My dream came true..........

By moc.loa@441ngisreiF

Published on Jun 23, 2011



I guess like most guys I am attracted to boobs, maybe attracted is the wrong word, I would say obsessed with boobs, tits, bosoms, melons, 88's, fun bags any euphemism you can come up with. Not to sound crass, because I worship them, I am just so overly attracted to them it is like an obsession. I can't take my eyes off a nice rack. In fact I have lost many a business deal by getting caught admiring a woman's finer parts. That term, Hey my eyes are up here! Definitely applies to me but I would rather suffer the humiliation than to miss a nice set of breasts in a tight sweater. That is not the only part of the female body I worship. I think protruding hip bones and a flat stomach leading to a nice view of her face from down below is one of the sexiest things on earth. In fact I have found myself jealous of lesbians, because they not only get to sample the wares as myself but they get to feel the same in return. Have you never felt like maybe deep inside you were a lesbian in a former life and then sent back to earth to live as a man? Ok, maybe not but I feel that way from time to time, especially when I see a fine tuned female body, in it's prime. Let's just say I think a perfect female body, is the nicest thing we have to look at and if lucky enough, to touch and enjoy.

Many times I have fantasized about having boobs and a vagina and wondered how it must feel to have an orgasm. Sure I know what the male orgasm feels like and I applaud it but when I see a woman go into that deep trance and lose reality for several minutes, I am very envious and curious as to what is going on in their body. Don't get me wrong, I am all man, but I am curious and would pay a small fortune to reverse rolls for a night and see for myself what it feels like to be a satisfied woman.

Last week I was visiting an old friend in Chicago, we had spent many years as close friends earlier in life and stayed in touch. As we were both aging somewhat I decided to take a vacation and renew the friendship. He was now married and had three kids; so on the weekend we decided to go to the fair that was set up on Navy Pier. We had a blast eating cotton candy and taking rides, and just having kid fun in general. While they were making a poddie run, I got bored and approached a fortune teller machine. I slipped a dollar in the slot and the turbaned guru came to life and asked me to punch a few buttons with age and sex and so on. It then instructed me to close my eyes and make a wish and then that wish would be granted. I laughed a little inside and then decided to make sure I would not be fooled and kid myself into believing my wish came true. For a full two minutes I stood there while the guru asked me repeatedly to make a wish and thought about my deepest desires. Finally it came clear to me, my deepest desire had always been to be a nicely built woman and have sex with another woman. That was my wish, very specific, as to have no misunderstanding.

As my friend and family returned, they asked what I was doing and I jokingly said I was wising for a million dollars. They all laughed but deep inside my wish had it come true would be worth more that that million to me. We passed the day in fun and food and at dusk we said goodbye and they took the kids home, green from overindulgence and tired and worn out. I went back to my hotel and got a shower.

After a small nap, I decided to get dressed and savor some of the Chicago nightlife, after all my stay was coming to an end. I was recently single, so I decided to cruise Broadway on the near north side. I knew there were many singles bars along the stretch and decided to go bar hoping. The first bar was loaded with twenty something college type patrons. I had a quick beer and decided to my luck elsewhere. It was fairly early by city standards but the sidewalks were already crowded. I was feeling the buzz from one drink and getting into the night groove and the party vibe on the streets. I love Chicago because it has a safe feeling about it. I never think about getting mugged or shot like in some other cities. I am sure there is a dark underbelly but I have managed to stay away from it and maintain a glorious view of the city with the broad shoulders.

The next place I popped into was quiet and friendly, with very elegant appointments, I ordered a Manhattan and looked around noticing it was mostly men, in fact all men and after a few moments I saw some male on male touching and flirting and realized I was in a gay bar. I made nice with the bartender and finished my drink before shoving off. Two down and many to go I thought to myself, I know this stretch of Broadway is teaming with night spots, so I figured I would find the right one eventually, besides I was drinking my way along, what could be more pleasant on a beautiful summers night? I nearly stepped into the next place, when I heard a cheering section yelling chug, chug No need to relive those days I thought and pushed on. Across the street I noticed several very lovely women entering a quiet club and decided to. go up to the stop light and cross the street. I knew at the very least the scenery would be nice in this one. As I approached, I saw two more quite attractive women enter the bar. I casually strode up to the door and a Buxom redhead smiled at me and asked if she could help me?

I fumbled for words for a second, distracted by her breast and low cut top. "Oh, is there a cover?"

