My Dream Boy Marco

By J Strom

Published on May 5, 2012


Does a story posted on Nifty really need a disclaimer at this point? I think not, but if you don't want to read about boys fucking you have probably wandered too far afield. This story does draw on real life but names may have been changed to protect identities.

My Dream Boy Marco

It was my first day on campus at the University. I was a freshman, and decided to go out of state as I wanted a new beginning. I didn't have a good high school experience and I was still in the closet. I have known I was gay for a few years but hadn't told anyone about it. I'd never even kissed a guy yet. I grew up in an area that was very homophobic, which pretty much meant high school was hell, and I was stoked to be in a new setting. I was already settled into my dorm room which I didn't have to share (thank god). I decided to wander around the dorm to meet my new classmates when I first encountered him. It was an amazing experience. I was turned on by him before I even saw him. I walked into my neighbor's room across the hall, and I immediately felt his presence. He was sitting in a bean bag chair to my right against the wall that had the door I just walked though. I could feel his energy, and it was open, aware, positive, and extremely sexual. I tried not to look at him right away because I knew I would just end up leering. I waited until he started talking to turn towards him. His voice just heightened my attraction. It was sweet, boyish, cute, mischievous, very laid back, and had a slight rasp to it. I turned my eyes to him, and I was smitten as his voice and energy matched his appearance perfectly. He was thin, about 5'9', with long 'towhead' blond hair and green eyes which drew you into their warmth. This boy had a lot of love and such kissable lips! I didn't really join the conversation much I was too absorbed by this beautiful boy, whose name I gleaned was Marco. I made an awkward exit wondering when I would next see Marco.

It wasn't until a couple days later on the Saturday before school started when we went to play some disc that I ran into Marco again. Now, you're probably curious what I look like. I'm 6'1' about 150#, dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes, and fair white skin that tans well. I'm very toned with definition in my tight abs, pecs and ass. I grew up playing basketball and soccer which keeps me in shape along with the light weight lifting and sit ups I do. Before we started on the first hole my classmate Daniel introduced me to the other boys, so I got to shake Marco's hand. I looked into his green eyes and they pulled me in accepting me into his heart as we said hello and smiled at each other. His smile was so cute, almost a smirk that dimpled one cheek as his mouth turned up higher on his left side. I had to restrain myself mentally to stop from kissing him right there. His small warm hand gripped mine lightly with long thin fingers. There wasn't anything I didn't like about Marco, I just wanted to be around him any way possible. He wasn't a great athlete, so I was much better than him at disc golf, but we weren't playing competitively, so we were all very encouraging to each other. Marco and I got to chatting a little, I learned he was a junior in high school and his parents were Swedish. When we finished our round, Marco invited everyone back to his house to go swimming in his pool.

I rode with Daniel over to Marco's house, stopping first at our dorm to pick up our swim suits. Daniel was a nice guy, but not at all attractive to me, we were just friends and nothing more. When we got to Marco's house, everybody was already in the backyard swimming. I don't have a lot of hair on my body, with a naturally smooth torso, but I shave what hair I do have leaving a small tailored bush above my cock which is about 6.5 uncut, and sticks straight out and thick with a nice mushroom head. I've been told I have a pretty cock. I was wearing long board shorts which showed off my well shaped calves and ass. I was wearing my shorts low so that the very top of my ass was slightly exposed and leaving a clear view of where my back muscles tapered down to my tight butt. Aaron and Marco were wrestling in the pool along with a couple new kids I hadn't met before, Andrew and Nick. Both of them were just as hot as Marco, hotter actually, but I didn't experience the same sexual attraction that I did with Marco. Don't get me wrong I would have sex with all of them except Daniel of course. I drank in the hot sight of them playing in the pool, young toned bodies entwined with muscles flexing as they fought each other. Marco was just too cute! He wasn't very muscular, but he had light definition and a flat stomach with creamy unblemished pale skin. He had a cute little perky ass that I wanted to grab and spank and bury my cock deep inside. Marco was smaller than everyone except for Nick who was 14 but strong for his age, and consequently, Marco was getting dominated in the wrestling. Marco saw us standing beside the pool and shouted for us to jump in and dunk these fools who were overpowering him. I obliged, diving quickly in and dunking them each in turn, winking at Marco after I finished. He flashed me that smirk/smile of his, and I didn't want to break his gaze, but finally did so it didn't seem like I was staring. Aaron was a little taller than me, and not as tight and cut as Andrew and I with shaggy black hair and olive skin. He had glowing brown eyes that had a warmth to them as well. Andrew was skinnier than me, about 5'10, with died black hair and the most intense blue eyes I've ever seen. If Marco wasn't around, I'd have been all about Andrew! Nick had good definition for a 14 year old, and had that cute boyishness to him, similar to Marco but in a more innocent way. He didn't have the palpable sexual energy that Marco exuded. With these hot guys around I was definitely going to enjoy my new college town!

