny said, softly. "Later."

"Bye." I said. Then I heard him hang up. I hung up the cellphone and placed it back on the table. I ran upstairs to grab my jacket and then rushed back downstairs and started writing a note to Nick. I finished and read over what I wrote.

Dear Nick,

Danny called and said that Drew's in trouble. I went with Danny to Jeff's to see if there was anything I could do to help Drew. They say he's in a pretty bad state. If you get home and read this, please come on over to Jeff's. Drew needs you.

I love you,


Just as I finished reading it, I heard a car horn honking outside. Knowing that it was Danny, I set the note I'd written Nick on the table, and exited the house, locking the door behind me, as I did. I ran over to the car and got in. Danny then started driving back towards Jeff's place.

"Danny how bad is Drew?" I asked him.

"He's really bad, Sean." Danny said, as he drove. "He's in such a depressed state of mind that none of us know what to do to bring him out of it. It's so bad, he's almost unrecognizeable."

A pang of guilt hit me after hearing that last statement, making me feel even worse. Never did I think that Drew would hit rock bottom like this. He seemed so strong, yet so innocent. As I sat there, quietly, I couldn't help but think back on the good times we had and all of the talks as well. Drew had become a very close friend to me. he was like the brother I never had and I loved him alot. But now he was hurting, and I knew that I was responsible for it. I just hoped that I'd find a way to bring him out of his funk before it got worse.

I got so engrossed in thought that I didn't realize that we'd arrived at Jeff's house until I felt Danny shaking me.

"Sean, we're here." Danny said, glancing at me, looking a little worried. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, buddy." I said, squeezing Danny's shoulder in appreciation for his concern. "Let's go in. I have to see for myself how bad Drew has it."

"Well, come on, then." Danny said, as we got out of the car. I shut the doors and headed up the walkway to Jeff's door and knocked. A few moments later, The door opened, revealing Jeff standing there, looking at us through sad eyes. He looked like hell. His eyes were red, indicating that he must have been crying. As soon as he saw me, he grabbed me into a tight hug.

"Sean, I'm so glad that you're here." Jeff said, his voice cracking as he started crying. "Drew's taking your decision to be with Nick, really hard. I don't know what to do for him. I feel so helpless."

"I'm glad to be here, Jeff." I said, patting his back, as I released him.

"Come on inside." Jeff said, motioning us inside. I entered and passed by Jeff, who let Danny in also and hugged him, before closing the door.

"Come on into the living room." Jeff said to us. "Justin and Kandi are in there, waiting for us."

Danny and I followed him into the living room where Justin and Kandi were sitting on the couch together, with their arms around each other. As soon as they saw us come in, They stood up and walked over to welcome us in. Kandi was the first to greet me.

"Hi, Sean, We're glad to see you." She said, putting her arms around me, hugging me. I hugged her back.

"I'm glad to see you too, Kandi." I said, releasing her and extending my arms out to Justin, who had come over with her. He pulled me into a hug as well.

"I knew that Drew had it for you bad, but I never thought that he would take your being with Nick this bad." He said, as he hugged me. Then he let go of me.

"Where is Drew, Justin." I asked him.

"In the guest bedroom." Justin said, then giving me a serious look. "Before you go in there, be prepared for what you'll see. I'm telling you, you're not gonna recognize him."

I shook my head. "Come on, Justin, it can't be that bad."

"Oh, trust me, it can." Kandi said. The way she said it really frightened me.

"Where's his room, Jeff." I asked Jeff, who was standing nearby.

"Right down the hallway, last door on the right." He said, directing the way to me. I started heading down there.

"Sean, wait." I heard Jeff whisper. I turned around to see him coming towards me. When he was in front of me, he put his hands on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"Good luck." He whispered.

I nodded and he let go of me. I turned around and headed down the hallway and came to the last door on the right. I hesitated for a moment, before opening the door. What I saw next totally tore my heart out.

Drew was lying in bed, still only in his boxers, staring off into space. Jeff was right. He was hardly recognizeable. He looked like shit. His face was streaked with tearstains, as well as the fresh tears that were still falling down his face. He was so out of it, he hardly noticed the tears and made no effort to brush them away.

I stood there, gazing at him, my own tears starting to fall. I couldn't bear to see him like this and decided to make my presence known.


He didn't seem to hear me, so I walked over and shook him, slightly.

"Drew, it's me, Sean." I said to him. He nodded, but still wouldn't look my way.

"Drew, please, look at me?" I asked him.

Drew slowly turned his head and raised his eyes to meet mine. As soon as he looked into my face and noticed my tears, his eyes closed and he started sobbing to himself, quietly. Then he sat up and extended his arms out to me, wanting comfort.

I walked over and grabbed him into a strong hug, which he returned strongly. He held onto me like a lifeline and continued to cry. I just sat there, holding him until he could calm down a little. As soon as he did, he released me and sat back, looking at me, through saddened eyes.

"Thanks for coming." He whispered.

"Where else would I be?" I asked him, wiping at my tears.

"I'm so glad that you're here." He said, then grabbed me into another hug

"Oh, how I love you so." He murmured. "No other man has meant as much to me as you do. No other man has ever come close. I need you. You're all I need. Don't ever leave me again, Sean, please. Don't ever leave me again."

He hugged me even tighter as he finished saying all of that. This was killing me. Not only was Drew depressed but he seemed to be in denial as well. He had the wrong idea of why I was here. I only hoped that what I had to tell him wouldn't push him over the edge.

"Drew, there's something I need to tell you." I said, releasing him.

"What is it?" He asked.

Well that's it for now. I'm sorry I haven't gotten it out sooner. I've been very busy lately. I'll try to work on them more as I go along, but I can't promise anything.

What does Sean have to tell Drew? And how will it affect Drew, as well as everyone else close to him. Stay tuned.

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"


Next: Chapter 27

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