My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 10, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Although, I"ve heard from a source that Nick has broken up with Jessica Simpson. That doesn't mean he's gay. Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homosexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are:

"69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zackary Scott Pritt.

"98 Degrees is hot" by Gay Night.

"Nick Lachey" by Ken.

"Give Me Just One Night" by UnaNoche.

"The Reunion" by RinSong

And last but not least is "This Gift" by Sprout.

"I've enjoyed all of these stories immensely and "This Gift" is actually the only story still being updated at this moment besides mine. It stars "Drew Lachey" as the main love interest and another "Drew" in the story who happens to be his lover. freaky isn't it? LOL. Sprout if you're reading this, I just want to say that you are a very talented writer and I hope you continue with the story. I hope you like my story as well. I've gotten lots of feedback from many fans who've enjoyed "My Everything" and it feels good to know that I have talent too.

Well I'll quit with my babbling so you all can get on with the story.


Chapter 15

Thursday morning was a great morning to wake up next to Nick. I opened my eyes, squinting in the bright sunlight flowing through the windows, and turned to check on Nick. He was awake and watching me.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." He said softly.

"Good morning." I replied back to him. I leaned in to give him a kiss. Nick shrank back, with a disgusted look on his face.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked.

"You're not kissing me until you go and brush those teeth of yours. You reek of morning breath." Nick said with an apologetic smile.

"Ok, I'll be right back after I'm done." I said, getting up out of the bed.

"Don't be too long, I want to have some fun before we have to go downstairs for breakfast." Nick said.

"I won't. I promise." I said as I exited my bedroom and headed for the bathroom. I got in there, did my business and washed my hands. I then proceeded to brush my teeth. Just as I finished brushing and rinsed with mouthwash, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Jeff." I heard Jeff say. "Sean, is that you?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as I opened the door to see Jeff standing there in just a tank top and blue silk boxer shorts on. Just the sight of his muscular body was enough to turn me on. I pushed those erotic thoughts out of my mind to avoid an embarrassing situation.

"Do you have to use the bathroom?" I asked him. Jeff nodded.

"Yeah. By the way, Danny and I made breakfast. You and Nick wanna join the rest of us?" He then asked.

"Drew and Justin are up too?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Besides, didn't you know that it's almost 11:00a.m?" Jeff asked after looking at his watch.

"Are you serious?" "I'm usually never asleep for that long." I said, amazed that I had slept in so late.

"Yep, watches don't lie." Jeff laughed. "So, are you and Nick gonna come and have breakfast? It's still hot."

"Yeah, we'll be down in a minute. I said. "You can use the bathroom now."

"Ok, thanks. Jeff said. As I passed him, he started to head into the bathroom. With a laugh, I slapped his muscular ass.

"Hey! Jeff laughed. "Keep your hands off my ass. you have a man you can do that with already."

"But what if I want you?" I teased.

"In your dreams." Jeff laughed. "Now go get Nick and have breakfast already. I'll see you downstairs."

He then shut the door in my face. I giggled to myself and headed back to the bedroom where I saw Nick, reading a "Men's Fitness" magazine. When he heard me enter, he put down the magazine and gave me that puppy dog face.

"You said you weren't gonna be long." Nick said.

"I wasn't, but I ran into Jeff on the way back and he asked me if we were coming down for breakfast." I said, laughing at Nick's cute, but sometimes annoying, puppy dog look.

"I thought we were gonna have some fun?" He asked me with that puppy dog look again.

"Will you cut that out! I snickered. "That's getting so old. I'll tell you what?: How about we go downstairs to breakfast for a while and then we come back up after we eat to have some fun in bed ok? Deal?" I said, extending my hand out for him to shake. He took it and shook with me firmly.

"How about a kiss to seal the deal?" Nick asked with a devilish grin.

"You read my mind." I said, leaning towards him, my lips coming in contact with his.

I felt his tongue enter my mouth and I let my own tongue into his mouth, swirling it around. He tasted so good. His breath was minty fresh. I guess he had brushed his teeth a little earlier before I woke up. We continued to kiss and then Nick pulled me down with him on the bed. He started running his hands all over me. I ran my hands along his tight muscular body, feeling every inch of him. He was so hot! I could never get enough of this man. I loved him so much. Finally we broke our kissing.