Somebody suggested that we play Marco Polo after we had wrestled around for a while. Someone shouted nose goes, and I'm always slow to react to that game, so I had to go first. I closed my eyes and counted to ten to give people time to move around. As I was counting out loud, I noticed that it felt like I could tell where Marco was in the pool even with my eyes closed. When I said Marco, I knew where his Polo would come from before he spoke it. I started swimming after him, and got him trapped quickly in the corner, so he tried to dive under and slip past me. I could feel him make the move, and I reached down and grabbed for him, catching hold of his ankle. An electric tingle shot throughout my body, and I think his too, causing my cock to spring to life and I got instantly rock hard. I opened my eyes under water after I grabbed him and we locked gazes as my hand lingered on his ankle, both of us frozen for a second as we stared at each other. Then Marco flashed his smirk again breaking the spell and we surfaced. I was glad to have my baggy board shorts or else everyone would have seen m y hard cock.

Now it was Marco's turn, and I decided to be bold, something I'm usually not. I just couldn't ignore how I felt about Marco, and I needed to know if it was mutual. So as Marco swam after us I would smack his butt playfully as he swam by, and I tweaked his nipples a couple of times. He would just laugh and say, "Hey fucker" or something to that effect. But I was watching for a different sort of reaction, and sure enough after the second smack on the ass I could see a distinct tent in his trunks, which only became more pronounced after the nipple tweaks. I was impressed and getting hornier, 'cause damn if he didn't look huge for someone of his stature. Marco finally caught Nick, and the game continued without further ado. We played another couple of rounds, but with my interest peaked and my hormones still raging my cock stayed rock hard the whole time. Then we decided to have a chicken fight. Marco sat on my shoulders and Nick was on Aaron's while Daniel and Andrew watched. Andrew was behind Aaron watching us fight, staring at Marco and I while licking his lips every now and then. I think we were turning him on (I can't wait to test that theory out later). Marco sat tight against my head with his cock grinding into the back of my head. He was definitely hard and it was causing my cock to begin throbbing almost painfully. Nick finally took Marco down with his greater strength, and more balanced base being on Aaron's shoulders.

As our games wound down, we all exited the pool. I stared inconspicuously as Marco climbed out of the pool. I made sure to get out first so I could attempt to conceal my hard cock and watch everyone else climb out. I loved the sight of water pouring off their glistening bodies, as the wet swim suits clung deliciously to their cocks. Damn if Marco didn't look big. I don't really care much about size, it was just surprising to see a cock that big on such a small guy. Aaron, Nick, Daniel and Andrew had to take off leaving Marco and I to hang out alone. He asked if I wanted to blaze, and I said sure. Marco loaded a fat bowl into his bong got that cute smirk on his face as he noticed my bulge while handing the bong over to me. I took a couple rips leaving half the greens for him. As I started getting really high, I started staring at Marco, I couldn't take my eyes off him, and the high was making me forget propriety. He noticed me staring, but didn't look away like most people would. He stared right back at me, our eyes locking. We kept looking at each other as we finished the bowl and Marco put on some techno music. I was getting really absorbed into the beat as I let the high and the music wash through me. I looked over and saw that Marco's cock was straining against his trunks and my cock was still hard from swimming. As Marco sure seemed to react positively to my aroused state, my head began to swim in anticipation of where this could be heading. Marco finally broke the silence by asking

"You have a girl friend back home?" "No, I never have." "You?" "Not really," Marco said, and gave me a knowing smirk, as I thought damn this kid is confident for a 16 year old. He continued looking right at me and reached down and started rubbing his cock through his board shorts. I licked my lips and couldn't help staring at him rubbing his cock through his trunks, and I felt that itch in my ass I always get when I'm super horny and high. In his cute voice, he asked with perfect nonchalance, "You wanna suck my cock?" I didn't know how to respond, all I could do was bite my lower lip and nod yes.

"Let's go up to my room." "Ok," I said smiling as I was burning inside with lust, anticipation, and excitement. I followed him up the stairs locking my gaze onto his ass on the way up. As we entered his room I wrapped my arms around Marco, pressing my cock between his cheeks. He turned around slipping out of his suit and freeing his throbbing boner. He sat on the edge of his bed, his cock standing up about 8 inches long and pointing right at my mouth. I knelt down in front of him, and he smirked down into my eyes. I was so turned on by him, my dick was leaking precum, and his cut head was glistening already wet with a drop of precum formed on the tip. I bent my head down and licked off the sweet clear nectar. Then I swirled my tongue around his head and he flinched and moaned with pleasure as I took his cock head into my mouth with firm suction, my tongue clamped to the underside of his silky dick. He had such a gorgeous cock. It was the same creamy color as his skin except the bulbous head which was more of a dark red/purplish color. I started bobbing up and down on his dick, my tongue swirling around the head on the upstroke. He placed both hands on my head, helping to guide me up and down on his cock. I could only get about five inches of it into my mouth, but he tried to force me farther down, he seemed to like hearing me gag on his cock. I tried to take more, but this being my first time with a cock in my mouth I couldn't relax my throat yet.