She gave me an icy smile and seemed to act offended, this is a woman's club, I don't think you will be happy here, and there are a lot of mixed clubs in the next block north. It hit me then, this was a lesbian club, I turned red with embarrassment. "Oh, Oh I am so sorry; I noticed some lovely ladies come in and thought it might be a cozy place for a quiet drink. I am from out of town, I do apologize.

Her original warm smile returned and her face told me she had misjudged me. Look if you understand that we are not looking for men and can behave yourself, come on in, were are not men haters like some of the dyke clubs, we just try and head off problems before they arise. I'm Susan and she offered me her hand.

Well I was committed now; I had to go in, knowing I would be looking at unachievable merchandise. I pushed through the swinging door and found a dimly lit classic bar stretching the length of the building and a couple dozen tables scattered around the place. There was a small dance floor toward the rear and a classic jukebox playing slow pop music. My eyes took several seconds to adjust and I found an empty seat at the bar.

A very short haired woman came over and asked for my drink order, she introduced herself as Marissa. I told her I was Steve and would like a Manhattan, sweet, extra cherry juice and vermouth. As she mixed my cocktail, I tried to casually glance around and found an exceptional room full of stunning ladies. Just my luck they were all gay.

Here you go Steve, want to run a tab? I looked her in the eyes and thought it over for a second and said yes, that would be nice. She turned and went to the cash register and I noticed for the first time her flat stomach and hip bones protruding above her jeans. "Stop it I thought to myself, this is a nice place to hang and have a couple, don't blow it."

Marissa was busy but not so much so that we could not chat between orders. She asked me where I was from, what brought me to town, bar chit chat, you know.

"So was that sweet enough for you?" she asked pointing at my drink. "Perfect " I relied and ordered another.

"Marissa, may I have another Manhattan please?" the voice came from my blind side, as I was cocked at a slight angle, so I could admire the scenery. I half turned to find a breathtakingly beautiful brunette standing next to me And as we made eye contact she gave me a sweet smile, which I of course returned..

"Marissa makes a mean Manhattan I said as my arrived and she turned to make the next one.

"That's kind of a girly drink for such a manly guy." Her eyes gave away her humor and she smiled slightly at the corners of her lips. I rolled with it and laughed, "Manly yes but I like it too" giving her my best Irish accent and doing my Irish spring impression.

This brought her lips to a full smile, and she nearly laughed out loud. Marissa set her drink down and went back to ring it up. "So stranger, I haven't seen you in here before., I am Linda."

"Steve" I said extending my hand. "I am a former Chicagoan, or is that Chicagoite?"

There are no former Chicagoans, once you live here, you always come back."

Well I am just visiting and headed back to Denver on Monday."

We are glad you came in, the place can always use a dose of humor, we all get pretty stale just hanging with each other.

"Have a seat I offered and she slid up on the barstool next to me.

We chatted for an hour and talked about some authors we both liked, about the way the neighborhoods had changed, about the Cubs of course and about our romantic issues. Me single and her as well. Mine was an untimely death and hers, a bitch who cheats would sum it up.

The Manhattans were taking their toll and I found myself wanting to forget the etiquette, so I thanked her for a lovely time and decided to skedaddle before I began making advances and while I was still sober enough to perhaps meet someone elsewhere that might take the edge off my pent up desires.

Linda gave me a hug and sincerely wished me well, then said out of the blue, we have a buffet and happy hour here on Sundays if you can make it, your welcome, I will introduce you to some friends, we make it a weekly deal."

I politely smiled and agreed to try and make it. Inside I was thinking, why does she have to be gay, this is the nicest woman I have met in years. Either way I made up my mind to skip the Sunday get-together because it would be too hard to maintain decorum if I should have a couple to many.

The night progressed and I tried two more bars before I found a nice dance club with a mixed crowd around my age. I settled in and asked the bartender to switch me to ginger ale in a tumbler, that way it looked like I was still drinking but I could maintain my wits. This is an old travelers trick, too many nights of parties and fun and you are old before your time, this way you can maintain the illusion of being the life of the party and still wake up halfway refreshed. I asked a cute redhead to dance and she accepted, so we moved to some no name disco tune and then a second one. Now a slow tune came on and I pulled her close, her scent was nice and I found myself in an aroused state, the hour with Linda earlier had my nerve ending on their toes. We slow danced and I decided to give her a kiss. Things progressed and she suggested we go to her place for a quiet drink , so I paid the tab and we walked out in the warm late night air.

Her place was walking distance so we strolled and chatted and would stop and kiss for a few moments and then move on. All in all a pleasant beginning. Back in her apartment, we wasted no time getting familiar with each other, cloths were scattered from the door to the bed. We made love twice and passed out in each others arms.

