My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Apr 27, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


Chapter 13

I woke up at around 9:00a.m., Wednesday morning, and rolled over to find Nick still sleeping beside me. I almost had thought last night was a dream. I had to go to the bathroom, so I slid out from under the covers and walked to the bathroom downstairs. I finished up and flushed the toilet. As I exited the bathroom, I heard some noise coming from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen doorway and saw Drew making breakfast.

"Hey Drew." I greeted him. Drew looked up and smiled.

"Hey Sean. How are you feeling this morning?" He asked me.

"I'm on cloud nine." I cooed. "I'm so glad to have you and Nick back to hang out with me again." Drew nodded.

"The feeling is mutual, buddy." He replied. "You have no idea how much Nick and the rest of us have missed you."

I was touched at how much Drew had missed me. I never knew I could be missed. I never really had good friends except for Danny. Drew was proving to me that he was a true friend that alot of people would die to have.

"I think I do, Drew." I said to him. "I've missed you and Nick something awful while you were away. And on top of that, Danny flies to California to visit Amber and be with her for the two week period. I didn't really know the meaning of being lonely until he left also."

"Drew finished scrambling the eggs and frying the bacon, as he looked up at me after turning off the stove.

"Yeah. I'm sorry you had to go through it." Drew said. "By the way, when is Danny supposed to be back?" He then asked.

"He'll be back Friday. That's actually only a couple days away. Today's Wednesday so I don't have to wait long." I said to Drew.

"Is my brother still asleep?" He asked.

"Yeah, he is." I replied. "I hope I can get him up to eat breakfast here." I said as I watched Drew strut around the kitchen shirtless and in his red silk boxers, setting the table and putting the eggs and bacon on 3 plates. I was starting to get aroused looking at his toned upper body and his butt so I decided to stop while I could so I could skip the endless teasing from Drew if he happened to notice.

"I'm gonna go and wake up my gorgeous boyfriend now, if you don't mind?" I said to Drew. Drew smiled and nodded.

"Go ahead. I'll reheat breakfast if you take awhile." He said, with an evil grin on his face.

"Why Drew, I had no idea you could think like that being as straight as you are." I joked. Drew blushed in embarrassment.

"I wasn't thinking anything so shut up." Drew said with a nervous giggle. I chuckled and started up the stairs to my bedroom to wake Nick up. I walked into the bedroom and was surprised to see that he was awake and waiting for me.

"Hey sexy, you're up. I said to him. Nick grinned.

"Yeah I am, baby. So come and climb back in here and let's have some fun." He said, patting the bed, motioning for me to join him. I smiled and sat beside him on the bed.

"I wish we could have some fun." I said, as I ran my hand up and down Nick's firm chest and abs. "But Drew has made breakfast and it'll get cold if we don't go down and eat right now." I said to him. "We'll have time for fun later." I said. Nick groaned playfully and got out of bed and stood in front of me, pulling me into a kiss. I kissed him back as passionately as possible. Nick was breathless by the time we pulled back.

"Wow." Nick said. "Maybe we should skip breakfast and just stay in bed all day." he said with a grin, hoping to wear down my defenses. As sexy as that grin was, he wasn't gonna get me this time.

"I would like nothing better baby, but I'm starving and I want breakfast right now. So come on. Come downstairs with me and let's have breakfast before it gets cold." I said.

Nick just shrugged and with an evil grin, walked towards the door of my bedroom to go downstairs, forcing me to follow him. I watched his ass the whole way down and he must have noticed because he made sure to use plenty of hip action which was really turning me on and getting me aroused. I slapped his ass, causing him to giggle as he walked in front of me.

"Stop it, boy!" I snickered. "I don't think Drew needs to see a hardon when we get downstairs. He's lucky I didn't get a full hardon downstairs just watching him strut around shirtless and in those cute red silk boxers." I said and then realized I'd said the wrong thing. Nick turned before we got downstairs and looked at me with an arched eyebrow.

