My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 18, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, he longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Chapter 20

I stood in the doorway, paralyzed. I could not move. All I could do was stare at what I saw before me.

I saw Nick in bed with someone, but I couldn't tell who it was since Nick had shut the curtains and left it dark in the room. I slowly snuck over to the bed towards Nick. I got over and knelt down in front of Nick's sleeping face. It was then and there that I noticed the strong odor of alcohol on his breath. Apparently, after our argument earlier this morning, he had gone and gotten himself drunk and had cheated on me in the process.

I then got up and looked over Nick to the other form, sleeping in the bed. I could make out some blond hair in the darkness, but as I looked closer, I realized who it was and my heart stopped. It was Matt! Nick had cheated on me with his former boyfriend!

I started shaking, partly from anger and most of it from hurt. My hands were shaking as well and were balled up into fists. How could the man I love have cheated on me like this? And I was actually thinking alot about his marriage proposal on the way back to the hotel and had realized that I loved him alot and no matter what happened, We both would get through it together. That meant that I was ready to accept his proposal and agree to marry him. But as it looked, there was no chance of that happening now.

I suddenly felt sick and couldn't look at them anymore. I backed away from the bed, tears of hurt and anger streaming down my face, and turned towards the door and snicked it shut quietly on the way out.

As soon as I was outside in the hallway, I bolted towards the elevator just as the first sob escaped from my lips. Then another and another until I was crying really hard. I jammed the down button for the lobby and got into the elevator after the doors had opened. I pushed the button for the lobby and the elevator began it's descent. I took a moment to try and calm down so I wouldn't attract to much attention before I walked through the lobby. The doors opened and I walked by a heterosexual couple who were waiting to get into the elevator. They both gave me a concerned look when they saw my tears, but didn't say anything. I just smiled at them and passed by them to head outside to hail a cab. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I knew I had to get out of here. I couldn't stay and be hounded by Nick and the guys with questions about my emotional state when they saw me. I wiped my tears away as I walked so no one would see the distress I was in. Of course it was pointless since more tears kept coming. I had to get out of this hotel. I had to find someplace to stay for tonight. But Where?

I hailed a cab and the driver got out and opened the door for me. I got in and the driver asked me where I was going. I then knew where I wanted to go. I gave him the address to Ben's and Matt's place in the Hollywood Hills and he drove off towards that destination.

In about 20 minutes, the cab driver stopped in front of Ben's house. I got out and paid the driver and headed up to Ben's door. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door.

In a few minutes, the door opened and there stood Ben in just his boxers. Once he caught sight of my tear streaked face, he immediately got concerned.

"Sean, what wrong? what's happened?" Ben asked me, with a frightened look in his beautiful brown eyes.

I couldn't answer him. All I could do was pull him to me in a hug, in which I started sobbing again. Ben accepted my hug and rubbed his hands up and down my back to comfort me.

"Matt! Come down here, quick! Ben yelled.

In what seemed like seconds, I heard footsteps pounding down the stairs and Matt was down by Ben's side in a flash.

"What is it, Ben?" Matt asked, then noticed that Ben was hugging me.

"I don't know, Matt." I heard Ben say to him as I continued to sob into his chest, unable to answer for myself.

"Take him into the living room, Ben, and I'll get him some water." Matt whispered.

Matt then went to the kitchen. Ben lifted me up into his strong arms and carried me into the living room where he laid me down on the sofa. Matt then came in with a glass of water for me.

Here you go, buddy. This should help make you feel better." Matt said, holding out the glass to me.

I then sat up on the couch and accepted the glass from him.

"Thanks, Matt." I said softly, before taking a sip of my water.

I drank about half of it before I calmed down enough to talk. I set my glass down on the table by the sofa and brought my eyes up to glance at Matt and Ben, who were both concerned about me.

"Are you alright now?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, a little bit better, thanks guys." I said to them.

"What happened to you to get you into an emotional state like that?" Matt asked me.

"You nearly scared the shit out of us." Ben added.

I took a deep breath and started to explain.

"Do you guys remember about the guy I told you I was dating?" I asked them.

"Yeah. You said it was someone from 98 Degrees." Matt replied.

