My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Sep 20, 1999


My Dream Comes True Part 13-14 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hey guys I am going to start having Joey's and Dustin's relationship be more serious to start on there love life all the magic is also going to be a secondary plot but for right now unless there are any objections love will be the main plot. Ok guys you now the drill about under 18 and everything so read on.

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ We walked out of the courtroom all tired and exhausted.

"Lets go home please!!" I begged

"I agree," Joey said still holding my hand

We all jumped in the limo and started talking.

"Britney what am I going to do Guys what are we going to do about this new thing," I said holding up the ring "I don't know D this stuff is really freakin me out," Britney said "Me too," Joey said," and what you did last night was scary," Joey added

"What happened last night anyway," JC asked "Well," I said sighing " I just had a little encounter with my power. "Cool what happened," Justin asked "cool my ass I was scared as hell," Joey said "Well" I said starting," well this guy started making fun of Joey and me and I got pissed and I sorta knew what to do and when I placed my hand in front of him there he went flying until he hit the floor," I said exhaling

"Messed up," Chris said

"Your telling me," Joey said

"Maybe we need to finish reading the book," I said as we turned into the gate.

"Yeah that's what I think," lance said

"I agree" Megan said

The door was opened for us and we stepped into the conference room. There was dad. When I opened the door, I was froze in my tracks. "Oh shit," I heard someone say "Umm...sorry I'll just go now," I said about to close the door.

"No no," Nick said (dad's attorney) "I would like to talk to some of you,"

"Umm NO! you wanna talk, you contact my lawyer first," I said smiling "ok well can we at least try and solve this with your dad," he asked "No I want what I want and I will get it because he deserves all this after what he has done to me," I said not making eye contact with my dad

"Dustin what would your mom say," MY dad continued

"don't bring up mom I know what she would do she would support me all the way through," I said "How do you know that?" My dad asked 'I know he has talked to her I just know it,' Dad thought to himself "Ummm I just know now. I will be going now," I said and we walked out closing the door behind me. Joey came and turned me around and gave me a hug. "He really gets to you, doesn't he?" Joey asked

"Yeah he does," I said sighing

"well I am here," he said releasing me

"Thanks umm Joey I wanna talk tonight by ourselves ok," I said "ok now let's go read some book," he said running off.

"How about the dining room?" I asked "Fine with me," Britney said I got 'sure' from everyone else. We got to the dining room and all sat down. "Umm where's the book" Chris asked "That's what I plan on finding out," I said I held my hand out flat and bent my shoulder.

"Book," I said and closed up my hand and my eyes. The ring glowed for a second and in about 2 minutes the book was there, floating towards me. I quitted concentrating and dropped my hand.

"BOOM" the book slammed on the floor

"What did you do?" Megan asked

"I put down my hand," I said

"well try again," Chris said

I placed my hand in the exact position and said "Book," closing my hand and my eyes I opened my hand and the book fall into my hands. "That's fucked up," Justin said

"Hey boy watch your mouth," I said

"Sorry but it is how'd you do it," Justin asked

I just concentrated on the book; for some reason I knew what to do with this stuff. I said confused myself. "Well let me read," JC said "Get the book," I said he started to get up, "no no no from your seat," I said

He sat down and held his hand out like mine and said "Book" the ring glowed for a second and the book floated towards JC. It landed Just like mine and we again were all surprised. "How about we all do it," I said

"Yeah," they all said One by One they all had a successful attempt at having the book come to them. "seems like even us without magic have access to the book," I said

"Yeah you're right even though your Mr. Wizard, we can all do it," JC said "Shut up," I said laughing "Now give me the book," JC said putting his hand out as he said it the book came to him. He sat it down and opened the book. The book opened and flipped to a page by it's self. When it stopped JC read quietly and his eyes grew; then he read, "Everyone will soon develop their powers on there own, by the help of other people who will visit, and by the help of the group members. Full training can not start until the alleged Noxi is removed from the house even though some powers will begin to show. PLEASE KEEP ALL POWERS SECRET, NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW BECAUSE OF A POSSIBLE CONNECTION OF NOXI. Never fight unless you need to, and Dustin, Britney, You need temper Management!!!!! Watch your selves and

Don't blow up so easily. Right now you will need to sign this book with the silver pen that will appear shortly. Signing will give you total access to every part of power and you pledge your life to help defeat the Noxi!!!!" JC read and stopped.

