My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Jul 1, 1999


********************************************** Legal Stuff: If you don't like this don't read it and leave if you are under 18.

This has nothing to do with the real characters of Nsync this is total Fantasy wish it wasn't though. ********************************************** Now on with the story...

My Dream Come True Part 1

Hi, Well let's start by telling you a little about myself i am 5 foot 5 inches I have brown eyes and brow hair and my name is Dustin. I have a good body not to built but not to flabby pretty normal. Oh and one more thing I am rich, now I don't have money pouring out my ears, but still i have a lot.

All of life changed though when I turned 18 I had just graduated high school and well I put off college for about another year. Well I was always alone and depressed. My dad was an Aerobiologists and my mom passed away just recently. I knew I was gay the day i saw a man naked it was like, i was just turned on so much. I loved it !

On one particular day though I was listening to my Nsync CD in my room. The song "For The Girl Who Has Everything" was playing over and over. I had it on repeat. God I felt just like that everyday of my life. I wished Nsync would come rescue me, like the video for this song. Only, I had no Idea how much Nsync would be involved with me after the day was over.

I was getting so bored setting here listening to the radio. Then something caught my ear. The D.J. said," I have 2 tickets to The Nsync concert and backstage passes first one down at the studio with the answer to this question." " Which Nsyncer just recently had a baby brother?' I knew the answer to this question it was Lance! Duh! I ran and grabbed m keys and jumped i my Mustang Convertible it was of course silver my favorite color.

I arrived at the radio station and ran in the door screaming," THE ANSWER IS LANCE, IT'S LANCE!!!" The D.J. just sat there trying to figure out how i got down here so fast. He finally said,"That's right, you Won!" By this time i was screaming and i was going to meet my idols Nsync and I would also be meeting my favorite guy of them all Joey.....

My Dream Come True Part 2

The concert was supposed to be in about a month. God the days went by so slow it wasn't funny. I had decided on taking one of my best friends Megan to the concert. She was and is the only one who knows I am gay. Me and her love Nsync and she knows how big of a crush i have on Joey.

So as the days went by finally it was the day of the concert. I decided I would wear a Tommy Hilfiger White T-shirt and a pair of CK Blue jeans and my Nike shoes. I had arranged to be driven in the limo by our butler Winston he was ready at 6pm just like I told him. he was so reliable some times. We had to go pic up Megan and we would head to the concert. There I would meet my idle Joey Fatone Jr.

When we finally got to the concert i pulled up to the V.I.P. door. With my dad being a very respected man in town I knew I would be getting in this way and of course i did. Megan hated me having so much money. Probably because she was totally opposite she wasn't poor but very very close.

We were escorted to our seats and the concert soon began. I was jumping up and down with so much excitement Megan thought I was going nuts. I thought I saw Joey staring at me I figured he was just looking at all the fans, but he kept doing it all through the show it almost messed him up while he was singing.

After about 2 hours of intense action at the concert the guys said bye ad we headed backstage.


"God i am so tired," Chris complained. "

Yeah me too," Justin agreed.

" Don't we have like 40 fans out there waiting to see us with backstage passes"?? Lance said being the father of the group he had to keep up with the schedule or nothing would ever get done.

"Actually we don't," J.C. said, " Johnny told me only like 2 backstage passes had been given to tonight show I wonder were they are??"

Joey kept quiet through all of this all he could think about was this guy in the 1st row. He didn't even know his name but for some reason he felt special feeling for him.

All the guys knew Joey was BI. They didn't' care. Even though all of them were straight except Justin he was gay. They all never changed there feeling for each other. Love like a brothers love kept them all going.

Chris noticed Joey being so quiet. he was Joeys best friend and knew when something was on his mind. Joey was the kind of guy who was always happy. Never without a smile on his face unless he was thinking real hard and it seems he was.

In front of the door to there dressing room*********

There I stood in front of the dressing room of these guys I almost fainted right then and there. Megan was about to kill me i was taking so long she just knocked on the door herself and said," slow ass," I just stared at her as i heard what sounded like Chris say," Come in," We walked in as all of them stood and we shook hands. As I went down the line I got to Joey you just looked at me funny. I waved my and in front of his face. he woke up from never never land and shook my hand. God his hand felt so good in mine i wouldn't of let go if Megan hadn't poked in the shoulder with her elbow. I immediately let go and turned everyone laughed as me and Joey just looked at each other I think I hope it was love at first sight...........