"Mmm, you taste good. Minty fresh." Nick murmured.

"So do you." I said, running my hands along his perfect chest. "You feel good too." I said.

"I'm glad you approve." Nick grinned, flexing his pecs. "I've got another reason to want to stay in shape now. For you." He said, sweetly.

"Aww, how sweet." I crooned. "Now let's go down and have breakfast." I said, getting up off of Nick and off of the bed.

"Do we have to?" Nick whined. I nodded.

"The sooner we get through breakfast, the sooner we get back in bed." I said, seductively.

"Let's go. Hurry!" Nick said, almost frantically, bolting off of the bed and running out the bedroom door, towards the stairs. I laughed as I followed him downstairs.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw that Nick was already seated and was stuffing his face with big bites of his food. Bigger ones then he normally does. The guys were all seated at the table, and were watching him like he was starving.

"Geez Nick, slow down. I wouldn't want you losing your breakfast in bed you know?" I said with a laugh.

Jeff had been taking a drink of water, and after I said that, he ended up spitting it out all over Nick. We all erupted with laughter.

"What are you trying to do, Sean, make me choke to death?" Jeff laughed. "Besides, we don't need to know what goes on between you and Nick behind closed doors, anyway."

"You're just jealous because you haven't gotten laid lately." I joked.

"Oh, and I suppose you want to take care of that for me?" Jeff teased me.

"He better not!" Nick joked. "He's mine, Jeff, and don't you forget it."

"But what if I want him?" I said, running my hands along Jeff's muscular chest, causing Jeff to blush, Nick to give me the evil eye, and Danny, Drew, and Justin to start laughing.

"In your dreams you hornball." Jeff laughed as he pushed my hands away.

"You're right, Jeff. You're a little too prissy for my tastes anyway." I teased him. Jeff's mouth fell open in shock.

"Ooooh! Good one, Sean." Danny laughed.

"I'll have you know, I am not prissy!" Jeff said, giving me an evil glare.

"Oh yeah? prove it." I challenged him.

"I will." Nick? Drew? both of you come with me for a second." Jeff said to them. They both got up and followed Jeff into the kitchen.

A second later, I saw Drew walk out with a straight face and head upstairs. A few minutes later, Nick and Jeff came out with smiles on their faces.

"What are you two smiling about?" I asked them, cocking an eyebrow.

"Just figuring out a way that I can prove to you that I'm not prissy." Jeff said.

"And how's that?" I asked.

"Like this." Jeff said.

He then walked over to me. He put his arms around my waist, pulled me to him, and planted a big wet kiss right on my lips. My eyes bulged open in complete surprise as he kissed me. He pulled away to see me still looking totally shocked and stunned. I looked toward Nick to see what his reaction was. He was laughing.

Danny and Justin looks were of total shock, but then turned to laughter as they realized that that's what Nick, Drew and Jeff were talking about in the kitchen. Jeff laughed along with them.

"Jeff, what was that all about?" I managed to gasp out.

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to surprise you and prove to you that I'm not prissy." Jeff said.

"Well you've definitely proven that, now let me go before Nick really starts to get jealous." I weakly joked.

"There's something else you need to know." Jeff said, starting to laugh.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Drew got the whole thing on tape!" Jeff said, pointing towards the stairs.

I turned to see Drew, standing across the room at the bottom of the stairs, videotaping me and Jeff and laughing his ass off. I must have blushed 100 different shades of red by then.

"Drew, you better give me that! I laughed as I started running towards him.

"Run, Drew!" Justin yelled. "Danny? Jeff? Grab Sean!

Danny and Jeff both grabbed me before I could chase Drew up the stairs, and hoisted me up above theirs heads. Those boys were strong!

"Ok, guys, put me down before you drop me." I said nervously.

"That's not a bad idea, Sean. Maybe We'll just do that." Danny giggled.

"Don't you guys dare! I screamed.