"You got a hardon around my brother?" He asked. I looked at him, seriously. "Hey come on, I'm only human baby. Besides who wouldn't be attracted to Drew? He's a very cute guy. But remember, it is you I'm in love with, not Drew." I said. Nick grinned and leaned in to kiss me.

"I know that, Sean. He said when he pulled back from the kiss. "I was just teasing you. You looked like you were scared for a second there."

"I was, muscles." I said with a grin. "I thought you were gonna beat me senseless."

"Oh no, I would never do that to my baby." Nick said, putting his arm around my waist as we started walking downstairs the rest of the way. We walked into the kitchen to see that Drew was still waiting for us and had not touched his breakfast. He looked up at us and noticed that we had our arms around each other and he smiled.

"Hey Nick, you're finally up. Now come on and let's have breakfast already. I'm starving." he said.

Nick and I sat down and started eating our breakfast. It was really good. Drew had put meat and cheese in his and mine and just cheese in Nick's omelet. I was actually surprised, not because Drew was a good cook, but because I had never told him that I liked meat and cheese in my eggs.

"Hey Drew, how did you know I like lunch meat and cheese in my omelet?" I asked him. Drew shrugged.

"Actually I wasn't sure. I like them the same way, so I just took a lucky guess and tried it to see if you would. I mean, I figured since you had lunch meat and cheese and like them both, then I decided to try making them in the omelet for you to see if you'd like them." He said. I grinned.

"Well you guessed correctly, buddy. And thank you." I told him.

"You're welcome." Drew replied. "Are you going to eat your eggs like this all the time now?" He then asked.

"Actually Drew, I've been eating them like this for years. I was eating one the morning after Nick and I made up after our big living room blowup the night you brought Jeff and Justin to see me." I explained to him.

Drew nodded and went back to eating his omelet and his bacon. I picked up a strip of bacon and held it out towards Nick's mouth. He opened it and took a bite of my bacon.

"Mmm, Delicious." He said, as I popped the rest in my mouth. He then grabbed my fork and cut a piece of my omelet and stabbed it with my fork and held it to my mouth.

"Open wide." He said.

I opened my mouth and he fed me the piece of omelet on the fork.

"Yummy." I said, like a small child. Nick laughed and continued to feed me with my fork until the omelet was done.

"Ok, Nick, it's my turn to feed you the rest of the way with your omelet and then we'll feed each other at the same time with the bacon strips by hand." I said to him. And We did just that. When we had finished, I grabbed Nick's and Drew's plates, as well as mine, and took them to the sink to rinse them off. After doing that I put them into the dishwasher. I then turned to Nick and Drew.

"Hey you two, why don't we do something fun today?" I asked them. "How about we go to the Mall?" I suggested. Nick and Drew looked at each other and agreed upon the Mall.

"Well it looks like we're all agreed." Drew said. "Now Nick and I have to get into our disguises if we're going to the Mall, so we don't get recognized." He said as he was getting up. I giggled.

"Oh Please. I could recognize you guys even with disguises on anyday." I laughed.

"Oh yeah?" Nick asked sarcastically. "Well see if you recognize me after you see my disguise. Wait here." He said.

He left the kitchen to go and change. Drew frowned. "What did he mean by that? He wears the same disguise all the time. A trenchcoat and sunglasses. What could possibly be different this time." He wondered out loud, while glancing at me.

"I don't know. I said to him. "I guess we're gonna have to wait and find out."

Immediately after I'd said that, Nick walked into the kitchen doorway. My mouth dropped and Drew turned to look at why I was shocked. His jaw also dropped when he saw Nick. Nick was totally unrecognizable. He was wearing a trenchcoat and sunglasses, but that wasn't what made him unrecognizable. It was the fake eyebrows and mustache that he had added to his face to alter his looks. Me and Drew just stood there, speechless.

