My Dream

By Caleb Jones

Published on Jan 14, 2020



I am sitting on the couch getting a bit of work done and tomorrow is our first anniversary and I have your present wrapped sitting on the kitchen table. I searched forever for the perfect gift and I am excited for you to see your new Violet Wand kit. I reach for my chain around my neck and think of you giving it to me one year ago tomorrow. I have never been more excited and happy being with you and I am anxious for you to get home. It is around 6 in the evening and I am waiting for you to come home from work when the door opens and suddenly slams shut you storm in and tell me to put on my leather vest, my zipper ass pants and get in the car. You seem very upset with me so I am obeying without question.

You come down to the car with a larger bag that you put in the back seat and close the door hard, throw open my door pull me out and yell "who told you that you could sit in the front!" I try to apologize and you just yell at me to shut the fuck up. You put on a ball gag and pull a hood over my head and cuffed my hands and feet. You lead me to the back of the car, open the trunk and throw me in. The car starts up and you drive for what seems like hours. Finally the car stops and I hear the trunk open and smell something that I try to pull away from but you grab the back of my head and it all goes black!

I come to and it is still black. But I can feel that my hands and arms are bound to where I can't move them much at all. But I feel weightless and I realize that I am in a sling. My mind starts thinking about where the fuck I could be and where my master was and why he was so upset with me. I am scared and not hearing the voices around me but as I start to come more into focus I can't hear my master and I don't recognize any of the voices at all and I am scared.

They realize I am waking up and turn their attention to me. It seemed to be about four or five men with deep voices and intimidating laughing and taunting words. I try to speak but still have the gag in my mouth so all that comes out is muffled grunts. They start touching my body and I feel one hand reach for the zipper on the back of my pants and I struggle and buck my body as hard as I can to stop it. I hear one voice in my ear say stop or you will not like it. I keep it up trying to scream and I feel a sharp pain in my groin and I feel a hand squeezing as hard as it can. I stop and whimper with a few tears. That same voice not my masters says don't do that again boy or it will be much worse And the hand reaches for the zipper again. I tremble but don't fight. He slowly unzipped me exposing my masters hole and I hear a few whispers and a couple of "that hole is gonna be fucking awesome". I panic and fight for everything I was worth. I don't care if my master is upset with me I am still his boy. I feel a hand over my mouth again and smell the same smell i did before and it all goes black again I wake back up to my hole being entered and I realize I am naked and have a large cock in my hole that is pounding me hard. I no longer have the hood but now a mask and a large ring gag in my mouth. I start to yell and a cock is forced down my throat. I hear that voice again in my ear say relax boy. Your master sold you to me and I'm breaking you in. Relax boy. My eyes well up with tears and I start weeping uncontrollably. The voice comes back and tells me to calm down and enjoy it or I won't like it. I can't stop crying and I feel the hand around my balls pulling hard. I feel cold steel at the base of my sack. I freeze and hear the voice say that's it boy. Relax and enjoy this boy. The cocks starts to thrust again and the voice comes back to me. That's it boy. As he strokes my body and calms me he plays with my cock and precum and keeps soothing me while the two cocks pump away. I feel the cock in my hole thrust harder and swell. He is close and he slams in as deep as he can and floods my hole with waves of his hot seed. He instructs me to clinch down as he withdrew and No sooner does he step away does a larger much larger cock pushes at my hole and it starts to stretch my hole to enter. The cock in my mouth never looses a beat and I feel as tough I know something about it. The cock at my hole goes deeper and deeper. It feels like it is over a foot long and bigger that a tin can. I start to wince a bit and all the sudden smell something else that I recognize. Poppers. The cock at my throat stops while I in hale deeply and hold my breath. The big cock pushes the rest of the way in and just let's me relax. The cock in my mouth starts pumping again. And the one in my hole starts sliding out and slowly pumping my hole. I start to enjoy it and start moaning. He slowly works himself into a good rhythm and starts pounding harder. As he does the cock at my mouth goes deeper and my head is tilted back to allow him to fuck deep in my throat! He works my hole while the huge cock gaining speed and momentum. I don't know which I want more The cock in my hole begins to swell and he violently thrusts deeper than any clock has been in me before I feel his giant cock throb as he adds the largest load I have ever felt to the first seed. I cant stop shaking from ecstacy. The voice comes back and asks me if I am ok. I nod as good as I can as he rubs in the cum on my body. It reminds me of my first time with my master and I begin to cry again until I hear a voice I hear my master say it's ok boy I'm here I always was I would never leave you. At that moment I realize it is masters cock deep in my throat as it starts to swell and throb. He fucks my throat until he blows his massive load deep down my throat. I swallow every drop and he pulls his cock from my throat and removes my gag and kisses me deep and hard as I bawl like a baby I am so happy that he is there my hands are released and I hold him tight like I won't let him go. He removes my blindfold and it is darker with candles burning all around. I just want him and don't notice anyone else in the room. My legs are released and master picks me up and moves me to a bed where he holds me while I shake and whimper a bit until he slides his cock in me and I instantly feel safe and I fall asleep with my masters cock in me and his arms around me holding me tight. End of part one

