My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Aug 23, 1999


My Dream Come True Part 12


WAS UP???? Hey Guys and Gals (I seem to have a couple girls emailing me) I hope your liking this story and the way I am taking it!!!!! So you guys read on and find out what is happening ok Again thanks tonny!!! * * * * * * As always all things in here about my mother the late Cammie Lee Bass All this stuff is true. But remember all the fantasy stuff as the spirits and things they are all fantasy!!! ********

Part 12 ********

"Wh...wh.. What's going on," Megan yelled running over to me.

"It's mom," I said hugging Megan

"Shh please everyone calm down and be quiet." My mom said. In the room, there were Chris, Megan, Joey, JC, Justin, Lance, and me.

"There is one more that should be here," My mother said She waved her hands and a picture of Britney Spears appeared.

"This girl has a very bad temper, I like her she's like me, where is she? She must be here," My mom said.

"She's on her way," I said looking at my watch, "She should be on the jet by now,"

"Mom why are you here," I asked

"You will see when Britney gets here summon me once again," My mom disappeared and the book closed. The ring disappeared and reappeared on my neck.

"Woah this is weird, " Chris said looking around

"I know," I said looking at them all

"I need to think," I ran out of the room and ran though the halls until I reached the patio that overlooked the pool.

As I sat there in a chair looking over to the pool I thought about what was happening.

My mom had all of a sudden appeared and my dad had a court date moved up somehow and now I have met the man of my dreams and he loves me just as much as I do to him.

I was sitting on a chair with my legs under me and I was stroking my hair pulling it back almost putting it in a small ponytail with my hands. I need a haircut," I thought pulling my hair back more.

Then something flashed in my mind. It was Britney entering the house. 'She's here' I heard something say. I got up and slowly walked towards the front door were

Britney had just entered being escorted by bodyguards somewhere.

"Britney," I yelled

"Michael Dustin Bass get your ass down here what the hell is going on my manager is going to kill me," Britney yelled

"Oh Britney," I ran and hugged her she hugged back.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she saw tears in my eyes

"Just come on," I said pulling her by her hand

"Guys!!," I yelled

"What," I heard them running towards me

Joey was first to come out behind a corner he saw me and ran grabbing me and giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.

"Are you alright" He asked still kissing me

"Yes babe," I said hugging back

He got off me and grabbed my hand tightly he looked at Britney who was still holding my hand. He gave her an evil stare.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO THINK I am going for your man I got my own Boyfriend," Britney said using her bitchy voice.

"Ok OK," Joey said smiling again.

The ring started glowing.

"Guys I think it's time," Lance said looking at the ring and pointing.

"What the fuck," Britney said looking at the ring

"You'll see," Justin said

"Let's go already," Megan said

We started walking towards the room when we got to the doors we all stopped and let out a small sigh. We entered the room and the book was again glowing. I went towards the book and took off the necklace placing the ring in the space.

The book flew open and again there was mom.

"Cammie!!," Britney yelled crying

"Mom what is going on," I asked and felt sick of all of this.

"Dustin there's something I need to tell you," My mom said.

"Dustin you and your 7 friends were brought together for a reason. All of you have had a parent or Grandparent or Relative from long ago die from a murder or accident." My mom explained

"Well now for once all of you are still alive and now will stay that way." My mom said

"Get in a circle," My mom said

We all got in a circle.

"Now listen carefully to this story," My mom said

"You were all chosen from your Grandparents from long ago. These Grandparents were on your mom's side. What you all don't know are you posses a strong power when it used individually, but stronger when put together. This power is different from each of you. Britney and Megan, you both are fighters. You girls are and will all learn how to fight and you gymnastic skills to protect yourself. Chris you will be the boy fighter, you will train with Megan and Britney. Joey, you and Dustin are skilled with magic of any kind you will learn it together. JC, Justin and Lance you all will be trained as a Ninja using that and other weapons as self defense." My mom finished while everyone just sat there in a circle.

"Now for the object that you all possesses and will teach you your powers!" My mom raised her hands and spun around. All of a sudden there were necklaces on all our necks, the necklace had rings on them all silver but different in some ways.

"These are all wedding bands from the Dead relative who died or was killed," My mom explained. "Now for the power" She pointed to Britney who had ring glowed a bright pink color. She pointed to Megan whose glowed a dark red. Chris whose glowed a bright silver color. Joey whose glowed a dark green. JC's was dark orange. Lance's was Black. Justin's was purple. And mine again glowed dark Blue.

"I must go now read the book and you will understand more; when everything is right I will come back. Goodbye my child I love you," She said looking right at me. Then the rings no longer glowed and the book was shut. There was silence no one had any idea on what to say.