"Well where's the pen," Lance said tapping the table. "It should be here soon," Justin said as he sat there "Well is everyone going to sign," I asked looking around

"Yes," I heard everyone say

"No" I heard another voice say at the door. I turned to find my dad setting there with his eyes glowing a dark red. "Why are you in here," I asked about to rise "I knew what you all knew, I just had to be sure,"

He said laughing "Get out of here," I hissed

"Aww aww aww," my dad said "sit down,"

He motioned his hand and a red light sparkled towards me forcing me too sit down and look straight at him. "And what are these?" he said coming up to me and about to touch the ring around my neck; he touched the ring then I heard a sizzle he gripped his hand and flung back quickly. "Damn," he said, "it's burnt me,"

"No shit," I said laughing

"Shut the fuck up," he said again motioning his hand I felt my voice leave me.

"Great," I thought

"As for all of you just watch out..."

"No you watch out," I heard as a girl interrupted him. Her eyes flashed blue and her hands glowed she pushed her hand out shooting a power ball towards my father. When it hit he was gone. I looked to see who it was....Amanda!!!!!! I thought. I got up and ran over to her hugging her. She ran her hand across my throat. "Talk," she giggled "What," I said realizing my voice was back. "How did you do that? Where did you come from?" I asked simultaneously "I learned to that just like you will and Chet over here," she said pointing to my other cousin, " He will be teaching the Ninga stuff. Chessi will be doing the gymnast fighting," she said pointing to the 14-year-old girl behind her. "God guys I have missed you so much," I sad as I hugged each of them "We've missed you too Cuz," Chet said laughing as he gave me a hug. "mmm mmm," Joey said as he cleared his throat "Damn I for got about the guys," I said and turned around

"Amanda, Chet, Chessi, this is Megan, Britney, JC, Lance, Justin, Chris, and finally Joey," I said pointing to them each.

"Guys these are my cousins," "So who's who is this business," Amanda asked.

"JC, Lance, and J are the ninga's; Brit, Meg, and Chris are Gymnast and Me and Joey are the Wizard guys," I said pointing again as everyone got into there groups.

"Well I can't train until you sign the book," Chet said as he motioned his hand like an automatic reaction and it flew quickly to him. "Where's the pen," he asked looking at me "Never came," I said

"Duh you have to figure that part out," Chessi said.

"Ok guys what do y......" I continued

"Stop" Amanda interrupted, "your the wizard; you and him have to figure it out," she said pointing to Joey "ok," I said sighing "Book," I said motioning for it and it landing in my hand

I though for about 5 minutes then touched the page with one hand and held out the other, "Pen," I said closing my eyes. A small silver streak formed into my hand until it finally took the shape and became a pen with silver ink Just like the book had said. "Good job took Amanda 5 times," Chet said laughing "Shut up Chet ," she said giving him an evil stare.

"Now sign the thing and let's get on with it," Chessi yelled

"Ok girl calm down," Brit said coming over to sign the book.

Everyone name was soon signed; then they all glowed and became like the book had always had them written in. The pen then was gone and we were walking outside.

"Cool affect ha," Amanda laughed looking around

"Yeah I guess. Where is everyone?" Noticing that only me and Joey were here.

"There are all in separate places first you must learn to se your powers individually then as a group. We are in England," she said looking around we were on a beach and the sky was Grey it was chilly but nice. "Great" I said laughing sarcastically.

"Hey no one asked for this and neither did I, but since we were the only other ones given the power that is close; but not strong; we must train you," she said "Ok I say as we were getting started "You have 4 days to learn all this stuff and there is a lot to learn mostly the book and your self instinct will help a lot," Amanda explained

"Ok," I said looking at her "What's first?" Joey asked

"Well first tell me what can you do so far," Amanda asked

"Well the book and I through someone against the wall," I said remembering the scene from the night before "Joey?" she asked "The book and one time when I was crying I thought about being somewhere and I appeared to be there and I also had a vision of Dustin when he was at the Country Club," He said "Ok that should work. How about knowing Fire, electric, water, ice any of that," She asked "Nope," we both said "Ok well first hold your ring in your right and say, 'Teach me'," She said We did this and we felt a small vibration and saw a glowing of colors. I felt like I was in a deep sleep down somewhere very far away from anything else. It was dark and then when I looked around; I saw a person dressed in all blue. He came up to me without saying a word and put me in a position. Being the one where my forearm was bent in front of my face and when I steeped forward, I moved it and replaced it with my hand making a stopping signal.