"Well I didn't get permission from him to tell you about him, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. The guy I'm seeing is Nick Lachey.

Ben and Matt both grinned as they looked at each other and then back at me, after hearing that the guy I was dating was Nick.

"You're such a lucky dog, that guy is so cute." Ben said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Hey!" Matt said, punching Ben's arm playfully. "I thought I was cute."

"And you are, babe." Ben said, leaning towards Matt and kissing him.

I watched them kiss with a weak smile on my face. I was glad that as least one famous couple I knew wasn't having problems. Mine were just beginning.

Matt and Ben broke from the kiss and then Matt grinned.

"Well since we're getting out who we think is cute, besides ourselves, I have a confession of my own to make." Matt announced, a devilish grin spreading across his face.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"Well Ben let it slip that he thinks Nick is cute." Matt said. "I think Drew is cute too."

Ben and I both laughed at his revelation.

"I think all 3 of us already knew that, Matt." I said, still laughing.

It felt good to laugh even for a moment. But the happy mood didn't last for long.

So anyway, we now know that Nick Lachey is your boyfriend." Ben stated, then asked. "Is he the reason why you're so upset?"

I nodded and my happy mood vanished.

"Yeah, but let me tell you guys how we met first." I told them. They nodded and waited to me to start my story. I took a deep breath and began.

"I had won tickets and backstage passes about 4 months ago to go to 98 Degrees' concert and meet them backstage." Then when I went to the concert, I came face to face with my best friend, Danny who I hadn't seen since we graduated high school" I didn't realized until I saw him, how much I'd missed him. We'd lost touch for awhile after we both graduated high school and were happy to see each other."

Then Danny and I went backstage before the concert started and met the guys. When I saw Nick, I totally fell head over heels for him right then and there."

I smiled, remembering my meeting with Nick. that had been one of the happiest moments in my life. I then continued with the story.

"Anyway, We talked for a bit before the concert and Danny got along really well with Jeff and Justin, since they both had alot in common. Danny is closest to Jeff then he is with most of the others. But he loves all of the guys equally."

Is your friend, Danny, gay too?" Ben asked.

Oh no. Hell no." I laughed. "Danny is as straight as they come." So is Jeff and the rest of the guys. Nick's the only one I know of who's gay. Actually he's bi."

Ok. Just checking." Ben chuckled. "It's too bad though."

"Why's that?" I aske, amused.

"Well if Drew or Jeff turned out to be gay, then maybe we could invite them over here for a foursome sometime. Matt and I would love to fuck those guys in a foursome." Ben said with a laugh.

I started howling with laughter then. Matt and Ben both joined me and we were all laughing hysterically.

"I cannot believe you just said that." I giggled. "I swear you two are such pieces of work sometimes."

"You think?" Matt said, grinning.

"I know." I chuckled. "Anyway, let me continue ok?"

"Ok. Go ahead." Ben said.

"Well as I was saying." I started again. "Danny and Jeff are really close and have become really good friends." But then after the concert, The guys' invited me and Danny to talk some more. We agreed and we talked some more for a while and then Jeff and Justin were tired and had to go to bed. Danny also had to leave so he could get up for his classes in the morning. This was after Nick and Drew invited me out to dinner. I got their phone numbers and addresses at dinner since they both liked me and wanted to get to know me. The dinner went really well until the guys brought up my parents and then I had to tell them everything. Also that I was gay."

"And how did they take it?" Matt asked, getting intrigued.

"Well Drew was fine with it, but Nick totally ignored me after that and pulled Drew out of there with him. He didn't even look back at me once after he and Drew left.

"Well that was cruel!" Ben said frowning. "I'd have kicked his ass."

"Yeah well, I felt like that after he left." I said to him. "I was totally crushed and started crying again. The waiter, who waited on us, was nice enough to comfort me, and then after talking to him for a bit, I left the restaurant and headed home."

When I got there, I wasn't ready to go inside just yet, so I took a walk to clear my head. That's when this big muscular guy grabbed me from out of nowhere, and raped me in an alleyway."

I heard Ben and Matt both gasp in horror when they heard about the rape.

"Oh my God, Sean!" Ben said. "That must have been really frightening for you."

"Did you get tested for STD's Sean?" Matt asked me.