"Well what do you think now?" Nick said with a laugh.

"Who are you? I joked.

Nick started laughing at the expressions on our faces.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly Nick." Drew said, wide-eyed at Nick's new look. "I'd never recognize you if you were walking right by me in that disguise. What made you decided to add the mustache and eyebrows?" Drew asked his brother.

"Well last time we went to a mall, I was recognized almost immediately and so I decided my disguise needed a little more accessories to add to it. So not too long ago, I got the mustache and fake bushy eyebrows and tried them out. People did not even recognize me at all. and I paid in cash that time to be sure that they didn't." Nick said, grinning. I looked at him and then wanted to see something.

"Nick take off the sunglasses for a second. I want a better look at you with those bushy eyebrows over your eyes and that mustache." I said to him.

Nick nodded and took off the sunglasses. He looked totally different with those eyebrows and mustache. I didn't even recognize him, except for his crystal blue eyes. I'd know those eyes anywhere, disguise or no disguise. I don't know how to explain it, It's like I feel this energy whenever his eyes are looking at me. I never felt that looking at anyone else blue eyes or any other colors of eyes for that matter. Just his. But all in all, even disguised, he looked kinda cute.

"Hey Bro, I think you'd actually pull it off going to the mall like that all the time now." Drew said to his brother. "Just don't whip out the credit card or you'll be discovered." He laughed. Nick laughed along with him.

"Yeah, I see your point, Bro. Why don't you go ahead and get dressed so we can get going." Nick said to Drew. Drew said he would and started to head upstairs. I then thought of something.

"Hey Drew, wait a second." I said. Drew stopped and turned around to look at me.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"How did you and Nick get extra clothes? I didn't see you with any luggage last night." I wanted to know.

"That's because I went to grab our suitcases earlier this morning before you two were even up." Drew said. "I wanted to keep them here since you invited us to stay with you."

"Oh, ok." I said. "Did you call Jeff and Justin yet?" I asked Drew. He shook his head.

"No, I didn't. I'll do that now. Drew replied. "Can I use your phone?" He asked.

"Sure, go ahead." I said to him. Drew left the kitchen and headed into the living room to call Jeff and Justin, leaving me and Nick alone in the kitchen.

"Ok, gangster man, get over here and kiss me." I joked.

"Now that I can definitely do." Nick said with a laugh. "But I don't have a gun, so I can't really be called a gangster." He said as he walked over to me.

He then dropped his sunglasses on the table and then proceeded to kiss me. As his lips touched mine, his mustache tickled me, causing me to giggle.

"That mustache tickles, baby. Take it off." I replied.

Nick took it off and tried again. This time we kissed alot better. He kissed me with passion, his tongue slipping into my mouth. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him harder, while our tongues wrestled with each other. Then Nick backed me up against the counter and started grinding his hardness into me. I was already hard and I ground back into him as well. I reached behind him and groped his clothed ass through his loose jeans. Then I brought my hands up to his chest and gently slid my hands up and down, while stopping to squeeze his hard nipples which were showing through his tight white t-shirt. He moaned appreciatively as he ran his hands up and down my back and then down to my ass where he squeezed me, while continuing his assault on my lips. We were both breathing very hard now and getting extremely turned on. We both wanted each other so bad. I could see it in his eyes as he could in mine. Drew then decided to break up our intense make-out session.

"Alright you two. That's quite enough." Drew said, smiling. "If you keep that up, we're never gonna leave and Jeff and Justin wouldn't appreciate having to wait at the airport for hours."

As soon as he said that, Nick and I broke apart and looked at Drew. "Jeff and Justin are here in town?" Nick asked.

"Yeah." Drew said. "They got off the plane 5 minutes before I called Jeff's cellphone. He said that they need a ride and I told them that we'd be there in 20 minutes, so get your horny asses in gear and let's go." He teased.

