My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 11, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Although Nick has broken up with Jessica Simpson, that doesn't mean he's gay. Nick's brother, Drew, is married. If you are too young to read this or if homosexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are:

"69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zackary Scott Pritt.

"98 Degrees is hot" by Gay Night.

"Nick Lachey" by Ken.

"Give Me Just One Night" by UnaNoche.

"The Reunion" by RinSong

And last but not least is "This Gift" by Sprout.

"I've enjoyed all of these stories immensely and "This Gift" is actually the only story still being updated at this moment besides mine. It stars "Drew Lachey" as the main love interest and another "Drew" in the story who happens to be his lover. freaky isn't it? LOL. Sprout if you're reading this, I just want to say that you are a very talented writer and I hope you continue with the story. I hope you like my story as well. I've gotten lots of feedback from many fans who've enjoyed "My Everything" and it feels good to know that I have talent too.

Well I'll quit with my babbling so you all can get on with the story.


Chapter 16

I woke up Friday morning to notice that Nick wasn't in bed with me. He must have gotten up. Then I heard a knock on the door of my bedroom.

"Come in." I called out.

The door opened and Drew came in.

"Drew? What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked him concerned.

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"Ok, what's up?" I asked him, sitting up in the bed. Drew came and sat on the bed next to me, looking at me intensely.

"I don't think Nick is right for you." Drew suddenly blurted out, taking me totally by surprise.

"What do you mean?" I asked, starting to get defensive. "I love Nick. You of all people should know that."

"I know you do, Sean." Drew said, putting his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. "I'm sorry to have to say this, but I don't know if you and Nick are going to last. I don't think that Nick loves you back the way you deserve to be loved."

"Drew, I cannot believe I'm hearing this from you." I said, starting to get angry. "I thought you of all people understood what Nick and I have better than anyone."

"I do, but- Drew started.

"One minute you're happy for us and now you're totally against our relationship. Why is that?" I asked, interrupting him.

"Because- Drew stammered.

"Because why?" I asked him again.

"Because I'm falling in love with you, Sean, that's why." Drew blurted out before he burst into tears.

to say that I was surprised would not have done me justice. I had alot of conflicting emotions running through my brain. I couldn't stand to see Drew in such pain. I grabbed him and pulled him to me and he held onto me like a lifeline and sobbed into my chest. Then he looked up at me and our eyes locked on each other. Drew leaned into me and his lips connected with mine. I wanted to pull away, but for some reason I was unable to. And I don't know why, but I returned his kiss with passion, and I felt his tongue snake into my mouth and I let him do it. Then Drew pushed me down on the bed and took off his shirt, exposing his toned body. He then lay down on top of me and proceeded to kiss me again as he ran his hands along my body. I ran my own hands along his body, feeling his soft silky skin which was blemish free and so supple. I ran my hands down his back and cupped his ass, getting a grunt of pleasure out of him. Then suddenly he put his arms around me and rolled over so that I was on top this time. Then I heard him say something.

"What was that, Drew?" I asked him. Drew looked up at me with an intense look on his face.

"Make love to me, Sean." He said.

I woke up with a start. I turned to see if I'd disturbed Nick and saw that he was still sleeping. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to splash some cold water onto my face. I got into the bathroom and started to splash my face with cold water. As I washed, my mind kept flashing back to that dream.

"What did it mean? I thought to myself Why was I dreaming of Drew and not Nick? Nick was the man I loved with all my heart. Why would I suddenly be dreaming of kissing and making out with Drew?

"Stop it, Sean!" I said to myself. "It was just a dream. No reason to get all stressed out about it. I didn't mean anything. probably just your mind playing tricks on you. Now, pull yourself together!"

I finished washing my hands and exited the bathroom. I ran into Justin on the way out.

"Hi, Justin." I greeted him.

"Hi Sean." He said. He took a second look at me and his expression changed to one of concern.

"Are you ok? He asked. You look like you've seen a ghost."

I shrugged. "I guess you can say that." I said with a sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Justin asked me.

"Could We? I asked. "Will you promise to keep this between us?"