"Yes, Matt, I did." I said. "I went to the hospital after I went home and cleaned up. I was admitted for a few days and Danny was right there by my side those two days. I don't know how I would have survived if I hadn't met Danny. He's the only true friend that I have."

"And what are we? Chop Liver?" Matt asked with a funny look on his face.

I smiled at him. He could be so funny sometimes. I was glad I met him and Ben. They were both so kind and friendly. I could definitely see them becoming good friends in the future.

"Of course not, Matt." I said to him. "You two have been really nice and I can see you guys becoming two more close friends in the future. Now, let me finish the story with no interruptions, ok?" I then said to them.

Matt and Ben both laughed at me.

"Alright. We promise. Keep going." Ben said.

"Ok." I said, proceeding with the rest of the story. "Well after I got out of the hospital, I met up with the guy again, not wanting to see Nick. Or actually they met up with me and I told them what happened. But then a little later, Nick showed up. We argued a bit, but later Nick apologized and said that he was sorry that he hurt me and that he'd realized that he was falling for me and wanted another chance. And me being a fool, I gave it to him."

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked.

"I'm getting there." I said to him.

"Then after that, We had a good relationship since the past 3 months and we were both frustrated that we couldn't have sex and we waited until I'd get tested 3 months later. I got tested and got the results this morning. I tested negative again and Nick and I made love for the first time last night. Then this morning he asked me to marry him."

"Wow." Ben breathed, but then frowned. "But what went wrong?"

"Well I told him this morning that I wasn't ready to get married so soon. I wanted to wait for a while." I replied.

"And Nick didn't take it well, did he?" Matt asked. I shook my head.

"No, he was angry and hurt and then lashed out at me and said that I didn't love him as much as I said and then he said to forget it and that he even existed. Then he left the room. The rest of the guys, and my friend, Danny, comforted me and then left to have fun. I then decided to explore L.A for a while. That's when I came to the restaurant and met you guys. And I'm so glad I did." I said, smiling at both Ben and Matt.

"So are we." Ben said, patting my shoulder. "You're a cool guy, Sean."

"Thanks." I said. I then came to the last part of the story.

"Anyway, after I left the restaurant and went back to the hotel, I got up to my room and found Nick in bed with his ex-boyfriend." Apparently, Nick got drunk after our tiff and slept with him."

After finishing the story, I started crying all over again. Ben and Matt both hugged me.

"I'm really sorry, Sean." Matt said, sadly. "I know that must have hurt you deeply."

"It did, Matt." I sobbed. "I couldn't breathe and felt sick when I saw them. Then I left without them knowing, since they were both asleep, and headed here."

"I'm glad you did, buddy." Ben replied, rubbing my right side of my back since he was hugging me on my right and Matt on my left.

"How could he do this to me?!" I sobbed to them. "I thought he loved me but obviously I was wrong."

"Well he's an asshole not to see how wonderful a guy you really are." Ben said, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Yeah, Ben's right, Sean." Matt said, his tone matching Ben's. "If He doesn't see what a wonderful guy you really are, then forget him and find someone else."

"That's not gonna be easy, Matt." I said to him. "Despite what Nick's done, I still love him. I think in some ways, I always will. Right now, I just have to think about what to do."

I then looked up at Ben and Matt and decided to ask them for a favor.

"Would you guys mind if I crashed here, tonight?" I asked them.

"Of course you can." Matt said. "We have a guest room for when we have company over, so of course."

"Thank you." I said to them. "It will only be for one night. I should know what my decision will be by tommorrow."

"You're welcome." Ben said, smiling. "And you're also welcome to stay with us for as long as you like."

Thanks, Ben." I'll keep that in mind if and when I need to take you up on that." I said. I then looked at my watch.

"I don't believe it!" I exclaimed. "I've been talking to you guys all day. It's almost 10:00p.m.

"Yeah, you're right." Ben said, looking at the clock on the wall, in disbelief.

"You've had quite a day, Sean. "How about we take you upstairs to your room and you get some rest?" I know Ben and I could use some rest ourselves."

"Yeah, that sounds good right about now." I said. "Let's go."

I got up, yawning, and followed Ben and Matt upstairs. They led me to a guest bedroom which I noticed was right across from theirs. They opened the door for me and let me into the room.