"Alright guys, put my man down. Nick said. Danny and Jeff laughed and lowered me to the floor. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I turned towards Jeff and Danny and slapped Jeff across his left cheek and backhanded Danny on his right cheek. The looks on both of their faces were of complete shock and hurt. I heard the rest of the guys gasp. I burst into tears and rushed upstairs to my room where I locked the door behind me. I sobbed for a while until I heard a knock on the door.

"Sean, it's Nick, can I come in?" I heard Nick ask.

I walked over, tears still streaming down my face, and unlocked the door. letting Nick in. I closed the door and locked it again. I walked back over to the bed to sit next to Nick, who was looking at me, concern written all over his face.

"What was that all about down there?" He asked. "Why did you slap Danny and Jeff? They both are down there, crying their eyes out. Drew and Justin are comforting them right now."

I immediately felt even worse when I realized that I"d hit two of my best friends. I felt bad enough hitting Jeff, but I'd never actually hit Danny when I was angry before in all the time We were friends.

"I got scared. It reminded me of something I went through in high school. I said, still crying. "What Nobody knows, not even Danny, is that one day in high school, these jocks decided to have a little fun with me. They all grabbed me in the locker room one day after school and hoisted me up above their heads. They started yelling at me, calling me names like "Fag" and "Homo", things like that. I begged them to put me down, but they didn't listen. Instead of putting me down, they dropped me. I hit my head hard on the tile floor and it knocked me unconcious. The guys must have panicked, thinking I was dead or something, because they were gone when I woke up.

"Oh my god! I had no idea." Nick gasped in horror, as he pulled me to him. "What did you do after you woke up?" Nick asked.

"Well I had a very bad headache and I had a big lump on the back of my head that really hurt when I even touched it slightly." I explained to him. "I got in my car and went to the hospital to get checked out. The Doctor said I had a mild concussion and said that I was lucky that I hadn't hit my head any harder or I'd have either suffered permanent brain damage or have been killed."

"Those bastards! Nick muttered through gritted teeth. "I think you need to let Jeff and Danny know about this. That way, they'll know why you reacted the way you did." He said.

"Yeah, you're right. I can't keep this from Danny anymore." I replied. "I should have told him sooner. Come on, I'm ready to go down now."

Nick nodded and pulled me up with him and walked downstairs with me. We found the guys in the living room. Drew was hugging Danny and Justin was hugging Jeff when we entered. Danny and Jeff both looked like shit. Their eyes were all red from crying, and there were tears running down their faces even now. They looked up as they saw Nick and I enter the living room.

"I'm sorry, Danny." I said to him. "You too, Jeff. Come here." I said, extending my arms out to both of them, offering comfort to them.

They both got up and gave me a hug and started crying again. I rubbed my hands up and down their back and shoulders to comfort them. After they calmed down, they released me.

"Why did you slap us?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, you've never hit me before." Danny added.

"What none of you guys know is that in high school, some jocks decided to have some fun with him after school one day. They grabbed him and lifted him above their heads like you and Danny did to him a while ago." Nick started explaining to them. "Then they started calling him names like "Fag" and "Homo, things like that. Sean begged them to put him down, but they dropped him instead. He hit his head really hard and got knocked unconcious." The jocks must have panicked because they were gone when he woke up a few hours later." A doctor told him that if he'd hit his head any harder, he'd have either suffered permanent brain damage or been killed."

I saw the rest of the guys gasp, with horrified looks on their faces.

"Shit, man. I had no idea you had to go through that." Danny said as he grabbed me into another hug. "Where was I when this happened?" He asked.

"You were visiting colleges our senior year to figure out which one you wanted to go to. I guess those jocks knew that you wouldn't be here to protect me that day and decided to torment me then." I replied.

"So you've been carrying this secret for 4 years and you never said a word to me?" Why didn't you tell me?" Danny asked, a hint of anger in his voice. "I could have straightened those bastards out."

"I didn't see any reason to tell you and just worry you. I didn't think it was a big deal after I found out that I'd be fine." I told him.

"But Sean, they could have done alot worse to you besides just drop you." Drew said, coming over to me.