I had restless dreams, my body was weird, my mind worse and finally a couple hours after I fell asleep, I awoke in a cold sweat. My whole being felt weird, I was not myself and had no idea what was amiss. Trying not to wake my bunky, I slipped out of bed and into the bathroom to gather my self. I was no doubt dreaming, and upset from the dreams, however I still felt like I was in another world from my own. Frequently at night when I get up to pee I will sit down, because sometimes it takes a few minutes to get going, so I can sit and wait it out. That is what I did this time, but when the pee came, it felt weird, like I was dribbling on myself. I decided to not worry about it and to clean up with some tp. When I folded the tp and reached in my crotch, I was stunned, I could not find my penis. I found my fingers going straight against my groin. "Ok" I thought to myself, I am dreaming still, I will wake up anytime and all will be fine. I think I drifted off to sleep again for a short time. This time when I awoke, I was still on the pot but more awake than before. I got up and for some reason decided to turn on the bathroom light before heading back to my girl.

"What the?" was my reaction, I looked in the mirror and a lovely blonde woman looked back at me. I did the I love Lucy thing and tried to trick the mirror with movements and as God is my witness I was a woman. Now I was truly confused, I had to be dreaming, how could this be? I admired the body in the mirror, how could I not, being a red blooded male, but something did not compute. Nice breast, medium length blonde hair, nice nipples I must say and a nice figure, with a small patch of light blonde pubic hair. I sat back down on commode to ponder this and suddenly remembered the fortune teller machine at the pier. "Could it be possible? I did try and make it impossible for the machine to cheat, come on still how can this be?"

I got up again and looked in the mirror and decided to check out my body, even if iot were a dream, I could feel myself up and get some sensation of what a woman felt like from the other side. My hands went immediately to my breast, they were now no longer tits or fun bags but my breast and a much more serious thing. "My god they are magnificent, I thought. Then my hands drifted lower and touched my vagina, I must say it was much different than I had imagined. Wow could this be happening I asked myself?

Then panic set in, I was at a woman's apartment that had just slept with me I was a woman now, not a man, she will freak out when she wakes up. The police will be involved; I will go to jail with no ID or identity. "Crap" I said out loud. I was in a mental meltdown, the only good news was she was drunk when we went to sleep and with a little luck I could slip out without disturbing her. Crap, I thought, I can't traipse around town as a woman in my male cloths. I need to think of something. Chicago is a big city but a nice looking woman in ill fitting male cloths will draw a lot of attention. Also I have a problem back at my hotel, how will I get out of my room as a woman dressed as a man?

How could this be happening to me? I am fucked.

Meanwhile my male side was curious about my new body and all the new toys I had to play with. I desperately wanted to explore my new plot. I forced my mind back to business. I snuck out of the bathroom in the dark and headed to the kitchen. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the moonlight through the windows. Viola, there was a washer dryer stck in the corner, I quietly opened the dryer and found a load of laundry there. By the light of the dryer I could make ut the contents and found a load of undergarments. I took out a pair of panties and a half slip and put them on. The wonderful sensation was not lost on me, more postponed until I was out of danger. I was toying with having to sneak in her closet to chance finding a dress or anything to sneak away in, when I looked up and saw a pile of folded laundry on top of the dryer. With fingers crossed, I brought the stack down to the light of the dryer and found a leotard, the kind you work out As quietly as possible I let myself out and down on the street walked two blocks to a main drag and hailed a cab. in and a stretch skirt. I worked my breast into the leotard and pulled up the skirt. This would pass I thought. Shoes" Too bad I will have to make it without. I snuck into her room and retrieved my cloths and went back to the kitchen and neatly rolled them into a bundle, removing the money and room key from my wallet and placing it in the cleavage of my breast. As quietly as possible I let myself out and down on the street walked two blocks to a main drag and hailed a cab.

I made it safely past the night clerk and up to my room. I was a mess, I did not have a clue what to do or where to go, I stripped and pulled the sheets back and climbed in bed. I fell asleep almost at once, the stress and long night had all been too much. In the morning I awoke semi rested, but disturbed from my crazy dreams the night before. I was lying in bed and went to scratch myself and found a moist slit instead of my penis and balls. I sat straight up and the affairs of the night before rushed back to me. I looked and say the leotard and skirt draped over a chair and moaned to myself. Oh my God what am I going to do? How did this happen? Who am I? Am I cracking up? All my reactions were fear at first, then I began to deal with the situation logically, I need to find cloths and get back to the swami and wish this away. I can't go through life as a woman.!