"Here's where you'll be sleeping." Ben said. "If you need us for anything, we're right across the hall from you."

"Thanks, guys." I really appreciate your letting me stay here." I said to them.

"Don't mention it." Ben said, grabbing me into a hug, which I returned, strongly. "We're just glad to be able to help you in anyway we can."

"And I appreciate it more than you know." I said to him.

Then I hugged Matt goodnight as well.

"Goodnight, Matt." I said.

"Goonight, Sean. Sleep well." He said.

"I'd sleep even better if you guys would let me join you for a threesome." I said, with a devilish grin."

Ben and Matt both looked at me, shocked for a moment, and then busted up, laughing.

"I don't think so." Ben laughed. "If you even lay a hand on me, Matt will kill us both."

"Damn straight, I would." Matt joked. "Just as Ben would kill both you and me if we even messed with each other."

"You've got that right, blondie." Ben joked.

"I was just, kidding guys." I said to them, still giggling.

"We know." Ben said. "Now get some rest. You've got alot to think about."

"I know that." I said, softly. "Goodnight, guys."

They both said goodnight and headed off to their room. I took off my coat and then grabbed my cellphone, which I turned back on and dialed Drew's cellphone number. He must have been expecting someone to call because he picked up on the first ring.


"Drew, it's Sean." I said.

"Sean! Where the hell are you?" Drew exclaimed. "We're all worried about you?"

"I'm sorry Drew, I can't tell you that." I said sadly. I just called to tell you that I'm alright and that I'll be back at the hotel to talk to you all in the morning."

I hated having to lie to Drew, who was another one of my best friends. But I didn't want him to tell Nick where I was. I couldn't deal with Nick tonight.

"Why Sean? Why can't you tell me where you are?" Drew said, sounding hurt. "I thought you and I were best buds?"

"Because if I tell you, you'll tell Nick where I am and I can't afford for that to happen. I love you alot, Drew, but just this one time, I have to keep this to myself." I said, with tears in my eyes.

"Sean, you sound like you're crying." Drew said, his hurt tone changing to concern. "Why don't you let me come and get you and we'll talk?"

"I can't, Drew, I'm sorry." I said, crying. "Where are Nick and the guys?"

"They're all out, partying at a club." Drew said. "I didn't feel well so I told them to go and have a good time and I'd call them and let them know if you called or got back to the hotel."

I heard Drew sniff after he said that and I could tell that meant that he was crying. I felt even worse for making him cry.

"Why are you crying, Drew?" I asked.

"Because, you won't tell me what's wrong so I can help you." Drew sobbed.

"You can't help me, Drew. None of you can." Not anymore." I sobbed.

"Damn it, Sean, you're starting to scare me! Drew shouted. "What do you mean none of us can help you? Come on, come back to the hotel and let's talk. Please?

"Drew, I'm sorry, but I can't tonight." I said to him. "I'm tired, so I've gotta go. I'm staying the night where I am and I'll be back at the hotel in the morning. I promise you, I'll tell all of you what's going on in the morning."

"Alright. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it, then." Drew sighed. "Get some rest and We'll all see you in the morning."

"I will." I whispered. "I love you, buddy."

"I love you too, Sean." Drew said. "Hurry back to me. To ALL of us."

"You got it, buddy. Goodnight." I said to him.

"Goodnight." I heard him say.

Then the call was cut off. I hit the "End" button and then shut off the phone so none of the other guys could contact me, which I knew they'd try to do when Drew tells them that I called, and put it back into my coat pocket.

I stripped off my shirt and pants, folded them up, and put them in a nearby chair.

In just my boxers, I walked over to the bed and got into it. I pulled the covers over me and laid there thinking.

"What was I gonna say to Nick when I saw him. "And was I gonna be able to love him enough to forgive him for his betrayal?"

with those thoughts, and the flashbacks of Nick and Matt in bed together, running through my mind, I finally cried myself to sleep.

Well that's all for this Chapter. "What will Sean's decision be in the morning?" Will he be able to forgive Nick for his betrayal? or will this be the end of their relationship for good?

Stayed tuned. "What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"


Next: Chapter 20

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