"Of course." Justin said. "Come on, come to my room and let's talk." he said.

I followed him to the guest room which he was staying in and sat down on the bed with him.

"Ok, so what's up?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and started talking.

"I had a nightmare, Justin. I said to him. "I dreamed that I woke up and Nick was not beside me." Then Drew came in and wanted to talk to me. He started saying about how Nick was not the one for me and that he wasn't sure that our relationship would last. I asked him why and he had trouble getting it out. Finally, he just blurted out that he was in love with me."

Justin's eyebrows went up at that. "Wow. That's some dream, alright." He said with a straight face. "Did anything else happen?" He then asked.

"Well after Drew admitted that he was in love with me, he burst into tears. I was feeling alot of emotions after he said that and I pulled him into a hug to comfort him. Then he looked up at me and as I wiped his tears away, our eyes locked onto each other. Then Drew leaned into me and kissed me."

"And what did you do in the dream?" Justin asked.

That's when I started to lose it. Tears started to run down my cheeks as I continued.

"Well my first instinct was to pull away but for some reason I couldn't and I found myself returning his kisses. Then he pushed me down onto the bed and we started making out. Then after that, I heard him say something and I pulled back and asked him to repeat what he had said. I looked into his eyes and I saw an intense look on his face. Then he told him to make love to him. That's when I woke up." I finished and started sobbing.

Justin pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back as I sobbed into his chest.

"Am I losing it, Justin? What does this dream mean?" I asked him as I cried into his chest.

"No, you're not losing it, Sean. He said as he comforted me. "I think it's just your insecurities getting the best of you. You're afraid of losing Nick and Drew happens to be another guy who you're really close with. Someone who you think would never hurt you. And I'm sure you've even wondered what it would be like with Drew. Why wouldn't you? You are gay after all and you even said that you've had a crush on Drew too as well as Nick. But you're totally forgetting that that's all fantasy, not reality. In reality, Drew's not gay, and any one of us can see the love in You and Nick's eyes when you look at each other. It's clear that you two were meant to be together. Don't let a weird dream get in the way of you and Nick's relationship."

I sat up and smiled at Justin, glad that I had talked to him.

"Thanks, Justin. I"m glad I talked to you about this." I said to him. "You really helped me alot. You're right. It was just a fantasy. Yes, I've wondered what it would be like to be with Drew, but I know that what I feel for Drew is not love. Yes, I love him like a brother, but I'm not IN love with him, I do know that. Nick is the man that I'm in love with and will always be in love with."

"Well then it looks like you have your answer." Justin said, smiling at me. "That's all that matters. Forget about the dream and focus on the reality: That you and Nick are together and you love each other. As long as you love each other, You'll be alright."

"Yeah I will. Thanks, Justin." I said, giving him another hug which he returned.

"Anytime, buddy." Justin replied. "Now how about you go and wake up Nick and join us for breakfast?" He then asked.

"That I'll do. I"m starving." I said. I'll meet you downstairs."

Alright, I'll be down in a few minutes." Justin said.

I exited his room and headed back to mine. Nick was still asleep when I entered and I shut the door quietly and slipped back under the covers and started kissing his neck. he stirred a little, but didn't wake up. So I decided to get a little aggressive and I started running my hands along his muscular arms, then up to his chest and down to his washboard abs. Then I leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"Wake up, sweetie." I cooed, shaking him a little.

Nick turned his head towards my voice and his eyes slowly fluttered open. When they focused on me, he smiled.

"Good morning, Sexy." He greeted me.

"Good morning to you too." I replied back. How about getting up and joining me for breakfast?" I asked him.

"Ok, I will." Nick said, getting up out of bed and running a hand through his hair which was a mess. He looked so cute with bedhead too!

He and I got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen where Danny was just finishing our breakfast and putting it on plates for us, then setting it down on the table for us to eat. The guys were already eating their breakfast.

"So, you two finally decided to join us huh?" Danny said with a smile.

"Good morning to you too, DJ." I said with a smirk.

"DJ?" I heard Nick and the guys say in unison, causing Danny and I to start laughing.