"I know that, Drew, but I'm fine now. I said, squeezing Drew's shoulder. "When Danny and Jeff lifted me up like that, it reminded me of that day and it freaked me out. I didn't really mean to react the way I did. I was just scared." I said to him.

"Well we're sorry, Sean, you forgive us?" Jeff asked. He extended his hand for me to shake.

Yeah, everything's cool now. Just don't do it again. I don't like to be lifted like that." If it were in the pool, it'd be one thing, but not above firm ground." I said to Jeff as I shook his hand. "I do have one question though. I said to him.

"What?" Jeff asked.

"What made you decide to kiss me?" I said with a laugh.

"Actually, I asked Nick If I could kiss you. He thought I was nuts at first, until I explained my plan to him. Then he said he loved it and he wanted to see how you'd react. Especially after we got it on tape." Jeff laughed. "So I sent Drew up to get it and made sure he got the kiss on tape. But the plan actually failed because I let it slip that Drew had taped you." We were gonna do the same to you like you did to Drew that night: Embarass you in front of us."

"Oh please, like that would have embarrassed me anyway, Jeff. I said. You and Nick forgot one difference.

"What's that, babe." Nick asked.

"It was just a simple kiss, Drew's was more private." It wouldn't have embarassed me in the least." I laughed.

"Darn, that figures." Drew muttered.

"Well anyway that subject is closed. But I must say Jeff, you're actually a good kisser." I said with a smirk. I heard the guys snickering and Jeff blushed crimson red.

"Say what?" Nick asked in disbelief.

"Let me finish, Nick." I said with a laugh. I then turned to Jeff.

"But, you're not as good as my Nick, buddy." I finished. Jeff just laughed.

"Well I'm not into guys, anyway." Jeff said. "Nick can have your sorry ass."

"Hey, watch it, Jeff. You're talking about my boyfriend there." Nick warned Jeff with a smile.

"Well Jeff, there is another way you can prove you're not prissy." I said with a smile.

Jeff frowned. "How?"

"By beating Drew, Nick, and myself at that game of "Chicken Fight" you challenged us to last night. What do you guys say we go swimming?" I asked them.

"That's a good idea." Justin said. "Let's have some fun."

"OK, you're on, sport." Jeff said. "Just don't cry if you lose." He joked.

Oh, I'm really scared." I smirked at Jeff.

"Well alright, Let's go get into our trunks." Danny suggested.

"Alright, Let's go." I said.

We all went to our rooms to change into our swimming trunks. I stripped off my clothes and walked, totally naked to the closet to grab my trunks. As I turned around, I caught Nick checking out my ass.

"Like what you see?" I giggled.

"Oh yeah, very much." Nick swooned.

"You're not so bad yourself you know." I said, checking out his body as he stripped out of his own clothes. I pulled on my own blue swimming trunks and tied them securely to my waist so they wouldn't slip off.

"Thanks." Nick said, slipping in to his own swimming trunks.

"You look good enough to eat right now." I said, glancing at his torso. "Damn, I'd love to spread some cheescake all over that chest of yours and eat off of it."

"How about you eat off of me right now?" Nick said with a sexy smile.

"Hmm, not a bad idea." I said as I walked over to him and pulled him into a kiss. We took a few moments to enjoy them. I started kissing his neck and then I went down and sucked on his nipples getting them hard. I heard him groaning in ecstasy. I then moved behind him and started running my hands along his muscular chest and down to his abs, which he flexed for me as my hands rubbed up and down his torso. I was getting hard and my hardon was poking him in the ass. Nick backed up into me and started running his ass up and down my crotch, teasing my dick and myself.

"Oh Nick." I gasped. "If you keep that up, I'm gonna explode."

That's the whole idea." Nick said, turning towards me. "That's a small preview of what I'll do to you later." Nick then pulled away. Come on, let's go get in the pool." He said.

We walked out of my room, just as Drew was coming down the hall from his room.

"You ready to squash the other guys in the pool?" I asked Drew. He nodded.

"And then some." He said. "Come on, I'm ready."

So we all went out and got in the pool to go swimming. After doing that, our teams huddled together to strategize on how to beat the competition.

