My Eighteenth Birthday Gift

By James Wilton

Published on Dec 11, 2012



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James Wilton

My Eighteenth Birthday Gift James Wilton

I grew up in a typical middle class suburb. Next door lived Mrs. Burroughs who was widowed with three young boys, spaced two years apart. Jamie, the youngest, was my age. He was very musical and spent lots of his free time practicing the piano and other instruments he played. Don, the middle, was bookish and read away much of summer vacation. Bob was the outgoing one. He was athletic and congenial, spending most of his time playing outdoors.

Our neighborhood had a disproportionate number of boys. The oldest in our playgroup was Bob Burroughs. The boys older than he hung out with their own peers, so Bob was father to his brothers and camp counselor to our gang. Even as he got into his teen years, he always had time for his brothers and their friends.

Without our realizing it, Bob got his growth spurt and began to look like an adult among us boys. It didn't bother him and he was as ready as ever for a game of hide and seek or softball. I remember fondly the times he would let me hide with him under a bush or behind the trash barrels. He used to fold me under his arm and lean over me to keep as low a profile as possible. Even before I had any sexual feelings I used to love being held in those strong arms.

As we grew up and Bob got his license, a carful of us would occasionally go to a drive-in movie. In his mom's Buick, we could pack four in the back seat and three across the front seat. On one particular night, I had the front seat, next to Bob. The movie was of no interest to me and I began to doze off. As my head got heavier, I leaned to the left and rested my head on Bob's shoulder. Just as I slipped into sleep, I heard him laugh as he put his arm around my shoulders in a fatherly gesture. When I woke up I found that I had curled into him and was resting my hands on his upper thigh.

As I began to stir, I realized that there was a hard tube of flesh along the leg under my hand. Since I was thirteen and already masturbating myself, I knew what I had in my grip. I gently rocked my hand back and forth along the rod without giving any indication that I was awake. I am sure that I heard a very slight gasp and moan over the soundtrack of the movie. Suddenly Bob sat upright and pushed me aside, saying that his arm was asleep and that I would have to sit up. I tried to keep my hands on his erection but he firmly took hold of my wrists and pushed me away. Thankfully, no one else in the car figured out what had happened.

When the movie ended we drove home. Every time we passed a street light, I looked down and saw that my plaything was still hard against the driver's leg. Bob stopped at the top of the driveway to let everyone out as usual. I didn't move and chose to ride to the garage with my big friend. When the car doors were closed, I asked Bob why he had suddenly pushed me away. He laughed and said that we would both have been sorry if the others had figured out what was happening. I don't know where I got the balls to ask, but I told him I could see he was still hard and wondered if we could continue the action somewhere away from the others.

It's a wonder that Bob didn't either soundly reject me or even punch me out. Instead, he looked me right in the eye and said that my hand felt real good on his dick but that he could get in trouble having sex with a youngster. I asked if we could resume our session when I was eighteen. He laughed and agreed, without any concept of how seriously I took his agreement.

Six months later I was fourteen and got the usual card from Bob. In it I wrote "Four more years." I slipped it in his pocket the next time I saw him. As he took it out and opened it he laughed and promised that he wouldn't forget. Each year we followed the same routine and each time Bob made light of the note. During this time, Bob had gone to a local college so that he could live at home to help his mother and be with his brothers. When he graduated, he got a job not far away and set himself up in a small apartment about a mile from us.

My eighteenth birthday came in January of my senior year in high school and I was still a virgin. I knew that I wasn't interested in girls and never got into that maybe-I-can-become-straight-if-I-just-fuck-the- right-girl game. Despite all the boys around me, I hadn't experienced sex with any of them since none of them gave off the right signals and I wasn't about to expose my inclination to my classmates or neighbors.

I still saw Bob several times a week as he stopped by to have dinner with his mother. A few days before my big event, I approached Bob to remind him of his promise. Other than the birthday cards, this was the first time we had talked about our arrangement. He gave me a piercing look and said that he certainly hadn't forgotten. All this time he had been hoping that I was serious about my desire but hadn't dared show too much interest in case I had been putting him on. He admitted that he had enjoyed watching me grow from a gangly preadolescent into the developed young man that I had become. We agreed that my actual birthday wouldn't work so we set a date for the next night at eight o'clock.

I fell into sleep every one of the next nights with a hard-on as I recalled every intimate contact I had had with Bob, especially that aborted session at the drive-in. My actual birthday wasn't a real event, it was a prelude to a date I had awaited for four and a half years.