***************************************** OK guys if you are reading this I really REAlly need your help I am a first time writer and I need Ideas suggestions anything from any of you readers or writers so PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

Part 3

Joey and I finally stopped staring at each other and I started blushing a crimson red.

After that things were a little awkward between me and Joey. I talked to everyone liked I ad knew them for years everyone except Joey. Me and him just didn't talk even though I yearned to talk to him.

Finally Megan butted in and said hey guys why don't we all go out tonight me and Dustin don't have anything better to do. Well Justin said he was to tired so was Lance but Joey said yeah after Megan had to tell him how cool I thought he was and how much I always talked about him. I could have killed her right then in there!! But I kept my mouth shut.

"Ok guys" I said," Lets go I have a limo outside and Winston is probably very annoyed because I am late." Everyone just stood there thinking about my knew change of tone and personality. This was probably because I didn't talk much or a all when everyone else was just talking to Megan.

So as Me, Chris, J.C., and Joey (oooh sexy man) went out to my Limo the others went to the bus to sleep. Megan decided she would follow Justin and stay with him tonight. The seating arrangements were like this me and Joey (this was sorta my fault) on one side and Chris J.C. on the other side. me and Joey finally started talking we just chit-chatted about still not really going on anything specific. We ad decided to just go and crash at my house.

When we rolled into my drive way the guys were sorta amazed. "This place is huge" Chris said. "I guess it is," I said ,"There about 25 rooms not counting the servants hall," I said explaining how big my house really was. Everyone else just nodded and we headed the the very large double doors of my house. I pushed a small silver button and two servants dressed in suits opened the doors."Man.this place is the bomb," Joey said "You like it J.C?" I finally said trying to strike conversation. He just shook his head and mumbled the word "yeah".

"Hey guys," I said ,"How about we go to the recreation room of the house there's a lot of stuff to do in there." Everyone nodded and the followed me down long halls of cherry wood and oak doors with gold plates on each room having the name of which what was in the room. Finally we came to a big door with a gold plate on it saying"Rec Room" . I opened the door and we stepped in. Inside there was a pool. racket and tennis ball court a small jim and showers. "There is also a hot tub in the back," i said. There was a small lawn table with chairs around I told everyone to sit and ask what they wanted to drink, "Coke", Joey said "Oj" Chris said "I"ll have a coke to" J.C said. " It talks!" I said looking at J.C. "Yeah I am just a little stunned by the bigness of this house." I nodded my head and set down. "What about the drinks" Chris said.

"Give me a minute" I said as I pushed another small sliver button. Almost Immediately as I pushed it a women came in wearing a formal maid outfit." Yes a Lynsey, I would like 2 cokes an OJ and my usual please ". "Yes sir," She said in a happy British tone."And stop calling me sir," She just nodded and walked off. She would never quit calling me sir and I knew it and she did to. That's what she was brought up to do.

"Hey Dustin What's your usual??," Joey asked me casually" Frozen Lemonade served with a splash of fresh lime." i said just as casual. "Weird," they all said in unison.

After are drinks came we just talked about nothing in particular. But one thing that was a little different (not that I'm complaining) was that Joey had scooted a lot closer to me. Our legs were touching.

*About 2 hours later at around 2AM

"Hey guys i am very tired we need to get back," Chris said as he and J.C stood.:Hey guys he said hey why don't you all just sleep here i have plenty of room If you and J.C don't mind sharing a room and I have a another bed in my Master Suite So Joey can sleep there. Unless you guys have objections," finally they all agreed. I pushed the little sliver button one more time and again Lynsey appeared," Lynsey take J.C in Chris into the Guest Suite with the Two bedrooms Joey will be staying with me." As I said this Lynsey gave me a funny face then smled and winked at me I winked back.

Hopefully this would give me and Joey the chance to get to know each other a little better.

My Dream Come True Part 4

As me and Joey walked down the hall together we started a light conversation.

"So Joey" "What's life on the road like?" I say trying to start some kind of conversation.

"Well, to tell you the truth it's hectic." "You never get any time to your self and your always on the run either to get somewhere or to get away from fans" Joey answered some what plainly.