"Well I say we take them by surprise." Nick said, as we were huddling together.

"How can we do that, Nick?" Drew asked. "It's not like we can sneak up on them."

"Yeah Drew, you're right about that, but we'll find some way of sneaking up on them." I laughed. "Come on, let's win this."

"Yeah!" Nick bellowed, holding up his hands for a high five. I slapped his hands then Drew's, then Drew and Nick slapped five.

We broke apart and so did, Jeff, Justin, and Danny and from how it looked, it seems like Jeff was gonna be the one on top. But as it turns out, since Jeff was the challenger, so was I.

"Well Sean, are you ready to taste bitter defeat?" Jeff asked.

"Oh please Jeff, you can't be that tough." I taunted him.

"Oh no?" Jeff questioned. "Well look at these biceps and then tell me."

With that he hit a double biceps pose and I had to hand it to him. Jeff was a little bulkier than Nick was of all the guys and his biceps were a nice size. I just smirked at him.

"Show-off! I'm still not convinced." I laughed. "Your muscular build doesn't scare me in the least."

"Well come on, prove it. Bring it on! Jeff challenged.

" I may not be muscular like you are, Jeffy, but that doesn't mean I'm not tough." I said. The guys snickered when I called him "Jeffy."

"Excuse me? Jeffy?" Jeff asked with a disgusted look on his face. "I'm not your man so the only person who can call my "Jeffy" is my girl. So, you better watch it or you'll be sorry." He laughed.

"As you said, buddy: "Bring It On!" I said.

We all got on each other's shoulders to start the game. Justin had Danny on his shoulders and Danny had Jeff on his, making Jeff the on top. Drew lifted me on his, swaying a little because of my sudden weight, then steadied himself and then Nick got under Drew and lifted him, along with me, up onto his shoulders leaving me on the top to face off with Jeff.

"Well, come on." What are you waiting for?" Jeff taunted me. "Show me what you're made of."

"With pleasure, biotch! I yelled.

"Bitch?! Jeff screamed. "That's it! Now, you're history."

With that, Jeff and I grasped our hands and entwined our fingers and each was doing our best to push the other off the top of the pile. Jeff was tough! It took alot of tries, but finally I managed to give him a strong shove, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the pool, along with the rest of them.

"Yes! Victory is ours!" I screamed. Then all of a sudden I felt myself being shoved and I fell back into the water. When I came up I looked for whoever it was that had shoved me off of Drew's shoulders. I glanced at Jeff and sure enough I saw an evil grin on his face. That boy was gonna get it!

"All right, Jeff, You asked for it." I warned him right before I pounced on him and tried to dunk him. I failed miserably trying to wrestle him down, given how muscular he was. Jeff grabbed my head and pushed me under the water. I came up again and started to breath hard. I had forgotten that I couldn't play rough with the guys like that, and hated the fact that I couldn't. I was missing out on some of the most fun things in life. All the guys saw me breathing hard and got concerned. Nick waded over to me, worry evident in his eyes.

"Babe, are you ok? Do you need your inhaler?" Nick asked, putting his arms around me, pulling me to him.

"Yeah I do." I said to Nick. I then turned to Drew.

"Drew, can you grab my inhaler for me, please? "I asked him. "It's on the picnic table in my gymbag with my beach towel and other stuff."

"Sure, I'll get it." Drew said, quickly climbing out of the pool and running to the picnic table to grab my fast-acting inhaler.

"Nick, can you rub my back muscles for me? Sometimes that'll help calm me down too." I said.

"Sure, sweetie." He said as he started rubbing my back to relax the contracting muscles which were tight from my wheezing. Drew ran back and ran around the pool to the shallow end and handed me my inhaler, which I took and started taking my puffs from it. I took a few deep breath and started feeling better. By now all the guys were encircled around Me and Nick, watching me.

"I'm sorry, Sean. I totally forgot about your asthma during the wrestling around in here." Jeff said. "Are you ok now?" He asked.

I was touched at how much he really cared about me. Jeff wasn't really that close to me. He was more close with Danny than he was with me. But still he was a great guy and he truly cared which made me like him more and more. I gave Jeff a smile.

