My Dream

By C-light James

Published on Aug 22, 2001



I had this dream. And you might think its OK to dream everybody does... right? Well my dream took me to a new level of understanding about myself now. I look at world in whole new perspective. Its like I've been seeing in black & white my whole life (now born to a new awakening.) What I'm trying to get at is; I've been pretty straight, well come to think of it I do remember checkin at out the guys in the locker room from time to time, but that was just regular high school behavior. Looking to see who had the biggest cock just to see if they really deserved to have that big ego they hide behind. I was never an envy man myself hell I faced away from the locker when changing, 7'incher then and proud to behold. Ah my high school gym was great; most of us guys were pretty big on fitness, and the coaches were young sexy sportsmen (does that make me gay?)

As you can see I'm kind of self-conscious now, after that dream I just can't get him out of my mind. He's there now, in every hot young sweet face I look at. And if you think that's bad my full 8' inch bubby won't let me sleep until he's had a few spankings. Good thing I don't live in a college dorm; all those naked jocks, I'd die every night (shit see what I mean; I'm flaming).


The sound of my clock radio jerked me out bed, I got to my feet and walk straight into class, nothing seems right here. First of all I sleep in the nude, so that goes without saying and second; there aren't any people in the room. So here I am naked at my college studio art room, I did what came naturally and sat down at my desk. I felt warm, soothed, relaxed, and so hard my dick was at climax stage. Really not knowing what the hells going on, I look down and that's when it happened something took control of my body. I could not move a muscel, than a thick piece of grafitte appeared in my left hand, my head shifts up a little pointing my eyes to the desk. PAPER . drawing paper on the desk and I notice the left hand begin to sketch out a males form seated on a stole just his outlines. (I can't believe I'm doing such a good job with my left hand) This guys my age I can tell by the way the figure is slinder but masculin not bulky but firm and I see he has nice equipment hanging down between his legs too. It dons me that I'm drawing steal life without the model. Then my head is brought to full upright position revealing an unbelievably beautiful body, this was the most charming guy I've ever seen. The light danced off his smooth skin , skin the color of lightly golden tan, not a hair on his body except lashes and brows, this guy was proud to bare his masculinity.

My body begins to shake like when you get the chills on back of your neck, my head lowered back to the sketch which became so much more then just an outline. The picture was now complete a beautiful guy filled the page with smoothed out lines that only made the picture come to life (literally). The page blinked and he gracefully stood up and walked closer to me and seductively sat down. The shaking gets stronger now forcing my whole body to jolt, head and eyes are lifted and there he was so close I could feel the body heat from him. I continue to peer into his eyes hazel, ocean blue, dark green, deep brown, crystal gray; they were changing right before me, and his hair, he had hair now the perfect hairline gave three sexy strands that hung over his forehead and danced to both sides. Silky strands of golden blond, dark brown and red locks hang snug to his head like after a hot shower. The rest of his body was still smooth from neck to toe but a small patch around the base of his manhood shaft between two firm legs, rippled wash board abs lead up to a well-defined chest and broad shoulders.

I shook rapidly as my eyes made their way to his, then he smiled those teeth were perfect, his jaw closed and dimples charmed. My body grew weaker as he looked into my eyes, he became focused on me, eye to eye now, he seductively stares into me and the shaking persist; I'm calm now. My cheek he softly touches, we both stand, eyes very locked. I lean my head into his hand, MMMAAAAHHHHH, I moan, 'MMmmmMMMMnnnn," he answers back. We're inches from each other now and I have control of my body again so I step forward pressing into him; our slick smooth bodies collide, cock to dick, ripped abs, and nipples directly in sheer bliss. He leans his head down to my shoulder touching it with lips and I turn to meet his ear with the tip of my nose. Our bodies embraced and with movements of passion our lips find one another we touch them lightly as we once again make eye contact.

'Jason,... Will you find me?' he asked.

"Yes," I answered. "Yes"

Thank you for reading my story. If you enjoyed this story please email me I would like here what you thought

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