I heard a small voice in my head,

"Concentrate on blocking this from coming at you," He disappeared and all of a sudden I turned to see a fireball rushing towards me, I did a motion and when it hit my hand, it was gone. The world seemed to spin as I returned to reality and to my original spot I opened my eyes. "Amanda what the hell was that?" I asked shocked

"A small training course, thought doing it that way would be cool," Amanda said laughing Joey still in his trance soon returned to reality. "Well guys now it's fighting time," She taught us the basics and the different ways on when and how and what you would do with our magic on.

Most of the time, since we were not a trained fighter, we would not fight but use spells instead. The day went through with the training of many spells, until finally we could go home. We arrived to find everyone sweating and tired especially the Fighters (JC, LANCE, AND JUSTIN) and the gymnast were still tired we were sweating but mostly mentally tired. We all at down and Amanda announced, "well guys we're out of here but what will happen when I leave, your dad will be released from the temporary prison; he was placed in so get ready for hell," She said and with a snap of her fingers, she was gone along with Chet and Chessi.

"Damn I am so tired," Chris complained

"Hey how about tomorrow we show each other what we'd learnt," I said "Cool! that would probably be fun," Britney said. "Well me and Joey are gonna talk, so goodnight guys," I said getting up "Oh your gonna ass," Lance said smiling everyone caught on and I heard an 'awwww' or 'ewww' from everyone.

"Screw you guys ," I said leaving with

Joey "No that's Joey's job," I heard Chris yell.

"Weirdo," I said as we walked up the stairs and to my room.

"Well babe you wanted to talk let's talk," Joey said setting on the bed "Joey I...I am really attracted to you and ...I...I would like our relationship to be more serious because I mean there's no loving feeling even though....I.......I am falling in love with you," said getting that off my chest. "I understand D, I am falling for you too and

I want something more serious I want my life to focus on us more than the job that we have been stuck with," Joey said "Well how about we start right now," I said as I inched towards him and kissed his lips. I opened my mouth and let him in; our tongues wrestling. "mmm," moaned through our kiss Joey slowly began to unbutton my white shirt. I began at his pants undoing the button and slowly unzipping them. I pulled them off and then we broke our kiss and I took off his shirt revealing his smooth chest. I rubbed it with my hands and we again started kissing I played with his nipples until they became hard. "Mmmmmmm," he moaned, "Your turn," He slowly unbuttoned my pants and undid the zipper leaving us both there with just our boxers on. I felt his dick becoming full mast, mine doing the same. Soon my dick had found it's way out of the slit in my boxers when Joey saw it he wanted it so bad. He soon began to kiss down my neck and chin then my chest sucking and biting lightly on my nipples.

"Oh baby," I said pushing him lightly further down with my hands. When he got to my dick, he looked at it was about 8.5 inches long and cut. He slowly licked the piss slit making me moan; he then put his mouth on my head and started to go down on me going down further and further with each stroke.

"Yes baby yes suck that big dick," I said as he deep throated me and took it all in when I began fucking his face.

"Oh baby yes I am almost there," I said hearing that he sucked hard like a vacuum. Going up and down up and down sucking hard like there was no tomorrow; I was in heaven.

"UH UH UH OH JOEY HERE IT COMES," I screamed as I came hard it felt like eternity but it was only for about a minute I came more after more until finally I stopped.

He came up cum drip leasing down his chin; he was so cute. I moved closer and kissed him getting some cum and his tongue at the same time.

"Your turn now babe," I said as I kissed down his chest and spent a little more time on his nipples biting and sucking hard then I moved down his smooth developed chest. Then I reach his cock still in his boxers I pulled those down and a dick about inches long came out and slapped my cheek. I licked the side of the head with my tongue and went to the piss slit and played with it until he couldn't take anymore and was pushing my head down on him.

"Quit teasing me baby I need it please," he begged I couldn't resist his dick and a begging man so I gave it ALL to him.

I pushed my head down on him then taking my mouth all the way off until reaching the tip then went down again; sucking hard and blowing when I would get to the top.