Part 13 *********

"Ok guys even though we are all stunned and shit isn't there a court date tomorrow," JC said becoming very practical.

"He's right," I said throwing my hands up and sighing.

"Let's go guys," I said and walked out of the room

When we got downstairs the bodyguards reformed around us and escorted us to the conference room were Karen was sitting going over things.

"People I have an announcement" Karen said getting up

"What," We all said

"The court date is tomorrow and well it seems that all you guys really have to do is testify so I don't need you until tomorrow. But be dressed at 8 sharp so we can get to the court house." She announced and she left. It was now about 2:30

"Well I am hungry how about you guys?" I said getting up

"How about we all go eating and looking on that book outside, in the rose garden," Justin suggested

"That would be cool," Brit said

"How about you guys," Brit asked

"Sure why not" we all said and were on our way

"What about the book," Brit asked when we got to the garden.

"OK since I have magic why don't I use it to come down here," I said

I held my hand out and said, "Book come to me," I almost laughed acting like a idiot, Brit was laughing until she saw the book; there was the book floating towards me.

"Cool," Joey said, "I wish I could do that babe."

Damn i don't even know why i did it i was joking," i said puzzled

I went and sat at the table and opened the book "Ok guys I am going to scan through this stuff and read off what makes since,"

I said looking at the first page. The book started turning pages as soon as I opened it. It finally stopped and I began to read.

"Ok guys here's what it says," I said and I started to read.

"Hello Dustin, Megan, Britney, Lance, Joey, Justin, Chris, and JC. As you all know now that you have this book and you will start to posses certain powers that will come from within your self. But first you need to know what you are dealing with and why." I read on

"See all of you were chosen from your Grandparents to take on and destroy a great power that threatens the earth. This power is called Noxi. People who posses this power called Noxi have been around for a long time; but now each of your mothers or Grandmothers have married into a Noxi family. So now that they have figured this out we threaten them greatly because having there last name makes you all have a connection with them.

There are 8 of you and since you all will be together traveling the world you will be able to destroy those you follow the great leader. Now not all people who posses Noxi know or care that they do because they know of us and are scared so they lead normal lives and never ever bother with even using it eventually they loose there powers." I read and stopped "But," I started reading again," There are about 42 others who want the world and the universe; we can not let that happen. Once all these leaders are destroyed you will again have normal lives you will always have the powers but your lives will no longer be bothered with the Noxi. You will also never die of a disease or old age. You must be killed to die and that must be by a Noxi." I took my hands off the book and it shut.

"Well," I said sick of reading, "Isn't this just great," I said sarcastically "How are we going to travel the world together we have separate tours," Britney said looking at us puzzled.

Then a phone rang

"Ring......Ring......," "That's mine" Britney said

"Yeah ok," she said


"oh," Her smile faded and she hung up.

"Guys my tour was just switched over and delayed and I open for Nsync," Britney said dumbfounded.

"Well I guess that answers our question," Lance said

"Yeah really," My baby said (Joey)

"Well what now, how do we use these powers," Chris asked right before Lynsey came rushing in yelling.

"Dustin! Dustin! don't you know what time it is," She said looking at me

"Yeah 4:30," I said casually

"Dustin it's the 1st of May," She said eyeing me.

I stopped for a second and thought, then it clicked.

"Oh shit the ball!!!!!," I said getting up

"What ball," They all said

"Beach ball? Soccer ball? what??." Justin asked obviously not knowing what I was talking about.

"No retard," I said annoyed," The annual spring ball its another word for a snobby rich people party," I said laughing to myself

"Oh weird," Just said making a weird face.

"Any of you guys want to go," I asked

"Me" Joey said jumping up

"Ok babe me and you will go," I said kissing him

"We will just stay here and read the book some more," JC said everyone nodded

"Ok cool," I said "Come on babe you need to change into that suit I bought you." I said quickly walking away and getting louder as I walked farther.

I went up stairs and took a shower while

Joey did the same in the other shower. I was just putting on my white shirt and pulling up my pants when Joey came in with everything on but the tie.

"How do you fix this damn thing," Joey said whining

"Don't whine," I scolded like a mother

"Here let me fix it," I said fixing my own then turning around fixing his.

"What about this," He asked holding up the ring around his neck

"Take it off and put it in the jewelry box," I said pointing

"You have a jewelry box," he asked making a weird face

"It was mom's, asshole," I said laughing

"Ok cool" he said.

When he took off the necklace it glowed dark green and vanished in his hands and reappearing on his neck.

"Damn! That damn thing is persistent, isn't it," I said trying to remove mine the same thing happening.

"I guess we are stuck with them," Joey said

"Just put them under your tie no one will see," I said doing the same with mine.

