My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Aug 10, 1999


Was Up?? ************* Hey guys I would just like to say thanks for all the support on this story. I would also like to warn you that this story will begin to take a twisted turn which will really affect the way Dustin feels emotionally and don't be surprised if a little or a lot of the supernatural comes in here ok.


Now on with the story......

Part 10

Written by Dustin Bass aka ~~D~~ **************************************** "Bye" I said hugging Britney.

"Bye" she said

She was on her way to the airport. We had all just gone out for pizza on her treat and now she was leaving and I was crying so was she.

"Girl if you don't call me I'll kick your ass," I said releasing her from the hug.

"I promise D I will when do I need to be here for court?" She asked just about to jump in the limo.

"Just be ready in about 2 weeks," I said waving and Joey coming up to me wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder saying bye.

"Bye you guys you two watch out for yourselves," She then shut the door and the limo pulled out.

"Come on babe today has been like hell, let's just go lie down and rest," Joey said letting go of me and grabbing my hand.

We left, the guys still standing there talking and retired to my room. We laid on the love seat With his arms wrapped around me.

We just laid there in candle light every now and then he would kiss me; we soon fell asleep.

In a dark room my father Michael Bass sat there grinning. "I'll show him who he is dealing with," My father said out loud. "He'll find out soon enough why I am trying my best to destroy him. I just have to watch his mother may interfere with my plans," My father said to himself as small flames burned in his eyes. A flash of light and he had vanished from the room.

I awoke the next morning with the sudden need to go to my mother's old room. I was dressed in my clothes from last night. As I walked from my room and into the hall something caught my eyes; the ring that I had around my neck all of a sudden began to glow a dark blue color.

As I walked closer to my mom's room the glow got brighter and brighter. I stood in front of the door to which my mom used to stay. She had moved her room beside me when her and dad had split up.

I slowly but surely opened the door to my mother's room. As I went in, I noticed that a large book was now sitting on a bookstand. The book was about 2 inches thick and it was a dark blue color

On the book, there were two small gold circles in between the circles; there was nothing. It looked as if something fit in between there. The ring now had become brighter and brighter by the second.

I was so scared I ran from the room locking it so no one else could see what was inside. When I got to the room the ring had stopped glowing and Joey still laid there on the couch.

I was sweating and huffing and puffing. I ran into the small kitchen like area in my room and poured me a glass of water and drank it all. I just sat there trying to find out what had just happened to me. I put down my glass and had decided not to tell anyone. YET!!

I went over to Joey and started to make out with his lips he soon awoke and kissed back.

"mmm baby nice way to wake up," he said kissing me again

"Hey they say I am a good kisser," I said smiling

"and who could that be," Joey asked frowning

"Me," I said laughing "I've never kissed another guy or girl before," I laughed

He kissed me again and I got up and ran to the shower I jumped in rinsed off and jumped out. I went outside with a towel around me and went to my closet which was near the couch were Joey was sitting. I decided I would tease him and dress right there. I made a noise with my throat that got Joey's attention I turned around and roped the towel I knew his jaw probably had dropped now.

I then slipped on a pair of underwear very erotically and I turned around to face him. Not making eye contact I slowly put on my pants shirt and cap. When I got done I looked at Joey his hand was on his crotch and you could see a small wet spot were pre-cum had leaked. He was excited I knew I could at least help him out a little. I walked over to him; sitting on his lap and I slowly kissed him as I kissed him, my hands found the button on his Jean. I slowly unbuttoned them and slid my hand down his boxers; it was so so hot down there and he was so hard.. I slowly went down further only to find what I had been looking for all a long but what he had and what I thought was totally different.

His cock felt like it was 8 inches long I about passed out. I grabbed his cock and started to slowly jack him up and down.

"MMMM," Joey said still kissing me

I kept on for about another 5 minutes kissing and jacking.

"oh baby...I am almost there ," Joey moaned through our kiss

I had our lips part and I just looked at his face which was filled with emotions of pleasure.

"oh baby faster," Joey moaned

"Faster baby come on do it too me," Joey moans became louder

I quickened my pace

"O BABY HERE IT CUMMMMS...," Joey yelled as I placed my hand over the head of his cock so I could catch his cum.

Cum flooded my hand as he moans and grunted as I continued to jack him. I became slower and slower as he came less and less until finally he was soft and there was cum all over my hand.

He was still lightly pushing his dick in my hand.

"God baby that was so great," Joey said kissing me.

"thank you," he said after he parted from my lips

"Anytime," I said and got up going to go and rinse my hands off and changed my pants because I had came in my pants.

"Go get a shower babe," I said waving him off to the bathroom

He came out in his towel he dressed right out in the open. I tried my best not to notice him because I didn't want to get excited again.

I was sitting on the couch fiddling with the ring around my neck remembering hat had just happened not 3 hours ago.

I got up and rang the bell for Lynsey; she came in soon after.

"Get everyone to meet us outside in the rose garden at the big table. I feel like having breakfast there," I said smiling

"Ok D see yah at breakfast," she said leaving

I went over to Joey and had him followed me outside; I wanted to give him a tour of the garden, a garden my mom had kept alive forever. As I walked inside the garden and to the small table memories came flooding back to me.

Day Dream**

I sat there the sun shinning on me through the bushes. Of roses and in front of me stood my mom in her gardening clothes her red hair in a pony tail and her Jeans scraped with dirt she was smiling but had a seriousness in her eyes.