I slowly start to wake and blackness again. My body is tingling and I feel myself being jostled forward from behind. As I slowly regain my faculties I realize I am being fucked from behind and try and move my arms without success and next my legs that are bound. I am on all fours but there is a narrow padded bench under my chest down to my cock where it hangs thrashing with every thrust. My legs are bound to narrow benches lower and I realize I am on a fisting bench completely immobilized my eyes are blindfolded and knowing my master is there gives me the freedom to know I am safe and to enjoy the pleasure! I hear the voice again at my ear telling me I am a good boy and my master is a very lucky and generous man. It makes me so proud and I sink into my pleasure and I hear my master growling from behind me and I realize it is my Master fucking me relentlessly! I lean back into him and milk his cock with my hole he snarls and tells me what a good boy I am and pounds his hole with a passion I have never known before I begin to moan loudly and all the taunts and shouting coming from around us fades away and all I feel is my Master breeding his boy hole and he reaches up my back and wrenches on my harness that I didn't know I had on to get leverage and pound me even harder! I start hollering with ecstasy and I feel his cock swell and start to spasm in my hole as I milk with all I am worth! he pulls back hard and I feel his hot seed fill my hole and my cock spasms while he continues to pound my hole! I cum harder than I ever have before and my master falls on me and holds me while he strokes my body as I start to drift off again he orders in a stern voice NO Boy and jumps off me. He comes to my head grabs the back of my head and kisses me deep and hard pulls away and says You will be awake for a good long time boy we are just getting started son. My cock begins to stir a bit and I feel a hot warm mouth kiss the head and start suckling while my Master passionately kisses me! I am so happy I just want to be here for eternity! I feel a cock again at my hole start to push in. My master pauses and says relax boy take it like you are taking me boy. I nod my head and exhale deep while he makes headway it never stops moving forward and I start to think it must be the last man my Master had in me just as he says remember me boy? I squeal out yes sir I do sir. My master slaps my ass Hard and says show respect boy and address him with the respect you do me!! My cock jumps to life and is now rock hard while the hungry mouth works my cock! I yell out YES SIR!

my master puts his hands on my ass cheeks and spreads them to help him enter as he says that's my boy remember to show my friends respect boy. I reply immediately yes sir sorry as my voice leaves me the sir trails off with the cock sliding in the last 3 inches and master snickers a bit and says good boy! The man in me is kind again and just pumps very slowly to let me get used to him again as my master massages my ass helping me relax. At this point I don't realize how loud I am moaning and how much I am drooling. A pair of large strong hands grab my head and push the head of a rather large cock to my lips. I instinctively jerk towards it and try to swallow it. It is large very large it seems to be about the same size as the one pumping my hole now yet something is off. I realize in an instant that it is soft and fucking huge! I lick suck and slurp the massive member in my face and it starts to firm up and grow I had always thought that big cocks really large ones don't grow that much when they get hard but this guy was the one that proved that misconception false!!! It was at least 13 inches and about the same girth or larger than I thought the one behind me was. My master says in a soft voice he is next boy and you need to get him nice and hard as he strokes my body and keeps me feeling like I am completely in his control and protection. he says that one is much bigger than the one pumping my boy hole now boy. don't clench down at all and let that hole loosen up and get sloppy with all of that Seed in there boy. I say yes sir in between the sucking and slurping. the huge cock pulls back and my master lifts my head and puts a mouth spreader in my mouth and opens my jaw wider than I ever have on my own before and puts my head in some kind of restraining harness so I can't move back or fourth. then the giant member came back. This time it went straight for my mouth and I objected grunted and my master started to whisper in my ear to calm down and relax as I smelled the poppers again I felt the guy pounding my hole withdraw about half way and fingers sliding in my hole with his cock and stretching lightly and I inhale deeply exhale and inhale again. The poppers are ripped away and the huge cock thrusts down my throat and my eyes get wide and the blindfold is ripped off and I see that huge cock for the first time as I feel my throat open I feel something being added to my hole and I know my Master is going to open his boys hole like it never has been before I start to run out of air and struggle for air and it starts to go black and I feel every muscle relax in my body and the dildo ease its way deep in my hole. The giant cock withdraws to give me a breath and I lye there completely relaxed and loose as the poppers are put back in my face I breathe deep and the guy at my hole begins to slip it back in. He lets it sit again and allows my hole to adjust and starts to thrust slowly at first.