"Ready," I asked

"Yeah," he said sighing

"What's up?" I asked kissing his cheek

"Just nervous about meeting all your high class friends they probably don't even want to mingle with trash like me," Joey said giving me a scared look.

"Baby don't worry about a thing your not trash and just because they were brought up a little richer than you doesn't mean that your not just as classy as they are," I said ,"Plus I am one of the richest families there, so don't worry about a thing."

"Ok," he laughed

"Let's go," I said grabbing onto his hand

"Umm Winston," I yelled

"Yes sir," he said popping from no where

"umm the limo and a bodyguard," I said waving him off

We walked onto the porch and awaited the limo's arrival.

We jumped in the limo and there was Jeremy the bodyguard 'Why him' I thought.

"Jeremy," I said nodding

"Sirs," he said nodding back

I was in formal mode and just sitting straight up and quietly.

"What's up" Joey whispered

"Nothing," I said smiling," I am just in formal mode I totally put on a big act for people when I go to these things, so now it's just automatic to change." I explained

"ok cool so what do you do at these things," Joey asked

"Well you just follow my lead, might have to kick some ass tonight as I did last time," I said laughing

"Seriously," Joey asked

"Yeah I did! I won too oh by the way Winston," I said rolling down the window separating the driver from the riders.

"Umm Winston did you pack my tennis shoes and jeans and shirt," I asked

"Yes sir I just hope this isn't a repeat of the fashion ball," Winston said

"oh he will not be there he was not invited because he lost half his social status when he attacked me," I said laughing

"You know that you started it Dustin," Winston said laughing

"Hey no one hits on my mom when ever she is not in the mood," I said smiling

"ok D whatever," he said and I rolled the window back up.

We arrived at the house were the ball was being held. This house was huge, it wasn't a house, more like a mansion; the house had 45 rooms in it including the ballroom were we would be this evening.

"Well, shall we go," I said as Winston opened the door for us and helped me and Joey out. Jeremy following.

As Winston shut the door, we walked off to the steps greeted by the head maid ad butler who were at the doors. I nodded politely. Joey was about to say something before I stopped him.

"You do not talk to the servants, it's makes a bad impression you just nod to them," I whispered he nodded his head

When we walked in, a servant escorted us to the ballroom.

"Ok listen what we do is simple we go around talking and dancing with a couple girls and then we can be out here by 10," I whispered he nodded.

Right now, it was 7:30. 2 and a half-hours of this shit I thought and sighed.

When we walked in I nodded to the house owner's direction and smiled Joey doing the same.

We walked toward all they other rich kidds. I always had to mingle a full with them

"Are you sure those girls won't make a scream about me being in Nsync," Joey whispered

"Baby these girls don't listen to anything but classical shit, it's the way they were brought up," I said acting like I wasn't talking.

I waved at some people being polite.

When we got to the small group around the large Stairs. We would never set down because we were all dressed formally and that would be frowned upon.

"Good evening," I said as we walked up to all them

"Well isn't it Michael Good evening," Katie said in her small rich little voice.

"Well Katie how are you," I said and smiled I looked over ad there was

Princess Gina from Europe Shit I thought royalty. "Well princess," I said half bowing," how are you," I said smiling

"Oh just fine Michael," she said adjusting her tiara.

There in the group was Princess Gina, Katie, Charles, Nicholas, and Ashley.

"And who is this handsome guy you pulled out of the gutter, he cleans up nicely though," Ashley said walking around Joey

"Well Ashley how ever did you get those ideas," I said as nice as possible this girl was insulting my man and I didn't like it.

"He's just a friend his name, his Joseph," I said smiling he smiled also.

"Well I should be going and saying hi to the rest," I said leaving the group

"Well they were nice," Joey said sarcastically.

"Oh you ain't seen nothing yet," I said still smiling

"I need some air," I said going out side the door and sitting on the small swing Joey following. Nicholas had followed when he came out, he was smoking a cigarette, I hated that habit and gave him a evil glance.

"Well who is this guy really," Nick said coming over to us

Joey's hand was on mine and we had totally forgot about it but then Nick saw it and reminded us.

He got up and slowly backed away "Oh this is your little fagot boyfriend," Nick said flicking his cigarette and looking in disgust.

"Excuse me Nicholas don't you dare talk to me like that! Do you know you who you are talking to" I said getting up

"Yeah a little cock sucker well if you like dick so much why don't you suck mine you queer," Nick said spitting this at us. I was pissed now I took of my jacket and my good shoes.