"Yeah. His full name is "Daniel Joshua Matheson," So some of his friends call him "DJ" for short." I explained to the guys.

"That's something We never knew about you, Danny." Jeff said to him.

"I didn't think Sean would remember." Danny laughed. Then he turned to me.

"You haven't called me that since high school. Not that I mind." So why don't you sit down and eat your breakfast now." Danny said.

So We all sat down to eat our breakfast. While we were eating, I heard Nick's cellphone ringing.

"Nick, your phone's ringing." I said to him. Nick jumped up and went to get it. I heard him say hello and then heard him talking to a guy named "Tom" who I guess was someone from their management, and then he walked into the living room.

Then my phone rang. Danny picked it up off of the counter and handed it to me. Danny or one of the guys must have used it this morning. I never leave it off of the console. I hit the "Talk" button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver.

"Hey stranger, how have you been?" I recognized the voice. It was Casey.

"Hi Casey, I've been great. What's up?" I said to him, happy to hear from him, but at the same time feeling bad that I hadn't given him a call sooner.

"Plenty." He said. "Since the last time we saw each other, Paul and I have become a couple." He said, excitedly.

"That's great, Casey. I"m so happy for you. You deserve to be happy." I said to him.

"Thanks." He said. "So, how are you and Nick doing?" He asked.

"Nick and I are great, Casey. I love him so much."

Jeff and Justin both gasped when they heard me mention Nick to Casey.

"Hold on for a second, Casey." I said, putting my hand over the speaker.

"Jeff? Justin? It's alright. Casey knows about Nick and I. I said to them. "Nick gave me permission to tell him. You can trust him. He's not going to tell anyone."

Justin and Jeff both breathed a sigh of relief and went back to eating. I then continued my conversation with Casey.

"Sorry, Casey, I was just assuring Jeff and Justin that you wouldn't tell anyone about Nick and I." I apologized to him.

"No way! The guys are there?! He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. They've been staying with me during their time off." I told him.

"I'd like to meet them sometime." Casey said. "They seem really cool."

"You will and they are really cool." I said. "Much cooler than their boyband images."

Drew, Justin and Jeff all smiled at me when they heard me say that. I smiled back and continued talking to Casey.

"They've also invited me to go on tour with them." I told him.

"No way! Casey yelled. "When are you going?" He asked.

"Monday. That is if we don't have to leave sooner." I said to Casey.

Right after I said that, Nick came back into the kitchen. He didn't look very happy. Obviously that phone call wasn't good knews. I got worried immediately.

"Casey, I have to go. I told him. "Nick got a call and it doesn't look like it's good knews. I'm gonna see what's up."

"Ok. Keep in touch." Casey said.

"I will man. Bye." I said.

"Bye." I heard him say before I hung up.

"Nick, what's wrong?" I asked.

"That was Management." Nick said. "It looks like we'll be leaving to go back on tour sooner than we thought."

"What? Why?" Drew asked in disbelief.

"Well because they want us to do a photo shoot in Orlando, Florida and then a live performance at Universal Studios." Nick explained to Drew.

"When do we leave?" Justin asked Nick. Nick let out another heavy sigh.

"Today. We have to catch a plane in a couple hours." Nick told him.

"Damn." Jeff swore. Then he stood up. "Well guys, let's go upstairs and pack." He said, heading upstairs. Drew and Justin followed him.

" Baby,are you coming?" Nick asked me.

"Yeah, just give me a minute to help Danny with these dishes and then I'll be up to pack, ok?" I said to him.

"Alright. I'll see you upstairs." Nick said. He then left the kitchen, leaving Danny and me alone.

"I wish I didn't have to leave. I don't want to leave you here all alone." I said sadly,as I helped Danny rinse the dishes.

Danny smiled. "Don't worry." He said. "As long as you're happy and having fun, that's good enough for me. I'll join you guys in 3 months."

"I'm gonna miss you." I said to him, softly.

"I'm gonna miss you too." He said. "But we'll have time for goodbyes later. Go upstairs and pack. You've got a plane to catch."

"Alright. See you in a few minutes." I said.