I inched him farther off the bed exposing his boyhole to my wandering fingers. I reached up to his mouth and he sucked two of my fingers into his mouth coating them with saliva as I continued to work his cock. His warm tongue felt velvety on my fingers and made my cock twitch. I pulled them back out and started playing with his ass, working my middle finger inside his hole. He started moaning and bucking faster into my mouth. I quickly found his prostate and started prodding and massaging it with my finger. Marco couldn't take it anymore after a couple minutes and cried out as he started pumping his cum into my mouth. I was so turned on by his pulsing cock in my mouth, getting blasted with his cum, and then he pulled out and sprayed the last couple of shots on my face. I had to close my eyes as my face was drenched in his cum. He pulled me up on top of him on the bed, and kissed my cum soaked eyelids. Then we started making out and he sucked his own cum off my tongue as we kissed. I gasped out

"That was hot!" "That was just a warm up," said Marco!

I was of course still hard as a rock, and Marco's erection hadn't subsided at all. Marco handed me a towel to wipe his spunk off my face. I was still high, and grooving to the music that was still playing. Marco and I had a real connection, we were both really turned on by each other, and sucking his cock only heightened that. We could both feel each other's energies as they intertwined as we made out on his bed. We broke away from making out and stared into each other's eyes, smiling. We could both see the desire and lust and acceptance in our eyes, and we knew what each other wanted. I really wanted to fuck his hot little ass, but even more I needed his cock inside me. I'm always like that when I get high. Marco could see it in my eyes, and said,

"Get on your stomach."

His tone was commanding but it wasn't at all disrespectful or domineering. It was the same tone he would have used to ask someone to pass the salt at the dinner table except sexually charged. I rolled off of him, and waited in anticipation. He grabbed a pillow and slipped it under my cock as he lifted my ass up towards him. He grabbed some lube and started working it into my hole with his finger, and then coated his cock. He grabbed hold of both of my firm cheeks and spread them as he lined his cock up with my boy pussy. He started working it slowly into my hole as I tried to relax, finally I was able to and he popped in as I gasped in pain and pleasure. I really wanted his cock, and opened up my energy to be penetrated by this gorgeous boy and his throbbing dick. His energy penetrated into mine as he slid his cock in to the hilt. He held there letting me get used to him, and after a few moments started sliding slowly with long strokes in and out of my ass. My ass gripped his cock firmly as we both moaned with pleasure. Marco then started pulling all the way out of me and pushing back in making me gasp each time. He reached forward to my head pulling my hair arching my head back.

"Yeah, take that cock! Oh fuck, you feel so goo!" his strokes brushed him across my prostate again and again. He picked up the pace really starting to drill me his balls slapping against my ass. He laid forward on top of me while continuing to pump in and out of my hole. I'm so glad I met you he whispered in my ear and I moaned in response.

He slowed down again, bringing his cock head back out to my prostate, and rubbing it slow back and forth across it delivering an agonizing pleasure. Then he started fucking me hard and at such an angle that each thrust pushed directly into my prostate. I was moaning in ecstasy loving the feeling of fullness when his cock buried in balls deep. He pulled out and flipped me around onto my back throwing my legs back over my head. His hands pressed down firmly behind my knees as he thrust his cock back into my hole. He leaned forward and rammed his tongue into my mouth in unison with each thrust into my ass. I was really opened up to his cock and his energy, as he sat back up and started to go to town on my ass. He was pounding away, each thrust bringing an exquisite pain and pleasure at the same time. Our orgasms were building up, we could feel it in each other and suddenly I was over the edge, cum exploding out of me the first couple of shots arcing over my head, and the next one landed in my mouth. The clamping of my spasming ass muscles on Marco's cock milked a second load from him which coated my insides in cum. He collapsed on top of me, both of us panting in the afterglow of the hottest sex most people could ever say they experienced, let alone on my first time. It would have hurt more, except I loved playing with my ass so I taught myself how to relax and take a cock. Marco didn't need any instruction on how to give it!

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I thought it would be months before I would find someone to have sex with let alone a true lover, and I was so totally gone for this boy. I'm not one of those clingy fuckers, and I don't even believe in monogamy, but I was totally in love with Marco. It's years later and I haven't seen him for ages, and I still love that boy. I loved making out with Marco. We had such an amazing feel for each other, and could move effortlessly between the give and take, our energy flowing easily back and forth. His lips were supple and thick, and soft, and responded in perfect unison with my movements. He could kiss hard and soft, subtle and savage, with a talented tongue to match his lips. As I said there wasn't anything I disliked about Marco. Sure he would have been hotter if he was more ripped and muscular, but I didn't care at all about that. It was Marco himself that turned me on, it was his Being, his personality, his presence. He was just so open and cute and so keenly aware of, and full of, sexual energy, similar to me, but his was more palpable.

As we lay in his bed after he owned my ass, we didn't speak at all, we just nestled into each other. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him into my chest and spooning my cock into his crevice. This was turning me on again, and soon my cock was throbbing against his hole. He started wiggling back into me, and I could tell he wanted it, but we heard the sound of his Mom pulling into the driveway out front, so we hurried to get dressed and head downstairs like we didn't just fuck each other's brains out.

That's all for now, but more may be forthcoming. Thoughts?

Next: Chapter 2

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