"Oh damn baby this is the best more more suck big daddy, baby, suck it,"

Joey moaned and pushed hard on my head and began to fuck my face I began swirling my tongue around the cock as he pushed in and out in and out until I just sucked as hard as I could and the pre-cum flowed.


Joey moaned after another 15 minutes of that, I don't know if he was holding or what but he had great pressure it felt like a bullet when he came load after load spurt after spurt until finally he quit.

I slowly came up to him and he put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you baby," Joey said

"I love you too," after that we fell asleep with his arms around me. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part 14

Note: This part is going to be wrote through Joey's point of view and his thoughts please keep that in mind!!!!!!

I awoke slowly with Dustin in my arms snuggling against my chest. I looked over at the clock it was 10:37. Court started a 12 I better see if everyone was awake. Joey said to himself.

I tired my best to get out of bed without waking Dustin. Thank god he was a heavy sleeper.

I put on a shirt and boxers and then I went slowly towards the door and opened it, walked out and closed it behind me. I walked around through the long hall that was decorated in Blue and

White with the light cherry wood doors and all the gold nameplates on the doors.

I came to 2 doors, one saying Guest suite

#1 and the other Guest suite #2.

I touched the door and said to myself,

"Who's in here," Then pictures of Chris

Meg and Brit popped in my head.

'Better wake up those girls it takes them hours to get ready,' I though.

I opened the door and walked in and yelled, "Get your lazy asses out of bed,"

They all arose startled Britney even flicked me off then they went back to sleep

"Well if you wanna be late for the court be my guest," I said as Britney raised her head

"What time is it," She asked

"Umm 10:45," I said and watched her eyes pop

She ran over to Megan and shook her

,"Girl we only have 1 and 15 minutes to get ready," Britney sound panicked

"What!!!," Megan Jumped up

"Where's my Make up case," She yelled

"I need a shower," Brit said

"What about clothes," They were both rushing around the room like idiots

'If Dustin could only see this,' I though as I stepped out

I stepped to the next room and decided to get water before entering there I went to the bathroom in the suite then came back with a glass of water. I said," Get up," nothing responded, I said it louder, "Get Up!"

No answer finally I took the water and threw it on each of them.

"Get up," they were all drenched and I was laughing

"Damn Joey what's wrong," JC said

"You only have an hour to get ready that's what's wrong," I said still laughing

"What!!!," I heard Justin as he darted for the bathroom

I left the room time to wake up my sleeping beauty I thought as I stepped in our room. There he was sleeping peacefully.  I walked over and lightly kissed him and then a little more forcefully with tongue before long the kiss was returned I knew he was up. I let go and looked at him he was smiling.

"Nice way to wake up," He said as he rolled over and headed for the shower

"Do you always go directly to the shower," I yelled as I heard the shower run

"Yep it's force of habit," he yelled as I got up and went to the other bathroom and jumped in the shower. By the time I was out he was already dressed and fixing his hair. It was parted in the mid middle, he was a prep but hey I still loved him.

I went over to the closet and found me some dress clothes and dropped my towel and started getting ready; he, of course, decided to whistle and chant.

"OO my baby is sexy!!," he said giggling

"Yeah and so are you," I said putting on my last shoe, I was ready to go

I kissed him quickly and we were headed towards the door. We all met up at the door and began talking and laughing.

But the court day wasn't as happy...........

To Be Continued.................

Cliffhanger!!!! Cool ha?? Hope your liking this I know it has been awhile but hey I have a let you know as always here are my special thanks and different clues onto what's happening!!!

Special Thanks!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To JM Author of 'Brian and Justin' (A GREAT STORY!!!) for supporting me in writing and with my story. I advise you to read his story very!!! Good!!! To Tonny (you know who you are) Author of 'When you say nothing at all' A also Very!!!! Good!!!! story!!!! Thanks for the help and for checking all these stories and to all the readers Email me even if you already have I love email and it makes me write more!!!!!!!! Plus without David at Nifty we couldn't even be reading and writing thanks to you to David!!!

Now I wanna say that some people have been saying that when Joey punched my dad that it was a different counter sue with assault and battery. Trust me Guys that will come up very soon So enough of me talking You know I love yah keep the email coming!!!!!!!

See yah



Next: Chapter 8

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