"Drew, if anyone needs to get their ass in gear, it's you. You're not even dressed." I said, pointing at his red silk boxers. Drew look down and blushed. Then he looked up at me.

"Well neither are you, smartass." He said. "You're still in your underwear too. Isn't that a pre-cum stain I see? Drew said, grinning evilly. I looked down and saw that he was right. The front of my underwear was soaked with precum from Nick and I making out and getting all hot and heavy. I must have turned at least five different shades of red and Drew and Nick were both laughing at me.

"Oh shut up and let me get dressed. Drew you can come with me since you have to get dressed too." I said to Drew as I walked towards the kitchen doorway and grabbed him in a headlock. Nick laughed as he watched me pull Drew along with me up the stairs.

"You are so gonna pay for embarrassing me down there." I grinned at Drew. Drew just chuckled.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do to me? Drew asked me. "You can't even pin me, so what can you do to me that I can't muscle my way out of?" He threw in.

"Oh I'll figure something out, Don't worry. I said to him, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary. "I'll get you when you least expect it."

Drew frowned, wondering what I was up to. And I was definitely up to something and I thought of the perfect way to get revenge on him for embarrassing me. I let Drew go as I went into my room to get dressed and he headed to his to do the same. I put on a light blue shirt and a pair of cargo pants and then made the bed. I shut my bedroom door and locked it. I then proceeded to grab my extra rechargeable battery for my miniature video camera to put it in my camera for the task I was hoping to do for later tonight. I took the old one out and put it on the charger to re-charge. I inserted the new one and put my video camera out of sight. I then unlocked the door and went downstairs to see Drew and Nick waiting for me. I then decided to set up my plan now, but I needed to get Drew out of the house so I could do it.

"Hey guys, can you wait outside by the SUV while I attend to something real quick?" I asked them.

"Sure, just don't be too long." Nick said, before he and Drew left to wait outside.

As soon as they were gone, I rushed upstairs and into the room. I grabbed the video camera and rushed into Drew's room to set it up, making sure it was well hidden and out of Drew's sight. I made sure it was set so it would get a full view of the bed so that my plan would be successful. After that was done, I rushed downstairs and exited my aparment, locking the door, and heading out to my SUV, where Nick and Drew were waiting for me. I unlocked the SUV and got in the driver's seat. Nick climbed in the passenger side beside me and Drew hopped in the back to sit in the chair behind me. I started the SUV and started driving towards the airport. I decided to surprise the guys and play my Backstreet Boys CD. I put it in and it started playing "I want it that way." Nick and Drew started laughing.

"And I thought we were the only ones you listen to." Nick said between his laughter.

"What? It's not like you guys are the only ones I listen to." "I do have other likes you know." "Before you guys came along, I had the biggest crush on Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys."

Nick looked at me, wide-eyed. "No way! Are you joking? He asked in disbelief? I laughed at his surprise.

"No. And it gets better." I said, starting to laugh. "I actually like The Backstreet Boys, N-Sync and you guys. I like all 3 of you and I've had a crush on at least one or two guys from each group."

"Was I one of them?" Drew asked me as I drove into the airport.

"Honestly? Yes. I thought you all were cute, but Nick was the one I fell in love with at first sight."

"Oh so I have to keep an eye on you now that I know that you have a crush on all of us in our group." Nick joked.

I continued talking as I looked for a place to park nearby so the guys wouldn't have to walk far to get in in case the fans got wind that they were here and decided to try and mob him.

"I've also had a crush on Nick from BSB's and JC and Joey from N-Sync." I said as I parked the SUV and shut off the ignition. "I haven't really given them much thought since you guys came along and Nick came into my life." I said, causing Nick to smile and pat my leg. "Thanks. That means so much to me to hear you say that." Nick said.

"No problem, Sweetie." I said to him. "Ok. Let's get in there and find the guys." I said.