At eight on the dot, I rang Bob's doorbell with a sweaty hand. I was buzzed into the building and found his apartment door slightly ajar. I opened it, calling out my hello. He answered that he was in the back room. I shut the door behind me and slipped off my coat, dropping it on the floor in my haste. I stepped through the hall and saw my childhood buddy lying on his bed, hands behind his head and legs spread wide. I looked at him and realized that the big kid I had grown up with had turned into a masculine, handsome twenty-two year old hunk. He wore a tight tee shirt that showed off his broad chest. His sleeves were rolled up so that his biceps were fully exposed and the hair in his armpit showed. His tight jeans revealed his sizable thighs and basket. Just like that night in the car, his cock was hard and stretched out over his upper leg. His nostrils were flared and his eyes were glazed over in lust.

My throat went dry at the sight and I couldn't say a thing. We silently stared into each other's eyes for an eternity. Finally Bob opened his sensual lips to speak. His voice cracked and he stumbled over his words, showing that I wasn't the only one overwhelmed with the intensity of the situation. For those long years I had been looking forward to my chance to be taught the mysteries of sex by my handsome neighbor. Until this moment, it hadn't occurred to me that Bob might also be looking forward to initiating an eighteen year old.

After a few gulps, Bob told me that this was my evening and that I could do anything I wanted. Guessing that I was still a virgin, he reminded me that my first sexual experience would be something I'd remember all my life and that I should make this evening as fulfilling as possible. He then told me that he had fooled around in college and with some guys from his gym so that he knew what he was getting into and was willing to submit to my every whim. That speech made a drop of precum ooze out of my throbbing cock. I was still frozen in my tracks, looking down at this body I had before me.

To get things moving, Bob suggested that I return my hands to where they had been four years ago. I stepped forward and cupped his shaft. It felt just the same. The member was hard and I could feel it pulse in my hand. The warmth of it radiated through the denim. I felt a slight upward hump as Bob pushed into my palm. I looked up and saw his eyes closed in bliss.

Even though the crotch was my primary interest, I didn't want to arrive there so quickly, so I slid my hand up Bob's body. My movement broke his musing and he looked at me with an encouraging smile. His time at the gym had really bulged up muscles that were already well-developed. I could both see and feel the rippled abdominal muscles. His pecs were so defined that there was a significant ridge where they arose from his belly. When I brushed the nipples Bob sucked in a short breath and his eyes rolled back. Those little buds quickly hardened and stood up under the cotton.

Next, I put a knee on the bed beside Bob's chest and reached out to grasp each bicep. They, too, were hard and huge; I couldn't even reach around half of their circumference. As I paused to enjoy these mounds Bob flexed slightly. My moan encouraged him to further display and he did isometric presses against the back of his head. The result was both amazing and arousing. I enjoyed every ripple of the brawn in my hands. Looking down into Bob's eyes, I smiled in appreciation and continued my travel along his arms.

At the wrists, I connected with his beautiful face. I cupped those cheeks in both hands and massaged the cleft chin with my thumbs. Bob must have shaved for me because his skin was silken smooth. I ran my fingers along that strong jaw line to his lips. As I outlined them with my index finger, they opened a crack and his tongue brushed it. I felt as if I had touched an electric wire; the shock ran right down to my crotch. I continued my tactile exploration of this face I knew so well: his thin nose, the lids over those intense blue eyes, the thick brows, the wiry blond hair. When I was done, Bob reached up and pulled me down to meet him in a kiss. This was the first time I had ever kissed a man. His tongue passing over my lips sent chills down my back. He forced my mouth open and invaded it. The contact between our tongues increased my sexual energy. I reached around him and tried to force his whole body into my mouth. I scrambled up onto the bed for more contact. Bob steadied my head with one hand and stilled my body with the other so that we could enjoy the kiss for quite some more time. When we finally broke apart, Bob laughed and commented that he was please to see that I was enjoying this as much as he had hoped I would.

My mentor suggested that he stand up so that I could have more thorough access to his body and, should I want, greater ease at removing his clothes. That comment brought a chuckle from me. There was nothing I had wanted so intensely expect, possibly, my driver's license. As I stood up to get out of the way, Bob swung around to the side of the bed. Before standing up, he slipped off his sneakers and socks. Then he stood in front of me in the same pose he had on the bed.

I took him by the waist and turned him around so that I could look over his back. His musculature was as prominent as it had been on the front. There was a deep valley running down his spine from the broad shoulders to his round, protruding buns. I reached up and grabbed onto those shoulders as I had years ago when climbing onto his back for a horsy ride. This time was different, though, as I took my time and felt the strength under the skin. I put my thumbs into that trough and slowly descended the length of Bob's spine. The result was a prolonged moan as he bowed his back.