Then it hit me, this was indeed my wish, my million dollar wish. I was now a woman, not even a woman, a beautiful thirty something woman with quite a build. I would be foolish to not take advantage of this moment before finding the swami and getting my life back.

I went to the bathroom and had my mornig pee and when I stood up, I saw myself in the mirror. If I were in possession of a penis, it would be at attebntion. I was very pretty, my breasts were incredible and I had a waist and hip bones and a flat belly like I find so attractive. Wow I was a knockout! It was in that moment that a plan came together. I would go shopping and spend all day if not longer as a woman and find out all I could about what it is like. I redressed in my cloths from last night and dug through my suitcase for an old pair of sneakers, that might pass for workout gear. Avoiding eye contact in the lobby I headed straight for the taxi stand out front and hoped in the first cab in line. Marshall Fields down town please, I was startled by my voice, totally feminine

I was on an adventure now, excited yet fearful of someone finding me out. As we traveled through the busy streets I began to relax as I saw the cabbie sneaking glances at me in the mirror. I could tell he was guilty each time I caught him, so I figured he was sneaking a peek at me and in a sexual way. I felt good, that ius when I first felt my nipples harden slightly. Odd feeling.

We arrived downtown, and I liberated the fare from my breast and tipped the driver. I had added my credit card to the luggage in my cleavage and now decided the sky was the limit in the store. I went in and looked at the directory and headed straight to the women's section. Getting off the escalator I decided to be bold and find a clerk to outfit me from head toe

An older woman asked if I needed help and I called her close and said in a low tone. I have just been released from prison, I got a full pardon but I have been out of circulation so long, I need all the help I can get to to catch up on the current styles. She was very helpful but overly curious about my crime story, so I had to improvise as we went along.

She started me in dresses and then pants and tops and then lingerie, guessing my size and helping me exchange sizes until we were on target for my body. I would come in and out of the dressing room and look in the full length mirror and each time find myself amazed at how nice I looked and how appealing I was. When we finished and I had an armload of packages, she said sweetie, you need to get a new scent, you smell like hotel soap, giving me a knowing smile but just slightly disapproving. On the first floor is cosmetics and perfumes. I slipped her a twenty and she kissed me on the cheek and hugged me goodbye, saying, I am glad they let you out finally, welcome home!

I took the elevator down and on the way I thought about the small fortune I had just spent. Six sets of bras and panties, two garter belts, six pair of hose and four dresses, three pants and seven tops. Belts, and other accessories. I was out of control but I was in a zone, I had to look beautiful for however long my dream lasted. The silk scarves felt so nice against my skin, I had to have several

Downstairs I was faced with as whole new dilemma. Makeup. I had no idea what was involved and how much of anything I needed. I found the Chanelle counter and the clerk offered to make me up and show me their wares and how to use them, so what could I say? She spent 45 minutes working on my eyes and skin and brows and well any product she had, and I bought them all while prying tips out of her along the way. She would bring a mirror in front of me from time to time and it just made my stomach queasy, because each time I looked sexier and sexier and wanted to have me as a man. I finally finished and left with over four hundred dollars in cosmetics and remembered the clerk upstairs saying I needed a new scent. Now I had to go from counter to counter listning to their philosophy on how each body reacts to their scent and blah blah blah, I finally found one that did not turn my stomach and seemed to linger at a distance and bought a bottle/.

I left the store wearing a new dress, cotton sundress to be precise and new sandals and carrying more bags than my arms could hold. I was taking a cab back to the hotel when we passed a hair salon that was open and I asked the cabbie to stop. I paid him well and asked him to deliver this all to Steve's room at my hotel and thanked him with a juicy tip

I had my hair washed and cut and styled and took another cab to the hotel. Now the looks I was getting were definitely ones of attraction. I was on the elevator headed to my room when it hit me. It is Sunday and Linda had invited me back to the gay bar. The day had flown by and it was evening and I could not think of one good reason not to return to such a lovely bar and this time fit in completely..

