My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Apr 18, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave. I'd also like to apologize for any typos and mistakes that I've made. like for example, Casey who I accidently called Chad once or twice. My mind must have been thinking about Chad Allen at the time. Anyway, now on with the story.


Chapter 12

"Nick?! What are you doing here?" I gasped when I saw him. Nick grinned. "I'm here to see you, why else would I be here?" He said as he came in.

"But what about the tour and rehearsals?" I asked him, worried that something was wrong. Nick saw the worry in my eyes and hastened to answer.

"Hey don't worry, actually since we did a great job at rehearsals and got alot of work done." "We got the next five days to ourselves." "The tour will resume on Monday when you come with us." "So I get to spend the next five days with you." "So, give me a hug and kiss already, baby." Nick said with a grin. Not one to refuse, I grabbed him in the tightest hug that I'd ever given him in my life. Nick returned the hug and I must have been hugging him too hard because I heard him grunt. "Hey man, not that I'm complaining, but could you ease up on the bearhug a little, you're suffocating me." Nick chuckled.

"Sorry, I apologized with a smirk. "I just missed you so much and I'm glad to see you." I said. Nick flashed his pearly white teeth as he smiled. "Yeah I figured that much." "You were hugging me like you would never see me again." Nick said as he released me. "Now I want a kiss." he then said.

"Sure, but be prepared." I warned him before I pulled his face to me and ravished his luscious lips. That kiss felt like it lasted for hours. When we finally pulled away, I saw Nick looking pretty dazed. "Wow." I heard him say. "Maybe I should leave more often." He said. "Then I could get a greeting like that all the time." He grinned. I playfully slapped his muscular ass in mock anger. "Don't you even dare." "Now that I have you back with me, You're not ever leaving my bed now." I said with a smile. Nick waggled his eyebrows when I said that. "Bed." Nick said. Now, that sounds like fun." He said seductively. "Yeah It does." I said. "But first I want to know what's going on with your brother and the rest of the guys." "Where are they?" "Did they come with you?" I asked him.

"Actually Drew did, but the rest of them went home to visit their families and to get some more of their clothes and whatever else they needed for the tour." Nick said. I brightened when he said that Drew was with him. I missed him almost as much as I did Nick. I wondered why he wasn't here with Nick now.

"Where is Drew, Nick?" I asked him. "He's at the hotel where we had dinner before." "I asked him if he wanted to come with me to see you, but he said he wanted to let me surprise you and have some time alone with you." "He said he'd see us tommorrow." Nick said.

"But he didn't have to do that, Nick." I said to him, feeling sorry for Drew being alone. "I appreciate him wanting to let us have time alone, but he doesn't need to do it all the time." "Why don't you call him and tell him to come over for a while?" "It's still early yet and since you guys don't have to get up early in the morning or anything, I'd really like to see him." "As a matter of fact, why don't you two check out of the hotel and stay with me for the rest of the week?" "I"ve got plenty of room here and 3 other bedrooms for guests so if you want, you can invite the rest of the guys here to stay when they come visit or need a place to crash." I offered. "No, Sean, we couldn't impose on you like that." Nick said.

"You wouldn't be." I said. "I love the guys too and I hope that they take me up on my offer to stay here." "And you too because I love you and want you to stay with me whenever you can." I ran my thumb down Nick's soft cheek as I caressed his face. Nick smiled. "In that case, I'll call Drew right now and ask him if he wants to come over." He said. "We'll call Jeff and Justin tommorrow and let them know where we are."

Nick walked over to the coffee table and picked up the cordless phone. He dialed the hotel and asked for his room that his brother and him were sharing.

"Hey Drew, It's your brother, what's up?...."Well listen, Sean wants you to come over and join us for a while." "He's missed you too and wants to see you."......"You're not imposing Drew, come on over, ok?".....OK, we'll see you shortly." "Bye."

Nick hung up the phone and laid it back on the coffee table. He then looked back up at me with a smile. "He's on his way." "He'll be here in five minutes." He said to me. "So while we're waiting, let's go lay down on that couch and do some making up for lost time." He said, sexily. "Now that sounds like an offer I can't refuse." I said to him with a smile. All of a sudden Nick lifted me up. I threw my arms around his neck as he carried me to the couch and laid me down on it. He then crawled on top of me and started kissing me. His body felt so good on top of me again. I had no idea how much I'd really missed that until this very moment. I put my hands underneath his loose t-shirt and started running them up and down his muscular back and then down to his ass, squeezing it gently and getting a moan of approval out of him as I returned his kisses. Nick then lifted himself off of me and removed his shirt, exposing that beautiful muscular chest and those rock hard abs that I loved so much. I sat up and took my shirt off as well. After we had done that, we resumed our foreplay session. All too soon, there was a knock on the door, signaling Drew's arrival. Nick and I both sighed in disappointment, but we knew it was coming. Nick got up off of me to answer the door and let Drew in. Drew entered the living room just as I was putting my shirt back on. Drew blushed when he saw that. "I guess I interupted something here." He said. "I'm sorry you two." He said. I just rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "Would you stop apologizing and give me a hug already?" I asked him, while opening my arms. Drew laughed a little as he walked over to me and threw his arms around me, hugging me tight. "I"ve really missed you, Drew." "I'm glad you decided to come with Nick." I said to him as I hugged him. "I am too, Sean." Drew said as he released me. "And I've missed you too." "So, what's been going on with you while we were gone?" He asked me suddenly. I then decided to tell him and Nick, (who had come back over and put his arms around me again.) about Casey.