I headed upstairs to my room to see Nick packing up his things. I went to the closet and pulled my suitcase out of it. I put it on the bed, opened it, and started to pack everything I needed. I packed clean underwear, undershirts, socks, a couple sweaters, tank tops, shorts, and some pants. I also made sure I had all my bath accessories which included my comb and brush, my shampoo and conditioner, my toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash, and my razors and shaving cream. I finished up and shut my suitcase.

"I wish We didn't have to leave." Nick said with a sigh as we headed downstairs with our luggage.

"I know, but it's your job. You have to expect the unexpected." I said sadly.

"Yeah I know." He said. "It doesn't mean I have to like it though."

We got downstairs and put our luggage by the door. In a few minutes, Drew, Jeff, and Justin came down with their luggage and started to put it down by ours when I made a suggestion.

"Why don't We take our luggage out and load it into the SUV so we don't have to do it later." I asked the guys.

"That's a good idea." Drew said. "Let's do it."

"We're right behind you." Jeff said.

With that, Danny, the guys, and I walked outside and I helped the guys load their luggage into the SUV. We finished up and shut the rear door.

"Hey guys, why don't we grab some lunch and eat out here? It's such a beautiful day out today?" Justin suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me, Justin. I agreed. "Do you guys want to. I asked the rest of the guys.

"Sure." Drew said.

"Yeah." Danny replied.

"I'm game." Nick said.

Since We were all agreed, We headed into the apartment to make some sandwhiches since we didn't have much time left. We got some colas as well and sat out on the picnic table to eat as We chatted about anything and everything. Before We knew it, it was time to leave for the airport.

"Well guys, I'm gonna drive this time." I said.

"I call Shotgun." Nick said.

"Alright, I'll unlock the SUV so you guys can get in. I told them all. "I have to lock up the apartment so We can go."

"Alright. We'll wait for you in the SUV, baby." Nick said.

I unlocked the SUV and let the guys into it while I went and locked the door to my apartment. I walked back out and got in the driver's seat. Nick was up front with me. Drew and Justin were in the middle, and Danny and Jeff were in the back, chatting up a storm. I started the SUV and headed towards the airport.

We got there with 20 minutes to spare and I parked the SUV and got out to help the guys unload their luggage. The guys made sure they had on their disguises before we walked through the airport to avoid being recognized and mobbed by fans. We headed to the waiting room and waited for our flight to be called. We took the time We had left to say goodbye to Danny. Jeff was the first to say goodbye.

"Danny." Jeff began, his voice cracking as he started to cry. I've had a great time getting to know you and I'm really glad that We're friends."

"I'm glad you're my friend, Jeff." Danny said, crying himself. "I've never met anyone quite like you. You're one hell of a guy, Jeffrey Timmons and don't you ever forget that."

I won't." Jeff assured him. "I'll call you whenever my schedule allows and we'll talk ok?

"You bet." Danny replied, tears streaming down his face. "I love you, buddy."

"I love you too, Danny." Jeff said and enveloped Danny into a tight bearhug.

I watched them sadly, my heart breaking for my best friend. Here I was leaving with the guys and Danny was gonna be here alone for 3 months. I hated leaving him alone. Then We heard our flight's arrival being announced.

Jeff and Danny pulled apart from their hug and Danny said goodbye to Drew and Justin next. Nick and I were the last to say goodbye.

"Danny, you have a spare key to the SUV right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's right here." Danny said, holding up the spare key I gave him for the SUV, on his keychain with the rest of his keys.

"Good. I replied. "Will you lock up the SUV and keep an eye on my apartment while I'm gone?" I asked him.

"Sure." Danny said to me. "In fact, I'll move in since my parents are still living in my house and I'll pay the rent for 3 months until I join you guys on tour."

"Alright, if you want to." I said to him. "I'm gonna miss you so much, buddy."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Sean." Danny said and pulled me into his arms for a hug.

I grabbed onto him and held him for dear life. I was gonna miss him terribly.

"Promise me something, ok?" I asked Danny as we continued to hug.

"What's that?" He asked.

"If you get depressed at all while we're gone, hang out with some of your college friends, ok?" I asked him.