Once down below the belt, I couldn't resist grabbing a fistful of bun in each hand. They were as hard as all the other muscles on his body. As with the biceps, Bob showed off a bit for me and flexed his glutes. Again, I was impressed and aroused. My thumbs seemed drawn into the crack between those melons. I dug them as deeply into the jeans as I could and felt Bob spreading his knees to widen his stance and try to sit down on my thumbs.

Realizing that there was too much fabric to get between the buns, I surprised this guy by quickly reaching through his opening and cupping his crotch. As before, that dick was good and hard. I pulled him backward so that I could rest my check in that curve where the small of his back meets the top of his butt. Bob eased his stature and dropped both hands. One cupped my exposed cheek and the other gently rubbed the back of my hand over his basket.

After this pause in the action, I had Bob turn around so that I could begin the uncovering. I slowly pulled his tee shirt up, exposing that hard belly. As I knew, he had a good amount of blond hair on his body. There was that thick runner of fur extending up from his navel to his chest hair. His pecs were well covered. Once the shirt was off, I zeroed in on those nipples. As I tweaked and twisted, Bob grabbed my shoulders to steady himself. Evidently I had found two really intense buttons on this body.

As much fun as the chest was, I was looking right into something that promised to be much more interesting. I reached down and opened the belt and waist band. As I unzipped the fly, both he and I held our breaths. I was pleased to see that Bob wasn't wearing anything underneath. I was so eager to get to the goods that I didn't want to deal with another layer. The jeans were so tight that it took some doing to get them over his jutting buns but I succeeded. As the pants descended, more and more of his cock came into view. This splendid member that I had seen innumerable times in changing rooms but had never touched, except through denim, was standing rigid for my perusal. It was all I had hoped it would be. I already knew that it was cut and grew out of a generous blond nest. It never looked small but I hadn't realized how thick it got when hard. It was six or seven inches long but much thicker than my erect dick, the only other hard-on I had ever seen. Once freed, it stood nearly upright, parallel to his belly. Both the cock head and upper thigh were liberally smeared with precum which he must have been oozing for much of the evening. The crown was slightly wider than the shaft so it looked more like a helmet than a mushroom. The balls were larger than I remember but the fur all over the sack was what I had pictured.

As I lowered the jeans, the hair on his thighs came into view. Beneath, the muscles were almost as well defined as his arms. He flexed an invitation to grab hold but I was much more interested in the cock above.

Having never seen or felt another man's erect dick, other than that experience at the drive-in, I was fascinated with the organ before me. I reached up and touched with one finger. This brought a chuckle from Bob who told me that it wouldn't break if I grabbed it. So, I did just that. He sucked in a quick breath and straightened his whole body. As I held on, I could feel a slight forward move as he tried to fuck my fist. My other hand reached up and cupped those inviting balls. The skin was loose and pliable. The orbs felt as if they were floating in oil; just like mine felt. I palmed them around in their bag with one hand and began to slide the skin back and forth on his rod with the other. Before long, Bob warned me to stop or I might push him over the top.

I figured that this might be a good time for me to undress. As I stood up and reached for my shirt tail, Bob offered to do it for me. He began by feeling my chest and commenting that I had filled out nicely. Such a compliment coming from a toned hunk felt almost as good as his hand did. He lifted my shirt over my head and again explored my upper body. Without any preliminaries, he reached down, unzipped me, and lowered my jeans and jockeys. As my dick was exposed, Bob whistled in appreciation. Later, I found that it is longer and thicker than average but this was the first time that it was acknowledged.

He reached down and slid my clothing off so that we were facing each other nude and erect. That was when I had someone erotically touch my penis for the first time in my life. Bob started at the root and slid his fingers up the underside. He then slid them back down and closed his fist around me. The sensation was so intense that I exploded in an ejaculation. Bob was caught totally by surprise and jumped back as he felt my hot jism splatter on him. Even after he lost contact, I kept shooting.

When the flood was over Bob laughed, saying that he hadn't realized how close I was. The look on my face must have showed that I was crushed. First, I wanted the session to last. Second, the idea that I had disappointed my hero and made him laugh at me destroyed me. Realizing how seriously I was taking this, Bob pulled me into a bear hug and assured me that he was flattered that he had that effect on me. He also pointed out that after cumming, I no longer had a hair trigger and could enjoy a prolonged second round. He took a towel off the side table and cleaned us both up. We were then ready to pick up the action where we had left it.