"Ok, I"ll tell you, come on over and sit down on the couch with me." I said, as I put one arm around Nick's waist and the other around Drew's shoulders, and led them both over to the couch. We sat down and I started to tell them my story."

"Well, as the two of you know, I made friends with Casey and I told him who you were and I have to tell you, he was totally shocked. But all in all he was really happy for me and he promised not to tell anyone about us." "He's really happy for me." I told them.

So, what's this Casey like?" Drew asked. "Well except for my gorgeous boyfriend here, Casey's one of the cutest guys I've ever met and he's an all around good guy with a good head on his shoulders and a big heart." I said. "He and I are becoming good friends and I"ve set him up with Paul and it looks like the two of them are going to get close." "So, Drew, what do you say about staying here tonight, rather than go back to the hotel?" "I really don't like the thought of you being alone."

"Are you sure?" Drew asked. "I don't want to impose on you." "You haven't seen Nick for almost two weeks now, so I thought I'd give you some time to yourselves."

"Drew, you could never impose on us, bro." Nick said to his brother, lovingly. "If we want private time, we'll let you know, plus we can still have it." "Besides, Sean and I still can't do anything sexually for 3 months so you don't have to worry about hearing any noises that you shouldn't be hearing." Nick finished with a giggle.

At the mention of my non-sexual relationship, my mind flashed back to that night again and I shuddered as I remember the hell and the pain I went through that night. Nick must have felt me because he was shaking me to get me out of my reverie. "Sean, sweetie, are you ok?" Nick asked me, with a worried look on his face. Drew wasn't far behind him. "Yeah Sean, you look like you've seen a ghost or something." He said. I shook my head. "No guys." I said as I came back out of it. "When Nick mentioned about us not having sex yet, My mind flashed back to that horrible night and reminded me that I could still become infected with a sexually transmitted disease and even worse, die from one." I said with a sigh.

"Sean, don't even think like that." Nick said. "You're gonna be fine." "3 months will go by before we know it and then once we get your results and they come back negative, I'm gonna give you the best night of your life."

Nick was trying to reassure me that things would turn out ok, but deep down inside I had a feeling that he was just as scared as I was.

"Man, this is all my fault." Nick said, burying his face in his hands. "If I hadn't been such an asshole that night, you would never have gone through that." "If you do come up positive, I'll never forgive myself ever for hurting you like that."

"Nick, don't talk like that." I said to him. "It wasn't your fault." "Yes, you treated me bad that night, but you didn't force the guy to rape me." "Besides if it's anyone's fault, it's mine." "I should have known better than to walk the streets at that time of night."

"Yeah bro, Drew supported him. "You and I had no way of knowing that he would be raped." "Besides, who's to say that it might not have happened somewhere else sooner or later." "The world is not safe anywhere nowadays."

Nick looked up at us, with tears in his eyes, but they hadn't fallen yet. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it gently up and down, comforting him.

"So, tell me, did you guys discuss my joining the tour with your management?" I asked.

"Yeah." Drew said. "We told them we wanted you to come with us and they've agreed to that."

"Well that's great." "So what time will we be leaving to go on tour Monday?" I asked them. This time Nick was the one who answered.

"We have to get up at 8:00 a.m. and get on the bus by 9:00 a.m. to leave." He said. I then started to yawn.

"Looks like someone's tired." Drew said. "I'm pretty tired too." He said as he yawned too.

"Yeah, why don't we all turn in and get some rest?" "I could use some after the hard work we did today." Nick said, sleepily. He was already getting heavy eyed.

"Alright, come on and I'll show you both to the rooms." "Nick will sleep with me and Drew you can have the next room down from us." I said to Drew. Drew nodded and yawned again. I led them both to my room first.

"Here's my room." "Nick, wait for me here, ok?" I said to him. Nick nodded and entered the bedroom. I took Drew to his room. "Here's where you'll be staying." "If you need anything, help yourself to whatever you need."

"I will." Drew said. "Now give me a goodnight hug so I can get some shut eye." He said. I pulled him to me in a gentle hug. "Goodnight, buddy." I said to him. "Goodnight." He said, as he got into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. I turned off the light and shut the door to his room. I went back to my room and noticed Nick sitting on the bed, in just his boxers, waiting for me. I took off my clothes as he pulled back the covers and got in. I crawled in beside him, spooning him with my hands around his waist, stroking his abs again, as I always liked to do and as, he always loved it when I did. He pulled the covers over us and kissed me on the lips. we were both too tired to do any making out tonight, so we just decided to go to sleep.

"I love you, Sean." Nick murmured.

"I love you too, Nick." "Always." I said to him. "Goodnight my love." I said, starting to drift off.

"Goodnight." I heard him say as he and I drifted off to sleep.


Well that's it for now. Sorry it was short, but I haven't had alot of time to write lately as well as not feeling well. I don't know how often I will get to write, but I will try to keep writing until it's finished. Well let me know what you think. Stay tuned.


Next: Chapter 12

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