We all got out and I locked the SUV. Nick made sure his bushy eyebrows were still in place and then put on his mustache and hat and followed Drew and me into the airport. We walked towards the waiting room, where Jeff and Justin were in their own disguises, waiting for us. Drew ran over to them and hugged them, giving me a chance to inform Nick of my plan.

"Nick, I wanted to tell you something before Drew and the guys come over here." I said to Nick, softly.

"What's that." He asked.

"Well when I told you guys to wait outside, I was actually setting up my video camera in his bedroom to pull a prank on him." I said with a grin. Nick started to giggle.

"And let me guess: You're gonna try and see if you can record him jerking off and embarrass him in front of the guys with the tape if it's successful."

"Yeah, that's gonna be my revenge against Drew for embarrassing me this morning about the pre-cum stain in my underwear. I told him I'd get him for it when he least expects it and this is my plan. I just hope he's horny enough to do it tonight." I said with a laugh.

"Ssh, here they come." Nick whispered. I looked towards the guys to see them coming towards us.

"Hey Sean, What's up? Justin said as he came up to us and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh nothing much, just coming to get you guys so you can take your bags to my place. You're staying with me." I said.

"Cool. Jeff said. "Are you sure We won't be intruding on your privacy?" He asked.

"Not at all. I love having you guys around and I'd enjoy the extra company. I've missed you guys too." I said, as I gave Jeff a hug too.

Jeff released me and hugged Nick, followed by Justin.

"Well guys, let's get going and get your bags into the SUV to take them to my place." I said. "Besides you guys look like you could use some extra rest."

"Sounds good to me." Justin said. "I could use some extra rest right now." He yawned as he said it.

"Me too." Jeff said. "Come on, let's get moving."

"Ok, follow us." I said. I led the guys out of the airport, towards my SUV. I popped the trunk and helped Jeff and Justin load their luggage into the back, while Nick and Drew got in the SUV to wait. I finished helping Justin and Jeff with their bags and shut the trunk. I opened the sliding door for Jeff and Justin to get in. They got in and sat back in the back, leaving Drew sitting alone in the middle seats, while Nick sat up front with me again. I started the SUV and drove towards home.

"So, how about we all have a nap or something and then we go out dancing later?" I said as I drove.

"I'd love that." Jeff said. "Maybe you can invite Danny to come with us.

"Danny's not back yet, Jeff. Drew said. "He's still in California with his girlfriend, Amber. Sean said he should be back Friday."

"Actually, Jeff, why don't you give him a call at the Beverly Hilton hotel and ring his room and see if he's still there. I'm sure he'd love to talk to you. Actually how about I do it through my SUV's radio and we can all talk to him?" I suggested.

"You can talk to Danny through the radio?" Jeff asked in surprise. "How can you do that?" He asked.

"Through my cell phone. Watch." I said as I grabbe my cell phone and device that allows me to talk through it using the radio's speakers. I sat the phone in the cradle and plugged the device's end in the cigarette lighter. I set the radio to 93.6 and dialed the Beverly Hilton hotel. We heard it ringing. The guys watched in amazement as We all waited for someone to pick up. The front desk clerk picked up and I asked him to ring Danny's room. Then we heard Danny pick up after a couple rings.

"Hello?" We heard him say.

"Hey Danny, what's up?" I greeted him.

"Hey Sean. How are you?" Danny asked.

"I'm fine. I'm talking to you in my SUV and all the guys are in here with me and want to say hi. I said to him.

"Hi Danny." The guys said in unison.

"Hey guys what's up? Danny asked.

"We're great." Nick said.

"Is that you, Nick?" Danny asked, laughing.

"Yeah." Nick answered for him. "Actually Jeff here wanted to talk to you."

"Ok, What's up, Jeff? Danny asked Jeff.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go clubbing with us when you get back?" Jeff asked him.

"Aren't you guys still on tour?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, but we got alot of work done and they let us have these last five days to ourselves." Jeff explained. "We'll be going back on tour Monday and Sean will be coming with us then. I wish you could come."