"Use the ring," she said looking at me

"What?" I said looking back at her

"Use the ring with the book," she said again before the dream vanished and I was back into reality.

End dream********

"Dustin!!! DUSTIN," Joey said shaking me "what?" I said wondering where I was bringing myself back to reality I realized were I was and who I was with.

"Oh sorry babe," I said kissing him

"The guys are here he mumbled through are kiss," he said pointing

We pulled away and all sat at the table

Megan was looking at me strangely. The bodyguards had reformed to us and were now standing around us.

In about the middle of breakfast Megan said," Dustin can I please talk to you a minute," She said getting up and grabbing my shoulder

"Sure," I said getting up

She took me over behind the big rose bush in the gardens

"Dustin's what's wrong you're not talking and there is something wrong with your eyes the look puzzled," Megan said she was a very good person to know how to deceive things about people.

"Megan..," I said looking at her

"I had this dream Megan," and I went on to tell her about the Daydream and about this morning with what happened.

"Have you told anyone else," she asked

"No," I said looking at her.

"Ok," she said, "let's go back and eat the guys have something they have been wanting to ask you." Megan said walking back to the table.

We sat down and Megan looked at Chris and nodded. I saw this and stared at Chris awaiting the Question.

"Dustin who is Cammie?," Chris said looking at me

"And", Lance continued, "What is with the ring around your neck?"

"Well," I said wiping my mouth with the napkin.

"Well Chris let's answer your Question first. Cammie is the name of my mother who was killed by a man who shoot her because she owed him money and she didn't have it because at the time her and dad were split up and he wouldn't give her anything until court was over." I said explaining this with small tears in my eyes.

"An this," I said holding up the ring," This is her wedding band but just recently it has become more than just a ring. This morning I woke up with the sudden need to go to mom's old room. As I went to the room this ring started to glow a dark blue when I went in there. There was a book and I have no idea what this is all about," I said looking at all of them.

"whoa man that is messed up," Chris said

"Yeah," They all said simultaneously.

"Well why don't we go up there and see," Joey said looking at me.

"Why not?" I said getting up

"And where are we going," A strange voice said I turned to see my father standing there smiling.

"Well we were just going up stairs," I said looking at him.

"Well isn't that just great well Dustin I just wanted to say how amazed I am at your knowledge of Law," My dad said his smile fading, "Also you threatening to throw me out of my own house," My dad said coming closer.

"Come any closer and I will have my guards remove you from my sight," I said giving him the evil eye.

"Hey," he said backing up," I don't want any trouble,"

"Then what do you want," Joey asked in an angered tone

"Oh ok it's Mr. Macho the guy who decided he could punch me right in the mouth," My dad said rubbing his cheek

"Well after you backhanding me to the ground look at what my face looks like," I said pointing

"Well maybe you shouldn't have started what you have," My dad said smiling

"Oh you asshole You started all this shit but guess what I am going to finish it. Guards remove him from my sight," I said pointing to my father.

Two of the guards came up behind my dad and dragged him out of the rose garden and onto the grass. They then dropped him there and left.

"Don't worry Dustin you will get what you deserve," Then a flash of light and he was again gone.

"Let's go guys," I said walking along I was pissed and the guys could tell.

When we entered the house Karen was standing there with a stressed look on her face.

"What's going," I said looking at her

"Get Britney here the court date has been moved up to........ Tomorrow.

Part 11 **********

"Shit," I said looking around, "How did this happen,"

"Your father told his lawyer and the judge that he has some kind of damn business trip or something so they moved it up," Karen said a perplexed look on her face

"So are we ready can we do this," I asked

"We'll have to pull and all night. Take about a 3 hour nap and then get up and get ready for court." Karen explained

"Lynsey," I yelled running off, "Lynsey get Britney here now I don't care what it costs get the private jet over were she is and pick her up," I screamed

"Ok" she said running off

I then just started crying and I broke down. Joey came running I grabbed on to him and said," I can't take his shit anymore I can't take it," I yelled crying.

"It's alright baby calm down," Joey said crying silently with me.

I stopped crying and started again to fiddle with the ring when I touched it again started glowing that dark blue color.

Joey saw this and was wide eyed.

"Let's go," I said pointing to the room, which I had, ran out of and locked this morning.

Joey grabbed my hand and we headed towards the door. The ring got brighter and brighter. We walked in the door hand in hand the book was now glowing the same color. I removed the ring from around my neck and held the glowing object in my hand.

"Maybe you should use the ring like your mom said," Joey said pointing to the space between the circle where the ring looked as if it fit.

We walked slowly towards the book I placed the small ring where the space was. when I let go of the ring it started spinning rapidly then without warning the book flew open and there above the book was my mother dressed in white. She was not a person she was a spirit.

"Mom" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Yes baby it's your mom she is her to help you." My mom said in an echoing voice.

"Help me with what," I asked

"Maybe you should call your friends up here but not Karen leave her down there.

I yelled at them all to come up to the room when they came in they was stunned and there was silence.

To Be Continued........

Hey guys I know this really taking a twisting turn but I have an idea to where I want this story to go now Please send you Comments and Suggestions to: or Thanks guys I hope you like it.



Next: Chapter 6: My Dream Come True 12 13

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