I changed into mint green panties and bra, a dark tight skirt with a garter and stockings, a red top that was low cut and looked in the mirror. OK I may be overdressed but Dad always said you can be underdressed but never overdressed, so I admired myself, screwed up my courage and headed out. It was weird carrying a purse but I had thrown a lot of things in it, most important, lipstick . I was a doll, I just hopped Linda liked my type. I had the cab drop me on the corner and walked the block back to the bar, trying to get used to the heals I had on. I figured it would not do to step in and fall down, so I had a short course in walking on my toes basically/

The same gargoyle was at the gate and we chit chatted briefly and she actually flirted with me for a second before waving me in. I found the dim light hard to adjust to again and stood for a second blinded. When my eyes adjusted, the bar was overflowing with pretty women as well as some plain Janes. Several were dancing together in the corner and there was a portion of the bar covered with food trays and several women filling tiny plates. I must say I was in heaven; this was the dream I had since I was a young sprout. A room full of all women and me the only male here Well that was not completely true, because I felt more like a woman than a man/ I saw an empty stool at the bar and headed for it.. The bartender turned and smiled widely giving me the once over quickly before saying I am Marissa, what can I get you? I was just getting ready to order when a soft firm voice said she'll have a Manhattan. I turned to see Linda there next to me and almost fainted. She was more lovely than I remembered her. "Is that alright she smiled and asked"

I hesitated and got my wits quickly, "is that a sweet drink" Because I like my drinks sweet! " She smiled again and said; Marissa make her Manhattan sweet, lots of cherry juice and vermouth.. Linda then stuck out her hasnd and said " I;m Linda"

I smiled and grabbed her hand softly and said, holy crap I don't have a name" Well I didn't say it but I thought it. My mind went into high gear, I liked many female names but the first one to strike a chord was Michelle. The Rbber Soul album from the Beatles always made me feel sexy, and Michelle seemed so mysterious. "Michelle I said"

"Put this one on my tab Marissa." She stood rather close to me since all the stools were taken. I said "Thank you, your too kind and smiled back at her, the whole time trying desperately to maintain my composure and not just jump her.

"Did you see the buffet; we do it here every Sunday night? It suddenly hit me that Linda was the owner and she was just doing her hostess with the mostess routine. My heart sunk in my chest.

I tried in vain to not look disappointed but Linda caught me.

"What's the matter Michelle, did I say something wrong?"

Again thinking fast I said, "No, not at all, it's just that you remind me of the woman I just am trying to get over and the way you spoke to me made me a bit sad"

"Aw I am sorry she said and placed her arm on my shoulder and gave me a mock hug.

"No really it is long over but sometimes I have ghost, you know?

: So your single now""

"I tried a giggle and it worked out well, "Oh my yes, quite single!"

"Then you will like our club, we screen the customers well, so there are no troublemakers or fools here if we can help it. Please make yourself at home and tell me if I can be of any assistance/

Suddenly I wanted to be Steve again, I think I was treated better as Steve.."

Linda went her own way, to work the crowd I suppose, leaving me crestfallen and alone with fifty or so gorgeous women. Determined to try out my womanhood tonight, I decided to have another drink and relax and try to forget about Linda

After a few minutes, the brunette next to me introduced herself as Gabby, I gave her my name and we found it hard to get a conversation going. Eventually we turned away and ignored each other.

Then one of the dancers asked if I would like to join them on the dance floor, she had a mousy dirty blonde looking this way and seemed like the brunette had been coaxed into inviting me. I was a little skeptical of the layout and. The last thing I needed was a cat fight or some dome femme thing. So I politely declined.

After ordering my third drink, Marissa spent a little time flirting with me between work and each time she turned away I had to admire her ass. Still, I wasn't sure she wasn't working the tips.

The bar had emptied out slightly and Linda came back and plunked down next to me on the now vacant stool. I felt a stirring in my groin and an odd moisture in my panties. Wow I realized, she really gets me hot.

I decided to take a chance and turned to her, "So you decided you couldn't live without me?"

For the first time tonight, Linda looked me over, I guess before I was a wallet but now she seemed to evaluate me as a woman. "I have never seen you in here before., Have I"?

"No, I just moved to town and am looking for a place to feel comfortable."

"I assume you know this is a lesbian bar?"

I hope so, or else all these ladies are just making me restless for no reason...I laughed softly

When did you come out, she asked me out of the blue?

Recently I replied, just long enough to get hurt and recover.

In some ways I felt like she was giving me the third degree but I let her continue.

Do you want to talk about it, or am I intruding? I just noticed that you were still alone after an hour in here and wondewre3d if you would like an introduction or two?

"Honestly, I first laid eyes on you and found the rest to be scenery. I hate to be so forward but you are a knockout."

I think she actually blushed for a second.

I am flattered but seriously we have some fantastic ladies here and I would like to make you feel at home by getting to know some. So many have the same story as you, a tramp in their lives.