Bob, who was still sporting a semi-hard held me by the shoulders and poked at my softee with his growing erection. The contact as well as the sight of my buddy's dick jabbing into my equipment got me back into the spirit. As my pole rose to full arousal, I reached forward and pulled Bob into another hug. This time, our cocks dueled as we humped each other's crotches.

Bob backed off a bit and pulled my staff down to just below his balls. He then leaned back into me and I found that my dick slid between his upper thighs and into a tight crevice. I began a short fucking motion and enjoyed the feel of my cock as it brushed the underside of his balls and the base of his asscrack. I was back in the mood.

Meanwhile, Bob had taken advantage of our closeness and was nibbling on my neck and ears. I had no idea that these body parts could be so tender and erotic. He had me writhing against him with all the attention. I thought I'd find out what happened if I tried these tricks myself. As I expected, they had a strong effect on Bob. He threw his head back and groaned. His arms tightened their hold on my chest and I felt the strength in those muscles. It was a real turn-on to see this brawny hunk be weakened by my tonguing.

My mouth was having such a good time that I decided not to detach. Instead, I licked my way down the chest to those sensitive nipples. My mouth was even more successful than my fingers in getting a rise out of those buttons. Bob moaned even louder than he had when I worked on his neck. The erect penis I felt bumping into my stomach beckoned me further south. I followed that trail of hair past the navel to the pubic bush. Bypassing the cock, I first made genital contact with the scrotum. It felt smooth on my tongue and the odor was distinctly masculine without being offensive. I lapped all around the balls, managing to get them into my mouth, one at a time. Then, I worked my way up to the base of the pillar. The upward rise of Bob's erection drew me up its length. As I neared the head, my attention began to cause his member to jerk to even stiffer hardness. I had to grab it to hold it still. I could feel the throb of his heartbeat in that turgid flesh. It stood so upright that I was tempted to pull it down, away from his belly. I only got it a little way down when it was obvious that I was beginning to hurt it. I let go and watched it snap back to attention. It was so stiff that it didn't even slap his stomach as I expected. It just straightened right up.

After a few more bends and releases, I held it still and looked more carefully at the dickhead. There, I saw a drop of clear, fresh precum, newly emerged from the slit. I was ready to check out the taste and found it not at all unpleasant. I licked around the area, tasting the dried spots. In so doing, I was giving Bob a high-intensity head job. He warned me to ease off or face the consequences.

Figuring that Bob just wanted me to stop that specific action, I chose then to see what a man's prick would feel like in my mouth. I opened and went down as far on his shaft as I could. This time it was Bob's turn to surprise me with an unexpected eruption. Calling out that he had warned me, Bob blasted the back of my throat with a powerful ejaculation. I wasn't ready for this but knew that I wanted to taste a man's discharge so I held on and swallowed as fast as I could. I wasn't successful in capturing it all and some of his seed dribbled down my chin but I did keep most of it. The taste was totally new to me but the conditions under which I acquired the liquid made it precious to me. As Bob's orgasm subsided, he reached down and hugged my face to his crotch. I held on to the dick and felt it soften in my mouth. Finally, as it lost its stiffness, I let it slip out of my lips and concentrated on the new flavor in my mouth. It was a taste I took an immediate liking to.

Bob reached down and lifted me toward the bed. He lay me back and went to work on my body, starting on my nipples. This was an area I suspected could give me pleasure but it took his expertise to make me realize the full potential. Mimicking my route, he proceeded to pay attention to my balls and then cock. Unlike me, he wasn't exploring but was giving me an overwhelming sensual treat. His tongue was obviously quite experienced and brought my nerves to the brink. After flicking all over my equipment, Bob finally went down on my rod. The feeling was indescribable. All the talk I had heard of good fucks and good blowjobs hadn't prepared me for this. As he worked my shaft in and out of his mouth, Bob brought me closer and closer to my second orgasm. My panting and writhing gave him plenty of warning and he brought his hand into play. He fondled my balls and ran his finger down into my asscrack. All this added up to the stimulation I needed to cross the threshold. I sprayed the back of Bob's throat with a barrage of manjuice. He clamped down on the root of my dick and swallowed fast to catch all the liquid I had to offer. I nearly blacked out at the intensity of the ejaculation.

After I went limp in his mouth, Bob backed off and climbed up to give me a kiss. On his tongue I could recognize the taste of my offering to him. This time the contact was slow and leisurely, in contrast to our first one. As we broke away and replaced the deep kiss with brief pecks, I curled into a ball and Bob folded me under his arm. I fell asleep being reminded of our games of hide and seek those many ages ago.

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