"What are you doing," Joey asked in a scared tone

"I am going to go kick some ass," I said walking over to Nicholas

"Ohh fag boy gonna fight," He said

I raged and the ring glowed for some reason, I knew what I had to do. I raised my hand over my head then brought it down facing him. A small blue light flashed and Nicholas was thrown up against the wall and he hit the wall hard knocking him out. I stopped looking at my hand. How did I do that I thought.

Joey was silent and stunned I grabbed him and ran to the limo we got in and I shouted, "HOME! NOW!!!!!," the limo took off and I was shaking scared from what I had just did what was happening all I knew was I was confused and scared. Joey just held me until we got home, he carried me up to my bed and tucked me in and left the room when I fell asleep.

                                                              • The next morning * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up early the next morning It was 6am. I decided I needed some stress relief. I put on my tennis clothes grabbed my racket and headed out the door. I jumped in my Mustang convertible and drove off.

When I reached the country club showed my ID and membership card and was let through. I went to the court and turned on the automatic ball machine.

It stated throwing balls and I was hitting them not missing a one backhanding and for handing just doing it all. I didn't realize I had an audience until I heard clapping I turned around to find Joey.

"Hey I didn't know you could play like that." Joey said amazed

"Well I've taken lessons since I was 7," I said tossing my racket into the air and caching it

"well how about a game," Joey said

I raised my eyebrow," You sure?"

"Yeah I know I can beat you," Joey said grabbing my extra racket and running to the other end of the court. I through the ball in the air and served the ball this started the game that in the end I won 21 to 20.

It was close but I still won that's all that matters.

"So," I said, "how did you get here?"

"I really don't know I woke up started wondering were you were and I saw some image in my head of you playing tennis and then a sign that said Glade Springs Country Club," He explained

"So I jumped in a taxi and came on over and you were here," he said looking puzzled.

"I really think we all need to talk because last night was just weird," I said jumping in my car

"Dustin how did you do that," he said looking at me worriedly

"I don't know I was just thinking about what to do so I just automatically did it just like a reaction." I said still worried with myself

"Let's we go home and eat and then talk about all this I told everyone what happened last night," Joey said as I started the car and we left

The drive was silent except for the radio playing we were both lost in our own thoughts.

When we pulled in everyone was waiting on the porch all dressed up.

"What's up," I asked getting of the car

"Well nothing except we have to be at the court house in 30 minutes," JC shouted looking at his watch

"Shit," me and Joey said simultaneously

I ran upstairs jumping in the shower and throwing on some clothes in about 10 minutes we were ready. The limo was waiting as I walked out the door

"Come on guys jump in were late," I yelled

When we were all piled in; we were on our way.

We arrived in about 15 minutes we still had 5 minutes till 9 o'clock so I thought we could make it. Wrong!!! There was press everywhere and there was my dad he had held a press conference.

"Shit," I though looking over and hearing the last line.

"I think that me an my son are going to get through this with each other and not apart I think he will drop the charges soon enough," He then left

"How are we going to get out of here," Britney said

"Well we better hurry we only have a couple of minutes," I said as a car pulled up and out popped 7 bodyguards our bodyguards they cleared path and we were off.

When we arrived in the courtroom, I took my seat beside Karen while everyone else sat behind me Joey grabbed my hand and I looked at him, he just smiled.

"All rise for the honorable Mark Davis," We all stood.

The judge arrived and we were all seated. "Now we will begin with opening statements. Karen you shall start,"

She arose and began her speech.

"Dustin was a bused by his father and we have proof of that. But we also have proof of how bad it has become. Since Dustin has now turned 18, so he is now a legal adult and should be entitled to what he is asking for. I plea to prove that this harassment calls for immediate removal from the home and all the possessions Dustin is asking for. Thank you Jury and your honor," Karen sat down smiling

"Nick," The judge said

'Great' I thought Nickolas Thacker the best defense attorney in the states. (Not the guy I beat up either a different one)

"Dustin's father does admit to the domestic violence. But it was not as hash as being explained, why should he be thrown out of his own house just because he raised a hand to his sibling spare the rod and spoil the child is my philosophy," Nick sat down and gave Karen and evil stare.

"Now we will go on with Testimonies and evidence. Karen please begin," Mark said

"Your honor I have pictures of bruises on Dustin Cheek from a last encounter with his father. I also have 6 witnesses who were there first hand and another one who was there on another occasion. I will ask them all question and I will submit their testimony's I have taken into evidence and these pictures." Karen gave her tapes and the pictures to the judge.

"I will let the jury listen to these tapes then we will recommence tomorrow at 12pm sharp," Mark said and we all left

To be continued................

Ok guys I hope you like it so far this is the longest one I have ever written and I hope you are all reading and enjoying. Thanks again

~D~ or

Flames or suggestions are welcome!!!! :~)

Next: Chapter 7: My Dream Come True 13 14

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