"Can I be direct Linda? " She gave me her full attention. "I am new at this but one thing I learned so far in life is to reach for the highest fruit if that makes you happy. The worst that will happen is you fall off the ladder. Anyway at this point I am reaching for the top of the tree, maybe up into the stars beyond but either way I have to tell you that I will not be happy with anyone but you." She looked into my eyes as if searching for something. I felt awkward waiting for a response, so I blurted out," I am so sorry I was out of line, I just made a pact with myself to be bluntly honest from here on out and, well there you go you know my true feelings."

Still engaged with my eyes, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Her eyes on me the whole time, she did it with intent and passion and full awareness of what she was I nearly passed out; I was so shocked and caught off guard. "Let's go into the office so I can tidy up a couple things and we can go somewhere more quiet and intimate to talk." She took my hand for a second and gave it a gentle tug, as if to show me the direction and then dropped it and led the way.

When we reached the office, she showed me in and closed the door behind us. Turning around, she came at me like a warrior, kissing me and moving me against the wall. Her hands exploring all over seemingly at once. Her kisses were deep and passionate her fondling tender and wonderful. I was trying hard to keep up, she was in control and I was in a state of passion, like I had never felt as a man. The other.

Her mouth moved to my ear and I felt her warm breath as she said" Michelle that is the single sexiest speech I ever heard. You .made me swoon in front of the customers, my God I kissed you in the bar, my reputation is shot." Before I could respond. She kissed me again and took my arms and held them above my head. Her other hand exploring my breast, first one then the other. I have to say I was now beginning to feel like men got cheated in life, my skin, my senses, everything was alive, I was breathing heavenly and my panties were definitely damp, a new and not unpleasant feeling.

Will you let me take you home? I have to have you now, tonight, please, say yes?"

My lips started to smile and she knew my answer before I could say it, she pushed her body to mine and her mound was tight against mine and we kissed for a few more minutes.

Suddenly she took my hand an led me to a chair, picked up the phone and dialed two numbers, Rissa, I am taking off early, leaving by the back door, can you cove r for me? Thanks sweetie, see you tomorrow. She listened for second, giggled slightly and hung up. A peck on the lips and she grabbed my hand and led me to the rear exit. We held hands for most the ride home. Her apartment was very nice, rich looking, she had a small bar in the living area and after kicking off her shoes, she went behind it and made us two highballs. When she approached me, I was so hot I thought I would melt, she kept eye contact all across the room as she handed me my drink, then intertwined our arms to toast to us.

Our lips were together again, her perfume was so nice and her skin so soft, I was trying to savor each moment. I felt her hands on my breast again and my nipples responded as they should. She moaned in approval. My hands too began to explore and I found she had a very firm body, tight bottom, nice breast , medium but firm and still in very fine form. I suddenly felt the pressure come off my breast as she had undone my bra and her hand slid under my blouse to touch them. Now it was my turn to say ummmn. Then she surprised me by bringing her hand up my thigh under my skirt and touching my moist spot. This almost put me over the edge, all I can compare it to is as a guy I would have shot a load right then and there.

I decided I had to get close to her skin, she had me in a heated rage, so I began unfastening anything I could get my hands on as we kissed and danced in our off balance way as each tried to undress the other. Her skin was like white cream, her breast were pale and tipped with red engorged nipples, her mound was shaved and her eyes like a tigers. We embraced, our naked bodies pulled together like one, I was wild with passion and she must have been too. Somehow we made the bedroom and I could not wait to taste her down below, I could already smell her sweet juices flowing and she beat me to the punch, before I could grab her hips, she pushed me on my back and nearly dove between my legs. I found myself opening my legs wider and wider as I moaned in pleasure. She kissed and nibbled at my vagina, then took her fingers and spread me open, it was then she brought her mouth to my clit. Oh my God it was like electric charges going off behind my eyes. I was out of my mind. I tried as a reflex to grab her hips and spin her around but she would have non of it. She licked and nibbled and teased and kissed until I just lost my mind for sometime. I was only aware of moaning loudly and feeling so wonderful I don't even .hardly have a memory of the actual Cuming I was in her arms cuddling before I could think straight again, I went on some kind of vacation in my mind, because there was this pleasant lapse until I felt her gently pecking at my lips and softly caressing my nipples and purring like a cat. I was now ready to explore her but she kept doding over me and I was so enthralled with my new body and it's effects, I just know we hugged and kissed and sweet talked until I finally passed out. I was in her arms and felt safe and definitely satisfied.

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