My cock begins to swell and the hungry cock sucker pulls away instantly. My master whispers in my ear that he didn't tell me I could blow another load and vanishes as I feel rope being wrapped tightly around my cock and balls. Then the massive cock forces itself back down my throat and thrusts deep and all the way back out so I can breathe in between thrusts. I feel a familiar tapping on my tied up cock and balls and I know it is my master paddling my cock for getting too excited and I can feel the precum dripping like a faucet struggling to breathe and loving every second of it! I feel the cock in my hole swell again and he picks up speed and intensity again. He pulls out and hollers like a banshee as hi blows his second load Deep in me and the cock leaves my mouth as my master removes the mouth spreader and kisses me hard as I try to get closer to him he snickers again and says not yet boy. I feel the large dildo slide from my hole and feel the massive member that was at my mouth pressing at my stretched hole and master pushes the poppers back in my face so I breathe deeply twice again and hold as I lye motionless with my hole presented to the man behind me. he starts to enter me and I slowly exhale with my masters hand on my face telling me what a good boy I am and how proud he is of me and he kisses me and the man behind me thrusts forward to half way in and I exhale completely and try and throw my head back my master holds me firm and kisses me deeper and I settle back down as the guy behind continues to enter me slowly and I feel what feels like twenty hands stroking my body helping me take the massive cock and four hands spreading my hole. It feels like an hour for him to reach the hilt and I just collapse onto the fist bench as he slowly starts pumping my hole and I try to moan but all that comes out is cracking exhale and I start to shiver with pleasure and the hands start massaging me back to calm and he begins to gain strength and power and my voice comes back and I moan like I am in heat and start yelling as he gets a faster rhythm and my master keeps reassuring me that I am doing great and am the greatest boy any master could have. I feel warm and wet and feel multiple streams of hot steaming liquid over every inch of me and I realize as he pounds me relentlessly they are all pissing all over me!! I instinctively open my mouth to drink whatever i can. The headrest seemed to double as a resivwar and all the piss and sweat began to pool beneath my chin. Once I realize it I bow down and drink everything in my serving dish. Just as I finish my nectar My cock jumps as I feel his balls bouncing off my ass, piss rolling down my crack and spraying every ware. He pounds me with a ferocity I have never known my cock is like a hose spraying precum as he pounds and I holler at the top of my lungs and I feel his cock jerk in me and he slamms as deep as he can passing my third sphincter and floods me full of his Seed it feels like fire and makes me convulse and Before I can even take a breath I feel a very large toy entering my open boyhole and it continues to enter and is as deep as the guy that was just in me and it suddenly gets wide at the base and pops in. I feel completely full and exhausted.. I can't move or lift my arms or legs as they are unstrapped. I feel many hands reaching under me and lifting me and they carry me back to the bed and my master holds me as I begin to drift off but the plug in me makes me squirm and my master puts a rag over my mouth and nose I don't struggle and breathe deep and drift back to sleep.