"Don't worry, Jeff. I'm fine now. I forgot about it too during the fun." I said. It's not your fault."

"Jeff, he's right." Danny said, patting Jeff on the shoulder.

"Well it looks like you've had enough rough play for a day." Drew said. "Why don't we get out and go to the mall or something?" He then asked us.

"I'm all for that." Justin piped in.

"So am I." Nick said. "Come on, let's get out."

The guys and I got out and went to get our towels to dry off. I went to grab my towel but Nick grabbed it before I could.

"Allow me." He said. I nodded and he started to run the towel over my wet body, running it over my back and chest, drying me off. I looked at his eyes as he dried me off. Then when he finished, he looked up at me and our eyes locked on each other. I started leaning towards him and I felt my lips connect with his. It only lasted for about five seconds, but it felt like longer. I pulled away and he gave me a content grin.

"Ok muscles, it's my turn to dry you off now." I said.

Nick nodded and gave me his towel. I ran it along his muscular body, making sure not to miss any wet spots. After I was finished, I looked around and noticed all the guys were gone from the pool area.

"The guys must have gone inside." I said to Nick. "Maybe we should join them."

"Not just yet, sweetie." Nick said. "I want to have a minute alone with you out here while it lasts."

After saying that, He took both of our towels and spread them out on the ground, then pushed me down onto them. He got on top of me and started kissing me, his hardness pressing into my own. I wrapped my legs around his waist, tightly. I felt him grinding into me. I pushed back into him, while letting my hands roam across his body. I cupped his ass and ran my other hand through his hair. We were both getting really turned on by each other and that's when Jeff decided to interrupt our intimate moment.

"Geez, we go in to get dressed and you two are still out here getting it on." Jeff laughed. "Come on, We don't have all day."

Nick and I got up and followed him back upstairs to my apartment. When We entered, We saw that the rest of the guys were already dressed and were eating sandwhiches for lunch which Danny had made for us.

"Sean, I made sandwhiches. Do you and Nick want any?" Danny asked before taking a bite of his own sandwhich.

"Yeah, but let us get dressed first, ok?" I said. Danny swallowed his bite and shook his head.

I suggest you take them with you or they'll be gone before you two even get out here." I swear these guys never stop eating." Danny laughed.

"Good point." Nick chuckled.

He grabbed both of us a sandwhich and We headed upstairs to get dressed. We picked out what we wanted to wear for today and got dressed. After doing that, Nick handed me my sandwhich while taking a bite of his.

"Thanks, sexy." I said to him.

"You're welcome, baby." He replied around his food. We then walked downstairs to join the rest of the guys.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Danny asked all of us.

We all agreed and left the apartment and headed for the mall. When we got there, The guys and I split up into couples so the guys wouldn't be recognized or mobbed by fans, giving away the fact that they were in town. Jeff went with Danny, Nick with me of course, and Drew went with Justin.

It was dark by the time we finished our shopping and we had alot of bags. The guys had more than I did since they had more money than I did. I don't know how we managed to fit all of those bags in the SUV, but we managed. We got back to the apartment, dragging our shopping gear in with us. We saw that it was 9:30p.m. and after all the exercise we'd had from playing in the pool and walking around in the Mall, we were all beat and decided to hit the sack.

Me, Nick and the rest of the guys all bid each other goodnight and headed off to our respective bedrooms.

"Goodnight my love." I whispered to Nick, after we'd gotten under the covers.

"Goodnight, Sean." Nick murmured. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too, Nick." I whispered just before my eyes fluttered shut.

Well that's all for this chapter. I'm going to fast forward Chapter 16 to three months later so I can get the storyline moving along so you all don't get bored waiting for Nick and Sean to finally start making love for the first time. I'll explain what happened in the previous months in the story as best I can, so you all know what went on during those three months.

If you have any comments or questions about anything in the story, please email me and let me know. I appreciate all of you who have emailed me to tell me how much you are enjoying the story. I'd like you all to stay in touch. Til next time.

Next: Chapter 15

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