"Whoa" I said ,"Must be pretty harsh"

"Yeah it is even when your on a break you have screaming girls running after you" Joey said this with a little hint of annoyance in his voice.

"You got a girl friend?" I say as we reach the doors to our room.

"No". He said flatly hinting that he wanted to stay off the subject.

As I turned to open the doors my necklace fell out from under my shirt. It was a silver chain with a plain silver ring on it.

This caught Joey"s eye and as we stepped in my room he looked at me giving me a look of puzzlement.

"What's that?" He said after looking at it then back at me for about 2 minutes.

"Umm........I'LL tell you later ok. Let's get settled first". I said trying to get him to forget about it for awhile.

"Ok...But i want to Know." He said hinting that he was not forgetting it.

"I'll tell you but let me show you were your sleeping, ok?" I said getting very frustrated.

"Ok! Ok! God don't bite my head off" Joey said looking a little sad.

When we walked in the room all conversation stopped.

"This...this..this room is amazing" Joey said his eyes wide.

The room was all decorated in a dark blue with a dark maroon. The room was about as big as a High School Gym in it was a Entertainment Center with a Big Screen a VCR, a DVD, A Webtv Plus with a Printer, A CD Player, and 2 big speakers set right beside it. There was a chandelier in the middle of the room and and arm chair and a couch. There were 3 doors in the room. One led to the bathroom the other one led to the guest room and the last one led to a walk in closet. Were I kept a fairly large wardrobe.

"I'll show you your room ok?" I said asking Joey trying to get him off how big the roo was.

"Ok" was all he said still stunned I guess.

As we walked to is room Joey stopped me and said,"What's this room look like so I won't be so amazed. I need to be ready for something."He asked

As I thought about what the room looked like I was going crazy. the room was decorated with Joey's face all over it. I had decided that instead of having them in my room.I would put it in the guest room that way no one would assume anything.

"Umm......How about you sleep in here and I'll take the guest room?" I asked this nodding my head hinting for him to say yes.

'Why you got a dead person in there or something," He asked pushing me out of the way nd trying to open the door.

"No, but i might be a dead person if you go in there" I mumbled this to were he couldn't hear.

"What did you say," He said looking me over.

"Nothing, I just want to warn you it isn't a normal guys room ok. Don't freak out" I asked

"Ok don't worry I have seen everything,"He said giving me that great smile he always has.

I just shook my head smiling acting like I understood what i was talking about.

Part 5 **********************************************

As he opened the door it was dark. Well until he found the light switch. When the light switch is turned on my main lights come on My Nsync Cd in the Cd player starts playing And certain spotlights on posters come on.

As The song "For the girl" came on (I have it programmed to repeat that song over and over) Joey just flat out starts laughing..

'What the hell are you laughing at??" I said now very confused

"You....HAHA.....You think I would be scared by this," He said finally calming down.

"I've seen so many rooms with A LOT more pics,posters and what-knot of me and us!!! It's no big deal." He said coming over to me wanting something he just wouldn't say all he did was look at me.

"Whatever" I said very embarrassed.

"Well" he said

"Well what??" I asked

"I'm settled, now what "s that ring," He said pointing to my neck

"Ohhh!!!" "Come on I'll show you" I said grabbing his hand before knowing what i was doing. I waited for him to pull back. he never did.

"Well?" He said. He was getting very impatient. I realized I had been standing there for awhile.

I just snapped out of my trance and pulled him along to my bed.

"Sit" I said

He nodded while I went into my closet

I came out with a bag. On the front was a picture of a lego's figure.

I opened it and started digging through it. i pulled out a picture.

In the picture were 5 people 4 boys and a women.

"This" I said,"This is my dad and my brothers," i said pointing to the 5 and 7 year old and then the 34 year old man. "And this........," I said with tears in my eyes," This is my mom"

"She's very pretty. Where is she?" Joey asked not noticing the tears in my eyes.

"Joey... My mom was...was... killed in October of 98," By then the tears were flowing. "And this..." I held up the ring," This is her wedding ring."

to be continued ************************************* OK GUYS PLEASE EMAIL ME AND TELL ME HOW YOU LIKE HIS STORY I REALLY NEED TO KNOW





Next: Chapter 2: My Dream Come True 5 6

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