We all heard Danny sigh. "Yeah, I wish I could too, but I've got school still and I can't leave at a time like this. How long will you guys be on tour?" He asked the guys.

"About 4 months I think." Justin said. "I don't know for sure. We'll have to ask Management."

"Well if you happen to still be touring over the summer, I'd love to join you then. In the meantime, Do you think you guys will be able to make it to my college graduation on June 5th? If you guys are available, I'd like you to come." Danny then asked us.

"Well Danny, you know you can count me in." I said to him. I'm not gonna miss it for the world."

"Thanks buddy. Danny replied. So, do you guys think you can talk to management and find out if you can come? If you're busy, I'll understand."

"We'll definitely try and get June 5th off so we can be there, Danny. But still we can't promise anything, but we'll try hard." Nick said.

Ok, thanks guys. I"m really gonna need some friends right now." Danny said, sounding sad.

"Why do you say it like that, Danny? What's wrong?" I asked him, with concern in my voice.

It's not something I can get into over the phone. I'm gonna catch a flight home tonight and I'll talk to you then." Danny said.

"Alright, Danny." I said to him. "Do you need a ride?" I asked him.

"No. My car is in valet parking at the airport, so it's there for me to drive home." He said. "I've got to go now, so I'll talk to you all later at Sean's when I get back sometime tonight. possibly in a couple of hours if I can get a flight right away.

"Alright, take it easy, Danny." Whatever it is that's wrong, I'll be there for you. We all will." I said to Danny. We heard Danny sob, worrying us all even more.

"Danny, you're crying. Come on, tell us what's wrong. You've got us all worried here." Jeff said.

"No guys. I have to tell you in person." Danny said, still crying. "I'll see you all in a few hours. Goodbye." Then he hung up before any of us could say goodbye back.

I ended the call, and turned the radio back to a regular station and turned down the volume so I could talk to the guys.

"You know, I've never heard him sound so distressed before. Danny hardly ever gets depressed or in bad moods. I said to the guys. "He's always been the happy guy who was always there for everyone. I wonder what could have happened to make him this emotional."

"Maybe he and Amber broke up." Nick suggested.

I hadn't even thought of that. That might be it, but I still didn't think that was all it was. It sounded like more than just a break up. IF that's what it was.

"Well, We'll find out soon enough." I said as I pulled into the driveway where my apartment was and shut off the SUV. "For now, let's just get Jeff and Justin settled in and let's wait for Danny to get here." I suggested.

"Yeah, There's no way I can take a nap now knowing that something is bothering Danny." Jeff said.

"Well let's talk about it inside." I said as I popped the trunk and got out to help Jeff and Justin unload it.

"Here Nick. Take the keys and unlock my apartment so we don't have to wait at the door to unlock it first." I said as I handed Nick my keys. Nick took my keys and went to unlock my door. Drew followed him. I helped Jeff and Justin with their bags and carried them into the apartment. I showed Jeff and Justin to their rooms and they put their bags into them. They then came back out to the living room and sat down, Jeff on one of the folding couches and Jeff in the chair. Drew sat beside Jeff and Nick and I sat down on the other folding couch.

"Well do you guys want to watch a movie until Danny gets here?" I asked them.

They all agreed and I picked "Reindeer Games" which they all agreed to and I put it in the VCR and turned on the TV. I played the tape and we all sat back to watch and enjoy the movie.


Well that's it for now. Sorry I haven't gotten this out sooner. It will be even tougher for me now that I have a job back that I might be working overnight which will leave me even less time to write. But I'll try to work on the chapters bit by bit everyday if I have to until it's done. So try and be patient. I hope you are all enjoying the story. And to all of you who took the time to write to me, Thank you. I love my fans and I hope you all stay in touch with me.

What happens next? Oh, if you only knew. Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 13

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