"I will. But don't worry, I'll be alright." Danny replied. "You guys are coming to my graduation on June 5th right?" He asked Nick and I.

"We'll try our best, Danny." Nick said.

"I'm definitely there, Danny." I said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I'll understand if you and the guys can't make it, Nick, but I hope you do."

"We'll do our best to get that day off, Danny." Nick said to him. He then grabbed Danny and hugged him.

"Take care of him, Nick." Danny said.

I will, buddy. Don't worry." Nick replied hugging Danny tightly.

We heard the last call for our flight over the PA system, announcing us to board now.

"That's for us." I said, sadly.

Nick and Danny pulled apart, tears streaming down both of their faces. The guys said goodbye one last time to Danny and headed for the plane, after running their luggage through the X-ray machine to be tested for weapons. They took Nick's and mine with them to run it through the machine, so they could be tested as well before they were loaded onto the plane. I gave Danny one last goodbye hug and followed Nick towards the plane. As we got to the corridor to head onto the plane, I turned around to wave goodbye to Danny one last time. He waved back, still crying, before he turned and started walking out of the airport.

I boarded the plane and noticed that nobody else but me and the guys were on board. I then decided to ask them about it.

"Nick, how come nobody else is on board?" I asked him. Nick smiled.

"This is our private jet." Nick said. "We use this one to have privacy, which means you and I can cuddle up as much as we want. The pilots and flight attendents won't say anything to anyone."

"That is so cool. Let's go sit down." I said.

Nick and I found a 3 seater and sat down in it, Nick by the window and me in the middle seat. Drew took a seat to my left, leaving me in the middle. Jeff and Justin sat together in the seats behind us. Then a pretty female flight attendant came and asked us if we needed anything. I asked for a blanket since I wanted to try and get some shut eye. The rest of the guys also thought that was a good idea and Jeff and Justin asked for a blanket also.

She left and returned with a king size blanket which was big enough for Nick, Me, and Drew, along with a second blanket for Jeff and Justin. She asked us if we needed anything else and we said that we didn't. She then told us to fasten our seatbelts since we'd be taking off in a few minutes.

A few minutes later, we heard the pilot announce that we were getting ready for take-off and to make sure our seatbelts were fastened. We fastened out seatbelts and felt the plane start moving across the runway. Nick and Drew both grabbed my hands tightly.

"Are you two afraid of flying?" I asked them. "Both of you are starting to hurt my hands."

"No, we just get a little nervous that's all." Drew said to me.

"Yeah, we just don't like take-offs, baby." Nick whispered.

Suddenly we felt the plane arch up into the sky, the slanting throwing us back against the seats. In a few minutes, we were safely up in the air and Nick and Drew simultaneously let go of my hands and relaxed.

"Well you two, I hope you didn't break my hands." I said, wiggling my fingers and my hands to get the circulation going again.

"Sorry, buddy." Drew said.

"Me too, baby." Nick said, giving me a kiss on the lips. I smiled and leaned into him.

"Well, let's all get some shut=eye now." I said to them both.

"Sounds like Jeff and Justin are already asleep." Drew said. We both heard Jeff and Justin snoring softly.

"Yeah they are." Nick said. "Now it's our turn."

"Would you both like to sleep on my shoulders?" I asked them.

"That's the best offer I've had all day." Nick said with a grin. I then turned to Drew. "What about you?" I asked him.

"Are you sure?" Drew asked, looked a little nervous.

"Yeah, it's alright. Come on, lay against me." I said as I threw my right arm around Nick and the other around Drew.

"Just don't try any funny business ok Drew? He's mine." Nick joked.

"I wouldn't dream of it, bro." Drew laughed.

They both lay their heads against my chest and I put my arms around both of their shoulders and were asleep in moments. Drew's last statement "I wouldn't dream of it." echoed into my head, reminding me of the dream I had earlier this morning.

Little did I know that maybe. Just MAYBE. That dream might end up becoming a reality.

Well that's it for chapter 16. The next installment will be coming out soon. Email me with any comment or questions about the story, even just to tell me that you like where the story is heading.

What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!


Next: Chapter 16

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