I start to come to and again all black (blind fold again) and I feel a slight tingle deep in my cock that begins to grow in intensity and I realize that my master has inserted the urethral sound. The intensity grows and I begin to struggle a bit and realize I am bound again with leather wrist and ankle restraints and straps around my body and fastened tightly to a bondage cross and my ass hangs free and open with the large long plug still in my hole. My legs are spread eagle and arms above my head spread wide. As my master turns up the intensity and I start to clinch and buck a bit so he turns it down slightly. I start moaning with pleasure and begin to feel hands over every part of my body massaging me and I start to relax. I relax enough to enjoy the ecstasy my master has created for me and begin a low moan when I feel cold glass on my inner thigh and feel a new sensation I have never felt before. I smile and realize my master has found his anniversary gift and is trying it on his boy. It is like the tingle from the sound but moves toward my cock and balls. As it gets closer the tingle grows to an intense shock and my moan grows with it to a more intense holler and the pain slows to more of an ach. As it reaches my balls they instantly jump up to my body and I get a quick fast sharp swat to them and he grabs them and pulls down as he barks out bad boy! I feel the inviting feel of leather being snapped around my balls and a steady firm pull upward of the Pull Parachute. I instinctively report thank you sir! He replies your welcome boy. The shocking feel starts up again and moves to my cock that is instantly hard and starts jumping and oozing again. One of the hands laps up the precum and puts it to my lips and I lap it up like a starved dog and my master rubs my inner thigh and again tells me good boy and begins to thump on the monster plug in my hole. My cock Jumps to full attention and I start to moan again. He snickers again and says that's it boy we will get back to my hole again soon boy. I repeat thank you and the sir trails off a bit again. All this time the hands continue to massage my body and I am loving the feeling of so many men helping my master to push me further than I have ever been before. I start to feel the glass on my chest this time heading for my erect nipples. Once it gets to my left nipple my master turns it on and it shoots a heavy hard jolt to my nipple and I wince and jerk at my restraints as I feel my masters hand on my chest pressing me down and hear my master voice say in a calm voice take it boy and I take a few panicked breaths as the lightning goes and I feel the power of the sound increase and I clinch up again as the lightning comes to the other nipple and I cry out and cant stop myself from yelling again as my master still in a calm voice says that's my boy take all that your master gives you boy. The intensity grows and I feel a sense of calm wash over me. I respond with calm and with a calm voice I say thank you sir. My masters hand rubs my chest and says "I am so proud of you boy. You are the best boy a master can have". I tell my master that I love you sir and the power is taken from my nipple. I feel his hand caress my face and feel his warm breath at my cheek and he replies I love you too boy and kisses me hard and deep. As he is kissing me I feel my legs being raised up and bent at the knee.

My master pulls back and says in his firm calm voice I could not ask for a better boy and I am deeply in love with you and I melt and try to move my hand to touch him. He laughs a bit and puts his hand back on my chest and says not yet boy. I reply yes sir and relax back into my restraints. My legs are now pushed back and up so my ass is completely exposed with the plug firmly held in place. I feel my master start to thump on the base of it again and I instantly throw my head back and moan loudly. The hands all come back and massage my body again as I feel the plug start to turn and feel it being pulled against my hole and the base begins to open my hole to release it from my stretched hole. The sound is still sending waves of electricity through my groin allowing me to be distracted as my master removes it from his hole. Once it is pulled from my gaping hole my master uses his hands to stretch my hole with all the cum flooding inside me He is able to get his hand in fairly easily as I moan with contentment. He goes straight for my prostate and massages it from the inside as my moans change to inaudible gasps of pleasure. My master tells me what a good boy I am as he uses a steady pressure to work his way past my inner hole. I gasp to catch my breath as he reaches further than he ever has before. He slowly moves deeper and deeper in my hole and I loose control of my body as it goes limp and begins to shake from the most intense pleasure I have ever felt! My blindfold is removed and there is a mirror above me and I look up to see my master in his leather sitting on a chair behind my hole with his arm in my hole to the elbow and I cant believe how far he is in me! All of the hands stop and the sound electrode stops suddenly and one of the men slowly removes it from my cock and the hands start again. My master begins to slowly rotate in my hole and I begin to moan loudly! He pulls out slowly and pushes back in to his elbow and begins to fuck my hole with his arm very slowly. My cock throbs and swells. There is precum all over my stomach! My bellybutton is full and I am dripping a steady stream. I have never felt like this before in my life and I never want it to stop!!! My masters arm starts to fuck me faster and harder and I open my eyes to watch his arm pound my hole deeper and deeper. He is half way up his bicep and pulling over half way out and plowing back in as I see stars and by body begins to tremble and spasm. My master tells me to give him that load and I cant hold it any longer and start to shoot. Wave after wave flow from my throbbing cock! I have never came like this before and cant believe it is still flowing from me! I shoot at least ten shots half of them over my head as everyone hollers and cheers us on. My master slows to a stop and tells me how good of a boy I am. All of the hands rub my cum in to my skin while he slowly pulls his arm from my hole and I pass out in ecstasy!

I awake to the sensation of tingling in my hole and start to smile as open my eyes to see I am back in our room at home and my master is looking into my eyes and tells me happy anniversary He is on one knee by the bed with a ring in his hand and says will you marry me and I throw my arm around him and begin to cry and tell him how much I love him and he tells me that he couldn't live without me. I sobbingly tell him "Yes Yes Yes I have never been this happy sir." He slides the ring on my finger and tells me how much he loved his gift and asks how I like my new plug and the tangling increases to a decent jolt and I smile and tell him I love it sir. He turns it off and he climes in to bed with me thrown my legs back and pulls the plug from my hole and pushes his cock back in me and makes love to me. We both cum together and we hold each other until we fall back to sleep. I love my husband!

-- Thank you,

Caleb Jones

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